Sunday, December 11, 2011

On Tongues

and the Simonized Christian
post 227

Recently a friend asked if I knew of a sound online resource that spoke to the topic of tongues (reference; I Corinthians 14). With regret, I know of none though I am sure they are out there, So I thought I would present a post with the important basics as I understand it. Now while this post may seem to be a departure from my regular topic, it really does fit nicely in achieving my intended point. This section will discuss basic Christianity and our present state of confusion that bastardizes it, which is leading us into the next age.
* * *

Tongues in the early Church was first made famous by the Apostles in
Acts 2:4;

“And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”

This was not the first time the Holy Ghost came on men resulting in extra natural manifestation (conduct) but what is unique is the presentation of that manifestation. Throughout the Old Testament when the Spirit of God came on men they prophesied;

“And the spirit of the LORD will come upon thee (Saul), and thou shalt prophesy with them (the company of prophets), and shalt be turned into another man” I Samuel 10:6.
(see also Numbers 11:25-29 an event that resulted in the prophecy of the last days fulfillment of Joel 2:28 which we are now discussing).

Stand alone verses can be very dangerous as any wrong context whatever can be added to them and alter the meaning, therefore verses must be read, understood, and interpreted not only within the context of the scripture in which it is found but in the spirit of the whole message of scripture. We discover that context by asking questions of scripture:

“Why did Saul prophesy?”
Because the spirit of the LORD came upon him and turned him into another man.

“What was the reason he prophesied?”
The very next line in Samuel’s prophecy tells us;

“And let it be, when these signs are come unto thee, that thou do as occasion serve thee; for God is with thee” I Samuel 10:7.

“What signs does he mean?”
In the previous five verses Saul was given several events that would soon take place in his day’s activities and the sixth event would be his prophesying after the spirit of the LORD came upon him. The reason for all the signs is explained in verse 1;

“Then Samuel took a vial of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not because the LORD hath anointed thee to be captain (designated leader) over his inheritance?”
I Samuel 10:1.

And this last verse (7) then gives him the confidence to be king;

“Do whatever seems right to you at the time, God is with you, as you will know by the signs and the power confirmed to you by your prophesying” I Samuel 10:7 my paraphrase.

Therefore all the outward signs, ending in his inward sign being overshadowed by the Spirit of the LORD causing him to prophecy as a last sign, were to convince him and others that he indeed was anointed; He was changed into another man capable of being the king God would use to lead His people. Now that is some really powerful convincing, as well as evidence that he was not just some guy sitting in the office of king while God looked on from above as an uninvolved observer. This also validates the scriptural concept that the leaders of nations are indeed placed there under the power and design and purposes of God himself as is declared in passages such as Isaiah 45:1-7,

“The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water; he turneth it whithersoever he will” Proverbs 21:1.

This special influence of the Holy Spirit is not just exclusive to special kings though such a public proof was a rare Old Testament event, and this one was to give Saul and the people a great confidence that they were indeed in the personal care of God through the king.
* * *

Back to Acts:
Now we see in the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament, that the Holy Ghost came over the apostles and they spoke in tongues (Acts 2:1-11), but it should be noted that these were the tongues of the many nations so that everyone there was hearing the message in their own native language.

“What was the message they were hearing?”
As Peter points out, it was the fulfillment of Joel 2:28, an Old Testament prophecy showing the Holy Spirit of God moving on  men, confirming that the last days had come.

“So why did Peter use this Old Testament scripture about prophesying to validate them speaking in tongues?”
Because the tongues were simply the supernatural vehicle used to get the prophecy out to the listener. The tongues were not the point of the event but rather a confirmation of the prophecy they spoke, as Peter continues to explain; “Ye men of Israel, hear these words;…” (Acts 2:22-36).

Acts 1-2 is the amazing narrative of the apostle’s preaching and prophesying in tongues right after the Holy Ghost came on them. Acts 2:1-21 is an incredible prophecy and fulfillment of “the new world” after salvation was given to the Jews through the Christ, and as an additional marvel; to the Gentile too! This new world, previously prophesied in Joel, and referenced here in Acts 2:16, and declared now in the events of Acts 2 as having finally arrived, is a world in which God can now be reached through the promised Christ who turned out to be Jesus of Nazareth, proven by many public miracles and fulfillment of prophecy and his resurrection from the dead.
Here is what that new world looks like:

“And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” Acts 2:21.

