Post 327
“…I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her…” Revelation 17:7.
Having completed my last chapter in this collection of works that is far short of my study which spawned it, I pause to consider if I have accomplished what I intended to set out to do (*1) before moving forward into a collection that must be built upon it.
Does the reader now comprehend the Mystery of Great Babylon, in a way that can actually be applied, and how true Christianity is distinguished from it though it steals the identity as did the Roman Catholic Church? (*2). From the reaction I quickly got at the posting of my final words: “Husband, Empower your wife!” I think not.
It’s not that such a reaction is unexpected (it actually is), but it’s that Rehab is over and you have a life to live. It would be going backwards for me to spend more Posts explaining in this specific setting what the reader should now be able to put together from what they have already read conceptually.
But neither do I deny that the very real problem still exists, as I call my next Post: “You don’t know my wife!”
This is the bump of the 6th age of 7. It’s the actual crossing over the Jordan of the second generation to fight the giants of war in reality. It’s the application of a fully fed theory after the first generation failed for lack of faith. It’s the naively frustrating but endearingly motivating young bride still believing her husband is invincible as she says enthusiastically:
“I don’t care about the risks; you’ll figure out a way to make it work!”
which sounds very much like, but is nonetheless nothing like:
“I don’t care what you want, make it happen for me!”
* * * * * * *
(*1) Post 160 "The Great Whore" (
(*2) Who is Mystery Babylon?
There are two kinds of women that leave rehab; There is the renewed wife with the devoted single eye toward life with her husband, and there is the other kind of woman whose eye and heart, in spite of the lengthy program, are still attracted elsewhere as a “side interest” that she can manage along with her marriage.
If you are not simply given over to God and God alone by the joyful abandonment of all things that draw you away, then you my dear are the blossoming harlot bride.
At present, Mystery Babylon is today’s Dirty-Grace Liberated whorish church of Christ Jesus who befriends as intimates the enemies of God in the effort to bring peace. But she is still maturing. And she is just impertinent enough to soon imagine that she can tame the Beast by sleeping with him, not knowing that the benefits of such a thing was never the question:
“Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and said unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me” Matthew 4:8-9.
The Devil knew that restoring humanity’s relationship with God was Jesus’ goal and offered him exactly that. He wasn’t kidding about what he offered. But the means he offered to gain the righteous goal was a violation of God’s command:
“Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve” Matthew 4:10.
The ends do not justify the means!
This is the very core of the confusion in this 6th age.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
The Cosmic Waltz
Post 326
Now it’s going to feel like this is a complete reversal from all that I have said before, but it’s not. It’s a major bump in the forward progression that by now should have been expected. So just go with the topic on its own merit, reading in only what conforms to the spirit of the previous works, which itself, conforms to the Spirit and Word of our God, and we will bring it back on point as we continue our point topic, which is, as you will remember; self-governance for wives in what I have declared to be a Woman’s World now. The significance of how this applies to the Grand Tapestry should eventually make itself apparent.
Continuing on in our several examples of design and scripture that validate such a crazy and dangerous idea, we pause to included a Type of a Type in answering the question: “When have women as an entire gender ever been given the power of self-governance in scripture?”:
The reflection of our Sun and Moon types:
When a new husband works hard all day to let his young wife spend his money, this is an unfamiliar complex dance where both parties must practice working in unison or somebody’s toes will be hurt. She must remember that as the lead, her husband works hard to provide it for her to use as she sees fit, but her following role and purpose is to apply it in giving light to her children/his family, and not to flaunt herself in full-moon glory thirty days out of the month (Ezekiel 16:30-34).
In a well-practiced mature perfect waltz the dazzling woman is most dazzling when she allows herself to be presented rather than present herself (Exodus 3:13, John 5:43). In all her beautiful glory the most endearing element that makes it shine brightest is demure, which is an elegant word for “unexpected” humility. When a beautiful woman arrives on the entry’s top step of “the ball of the Century” dressed to make herself even more beautiful than she actually is, to the point that it takes the room’s breath away just to gaze upon her, she is in the ultimate position not to demure but rather bask in her own glory unquestionably deserved; nobody is going to argue that she doesn’t have that right and that power at that moment. But when she demurs, at that moment of all moments; when she blushes at the attention, Wow! It’s as if her beauty suddenly rings the bell at the strong man contest, and every heart bends to her grace.
But this is not the flavor of today’s talented dancers, who lack the grace of humility as her male dance-partner is little more than a coat-hanger stripper-pole jungle-gym to show off her “offering.” He retains the illusion of being her presenter but it’s publicly obvious that he is just the coach-boy that she uses as a step to more elegantly climb down from a great height. She is still beautiful of course, but now it’s in a non-protected voluntary “meat offering to lions” kind of way. Without a high-class male presenter to establish the venue “that she is protected,” her value greatly diminishes like a pimp’s prostitute on the street corner, or worse, an independent whore who actually likes her sluttish work even more than the money (Ezekiel 16:30-34).
I suggest that this is why God designed the glorious sun to faithfully present the moon-- even in her cyclic waves of degree as the moon allows: It’s both to keep her humble by remembering her dark nature, and to more greatly magnify her beauty when things align for her to get all dressed up and come out full in the light of his glory (Leviticus 26:4, Psalm 104:27, Ecclesiastes 10:16-17, Matthew 24:45). As a result we find the moon mysteriously fascinating in all her changing presentations of grace, while the sun is just the same consistent sun of sustenance that we too easily take for granted because of it.
Soon, the moon begins to imagine that she is not chasing the sun but the sun is chasing her! Demure ends and he quickly becomes just a constant sugar-daddy to feed her vanity of self-will, to shine when she wants and be dark when she wants and glory in both faces of her power through independence. Same sun, same moon, same events, but suddenly perspective really changes how we see things. The presenter in the dance is the one who establishes perspective of how the viewer looks at her and therefore what we see, but it’s her attitude to the presenter that over-drives the condition that we actually observe.
A waltz has two active participants, and yet oddly enough, the dance is always intended for the audience to focus on the female role. Why does nature itself forbid us to look at the sun?
* * *
Humanity is a wondrous, marvelous, complex mystery. But in the same degree that we don’t reflect the Son of God, we will be dark, and the world will stumble in proportion to the diminished light from our reflection (Matthew 5:14-16) and the beasts of the field will come out to roam freely in the darkness (John 3:19-20, Proverbs 29:2). As a hunter of predators in Alaska I am well aware of how the differing light of the cyclic moon dramatically changes the boldness of animal behavior at night until they simply don’t move at all in the light of a full moon.
In all her inconsistencies, and weakness, and phases of moods, she is the sun of the night seasons. Mankind, individually and in mass, in this application of the Typology, is Christ’s moon. There are full moons and dark moons and every phase in between, all contingent only upon the light we reflect and the season of the day in which we reflect it.
But if we full moon Christians glory unduly in a confident perpetual full-moon phase of “I’m the Star, Look at me, I am your sun,” we create an unnatural environment of quazi-“enlightenment,” even if our intent is to bathe the earth in a constant light of our “improvement” on Genesis 1:17. Shouldn’t God be pleased? I don’t think so (Ezekiel 26:2, 27:3, 28:2-6&12-15, Isaiah 47:7-8&10).
Shouldn’t we rather remember that God designed us to shine in our seasons, as he also designed the seasons, for a purpose? Why does a woman cycle? This is all a complex thought that takes more than a casual pondering.
I suggested earlier that the moon’s active role, in a different layer of the same Typology, represents the angel Lucifer before he fell. And in this same self-glory of pride to improve on God’s intent outside of God’s will, Lucifer, like us, forgot his reflecting place in the design of Creation and came to say through his human rulers that reflect his quasi-light; “I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas” (Ezekiel 28:2). Remember, seas are prophetically the masses.
Understand that the moon-god Allah; Satan, called Lucifer at the time, was fulfilling his God-given role of reflecting the Son’s light, when he got his thinking confused by wild desires of self-glory that misused the ministering-glory given to him for another purpose. Lucifer or Humanity; the Type applies:
“Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so…” Ezekiel 28:14,
“Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness…” Ezekiel 28:17.
“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion…” Genesis 1:28,
“And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took…” Genesis 3:6.
For the purpose of passing Judgment on a crime, does it really matter why he/she became corrupted? In today’s social mindframe of man-over-law it really does. Today we seem to value emotions over conduct, and every wickedness is excused as “non-judgable” because of some emotional cause that makes us innocent of the crime actually committed: insanity, ignorance, youth, passion, drugs, etc. But in the above passage God himself includes the two-fold why in his review before passing judgment on Satan’s crime, as if the why were not a defense but actually a part of the corruption that warranted punishment! (Job 15:6, Luke 19:22a):
“…I will cast thee to the ground (see Revelation 6:13, 12:3-4), I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee” Ezekiel 28:17b, (see also Revelation 12:10-11).
The crime: The heart was lifted up to proclaim “I am God’s replacement,” Allahu-Akbar.
The cause: Pride because of beauty, and corrupted wisdom because of magnificence, (both, gifted to him from God).
Likewise, in the case with Adam’s fall, we read that causality plays a big part in the punishment (Genesis 3:14-17).
As a significantly related concept in our overall study, take special note as to God’s solution for Eve’s failure to control her emotions:
“…and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee” Genesis 3:16,
and His solution for man’s failure in hearkening unto the voice of his wife over God’s:
“…cursed is the ground for thy sake…” Genesis 3:17.
We must understand that motive and intent and heart and desire have no good defense regarding our culpability in our crimes against God and his word. “Ignorance is no excuse” is a legal phrase that should cover a lot of things (Proverbs 7:6-8…). The lie that is so commonly believed today is that these “good motives”-- howevermuch confused-- trump our conduct: “It’s the thought that counts.” The problem is that while the though does in deed count, it’s always counted against us in our crimes! “You are under arrest, whatever you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.” A misunderstanding is actually cause of bad conduct, and so, our “good intentions” in ignorance of what we should have known are additional grounds for further punishment with the sentenced crime (Luke 19:42).
