post 074
So what do I care what happens way down at the Mexican border?
I live in a tiny village in Alaska, you know, that state where the ignorant, uneducated governor lives!
I care because of the significance it means to all of us.
Let me explain, to all those wise southern voters who despise Palin:
Why do you suppose all those Mexicans are fleeing Mexico in mass?
Is it because they all have good paying jobs?
Or because their justice system works well?
Is it because they have such a high lifestyle?
Why is it, as bad as our system has become, they are still coming?
Now ask; Why a line in the sand should make such a difference, one side from the other?
What is so special about a border?
The border, is the line that separates differences;
Different laws, different thought processes, different philosophies, different ideologies. Different powers of authority.
The border is what encompasses the realm of jurisdiction for such differences.
Pick a side of the line, it doesn’t matter, but inside of that line is an entire lifestyle of rules and practice that one must accept. Violate those rules and practices and you face the power of authority to determine the result.
If both sides of the line are quite similar in those differences, then harmony can exist, and the ability to mingle without conflict is much greater. The risk of damage done to the society is minimized, but so is the mass migration, because this side is just as green as that side.
But when the difference is great, the damage to society is also great and so is the desire for the masses to migrate.
The migration is not the significant problem, the damage is.
So how can the damage be minimized? By ensuring all immigrants are willing to adapt to the laws and practices. In this way the society is actually made bigger and stronger by the migration.
The border is the line that authorizes this demand on all those who would cross.
If I knocked on your door and asked if I could come in, you have the knowledge of my presence and the ability to ensure you maintain the authority. I remain in your home in peace so long as I do not disrupt your “ways”.
But with the same me, and the same you, if I was to come at night and sneak through your window, your attitude toward me would be significantly different.
Because I have breached the submission to your authority by attempting to be there without your knowledge. This alone implies I have intent to breach your “ways” and you are justified to conclude I intend to do unto you, what you would not want done. Whether theft, or murder, or to corrupt your children, there is simply no good reason why I should be there in this way.
Only a fool would say; “Oh it’s you”, and go back to bed! Even if you knew me!
What if I really just wanted a cup of sugar?
By my very breach you would still be a fool to point to the cupboard where the sugar is, and go back to bed. In reason and wisdom you would look at me like I was a mad man, for indeed I would have to be to make entry in such a willful manner.
This is exactly the reason for the Castle Doctrine
law on this side of the border that allows you full protection under the law to take the life of anyone entering your home in an unauthorized way.
This is the same reasoning that must now be used at the US / Mexican border.
I recommend the establishment of a ½ mile DMZ along the entire Mexican border,
Anyone without exception caught crossing the border inside this ½ mile DMZ must be shot on site as if it were your own home. Because of America’s failure to deal with this issue earlier while less drastic measures were possible, this now is the only means left to eliminate this destructive invasion. It is the duty of the Federal government to call up the militia, provide for their service, and post them at the US border for this purpose.
IF done swiftly and consistently the loss of life should be extremely minimal before the word gets around and the invasion is completely ended.
No such drastic measures need be taken at the US / Canadian border for the opposite reasons. Our nations are more similar, so no mass illegal immigration and therefore no disruption of society.
So what is the result if the border is eliminated?
By removing the simple line in the sand as it were, the limits of jurisdiction are no longer clear, allowing for a legitimate contest as to what authority actually has power. The migration will primarily move in one direction, from bad to good. For until the cause of the bad is eliminated, few of the good will wish to change.
yet allowing the bad to freely flow into the good will diminish the good, more than enhance the bad. How can we be sure? The proof is in the reality of the 80 mile section of Arizona now posted as too dangerous for entry by the good!
The law of entropy applies here as everywhere; without maintenance, everything decays.
Those fleeing a bad environment illegally are not the type of people to add quality to our society. By unlawful entry they show that they bring with them the very elements they are fleeing, namely; Self-centered, leach style, anarchic, lawlessness, or better said; Survival by corruption.
They avoid our laws, consume our resources, sponge off our handouts, and resist paying their share of taxes, they claim no loyalty to our nation, our laws, or our society.
By any scientific explanation, this is a destructive invasion.
Because our government and our society have both degraded drastically over a reasonably short period of time, the mental differences in thinking between nations has been reduced, while the differences in effect has come at a slower pace. This allows for a very short window of time where the lack of concern appears justified until the deep unalterable damage follows behind.
Another word picture:
Almost regardless of how bad the conditions become in an orphanage, if you allow a child molester to dwell there, the orphanage will not become a better place, and the inhabitants will be irreparably destroyed.
Yet if you regulate who comes in, you can find a great advantage to their presence.
This is not rocket science, this is reason.
Post note:
Don't misunderstand; The flow of illegal nationals into America is not the sole cause of our problems, it is more a by product of our problems.
But just because you have cancer does not mean you should slice your wrists... unless you now intend to die more quickly!
Jeremiah 48 speaks of the desolation of the Moab nation. Change the word Moab to America, and read it again! This is not a misuse of scripture because principles are the same through time and location.
Note especially the first 14 verses which provides the context of verse 10:
"Cursed be he that doeth the work of the LORD deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood."
This is not a verse to promote violence, it is a verse for righteous defense.
This verse says in effect; Doomed is the nation that warps the doctrines of Christ to become weak and defenseless, doomed is the nation that will not fight in war against injustice for their own defense.
Just as Mr. Obama kept back the ships wanting to clean up the BP oil before it reached our shores, so our federal government will not call up the militia willing to clean up our borders.
The destruction to our shores, the businesses, and lives of the people there in Florida are the result of this foolish and evil inaction.
The destruction of our communities through drugs, crime, and loss of national control are the results of the same kind of inaction at our borders.
An invasion is an invasion whether by oil or men. It must be dealt with swiftly and powerfully before the damage is done, the only thing that can be done after the fact, is to live with the long term life changing consequences.
Is Florida still Florida?
I suppose it is, but it is a far less glorious Florida with far less to offer.
* * * * * * *
Monday, June 28, 2010
Justice Is No Longer Blind!
post 073
A Dissertation On Illegal Aliens.
This video is so far beyond comprehensible I feel like I am watching a "B" scifi movie!
It shows the Governor of Arizona standing next to a federally posted sign, 80 miles from the Mexican border. The sign warns US citizens of the danger of traveling any further due to the abundance of unlawful behavior.
80 miles of Mexica
US Constitution Article I section 8
"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect Taxes... to ... provide for the common Defence...
To Provide for calling forth the Militia to ... repel Invasions;..."
Article I section 10
"No state shall ..... engage in War, unless actually invaded..."
Article 4 section 4
"The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;..."
Bill of Rights Article II
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
So I suppose we should look up Invasion;
Websters Collegiate Dictionary 5th edition 1948
see invade.
1. Act of invading; incursion of an army for conquest or plunder.
2. The incoming, or first attack, of any thing hurtful.
1. To enter for conquest or plunder.
2. To infringe; or encroach on; as, to invade the rights of the people.
3. To spread over injuriously and progressively; as, gangrene invades healthy tissue.
So lets look at this with reason and logic;
Foreign nationals enter into the United States unlawfully, in such volume and to such an extent, that our nation within 80 miles of our border is too dangerous to enter by our people.
If this is not an invasion, please provide what additional factors are missing?
Now in less that a single page, I have laid out the obligation of the Feds to act with diligence at the US/ Mexican border, with the authority to call and pay the militia to do it.
and in the case the Feds are unable or unwilling to perform their obligation, the State has the authority to do ALL that is necessary to stop invasion, INCLUDING DECLARING WAR!
"The most sacred of the duties of a government [is] to do equal and impartial justice to all citizens."
Thomas Jefferson, Note in Destutt de Tracy, 1816
The law in America was created impartial.
We have a statue called “Lady Justice” which represents this important fact.
The elements of this statue that represents our form of Law, is a balancing scale in one hand, a sword in the other, and a blindfold over her eyes.
These important elements of our law are a clear visual explanation of our justice system.
The sword represents the authority and power to punish.
The balancing scale represents judgment is justly determined with equality given to both sides of an issue.
The Blindfold represents impartiality in determining that judgment.
As important as the authority and the equal balance in judgment are, the blindfold is almost more important.
If the law is blind, it cannot alter the balance of the scale due to empathy, or compassion, or bribes, or loyalties, or status, or any other variable which might “tip the scale” to an otherwise unequal judgment.
In America we call this “Blind Justice” which is what each American has a right to expect.
In this way we are all aware of the application expected. The law is clear and definite and just.
This is one powerful element that has made America so honorable among the nations.
* * *
The solution to the problem only becomes complicated when empathy, or compassion, or “favors” take precedence over the law.
This next video is such an example;
It shows what the “war” conditions are like on the “front lines” at the border itself.
What I find amazing is not the conflict, but this officer's apparent imagination that he is actually accomplishing anything. He speaks of the Mexicans willing to “sacrifice” large numbers of people for the success of a few. But just what are they sacrificing?
The Border Guards are not permitted to shoot the invaders, or harm them in anyway.
Even if they are caught, they pay no fine and at worst, endure a short confinement before being sent back to Mexico.
So while our border patrol agents are virtually powerless to inflict any form of consequence to the aliens, they daily are threatened with bodily harm at best, and potential loss of life.
Border problems
Somehow evaluating the legality of illegal entry, our government spends large sums of time and money attempting to determine the reason for the violation.
Is it drug smuggling?
Is is Human trafficking?
Is it to inflict harm?
Is it looking for a job?
Is is picking wildflowers?
And on and on.
Each of these factors adds a degree of severity to the violation, which must be determined, evaluated, and judged. With each evaluation comes the pleas of woe;
I need the money,
My mom is sick,
A border agent shot my brother,
I lost my job,
I like those flowers.
This is justice with eyes wide open.
And it immediately gets very complicated.
Only in recent years has American's begun to confuse our "Blind Justice" representation, with the Greek goddess Justitia, who never was declared blindfolded.
confused justice
With this confusion due to ignorance, comes this un-American, European justice, a very different animal all together!
But Blind justice has a clear determination;
Did you cross the border illegally?
If so, Thus and such is the punishment pre-set by the law.
Simple, quick and effective.
"Born in other countries, yet believing you could be happy in this, our laws acknowledge, as they should do, your right to join us in society, conforming, as I doubt not you will do, to our established rules. That these rules shall be as equal as prudential considerations will admit, will certainly be the aim of our legislatures, general and particular."
Thomas Jefferson, letter to Hugh White, May 2, 1801
Where is this equality in the rules today?
* * *
Now lets add yet another factor to our present illegal immigration troubles.
I am not joking.
The man who sits in the seat as President of the United States is very probably an illegal alien.
1) He has failed to provide a lawful birth certificate.
2) Because he maintains his claims to be natural born, he does not possess the proper immigration papers which would at least make him legal.
3) There can be little doubt that Mr. Obama is not only an alien (disallowing him to be the President) but it appears now clear that he is actually an illegal alien himself!
No wonder he is as active to stop the flow of illegal aliens from invading our soil,
as he is in stopping the flow of BP oil from invading our beaches!
A Dissertation On Illegal Aliens.
This video is so far beyond comprehensible I feel like I am watching a "B" scifi movie!
It shows the Governor of Arizona standing next to a federally posted sign, 80 miles from the Mexican border. The sign warns US citizens of the danger of traveling any further due to the abundance of unlawful behavior.
80 miles of Mexica
US Constitution Article I section 8
"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect Taxes... to ... provide for the common Defence...
To Provide for calling forth the Militia to ... repel Invasions;..."
Article I section 10
"No state shall ..... engage in War, unless actually invaded..."
Article 4 section 4
"The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;..."
Bill of Rights Article II
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
So I suppose we should look up Invasion;
Websters Collegiate Dictionary 5th edition 1948
see invade.
1. Act of invading; incursion of an army for conquest or plunder.
2. The incoming, or first attack, of any thing hurtful.
1. To enter for conquest or plunder.
2. To infringe; or encroach on; as, to invade the rights of the people.
3. To spread over injuriously and progressively; as, gangrene invades healthy tissue.
So lets look at this with reason and logic;
Foreign nationals enter into the United States unlawfully, in such volume and to such an extent, that our nation within 80 miles of our border is too dangerous to enter by our people.
If this is not an invasion, please provide what additional factors are missing?
Now in less that a single page, I have laid out the obligation of the Feds to act with diligence at the US/ Mexican border, with the authority to call and pay the militia to do it.
and in the case the Feds are unable or unwilling to perform their obligation, the State has the authority to do ALL that is necessary to stop invasion, INCLUDING DECLARING WAR!
"The most sacred of the duties of a government [is] to do equal and impartial justice to all citizens."
Thomas Jefferson, Note in Destutt de Tracy, 1816
The law in America was created impartial.
We have a statue called “Lady Justice” which represents this important fact.
The elements of this statue that represents our form of Law, is a balancing scale in one hand, a sword in the other, and a blindfold over her eyes.
These important elements of our law are a clear visual explanation of our justice system.
The sword represents the authority and power to punish.
The balancing scale represents judgment is justly determined with equality given to both sides of an issue.
The Blindfold represents impartiality in determining that judgment.
As important as the authority and the equal balance in judgment are, the blindfold is almost more important.
If the law is blind, it cannot alter the balance of the scale due to empathy, or compassion, or bribes, or loyalties, or status, or any other variable which might “tip the scale” to an otherwise unequal judgment.
In America we call this “Blind Justice” which is what each American has a right to expect.
In this way we are all aware of the application expected. The law is clear and definite and just.
