and the Simonized Christian
post 227
Recently a friend asked if I knew of a sound
online resource that spoke to the topic of tongues (reference; I Corinthians
14). With regret, I know of none though I am sure they are out there, So I
thought I would present a post with the important basics as I understand it.
Now while this post may seem to be a departure from my regular topic, it really
does fit nicely in achieving my intended point. This section will discuss basic
Christianity and our present state of confusion that bastardizes it, which is
leading us into the next age.
* * *
Tongues in the early Church was first made famous
by the Apostles in
Acts 2:4;
“And they were all
filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the
Spirit gave them utterance.”
This was not the first time the Holy Ghost came on
men resulting in extra natural manifestation (conduct) but what is unique is the presentation of that manifestation.
Throughout the Old Testament when the Spirit of God came on men they
“And the spirit of the
LORD will come upon thee (Saul),
and thou shalt prophesy with them (the
company of prophets), and shalt be turned into another man” I Samuel 10:6.
(see also Numbers
11:25-29 an event that resulted in the prophecy of the last days fulfillment of
Joel 2:28 which we are now discussing).
Stand alone verses can be very dangerous as any
wrong context whatever can be added to them and alter the meaning, therefore
verses must be read, understood, and interpreted not only within the context of
the scripture in which it is found but in the spirit of the whole message of
scripture. We discover that context by asking questions of scripture:
“Why did Saul prophesy?”
Because the spirit of the LORD came upon him and
turned him into another man.
“What was the reason he prophesied?”
The very next line in Samuel’s prophecy tells us;
“And let it be, when
these signs are come unto thee, that thou do as occasion serve thee; for God is
with thee” I Samuel 10:7.
“What signs does he mean?”
In the previous five verses Saul was given several
events that would soon take place in his day’s activities and the sixth event
would be his prophesying after the spirit of the LORD came upon him. The reason
for all the signs is explained in verse 1;
“Then Samuel took a
vial of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not
because the LORD hath anointed thee to be captain (designated leader) over his inheritance?”
I Samuel 10:1.
And this last verse (7) then gives him the
confidence to be king;
“Do whatever seems
right to you at the time, God is with you, as you will know by the signs and
the power confirmed to you by your prophesying” I Samuel 10:7 my paraphrase.
Therefore all the outward signs, ending in his inward
sign being overshadowed by the Spirit of the LORD causing him to prophecy as a
last sign, were to convince him and others that he indeed was anointed; He was
changed into another man capable of being the king God would use to lead His
people. Now that is some really powerful
convincing, as well as evidence that he was not just some guy sitting in the
office of king while God looked on from above as an uninvolved observer. This
also validates the scriptural concept that the leaders of nations are indeed
placed there under the power and design and purposes of God himself as is
declared in passages such as Isaiah 45:1-7,
“The king’s heart is
in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water; he turneth it whithersoever he
will” Proverbs 21:1.
This special influence of the Holy Spirit is not
just exclusive to special kings though such a public proof was a rare Old
Testament event, and this one was to give Saul and the people a great
confidence that they were indeed in the personal care of God through the king.
* * *
Back to Acts:
Now we see in the Acts of the Apostles in the New
Testament, that the Holy Ghost came over the apostles and they spoke in tongues
(Acts 2:1-11), but it should be noted that these were the tongues of the many
nations so that everyone there was hearing the message in their own native
“What was the message they were hearing?”
As Peter points out, it was the fulfillment of
Joel 2:28, an Old Testament prophecy showing the Holy Spirit of God moving
on men, confirming that the last
days had come.
“So why did Peter use this Old Testament
scripture about prophesying to validate them speaking in tongues?”
Because the tongues were simply the supernatural
vehicle used to get the prophecy out to the listener. The tongues were not the
point of the event but rather a confirmation of the prophecy they spoke, as
Peter continues to explain; “Ye men of Israel, hear these words;…” (Acts 2:22-36).
Acts 1-2 is the amazing narrative of the apostle’s
preaching and prophesying in tongues right after the Holy Ghost came on them.
Acts 2:1-21 is an incredible prophecy and fulfillment of “the new world” after
salvation was given to the Jews through the Christ, and as an additional
marvel; to the Gentile too! This new world, previously prophesied in Joel, and
referenced here in Acts 2:16, and declared now in the events of Acts 2 as
having finally arrived, is a world in which God can now be reached through the
promised Christ who turned out to be Jesus of Nazareth, proven by many public
miracles and fulfillment of prophecy and his resurrection from the dead.
Here is what that new world looks like:
“And it shall come to
pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” Acts 2:21.
This was a new thing. It was seen by the religious
rulers as a departure from the long standing Jewish faith of Jews only, and
from exclusively accessing God only through the sacrifices offered by the
Priests. And who better than the learned; the long devoted to the faith; the
priests and rulers of that faith, should know what representation was true to
the faith?
Of course there was confusion!