As I write this [May 6], the Muslim band called Boko Haram abducted some 200+ young girls from school, allegedly making some of them slave wives of their band and threatening to sell the others as slave wives for men in need - BBC Nigeria 5-6-2014 ( That sounds reasonable to them and they use their woman-controlling religion of Islam to support it. The crime is the abduction of girls, the additional grounds for punishment is their messed up thinking… “well intended” or not. Their declared intent is to keep girls uneducated as good and obedient wives.
We civilized Christian Westerners like to be appalled at such abominable mentality of 21st Century men regarding women, but I find most Christian men, even in America, struggle with the deep belief that their wives are technically supposed to be submissive to their every command without complaint because God made them the head. A significant degree of male frustration is how to live with the fact that it is inapplicable in today’s society. How is this thinking actually different from Boko Haram? What are we Christians missing here?
Does the Son of God-- the Head and Sun that we reflect in our present Church age-- treat us this way today? Sure, in the previous young-ages of the Old Testament, God ruled his wife with a stronger hand, in kind to the Genesis 3:16 solution, but where in scripture does it reveal that in our present age, our Lord Christ Jesus and Head to reflect, rules his bride-- good or bad-- with a rod of iron? It just doesn’t. So why do we naturally still want to rule her this OT way in this NT age? Do we not know of another way to lead? Is leading by force the only way? Is our Father actually Allah while we attempt to follow Christ? (John 8:43-46). Are we becoming the new Roman Catholic Church in the effort to maintain control of those under our jurisdiction while we claim their liberation from the law of Rome, i.e. God?
* * *
Why does the sun go down at night? It gives place for the moon to shine. What does this mean?
It means that the moon is an entity too, with her own sub-realm with its obligations and accountability to God, it has its own sphere of granted dominion in its time, and, while it indeed reflects the light of the sun, it does so in its own non-sun, sun way. The moon is not the sun’s stool pigeon, nor its replacement; rather, as a team member, it occupies his place on his behalf while the sun is away (Luke 19:13 in context). The moon does not even pretend to be the sun, though in effect it acts very much like the sun and we might even say it looks adorable in its soft effort of imitation… which, they say, is the purest form of admiration. The moon “mimics” the actions of the sun as well as its light, but again, it’s in a non-sun way. And that’s actually a good thing.
It would be wrong to criticize the moon for missing the sun’s schedule, or for acting constantly and dramatically unstable in its non-sun-like presentation of standing in for the sun, or even for failing to provide the same degree of light, which failure is so great that it can’t even make things grow or provide heat to the earth, none of which is found in its commanded purposes (Genesis 1:14-18, Matthew 5:16). How it conducts its designated duties before God is a matter for its own judgment or reward; it’s not the sun, and neither is it the sun’s job to micro-manage the moon’s creativity in its given function anymore than the nobleman in the above passage of Luke 19 micromanaged his servants whom he put in charge while he was away. It’s theirs to do now. The accounting simply comes in the day of reckoning as to the fruit/results of her/their doing, each according to their ability to use what they were given (Luke 19:15). We might have said of that parable’s age; “It’s a servants world now.”
Do you suppose that God was sore at the parable’s nobleman (Jesus) for not keeping them in line, or instructing them all on how to return a full potential? Why was the nobleman so willing to let them blow his money? Wasn’t he afraid that they would really mess things up if he wasn’t constantly directing them? I wonder if they had cell phones back then?
What are we men seriously still missing? We are missing the empowerment of our own wives!
So the world empowers them for us, which in truth is a psychological kidnapping in guise of rescue... that they like, even if they at first don’t think it’s a good idea (Genesis 3:2-3). Since the time that Movies began, they are filled with this concept, where the very rich and benevolent man gives his wife everything but personhood, then the non-wealthy, charming, earthy man, comes along and offers her just that. She tries to resist because she is a good wife, and she really does love her inattentive husband, but she just can’t help it once she smells the chocolate. She has a natural overpowering yearning to experience personhood. In the Typology of children we call this puberty.
The Age has been thrust upon us outside of our control, and if we don’t respond accordingly, we will loose our own wives and children and faith. The time of suppression to keep her in line is past. This is a new mature age, and it requires new and mature guidance in new and mature choices.
But while Satan thinks this intoxicating age is his design to his advantage, God has another purpose in mind!
Husband, Empower your wife!
[Go directly to Post 329 (].
Now it’s going to feel like this is a complete reversal from all that I have said before, but it’s not. It’s a major bump in the forward progression that by now should have been expected. So just go with the topic on its own merit, reading in only what conforms to the spirit of the previous works, which itself, conforms to the Spirit and Word of our God, and we will bring it back on point as we continue our point topic, which is, as you will remember; self-governance for wives in what I have declared to be a Woman’s World now. The significance of how this applies to the Grand Tapestry should eventually make itself apparent.
Continuing on in our several examples of design and scripture that validate such a crazy and dangerous idea, we pause to included a Type of a Type in answering the question: “When have women as an entire gender ever been given the power of self-governance in scripture?”:
The reflection of our Sun and Moon types:
When a new husband works hard all day to let his young wife spend his money, this is an unfamiliar complex dance where both parties must practice working in unison or somebody’s toes will be hurt. She must remember that as the lead, her husband works hard to provide it for her to use as she sees fit, but her following role and purpose is to apply it in giving light to her children/his family, and not to flaunt herself in full-moon glory thirty days out of the month (Ezekiel 16:30-34).
In a well-practiced mature perfect waltz the dazzling woman is most dazzling when she allows herself to be presented rather than present herself (Exodus 3:13, John 5:43). In all her beautiful glory the most endearing element that makes it shine brightest is demure, which is an elegant word for “unexpected” humility. When a beautiful woman arrives on the entry’s top step of “the ball of the Century” dressed to make herself even more beautiful than she actually is, to the point that it takes the room’s breath away just to gaze upon her, she is in the ultimate position not to demure but rather bask in her own glory unquestionably deserved; nobody is going to argue that she doesn’t have that right and that power at that moment. But when she demurs, at that moment of all moments; when she blushes at the attention, Wow! It’s as if her beauty suddenly rings the bell at the strong man contest, and every heart bends to her grace.
But this is not the flavor of today’s talented dancers, who lack the grace of humility as her male dance-partner is little more than a coat-hanger stripper-pole jungle-gym to show off her “offering.” He retains the illusion of being her presenter but it’s publicly obvious that he is just the coach-boy that she uses as a step to more elegantly climb down from a great height. She is still beautiful of course, but now it’s in a non-protected voluntary “meat offering to lions” kind of way. Without a high-class male presenter to establish the venue “that she is protected,” her value greatly diminishes like a pimp’s prostitute on the street corner, or worse, an independent whore who actually likes her sluttish work even more than the money (Ezekiel 16:30-34).
I suggest that this is why God designed the glorious sun to faithfully present the moon-- even in her cyclic waves of degree as the moon allows: It’s both to keep her humble by remembering her dark nature, and to more greatly magnify her beauty when things align for her to get all dressed up and come out full in the light of his glory (Leviticus 26:4, Psalm 104:27, Ecclesiastes 10:16-17, Matthew 24:45). As a result we find the moon mysteriously fascinating in all her changing presentations of grace, while the sun is just the same consistent sun of sustenance that we too easily take for granted because of it.
Soon, the moon begins to imagine that she is not chasing the sun but the sun is chasing her! Demure ends and he quickly becomes just a constant sugar-daddy to feed her vanity of self-will, to shine when she wants and be dark when she wants and glory in both faces of her power through independence. Same sun, same moon, same events, but suddenly perspective really changes how we see things. The presenter in the dance is the one who establishes perspective of how the viewer looks at her and therefore what we see, but it’s her attitude to the presenter that over-drives the condition that we actually observe.
A waltz has two active participants, and yet oddly enough, the dance is always intended for the audience to focus on the female role. Why does nature itself forbid us to look at the sun?
* * *
Humanity is a wondrous, marvelous, complex mystery. But in the same degree that we don’t reflect the Son of God, we will be dark, and the world will stumble in proportion to the diminished light from our reflection (Matthew 5:14-16) and the beasts of the field will come out to roam freely in the darkness (John 3:19-20, Proverbs 29:2). As a hunter of predators in Alaska I am well aware of how the differing light of the cyclic moon dramatically changes the boldness of animal behavior at night until they simply don’t move at all in the light of a full moon.
In all her inconsistencies, and weakness, and phases of moods, she is the sun of the night seasons. Mankind, individually and in mass, in this application of the Typology, is Christ’s moon. There are full moons and dark moons and every phase in between, all contingent only upon the light we reflect and the season of the day in which we reflect it.
But if we full moon Christians glory unduly in a confident perpetual full-moon phase of “I’m the Star, Look at me, I am your sun,” we create an unnatural environment of quazi-“enlightenment,” even if our intent is to bathe the earth in a constant light of our “improvement” on Genesis 1:17. Shouldn’t God be pleased? I don’t think so (Ezekiel 26:2, 27:3, 28:2-6&12-15, Isaiah 47:7-8&10).
Shouldn’t we rather remember that God designed us to shine in our seasons, as he also designed the seasons, for a purpose? Why does a woman cycle? This is all a complex thought that takes more than a casual pondering.
I suggested earlier that the moon’s active role, in a different layer of the same Typology, represents the angel Lucifer before he fell. And in this same self-glory of pride to improve on God’s intent outside of God’s will, Lucifer, like us, forgot his reflecting place in the design of Creation and came to say through his human rulers that reflect his quasi-light; “I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas” (Ezekiel 28:2). Remember, seas are prophetically the masses.
Understand that the moon-god Allah; Satan, called Lucifer at the time, was fulfilling his God-given role of reflecting the Son’s light, when he got his thinking confused by wild desires of self-glory that misused the ministering-glory given to him for another purpose. Lucifer or Humanity; the Type applies:
“Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so…” Ezekiel 28:14,
“Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness…” Ezekiel 28:17.
“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion…” Genesis 1:28,
“And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took…” Genesis 3:6.
For the purpose of passing Judgment on a crime, does it really matter why he/she became corrupted? In today’s social mindframe of man-over-law it really does. Today we seem to value emotions over conduct, and every wickedness is excused as “non-judgable” because of some emotional cause that makes us innocent of the crime actually committed: insanity, ignorance, youth, passion, drugs, etc. But in the above passage God himself includes the two-fold why in his review before passing judgment on Satan’s crime, as if the why were not a defense but actually a part of the corruption that warranted punishment! (Job 15:6, Luke 19:22a):
“…I will cast thee to the ground (see Revelation 6:13, 12:3-4), I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee” Ezekiel 28:17b, (see also Revelation 12:10-11).
