post 062
If you are having a problem reconciling my last two posts; America the Titanic and America's Prophet, then this memorial day you must go back a few more years beyond Iwo Jima.
Lets go way back and remember those who are known for giving "their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor".
Early American history shows that America has indeed had some very dark and troubling times. Any realistic hopes of victory were all but non-existent when Washington wintered his troops at Valley Forge. Not long ago, that history was presented to inspire faith, and hope, and determination in the face of impossible odds. But today, if it is presented at all, it is with the idea that Washington was an incompetent idiot, and the ultimate victory was with nothing more than a freak stroke of luck.
Yet American history is full of impossible odds, with freak strokes of luck. At some point one must realize the odds for such a string of lucky events are improbable at best. The problem with history is that it demands a conclusion.
So if we don't like the conclusion, of course the answer is… to re-write history!
Remember my post discussing Out Of Place artifacts? What? I didn’t post that one?
Hmmmm, well you go Google “OOP artifacts”.
OOPs are artifacts that do not fit our present understanding of history, but because we are so brilliant, we are certain we have the proper perspective in spite of the existence of these artifacts. Therefore we come up with all sorts of strange theories to explain them; Aliens, hoaxes, multiple realities, etc.
So how can we be most certain of knowing the truth of an event with explanations like these?
By the history that was written at the time of the event.
This is why Josephus is such a critical historian, not because he was so honest, but because he wrote his history as it happened. We have evidence of his own agenda and arrogance in his writing, but he could not have been too far off, or the Roman Government would have confronted him. Lies can least be tolerated at the point of the existing reality. So the best way to determine the truth of an historical event, is to read the writings written at that time. This is precisely why Congress writes the Congressional Record of each and every day. This is why the stenographer writes the words of the court, as it happens.
Accurate records have much power; power to evaluate truth, power to review history, power to instruct, power to learn.
Lies on the other hand also have power, but are limited to the powers that cause destruction, confusion, mistrust and ignorance.
“Reject Truth: it makes your opinions seem more plausible… right up to the wall of reality.”
Memorial Day is a day to remember, to memorialize the actions of those who have benefited us who follow after. But how can we remember something we never knew? In that case we can’t just take a moment to “flash” through the knowledge as a recap, we have to diligently search, and sift through truth from deception, to learn what these men did for us, so that on a day like today, we can remember them in truth.
In today’s world of lies and deception from the highest offices, we must be skeptical, we must find history books and documents written as close to the actual event as possible.
Next find history books with lots of original direct quotes and references.
A few books I can recommend:
"The Federalist Papers" - “an authoritative analysis of the young nation’s Constitution and an enduring classic of political philosophy.” Written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison. The Signet Classic Federalist Papers, Edited by Clinton Rossiter, is based on the original McLean edition of 1788. This edition includes the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation.
Biographies such as “Benjamin Rush” by David Barton
Reprints of original writings such as are found in;
“Lives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence” a reprint of an 1848 original
“Ethics and Early American Handbook”
Noah Webster’s “Advice to the young”
“Celebrate Liberty! Famous Patriotic Speeches & Sermons”
“The New-England Primer” America’s first and longest school book.
These are reprints of originals and distributed by wallbuilders .com
“America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations” by William J. Federer
“Original Intent the Courts, the Constitution, & Religion” by David Barton
“Samuel Adams a life” by Ira Stoll with a huge volume of original resources referenced.
It is impossible to do a lengthy review of true history in a Memorial Day blog,
My blog for the past year has been rebuilding the concepts of reason used by our founding fathers, and yet has not scratched the surface of the available, verifiable history, showing the roots of the American Experiment!
The previous Blog suggests the hope and expectation of the founders, in the face of sure destruction. They did not just imagine the God they believed in, they put their lives and fortunes and sacred honor on the line, to prove what the biblical truths revealed to us in the history of Moses. The founders gave us an experimental form of government, it is your job to remember what they gave us, so you can properly evaluate the results.
But in remembering the events, don’t forget to remember their motivation for their actions.
