Post 331
It is 4:45 am and I am at my desk reporting the spiritual news as I see it from the front lines of prayer so to speak.
I had my next Post written and was working on converting it to HTML (for Posting from my very old computer) when this strong prompting seemed to preempt it.
I have periodically Posted on the local activities of a pack of spiritual wolves that come through our area from time to time like a band of gorilla fighters in South America or Muslims in Africa, but I have not Posted all of them.
Since my most recent Post I had an intellectual acquaintance that I had been seeing most Saturday evenings for a short time, ask me; “How much reading does it take to get faith?” I gave Mike a short answer, expecting to continue the conversation in depth the next week, but he died unexpectedly of heart failure before our next meeting. It really brings home the urgency, and that we present the Gospel to the lost as simplistically and clearly as possible while there is still time.
Over the past several months the Lord has been faithful to wake me between 3:30 and 4:30 am with the spirit of prayer in such urgency. I find myself joining an ongoing battle, praying against the spirits of darkness and the men whom they use to wreak havoc and terror around the world. Sometimes the spiritual war is so close I can almost smell the death and see the evil tangibly. And then a few days later I read about the aftermath.
What I believe I saw in prayer this morning has been coming to light for a few weeks now. It’s not a pack of wolves anymore but a flood of ravaging beasts like the early stages of a pandemic flu outbreak… with results like locusts.
As we are officially “no longer a Christian Nation,” according to the man ruling in wickedness as President, the walls withholding the spirit of Evil have been breached in the same degree as the Mexican Border. The spirits of evil have been flooding this land, often riding within those invading foreigners, but not always. These spirits are naturally bodiless but they do their work by influencing and ravaging their hosts and victims. They travel unseen like a virus but work like locusts.
The United States of America has long experienced the protections of God nationally, while the world’s nations have not. But that has suddenly changed and Americans are not prepared. This morning I perceived this new condition to be very much like the Death Angel of Egypt found in Exodus 12.
* * *
Christians in America have long had the protection of God over their entire land. In their homes, on the job, as they shop or play and go about their lives, for the most part, free to inhabit the land expecting to find Luke 2:14 “peace on earth and good will toward men” wherever they go. But having eliminated the necessary “Glory to God in the highest,” such things can no longer be expected (Romans 1:16-18).
The regular events in the Hebrews’ daily lives already saw a dramatic disruption as Moses was used by God to bring progressive punishments on Egypt (Exodus 5:4-14). But then, in Exodus 11-12, the Hebrews learned of a new thing in Egypt; we read that the Hebrews were not even to step from their homes because of the new danger spreading over the land:
“Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them, Draw out and take you a lamb according to your families, and kill the Passover. And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until morning. For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you” Exodus 12:21-23.
Understand; this is not Egypt and neither is this the time that God will deliver Christians from the taskmaster. I am simply using this singular historic event to explain what we are seeing today. By our own doing, the destroyer has been given complete access to roam our land now and do his deadly work. So what are God’s faithful to do?
Until now, they have been seeing the progressive deterioration of their liberties, safety, and rights, as they went about their lives among the heathen in a long familiar way, but that is all quickly changing as even the IRS has shown a startling new governmental attack on those with views differing from the Progressive agenda.
There is a prophetic saying that the wise will make note of:
“Therefore the prudent shall keep silent in that time; for it is an evil time” Amos 5:13.
I am not suggesting that Christians hide behind the wall of their homes. We must not read these OT passages and attempt to apply them directly. They are speaking to us spiritually now. The Passover Lamb has already been slain once for all, so how do we apply the blood today?
Even in that day the very real doorposts and header were symbolic. The doorposts and header today are the structural framework of our lives that separate us from the word. We step out into the word to interact but our private sanctuary is where we live in Christ behind his blood. Our lives are hid with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3). Our homes are spiritual (Colossians 3:1-2).
“Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affections, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: for which things’ sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience:” Colossians 3:5-6.
So now, how can we expect that Christ’s Passover blood can separate us from the wrath of God against such things in this NT spiritual world, if we bring such punishable things into our spiritual homes? What exactly is the blood for?
In the OT it was practically physical as it spoke of spiritual things, but today it is directly spiritual. The context is related to where you dwell (see Post 189 “Sunburn”
If you spiritually dwell on the paganized streets of modern society the blood cannot protect you, because it only works on the door posts and header of your spiritual home with Christ in God. Christ does not dwell on the paganized streets anymore than the Hebrews of the OT were protected if they roamed the streets that night. Neither could they expect to be protected if they sprinkled the posts and header of their local pub and stayed there all night drinking… or watching TV.
The spirits of death and destruction are now lurking in our land as a common condition rather than simply passing through periodically. We cannot continue to do what we once did with impunity. Like the growing packs of wolves in my area; the numbers alone have caused them to expand into areas previously uninteresting to them. The flood gates of evil are opened!
God promises to raise up a standard against the flood… for those that fear the name of the LORD (Isaiah 59:19), but even in such a promised nation, where do you suppose the standard stands? Not on the streets, and not in the homes or lives where punishable idolatries are welcome. You cannot turn your home into a house of ill repute and expect the Passover blood to be applicable. The blood of God is applied on the doorway of the righteous to keep the destroying angel out, so what smell draws him in like sharks to blood in salt water?
See Post 268 “The Waters of Clay” (
The answer is: Unholiness (I Corinthians 11:27-31).
And may I remind you how the wrath-of-God plague was stayed in Numbers 25? Heads-on-polls seems rather Islamic don’t you think? Remember to interpret this OT spiritually in the NT age before acting in righteousness. But action is required.
See BBC News - child exploitation goes ignored (, and then see Post 295 “Beauties And The Beast" (, and if you have time, review Post 272 “The Witchcraft Of Uganda” (
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
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