The crime: The heart was lifted up to proclaim “I am God’s replacement,” Allahu-Akbar.
The cause: Pride because of beauty, and corrupted wisdom because of magnificence, (both, gifted to him from God).
Likewise, in the case with Adam’s fall, we read that causality plays a big part in the punishment (Genesis 3:14-17).
As a significantly related concept in our overall study, take special note as to God’s solution for Eve’s failure to control her emotions:
“…and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee” Genesis 3:16,
and His solution for man’s failure in hearkening unto the voice of his wife over God’s:
“…cursed is the ground for thy sake…” Genesis 3:17.
We must understand that motive and intent and heart and desire have no good defense regarding our culpability in our crimes against God and his word. “Ignorance is no excuse” is a legal phrase that should cover a lot of things (Proverbs 7:6-8…). The lie that is so commonly believed today is that these “good motives”-- howevermuch confused-- trump our conduct: “It’s the thought that counts.” The problem is that while the though does in deed count, it’s always counted against us in our crimes! “You are under arrest, whatever you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.” A misunderstanding is actually cause of bad conduct, and so, our “good intentions” in ignorance of what we should have known are additional grounds for further punishment with the sentenced crime (Luke 19:42).
As I write this [May 6], the Muslim band called Boko Haram abducted some 200+ young girls from school, allegedly making some of them slave wives of their band and threatening to sell the others as slave wives for men in need - BBC Nigeria 5-6-2014 ( That sounds reasonable to them and they use their woman-controlling religion of Islam to support it. The crime is the abduction of girls, the additional grounds for punishment is their messed up thinking… “well intended” or not. Their declared intent is to keep girls uneducated as good and obedient wives.
We civilized Christian Westerners like to be appalled at such abominable mentality of 21st Century men regarding women, but I find most Christian men, even in America, struggle with the deep belief that their wives are technically supposed to be submissive to their every command without complaint because God made them the head. A significant degree of male frustration is how to live with the fact that it is inapplicable in today’s society. How is this thinking actually different from Boko Haram? What are we Christians missing here?
Does the Son of God-- the Head and Sun that we reflect in our present Church age-- treat us this way today? Sure, in the previous young-ages of the Old Testament, God ruled his wife with a stronger hand, in kind to the Genesis 3:16 solution, but where in scripture does it reveal that in our present age, our Lord Christ Jesus and Head to reflect, rules his bride-- good or bad-- with a rod of iron? It just doesn’t. So why do we naturally still want to rule her this OT way in this NT age? Do we not know of another way to lead? Is leading by force the only way? Is our Father actually Allah while we attempt to follow Christ? (John 8:43-46). Are we becoming the new Roman Catholic Church in the effort to maintain control of those under our jurisdiction while we claim their liberation from the law of Rome, i.e. God?
* * *
Why does the sun go down at night? It gives place for the moon to shine. What does this mean?
It means that the moon is an entity too, with her own sub-realm with its obligations and accountability to God, it has its own sphere of granted dominion in its time, and, while it indeed reflects the light of the sun, it does so in its own non-sun, sun way. The moon is not the sun’s stool pigeon, nor its replacement; rather, as a team member, it occupies his place on his behalf while the sun is away (Luke 19:13 in context). The moon does not even pretend to be the sun, though in effect it acts very much like the sun and we might even say it looks adorable in its soft effort of imitation… which, they say, is the purest form of admiration. The moon “mimics” the actions of the sun as well as its light, but again, it’s in a non-sun way. And that’s actually a good thing.
It would be wrong to criticize the moon for missing the sun’s schedule, or for acting constantly and dramatically unstable in its non-sun-like presentation of standing in for the sun, or even for failing to provide the same degree of light, which failure is so great that it can’t even make things grow or provide heat to the earth, none of which is found in its commanded purposes (Genesis 1:14-18, Matthew 5:16). How it conducts its designated duties before God is a matter for its own judgment or reward; it’s not the sun, and neither is it the sun’s job to micro-manage the moon’s creativity in its given function anymore than the nobleman in the above passage of Luke 19 micromanaged his servants whom he put in charge while he was away. It’s theirs to do now. The accounting simply comes in the day of reckoning as to the fruit/results of her/their doing, each according to their ability to use what they were given (Luke 19:15). We might have said of that parable’s age; “It’s a servants world now.”
Do you suppose that God was sore at the parable’s nobleman (Jesus) for not keeping them in line, or instructing them all on how to return a full potential? Why was the nobleman so willing to let them blow his money? Wasn’t he afraid that they would really mess things up if he wasn’t constantly directing them? I wonder if they had cell phones back then?
What are we men seriously still missing? We are missing the empowerment of our own wives!
So the world empowers them for us, which in truth is a psychological kidnapping in guise of rescue... that they like, even if they at first don’t think it’s a good idea (Genesis 3:2-3). Since the time that Movies began, they are filled with this concept, where the very rich and benevolent man gives his wife everything but personhood, then the non-wealthy, charming, earthy man, comes along and offers her just that. She tries to resist because she is a good wife, and she really does love her inattentive husband, but she just can’t help it once she smells the chocolate. She has a natural overpowering yearning to experience personhood. In the Typology of children we call this puberty.
The Age has been thrust upon us outside of our control, and if we don’t respond accordingly, we will loose our own wives and children and faith. The time of suppression to keep her in line is past. This is a new mature age, and it requires new and mature guidance in new and mature choices.
But while Satan thinks this intoxicating age is his design to his advantage, God has another purpose in mind!
Husband, Empower your wife!
[Go directly to Post 329 (].
Sunday, May 11, 2014
The Sixth Age - Self Governance
Post 325
Now that Rehab is finally over and you pack your 6th of 7 bags to depart, I invite you as friends, and teachers of the next generation, to come into the sitting room while you wait for your Messiah to come pick you up. The lessons are over, I am no longer making demands or stuffing your head with rules and obligations in the faith; this is the sitting room, grab some coffee and sit if you will, I have some very interesting thoughts for anyone interested while we wait. If not, feel free to wander the grounds, the course is over.
I am going to change up our Gender Typology and speak now of Men as we still comprehend that both genders are the bride in our relationship with Christ. Ladies, be alert, this is the sixth age of seven and you are now packing your sixth bag (Hebrews 4:11). Therefore expect that this conversation might be a snag “*” that will easily toss you from your praise-worthy, long endured, successfully completed, rehab course if you are not now keeping your eyes on the Lord of the 7th age of rest, as a way of life. This is not a retraction of all that we have learned, rather it is a sum (Hebrews 4:1-3), but, it will be very easily seen as a liberating retraction if we get a backward focus right at the end, and such a focus will cost you your reward after successfully completing the course (Genesis 19:26).
These opening statements may be metaphorical but it is quite pregnant with much deeper meaning, don’t just skip over it as a cute intro to meaty stuff. The king James Bible words the idea like this; “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches,” and, “(Whoso readeth, let him understand).”
The danger of changing genders in our discussion is that the male role is supposed to Type God, so in the perception of our manly failure of that Type it will be easy for “women” (our human mindframe) to transfer that failure to God and thereby justify the feminine error of self-will in the offered self-governance at the end of the course. If you expected men to comprehend their part in the feminine gender role discussion, now it’s your turn to exercise your comprehension and dig deeper for your own application in this one.
* * *
Regarding your perceptions of the male female relationship as it personally relates to your marriage, this is in fact a main topic of my concept in declaring this “a Woman’s World now.” I know that you are greatly concerned that if you let your wife govern herself, you will be out of a job, disobedient to Christ, as well as, she will end up in very great trouble without her shepherd. I know of no other way but to continue the writing and hope that it speaks to your specific needs, but in the; “I need real answers now” concerns, I feel your frustration with trying so hard to “interpret cryptic material”; “Why can’t he just speak plainly?” Right?
I spent years complaining to God that if he wanted us to learn what he wanted us to know, his message was too difficult to figure out: “I want desperately to know it, I am using all my heart and soul and mind to diligently understand it, because I really, really want to please and obey God as well as find success in his way, so why can’t I figure this out?”
The reason why is because this is not an intellectual problem.
“But I am an intellectual creature, I use intellect to figure things out, so what else am I supposed to be using?”
From their side of the same conflict, this is the very same difficulty our wives face with us as we try to be the head of the family and they can’t figure out what we expect from them, the only real variant between them and us is that they are trying to figure out how to be a good wife from their emotions, but it’s not an emotional problem.
“But we are emotional creatures, we use emotion to figure things out, so what else are we supposed to be using?”
We each tend to get frustrated with both ourselves and our Lord (God/husband), and ask; “Why is this so hard to figure out?”: Just as with you and your Lord, it’s not like your wife isn’t trying too.
What is your specific complaint against your wife? Is she a bad woman? Is she evil? Is she rebellious? Is she subversive? It helps to seriously ask yourself these questions, not to intellectually identify “her specific wickedness,” --which, in our self-validation, we can easily manipulate evidences to the wrong conclusions that match our pre-seated perspective--, but rather to understand our own complaint of unhappiness with the relationship. "What are we really complaining against?" as opposed to an emotional vague dissatisfaction that by its vagueness has no solution.
I venture to suggest that for us men it is our personal will; our pride, that is being challenged, resisted, or foiled by our wives' reactions, and this rubs us wrong, because; “I’M the man here!, God gave ME the role of leadership.” And of course we think we mean well in this; we are doing the very best we can to lead right. “And we could, if she would only follow like God commands her to,” right?
But are wives really a sub-species of human that don’t have personalities and thoughts and desires and ambitions and wills, that, like ours as we relate to God, feel suppressed and oppressed by our “biblical demand” that she give them up to our manly domination? Are they really created by God to be beautiful but mindless and in perpetual need of being told exactly what we want them to do at every moment of the day? Are women supposed to dump their humanity to marry a man and thereafter be his plastic doll? Are they soulless automatons to be so directed and used when, and as, man chooses to fulfill his “God-authorized” self-centered will? Did God really design women to be chattel property for men as if God is really only interested in men? Does God hate women? When God told man (Genesis 1:27) to subdue the earth and all that is in it, did that include women? Really, go read that for yourself to truly resolve the question in your own mind, I’ll wait. You can find it in Genesis 1-3. And then look for that “Dominate your wife” command through scripture.