This is one powerful element that has made America so honorable among the nations.
* * *
The solution to the problem only becomes complicated when empathy, or compassion, or “favors” take precedence over the law.
This next video is such an example;
It shows what the “war” conditions are like on the “front lines” at the border itself.
What I find amazing is not the conflict, but this officer's apparent imagination that he is actually accomplishing anything. He speaks of the Mexicans willing to “sacrifice” large numbers of people for the success of a few. But just what are they sacrificing?
The Border Guards are not permitted to shoot the invaders, or harm them in anyway.
Even if they are caught, they pay no fine and at worst, endure a short confinement before being sent back to Mexico.
So while our border patrol agents are virtually powerless to inflict any form of consequence to the aliens, they daily are threatened with bodily harm at best, and potential loss of life.
Border problems
Somehow evaluating the legality of illegal entry, our government spends large sums of time and money attempting to determine the reason for the violation.
Is it drug smuggling?
Is is Human trafficking?
Is it to inflict harm?
Is it looking for a job?
Is is picking wildflowers?
And on and on.
Each of these factors adds a degree of severity to the violation, which must be determined, evaluated, and judged. With each evaluation comes the pleas of woe;
I need the money,
My mom is sick,
A border agent shot my brother,
I lost my job,
I like those flowers.
This is justice with eyes wide open.
And it immediately gets very complicated.
Only in recent years has American's begun to confuse our "Blind Justice" representation, with the Greek goddess Justitia, who never was declared blindfolded.
confused justice
With this confusion due to ignorance, comes this un-American, European justice, a very different animal all together!
But Blind justice has a clear determination;
Did you cross the border illegally?
If so, Thus and such is the punishment pre-set by the law.
Simple, quick and effective.
"Born in other countries, yet believing you could be happy in this, our laws acknowledge, as they should do, your right to join us in society, conforming, as I doubt not you will do, to our established rules. That these rules shall be as equal as prudential considerations will admit, will certainly be the aim of our legislatures, general and particular."
Thomas Jefferson, letter to Hugh White, May 2, 1801
Where is this equality in the rules today?
* * *
Now lets add yet another factor to our present illegal immigration troubles.
I am not joking.
The man who sits in the seat as President of the United States is very probably an illegal alien.
1) He has failed to provide a lawful birth certificate.
2) Because he maintains his claims to be natural born, he does not possess the proper immigration papers which would at least make him legal.
3) There can be little doubt that Mr. Obama is not only an alien (disallowing him to be the President) but it appears now clear that he is actually an illegal alien himself!
No wonder he is as active to stop the flow of illegal aliens from invading our soil,
as he is in stopping the flow of BP oil from invading our beaches!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
What Makes A Nation Christian?
post 072
I am deeply concerned that the man holding the office of President of The United States of America has publicly declared to the world; “We (America) do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation, we consider ourselves a nation of citizens.”
Not a Christian nation
speech in Ankara Turkey
He has held these views for some time, as indicated by the same perspective as a senator in this speech of 2006;
“Whatever we once were we are no longer a Christian nation. At least not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim Nation, and a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation and a nation of Non-Believers,
No longer a Christian nation short version.
long version worth listening to.
Why, of all the policy of this administration to be concerned about, would I choose this one to focus on?
It is not because of the statements alone, or because he has taken upon himself to declare to the world what “we” now believe; Treasonous as such statements are. (more on this later).
I am concerned because he has a very foundational misunderstanding of what it means to be a Christian Nation.
But lets be generous and examine his speeches to understand his perspective in an effort to give him all the benefit of the doubt.
After all, was it not Americans who voted him into office?
Has he not been consistent in his beliefs and views?
Did he not run his campaign on “Change”?
Is he not doing exactly what he said he would do if elected?
Perhaps he is actually right. Maybe we are no longer a Christian nation.
I can easily find support of this by reading the comments posted in reply to these video clips from Youtube, some examples:
"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" Article 11, Treaty With Tripoli, 1796.....founding fathers were still sad people think we're a christian nation”
“He is absolutely correct. We have never considered ourselves to be a Christian nation - or of any other religion. We have a law that bans the establishment of any official religion.”
These are actually some of the most logical comments in favor of his view.
And further, nearly all comments posted in opposition to Mr. Obama’s view are hopelessly embracing, and presented with clear un-Christlike hatred, which does poorly to defend the idea that America might be a Christian nation.
Listening carefully to these speeches I find a foundational perspective that what makes a Christian nation is a nation inhabited exclusively by Christians.
This flawed understanding then supports such declarations, because indeed we have many peoples, of many religions, inhabiting this great nation.
But is it actually true that a nation is only Christian, when all its people are Christian?
We have no problem understanding that Sudan is a Muslim Nation even though a large segment is Christian.
We have no problem understanding that Turkey is a Muslim Nation even though it is quite “western” in its present state from what it has been in its past.
We have no problem understanding that Israel is a Jewish nation even though they openly accept Arabs and Egyptians, and in fact anyone who chooses, as full citizens living among them. So what actually makes a nation Jewish or Christian or Catholic or Hindu or Muslim?
1) The United States Constitution shows a clear absence of direct religion in its composition.
) And the Bill of Rights, written to; “extend the ground of public confidence in the Government,…”(Preamble) makes as the very first Article, the assurances that Congress was restricted from making laws “respecting an establishment of religion…”
3) The very purpose of the Constitution is found in its preamble, and appears to be missing any direct indication of promoting the Christian religion.
So are these sure proofs that our founders indeed were careful to establish this nation free from religion, as Mr. Obama, and the commenters suggest?
* * *
Having just secured their freedom from the tyrannical King of England, having just escaped the oppression from the Murderous Church of England, Our founders labored greatly to insure they did not create a nation, which would soon return the people to such injuries. They were well learned that governments tend to corruption, and that government established churches tends to even greater corruptions. So the nation they formed was the result of a mighty effort to ensure that power and faith was retained by the governed and not possessed by the government.
So how then can I boldly declare that America was indeed designed and established as a Christian nation?
To answer that, I must ask again the original question; “What makes a nation Christian?”
If a nation is not determined to be Christian simply by the faith of the inhabitants, what other authority could make it so?
Obviously the religion ruling the government would be a clear example, such as all the various nations of Islam.
But America has been very clearly established to intentionally avoid such a state.
We have ruled out the idea that majority determines the religion as Mr. Obama suggests,
We have also rejected the government ruling the church as England did.
And we have rejected the Church ruling the government as Islam does.
I love the genius behind the founders who discovered the elusive 3rd option!
That is a form of Government which can only govern until the governed reject the foundations on which the government was established.
That government was a democratic Republic whose authority for existence was "Nature's God" (1st and 2nd paragraphs, Declaration of Independence)
This was such an illusive ideology that no nation on earth had ever before been established with such a government!
With very little serious investigation it will be found that America was built as an intentionally religious-less form of government, established wholly on the principles of Jesus the Christ found in the Holy Bible. In this way the people were provided great freedoms AND great security, a very rare combination.
How is that possible?
In a very real sense it is practically impossible, yet history shows that it is!
The trick is to first distinguish between religion and faith. Practically; religion is the efforts of man to establish a proper form of worship, while faith is the core values that motivate action.
Our founders were as in favor of providing a form of government which would promote the faith of Christianity, as they were opposed to establishing by law the Christian religion.
The laws of this land were carefully structured to align with the principles of the Christian God, without demanding the Christian religion was followed.
(again please see my 4 part post "Separation of Church and State" for ref.)
Jesus did not demand or require anyone to follow him. And our founders followed that example in writing our laws to carefully maintain this freedom of choice, yet at the same time subject the social laws to following His principles. Not because they wanted to make a Christian nation, but because they wanted a nation to benefit from following His sound recommendations.
The result is a nation which has been better than any other at obeying Christ’s very idea of Christianity; that is a nation of free men, socially at peace with one another by practicing the establishment of Christian principles without establishing the Christian religion.
In this way they kept the Christian faith out of the hands of the government, and kept the government out of the hands of an organized religion, while at the same time subjecting the government and the society to socially advantageous laws established from the Christian faith.
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here." Patrick Henry
Since the foundational laws creating this nation were fundamentally derived from the principles of the Holy Bible, this nation is in fact a Christian nation even though a large number of its inhabitants are now, not of the Christian faith.
These non-Christian inhabitants can enjoy the freedom, peace and security of this nation because of its laws based on Christian values.
Unlike the Islamic Nations whose laws based on Islamic values ensure bondage, fear and oppression to all non-Muslim inhabitants.
Only in this creative way can the nation remain Christian even if the people are not. By its very nature it must remain Christian until the people choose to change the nations very fundamental laws, which are based on Christianity.
(It pains me greatly not to be able to copy whole books here on this subject! I have a great volume of books which faithfully reprint original documents of our founders and have posted at the bottom some titles for your pleasure.)
It was for this reason of the people’s God given right to choose their own religion freely, that our founders ensured our government would not ever establish any religion, “nor prohibit the free exercise thereof”. The government was stripped of any supposed authority to do so.
Yet the inclusion of religious values and especially those of the Christian faith were greatly encouraged by our founders as the only means to maintain a healthy government.
Please see the many references in my 4 part Separation of Church and State trial part 2
as well as the others.
Mr. Obama has openly purposed to “fundamentally Change America", and the only way to do so is by destroying our nation’s DNA as it were, and replace it with the DNA values of other evil empires and ideology.
Mr. Obama was wrong when he declared America is no longer a Christian nation. By the very DNA of our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the foundational laws of Jurisprudence, America is and will remain a Christian nation until these foundations be destroyed.
Although Mr. Obama’s goal is to do just that through “Change”, he has made his declaration prematurely.
we are 5 days away from fundamentally changing America
Obama sees Constitution fundamentally flawed short version
Obama sees Constitution fundamentally flawed full version.
And this from the man who just fired General McCrystal for disparaging remarks about his authorities!
talk show narration of Obama speech, but very good
A mere "nation of citizens" having discarded any legitimate connection to Christianity as Mr. Obama has declared, Has virtually no foundation on which to stand.
As stated by William Penn, “Those people who are not governed by GOD will be ruled by tyrants."
In effect and in truth, by these declarations Mr. Obama has committed treason against the United States Of America by "jerking" her sure foundations from under her feet, Abandoning any responsibility to Natures God, and therefore laying her exposed and helpless before her enemies.
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 5th edition 1948
1 Now Rare. The betrayal of any trust or confidence; breach of faith.
2 The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance.
treason against the United States is defined by the Constitution (Art. III, sec. 3) to consist "only in levying war against them,
or in adhering to their enemies, giving aid and comfort to them."
Islam is the self declared enemy of America.
Mr. Obama has on more than one occasion ridiculed the Holy Bible.
He has on numerous occasions quoted the Koran with great respect.
Without the approval of the governed, He has declared "America is not, nor will ever be at war with Islam."
He is very familiar with, and has praised at length Islam, and disdains the values of Christianity.
He has openly made public statements disparaging our constitution, as flawed and irrelevant.
He has committed many unconstitutional acts through our congress.
His bold and clear agenda is the fundamental change of America.
Having shown a fundamental change cannot take place without the utter destruction of the existing nation, There is now a list of clearly treasonous intent by this man.
* * * * * * *
This blog is already too long, but a short answer to a legitimate argument is warranted:
Treaty of Tripoli 1796
This treaty was made only 20 years after the creation of a fledgling nation.
And that, following a great battle against her former sovereign.
The new nation of America was in great need of the supplies and goods acquired in the Barbary regions, But as is the nature of Islam, the heavy Jizyah taxes and submissions were required.
This treaty was written in Arabic, heavily taxed, and greatly favored the Muslim nations, But at the time America had few options but to comply.
Note this document is strangely missing indication of any signature by anyone of the USA other than Barlow himself appointed by the President.
One must also note the date of the formation of the United States Marine Corps, 1775
The initial and primary purpose of the USMC was, as told in our Marine Corps Song; "From the halls of Montezuma, to the Shores of Tripoli, we will fight our nation's battles, on the land and on the sea..."
Breaking the oppressive hold of the Muslim authority over the trading nations was the job of the USMC.
Therefore siting article 11 of this treaty as evidence America was not created as a Christian nation is folly and uninformed.
Books with a plethora of clear original evidence of the Christian faith, and Christian intent our founders used to create this great nation:
“Celebrate Liberty! Famous Patriotic Speeches & Sermons” David Barton
"The Christian Life And Character Of The Civil Institutions Of The United States" Benjamin F. Morris
"ORIGINAL INTENT The Courts, The Constitution, & Religion" David Barton
"America's God and Country" Encyclopedia of Quotations, William J. Federer
Sergeant & Rawle's Reports, page 394
I am deeply concerned that the man holding the office of President of The United States of America has publicly declared to the world; “We (America) do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation, we consider ourselves a nation of citizens.”
Not a Christian nation
speech in Ankara Turkey
He has held these views for some time, as indicated by the same perspective as a senator in this speech of 2006;
“Whatever we once were we are no longer a Christian nation. At least not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim Nation, and a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation and a nation of Non-Believers,
No longer a Christian nation short version.
long version worth listening to.
Why, of all the policy of this administration to be concerned about, would I choose this one to focus on?
It is not because of the statements alone, or because he has taken upon himself to declare to the world what “we” now believe; Treasonous as such statements are. (more on this later).
I am concerned because he has a very foundational misunderstanding of what it means to be a Christian Nation.
But lets be generous and examine his speeches to understand his perspective in an effort to give him all the benefit of the doubt.