Is it impossible to save America?
Yes, Just as hopeless as it was for the pitifully destitute American armies to defeat the mighty British troops!
"...With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible" Matthew 19:26 American History has proven that true many times.
This memorial day I urge you to seriously remember the cause and sacrifice of the men who secured to us this miraculous nation of freedom for all!
"Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Illustrated" by Jack E. Levin
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
America's Prophet
post 061
Excerpt from Glenn becks site
The Founders' views on Faith: Day 3
May 27, 2010 - 11:58 ET
America’s Prophet: How the Story of Moses Inspired the Founding Fathers
by Bruce Feiler
Author, America’s Prophet: Moses and the American Story
A few years ago, I set out looking at the role of Moses in inspiring generation after generation of Americans. I had just returned home from a decade retracing the bible through the Middle East for a series of books called Walking the Bible, Abraham, and Where God Was Born, and was interested in how the Bible helped shape America.
I sailed on Plymouth Harbor, where the Pilgrims compared their journey to Moses; I retraced the Underground Railroad where “Go Down, Moses” was the national anthem of slaves; I climbed the Statue of Liberty, whose spikes of light and tablet were taken from the moment Moses comes down Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments; and I donned the robe Charlton Heston wore in The Ten Commandments.
But nothing surprised me more than how central Moses and the story of the Exodus were to the Founding Fathers.
As the Continental Congress gathered in Philadelphia in 1776, comparisons with the Exodus filled the air. From politicians to preachers, many of the rhetorical high points of the year likened the colonists to the Israelites fleeing Egypt. The Liberty Bell has a quote from Moses on its side, “Proclaim Liberty thro’ all the Land to all the Inhabitants Thereof – Levit. XXV 10.” Thomas Paine invoked the analogy in Common Sense, the best-selling book of the year. Samuel Sherwood made it the centerpiece of the year’s second best-selling publication, The Church’s Flight into the Wilderness.
And on the afternoon of July 4th, after passing the Declaration of Independence, the Continental Congress asked John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin to come up with a public face of the new United States. They chose Moses.
Three of the five drafters of the Declaration of Independence and three of the defining faces of the Revolution proposed that Moses be the face of the United States of America. In their eyes, Moses was our true founding father.
But how did this happen exactly? How did the reluctant leader of Israelite slaves end up as the favorite son of the founding fathers? In short, how did Moses become the hero of the Revolution?
The themes the Founders drew from the Exodus were similar to the ones the Pilgrims and Great Awakening preachers had emphasized: freedom is a God-given right; God promises liberation to the oppressed; God freed the Israelites from Egypt, he can do so for the colonists. But the new generation of Exodus-lovers went further, insisting that the Bible expressly rejects the British form of government, the divine right of kings, and endorses the kinds of freedom the patriots were proposing. In 1775, Samuel Langdon, the president of Harvard, said Americans should adopt the form of government that God handed down to Moses on Sinai. “The Jewish government,” he wrote, “was a perfect republic.”
Thomas Paine’s Common Sense invoked the Moses story to make similar attacks on the English political system. Paine was the anti-religious zealot who continually cited religious examples. He hated Scripture but quoted it relentlessly, showing the enduring power of the Bible even for Deists. In Common Sense he cites Gideon, Samuel, and David, to show how the Bible argues against kingship. And he calls King George III the “hardened, sullen tempered Pharaoh of England.” By contrasty, Paine never quotes Locke, Voltaire, Rousseau, and Bacon, the pantheon of Enlightenment thinkers.
The pace of Mosaic references seemed to escalate as Independence drew closer. The seeds of biblical promise first hinted at by Columbus in 1492 and planted by the Pilgrims in 1620 finally appeared to be reaching full flower in 1776. Like Moses, the country was prepared to stand up to the most powerful force in the world and declare, “Let my people go.”