Dominate your children? That’s scriptural, but your wife?… well, that’s more complex, but it’s all perfectly ordered in the progressive ages of the Grand Tapestry.
* * *
This has all been explained before:
At my suggestion that this is now a “Woman’s Word,” I get a lot of raised eyebrows as if I am preaching a new gospel. So how can you be sure I am not? Haven’t I shown you how to go back to the scriptures and look for the related Grand Typology as a major theme found through the entire word of God?
“So when have women as an entire gender ever been given the power of self-governance in scripture?”
Well, you mean besides when Eve chose to eat the fruit while in Adam’s presence, and then shared it with him who ate of his own free will too? Is that one too questionable for you? Maybe this or that happened, maybe it went this or that way to explain that this was just feminine rebellion. Right?
OK. Let’s pick a different one.
By understanding the prophetic mystery, and reading the context of Ezekiel 28 (example: v.13), we know that at least the prince of Tyrus is a title describing Satan as the Daniel 10 principality spirit that ruled the Dominion of Tyrus, (among others through time: Egypt and Babylon to name two), and the king of Tyrus was the man that Satan used as one of his many antichrists (I John 2:18) to do his bidding. And now we know why Christ is called a prince while men are called kings (Revelation 1:5): We are speaking of two different chains of authority in two different domains as they interrelate. God is King in heaven while he made Man king on earth. In the Second Coming, God sends his only begotten Prince to govern kings.
So, When God gave the (lower case “p”) prince Lucifer his power and glory above the others in his “p” class of night princes (Ezekiel 28:2,12,14-15, etc.), He designated him to rule over the night by his own right of granted authority. We are not speaking of night as evil at this point: In the time before his fall of pride, I postulate that his realm, the night, was not evil; it was good (Ezekiel 28:14-15), but the fall of his realm took place before the creation of our universe and so night became emblematic of darkness: Evil. When making distinctions, God does not call the darkness good, even as early as Genesis 1:3. This is because the darkness already existed before the Creation process (Genesis 1:2), the darkness was already evil, from which God drew out the Creation in a redemptive move (II Corinthians 4:6=Psalm 112:4, Isaiah 9:2+ Isaiah 45:7+Jeremiah 13:16=Ezekiel 32:8). Understand; Satan’s fall was not an accident but rather a pre-staging of conditions before God created man’s realm within it (Isaiah 45:7). One must start a fire before he can bake bread.
We are already off topic so contemplate this stuff another time, but be sure you do it with the Spirit of God or you will get way deep into trouble. This hidden biblical information is what Satan’s people are just now getting wind of and the world is exploding in a powerfully new doctrine based on the twisted understanding of chimerical scripture. You better know your scriptures and God’s perspective before you get it from Satan’s children of light!
OK, is that one still a bit too weighty for you to accept as biblical evidence that God gave the “submissive creation” the right and power to self-govern? Let’s do another one.
The Sun and the Moon:
When God made the moon to rule the night (Genesis 1:16-18), we know intellectually that the moon has virtually no light within itself; it simply reflects the light of the sun, which the world cannot see at the time the moon “gives her light.” So is the sun ruling the night? The scriptures tell us “No,” and emotion tells us “No,” but scientifically and intellectually we know the answer is “Yes.” Why is that?
Nobody of reason doubts that it is the light of the sun that sustains life. But for some odd reason God designed a system where the sun and the moon mutually share individual dominion over the earth in a very complex cosmic waltz. No intelligent person really thinks the moon has any light within itself as we look at her brightness, but do you suppose that the sun resents the moon for “stealing his glory” when her glory cycles alone in the night season? Did you ever wonder why the sun is always faithfully “the sun” but the moon is sometimes glorious and sometimes dark, and has many phases of her monthly moods that fall between? Why is it that the moon is the one which so dramatically affects the earth’s tides; first pulling the waters this way, then pulling them the opposite way, before pulling them back again as if she can’t make up her mind? Isn’t it because the moon is so much closer to the earth than is the sun? and isn’t that a good thing? Why does the moon always completely submit her glory when the sun is home at the same time as the moon?
Why is it that the woman is the one who stays home to raise the sea of children while the man is off at work sustaining the family? Why as a carpenter am I a “house builder” but a wife is a “home maker”? Why is the man designated by God to be the head of the family and the wife is commanded to be submissive to his rule? Why don’t the sun and the moon usually fight over who’s “will” dominates when? Does the sun really force his will over the moon, or does she rather glory in his light as she dances around the earth not fearing when on occasion his light is obstructed from view? And finally; If the sun “is all that,” why did God give the moon the glory of the sky at night in his equal mercy? (Psalm 136:8-9). Why does God hide the sun at all? I wonder if God just arbitrarily came up with the earth’s related cosmic cycles in a grand chaotic explosion of undirected randomness, or is there a Divine purpose to it all as if he very carefully engineered the cosmos with a specific plan in mind?
I wonder.
“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge” Psalm 19:1-2, (see also Jeremiah 31:35-36).
“It is he that sitteth upon the circle(orbit) of the earth…that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in… Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things (the starry princes), that bringeth out their host by number: he (God) calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth” Isaiah 40:22,26, (see also Psalm 147:4).
“There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory”
I Corinthians 15:41.
So now we identify the significant different authorities of the sun, the moon, and at least two-different “kinds” of star-glory. I am going to skip over the stars for the time being, but you should note that the Moon rules glorious and beautiful above all the stars at night, but, she nonetheless shares the night sky with the stars; i.e. the angelic princes.
Are you getting the idea that the scriptures are not at all silent on my proposal that here at the end of the 6th age it is time that the “woman” rules the night season as ordained by God, but that her rule is a very-complex, many-faceted, reflected-light, shared-domain with angelic forces of both good and evil?
* * *
Getting off topic, sort of:
In the desire to stay on track explaining the seven-age Grand Tapestry design (that has in effect eight ages of seven), and specifically now this 6th age of self-rule, I also see an urgent need to expound on this “sun and moon” theme as it relates to today’s Christian’s troubled marriages. This is all very much integrally tied together, which is my point of expounding on the Grand Tapestry, but each topic tends to run in it’s own direction so I am torn between which way to go with this. This sub-topic is very urgent today, so allow me to wrap up this 6th age Post in the effort to keep these interconnected topics as separate as possible for clarity sake, and perhaps we can explore the sub-topic of marriage in a Post all its own before continuing on with the 6th age concept in general.
* * *
The roles of the sun and moon in this waltz:
When God told man to love and cherish his wife as Christ does the church, I wonder if the sun might be our temporal Type to better understand our spiritual example. What more could the sun do to increase his display of affection for the moon yet remain faithful to his divine role in the cosmos and allow her to retain her designed role too?
If the sun submitted his light to the glory of the moon when they both occupy the sky at the same time-- if that were even possible-- what would happen to life on earth? It would freeze and die. And on the other side; what would happen if the sun never went away day and night? The world would burn up and become sterile (Psalm 19:4-6, Isaiah 40:7-8), so the sun goes away for a specific time and leaves the moon to reflect his light so the people have reprieve from the heat but do not stumble in the dark. I wonder.
What if in fear of being usurped and in pride of domination the sun refused to send his light for the moon to reflect at night while she ruled in her time? The world would be cast into darkness. Genesis 1:17 tells us that this is the very reason why the moon (and stars) shine at night; “to give light upon the earth.” When the harvest moon dramatically enters the room by rising in all her fantastic glory, we don’t have a problem praising it for her magnificent and special brilliance that delights us all just to look at her, this is an emotional response at her stunning beauty that really doesn’t need the sterile intellectual cold-water to remind us that what we see is really just a reflection from the sun, and at the moment of admiring her special glory, we are not offending the sun to praise the magnificence of the moon’s beauty. In fact, the thing that makes her so mesmerizing is that we can intently admire her textured beauty whereas we cannot gaze directly at the sun-- even for a second-- because he is just too brilliant. This concept is mind-bendingly deep when you think about it; “Her deferring diminished brilliance (humility) is perceptionally more beautiful even than the brilliance of the sun itself?” Sure; when a man and a woman are waltzing, who really notices the man? Yet who is stunned by the moon’s glory when she is dancing by herself in dark self-love and not reflecting the sun at all? (Luke 14:11, James 4:6-7, I Peter 5:5-7). It is undeniable that her glory-- as glorious as it is-- is only in her reflective light and how she goes about it in her many delightfully mysterious changing phases, but even technically reflective, it is still her glory (I Corinthians 11:13-15). Even the stars have their own light that reveals their consistent masculine nature like the sun, but not so the moon: without the sun she is just a dead rock to be ignored or exploited but not admired. Do you imagine the moon is offended at such an observation? I wonder.
* * *
Stay on Target:
To borrow an aeronautical phrase; We tend to “spin in and ball the whole thing up” when we loose sight of the grand scheme of things. We can spend so much time looking out the window enjoying the view that we forget to actually fly the plane, or we can literally spend so much focus studying the “dials” that we loose track of what the instruments are actually for: which is to help us keep the plane flying safely.
I fear that in my necessary exposition I may have done you a two-fold disservice that needs course correcting: Firstly, in filling my Posts with scriptural support for too long. Because-- while at first this prepares the seed to spawn faith-- after a time this just breeds intellectualism and not faith.
And secondly, in making the weed of unrestrained emotionalism seem so evil for the purpose of properly preparing the soil, it may breed the hatred of all plants in the misunderstanding of why we thoroughly till.
Our minds are wired to want information and our hearts want experience, and in harmonious combination we find ourselves with wonderful experiences having avoided the bad. But when, in the need to correct disharmony, we segregate these two elements for too long, we begin to conclude that either: theory is clean and safe, resenting experience as undesirably dirty and dangerous; or we tend to conclude that any experience is desirable, good or bad, resenting the regulation of instruction.