After all, was it not Americans who voted him into office?
Has he not been consistent in his beliefs and views?
Did he not run his campaign on “Change”?
Is he not doing exactly what he said he would do if elected?
Perhaps he is actually right. Maybe we are no longer a Christian nation.
I can easily find support of this by reading the comments posted in reply to these video clips from Youtube, some examples:
"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" Article 11, Treaty With Tripoli, 1796.....founding fathers were still sad people think we're a christian nation”
“He is absolutely correct. We have never considered ourselves to be a Christian nation - or of any other religion. We have a law that bans the establishment of any official religion.”
These are actually some of the most logical comments in favor of his view.
And further, nearly all comments posted in opposition to Mr. Obama’s view are hopelessly embracing, and presented with clear un-Christlike hatred, which does poorly to defend the idea that America might be a Christian nation.
Listening carefully to these speeches I find a foundational perspective that what makes a Christian nation is a nation inhabited exclusively by Christians.
This flawed understanding then supports such declarations, because indeed we have many peoples, of many religions, inhabiting this great nation.
But is it actually true that a nation is only Christian, when all its people are Christian?
We have no problem understanding that Sudan is a Muslim Nation even though a large segment is Christian.
We have no problem understanding that Turkey is a Muslim Nation even though it is quite “western” in its present state from what it has been in its past.
We have no problem understanding that Israel is a Jewish nation even though they openly accept Arabs and Egyptians, and in fact anyone who chooses, as full citizens living among them. So what actually makes a nation Jewish or Christian or Catholic or Hindu or Muslim?
1) The United States Constitution shows a clear absence of direct religion in its composition.
) And the Bill of Rights, written to; “extend the ground of public confidence in the Government,…”(Preamble) makes as the very first Article, the assurances that Congress was restricted from making laws “respecting an establishment of religion…”
3) The very purpose of the Constitution is found in its preamble, and appears to be missing any direct indication of promoting the Christian religion.
So are these sure proofs that our founders indeed were careful to establish this nation free from religion, as Mr. Obama, and the commenters suggest?
* * *
Having just secured their freedom from the tyrannical King of England, having just escaped the oppression from the Murderous Church of England, Our founders labored greatly to insure they did not create a nation, which would soon return the people to such injuries. They were well learned that governments tend to corruption, and that government established churches tends to even greater corruptions. So the nation they formed was the result of a mighty effort to ensure that power and faith was retained by the governed and not possessed by the government.
So how then can I boldly declare that America was indeed designed and established as a Christian nation?
To answer that, I must ask again the original question; “What makes a nation Christian?”
If a nation is not determined to be Christian simply by the faith of the inhabitants, what other authority could make it so?
Obviously the religion ruling the government would be a clear example, such as all the various nations of Islam.
But America has been very clearly established to intentionally avoid such a state.
We have ruled out the idea that majority determines the religion as Mr. Obama suggests,
We have also rejected the government ruling the church as England did.
And we have rejected the Church ruling the government as Islam does.
I love the genius behind the founders who discovered the elusive 3rd option!
That is a form of Government which can only govern until the governed reject the foundations on which the government was established.
That government was a democratic Republic whose authority for existence was "Nature's God" (1st and 2nd paragraphs, Declaration of Independence)
This was such an illusive ideology that no nation on earth had ever before been established with such a government!
With very little serious investigation it will be found that America was built as an intentionally religious-less form of government, established wholly on the principles of Jesus the Christ found in the Holy Bible. In this way the people were provided great freedoms AND great security, a very rare combination.
How is that possible?
In a very real sense it is practically impossible, yet history shows that it is!
The trick is to first distinguish between religion and faith. Practically; religion is the efforts of man to establish a proper form of worship, while faith is the core values that motivate action.
Our founders were as in favor of providing a form of government which would promote the faith of Christianity, as they were opposed to establishing by law the Christian religion.
The laws of this land were carefully structured to align with the principles of the Christian God, without demanding the Christian religion was followed.
(again please see my 4 part post "Separation of Church and State" for ref.)
Jesus did not demand or require anyone to follow him. And our founders followed that example in writing our laws to carefully maintain this freedom of choice, yet at the same time subject the social laws to following His principles. Not because they wanted to make a Christian nation, but because they wanted a nation to benefit from following His sound recommendations.
The result is a nation which has been better than any other at obeying Christ’s very idea of Christianity; that is a nation of free men, socially at peace with one another by practicing the establishment of Christian principles without establishing the Christian religion.
In this way they kept the Christian faith out of the hands of the government, and kept the government out of the hands of an organized religion, while at the same time subjecting the government and the society to socially advantageous laws established from the Christian faith.
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here." Patrick Henry
Since the foundational laws creating this nation were fundamentally derived from the principles of the Holy Bible, this nation is in fact a Christian nation even though a large number of its inhabitants are now, not of the Christian faith.
These non-Christian inhabitants can enjoy the freedom, peace and security of this nation because of its laws based on Christian values.
Unlike the Islamic Nations whose laws based on Islamic values ensure bondage, fear and oppression to all non-Muslim inhabitants.
Only in this creative way can the nation remain Christian even if the people are not. By its very nature it must remain Christian until the people choose to change the nations very fundamental laws, which are based on Christianity.
(It pains me greatly not to be able to copy whole books here on this subject! I have a great volume of books which faithfully reprint original documents of our founders and have posted at the bottom some titles for your pleasure.)
It was for this reason of the people’s God given right to choose their own religion freely, that our founders ensured our government would not ever establish any religion, “nor prohibit the free exercise thereof”. The government was stripped of any supposed authority to do so.
Yet the inclusion of religious values and especially those of the Christian faith were greatly encouraged by our founders as the only means to maintain a healthy government.
Please see the many references in my 4 part Separation of Church and State trial part 2
as well as the others.
Mr. Obama has openly purposed to “fundamentally Change America", and the only way to do so is by destroying our nation’s DNA as it were, and replace it with the DNA values of other evil empires and ideology.
Mr. Obama was wrong when he declared America is no longer a Christian nation. By the very DNA of our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the foundational laws of Jurisprudence, America is and will remain a Christian nation until these foundations be destroyed.
Although Mr. Obama’s goal is to do just that through “Change”, he has made his declaration prematurely.
we are 5 days away from fundamentally changing America
Obama sees Constitution fundamentally flawed short version
Obama sees Constitution fundamentally flawed full version.
And this from the man who just fired General McCrystal for disparaging remarks about his authorities!
talk show narration of Obama speech, but very good
A mere "nation of citizens" having discarded any legitimate connection to Christianity as Mr. Obama has declared, Has virtually no foundation on which to stand.
As stated by William Penn, “Those people who are not governed by GOD will be ruled by tyrants."
In effect and in truth, by these declarations Mr. Obama has committed treason against the United States Of America by "jerking" her sure foundations from under her feet, Abandoning any responsibility to Natures God, and therefore laying her exposed and helpless before her enemies.
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 5th edition 1948
1 Now Rare. The betrayal of any trust or confidence; breach of faith.
2 The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance.
treason against the United States is defined by the Constitution (Art. III, sec. 3) to consist "only in levying war against them,
or in adhering to their enemies, giving aid and comfort to them."
Islam is the self declared enemy of America.
Mr. Obama has on more than one occasion ridiculed the Holy Bible.
He has on numerous occasions quoted the Koran with great respect.
Without the approval of the governed, He has declared "America is not, nor will ever be at war with Islam."
He is very familiar with, and has praised at length Islam, and disdains the values of Christianity.
He has openly made public statements disparaging our constitution, as flawed and irrelevant.
He has committed many unconstitutional acts through our congress.
His bold and clear agenda is the fundamental change of America.
Having shown a fundamental change cannot take place without the utter destruction of the existing nation, There is now a list of clearly treasonous intent by this man.
* * * * * * *
This blog is already too long, but a short answer to a legitimate argument is warranted:
Treaty of Tripoli 1796
This treaty was made only 20 years after the creation of a fledgling nation.
And that, following a great battle against her former sovereign.
The new nation of America was in great need of the supplies and goods acquired in the Barbary regions, But as is the nature of Islam, the heavy Jizyah taxes and submissions were required.
This treaty was written in Arabic, heavily taxed, and greatly favored the Muslim nations, But at the time America had few options but to comply.
Note this document is strangely missing indication of any signature by anyone of the USA other than Barlow himself appointed by the President.
One must also note the date of the formation of the United States Marine Corps, 1775
The initial and primary purpose of the USMC was, as told in our Marine Corps Song; "From the halls of Montezuma, to the Shores of Tripoli, we will fight our nation's battles, on the land and on the sea..."
Breaking the oppressive hold of the Muslim authority over the trading nations was the job of the USMC.
Therefore siting article 11 of this treaty as evidence America was not created as a Christian nation is folly and uninformed.
Books with a plethora of clear original evidence of the Christian faith, and Christian intent our founders used to create this great nation:
“Celebrate Liberty! Famous Patriotic Speeches & Sermons” David Barton
"The Christian Life And Character Of The Civil Institutions Of The United States" Benjamin F. Morris
"ORIGINAL INTENT The Courts, The Constitution, & Religion" David Barton
"America's God and Country" Encyclopedia of Quotations, William J. Federer
Sergeant & Rawle's Reports, page 394
Friday, June 25, 2010
The Spiritual and the Secular
post 071
Today’s discussion is coming from a biblically based perspective, and primarily to Christians.
I realize I have readers whom are not Christian. That’s fine.
But I think you will be able to follow my reasoning here, even if you are unfamiliar with some basic Christian teachings.
I believe my conclusions will be applicable even if you are an unbeliever.
We now live in a time and country where most Christians are offered so many variables on Christian beliefs and practice, how can they know what is actually right?
American Christians are tragically ignorant of a serious understanding of their foundational documents; The Bible.
The result is that they build their Christianity on what they feel is right.
If they have a question, they don't turn to the bible and ask God, they turn to their Christian friends to get their opinion. They listen to a few pastors to see if they have anything to add that sounds right. and they read books on the subject in question.
Yet bizzarly they look everywhere for the answer, except to the documents that are fundamental to their faith. Why?
One of the very important features of the Bible is its use of "Type and Shadows", that is describing one reality, by another more familiar reality. We understand our relationship with God, through the type and shadow of a marriage. And we also have a better marriage when we gain understanding of a successful relationship with God.
Our national state is our type and shadow of our spiritual state. The successes and failures of the one, follow in similarity to the other.
We have our nation's founding documents which establish our very nation. Yet we have made thousands of lesser documents to rule us because we don't bother to read, and abide by the originals.
Over time our laws have now become so skewed, that the very original document called the Constitution, is now un-constitutional!
The writings of our founding fathers are now declared to be unlawful to read because they violate the founding documents… which they wrote!
Our nation is collapsing faster than anyone could have imagined and no one knows why? Insane!
Yet try to explain all this to Progressive Congressman who pass 4000 page bills without reading them, and you will discover it is impossible.
Yet even more insane than that, are Christians who complain about it, but do the same thing in their faith!
Few American Christians who stand boldly for “Christianity” have bothered to read the bible, let alone study it seriously as our founders did.
Our nation was built in a large part on the principles found in the 5 books of Jewish law; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, which are also the first 5 books of the Christian Bible.
Yet now, even our nation’s Christians are completely ignorant of these principles and laws. Some examples:
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.”
Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, also Romans 1:24-27 Homosexuality
“Also in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents: I have not found it by secret search, but upon all these.” Jeremiah 2:34 Abortion
“And the man that commiteth adultery with another man’s wife,… the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.” Leviticus 20:10 Adultery
“A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death…” Leviticus 20:27 “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live” Exodus 22:18 Divination *
Not only are Christians now squeamish regarding our national principles of right and wrong which are based on these laws,
They are just as ignorant of the universal consequences of violating these laws;
“… O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” Isaiah 3:12
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20
Isaiah 29:13-15
“Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honorable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst (for knowledge).” Isaiah 5:13
Now days the very words of Jesus himself are rejected as un-Christ like! (Matthew 5:17, 12:30) Just as the very words of our Founders are rejected as un-American!
“The Christian religion in its purity is the basis and the source of all genuine freedom in government. I am persuaded that no civil government of a republican form can exist and be durable, in which the principles of Christianity have not a controlling influence.” Noah Webster, June 1775
“Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the bible for their only law book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited, what a utopia, what a paradise would this region be.” John Adams at the congressional meeting to petition congress to import bibles after the war of independence 1777
“It (July 4) aught to be commemorated as ‘the day of deliverance’ by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty.” John Adams at the presentation of the new Constitution to the people July 4, 1776
“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people, it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams writer of the constitution.
One reason;
“The democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves a largess from the treasury. From that moment on, the majority will always vote for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury. With the result, the democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy.” Alexander Tytler
“The highest glory of the American Revolution was this; that it connected in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.” President John Quincy Adams
I have listed many such examples in my previous post Separation of Church and State
to show that our founders were not just religious, they were decisively Christian with Christian beliefs.
Now I find the need to provide today’s Christian with similar evidence to show what a Christian actually believes!
American Christianity is collapsing faster than anyone could have imagined and no one knows why?
Americans now live their religion based on their emotions.
"Whatever feels good."
"Who are you to judge me?"
"I think God is...."
"My god would never...."
and on and on.
Americans have now created their own god, to suit their own desires.
World history shows this is common to man.
Americans call this creation of theirs by the name of the one true God, the Creator of everything, but the god they have made is far from the likeness of Him.
They hold high their bible, but interpret it to mean whatever they want it to say, which is really easy if you don't open it much.