“I think what’s important about all this language,” said Tim Safford, the preacher of Philadelphia’s Christ Church and a student of the Revolution, “is that these leaders were using the Bible to convince themselves they were free. They’re not that biblically pure; often they’re not that religious. But they’re using these stories to build the case that they’re justified in standing up to the Crown. You’re individuals, they’re saying to the Colonists. You’re children of God. You’re no longer subject to the king.”
“So you don’t think this reliance on the Exodus is unusual, or over-the-top?” I asked.
“The founders were otherworldly to a great degree,” he said, “but generally they were hugely influenced by rationalism and pragmatism. For them, this whole notion of deliverance was a practical matter. They weren’t looking for the freedom of Christ in the next world, they were looking for the freedom of Moses in this world.”
“So they wanted the story to be true.”
“It certainly seems that way. John Adams sailed multiple time to Europe. Benjamin Franklin did the same. They were willing to risk everything because they believed in something. And what they believed is that you should sacrifice your own fat-and-happiness for something far greater than yourselves. That is an Old Testament narrative. You risk. You don’t look back, or you’ll end up a pillar of salt like Lot’s wife.”
“Do you believe,” I said, “that pilgrims could have gotten on that ship, or the Founders could have signed the Declaration –“
He cut me off. “The only reason they could have done that is because they had a narrative larger than their own lives. A narrative of God delivers me through the Red Sea. A narrative that if you’re lost in exile, you can remain holy. A narrative of life is stronger than death, love is more powerful than hate. If you do not have a narrative larger than the world gives you, you’re just going to get sucked up by the world.
“The question to ask about the Founder is not whether they believed in the Bible,” he continued, “it’s Are you going to live by the narrative you find there? The Pilgrims, George Whitefield, even Benjamin Franklin I would say, trusted the narrative. They believed God would deliver them. They never sunk into the pure limitations of rationalism, that the world was only what they could perceive. They always seem to be fueled by a reality they couldn’t see. And because of them, that narrative became America’s narrative.”
Bruce Feiler is the New York Times-bestselling author of nine books, including Walking the Bible, Abraham, and the recently published, The Council of Dads. This article is adapted from his book America’s Prophet: Moses and the American Story, which Glenn Beck called “the best book of narrative history I have ever read.... A fantastic book. I cannot recommend it highly enough.” For more information, please visit or
Excerpt from Glenn becks site
The Founders' views on Faith: Day 3
May 27, 2010 - 11:58 ET
America’s Prophet: How the Story of Moses Inspired the Founding Fathers
by Bruce Feiler
Author, America’s Prophet: Moses and the American Story
A few years ago, I set out looking at the role of Moses in inspiring generation after generation of Americans. I had just returned home from a decade retracing the bible through the Middle East for a series of books called Walking the Bible, Abraham, and Where God Was Born, and was interested in how the Bible helped shape America.
I sailed on Plymouth Harbor, where the Pilgrims compared their journey to Moses; I retraced the Underground Railroad where “Go Down, Moses” was the national anthem of slaves; I climbed the Statue of Liberty, whose spikes of light and tablet were taken from the moment Moses comes down Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments; and I donned the robe Charlton Heston wore in The Ten Commandments.
But nothing surprised me more than how central Moses and the story of the Exodus were to the Founding Fathers.
As the Continental Congress gathered in Philadelphia in 1776, comparisons with the Exodus filled the air. From politicians to preachers, many of the rhetorical high points of the year likened the colonists to the Israelites fleeing Egypt. The Liberty Bell has a quote from Moses on its side, “Proclaim Liberty thro’ all the Land to all the Inhabitants Thereof – Levit. XXV 10.” Thomas Paine invoked the analogy in Common Sense, the best-selling book of the year. Samuel Sherwood made it the centerpiece of the year’s second best-selling publication, The Church’s Flight into the Wilderness.
And on the afternoon of July 4th, after passing the Declaration of Independence, the Continental Congress asked John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin to come up with a public face of the new United States. They chose Moses.
Three of the five drafters of the Declaration of Independence and three of the defining faces of the Revolution proposed that Moses be the face of the United States of America. In their eyes, Moses was our true founding father.