In continuing this present sub-topic of practical marital relationships, we must continue to pay attention to the instruments in order to maintain our designated heading of the main-topic, but in the going we must actually fly the plane of real life experience-- like turbulent air, an elevated perspective, changing scenery, course correction, pressure differentials, and such-- to actually find ourselves at the destination when the flight concludes on schedule (i.e. before we run out of gas). If you know the destination in principle but don’t know the specific course to get there, there is one thing for sure: you may have a good or a bad experience in the flight but you will not reach the destination and purpose for the adventure.
So as I come through the isles and pass out in-flight entertainment information to make your flight more enjoyable, don’t forget to stay on target: your marriage is only a Type of something else! There is a very important reason for charting the Grand Tapestry and it has everything to do with self-governance in proper perspective.
Now that Rehab is finally over and you pack your 6th of 7 bags to depart, I invite you as friends, and teachers of the next generation, to come into the sitting room while you wait for your Messiah to come pick you up. The lessons are over, I am no longer making demands or stuffing your head with rules and obligations in the faith; this is the sitting room, grab some coffee and sit if you will, I have some very interesting thoughts for anyone interested while we wait. If not, feel free to wander the grounds, the course is over.
I am going to change up our Gender Typology and speak now of Men as we still comprehend that both genders are the bride in our relationship with Christ. Ladies, be alert, this is the sixth age of seven and you are now packing your sixth bag (Hebrews 4:11). Therefore expect that this conversation might be a snag “*” that will easily toss you from your praise-worthy, long endured, successfully completed, rehab course if you are not now keeping your eyes on the Lord of the 7th age of rest, as a way of life. This is not a retraction of all that we have learned, rather it is a sum (Hebrews 4:1-3), but, it will be very easily seen as a liberating retraction if we get a backward focus right at the end, and such a focus will cost you your reward after successfully completing the course (Genesis 19:26).
These opening statements may be metaphorical but it is quite pregnant with much deeper meaning, don’t just skip over it as a cute intro to meaty stuff. The king James Bible words the idea like this; “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches,” and, “(Whoso readeth, let him understand).”
The danger of changing genders in our discussion is that the male role is supposed to Type God, so in the perception of our manly failure of that Type it will be easy for “women” (our human mindframe) to transfer that failure to God and thereby justify the feminine error of self-will in the offered self-governance at the end of the course. If you expected men to comprehend their part in the feminine gender role discussion, now it’s your turn to exercise your comprehension and dig deeper for your own application in this one.
* * *
Regarding your perceptions of the male female relationship as it personally relates to your marriage, this is in fact a main topic of my concept in declaring this “a Woman’s World now.” I know that you are greatly concerned that if you let your wife govern herself, you will be out of a job, disobedient to Christ, as well as, she will end up in very great trouble without her shepherd. I know of no other way but to continue the writing and hope that it speaks to your specific needs, but in the; “I need real answers now” concerns, I feel your frustration with trying so hard to “interpret cryptic material”; “Why can’t he just speak plainly?” Right?
I spent years complaining to God that if he wanted us to learn what he wanted us to know, his message was too difficult to figure out: “I want desperately to know it, I am using all my heart and soul and mind to diligently understand it, because I really, really want to please and obey God as well as find success in his way, so why can’t I figure this out?”
The reason why is because this is not an intellectual problem.
“But I am an intellectual creature, I use intellect to figure things out, so what else am I supposed to be using?”
From their side of the same conflict, this is the very same difficulty our wives face with us as we try to be the head of the family and they can’t figure out what we expect from them, the only real variant between them and us is that they are trying to figure out how to be a good wife from their emotions, but it’s not an emotional problem.
“But we are emotional creatures, we use emotion to figure things out, so what else are we supposed to be using?”
We each tend to get frustrated with both ourselves and our Lord (God/husband), and ask; “Why is this so hard to figure out?”: Just as with you and your Lord, it’s not like your wife isn’t trying too.
What is your specific complaint against your wife? Is she a bad woman? Is she evil? Is she rebellious? Is she subversive? It helps to seriously ask yourself these questions, not to intellectually identify “her specific wickedness,” --which, in our self-validation, we can easily manipulate evidences to the wrong conclusions that match our pre-seated perspective--, but rather to understand our own complaint of unhappiness with the relationship. "What are we really complaining against?" as opposed to an emotional vague dissatisfaction that by its vagueness has no solution.
I venture to suggest that for us men it is our personal will; our pride, that is being challenged, resisted, or foiled by our wives' reactions, and this rubs us wrong, because; “I’M the man here!, God gave ME the role of leadership.” And of course we think we mean well in this; we are doing the very best we can to lead right. “And we could, if she would only follow like God commands her to,” right?
But are wives really a sub-species of human that don’t have personalities and thoughts and desires and ambitions and wills, that, like ours as we relate to God, feel suppressed and oppressed by our “biblical demand” that she give them up to our manly domination? Are they really created by God to be beautiful but mindless and in perpetual need of being told exactly what we want them to do at every moment of the day? Are women supposed to dump their humanity to marry a man and thereafter be his plastic doll? Are they soulless automatons to be so directed and used when, and as, man chooses to fulfill his “God-authorized” self-centered will? Did God really design women to be chattel property for men as if God is really only interested in men? Does God hate women? When God told man (Genesis 1:27) to subdue the earth and all that is in it, did that include women? Really, go read that for yourself to truly resolve the question in your own mind, I’ll wait. You can find it in Genesis 1-3. And then look for that “Dominate your wife” command through scripture.
Dominate your children? That’s scriptural, but your wife?… well, that’s more complex, but it’s all perfectly ordered in the progressive ages of the Grand Tapestry.
* * *
This has all been explained before:
At my suggestion that this is now a “Woman’s Word,” I get a lot of raised eyebrows as if I am preaching a new gospel. So how can you be sure I am not? Haven’t I shown you how to go back to the scriptures and look for the related Grand Typology as a major theme found through the entire word of God?
“So when have women as an entire gender ever been given the power of self-governance in scripture?”
Well, you mean besides when Eve chose to eat the fruit while in Adam’s presence, and then shared it with him who ate of his own free will too? Is that one too questionable for you? Maybe this or that happened, maybe it went this or that way to explain that this was just feminine rebellion. Right?
OK. Let’s pick a different one.
By understanding the prophetic mystery, and reading the context of Ezekiel 28 (example: v.13), we know that at least the prince of Tyrus is a title describing Satan as the Daniel 10 principality spirit that ruled the Dominion of Tyrus, (among others through time: Egypt and Babylon to name two), and the king of Tyrus was the man that Satan used as one of his many antichrists (I John 2:18) to do his bidding. And now we know why Christ is called a prince while men are called kings (Revelation 1:5): We are speaking of two different chains of authority in two different domains as they interrelate. God is King in heaven while he made Man king on earth. In the Second Coming, God sends his only begotten Prince to govern kings.
So, When God gave the (lower case “p”) prince Lucifer his power and glory above the others in his “p” class of night princes (Ezekiel 28:2,12,14-15, etc.), He designated him to rule over the night by his own right of granted authority. We are not speaking of night as evil at this point: In the time before his fall of pride, I postulate that his realm, the night, was not evil; it was good (Ezekiel 28:14-15), but the fall of his realm took place before the creation of our universe and so night became emblematic of darkness: Evil. When making distinctions, God does not call the darkness good, even as early as Genesis 1:3. This is because the darkness already existed before the Creation process (Genesis 1:2), the darkness was already evil, from which God drew out the Creation in a redemptive move (II Corinthians 4:6=Psalm 112:4, Isaiah 9:2+ Isaiah 45:7+Jeremiah 13:16=Ezekiel 32:8). Understand; Satan’s fall was not an accident but rather a pre-staging of conditions before God created man’s realm within it (Isaiah 45:7). One must start a fire before he can bake bread.
We are already off topic so contemplate this stuff another time, but be sure you do it with the Spirit of God or you will get way deep into trouble. This hidden biblical information is what Satan’s people are just now getting wind of and the world is exploding in a powerfully new doctrine based on the twisted understanding of chimerical scripture. You better know your scriptures and God’s perspective before you get it from Satan’s children of light!
OK, is that one still a bit too weighty for you to accept as biblical evidence that God gave the “submissive creation” the right and power to self-govern? Let’s do another one.
The Sun and the Moon:
When God made the moon to rule the night (Genesis 1:16-18), we know intellectually that the moon has virtually no light within itself; it simply reflects the light of the sun, which the world cannot see at the time the moon “gives her light.” So is the sun ruling the night? The scriptures tell us “No,” and emotion tells us “No,” but scientifically and intellectually we know the answer is “Yes.” Why is that?
Nobody of reason doubts that it is the light of the sun that sustains life. But for some odd reason God designed a system where the sun and the moon mutually share individual dominion over the earth in a very complex cosmic waltz. No intelligent person really thinks the moon has any light within itself as we look at her brightness, but do you suppose that the sun resents the moon for “stealing his glory” when her glory cycles alone in the night season? Did you ever wonder why the sun is always faithfully “the sun” but the moon is sometimes glorious and sometimes dark, and has many phases of her monthly moods that fall between? Why is it that the moon is the one which so dramatically affects the earth’s tides; first pulling the waters this way, then pulling them the opposite way, before pulling them back again as if she can’t make up her mind? Isn’t it because the moon is so much closer to the earth than is the sun? and isn’t that a good thing? Why does the moon always completely submit her glory when the sun is home at the same time as the moon?
Why is it that the woman is the one who stays home to raise the sea of children while the man is off at work sustaining the family? Why as a carpenter am I a “house builder” but a wife is a “home maker”? Why is the man designated by God to be the head of the family and the wife is commanded to be submissive to his rule? Why don’t the sun and the moon usually fight over who’s “will” dominates when? Does the sun really force his will over the moon, or does she rather glory in his light as she dances around the earth not fearing when on occasion his light is obstructed from view? And finally; If the sun “is all that,” why did God give the moon the glory of the sky at night in his equal mercy? (Psalm 136:8-9). Why does God hide the sun at all? I wonder if God just arbitrarily came up with the earth’s related cosmic cycles in a grand chaotic explosion of undirected randomness, or is there a Divine purpose to it all as if he very carefully engineered the cosmos with a specific plan in mind?
I wonder.
“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge” Psalm 19:1-2, (see also Jeremiah 31:35-36).