Jesus said; "And when he (the shepherd) sets out his own sheep, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him: because they know his voice. And a stranger they will not follow, but will flee from him: because they don't know the voice of strangers" John 10:4-5 paraphrased
This verse does not even address the confusion of his sheep not knowing which voice to follow. Why?
Because this verse makes clear that it is not a problem among his sheep!
The only way you can have a problem with this thought is to be convinced you are his sheep even though you can't tell which voice is his!
And here is the root of the problem both nationally and spiritually.
The only way to know you are his sheep is if you know his voice.
The only way to know his voice is to hear it often.
The only way to hear it often is to spend time in his presence.
Our lawmakers do not know the Law, because they are too busy making law in violation of the Law. Their educators have convinced them that the bible, which is foundational to our laws, must be kept out of the law. This is contrary to the founder’s intent and urgent endeavors.
* * * * *
Is there any logic that can turn the perspective of a mind based on emotion?
It has been said; "You cannot reason with an unreasonable man."
So what can you do?
It is in the nature of sheep and men, to follow.
If you hear His voice, then follow Him.
There may be a few in the state of confusion, who will see you going and follow along, and in so doing, learn to hear His voice too!
Christians need to stay on the path of "following".
Do not stop to talk someone into going your way,
you call to them as you go. Whom the LORD will call, they can follow.
There are other sheep, who hear another voice, and go another way.
You will only be confused if you do not know the voice of your shepherd,
or if you want to stay with the erring sheep. Matthew 10:34-40
What hope is there for an American who doesn’t actually want to be an American?
The same as the Christian who doesn’t actually want to be a Christian!
“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand;” Jesus, Matthew 12:25
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
Jesus, Matthew 22:37-39
Can you honestly say this is you without question?
If Americans, both Christian and secular, would return to our foundations as a Nation, God would heal all our ills.
You don't have to believe in God to believe; "Do not murder" is a good law!
The reasonable mind, like our founders, will conclude His other laws are good for us as well.
Jeremiah 33:3 II Chronicles 7:14
* * * * * * * *
Obama Mocks the Bible
Obama gives respect to the koran
combination short clip
Obama's Excessive glorification of Islam
Is he our president or theirs?
If we really were still a Christian nation, this man could never have been voted into office! So was he wrong when he declared; "America is no longer a Christian nation."?
* Note: I am not suggesting America's laws were copied verbatim from these Jewish laws, but being familiar with the scriptures, our founders made laws against these types of conduct, in agreement with God's values in scripture.
Today’s discussion is coming from a biblically based perspective, and primarily to Christians.
I realize I have readers whom are not Christian. That’s fine.
But I think you will be able to follow my reasoning here, even if you are unfamiliar with some basic Christian teachings.
I believe my conclusions will be applicable even if you are an unbeliever.
We now live in a time and country where most Christians are offered so many variables on Christian beliefs and practice, how can they know what is actually right?
American Christians are tragically ignorant of a serious understanding of their foundational documents; The Bible.
The result is that they build their Christianity on what they feel is right.
If they have a question, they don't turn to the bible and ask God, they turn to their Christian friends to get their opinion. They listen to a few pastors to see if they have anything to add that sounds right. and they read books on the subject in question.
Yet bizzarly they look everywhere for the answer, except to the documents that are fundamental to their faith. Why?
One of the very important features of the Bible is its use of "Type and Shadows", that is describing one reality, by another more familiar reality. We understand our relationship with God, through the type and shadow of a marriage. And we also have a better marriage when we gain understanding of a successful relationship with God.
Our national state is our type and shadow of our spiritual state. The successes and failures of the one, follow in similarity to the other.
We have our nation's founding documents which establish our very nation. Yet we have made thousands of lesser documents to rule us because we don't bother to read, and abide by the originals.
Over time our laws have now become so skewed, that the very original document called the Constitution, is now un-constitutional!
The writings of our founding fathers are now declared to be unlawful to read because they violate the founding documents… which they wrote!
Our nation is collapsing faster than anyone could have imagined and no one knows why? Insane!
Yet try to explain all this to Progressive Congressman who pass 4000 page bills without reading them, and you will discover it is impossible.
Yet even more insane than that, are Christians who complain about it, but do the same thing in their faith!
Few American Christians who stand boldly for “Christianity” have bothered to read the bible, let alone study it seriously as our founders did.
Our nation was built in a large part on the principles found in the 5 books of Jewish law; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, which are also the first 5 books of the Christian Bible.
Yet now, even our nation’s Christians are completely ignorant of these principles and laws. Some examples:
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.”
Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, also Romans 1:24-27 Homosexuality
“Also in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents: I have not found it by secret search, but upon all these.” Jeremiah 2:34 Abortion
“And the man that commiteth adultery with another man’s wife,… the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.” Leviticus 20:10 Adultery
“A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death…” Leviticus 20:27 “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live” Exodus 22:18 Divination *
Not only are Christians now squeamish regarding our national principles of right and wrong which are based on these laws,
They are just as ignorant of the universal consequences of violating these laws;
“… O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” Isaiah 3:12
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20
Isaiah 29:13-15
“Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honorable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst (for knowledge).” Isaiah 5:13
Now days the very words of Jesus himself are rejected as un-Christ like! (Matthew 5:17, 12:30) Just as the very words of our Founders are rejected as un-American!
“The Christian religion in its purity is the basis and the source of all genuine freedom in government. I am persuaded that no civil government of a republican form can exist and be durable, in which the principles of Christianity have not a controlling influence.” Noah Webster, June 1775
“Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the bible for their only law book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited, what a utopia, what a paradise would this region be.” John Adams at the congressional meeting to petition congress to import bibles after the war of independence 1777
“It (July 4) aught to be commemorated as ‘the day of deliverance’ by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty.” John Adams at the presentation of the new Constitution to the people July 4, 1776
“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people, it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams writer of the constitution.
One reason;
“The democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves a largess from the treasury. From that moment on, the majority will always vote for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury. With the result, the democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy.” Alexander Tytler
“The highest glory of the American Revolution was this; that it connected in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.” President John Quincy Adams
I have listed many such examples in my previous post Separation of Church and State
to show that our founders were not just religious, they were decisively Christian with Christian beliefs.
Now I find the need to provide today’s Christian with similar evidence to show what a Christian actually believes!
American Christianity is collapsing faster than anyone could have imagined and no one knows why?
Americans now live their religion based on their emotions.
"Whatever feels good."
"Who are you to judge me?"
"I think God is...."
"My god would never...."
and on and on.
Americans have now created their own god, to suit their own desires.
World history shows this is common to man.
Americans call this creation of theirs by the name of the one true God, the Creator of everything, but the god they have made is far from the likeness of Him.
They hold high their bible, but interpret it to mean whatever they want it to say, which is really easy if you don't open it much.
Jesus said; "And when he (the shepherd) sets out his own sheep, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him: because they know his voice. And a stranger they will not follow, but will flee from him: because they don't know the voice of strangers" John 10:4-5 paraphrased
This verse does not even address the confusion of his sheep not knowing which voice to follow. Why?
Because this verse makes clear that it is not a problem among his sheep!
The only way you can have a problem with this thought is to be convinced you are his sheep even though you can't tell which voice is his!
And here is the root of the problem both nationally and spiritually.
The only way to know you are his sheep is if you know his voice.
The only way to know his voice is to hear it often.
The only way to hear it often is to spend time in his presence.
Our lawmakers do not know the Law, because they are too busy making law in violation of the Law. Their educators have convinced them that the bible, which is foundational to our laws, must be kept out of the law. This is contrary to the founder’s intent and urgent endeavors.
* * * * *
Is there any logic that can turn the perspective of a mind based on emotion?
It has been said; "You cannot reason with an unreasonable man."
So what can you do?
It is in the nature of sheep and men, to follow.
If you hear His voice, then follow Him.
There may be a few in the state of confusion, who will see you going and follow along, and in so doing, learn to hear His voice too!
Christians need to stay on the path of "following".
Do not stop to talk someone into going your way,
you call to them as you go. Whom the LORD will call, they can follow.
There are other sheep, who hear another voice, and go another way.
You will only be confused if you do not know the voice of your shepherd,
or if you want to stay with the erring sheep. Matthew 10:34-40
What hope is there for an American who doesn’t actually want to be an American?
The same as the Christian who doesn’t actually want to be a Christian!
“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand;” Jesus, Matthew 12:25
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
Jesus, Matthew 22:37-39
Can you honestly say this is you without question?
If Americans, both Christian and secular, would return to our foundations as a Nation, God would heal all our ills.
You don't have to believe in God to believe; "Do not murder" is a good law!
The reasonable mind, like our founders, will conclude His other laws are good for us as well.
Jeremiah 33:3 II Chronicles 7:14
* * * * * * * *
Obama Mocks the Bible
Obama gives respect to the koran
combination short clip
Obama's Excessive glorification of Islam
Is he our president or theirs?
If we really were still a Christian nation, this man could never have been voted into office! So was he wrong when he declared; "America is no longer a Christian nation."?
* Note: I am not suggesting America's laws were copied verbatim from these Jewish laws, but being familiar with the scriptures, our founders made laws against these types of conduct, in agreement with God's values in scripture.
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Blood Thirsty Moose
(and the poor helpless wolf)
post 070
I am an Alaskan, and in the winter I spend a fair amount of time out in the wilderness trapping, exploring and enjoying the great rugged outdoors.
I trap wolves... and I see a lot of moose.
I have learned with time to be hesitant at showing my pictures of wolves I have taken. There is a large segment of America that is readily offended that I would kill such a magnificent creature.
The arguments I hear are many including: They are beautiful, They are intelligent, They look so majestic, They only kill what they need to survive.
It would appear from feedback that these people are experts in the knowledge of wolves and their habits, as well as the proper management of them.
Just do a Youtube search; “wolf Tribute” to find the selection of limitless cases of unreasonable attachment to the wolf. example 1
Aren’t they such wonderful, happy, playful animals no different than our own pets?
Why would you kill such an animal?
This intelligent, informed perspective went to new heights when Alaska’s Governor, Sarah Palin ran as vice president.
Ashley Judd, a Hollywood actress, who I am certain has never seen a single wolf in the wild, feels she has the wisdom to tell a life long Alaska resident and the governor of the state, how to manage Alaska’s wildlife.
Judd commercial
Other examples of an emotional appeal to save the poor helpless wolf:
This is the kind of response I get if I let someone know I trap wolves in winter.
* * *
On the polar opposite to the wonderful wolf, we have simply by default, the bloodthirsty moose.
We all have heard horror stories like the one of an old man being trampled to death by a berserk moose near the entrance to the Anchorage mall. (couldn’t find that clip)
They have sharp hooves and pointy antlers, They are violent creatures!
Big and dumb, useless, ugly, and aggressive!
killer moose
Ok, I couldn’t find any video proving it, but I have heard someone who said he heard of a moose who killed a wolf with his hooves.
* * *
Some Facts:
The State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game has published a pamphlet titled: “Wolves in Alaska”
In this publication they state:
State biologists monitor the health of Alaska’s wolf population by estimating the number and size of packs in selected areas of the state. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game also conducts studies on the relationship between wolves and their prey and wolf population dynamics, among other topics.
Wolves in Alaska are not threatened or endangered. About 7,500 wolves live in Alaska on hundreds of millions of acres of pristine habitat. Alaska is committed to maintaining a large and healthy wolf population.”
What studies has Miss Judd been involved with?
Where are her validations for her public disparagement of Alaska’s Governor on this topic?
Emotion? Hardly a viable support for such a public declaration.
The pamphlet also includes this segment:
“The rate at which wolves kill large mammals varies with pack size, prey availability and environmental conditions. A pack may kill a moose every few days during the winter…. On the average, each wolf eats about 12 moose or 36 caribou a year.”
Is that a type-o?!
But each hunter is allowed only 1 moose to feed his entire family each year.
Now with this factual information who do you see is getting the advantage?
Yet when it comes between the happy helpless playful wolf, or the blood thirsty killer moose, The wolves need our help!
What makes people believe what they do? And why do people almost always choose to believe what is not true?
In my time in the woods, I have seen many remains of moose killed by wolves.
I have never seen a wolf killed by a moose.
Moose eat tree parts,
Wolves eat moose parts.
But someone somewhere I am sure, has a video of a moose kicking a wolf to death, and that is reason enough to believe that moose are the aggressor and need to be “wiped off the earth!”
Ridiculous you say?
Keep reading.
It takes very little real life observation, or even a little reading on the subject such as; Alaska's Wolf Man: The 1915-55 Wilderness Adventures of Frank Glaser by Jim Rearden to figure out that moose are actually NOT the aggressor, and that wolves actually are blood thirsty killers, who often kill for pleasure leaving the animal uneaten. But those wolf lovers out there will not bother to learn any facts, they already have their minds made up.
Am I saying the answer is to kill all wolves?
Of course not.
Wolves in the proper balance are a great part of the cycle of nature.
But without management they will multiply until they kill everything they can.
* * *
So why is this in my blog?
Because the “concept problem” is the same across many platforms.
Yesterday I was on line and found myself involved in the following issue:
A woman, we will call her ‘Host’ posted the following question regarding the USA kids who were forced to change their cloths which displayed the US Flag at school, on Cinco de Mayo. The question was presented with a Fox News logo, but there was no article attached for unknown reasons.
Should the American Flag Be Banned -- in America?
She got many opinions in reply, and there was a bit of confusion regarding the topic or the event, but still people were willing to provide a bold opinion.