But how did this happen exactly? How did the reluctant leader of Israelite slaves end up as the favorite son of the founding fathers? In short, how did Moses become the hero of the Revolution?
The themes the Founders drew from the Exodus were similar to the ones the Pilgrims and Great Awakening preachers had emphasized: freedom is a God-given right; God promises liberation to the oppressed; God freed the Israelites from Egypt, he can do so for the colonists. But the new generation of Exodus-lovers went further, insisting that the Bible expressly rejects the British form of government, the divine right of kings, and endorses the kinds of freedom the patriots were proposing. In 1775, Samuel Langdon, the president of Harvard, said Americans should adopt the form of government that God handed down to Moses on Sinai. “The Jewish government,” he wrote, “was a perfect republic.”
Thomas Paine’s Common Sense invoked the Moses story to make similar attacks on the English political system. Paine was the anti-religious zealot who continually cited religious examples. He hated Scripture but quoted it relentlessly, showing the enduring power of the Bible even for Deists. In Common Sense he cites Gideon, Samuel, and David, to show how the Bible argues against kingship. And he calls King George III the “hardened, sullen tempered Pharaoh of England.” By contrasty, Paine never quotes Locke, Voltaire, Rousseau, and Bacon, the pantheon of Enlightenment thinkers.
The pace of Mosaic references seemed to escalate as Independence drew closer. The seeds of biblical promise first hinted at by Columbus in 1492 and planted by the Pilgrims in 1620 finally appeared to be reaching full flower in 1776. Like Moses, the country was prepared to stand up to the most powerful force in the world and declare, “Let my people go.”
“I think what’s important about all this language,” said Tim Safford, the preacher of Philadelphia’s Christ Church and a student of the Revolution, “is that these leaders were using the Bible to convince themselves they were free. They’re not that biblically pure; often they’re not that religious. But they’re using these stories to build the case that they’re justified in standing up to the Crown. You’re individuals, they’re saying to the Colonists. You’re children of God. You’re no longer subject to the king.”
“So you don’t think this reliance on the Exodus is unusual, or over-the-top?” I asked.
“The founders were otherworldly to a great degree,” he said, “but generally they were hugely influenced by rationalism and pragmatism. For them, this whole notion of deliverance was a practical matter. They weren’t looking for the freedom of Christ in the next world, they were looking for the freedom of Moses in this world.”
“So they wanted the story to be true.”
“It certainly seems that way. John Adams sailed multiple time to Europe. Benjamin Franklin did the same. They were willing to risk everything because they believed in something. And what they believed is that you should sacrifice your own fat-and-happiness for something far greater than yourselves. That is an Old Testament narrative. You risk. You don’t look back, or you’ll end up a pillar of salt like Lot’s wife.”
“Do you believe,” I said, “that pilgrims could have gotten on that ship, or the Founders could have signed the Declaration –“
He cut me off. “The only reason they could have done that is because they had a narrative larger than their own lives. A narrative of God delivers me through the Red Sea. A narrative that if you’re lost in exile, you can remain holy. A narrative of life is stronger than death, love is more powerful than hate. If you do not have a narrative larger than the world gives you, you’re just going to get sucked up by the world.
“The question to ask about the Founder is not whether they believed in the Bible,” he continued, “it’s Are you going to live by the narrative you find there? The Pilgrims, George Whitefield, even Benjamin Franklin I would say, trusted the narrative. They believed God would deliver them. They never sunk into the pure limitations of rationalism, that the world was only what they could perceive. They always seem to be fueled by a reality they couldn’t see. And because of them, that narrative became America’s narrative.”
Bruce Feiler is the New York Times-bestselling author of nine books, including Walking the Bible, Abraham, and the recently published, The Council of Dads. This article is adapted from his book America’s Prophet: Moses and the American Story, which Glenn Beck called “the best book of narrative history I have ever read.... A fantastic book. I cannot recommend it highly enough.” For more information, please visit or
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
America the Titanic
post 060
It has come to my attention that although I have been declaring a general idea, I have left room for the reader to miss the intensity of what is said.