“It is he that sitteth upon the circle(orbit) of the earth…that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in… Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things (the starry princes), that bringeth out their host by number: he (God) calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth” Isaiah 40:22,26, (see also Psalm 147:4).
“There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory”
I Corinthians 15:41.
So now we identify the significant different authorities of the sun, the moon, and at least two-different “kinds” of star-glory. I am going to skip over the stars for the time being, but you should note that the Moon rules glorious and beautiful above all the stars at night, but, she nonetheless shares the night sky with the stars; i.e. the angelic princes.
Are you getting the idea that the scriptures are not at all silent on my proposal that here at the end of the 6th age it is time that the “woman” rules the night season as ordained by God, but that her rule is a very-complex, many-faceted, reflected-light, shared-domain with angelic forces of both good and evil?
* * *
Getting off topic, sort of:
In the desire to stay on track explaining the seven-age Grand Tapestry design (that has in effect eight ages of seven), and specifically now this 6th age of self-rule, I also see an urgent need to expound on this “sun and moon” theme as it relates to today’s Christian’s troubled marriages. This is all very much integrally tied together, which is my point of expounding on the Grand Tapestry, but each topic tends to run in it’s own direction so I am torn between which way to go with this. This sub-topic is very urgent today, so allow me to wrap up this 6th age Post in the effort to keep these interconnected topics as separate as possible for clarity sake, and perhaps we can explore the sub-topic of marriage in a Post all its own before continuing on with the 6th age concept in general.
* * *
The roles of the sun and moon in this waltz:
When God told man to love and cherish his wife as Christ does the church, I wonder if the sun might be our temporal Type to better understand our spiritual example. What more could the sun do to increase his display of affection for the moon yet remain faithful to his divine role in the cosmos and allow her to retain her designed role too?
If the sun submitted his light to the glory of the moon when they both occupy the sky at the same time-- if that were even possible-- what would happen to life on earth? It would freeze and die. And on the other side; what would happen if the sun never went away day and night? The world would burn up and become sterile (Psalm 19:4-6, Isaiah 40:7-8), so the sun goes away for a specific time and leaves the moon to reflect his light so the people have reprieve from the heat but do not stumble in the dark. I wonder.
What if in fear of being usurped and in pride of domination the sun refused to send his light for the moon to reflect at night while she ruled in her time? The world would be cast into darkness. Genesis 1:17 tells us that this is the very reason why the moon (and stars) shine at night; “to give light upon the earth.” When the harvest moon dramatically enters the room by rising in all her fantastic glory, we don’t have a problem praising it for her magnificent and special brilliance that delights us all just to look at her, this is an emotional response at her stunning beauty that really doesn’t need the sterile intellectual cold-water to remind us that what we see is really just a reflection from the sun, and at the moment of admiring her special glory, we are not offending the sun to praise the magnificence of the moon’s beauty. In fact, the thing that makes her so mesmerizing is that we can intently admire her textured beauty whereas we cannot gaze directly at the sun-- even for a second-- because he is just too brilliant. This concept is mind-bendingly deep when you think about it; “Her deferring diminished brilliance (humility) is perceptionally more beautiful even than the brilliance of the sun itself?” Sure; when a man and a woman are waltzing, who really notices the man? Yet who is stunned by the moon’s glory when she is dancing by herself in dark self-love and not reflecting the sun at all? (Luke 14:11, James 4:6-7, I Peter 5:5-7). It is undeniable that her glory-- as glorious as it is-- is only in her reflective light and how she goes about it in her many delightfully mysterious changing phases, but even technically reflective, it is still her glory (I Corinthians 11:13-15). Even the stars have their own light that reveals their consistent masculine nature like the sun, but not so the moon: without the sun she is just a dead rock to be ignored or exploited but not admired. Do you imagine the moon is offended at such an observation? I wonder.
* * *
Stay on Target:
To borrow an aeronautical phrase; We tend to “spin in and ball the whole thing up” when we loose sight of the grand scheme of things. We can spend so much time looking out the window enjoying the view that we forget to actually fly the plane, or we can literally spend so much focus studying the “dials” that we loose track of what the instruments are actually for: which is to help us keep the plane flying safely.
I fear that in my necessary exposition I may have done you a two-fold disservice that needs course correcting: Firstly, in filling my Posts with scriptural support for too long. Because-- while at first this prepares the seed to spawn faith-- after a time this just breeds intellectualism and not faith.
And secondly, in making the weed of unrestrained emotionalism seem so evil for the purpose of properly preparing the soil, it may breed the hatred of all plants in the misunderstanding of why we thoroughly till.
Our minds are wired to want information and our hearts want experience, and in harmonious combination we find ourselves with wonderful experiences having avoided the bad. But when, in the need to correct disharmony, we segregate these two elements for too long, we begin to conclude that either: theory is clean and safe, resenting experience as undesirably dirty and dangerous; or we tend to conclude that any experience is desirable, good or bad, resenting the regulation of instruction.
In continuing this present sub-topic of practical marital relationships, we must continue to pay attention to the instruments in order to maintain our designated heading of the main-topic, but in the going we must actually fly the plane of real life experience-- like turbulent air, an elevated perspective, changing scenery, course correction, pressure differentials, and such-- to actually find ourselves at the destination when the flight concludes on schedule (i.e. before we run out of gas). If you know the destination in principle but don’t know the specific course to get there, there is one thing for sure: you may have a good or a bad experience in the flight but you will not reach the destination and purpose for the adventure.
So as I come through the isles and pass out in-flight entertainment information to make your flight more enjoyable, don’t forget to stay on target: your marriage is only a Type of something else! There is a very important reason for charting the Grand Tapestry and it has everything to do with self-governance in proper perspective.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Keeping a Schedule
Post 324
Have you every wondered why Adam sinned back at the beginning of human history, yet God waited thousands of years, one global cleansing event, and more than one trip into bondage, before He sent the Redeemer to save us from our sin? The scriptures make very clear that Jesus came, and died, on an exact schedule of the Father, whose schedule includes a larger frame of view. Let’s make a quick overview paying specific attention to God’s specific schedule in the beginning parts (i.e. the first 7000 years) of that larger frame:
“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so (temporal schedule).
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness (spiritual schedule): and God saw that it was good” Genesis 1:14-18.
I propose that the sun is Christ of the day, the moon (Allah) is Lucifer of the night-- who was created to simply reflects the glory of the Son but has corrupted that reflection for his own pseudo-light purposes (Ezekiel 28:11-15…)--, the stars are the angels of principalities in high places (Judges 5:20, Revelation 1:20, Ephesians 6:12, [+3:9-11; hinting at the later part of the framework we are not here exploring]). This creation began the clock’s calendar of a very specific schedule (Isaiah 46:9-10).
God said: “But in the fourth generation they (God’s Covenant people of promise) shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full” Genesis 15:16.
“In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem” Daniel 9:2.
“Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow…” I Peter 1:10-11…
“Seventy weeks are determined… Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks…and after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off…” Daniel 9:24-26…
“Now Elisabeth’s full time came that she should be delivered; and she brought forth a son” Luke 1:57.
“Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come” John 2:4.
“Then Jesus said unto them, My time is not yet come…I go not up yet unto this feast; for my time is not yet full come” John 7:6,8.
“But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them…But now I go my way to him that sent me…” John 16:4,5.
“and it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up (see Daniel 25-26 above), he (Jesus) steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem, and he sent messengers before his face…” Luke 9:51-52.
“And when he (Jesus) was come near, he beheld the city (Jerusalem), and wept over it, saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes…” Luke 19:41-42…
“Behold, your house is left unto you desolate (*1): and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord” Luke 13:35.
“…O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the sighs of the times?” Matthew 16:3.
“And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up” Daniel 8:23.
“O LORD, though our iniquities testify against us, do thou it for thy name’s sake: for our backslidings are many; we have sinned against thee. O the hope of Israel, the saviour thereof in time of trouble, why shouldest thou be a stranger in the land, and as a wayfaring man that turneth aside to tarry for a night? Why shouldest thou be as a man astonied, as a mighty man that cannot save? Yet thou, O LORD, art in the midst of us, and we are called by thy name; leave us not” Jeremiah 14:7-9, (not quite the same thing as required in the above Luke 13:35 declaration; they must recognize their Messiah, and will do so when he comes again. They ask “Why?” this is why).
“And at the second time Joseph was made known to his brethren; and Joseph’s kindred was made known unto Pharaoh. Then sent Joseph, and called his father Jacob to him, and all his kindred…” Acts 7:13-14.
“And he (Messiah Jesus) shall send his angels (before him) with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other” Matthew 24:31.
…“And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark: but it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light” Zechariah 14:…6, (the age of moral confusion before the later end in the coming light).
“For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day” Luke 17:24.
“If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin” I John 1:6-7.
“And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain…” Revelation 16:10…
“Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other” Matthew 24:29-31.
“For Zion’s sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth. And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name…” Isaiah 62:1-2…
“And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it…” Revelation 21:23-24.
“Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts…” I Corinthians 4:5.
These are merely a scattering of the many more scriptures that explain God’s Grand Tapestry timeline and reveal that he has a very specific schedule to keep.
* * *
Am I confusing you?
What I am finding difficult to work within is the need to use information via intellect to teach you How to think, when you have been raised in a culture that teaches you What to think, using the same tools. If my motive was to feed you raw data for your consumption (John 6:34) I could have made my writing much shorter, which length is what several readers are now complaining about-- and in fact readers have complained from way back where I lost them in my early writings as “interesting but not coming to a point” soon enough. My purpose is not to feed you information for you to store up so that you can be “intellectually smarter than the next guy” regarding the things of God, I am attempting to feed you what you need in the effort to help you learn to think for yourself, via the motive of the Spirit of God that can teach you far more than anything I can feed you-- voluminous as it is (John 21:25).
If you read the above “random” verses and scratch your head asking, “How does he put all these together in this order? Isn’t this mashing context to arrive at the conclusion he wants?” I do no damage to the integrity of scripture, but your lack of understanding is because you only want me to feed you specific linear data that results in a pre-packaged easy answer that you can know without doing any personal work, it’s like using the cheat codes to play a video game for the glory of having won, without doing the rewarding work that the game was made for you to experience. This “free ride” mentality is not how God works (Exodus 31:17), nor is it how God wants you to work (Exodus 23:12). You are no longer children. You are not slaves. Therefore you must stop thinking like slaves and children wanting to be blindly fed and led, yet as adults, expect to be fed what you want to eat and led where you want to go (I Corinthians 13:9-12, Matthew 11:16-19). This new “law-lessness” of God’s self-regulation in liberty is unspeakably liberating in our exploration, but at the same time is unspeakably dangerous because it sounds so much like lawlessness! which by nature we gravitate toward.