The common listeners of the apostle’s preaching
were moved by the Spirit of God, and witnesses to the miracle of diverse
tongues, and the reasoning of that preaching which actually fulfilled the
prophecy of the longstanding Jewish faith, but they were still a bit skeptical
in confliction;
“And they were all
amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this?” Acts 2:12.
This of course opened the door for the naysayers
to jump in and attempt to sway the crowed; “Others mocking said, These men
are full of new wine” Acts 2:13.
Swiftly passing by the concept that no amount of
wine or intoxication will result in uneducated men speaking the native tongues
of many various listeners, Peter simply uses the reasoning of the longstanding
established scripture of the Jewish faith to support what was being witnessed
(Acts 2:14-36). This explanation of the known scripture is what gave the
listeners the needed authority to accept this new “departure offering” of the
Christ and respond with; “…Men and brethren, what shall we do?” Acts 2:37.
But did Peter lay into the long list of Jewish
laws that they had been violating in principle while perhaps practicing in duty?
No. Rather Peter preached the gospel of the New “departure” from an old faith,
which was not really a departure at all (Matthew 5:17);
“Then Peter said unto
them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for
the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost” Acts 2:38.
What an incredible fool-proof offer. This is
better than the money back guarantee of advertising today; “Try it and see” is
the claim. Turn to Jesus Christ in belief that he is indeed the prophesied
messiah, repent and be baptized into the faith (which they understood to mean a
full practical and public immersion into the new way) and the result would be a
personal experience of receiving the Holy Ghost of God as a validation of their
salvation. No Holy Ghost = no confirmation that this was the real deal. They
had just seen the reality of the Holy Ghost acting miraculously on common
fishermen prophesying in many foreign tongues for the listeners, so obviously
they should expect some similar very real extra-natural power as evidence of
the gift. This is what Peter promised;
At this point in their listening to the message
and the recognition of what it meant, they were not looking for some great
supernatural power to run around showing off, it was the salvation they sought
and the Holy Ghost was the confirmation of success.
* * *
The Error of Simon:
Does possessing the supernatural power of the Holy
Ghost to heal and speak other languages intrigue you as being personally
desirable? The narrative of Simon shows that to be a dangerously flawed
comprehension (Acts 8:9-24).
Simon was recently a wicked man claiming to have
supernatural powers through sorcery and succeeded in convincing the masses that
he was supernaturally powerful to the point that they revered him as “the great
power of God” (Acts 8:10). But the scripture states clearly that eventually
Simon himself also believed and was baptized and continued with Philip as he
went about preaching (Acts 8:13). “Awesome; Another convert!” But
wait; can you identify the problem in this verse?
“Then Simon himself
believed also: and when he was baptized, he continued (4342) with Philip, and wondered,
beholding the miracles and signs which were done” Acts 8:13.
We just saw in Acts 2:38 that Peter promised the
confirmation of the Holy Ghost in salvation, so why then did Simon not receive
the power himself but only observe it and wondered? Think about that as we
continue with the narrative to learn about this man’s corrupt perception of the
“And when Simon saw
that through laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Ghost was given, he
offered them money, saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay
hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost” Acts
What’s wrong with that request? Isn’t it good that
the Holy Ghost should be given to people? And isn’t it good that someone would
want others to receive the Holy Ghost?
“But Peter said unto
him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God
may be purchased with money” Acts 8:20.
But is that the source of Simon’s problem? No;
“Thou hast neither
part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God” Acts 8:21.
The narrative continues on to define the root of
his problem and here is the issue I wish to address; Simon never received the
Holy Ghost though he believed and was baptized and followed in the ministry. Why?
Because he missed the critical element of
Salvation (remission of sins), which Peter lined out previously in Acts 2:38,
lets review;
“Then Peter said unto
them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for
the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
Repentance is required; Not just belief:
“Thou believest that
there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble” James 2:19.
It’s repentance that leads to salvation, beyond
belief and exclusive of religious conduct, And this is exactly what Peter told
“Repent therefore of
this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be
forgiven thee” Acts 8:22.
Simon didn’t need to be convinced who God was; he
believed. Now he needed to repent; something entirely different.
So was Simon’s root of the sin and lack of
repentance that he wanted to purchase the Holy Ghost with money? No;
“For I perceive that
thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity” Acts 8:23.
Simon actually believed what he saw and heard, and
in belief he was baptized and continued in the practice of the faith as he went
in ministry with the Apostles, but he never repented of his wickedness, which
was rooted in his heart as iniquity because of bitterness. This bondage to
iniquity kept him from partaking in the Holy Ghost and excluded him from a
“part or lot” with the faith of the Apostles though he participated (continued)
in their ministry.