This then is my clarification:
In a sleepy state it is easy to ignore a warning, assuming that if you leave it alone, things will work themselves out.
In watching Glenn Beck, I see the same trend I have used, and that is to try to give people motivation to change. So we offer hope that the problem can be changed, we still have time for it to be fixed.
This is a weak hope at best.
America is already doomed.
We have already offended God enough.
God has already determined the destruction of America as we know it.
That destruction has already begun.
Ridiculous! you say, America is too big to sink.
So was the Titanic.
What we have now, is not a time to hope it might get better.
What we do have, is a last ditch opportunity to appeal to God and throw ourselves at his feet for mercy.
There are several examples in the scriptures that an appeal was able to change God’s intent for destruction, but frankly, I don’t see America making that appeal.
Where are the all night vigils of fasting and praying?
Where are the hoards of praying Christians encircling the Whitehouse, or Congress, or even their local seats of Government?
Where are the signs that America is appealing to God for his mercy?
Do Christians actually believe that God can help us?
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14
Sure, Americans are getting involved again.
And saying; “We have had enough!”
But it is too late for that.
We should have done that 30 years ago.
After the Titanic struck the ice was not the time to cry; “We are going too fast into the dark!” Afterwards is only a time to cry out to God for personal mercy, in a desperate effort to save ones life! The ship was already lost, though still under their feet.
America has already struck the ice.
The unrecoverable damage is done.
We now owe more than our nation is worth... several times over.
USA debt surpasses world GDP
Our national birthrate is now below sustainable.
unsustainable population
Frankly, America will sink. That is assured.
And like the Titanic, we have not prepared enough lifeboats for most the people.
Our national officers are the first ones into the few lifeboats they kept for themselves, and the billions they have paid themselves with our money will float them out of the initial sinking for a time.
The media band is playing soothing music on the deck, and most the passengers on this once great ship called America cannot comprehend the horror soon to come.
There is no way to stop it now.
Just as the people on the Titanic had their fine cabins, possessions and comforts, you have your cars and boats, and fine furnishings in your nice homes.
They could not imagine such glories would soon be lost under the waves of the sea of horror, so you too simply cannot imagine loosing all you have.
"The Titanic cannot be sunk!" was their confident declaration.
But America has already struck the ice.
A new president at this point will not fix that.
The captain we now have, has looted the vault and distributed it among the officers who are quickly making their way to the lifeboats while we wander around the decks in a daze, still wondering what has actually happened.
Panic has not yet set in because few even know the size of the hole which has already been created. From the upper decks hardly a shudder was felt.
But panic will come, and soon.
Is that clear enough?
If you can wake up a little to see the reality, it may just terrorize you enough to fall on your knees and truly BEG GOD FOR FORGIVENESS!
Only he can help you now.
But how do I honestly think God is our answer?
He won’t turn back time.
He won’t miraculously fill our coffers with money.
He won’t suddenly provide new jobs for millions.
He won’t bring back the millions of aborted babies.
He won’t suddenly dry up our drunks,
or remove the addictions of our youths.
he won’t cure our lust for porn,
or evaporate the hate from the hearts of our children.
He won’t magically make parents love each other again.
God does not work like that.
We are the ones who have sunk our own ship by foolishly driving full steam into the darkness where he said not to go.
But what our founders believed God does do, is un-noticeably, yet steadily guide our path WHEN we walk with him.
Only then will He cause us to “choose” the correct corridor, where we will “luckily” find a rare life vest, and “lead” us out a hidden “unlocked” gate to “find” our way to a “strangely” vacant seat in the last lifeboat. And sitting safe in the boat we can ask; “Where was God in all that?”
That is how God works.
“Blessed is the man who walks not after the council of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful…” Psalm 1:1
“… Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.(God)” Psalm 2:12
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD:…” Psalm 33:12
“… blessed is the man that trusteth in him.(God)” Psalm 34:8
“Blessed are they that keep judgment, and he that doeth righteousness at all times.” Psalm 106:3
“… Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments.” Psalm 112:1
“Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD.” Psalm 119:1
Do you qualify to be Blessed?