This was a new thing. It was seen by the religious rulers as a departure from the long standing Jewish faith of Jews only, and from exclusively accessing God only through the sacrifices offered by the Priests. And who better than the learned; the long devoted to the faith; the priests and rulers of that faith, should know what representation was true to the faith?
Of course there was confusion!
The common listeners of the apostle’s preaching were moved by the Spirit of God, and witnesses to the miracle of diverse tongues, and the reasoning of that preaching which actually fulfilled the prophecy of the longstanding Jewish faith, but they were still a bit skeptical in confliction;

“And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this?” Acts 2:12.

This of course opened the door for the naysayers to jump in and attempt to sway the crowed; “Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine” Acts 2:13.

Swiftly passing by the concept that no amount of wine or intoxication will result in uneducated men speaking the native tongues of many various listeners, Peter simply uses the reasoning of the longstanding established scripture of the Jewish faith to support what was being witnessed (Acts 2:14-36). This explanation of the known scripture is what gave the listeners the needed authority to accept this new “departure offering” of the Christ and respond with; “…Men and brethren, what shall we do?” Acts 2:37.

But did Peter lay into the long list of Jewish laws that they had been violating in principle while perhaps practicing in duty? No. Rather Peter preached the gospel of the New “departure” from an old faith, which was not really a departure at all (Matthew 5:17);

“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost” Acts 2:38.

What an incredible fool-proof offer. This is better than the money back guarantee of advertising today; “Try it and see” is the claim. Turn to Jesus Christ in belief that he is indeed the prophesied messiah, repent and be baptized into the faith (which they understood to mean a full practical and public immersion into the new way) and the result would be a personal experience of receiving the Holy Ghost of God as a validation of their salvation. No Holy Ghost = no confirmation that this was the real deal. They had just seen the reality of the Holy Ghost acting miraculously on common fishermen prophesying in many foreign tongues for the listeners, so obviously they should expect some similar very real extra-natural power as evidence of
the gift. This is what Peter promised; Confirmation.
At this point in their listening to the message and the recognition of what it meant, they were not looking for some great supernatural power to run around showing off, it was the salvation they sought and the Holy Ghost was the confirmation of success.
 * * *

The Error of Simon:
Does possessing the supernatural power of the Holy Ghost to heal and speak other languages intrigue you as being personally desirable? The narrative of Simon shows that to be a dangerously flawed comprehension (Acts 8:9-24).

Simon was recently a wicked man claiming to have supernatural powers through sorcery and succeeded in convincing the masses that he was supernaturally powerful to the point that they revered him as “the great power of God” (Acts 8:10). But the scripture states clearly that eventually Simon himself also believed and was baptized and continued with Philip as he went about preaching (Acts 8:13). “Awesome; Another convert!”  But wait; can you identify the problem in this verse?

“Then Simon himself believed also: and when he was baptized, he continued (4342) with Philip, and wondered, beholding the miracles and signs which were done” Acts 8:13.

We just saw in Acts 2:38 that Peter promised the confirmation of the Holy Ghost in salvation, so why then did Simon not receive the power himself but only observe it and wondered? Think about that as we continue with the narrative to learn about this man’s corrupt perception of the faith.

“And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money, saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost” Acts 8:18-19.

What’s wrong with that request? Isn’t it good that the Holy Ghost should be given to people? And isn’t it good that someone would want others to receive the Holy Ghost?

“But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money” Acts 8:20.

But is that the source of Simon’s problem? No;

“Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God” Acts 8:21.

The narrative continues on to define the root of his problem and here is the issue I wish to address; Simon never received the Holy Ghost though he believed and was baptized and followed in the ministry. Why?
Because he missed the critical element of Salvation (remission of sins), which Peter lined out previously in Acts 2:38, lets review;

“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”

Repentance is required; Not just belief:

“Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble” James 2:19.