History shows that the Law-- which all humanity today, whether; Christians or Jews, Catholics or Muslims, Pagans or Atheists-- is something that is very unique in human history. From Adam to Moses there was no Law, and from Christ to Pseudo-Christ there isn’t either. The Law was given for a very short period of time and its purpose was for the Rehabilitation Program we discovered in The Uncommon Christian Walk section of Posts. Humanity was not created to be on drugs, but once hooked, humanity needed a rehab program. Rehab programs are supposed to be intense and relatively short lived, where the outcome is not a life in rehab but freedom from drugs.
Why did God wait so many thousands of years of lawlessness before sending the Messiah? It’s because the Messiah was sent to deliver us from the law, and the law didn’t come for thousands of years. The messiah delivered us from rehab to live a liberated life with him!
So does that make rehab the enemy from which we need deliverance? Of course not! (Romans 7:12-13), But once the program has run its course it’s time to move from the Sabbath Rest that ends your previous pitiful life, to the new First Day of the rest of your drug-free life where rehab has no purpose.
But now, without the law of rehab to keep you under control, will you return to your former ways? Mystery Babylon -- the whore Jerusalem-- will (*1). This is the danger of liberty; it liberates whatever is in your heart. But this is the greatness of liberty-- it frees your heart to limitless heights! Liberty simply reveals what’s in the heart, (Post 233 “Legalism or Anarchy, or is there something else?”
"Is the whore of Catholicism actually Christianity?" It is, as much as the first-generation Hebrews were the promised people (Numbers 14:20-23) as Typed by Abraham's firstborn child (Genesis 17:20-21).
"So where exactly is the Matthew 8:12 outer darkness?" For those on the proper side of the Jordan it really doesn’t matter. But the outer darkness is in the Jeremiah 25:24-- 6153 mingled people-- 6152=6148=6153 Arab desert country on the wrong side of the Jordan where the light of the Lord does not shine, literally: (Revelation 22:5+14-15, Zechariah 14:17), (*2).
"So, Are they in Hell (Post 247)?"( If we are defining Hell as the lake of fire, then, No, but it sure isn’t in the kingdom of heaven! I anticipate expounding more on this concept in A Highway For Our God, which delves into both the 7th and the 8th age.
Yes, I have been your Rehab School Master helping you to learn to live a drug free life, and showing you all the things of life that are so much better than an existence in a drugged stupor. But now it’s time for you to go live it not in theory but in reality, and that’s scary for you; “What if…?” Yes, that is a very real concern to guard.
But what’s actually more scary for me is if you come out of rehab, drug-free and powerfully liberated, ready to explore life with vigor, but because of your new power find no need to have a relationship with him who empowered you.
I have been wandering the restricting halls in this rehab program like a Hall Monitor handing out pink slips, and here at the last I have been very hard on you for any relapse desires and illegal substances found on your body, and in my authority I have rebuked you and taken them away. But I won’t be following you around in your life, except in your soul (i.e. mind, will, and emotions; Matthew 22:37,Deuteronomy 6:5), and how you review those interactions will be a result of your spirit (Romans 8:27, Hebrews 8:10, 10:14-17, James 4:7-8): If your spirit loves God then my instruction will be a comfort of support in your times of temptation, but if your spirit resists God my mentoring in your mind will be despised as a tyrant keeping you from what your heart wants. I am in effect the professor teaching you the law, but what I have used the law to do is to teach you how to use your knowledge of the law to advantage in your righteous liberty.
Jesus Christ, the Messiah, came to collect you from rehab, not to wander alone but to be his bride. You are clean now, go be perfect, walk with God:
“Now ye are clean through the word which I (Jesus) have spoken unto you. Abide in me…” John 15:3-4.
“For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto God” Hebrews 7:19.
“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing. Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample” Philippians 3:14-17.
“Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen” Hebrews 13:20-21.
* * * * * * *
(*1) Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon?
Regarding this desolation; the ultimate prophetic key to Mystery Babylon is found in Matthew 23:35=Revelation 17:6,18:24. So is Jerusalem Mystery Babylon?
Yes and no.
We get our cipher of interpretation from the same strange descriptions of the Beast. This Pseudo-Christ is called the Assyrian (Isaiah 10:24), the king of Babylon (Isaiah 14:4-10), the king of Egypt (Ezekiel 31), The king of Tyrus (Ezekiel 28:12-19), the king of the North and the king of the South (Daniel 11), and many other seemingly contradictory terms.
This confusion is reconciled when we understand that this Pseudo-Christ singular entity is manifested though history in different ruling men. We are talking about a spirit that occupies different men at different times, who will conclude his activity in the future man we call Anti-Christ (I John 2:18), and in the very next verse (v.19) we learn that "they went out from us,” this makes it very complex.
And so it is with Mystery Babylon. She is fallen America, she is whorish Jerusalem, she is the Christian Catholic Church of Rome, she is Babylon past-- who knew God but then didn’t glorify God (Romans 1:21=Daniel 2:47+3:1), but she will conclude her activity in the future that we call Mystery Babylon (Revelation 17:1-6). God has made extra effort to describe Jerusalem as a whore of the most vile nature; far worse even than the capitol of the northern tribe of God’s people who were a people of the promise but not of the covenant if you will; Samaria (Ezekiel 23:4+11).
The spirit of Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon, the whore bride. This is profound! But divided from that whorish city of God will be the tiny bride redeemed (Ezekiel 5:2-9 focused on vv.3-4) in memory of Numbers 31:23.
(*2) Mingled Arab People:
Post 263 “Seed of Angels” ( Preparing The Way Of The Lord pp.205-207,
Post 268 “The Waters of Clay” ( Preparing The Way Of The Lord p. 316,
Understanding that these mingled people are also Abraham’s children mingled physically, and so not of promise, we can comprehend that they are simply the Type of the spiritual mingled people, also Abraham’s children mingled spiritually, and so not of covenant (marriage).
The seed of Abraham has been often “mixed with the wrong woman” to result in the spiritually mingled people bearing God’s name. Having God’s promise of blessing too, because they are his people, these wayward people are extremely powerful in their mingled ways.
These last days mingled people of infectious desolation are the powerful but non-promised seed of God that Satan is looking to mix with to achieve his goals. Mystery Babylon, like Catholicism, will not be distinguishable from God’s true people, by anyone but God’s true people-- who marvel that nobody can see this.
FINALLY, we come to answer the question asked in Post 261 “Fair Daughters” ( Preparing The Way Of The Lord p. 281, as we discussed “The Days of Noah” (Post 259 in our attempt to discover the “When” of our Lord’s return;
“Why did the fallen angels find these daughters of men ‘fair’ at this particular point in time; were women not intoxicatingly beautiful before then?”
It’s the power of their young feminine liberation in the heart of a virgin whore, that makes them intoxicating to both men and angels. It’s the knowledge-of-good-and-evil fruit eater now reaching for the fruit from the tree of life (Genesis 3:22). It is in effect, Science and Spirit combined as a new empowerment to previously unreachable heights. It’s a woman who cannot blush (Ezra 9:6 vs. Jeremiah 6:15,8:12), not because she cares nothing for guilt, but rather by declaring that there is no cause to blush since Jesus made that Old “T” law obsolete;
“Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin somemore” John 8:11-- just slightly altered by the “new” gospel of a dirty grace Christ Jesus in “artistic license that stayed surprisingly accurate to the original text for authenticity” (Galatians 1:6-7).
It pretty much sounds like the Days of Noah are back! Which means…(Matthew 24:37).
Have you every wondered why Adam sinned back at the beginning of human history, yet God waited thousands of years, one global cleansing event, and more than one trip into bondage, before He sent the Redeemer to save us from our sin? The scriptures make very clear that Jesus came, and died, on an exact schedule of the Father, whose schedule includes a larger frame of view. Let’s make a quick overview paying specific attention to God’s specific schedule in the beginning parts (i.e. the first 7000 years) of that larger frame:
“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so (temporal schedule).
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness (spiritual schedule): and God saw that it was good” Genesis 1:14-18.
I propose that the sun is Christ of the day, the moon (Allah) is Lucifer of the night-- who was created to simply reflects the glory of the Son but has corrupted that reflection for his own pseudo-light purposes (Ezekiel 28:11-15…)--, the stars are the angels of principalities in high places (Judges 5:20, Revelation 1:20, Ephesians 6:12, [+3:9-11; hinting at the later part of the framework we are not here exploring]). This creation began the clock’s calendar of a very specific schedule (Isaiah 46:9-10).
God said: “But in the fourth generation they (God’s Covenant people of promise) shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full” Genesis 15:16.
“In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem” Daniel 9:2.
“Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow…” I Peter 1:10-11…
“Seventy weeks are determined… Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks…and after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off…” Daniel 9:24-26…
“Now Elisabeth’s full time came that she should be delivered; and she brought forth a son” Luke 1:57.
“Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come” John 2:4.
“Then Jesus said unto them, My time is not yet come…I go not up yet unto this feast; for my time is not yet full come” John 7:6,8.
“But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them…But now I go my way to him that sent me…” John 16:4,5.
“and it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up (see Daniel 25-26 above), he (Jesus) steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem, and he sent messengers before his face…” Luke 9:51-52.
“And when he (Jesus) was come near, he beheld the city (Jerusalem), and wept over it, saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes…” Luke 19:41-42…
“Behold, your house is left unto you desolate (*1): and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord” Luke 13:35.
“…O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the sighs of the times?” Matthew 16:3.
“And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up” Daniel 8:23.