‘Blessed’ in the original language is; happy through knowing your way is right.
It has been interpreted; fortunate, prosperous, how happy!
Unlike the rich guy who gained his wealth through lies, deceit and theft, then either drinks himself to death or commits suicide,
A Blessed man is happy in his very core even in his poverty, if that is his lot.
America’s doom has been determined.
We have ceased to be a blessed nation.
We no longer qualify.
We can, as a nation, return to our laws.
Return to our principles.
Return to our morals.
But even the plowing of the wicked is sin. Proverbs 21:4
Our sinking is a symptom of our national rejection of the Nation Maker.
It may be God who determined our end, by placing the ice,
but it was us who fearlessly plunged our Nation full steam into destruction,
claiming; "America cannot sink!"
Yet like Nineveh, we can stall our destruction if we repent in earnest. Jonah 3:4-10
But be warned; once you have made God mad, it is not wise to play games with him!
So far, I don’t see the signs of national repentance, just unhappiness with the way things are.
Give me one reason why God should
Virtually the only reason I can think of is because we are still on Israel's side.
and this is structurally a very strong argument. Genesis 12:3
But because our nation's leaders are Godless, I expect very soon to see them turn on Israel, the signs are already present.
I fear greatly for what is to come, as were great men of the past;
"I tremble for my country when I recall that God is just, and his justice cannot sleep forever." Thomas Jefferson 1781
"If God does not judge America he will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah." Billy Graham
Now like the guy running down the hall of the Titanic yelling at 1:00am, I’m going to get a lot of angry response, because the masses cannot yet see their own doom just moments away!
I’m sorry for that.
If you feel that things are getting better, and America is strong and sound...
there is a poker game down in steerage you might want to attend.
But if I can wake up a few to gather their wits and find their way to a life boat, I care little for those who get angry.
You ask where is the life boat?
From observation, all the nations of the world are in a bad way as well.
Fleeing the country is not a great plan, and is missing the point entirely.
So what are we to do?
It seems we have got ourselves in, where there is no good answer.
I am pointing to Jesus the Son of God as literally the only good answer, but you have to find the right way with your own feet.
If enough of us reconcile with the Nation Maker, who knows the stories we may be able to tell our children!
It has come to my attention that although I have been declaring a general idea, I have left room for the reader to miss the intensity of what is said.
This then is my clarification:
In a sleepy state it is easy to ignore a warning, assuming that if you leave it alone, things will work themselves out.
In watching Glenn Beck, I see the same trend I have used, and that is to try to give people motivation to change. So we offer hope that the problem can be changed, we still have time for it to be fixed.
This is a weak hope at best.
America is already doomed.
We have already offended God enough.
God has already determined the destruction of America as we know it.
That destruction has already begun.
Ridiculous! you say, America is too big to sink.
So was the Titanic.
What we have now, is not a time to hope it might get better.
What we do have, is a last ditch opportunity to appeal to God and throw ourselves at his feet for mercy.
There are several examples in the scriptures that an appeal was able to change God’s intent for destruction, but frankly, I don’t see America making that appeal.
Where are the all night vigils of fasting and praying?
Where are the hoards of praying Christians encircling the Whitehouse, or Congress, or even their local seats of Government?
Where are the signs that America is appealing to God for his mercy?
Do Christians actually believe that God can help us?
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14
Sure, Americans are getting involved again.
And saying; “We have had enough!”
But it is too late for that.
We should have done that 30 years ago.
After the Titanic struck the ice was not the time to cry; “We are going too fast into the dark!” Afterwards is only a time to cry out to God for personal mercy, in a desperate effort to save ones life! The ship was already lost, though still under their feet.
America has already struck the ice.
The unrecoverable damage is done.
We now owe more than our nation is worth... several times over.
USA debt surpasses world GDP
Our national birthrate is now below sustainable.
unsustainable population
Frankly, America will sink. That is assured.