It’s repentance that leads to salvation, beyond belief and exclusive of religious conduct, And this is exactly what Peter told him;

“Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee” Acts 8:22.

Simon didn’t need to be convinced who God was; he believed. Now he needed to repent; something entirely different.
So was Simon’s root of the sin and lack of repentance that he wanted to purchase the Holy Ghost with money? No;

“For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity” Acts 8:23.

Simon actually believed what he saw and heard, and in belief he was baptized and continued in the practice of the faith as he went in ministry with the Apostles, but he never repented of his wickedness, which was rooted in his heart as iniquity because of bitterness. This bondage to iniquity kept him from partaking in the Holy Ghost and excluded him from a “part or lot” with the faith of the Apostles though he participated (continued) in their ministry.

Continued 4342 proskartereo; from 4314 and 2594; to be earnest towards, i.e. (to a thing) or persevere, be constantly diligent, or (in a place) to attend assiduously all the exercises, or (to a person) to adhere closely to (as a servitor):- attend (give self) continually (upon)…

This is the lot of many Christians today, who understand the wisdom and logic and faith and benefits of the gospel of Christ, and commit to the faith, are baptized in the faith, and continue diligently in the work of the faith, all the while unable/unwilling to break the bondage of iniquity through repentance and so miss out on the confirming power of the Holy Ghost which is the evidence and power of salvation.

These are the failing Christians first in the Church of Pergamos in Revelation 2:14-16, and next in the Church of Thyatira’s Revelation 2:19-24, who walk in the doctrines of the faith but miss the whole point of repentance because they allow those things which create the bondage to iniquity.

“So what went wrong in their faith?”
Acts 2:40 tells us that Peter used “many other words” to explain the whole point which is summed up with; “Save yourselves from this untoward (4646) generation.” This clearly reveals that there is something complex about this generation that needs to be escaped from, and that “something” being the untoward part;

Untoward 4646 skolios; from the base of 4628; warped, i.e. winding; figuratively perverse:- crooked, froward, untoward.
(This is the root of our modern word scoliosis; crookedness, medical; a lateral curvature of the spine.)

The unacceptable condition of Simon as a believer is our warning; It was not his conduct but his spirit; the motive of his heart, that was the problem. This too is revealed in the churches of Pergamos and Thyatira. Therefore the values of this present warped religious generation is what we must be saved from, and Peter declared we must save ourselves from this; This is repentance.

“…Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”
Matthew 3:2.

Repent 3340 metanoeo; from 3326 and 3539; to think differently or afterwards, i.e. reconsider (morally feel compunction).

Now here is the part that is easily missed: If repentance is achieved by a change of mind; an altered perspective; a new and different course toward God, then the success of repentance will be witnessed or validated by the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 10:42-48 and Acts 3:26).  This is NOT random or only for the “extra holy”; If you aint got it, you aint in the faith.

But how can you possibly explain such power to someone who does not believe? Or worse; to someone who does believe but doesn’t have it? To them you have simply picked one of a plethora of religions, but they have no idea the Power which has changed you. We have not “picked a religion” we have met God the Creator himself!

Now while the unconverted who do not experience the Holy Ghost power may very well conclude that your changed state is due to alcohol or brain washing or insanity, the reality is that the powerful change within you will be an amazement even to yourself! Such as was the promise to Saul. The power of God is not an illusion of mind anymore than common fisherman could suddenly speak many languages because they “picked a religion”.
But like Simon, there are those who genuinely attempt to participate in the faith while clinging to the familiar sins of iniquity. This is a failure to repent (think differently).

“Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” II Timothy 3:5.

These spots (blemishes) in the Church not only blaspheme the powerful name of God before the unbelievers, they infect the Church with their iniquity from which we are to save ourselves. This is why we must turn away from them, not participating in the fruit of their corruption, saving ourselves from this twisted generation of religious people who will not repent.
* * *

So how does this relate to the gift of tongues?
Today there are large sections of quote “Christians” who participate in a flamboyant display of “tongues” though their private lives remain unchanged. In these groups there is a strong focus on the gift itself and not on the purpose of the gift. I have personally witnessed the pretense of tongues as the practitioner fabricates gibberish, and there is also a genuine supernatural gibberish that has no characteristic of the Holy God. My criticism of them both is not the tongue but the unrepentant individual speaking it. When the Holy Ghost of God comes on an individual the person is changed into a new man, It cannot be otherwise.