Continued 4342 proskartereo; from 4314 and 2594; to be earnest towards, i.e. (to a thing) or
persevere, be constantly diligent, or (in a place) to attend assiduously all
the exercises, or (to a person) to adhere closely to (as a servitor):- attend
(give self) continually (upon)…
This is the lot of many Christians today, who
understand the wisdom and logic and faith and benefits of the gospel of Christ,
and commit to the faith, are baptized in the faith, and continue diligently in
the work of the faith, all the while unable/unwilling to break the bondage of
iniquity through repentance and so miss out on the confirming power of the Holy
Ghost which is the evidence and power of salvation.
These are the failing Christians first in the
Church of Pergamos in Revelation 2:14-16, and next in the Church of Thyatira’s
Revelation 2:19-24, who walk in the doctrines of the faith but miss the whole
point of repentance because they allow those things which create the bondage to
“So what went wrong in their faith?”
Acts 2:40 tells us that Peter used “many other
words” to explain the whole point which is
summed up with; “Save yourselves from this untoward (4646) generation.” This clearly reveals that there is something
complex about this generation that needs to be escaped from, and that
“something” being the untoward
Untoward 4646 skolios; from the base of 4628; warped, i.e.
winding; figuratively perverse:- crooked, froward, untoward.
(This is the root of our modern word scoliosis; crookedness, medical; a lateral curvature of the
The unacceptable condition of Simon as a believer
is our warning; It was not his conduct but his spirit; the motive of his heart,
that was the problem. This too is revealed in the churches of Pergamos and
Thyatira. Therefore the values of this present warped religious generation is
what we must be saved from, and Peter declared we must save
ourselves from this; This is repentance.
“…Repent ye: for the
kingdom of heaven is at hand”
Matthew 3:2.
Repent 3340 metanoeo; from 3326 and 3539; to think
differently or afterwards, i.e. reconsider (morally feel compunction).
Now here is the part that is easily missed: If
repentance is achieved by a change of mind; an altered perspective; a new and
different course toward God, then the success of repentance will be witnessed
or validated by the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 10:42-48 and Acts 3:26). This is NOT random or only for the
“extra holy”; If you aint got it, you aint in the faith.
But how can you possibly explain such power to
someone who does not believe? Or worse; to someone who does believe but doesn’t have it? To them you have simply
picked one of a plethora of religions, but they have no idea the Power which
has changed you. We have not “picked a religion” we have met God the Creator
Now while the unconverted who do not experience
the Holy Ghost power may very well conclude that your changed state is due to
alcohol or brain washing or insanity, the reality is that the powerful change
within you will be an amazement even to yourself! Such as was the promise to
Saul. The power of God is not an illusion of mind anymore than common fisherman
could suddenly speak many languages because they “picked a religion”.
But like Simon, there are those who genuinely
attempt to participate in the faith while clinging to the familiar sins of
iniquity. This is a failure to repent (think differently).
“Having a form of
godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” II Timothy 3:5.
These spots (blemishes) in the Church not only
blaspheme the powerful name of God before the unbelievers, they infect the
Church with their iniquity from which we are to save ourselves. This is why we
must turn away from them, not participating in the fruit of their corruption,
saving ourselves from this twisted generation of religious people who will not
* * *
So how does this relate to the gift of tongues?
Today there are large sections of quote
“Christians” who participate in a flamboyant display of “tongues” though their
private lives remain unchanged. In these groups there is a strong focus on the
gift itself and not on the purpose of the gift. I have personally witnessed the
pretense of tongues as the practitioner fabricates gibberish, and there is also
a genuine supernatural gibberish that has no characteristic of the Holy God. My
criticism of them both is not the tongue but the unrepentant individual speaking
it. When the Holy Ghost of God comes on an individual the person is changed
into a new man, It cannot be otherwise.
There are several biblical manifestations of the
Holy Ghost on men as gifts of the spirit, Tongues being only one. And there are
specific instructions to the
proper use of tongues in public; They are never to
remain un-interpreted
(I Corinthians 14:27-28).
Because the tongue is not the point but only a
validation of the message spoken. If there is no interpreter, the message is
lost and the Spirit un-validated (I Corinthians 14:7-11).
“But he that
prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort. He
that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth
edifieth the church…for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh
with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying”…
I Corinthians
Now regarding a prayer language, of course God
understands the tongue which he gives and so the tongue is a gift to the one
praying, as an intimacy with his God. This is a private thing that is not
performed for public display. But again, if the praying individual is not
supernaturally drawn more intimately into holiness you can be sure the tongue
was not of the Holy Ghost
(Galatians 5:16, 22, 6:8, I
John 1:6 etc.) but is actually of another spirit (Ephesians 2:2 + II Corinthians 11:4+ I John 4:1-3).
“Beloved, believe not
every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false
prophets are gone out into the world” I
John 1:1.
* * *
Do not deny tongues. Paul himself wished that
everyone had the gift
(I Corinthians 14:5a) but be wise and put it to
the test to see if it conforms to the scriptural use and edification, or to confusion,
silliness, foolishness and shame which belongs in the category of rolling on
the floor and barking like a dog or convulsing as with seizure. These
manifestations are the nature of Satan and not God.
* * * * * * *