And like the Titanic, we have not prepared enough lifeboats for most the people.
Our national officers are the first ones into the few lifeboats they kept for themselves, and the billions they have paid themselves with our money will float them out of the initial sinking for a time.
The media band is playing soothing music on the deck, and most the passengers on this once great ship called America cannot comprehend the horror soon to come.
There is no way to stop it now.
Just as the people on the Titanic had their fine cabins, possessions and comforts, you have your cars and boats, and fine furnishings in your nice homes.
They could not imagine such glories would soon be lost under the waves of the sea of horror, so you too simply cannot imagine loosing all you have.
"The Titanic cannot be sunk!" was their confident declaration.
But America has already struck the ice.
A new president at this point will not fix that.
The captain we now have, has looted the vault and distributed it among the officers who are quickly making their way to the lifeboats while we wander around the decks in a daze, still wondering what has actually happened.
Panic has not yet set in because few even know the size of the hole which has already been created. From the upper decks hardly a shudder was felt.
But panic will come, and soon.
Is that clear enough?
If you can wake up a little to see the reality, it may just terrorize you enough to fall on your knees and truly BEG GOD FOR FORGIVENESS!
Only he can help you now.
But how do I honestly think God is our answer?
He won’t turn back time.
He won’t miraculously fill our coffers with money.
He won’t suddenly provide new jobs for millions.
He won’t bring back the millions of aborted babies.
He won’t suddenly dry up our drunks,
or remove the addictions of our youths.
he won’t cure our lust for porn,
or evaporate the hate from the hearts of our children.
He won’t magically make parents love each other again.
God does not work like that.
We are the ones who have sunk our own ship by foolishly driving full steam into the darkness where he said not to go.
But what our founders believed God does do, is un-noticeably, yet steadily guide our path WHEN we walk with him.
Only then will He cause us to “choose” the correct corridor, where we will “luckily” find a rare life vest, and “lead” us out a hidden “unlocked” gate to “find” our way to a “strangely” vacant seat in the last lifeboat. And sitting safe in the boat we can ask; “Where was God in all that?”
That is how God works.
“Blessed is the man who walks not after the council of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful…” Psalm 1:1
“… Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.(God)” Psalm 2:12
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD:…” Psalm 33:12
“… blessed is the man that trusteth in him.(God)” Psalm 34:8
“Blessed are they that keep judgment, and he that doeth righteousness at all times.” Psalm 106:3
“… Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments.” Psalm 112:1
“Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD.” Psalm 119:1
Do you qualify to be Blessed?
‘Blessed’ in the original language is; happy through knowing your way is right.
It has been interpreted; fortunate, prosperous, how happy!
Unlike the rich guy who gained his wealth through lies, deceit and theft, then either drinks himself to death or commits suicide,
A Blessed man is happy in his very core even in his poverty, if that is his lot.
America’s doom has been determined.
We have ceased to be a blessed nation.
We no longer qualify.
We can, as a nation, return to our laws.
Return to our principles.
Return to our morals.
But even the plowing of the wicked is sin. Proverbs 21:4
Our sinking is a symptom of our national rejection of the Nation Maker.
It may be God who determined our end, by placing the ice,
but it was us who fearlessly plunged our Nation full steam into destruction,
claiming; "America cannot sink!"
Yet like Nineveh, we can stall our destruction if we repent in earnest. Jonah 3:4-10
But be warned; once you have made God mad, it is not wise to play games with him!
So far, I don’t see the signs of national repentance, just unhappiness with the way things are.
Give me one reason why God should
Virtually the only reason I can think of is because we are still on Israel's side.
and this is structurally a very strong argument. Genesis 12:3
But because our nation's leaders are Godless, I expect very soon to see them turn on Israel, the signs are already present.
I fear greatly for what is to come, as were great men of the past;
"I tremble for my country when I recall that God is just, and his justice cannot sleep forever." Thomas Jefferson 1781
"If God does not judge America he will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah." Billy Graham
Now like the guy running down the hall of the Titanic yelling at 1:00am, I’m going to get a lot of angry response, because the masses cannot yet see their own doom just moments away!