There are several biblical manifestations of the Holy Ghost on men as gifts of the spirit, Tongues being only one. And there are specific instructions to the
proper use of tongues in public; They are never to remain un-interpreted
(I Corinthians 14:27-28).
Because the tongue is not the point but only a validation of the message spoken. If there is no interpreter, the message is lost and the Spirit un-validated (I Corinthians 14:7-11).

“But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort. He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church…for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying”…
I Corinthians 14:3-5+(6-26).

Now regarding a prayer language, of course God understands the tongue which he gives and so the tongue is a gift to the one praying, as an intimacy with his God. This is a private thing that is not performed for public display. But again, if the praying individual is not supernaturally drawn more intimately into holiness you can be sure the tongue was not of the Holy Ghost  (Galatians 5:16, 22, 6:8,  I John 1:6 etc.) but is actually of another spirit  (Ephesians 2:2 + II Corinthians 11:4+ I John 4:1-3).

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” I John 1:1.

 * * *

Do not deny tongues. Paul himself wished that everyone had the gift
(I Corinthians 14:5a) but be wise and put it to the test to see if it conforms to the scriptural use and edification, or to confusion, silliness, foolishness and shame which belongs in the category of rolling on the floor and barking like a dog or convulsing as with seizure. These manifestations are the nature of Satan and not God.  
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Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Door To Slavery