Here is the discussion with the names changed to protect the participants:
where's the article? Did this have to do with those students wearing the American flag on Cinco de Mayo in Morgan Hill, CA?
there was no article, it's just the poll. im sure that because they mention keeping the children safe as one of the choices, that it is related to that, but regardless while of course everyone wants to keep them safe, i don’t feel that banning the flag is the way to do it.
I'm still confused. If it has to do with kids' safety, why not? The title of this post is misleading. If you look at the question only, it's a no brainer to say it shouldn't be banned. In the matter of PUBLIC SAFETY, it depends. I want to read the story and then base my answer on that.
I don't think that the left has any problem with the flag itself. The problem is how the flag is used by the right. Let me guess.. They were white kids wearing the American flag t-shirts? It wasn't the flag that bothered these people; it was how they used it.
Besides.. Isn't putting the symbol of the flag on a t shirt considered to be in poor taste? My flag is a flag. It's not a t shirt or a g string.
@ Wally. It's a safety problem because these white kids were throwing the flag in the face of the Mexican students. The way that they used the flag was no better than wearing a KKK hood on MLK day or flying rival gang colors. Their intention was to get a rise out of non-white people. It wasn't to honor the flag or our country.
Ok, so it has to do with that Morgan Hill incident then. I was trying to Google search a story related to this post. It appears Fox News is misleading the public just to get them angry.
I don't know for sure if it has to do with the Morgan Hill incident. Fox misleading? Nah... ;)
Why is there anything wrong with showing your patriotism? Does it really matter if the flag is printed on a t-shirt, if that is the only way that you can show it? Cinco de mayo is NOT an American holiday, there is no reason to celebrate it in schools, and the school had no right to suspend the kids who wore those shirts. How ridiculous.
This isn't patriotism; it's nationalism. They could care less about honoring the flag or our country by doing this.
They just did it on that Cinco de Mayo to get a rise out of Mexicans. The way that they used the flag was racist. Again, it's not the problem with the flag; it's how they used it.
I bet you any money that their parents put them up to this....
I also wonder how many days out of the year that these friends all wore their flag tshirts together. I bet you that it's a big fat 0!
You'd be surprised at what teenagers will do without the prompting of their parents. I still don't see anything wrong with what they did. Cinco de mayo is not an American holiday, if the Mexican students had a problem with the American flag on the kid's shirts, it's their problems, not the Caucasian children. There is nothing wrong with nationalism. Maybe more people need a little more pride for their country.
Wearing the flag as clothing is generally considered disrespectful.
How would you feel if you were a student in Mexico in a mix of American and Mexican students and a bunch of kids wore a Mexican flag to school on the Fourth of July?
I believe that the reason why the kids were kicked out of school was for safety reasons. These kids were making an anti-immigrant political statement by wearing the flag and the administration wanted to avoid any potential problems.
(After a bit of a side issue)
…What I'm saying is that this is a powder keg topic right now in our border states and I believe that the school administrators were right by kicking these kids out. I don't know if you're aware of this, but we have kids that ...(kill each other in school)
Wow did you open a can of worms!
I must respectfully disagree with Jim’s opinion of mixing two very important issues to come to his conclusion.
PS have you checked the stats on who's doing most the shooting? Legal or Illegal? Mexican or Not?
oh Paul, i wish i had seen you before i hit the send button, thank you for your contribution. (unrelated entry)
LOL I am always amazed at how we tend to be ignorant on issues, but naturally choose the wrong side. I have been following this. it is in the news. and the Mexican kids were making a very big issue of the mexican holiday in US schools. the US flag wearing was a retaliation. and I support it!
thank you, i thought i had read the wrong article when it first occurred, because that was my understanding also. however, i still agree with keeping kids safe, but we also need to look at the whole picture. were the mexican students punished as well? i was always told by Hispanics, that Cinco de Mayo is not a "holiday" they celebrate in Mexico. as a matter of fact, i went to a small mexican restaurant one year on that day, and asked them what it was all about, the server who barely spoke english had no idea what it was...she said their day of celebration was in September.
This story is very much like the Israeli issue. media and ignorance always on the wrong side!
PS, if I may do a bit of advertising here: check out my blog on my wall. very appropriate.
that's a great idea, your blog is great.
(blog posted)
I was going to respond more fully to all your questions Kim, but after taking a look at Paul's blog, no thank you.
So, my assumption was correct then. The kids were using the flag t shirts for nothing more than to taunt the other kids. How is that a good thing?
When people on your soil put down your nation in bold preference to the one they came from, THAT is what should be criticized, not the actions of those defending the nation they are standing in, in a peaceful demonstration of patriotism.
(Jim) what is it about his blog that offends you? and why would that affect whether you respond to me?
just understand that i do not defend violence, i do defend freedom of speech, provided that it is responsible.
i whole heartedly agree with Paul regarding our Nation.
and there should be no harm in supporting your heritage, but to blatantly support another country as if it were the better country, or to set out to prove, what? not as if it were your favorite sports team.
i firmly believe that if someone so abusively supports "their" nation, over the one in which they are standing in, then get the ---- out, and go back to where you came from. if your country was crap enough to leave, then why would you want our Country to be so like that one?
You're not getting my point here. I fully support these kids making a statement. It just wasn't the right venue for it. What if this had resulted in violence? Then, people would've blamed the administrators for not doing their jobs to protect the kids.
I understand that concern.
banning shirts with the US flag is NOT the correct action.
What is this about the Mexican kids putting down our country on our soil?
the entire issue began when Hispanic kids displayed the Mexican flag in mass at school for the holiday.
The US kids were offended at the taunt.
What was their intention though? To show pride for their country on their holiday or to put down our country?
IF this was a one time incident I wouldn’t be as supportive of the retaliation, but this has been a long issue there. Much as the Mexican kids in California schools refusing to salute the US flag or say the pledge, yet they feel they have a right to be in our country.
IF you follow this issue you will see the Mexicans have publicly stated that; "It is Mexico wherever we are"
This is knowingly and boldly claiming US soil for Mexico.
i wish i could remember all the other articles prior to this incident where the mexican students took their "pride" too far.
flag 1
just one of hundreds, remember, this is US soil!
A very good news article on a similar event, and the law explaining that this is illegal
This is the event of the present topic.
What they are not showing is the history here, so you get a skewed view of what was really going on.
ah, finally i found one of them.... oh, you did too...
Occupied Mexico
this is the crux of the real problem!
Remember, this is a teacher in America!
oh, how could i have forgotten that one, it was just a few days ago..i read about that...thank you for the reminder. i didnt watch all the way through, it makes me mad, ...
... this is a UCLA teacher!
Now, do you question AZ in their attempt to reclaim their state from illegals intent on "claiming their stolen land"?
Jim, it's not my intention to turn this into a mexican bashing place, this is the powder keg results. Americans are being violated and these are the results of that frustration, and i think it is past due.
i dont blame them at all, i was born in Arizona, it's not the state it used to be. my father told me last week that Phoenix is the kidnap capitol of the world...
That's f--- up! I certainly don't condone that behavior. How many people are like that though? It's like saying that all Muslims are terrorists.
This all goes back to it being at a school. If the Mexican kids were taunting the white Americans with their flag, it should've been stopped right there. I don't have a problem with the kids displaying pride for their country, but if it was merely to taunt the other kids, I think it's wrong.
i think we are all on common ground with that, but you see that it isn't like that, it's the American kids that get punished, and the media that twists it.
* * *
So why did I copy all that here?
Because this is a classic example in thinking; this strange trend to side with the aggressor against those just trying to survive in peace. (like the moose) And because these links are critical to see.
In ignorance of the event, this man for reasons yet unknown, automatically and confidently takes the side of those offended by the display of the US flag on U.S. soil. “because it might end in violence.”
Thinking logically and reasonably;
Why immediately choose to believe the flag totters are the aggressor? Perhaps they were, but why not ask before making a determination? Why not assume Americans on American soil are first in the right, and begin your query with doubting the behavior of Mexicans on American soil?
US soil, US school, US students, US flag. Someone is offended? Hmmmm
Now with questions like this you begin to look for a cause of both the action, and the offense. And we discover these American students of Mexican descent, are confused about their allegiance. In California we have students refusing to salute the flag or give the Pledge Of Allegiance, the reason given? They are of Mexican descent, and so have Mexican allegiances, even though they were born in the USA.
At UCLA we have a professor claiming California is US occupied Mexican soil that must be taken back.
In California the Mexican flag is flown over schools, Post offices and businesses…. on US soil!
In Arizona we have so many illegal Mexicans crossing into the USA, the state has enacted arguably extreme laws to hinder this.
There are lots of Youtube videos showing conflict between those loyal to the USA and those not. This is not a racial issue, this is an issue of Allegiance, and therefore an issue of national defense!
The nature of war is to take or defend what you can.
I have no problem with the actions of millions of Mexican loyal people attempting to takeover land from American sovereignty. It is the nature of war.
My problem is with those claiming to be loyal to America, allowing them to do it from a fear of conflict. I have not one single issue or problem with US loyal Mexicans living in America whether born here or naturalized. But I also have no problem believing every illegal Mexican attempting to sneak across the border should be shot dead.
Why? Because I hate Mexicans?
NO! I DO NOT hate Mexicans!
But because I love America.
If they want to be here; come lawfully, with the mind to be Americans of Mexican decent. Not Mexican Americans.
P.S. I also have no problem with illegal Americans sneaking into Mexico being shot dead by the Mexicans.
That's kinda the point behind the whole "border thing" as a line in the dirt between nations.
How important is national security? Important enough to be included in the United States Constitution as Article 4 section 4; "The United states shall guarantee to every State in the Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion..."
Except Arizona? Insane. This is the issue which clearly indicates that the federal government has become Treasonous.
Yet like the Bloodthirsty moose story, there is a propensity for those completely ignorant of the issue, to choose the wrong side.
Americans are not trying to take over Mexico.
Americans are not illegally infiltrating Mexico in mass, defiant to their laws.
Yet Americans are automatically to blame for any conflict with un-loyal “Mexican Americans”
* * *
Finally we see the same tendency of choosing the wrong side, in regarding the recent Israeli Embargo seen in the news today.
Being fully ignorant of the details, Americans are easily led by the media to come to “their own conclusion” of judging that “evil Israel” for keeping needed aid from the poor Palestinians.
Regardless of the history of the Jews being unspeakably abused for a few thousand years,
Regardless of the self-proclamation that the Muslims want Israel driven into the sea to their destruction.
Regardless that Palestine was not even a nation until the nation of Israel gave of their tiny country the land for Palestine to exist. and in gratitude Palestine has continued lobbing rockets back into Israel ever since.
Regardless that Israel has no problem with many aid organizations entering Palestine delivering relief.
Regardless that the two organizations providing the ships of this flotilla have a long history of Terrorism.
Regardless that Grease refused to allow the flotilla to port in Grease because of their terrorist backing,
Regardless that Egypt refused entry of these organizations because of their terrorist activity.
Regardless of Israel’s willingness to allow them through, if they would but agree to a check search which was refused.
Regardless of all this and more;
The masses immediately and boldly side against the evil Jews and in favor of the poor “aid ships” refused by Israel.
This is a real life, current example showing the ridiculous notion that Israel is the aggressor and Islam is the poor helpless religion of peace.
Get a map or do Google Earth. Look at the land Israel wants to return to, look at the land occupied by Islam.
The entire history of the Jews has been pushed, and kicked, and abused and murdered, and they take it and take it. Then on the occasion they feel they have had enough, they retaliate just a little, and some schmuck gets it on film to prove the angry, blood thirsty, Jews are killers.
Never mind that the Kor’an (the bible of Islam) requires all Muslims to kill those who do not chose to follow Allah.
Never mind that the religion of Islam cannot rest until all the world worships Allah.
Never mind the history of violence, and the directive to kill themselves if they can kill a few Jews in the process.
It is a fool who believes that moose kill wolves, and that the wolf is a poor helpless animal in need of our protection. In spite of the fact that wolf packs cover many miles, we need to give the few acres a moose needs, to the wolves as well, they just can’t be happy until every moose is run into the sea!
It is a fool who believes that any American (not just Mexicans) have the right to show defiant allegiance to a foreign country while on U.S. soil and should expect no retaliation.
It is a fool who believes that you can intend peace, when you vow to wipe an entire peaceful nation from the map.
Our so-called President wants to give the holiest city of our tiny allies, to the self-proclaimed enemy of both our own nations!
let me be clear…oops
lets divide Jerusalem
Clinton on two state solution
What is it that makes people gravitate toward love and defense of the predator against the prey?
Unbalanced Hunting rules for natures predators
Women’s rights over their unborn
Illegal aliens over Poverty stricken vets
Palestinians over Jews.
Dictators over freedom?
Ask yourself: "What makes me believe what I do? and how sure am I, that I have enough facts to know what is true?"
post 070
I am an Alaskan, and in the winter I spend a fair amount of time out in the wilderness trapping, exploring and enjoying the great rugged outdoors.
I trap wolves... and I see a lot of moose.
I have learned with time to be hesitant at showing my pictures of wolves I have taken. There is a large segment of America that is readily offended that I would kill such a magnificent creature.
The arguments I hear are many including: They are beautiful, They are intelligent, They look so majestic, They only kill what they need to survive.
It would appear from feedback that these people are experts in the knowledge of wolves and their habits, as well as the proper management of them.
Just do a Youtube search; “wolf Tribute” to find the selection of limitless cases of unreasonable attachment to the wolf. example 1
Aren’t they such wonderful, happy, playful animals no different than our own pets?