I’m sorry for that.
If you feel that things are getting better, and America is strong and sound...
there is a poker game down in steerage you might want to attend.
But if I can wake up a few to gather their wits and find their way to a life boat, I care little for those who get angry.
You ask where is the life boat?
From observation, all the nations of the world are in a bad way as well.
Fleeing the country is not a great plan, and is missing the point entirely.
So what are we to do?
It seems we have got ourselves in, where there is no good answer.
I am pointing to Jesus the Son of God as literally the only good answer, but you have to find the right way with your own feet.
If enough of us reconcile with the Nation Maker, who knows the stories we may be able to tell our children!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
This Morning’s Prayer
post 059
Dear Almighty God of our founding fathers,
The source of all goodness and blessing in this once great land we call America,
The battle lines for the life and values of this nation have been clearly drawn, and those who choose to do nothing choose to side with the enemy, that evil destroyer you call Satan.
You have watched as we grow apathetic and lazy, and you have quietly observed us wander away from your protective covering, not from your lack of care, but because we have told you to stay behind.
We have elected the godless to lead us as our own hearts grow colder to you through our pleasures and lusts. We have allowed those godless leaders to actually make laws against honoring you. And now the man we call our President has publicly declared; “We are no longer a Christian nation.”
Yet in your mighty love and concern you have sent to us, not a leader, but a councilor.
One of us risen up, not through his own design, but willing to go where “circumstances” have dictated. You have overcome the powerful restraints of the corrupt and godless media to send us a man willing to show us from where we have fallen, and the path we need to take in order to find national repentance and restoration.
I pray to you, the maker and breaker of nations, that you send your angels of protection to perpetually encompass Glenn Beck, his family, and the staff that work his show, so that the minions of the Dark One cannot remove him from the place you have given him.
If America is to fall, may it be at our own willful choice, and not because the Devil has removed your voice of guidance from us.
But I ask yet even more,
That you would move in our hearts to believe in your forgiveness and your longsuffering, that we would catch the hope and clear understanding that you can and will yet forgive us, and restore this nation to its greatness, if we would but turn from our familiar sins, and selfish slothfulness, to claim for ourselves the right to shamelessly lead this nation in righteousness.
For this I earnestly pray with expectation,
Your servant,
Kyle Ponsford
Dear Almighty God of our founding fathers,
The source of all goodness and blessing in this once great land we call America,
The battle lines for the life and values of this nation have been clearly drawn, and those who choose to do nothing choose to side with the enemy, that evil destroyer you call Satan.
You have watched as we grow apathetic and lazy, and you have quietly observed us wander away from your protective covering, not from your lack of care, but because we have told you to stay behind.
We have elected the godless to lead us as our own hearts grow colder to you through our pleasures and lusts. We have allowed those godless leaders to actually make laws against honoring you. And now the man we call our President has publicly declared; “We are no longer a Christian nation.”
Yet in your mighty love and concern you have sent to us, not a leader, but a councilor.
One of us risen up, not through his own design, but willing to go where “circumstances” have dictated. You have overcome the powerful restraints of the corrupt and godless media to send us a man willing to show us from where we have fallen, and the path we need to take in order to find national repentance and restoration.
I pray to you, the maker and breaker of nations, that you send your angels of protection to perpetually encompass Glenn Beck, his family, and the staff that work his show, so that the minions of the Dark One cannot remove him from the place you have given him.
If America is to fall, may it be at our own willful choice, and not because the Devil has removed your voice of guidance from us.
But I ask yet even more,
That you would move in our hearts to believe in your forgiveness and your longsuffering, that we would catch the hope and clear understanding that you can and will yet forgive us, and restore this nation to its greatness, if we would but turn from our familiar sins, and selfish slothfulness, to claim for ourselves the right to shamelessly lead this nation in righteousness.
For this I earnestly pray with expectation,
Your servant,
Kyle Ponsford
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