Post 226

It would take a whole book to describe the subversive socialism of the system behind the fence where I work. I will need to periodically provide examples to attempt an explanation of what I mean but I fear the actual point will not successfully be understood until it is personally experienced.
I have no desire to point at this organization and cry “Enemy” because that is to miss the point of all I am trying to show. Please remember my focus is to show what will soon become of America and the rest of the world in general, but far more important than that, it is important to expose the confusion that supports it’s success; the brainwashing of complex propaganda.
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Hanoi Hannah:
“Trnh Th Ng (born in 1931), also known as Hanoi Hannah, is a Vietnamese radio personality best known for her work during the Vietnam War, when she made English-language propaganda broadcasts for North Vietnam directed at US troops.”
- Hanoi Hannah
I grew up in an era where we children were familiar with the recent propaganda efforts of the enemy with which our previous generation had been at war. To us children it was hard to imagine anyone falling for such obvious propaganda efforts, “What fool would fall for such stuff?” but apparently the North Vietnamese thought it worth the effort and I suppose it had at least some degree of success.
What was her intent? To break down the resolve of their enemy; the US troops, by using good American music and useful true news in an otherwise foreign environment to draw in the listener while with a pleasant English speaking voice to constantly challenge the American reasoning. It was a perpetual one-sided argument that the good music and desired news of outside events would not allow you to just turn off.
* * *
American Propaganda:
Today, not many years later, our own media is doing the same thing to our citizens, no longer sharpened to resistance by war. Our pleasant slothful lifestyle is strongly attracted to mindless entertainment and easy news, and so most Americans sit for hours a day in front that box drawn in by that which they crave but fed the propaganda that comes with it.
And while most Christians today also find the time and justification to “relax” in front of that box each day, they somehow can’t seem to find the time to open their Bibles but for 20 minutes a week at church, and that is in the churches that even open it at all.
Now, Today, in the recent darkening of the familiar darkness, many are wakening up to realize much of the media is full of deception and misdirection and propaganda, and so turn to more conservative Fox News, and the safe History Channel, and Science shows, and go back to sleep as the propaganda continues to flow still unreduced in volume, but in a more silent stream than the other more obvious channels. And still the Bibles are not being opened because we just can’t find the time.
* * *
Al Jazeera (Arabic: الجزيرة‎ al-ǧazīrah, literally "The Island", abbreviating “The [Arabian] Peninsula”) (also Aljazeera or JSC [Jazeera Satellite Channel]) is an independent broadcaster owned by the state of Qatar through the Qatar Media Corporation and headquartered in Doha, Qatar. Initially launched as an Arabic news and current affairs satellite TV channel, Al Jazeera has since expanded into a network with several outlets, including the Internet and specialty TV channels in multiple languages. Al Jazeera is accessible in several world regions.
The original Al Jazeera channel's willingness to broadcast dissenting views, for example on call-in shows, created controversies in the Arab states of the Persian Gulf. The station gained worldwide attention following the September 11, 2001 attacks, when it was the only channel to cover the war in Afghanistan live from its office there. It has also recently been acclaimed for its in-depth coverage of the Arab Spring protests and revolutions.” - wikipedia on Al Jazeera
Al Jazeera is a new form of propaganda, more complex than any before it. With the now obvious utter lies and misdirection of American media, Al Jazeera offers the much desired and needed real news alternative that our own country will not produce even on FOX. But as all propaganda; with it comes a great complex problem.
Al Jazeera is showing America our own wickedness and iniquity in a light that makes us turn against ourselves. It is the spirit that creates the Occupy Wallstreet mentality that succeeds in nothing but the overthrow of America, just as Egypt was so recently overthrown to be replaced by a much greater evil.
Please watch this Al Jazeera documentary as it is enlightening and has more than one point necessary to understand: China internment Factories
* * *
China is a communist country, which stands against everything America used to value, individual freedom being high on the list. Of course slave labor is still abhorrent to us in principle and we can fully agree with the Al Jazeera’s exposure of it. It is criminal that America media is not exposing this from our own land, but even more criminal that our people so casually accept our guilt as we ignore the truth that might affect our purchase price of goods!
But what are the values of those countries from where we get this truth? What moral value is the foundation of Qatar?
Qatar “Legal System: mixed legal system of civil law and Islamic law (in family and personal matters)” factbook Qatar
But I digress into another topic which space and train of thought will not allow me, so for now lets just stop at the knowledge that we are getting this truth from a worldview that is contrary to that of Christianity.
In otherwords, we must recognize the foundational purpose of those presenting the truth before we can grasp the actual context of what they are actually presenting with the truth. Does Islam really abhor slavery? Hardly. So why does an Islamic legal system allow the exposure of slave labor in China? What is the message of this example documentary? That slave factories are created to supply America’s craving for cheap goods at any other price.