Why would you kill such an animal?
This intelligent, informed perspective went to new heights when Alaska’s Governor, Sarah Palin ran as vice president.
Ashley Judd, a Hollywood actress, who I am certain has never seen a single wolf in the wild, feels she has the wisdom to tell a life long Alaska resident and the governor of the state, how to manage Alaska’s wildlife.
Judd commercial
Other examples of an emotional appeal to save the poor helpless wolf:
This is the kind of response I get if I let someone know I trap wolves in winter.
* * *
On the polar opposite to the wonderful wolf, we have simply by default, the bloodthirsty moose.
We all have heard horror stories like the one of an old man being trampled to death by a berserk moose near the entrance to the Anchorage mall. (couldn’t find that clip)
They have sharp hooves and pointy antlers, They are violent creatures!
Big and dumb, useless, ugly, and aggressive!
killer moose
Ok, I couldn’t find any video proving it, but I have heard someone who said he heard of a moose who killed a wolf with his hooves.
* * *
Some Facts:
The State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game has published a pamphlet titled: “Wolves in Alaska”
In this publication they state:
State biologists monitor the health of Alaska’s wolf population by estimating the number and size of packs in selected areas of the state. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game also conducts studies on the relationship between wolves and their prey and wolf population dynamics, among other topics.
Wolves in Alaska are not threatened or endangered. About 7,500 wolves live in Alaska on hundreds of millions of acres of pristine habitat. Alaska is committed to maintaining a large and healthy wolf population.”
What studies has Miss Judd been involved with?
Where are her validations for her public disparagement of Alaska’s Governor on this topic?
Emotion? Hardly a viable support for such a public declaration.
The pamphlet also includes this segment:
“The rate at which wolves kill large mammals varies with pack size, prey availability and environmental conditions. A pack may kill a moose every few days during the winter…. On the average, each wolf eats about 12 moose or 36 caribou a year.”
Is that a type-o?!
But each hunter is allowed only 1 moose to feed his entire family each year.
Now with this factual information who do you see is getting the advantage?
Yet when it comes between the happy helpless playful wolf, or the blood thirsty killer moose, The wolves need our help!
What makes people believe what they do? And why do people almost always choose to believe what is not true?
In my time in the woods, I have seen many remains of moose killed by wolves.
I have never seen a wolf killed by a moose.
Moose eat tree parts,
Wolves eat moose parts.
But someone somewhere I am sure, has a video of a moose kicking a wolf to death, and that is reason enough to believe that moose are the aggressor and need to be “wiped off the earth!”
Ridiculous you say?
Keep reading.
It takes very little real life observation, or even a little reading on the subject such as; Alaska's Wolf Man: The 1915-55 Wilderness Adventures of Frank Glaser by Jim Rearden to figure out that moose are actually NOT the aggressor, and that wolves actually are blood thirsty killers, who often kill for pleasure leaving the animal uneaten. But those wolf lovers out there will not bother to learn any facts, they already have their minds made up.
Am I saying the answer is to kill all wolves?
Of course not.
Wolves in the proper balance are a great part of the cycle of nature.
But without management they will multiply until they kill everything they can.
* * *
So why is this in my blog?
Because the “concept problem” is the same across many platforms.
Yesterday I was on line and found myself involved in the following issue:
A woman, we will call her ‘Host’ posted the following question regarding the USA kids who were forced to change their cloths which displayed the US Flag at school, on Cinco de Mayo. The question was presented with a Fox News logo, but there was no article attached for unknown reasons.
Should the American Flag Be Banned -- in America?
She got many opinions in reply, and there was a bit of confusion regarding the topic or the event, but still people were willing to provide a bold opinion.
Here is the discussion with the names changed to protect the participants:
where's the article? Did this have to do with those students wearing the American flag on Cinco de Mayo in Morgan Hill, CA?
there was no article, it's just the poll. im sure that because they mention keeping the children safe as one of the choices, that it is related to that, but regardless while of course everyone wants to keep them safe, i don’t feel that banning the flag is the way to do it.
I'm still confused. If it has to do with kids' safety, why not? The title of this post is misleading. If you look at the question only, it's a no brainer to say it shouldn't be banned. In the matter of PUBLIC SAFETY, it depends. I want to read the story and then base my answer on that.
I don't think that the left has any problem with the flag itself. The problem is how the flag is used by the right. Let me guess.. They were white kids wearing the American flag t-shirts? It wasn't the flag that bothered these people; it was how they used it.
Besides.. Isn't putting the symbol of the flag on a t shirt considered to be in poor taste? My flag is a flag. It's not a t shirt or a g string.
@ Wally. It's a safety problem because these white kids were throwing the flag in the face of the Mexican students. The way that they used the flag was no better than wearing a KKK hood on MLK day or flying rival gang colors. Their intention was to get a rise out of non-white people. It wasn't to honor the flag or our country.
Ok, so it has to do with that Morgan Hill incident then. I was trying to Google search a story related to this post. It appears Fox News is misleading the public just to get them angry.
I don't know for sure if it has to do with the Morgan Hill incident. Fox misleading? Nah... ;)
Why is there anything wrong with showing your patriotism? Does it really matter if the flag is printed on a t-shirt, if that is the only way that you can show it? Cinco de mayo is NOT an American holiday, there is no reason to celebrate it in schools, and the school had no right to suspend the kids who wore those shirts. How ridiculous.
This isn't patriotism; it's nationalism. They could care less about honoring the flag or our country by doing this.
They just did it on that Cinco de Mayo to get a rise out of Mexicans. The way that they used the flag was racist. Again, it's not the problem with the flag; it's how they used it.
I bet you any money that their parents put them up to this....
I also wonder how many days out of the year that these friends all wore their flag tshirts together. I bet you that it's a big fat 0!
You'd be surprised at what teenagers will do without the prompting of their parents. I still don't see anything wrong with what they did. Cinco de mayo is not an American holiday, if the Mexican students had a problem with the American flag on the kid's shirts, it's their problems, not the Caucasian children. There is nothing wrong with nationalism. Maybe more people need a little more pride for their country.
Wearing the flag as clothing is generally considered disrespectful.
How would you feel if you were a student in Mexico in a mix of American and Mexican students and a bunch of kids wore a Mexican flag to school on the Fourth of July?
I believe that the reason why the kids were kicked out of school was for safety reasons. These kids were making an anti-immigrant political statement by wearing the flag and the administration wanted to avoid any potential problems.
(After a bit of a side issue)
…What I'm saying is that this is a powder keg topic right now in our border states and I believe that the school administrators were right by kicking these kids out. I don't know if you're aware of this, but we have kids that ...(kill each other in school)
Wow did you open a can of worms!
I must respectfully disagree with Jim’s opinion of mixing two very important issues to come to his conclusion.
PS have you checked the stats on who's doing most the shooting? Legal or Illegal? Mexican or Not?
oh Paul, i wish i had seen you before i hit the send button, thank you for your contribution. (unrelated entry)
LOL I am always amazed at how we tend to be ignorant on issues, but naturally choose the wrong side. I have been following this. it is in the news. and the Mexican kids were making a very big issue of the mexican holiday in US schools. the US flag wearing was a retaliation. and I support it!
thank you, i thought i had read the wrong article when it first occurred, because that was my understanding also. however, i still agree with keeping kids safe, but we also need to look at the whole picture. were the mexican students punished as well? i was always told by Hispanics, that Cinco de Mayo is not a "holiday" they celebrate in Mexico. as a matter of fact, i went to a small mexican restaurant one year on that day, and asked them what it was all about, the server who barely spoke english had no idea what it was...she said their day of celebration was in September.
This story is very much like the Israeli issue. media and ignorance always on the wrong side!
PS, if I may do a bit of advertising here: check out my blog on my wall. very appropriate.
that's a great idea, your blog is great.
(blog posted)
I was going to respond more fully to all your questions Kim, but after taking a look at Paul's blog, no thank you.
So, my assumption was correct then. The kids were using the flag t shirts for nothing more than to taunt the other kids. How is that a good thing?
When people on your soil put down your nation in bold preference to the one they came from, THAT is what should be criticized, not the actions of those defending the nation they are standing in, in a peaceful demonstration of patriotism.
(Jim) what is it about his blog that offends you? and why would that affect whether you respond to me?
just understand that i do not defend violence, i do defend freedom of speech, provided that it is responsible.
i whole heartedly agree with Paul regarding our Nation.
and there should be no harm in supporting your heritage, but to blatantly support another country as if it were the better country, or to set out to prove, what? not as if it were your favorite sports team.
i firmly believe that if someone so abusively supports "their" nation, over the one in which they are standing in, then get the ---- out, and go back to where you came from. if your country was crap enough to leave, then why would you want our Country to be so like that one?
You're not getting my point here. I fully support these kids making a statement. It just wasn't the right venue for it. What if this had resulted in violence? Then, people would've blamed the administrators for not doing their jobs to protect the kids.
I understand that concern.
banning shirts with the US flag is NOT the correct action.
What is this about the Mexican kids putting down our country on our soil?
the entire issue began when Hispanic kids displayed the Mexican flag in mass at school for the holiday.
The US kids were offended at the taunt.
What was their intention though? To show pride for their country on their holiday or to put down our country?
IF this was a one time incident I wouldn’t be as supportive of the retaliation, but this has been a long issue there. Much as the Mexican kids in California schools refusing to salute the US flag or say the pledge, yet they feel they have a right to be in our country.
IF you follow this issue you will see the Mexicans have publicly stated that; "It is Mexico wherever we are"
This is knowingly and boldly claiming US soil for Mexico.
i wish i could remember all the other articles prior to this incident where the mexican students took their "pride" too far.
flag 1
just one of hundreds, remember, this is US soil!
A very good news article on a similar event, and the law explaining that this is illegal
This is the event of the present topic.
What they are not showing is the history here, so you get a skewed view of what was really going on.
ah, finally i found one of them.... oh, you did too...
Occupied Mexico
this is the crux of the real problem!
Remember, this is a teacher in America!
oh, how could i have forgotten that one, it was just a few days ago..i read about that...thank you for the reminder. i didnt watch all the way through, it makes me mad, ...
... this is a UCLA teacher!
Now, do you question AZ in their attempt to reclaim their state from illegals intent on "claiming their stolen land"?
Jim, it's not my intention to turn this into a mexican bashing place, this is the powder keg results. Americans are being violated and these are the results of that frustration, and i think it is past due.
i dont blame them at all, i was born in Arizona, it's not the state it used to be. my father told me last week that Phoenix is the kidnap capitol of the world...
That's f--- up! I certainly don't condone that behavior. How many people are like that though? It's like saying that all Muslims are terrorists.
This all goes back to it being at a school. If the Mexican kids were taunting the white Americans with their flag, it should've been stopped right there. I don't have a problem with the kids displaying pride for their country, but if it was merely to taunt the other kids, I think it's wrong.
i think we are all on common ground with that, but you see that it isn't like that, it's the American kids that get punished, and the media that twists it.
* * *
So why did I copy all that here?
Because this is a classic example in thinking; this strange trend to side with the aggressor against those just trying to survive in peace. (like the moose) And because these links are critical to see.
In ignorance of the event, this man for reasons yet unknown, automatically and confidently takes the side of those offended by the display of the US flag on U.S. soil. “because it might end in violence.”
Thinking logically and reasonably;
Why immediately choose to believe the flag totters are the aggressor? Perhaps they were, but why not ask before making a determination? Why not assume Americans on American soil are first in the right, and begin your query with doubting the behavior of Mexicans on American soil?
US soil, US school, US students, US flag. Someone is offended? Hmmmm
Now with questions like this you begin to look for a cause of both the action, and the offense. And we discover these American students of Mexican descent, are confused about their allegiance. In California we have students refusing to salute the flag or give the Pledge Of Allegiance, the reason given? They are of Mexican descent, and so have Mexican allegiances, even though they were born in the USA.
At UCLA we have a professor claiming California is US occupied Mexican soil that must be taken back.
In California the Mexican flag is flown over schools, Post offices and businesses…. on US soil!
In Arizona we have so many illegal Mexicans crossing into the USA, the state has enacted arguably extreme laws to hinder this.
There are lots of Youtube videos showing conflict between those loyal to the USA and those not. This is not a racial issue, this is an issue of Allegiance, and therefore an issue of national defense!
The nature of war is to take or defend what you can.
I have no problem with the actions of millions of Mexican loyal people attempting to takeover land from American sovereignty. It is the nature of war.
My problem is with those claiming to be loyal to America, allowing them to do it from a fear of conflict. I have not one single issue or problem with US loyal Mexicans living in America whether born here or naturalized. But I also have no problem believing every illegal Mexican attempting to sneak across the border should be shot dead.
Why? Because I hate Mexicans?
NO! I DO NOT hate Mexicans!
But because I love America.
If they want to be here; come lawfully, with the mind to be Americans of Mexican decent. Not Mexican Americans.
P.S. I also have no problem with illegal Americans sneaking into Mexico being shot dead by the Mexicans.
That's kinda the point behind the whole "border thing" as a line in the dirt between nations.
How important is national security? Important enough to be included in the United States Constitution as Article 4 section 4; "The United states shall guarantee to every State in the Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion..."
Except Arizona? Insane. This is the issue which clearly indicates that the federal government has become Treasonous.
Yet like the Bloodthirsty moose story, there is a propensity for those completely ignorant of the issue, to choose the wrong side.
Americans are not trying to take over Mexico.