“O LORD, though our iniquities testify against us, do thou it for thy name’s sake: for our backslidings are many; we have sinned against thee. O the hope of Israel, the saviour thereof in time of trouble, why shouldest thou be a stranger in the land, and as a wayfaring man that turneth aside to tarry for a night? Why shouldest thou be as a man astonied, as a mighty man that cannot save? Yet thou, O LORD, art in the midst of us, and we are called by thy name; leave us not” Jeremiah 14:7-9, (not quite the same thing as required in the above Luke 13:35 declaration; they must recognize their Messiah, and will do so when he comes again. They ask “Why?” this is why).
“And at the second time Joseph was made known to his brethren; and Joseph’s kindred was made known unto Pharaoh. Then sent Joseph, and called his father Jacob to him, and all his kindred…” Acts 7:13-14.
“And he (Messiah Jesus) shall send his angels (before him) with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other” Matthew 24:31.
…“And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark: but it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light” Zechariah 14:…6, (the age of moral confusion before the later end in the coming light).
“For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day” Luke 17:24.
“If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin” I John 1:6-7.
“And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain…” Revelation 16:10…
“Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other” Matthew 24:29-31.
“For Zion’s sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth. And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name…” Isaiah 62:1-2…
“And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it…” Revelation 21:23-24.
“Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts…” I Corinthians 4:5.
These are merely a scattering of the many more scriptures that explain God’s Grand Tapestry timeline and reveal that he has a very specific schedule to keep.
* * *
Am I confusing you?
What I am finding difficult to work within is the need to use information via intellect to teach you How to think, when you have been raised in a culture that teaches you What to think, using the same tools. If my motive was to feed you raw data for your consumption (John 6:34) I could have made my writing much shorter, which length is what several readers are now complaining about-- and in fact readers have complained from way back where I lost them in my early writings as “interesting but not coming to a point” soon enough. My purpose is not to feed you information for you to store up so that you can be “intellectually smarter than the next guy” regarding the things of God, I am attempting to feed you what you need in the effort to help you learn to think for yourself, via the motive of the Spirit of God that can teach you far more than anything I can feed you-- voluminous as it is (John 21:25).
If you read the above “random” verses and scratch your head asking, “How does he put all these together in this order? Isn’t this mashing context to arrive at the conclusion he wants?” I do no damage to the integrity of scripture, but your lack of understanding is because you only want me to feed you specific linear data that results in a pre-packaged easy answer that you can know without doing any personal work, it’s like using the cheat codes to play a video game for the glory of having won, without doing the rewarding work that the game was made for you to experience. This “free ride” mentality is not how God works (Exodus 31:17), nor is it how God wants you to work (Exodus 23:12). You are no longer children. You are not slaves. Therefore you must stop thinking like slaves and children wanting to be blindly fed and led, yet as adults, expect to be fed what you want to eat and led where you want to go (I Corinthians 13:9-12, Matthew 11:16-19). This new “law-lessness” of God’s self-regulation in liberty is unspeakably liberating in our exploration, but at the same time is unspeakably dangerous because it sounds so much like lawlessness! which by nature we gravitate toward.
History shows that the Law-- which all humanity today, whether; Christians or Jews, Catholics or Muslims, Pagans or Atheists-- is something that is very unique in human history. From Adam to Moses there was no Law, and from Christ to Pseudo-Christ there isn’t either. The Law was given for a very short period of time and its purpose was for the Rehabilitation Program we discovered in The Uncommon Christian Walk section of Posts. Humanity was not created to be on drugs, but once hooked, humanity needed a rehab program. Rehab programs are supposed to be intense and relatively short lived, where the outcome is not a life in rehab but freedom from drugs.
Why did God wait so many thousands of years of lawlessness before sending the Messiah? It’s because the Messiah was sent to deliver us from the law, and the law didn’t come for thousands of years. The messiah delivered us from rehab to live a liberated life with him!
So does that make rehab the enemy from which we need deliverance? Of course not! (Romans 7:12-13), But once the program has run its course it’s time to move from the Sabbath Rest that ends your previous pitiful life, to the new First Day of the rest of your drug-free life where rehab has no purpose.
But now, without the law of rehab to keep you under control, will you return to your former ways? Mystery Babylon -- the whore Jerusalem-- will (*1). This is the danger of liberty; it liberates whatever is in your heart. But this is the greatness of liberty-- it frees your heart to limitless heights! Liberty simply reveals what’s in the heart, (Post 233 “Legalism or Anarchy, or is there something else?”
"Is the whore of Catholicism actually Christianity?" It is, as much as the first-generation Hebrews were the promised people (Numbers 14:20-23) as Typed by Abraham's firstborn child (Genesis 17:20-21).
"So where exactly is the Matthew 8:12 outer darkness?" For those on the proper side of the Jordan it really doesn’t matter. But the outer darkness is in the Jeremiah 25:24-- 6153 mingled people-- 6152=6148=6153 Arab desert country on the wrong side of the Jordan where the light of the Lord does not shine, literally: (Revelation 22:5+14-15, Zechariah 14:17), (*2).
"So, Are they in Hell (Post 247)?"( If we are defining Hell as the lake of fire, then, No, but it sure isn’t in the kingdom of heaven! I anticipate expounding more on this concept in A Highway For Our God, which delves into both the 7th and the 8th age.
Yes, I have been your Rehab School Master helping you to learn to live a drug free life, and showing you all the things of life that are so much better than an existence in a drugged stupor. But now it’s time for you to go live it not in theory but in reality, and that’s scary for you; “What if…?” Yes, that is a very real concern to guard.
But what’s actually more scary for me is if you come out of rehab, drug-free and powerfully liberated, ready to explore life with vigor, but because of your new power find no need to have a relationship with him who empowered you.
I have been wandering the restricting halls in this rehab program like a Hall Monitor handing out pink slips, and here at the last I have been very hard on you for any relapse desires and illegal substances found on your body, and in my authority I have rebuked you and taken them away. But I won’t be following you around in your life, except in your soul (i.e. mind, will, and emotions; Matthew 22:37,Deuteronomy 6:5), and how you review those interactions will be a result of your spirit (Romans 8:27, Hebrews 8:10, 10:14-17, James 4:7-8): If your spirit loves God then my instruction will be a comfort of support in your times of temptation, but if your spirit resists God my mentoring in your mind will be despised as a tyrant keeping you from what your heart wants. I am in effect the professor teaching you the law, but what I have used the law to do is to teach you how to use your knowledge of the law to advantage in your righteous liberty.
Jesus Christ, the Messiah, came to collect you from rehab, not to wander alone but to be his bride. You are clean now, go be perfect, walk with God:
“Now ye are clean through the word which I (Jesus) have spoken unto you. Abide in me…” John 15:3-4.
“For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto God” Hebrews 7:19.
“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing. Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample” Philippians 3:14-17.
“Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen” Hebrews 13:20-21.
* * * * * * *
(*1) Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon?
Regarding this desolation; the ultimate prophetic key to Mystery Babylon is found in Matthew 23:35=Revelation 17:6,18:24. So is Jerusalem Mystery Babylon?
Yes and no.
We get our cipher of interpretation from the same strange descriptions of the Beast. This Pseudo-Christ is called the Assyrian (Isaiah 10:24), the king of Babylon (Isaiah 14:4-10), the king of Egypt (Ezekiel 31), The king of Tyrus (Ezekiel 28:12-19), the king of the North and the king of the South (Daniel 11), and many other seemingly contradictory terms.
This confusion is reconciled when we understand that this Pseudo-Christ singular entity is manifested though history in different ruling men. We are talking about a spirit that occupies different men at different times, who will conclude his activity in the future man we call Anti-Christ (I John 2:18), and in the very next verse (v.19) we learn that "they went out from us,” this makes it very complex.
And so it is with Mystery Babylon. She is fallen America, she is whorish Jerusalem, she is the Christian Catholic Church of Rome, she is Babylon past-- who knew God but then didn’t glorify God (Romans 1:21=Daniel 2:47+3:1), but she will conclude her activity in the future that we call Mystery Babylon (Revelation 17:1-6). God has made extra effort to describe Jerusalem as a whore of the most vile nature; far worse even than the capitol of the northern tribe of God’s people who were a people of the promise but not of the covenant if you will; Samaria (Ezekiel 23:4+11).
The spirit of Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon, the whore bride. This is profound! But divided from that whorish city of God will be the tiny bride redeemed (Ezekiel 5:2-9 focused on vv.3-4) in memory of Numbers 31:23.
(*2) Mingled Arab People:
Post 263 “Seed of Angels” ( Preparing The Way Of The Lord pp.205-207,
Post 268 “The Waters of Clay” ( Preparing The Way Of The Lord p. 316,
Understanding that these mingled people are also Abraham’s children mingled physically, and so not of promise, we can comprehend that they are simply the Type of the spiritual mingled people, also Abraham’s children mingled spiritually, and so not of covenant (marriage).
The seed of Abraham has been often “mixed with the wrong woman” to result in the spiritually mingled people bearing God’s name. Having God’s promise of blessing too, because they are his people, these wayward people are extremely powerful in their mingled ways.
These last days mingled people of infectious desolation are the powerful but non-promised seed of God that Satan is looking to mix with to achieve his goals. Mystery Babylon, like Catholicism, will not be distinguishable from God’s true people, by anyone but God’s true people-- who marvel that nobody can see this.
FINALLY, we come to answer the question asked in Post 261 “Fair Daughters” ( Preparing The Way Of The Lord p. 281, as we discussed “The Days of Noah” (Post 259 in our attempt to discover the “When” of our Lord’s return;
“Why did the fallen angels find these daughters of men ‘fair’ at this particular point in time; were women not intoxicatingly beautiful before then?”
It’s the power of their young feminine liberation in the heart of a virgin whore, that makes them intoxicating to both men and angels. It’s the knowledge-of-good-and-evil fruit eater now reaching for the fruit from the tree of life (Genesis 3:22). It is in effect, Science and Spirit combined as a new empowerment to previously unreachable heights. It’s a woman who cannot blush (Ezra 9:6 vs. Jeremiah 6:15,8:12), not because she cares nothing for guilt, but rather by declaring that there is no cause to blush since Jesus made that Old “T” law obsolete;
“Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin somemore” John 8:11-- just slightly altered by the “new” gospel of a dirty grace Christ Jesus in “artistic license that stayed surprisingly accurate to the original text for authenticity” (Galatians 1:6-7).
It pretty much sounds like the Days of Noah are back! Which means…(Matthew 24:37).
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