This is indeed a horrible truth that honesty cannot let us deny. What is not easily perceived is that the honest and truthful exposure of our iniquity tends to automatically validate the one who makes the exposure.
Does anyone remember Hanoi Hannah?
Her mission was to use the truth against us for the purpose of breaking the resolve of our troops.
Al Jazeera is doing the same thing but with the artful skills of a surgeon rather than the comparative hacking of Hanoi Hannah.
* * *
Our own sins stand to judge us:
It is not a new tactic of God to bring the judgment of captivity upon his own people for their iniquity at the hands of the Godless (Jeremiah 20:4-5, II Kings 24:15 etc.). If we will not conduct ourselves as we should (Luke 16:10-15, II Corinthians 13:5-7) God will send those who will help us repent through suffering (Leviticus 26:27-42).
Today the skills used to this end are incredible, and our smart children can see our national hypocrisy so easily exposed by those who hate us, and so our children believing they are rising to a just cause are being played by the skilful fingers of a master with a bigger plan of global dominance.
While Al Jazeera subconsciously justifies Islam to us by the exposure of our iniquity, my blog justifies our own God by exposing our own iniquity.
America has fallen because God said we would fall if we departed from him (Leviticus 26, Revelation 2:4). As a whole, Christians across America have departed from God by falling in love with what the world has to offer (I John 2:15-17) The exposure of our sin is not to beat us with it, but to move us to repentance and a turn back to the LORD before he destroys us utterly.
While we play our life like a video game with no real consequence, God takes it very seriously and is now preparing the vehicles of our punishment.
* * *
The Small Steps:
The man eventually elected to be president of the United States did not stand up out of a righteous nation to suddenly declare; “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation…”
Rather it took us a long process of small steps over many years to get to this point. And because of the many small steps of familiarity, the landmark statement came and went without a shred of resistance because we were already comfortable with the idea, just as we are already comfortable with the idea of slave labor to produce goods inexpensively to compete in a global market.
We mentally justify our demand for cheap goods by willing to believing that “prisoners” must deserve to be there, and putting them to good use is not a crime, it is just economically smart.
In fact our grandfathers of our own nation used our “convicts” in chain-gangs to do community projects, so how can we now criticize China for doing the same?
The growing confusion becomes so complex the correct answer nearly slips away entirely.
There is a question that must be asked first; “Is the convicting government righteous?”
The second question that must be asked is; “How can an unrighteous government judge the righteousness of another government?”
The fact that Al Jazeera of Islamic Qatar is the one exposing the unrighteousness of both China and America her sponsor in crime, is proof that America is now far too unrighteous to condemn China, but it is not necessarily proof that Qatar is righteous, any more than Hanoi Hanna proved that North Vietnam was righteous… UNLESS we are grading righteousness on the curve.
But Christianity does not grade on the curve, and therefore true Christianity confesses and abhors participation in captivity… unless justified.
Oh brother!
As an upright legal system designed to punish evil for the well being of society, the system of American government of yester-year imprisoned those convicted of doing evil. Those imprisoned were used something like slaves to produce community services in repayment of their internment provided by the community. This form of “slavery” is only slightly different that Indentured service that our righteous Christian forefathers used, and far from other evil forms of unjust slavery.
Confused yet?
How could God sell his own people into slavery as he does, if slavery itself was actually wicked?
From God’s Biblical perspective, slavery is a punishment for evil and so he sent other nations to enslave his own rebellious people to pay for their sins no different that sending convicts to hard labor prisons to work off the “payment” of their crimes.
From its very first colonies America has always accepted the concept of imprisonment for crimes as being just. So why did the colonies arrest the captain of the first slave ship to sail into Massachusetts and imprison the imprisoner as it were?
This is a very interesting question!
The answer lies in the justification of the imprisonment/slavery.
God provided no indication to the righteous colonies of his intent or reason to enslave the poor blacks that were shipped to the Americas, and so the colonists who lived according to the Christian faith rejected the enslavement of them in America as unjust. At the colonies own expense the slaves of that ship were returned to their homeland while the captain was imprisoned for his crime of unjust slavery *1.
These are the same Christians who knew the Old Testament scriptures well and understood that the Jews did have slaves.
Scripture examples of captives taken in the Old Testament:
Genesis 34:27-29 resulting in displeasure of their leader for taking slaves v:30
Numbers 31:9-12 resulting in Moses’ anger for it v:14-16
Leviticus 25:44-46 does indeed seem clear to permit slavery of non-Jews, but by exploring the whole work of the scripture on the matter it seems more of a permission resulting from a condition that existed in the earth anyway, much as divorce is also permitted though clearly not what God desires (Matthew 19:6-8). In otherwords these slaves would be better off under one submitted to God’s laws of kindness rather than sold to another of wicked mind. It is my belief that this is exactly the situation which found George Washington as a slave owner. There were strict scriptural laws regulating the proper care of those in your power, thus eliminating the idea that Israel's slaves (and Washington's) were such as we understand it today. Wallbuilders on slavery is a worthy read if you are interested, but we must move on.