Americans are not illegally infiltrating Mexico in mass, defiant to their laws.
Yet Americans are automatically to blame for any conflict with un-loyal “Mexican Americans”
* * *
Finally we see the same tendency of choosing the wrong side, in regarding the recent Israeli Embargo seen in the news today.
Being fully ignorant of the details, Americans are easily led by the media to come to “their own conclusion” of judging that “evil Israel” for keeping needed aid from the poor Palestinians.
Regardless of the history of the Jews being unspeakably abused for a few thousand years,
Regardless of the self-proclamation that the Muslims want Israel driven into the sea to their destruction.
Regardless that Palestine was not even a nation until the nation of Israel gave of their tiny country the land for Palestine to exist. and in gratitude Palestine has continued lobbing rockets back into Israel ever since.
Regardless that Israel has no problem with many aid organizations entering Palestine delivering relief.
Regardless that the two organizations providing the ships of this flotilla have a long history of Terrorism.
Regardless that Grease refused to allow the flotilla to port in Grease because of their terrorist backing,
Regardless that Egypt refused entry of these organizations because of their terrorist activity.
Regardless of Israel’s willingness to allow them through, if they would but agree to a check search which was refused.
Regardless of all this and more;
The masses immediately and boldly side against the evil Jews and in favor of the poor “aid ships” refused by Israel.
This is a real life, current example showing the ridiculous notion that Israel is the aggressor and Islam is the poor helpless religion of peace.
Get a map or do Google Earth. Look at the land Israel wants to return to, look at the land occupied by Islam.
The entire history of the Jews has been pushed, and kicked, and abused and murdered, and they take it and take it. Then on the occasion they feel they have had enough, they retaliate just a little, and some schmuck gets it on film to prove the angry, blood thirsty, Jews are killers.
Never mind that the Kor’an (the bible of Islam) requires all Muslims to kill those who do not chose to follow Allah.
Never mind that the religion of Islam cannot rest until all the world worships Allah.
Never mind the history of violence, and the directive to kill themselves if they can kill a few Jews in the process.
It is a fool who believes that moose kill wolves, and that the wolf is a poor helpless animal in need of our protection. In spite of the fact that wolf packs cover many miles, we need to give the few acres a moose needs, to the wolves as well, they just can’t be happy until every moose is run into the sea!
It is a fool who believes that any American (not just Mexicans) have the right to show defiant allegiance to a foreign country while on U.S. soil and should expect no retaliation.
It is a fool who believes that you can intend peace, when you vow to wipe an entire peaceful nation from the map.
Our so-called President wants to give the holiest city of our tiny allies, to the self-proclaimed enemy of both our own nations!
let me be clear…oops
lets divide Jerusalem
Clinton on two state solution
What is it that makes people gravitate toward love and defense of the predator against the prey?
Unbalanced Hunting rules for natures predators
Women’s rights over their unborn
Illegal aliens over Poverty stricken vets
Palestinians over Jews.
Dictators over freedom?
Ask yourself: "What makes me believe what I do? and how sure am I, that I have enough facts to know what is true?"
Thursday, June 17, 2010
What is the reason?
post 069
Do you really believe the Leader of the Greatest Nation on earth is an ignorant man short of the ability to think?
I don’t.
So ask yourself; why does he say: “We will fight this spill with everything we’ve got for as long as it takes.” Obama speech (starting at marker 2:10)
Yet now more than 50 days into this disaster he still refuses to waive the Jones Act
which would allow the many waiting foreign ships into our waters for the purpose of helping us clean up the largest oil spill in US history?
Good question.
This disaster began as an oil rig explosion on April 20. 2010. After more than 50 days into the disaster, this speech goes on (at marker 2:26) to claim; “From the very beginning of this crisis, the federal government has been in charge…” and he goes on to take credit for the few ideas, proposals, and efforts of the US citizens, which the feds permitted, ignoring the many which the feds have denied or delayed.
One of many examples: The government took weeks to authorize only a fraction of the oil barrier islands
proposed by the people, who were willing to build them immediately. But because the feds authorized a few, he includes them in his positive sounding statement. People are daily coming up with ingenious ways to help minimize this disaster such as this product; BM-007
I have seen many such solutions, none of which will cure the problem, but collectively can do much to reduce the effects. Just Google; “proposed gulf of mexico oil spill solution”
Don’t forget in the face of his statement (starting at meter 8:32) BP was drilling in mile deep water because the Federal government would not let them drill in 500’ deep water where the state of Louisiana had permitted. This is a classic Obama misdirection; The regulatory agency denied BP to drill in safe water, forcing them to drill in deep water, then Obama accused the drillers of bribery, the agency of corruption, and wants to fix the problem with more government agencies adding more regulations on the drillers. Starting at meter 8:41 he begins a long blame game of failed regulatory agency practices. But in stead of holding these agencies accountable for their alleged misconduct, he declares Ken Salazar and himself have, as good dictators do, brought in their own leadership into the agency (Michael Bromwich), adding yet another division of government, controlled by the whitehouse.
Beginning at marker 10:12 his statements as fact are flat out wrong. America has huge reserves of oil, but the government refuses to allow drilling. Having forced BPs hand to drill in deep water, the government can now use this disaster to their advantage and stop further drilling. Remember Rohm Imanuel? You never want a serious crisis to go to waste
The federal government is not a savior here, it is the chains that bind those who would solve this problem, and reduce the damage.
Don’t get me wrong, this is a very serious problem, with as yet an unknown cure.
The federal government has failed to do anything to solve this problem so far, in spite of the declaration; “From the very beginning of this crisis, the federal government has been in charge…”
In his own words, Mr Obama’s solution is yet more government, while the people affected by this disaster are begging the government to get out of the way!
This next boot on the throat
speech, shows the focus of the federal government is to lord over the work, not to actually do anything. This shows their desire to rule, not lead.
So again I ask;
Why has Obama not waved the Jones Act?
Remember the title wave that killed so many and decimated the coasts of many nations? We sent aid to many countries to help relieve their suffering.
Remember our reaction to China’s rejection of our cargo planes full of life saving supplies? “What kind of arrogant fool refuses help to save the lives of perhaps millions of their people?”
We watched helplessly, with huge planes full of supplies sitting on the runways, while the great suffering of a horrible, sudden event turned into greater suffering in the slow deaths of the survivors.
We asked ourselves; “Why?”
And now we are just such a foolish country. The rest of the world asks themselves; What kind of an arrogant fool refuses aid to save their coasts from decades of devastation?
Remember Obama has carefully filled his cabinet of advisers with people who admire Mao, and Chaves, and Castro, all mass murderers of their own people.
Perhaps they admire Hu Jintao, the leader of China as well?
Is this an Obama bashing blog?
Mr. Obama is doing what his entire life of progressive education is leading him to do.
He is acting as a ruler, not a leader.
You may not like what he is doing.
You may be pulling your hair out over it.
But it was the American people who voted him into the office he now holds.
Why did we do that?
Because for too long we have left the government "of the people", run uncontrolled "by the people", until it is no longer "for the people".
When a landowner has to first get the federal governments permission to protect his land, his family and his possessions, there is no longer freedom.
By our slothful unconcern we have ignorantly voted in those who’s answers are to take us backwards into slavery of the state.
Our founders fought and died to bring us out of such slavery.
Don’t blame a tyrant for having the mind of a tyrant.
Don’t blame a despot for having the mind of a despot.
Don’t blame a dictator for having the mind of a dictator.
Don’t blame a progressive for having the mind of a progressive.
Rather blame the fools who did not lift a hand to protect themselves from the beast when they had the power.
Blame US.
And if the blame rests heavily on yours and my shoulders, then we may feel the burden to bear the responsibility to fix our problems, and stop looking to someone else.
A quote given to me by my USMC drill instructor says;
“For those who fight for it, Freedom has a special flavor the protected never know.”
I urge you to join in the fight to reclaim our heritage, our foundations, and our God.
Choose to get involved.
Do you really believe the Leader of the Greatest Nation on earth is an ignorant man short of the ability to think?
I don’t.
So ask yourself; why does he say: “We will fight this spill with everything we’ve got for as long as it takes.” Obama speech (starting at marker 2:10)
Yet now more than 50 days into this disaster he still refuses to waive the Jones Act
which would allow the many waiting foreign ships into our waters for the purpose of helping us clean up the largest oil spill in US history?
Good question.
This disaster began as an oil rig explosion on April 20. 2010. After more than 50 days into the disaster, this speech goes on (at marker 2:26) to claim; “From the very beginning of this crisis, the federal government has been in charge…” and he goes on to take credit for the few ideas, proposals, and efforts of the US citizens, which the feds permitted, ignoring the many which the feds have denied or delayed.
One of many examples: The government took weeks to authorize only a fraction of the oil barrier islands
proposed by the people, who were willing to build them immediately. But because the feds authorized a few, he includes them in his positive sounding statement. People are daily coming up with ingenious ways to help minimize this disaster such as this product; BM-007
I have seen many such solutions, none of which will cure the problem, but collectively can do much to reduce the effects. Just Google; “proposed gulf of mexico oil spill solution”
Don’t forget in the face of his statement (starting at meter 8:32) BP was drilling in mile deep water because the Federal government would not let them drill in 500’ deep water where the state of Louisiana had permitted. This is a classic Obama misdirection; The regulatory agency denied BP to drill in safe water, forcing them to drill in deep water, then Obama accused the drillers of bribery, the agency of corruption, and wants to fix the problem with more government agencies adding more regulations on the drillers. Starting at meter 8:41 he begins a long blame game of failed regulatory agency practices. But in stead of holding these agencies accountable for their alleged misconduct, he declares Ken Salazar and himself have, as good dictators do, brought in their own leadership into the agency (Michael Bromwich), adding yet another division of government, controlled by the whitehouse.
Beginning at marker 10:12 his statements as fact are flat out wrong. America has huge reserves of oil, but the government refuses to allow drilling. Having forced BPs hand to drill in deep water, the government can now use this disaster to their advantage and stop further drilling. Remember Rohm Imanuel? You never want a serious crisis to go to waste
The federal government is not a savior here, it is the chains that bind those who would solve this problem, and reduce the damage.
Don’t get me wrong, this is a very serious problem, with as yet an unknown cure.
The federal government has failed to do anything to solve this problem so far, in spite of the declaration; “From the very beginning of this crisis, the federal government has been in charge…”
In his own words, Mr Obama’s solution is yet more government, while the people affected by this disaster are begging the government to get out of the way!
This next boot on the throat
speech, shows the focus of the federal government is to lord over the work, not to actually do anything. This shows their desire to rule, not lead.
So again I ask;
Why has Obama not waved the Jones Act?
Remember the title wave that killed so many and decimated the coasts of many nations? We sent aid to many countries to help relieve their suffering.
Remember our reaction to China’s rejection of our cargo planes full of life saving supplies? “What kind of arrogant fool refuses help to save the lives of perhaps millions of their people?”
We watched helplessly, with huge planes full of supplies sitting on the runways, while the great suffering of a horrible, sudden event turned into greater suffering in the slow deaths of the survivors.
We asked ourselves; “Why?”
And now we are just such a foolish country. The rest of the world asks themselves; What kind of an arrogant fool refuses aid to save their coasts from decades of devastation?
Remember Obama has carefully filled his cabinet of advisers with people who admire Mao, and Chaves, and Castro, all mass murderers of their own people.
Perhaps they admire Hu Jintao, the leader of China as well?
Is this an Obama bashing blog?
Mr. Obama is doing what his entire life of progressive education is leading him to do.
He is acting as a ruler, not a leader.
You may not like what he is doing.
You may be pulling your hair out over it.
But it was the American people who voted him into the office he now holds.
Why did we do that?
Because for too long we have left the government "of the people", run uncontrolled "by the people", until it is no longer "for the people".
When a landowner has to first get the federal governments permission to protect his land, his family and his possessions, there is no longer freedom.
By our slothful unconcern we have ignorantly voted in those who’s answers are to take us backwards into slavery of the state.
Our founders fought and died to bring us out of such slavery.
Don’t blame a tyrant for having the mind of a tyrant.
Don’t blame a despot for having the mind of a despot.
Don’t blame a dictator for having the mind of a dictator.
Don’t blame a progressive for having the mind of a progressive.
Rather blame the fools who did not lift a hand to protect themselves from the beast when they had the power.
Blame US.
And if the blame rests heavily on yours and my shoulders, then we may feel the burden to bear the responsibility to fix our problems, and stop looking to someone else.
A quote given to me by my USMC drill instructor says;
“For those who fight for it, Freedom has a special flavor the protected never know.”
I urge you to join in the fight to reclaim our heritage, our foundations, and our God.
Choose to get involved.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Quote of the Day
post 068
"When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty."
Thomas Jefferson
"When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty."
Thomas Jefferson
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Is This Help, Hope or Folly?
post 067
For a few months I have resisted jumping on a train, destine to ends yet unknown.
So I have waited, and watched.
But I felt it important to post a topic of interesting events which really deserves to be watched.
In my post “America the Titanic” I revealed a truth that God does not generally or typically make a grand entrance into the lives of mankind to save the day, but that His MO (mode of operation) is to mysteriously “help” events in ways which allow for the impossible.
Most Americans today offend Him by attributing such help to Mother Nature, or The Higher Power, or Dumb Luck, or any number of other less than glorious titles of one so interested in our welfare.
Rarely is there a people, whose government is designed to openly give God the praise for the truly amazing sequences of strange events that enable success in otherwise hopeless circumstances.
Israel is just such a people, who over time have both given God the credit, and at other times given the credit to these other less glorious entities.