There are far far more scriptures about God’s people taken as captives for their sins than there are of God’s people taking captives, but the indication is that captivity does go both ways.
So the validity or justification of slavery is really not the Christian argument but the righteousness of the nation that does the enslaving or the unrighteousness of the people enslaved. (Christians are specifically instructed that in Christ all men are equal as the children of One Creator, Galatians 3:28, Colossians 3:11, Philemon, but the laws of others might not see it that way and so we are to conduct ourselves accordingly as we find ourselves involved; Ephesians 6:5, Colossians 3:22, Titus 2:9)
Now that America is willing to encourage China, an evil Communist nation, to use slaves/convicts to provide us with inexpensive goods without questioning the justification for their imprisonment or questioning the righteousness of the government that convicted them, America’s own righteousness must be seriously questioned.
America has shown with many unarguable proofs that she is no longer capable of making a righteous judgment of our own conduct let alone China, the Islamic nations, or anyone else, because we have abandon the righteousness of the Creator’s standards of right and wrong, the most obvious example is our willingness to legalize the capitol punishment of our unborn innocent for the sake of convenience to the mother. Therefore using questionable convicts as slaves to make inexpensive goods for us? Not a hard sell!
* * *
A Bigger Step:
This week America completely missed another pretty big step in our own path to enslavement in the passing of Senate bill S 1867 titled; “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012”. With a few clicks you quickly realize this is another huge bill with literally months of reading required to even understand it, and so like Congress you let someone tell you the gist of it and accept or reject it accordingly;
“The most dangerous aspect of S. 1867 is not only that it could subject American citizens to military tribunals and detention, but also that individuals could be imprisoned indefinitely without charge or trial.” - S1867 review
But does the American media, even the self declared conservative FOX NEWS, tell us such a bill has passed the Senate with a 93-7 landslide vote? No. They are too occupied covering the all-important Republican presidential race that has been filling the news minute by minute, day after day, month after month for well over a year. Apparently there is just nothing more pressing going on in the world, Ain’t we lucky the world is in such peace.
* * *
Name That Step:
So what is the difference between a hard job and slavery? How about the smaller steps between them such as poor wages or indentured servitude? As a people now willing to trade freedom for security do we even know slavery when we see it?
“Give me a bed, a meal, and a TV for a few hours and I will work 12 hours a day for you.”
Just what are you trading your life for;
The chance to pay the government 30%?
The funds to pay a biannual rent on the property you spent your life paying off?
A shinny new car you can drive to work to make the money to pay off your shiny new car?
As I write this today I do not fear being arrested for what I write… so long as I don’t cross the ever shrinking ring around my freedom.
And as our society becomes more and more out of control with our school children shooting a class room full of fellow students, or the drug trade filling our streets, or the sex trafficking trade consuming our land, we obviously need more laws; more control; more restrictions because we can no longer manage ourselves.
But instead of voting in righteous leaders to direct us back to our lawful and moral foundations of obedience to God himself where we don’t need external restraints, we chose to vote in greedy, immoral, corrupt rulers who simply drive us further into bondage such as our current Congress, Judicial system, and Executive branches are doing today.
Is this growing bondage outside of God’s will for us?
It is God who is directing our slavery for our crimes against him (Jeremiah 24:9-10).
Each step is supposed to wake us up and cause a reformation, but instead we get angry at “the man” who we see as oppressing us, and feel we are being mistreated.
We demand our rights, and mass into powerful bands of “democracy” to force others to do our will, as we see in the Occupy Wallstreet type movements which are simply better organized riots. We emulate Egypt as they tore down a regime they did not like to receive a regime they do not know.
“Change you can believe in” was Obama’s campaign slogan, but nobody stops to question what that is.
If today I can write this in freedom, not fearing the government beating down my door to haul me away for my words,
Do I want that to change?
Today if I don’t like my job I am free to quit and look for something else I would rather do.
Do I want that to change?
Tell me a single betterment for this nation that Obama has brought with his Godless change?
Open borders with the lawless of Mexico?
Government run private corporations such as the airlines, the auto industry, and the banks?
Fewer jobs?
Lower pay?
Lower quality products made overseas?
A good groping at the airport?
A more unstable dollar?
Bands of hoodlums organizing only destruction?
A more violent globe?
You think China is the only nation that can have internment camps of “convicts” that produce cheap goods on the global market?
Be patient, his plan is actually working…
Its just not the plan you had in mind.
* * * * * * *
*1 W.E. Burghardt DuBois, The Suppression of the African Slave-Trade to the United States of America (New York: Social Science Press, 1954), p. 30; see also Thomas R.R. Cobb, An Inquiry into the Law of Negro Slavery (Philadelphia: T. & J. W. Johnson & Co., 1858), Vol. I, pp. cxlvii-cxlviii; and W. O. Blake, The History of Slavery and the Slave Trade (Columbus: J. & H. Miller, 1858), pp. 370-371.