America is the only other people group I am aware of, which in their form of government has given God the recognition he deserves for his quiet involvement in their existence.
But on the flip side, there seems to be no end to the praise given to God for the Dumb Luck, good odds, and 50/50 successes of events that would not end differently if God did not exist.
If I fall off the sidewalk and don’t break my leg, was that a miracle from God? Hardly.
There is an old saying; “Providence favors the well prepared” This is the rare theme behind the movie; “Karate Kid”. This is the generic rule of nature. Today we often refer to this as “Survival of the fittest”.
God or Luck?
How we separate these two is often a matter of faith, but the camp in which we choose to put the cause of the event, does not mean we chose correctly. Just because I “believe” God kept my leg from breaking, does not mean it was a miracle, and just because you “believe” all existence was a freak accident, does not mean that it was.
There is a single reality, but many wrong ways to see it.
There is a single truth, (that which corresponds to reality), but many lies masquerading as truth.
It is our job as free agents to properly separate true from false. It is also our job to give credit to whom it belongs, and avoid praising the wrong source.
Where am I going with this?
There are still a lot of committed Christians in America today.
It is not God’s normal practice to destroy a people committed to his way. In fact he promises He will not. Hebrews 13:5,
Don’t get me wrong, history is full of evidence that Satan is often granted the power to kill believers, this is war. But God has never granted Satan the power to destroy and entire people who put their faith in God, even at times when they go astray.
God has given to us the history of the Jews as our example of his interaction with his followers; when they turned to God, He helped them. When they turned away, He let them suffer. And when they repented, he helped them recover. (The entire Old Testament is full of examples)
Today in America, God’s people have been lulled asleep by luxury, comfort and pleasant sin. The children of darkness have assumed the positions of authority we have neglected.
But there are signs that the people of faith are waking up. And quietly, like me, they are calling out to God again.
II Chronicles 7:14
If we look at current events, we are seeing the beginning of a very curious trend:
The entrenched haters of God are being quietly dropped from the positions of leadership.
Lets take a look at some recent events:
Aug 1988 - Rush Limbaugh begins the serious conservative radio show, opening the door to conservative voices in the media.
Fox news gains great ground, * while CNN, NBC and other entrenched media struggle.**
* this from the Huffington Post
** this too from a liberal view
Jan 2009 - Glenn Beck
a radio clown, becomes a beacon of truth for America as a very conservative News Host on Fox.
Aug. 2009 - Long term Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy, “the patriarch of the first family of Democratic politics”, died in office, He was 77. Kennedy
Relatively unknown Scott Brown (R)
filled that empty seat running against the shoe-in opponent, Democratic state Attorney General Martha Coakley.
An unusually high number of long term democrats are retiring like rats from a singing ship, while others are being replaced for corruption. Illinois Gov. Blagojevich,Blagojevich-Obama-Senate-Seat-illinois-120908.article
June 2010 - Democrat Congressman Bob Etheridge
caught ruffing up a student reporter.
In spite of a strong majority in both houses the Dems are having trouble passing bills.
June 2010 - Alvin Greene
an unemployed man who is currently facing felony charges, with virtually no adds, no website, or funding, is voted the winner in South Carolina’s Democrat Senate primary, Apparently showing the (not so wise) public opinion; ANYONE is better than what we have now!
June 2010 - Leftist Helen Thomas retires:
"In the world of political journalism, it's the end of an era..." after anti-Semitic comments “on the record”.
And the list goes on.
Am I saying these are all good and wise changes? No. But the door is being opened for us to act. As the radical Progressives push to take our nation, there is a standard being raised against it. The opportunity is ours to take if we just will.
Darkness only takes hold at the absence of light. and it just a quickly flees when confronted with light.
America is most assuredly on its deathbed.
The prognosis is grim.
The doctors have all said; “there is no hope”
But near recent history shows the miraculous recovery of just such a hopeless cause;
Only hours after Israel became a nation at 4:30pm on May 14, 1948 the mighty Egyptian army rolled into Israel to “drive them into the sea”. And like the rag tag tiny American colonies, there was no hope of winning a war against such a large, well armed, long standing army. The British military leaders wrote home to say; Within hours Israel will be the shortest lived nation in history. There was no hope.
With more rocks and sticks than rifles as weapons,
With two supper cubs as their air force,
With Children as their military leaders,
and with only hours of national existence in which to train their troops;
The people of Israel not only won that war, but multiplied their land possession many times, allowing them to gift it back for peace.
Freak accident? Dumb Luck? You look at the history and decide for yourself! The facts show there was no way on earth they could have won that war.
But they did.
No amount of “preparedness” could have brought the “favor of providence” there. “Survival of the fittest” did not seem to materialize this time.
On which entity do you choose to attribute their success?
Today, America stands on similar hopeless ground.
We owe more than we can repay.
Our economy is ready to crash.
Our world presentation is a public mockery.
Our government institutions are more corrupt than the mafia.
We have invited God to leave, and have filled our nation with every abominable thing.
Officially our nation’s god is now “time + rain on a rock”.
The prognosis is hopeless.
We have already crashed into the iceberg.
In the world of God, the miraculous isn’t!
So lets continue to call out to God for his mercy.
We are on the road to national awakening,
Lets get serious with God again. Lets put away our filthy ways.
Lets continue to reclaim our righteousness, first as individuals, and then in our communities, and then in our nation.
Lets continue to stand as light against the darkness, and take special note when the darkness departs!
And lets prepare to watch “Dumb Luck” provide “impossible circumstances” at the “perfect time”, to see a nation with a Titanic size hole, fail to sink!
And when it does not sink, lets be smart enough to place the credit on whom it belongs!
For a few months I have resisted jumping on a train, destine to ends yet unknown.
So I have waited, and watched.
But I felt it important to post a topic of interesting events which really deserves to be watched.
In my post “America the Titanic” I revealed a truth that God does not generally or typically make a grand entrance into the lives of mankind to save the day, but that His MO (mode of operation) is to mysteriously “help” events in ways which allow for the impossible.
Most Americans today offend Him by attributing such help to Mother Nature, or The Higher Power, or Dumb Luck, or any number of other less than glorious titles of one so interested in our welfare.
Rarely is there a people, whose government is designed to openly give God the praise for the truly amazing sequences of strange events that enable success in otherwise hopeless circumstances.
Israel is just such a people, who over time have both given God the credit, and at other times given the credit to these other less glorious entities.
America is the only other people group I am aware of, which in their form of government has given God the recognition he deserves for his quiet involvement in their existence.
But on the flip side, there seems to be no end to the praise given to God for the Dumb Luck, good odds, and 50/50 successes of events that would not end differently if God did not exist.
If I fall off the sidewalk and don’t break my leg, was that a miracle from God? Hardly.
There is an old saying; “Providence favors the well prepared” This is the rare theme behind the movie; “Karate Kid”. This is the generic rule of nature. Today we often refer to this as “Survival of the fittest”.
God or Luck?
How we separate these two is often a matter of faith, but the camp in which we choose to put the cause of the event, does not mean we chose correctly. Just because I “believe” God kept my leg from breaking, does not mean it was a miracle, and just because you “believe” all existence was a freak accident, does not mean that it was.
There is a single reality, but many wrong ways to see it.
There is a single truth, (that which corresponds to reality), but many lies masquerading as truth.
It is our job as free agents to properly separate true from false. It is also our job to give credit to whom it belongs, and avoid praising the wrong source.
Where am I going with this?
There are still a lot of committed Christians in America today.
It is not God’s normal practice to destroy a people committed to his way. In fact he promises He will not. Hebrews 13:5,
Don’t get me wrong, history is full of evidence that Satan is often granted the power to kill believers, this is war. But God has never granted Satan the power to destroy and entire people who put their faith in God, even at times when they go astray.
God has given to us the history of the Jews as our example of his interaction with his followers; when they turned to God, He helped them. When they turned away, He let them suffer. And when they repented, he helped them recover. (The entire Old Testament is full of examples)
Today in America, God’s people have been lulled asleep by luxury, comfort and pleasant sin. The children of darkness have assumed the positions of authority we have neglected.
But there are signs that the people of faith are waking up. And quietly, like me, they are calling out to God again.
II Chronicles 7:14
If we look at current events, we are seeing the beginning of a very curious trend:
The entrenched haters of God are being quietly dropped from the positions of leadership.
Lets take a look at some recent events:
Aug 1988 - Rush Limbaugh begins the serious conservative radio show, opening the door to conservative voices in the media.
Fox news gains great ground, * while CNN, NBC and other entrenched media struggle.**
* this from the Huffington Post
** this too from a liberal view
Jan 2009 - Glenn Beck
a radio clown, becomes a beacon of truth for America as a very conservative News Host on Fox.
Aug. 2009 - Long term Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy, “the patriarch of the first family of Democratic politics”, died in office, He was 77. Kennedy
Relatively unknown Scott Brown (R)
filled that empty seat running against the shoe-in opponent, Democratic state Attorney General Martha Coakley.
An unusually high number of long term democrats are retiring like rats from a singing ship, while others are being replaced for corruption. Illinois Gov. Blagojevich,Blagojevich-Obama-Senate-Seat-illinois-120908.article
June 2010 - Democrat Congressman Bob Etheridge
caught ruffing up a student reporter.
In spite of a strong majority in both houses the Dems are having trouble passing bills.
June 2010 - Alvin Greene
an unemployed man who is currently facing felony charges, with virtually no adds, no website, or funding, is voted the winner in South Carolina’s Democrat Senate primary, Apparently showing the (not so wise) public opinion; ANYONE is better than what we have now!
June 2010 - Leftist Helen Thomas retires:
"In the world of political journalism, it's the end of an era..." after anti-Semitic comments “on the record”.
And the list goes on.
Am I saying these are all good and wise changes? No. But the door is being opened for us to act. As the radical Progressives push to take our nation, there is a standard being raised against it. The opportunity is ours to take if we just will.
Darkness only takes hold at the absence of light. and it just a quickly flees when confronted with light.
America is most assuredly on its deathbed.
The prognosis is grim.
The doctors have all said; “there is no hope”
But near recent history shows the miraculous recovery of just such a hopeless cause;
Only hours after Israel became a nation at 4:30pm on May 14, 1948 the mighty Egyptian army rolled into Israel to “drive them into the sea”. And like the rag tag tiny American colonies, there was no hope of winning a war against such a large, well armed, long standing army. The British military leaders wrote home to say; Within hours Israel will be the shortest lived nation in history. There was no hope.
With more rocks and sticks than rifles as weapons,
With two supper cubs as their air force,
With Children as their military leaders,
and with only hours of national existence in which to train their troops;
The people of Israel not only won that war, but multiplied their land possession many times, allowing them to gift it back for peace.
Freak accident? Dumb Luck? You look at the history and decide for yourself! The facts show there was no way on earth they could have won that war.
But they did.
No amount of “preparedness” could have brought the “favor of providence” there. “Survival of the fittest” did not seem to materialize this time.
On which entity do you choose to attribute their success?
Today, America stands on similar hopeless ground.
We owe more than we can repay.
Our economy is ready to crash.
Our world presentation is a public mockery.
Our government institutions are more corrupt than the mafia.
We have invited God to leave, and have filled our nation with every abominable thing.
Officially our nation’s god is now “time + rain on a rock”.
The prognosis is hopeless.
We have already crashed into the iceberg.
In the world of God, the miraculous isn’t!
So lets continue to call out to God for his mercy.
We are on the road to national awakening,
Lets get serious with God again. Lets put away our filthy ways.
Lets continue to reclaim our righteousness, first as individuals, and then in our communities, and then in our nation.
Lets continue to stand as light against the darkness, and take special note when the darkness departs!
And lets prepare to watch “Dumb Luck” provide “impossible circumstances” at the “perfect time”, to see a nation with a Titanic size hole, fail to sink!
And when it does not sink, lets be smart enough to place the credit on whom it belongs!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The Enemy of America - updated
post 066
Barack Heusain Obama is the enemy of our God, the Hater of Freedom, and the Destroyer of America.
Now don't get all worked up over that declaration.
I have added many links and expanded my first post titled;
"Prove Me Wrong!"
Please take the time to read it again!
Following is a fearful indication of his successful attempts to destroy America:
London Daily Telegraph on Obama
Video: Do Islamic Prophecies Point to Obama?
Here is a thought provoking collection of information I bet you have never heard.
Just found it November 26, 2010
I am not suggesting this is proof, or even significant, rather it is just more information to pile onto the heap indicating there is a bigger picture than you and I are aware of.
please just copy and past the following into your browser:
Barack Heusain Obama is the enemy of our God, the Hater of Freedom, and the Destroyer of America.
Now don't get all worked up over that declaration.
I have added many links and expanded my first post titled;
"Prove Me Wrong!"
Please take the time to read it again!
Following is a fearful indication of his successful attempts to destroy America:
London Daily Telegraph on Obama
Video: Do Islamic Prophecies Point to Obama?
Here is a thought provoking collection of information I bet you have never heard.
Just found it November 26, 2010
I am not suggesting this is proof, or even significant, rather it is just more information to pile onto the heap indicating there is a bigger picture than you and I are aware of.
please just copy and past the following into your browser:
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Barking Dog
post 065
We have all experienced the irritation of a neighborhood dog barking through the night at nothing significant. If it keeps up for more than a few nights, even the most tolerant, will become so agitated he will confront the dog’s owner. There is just something unsettling about that persistent, penetrating noise, going on and on, non-stop. The only person who seems unaffected by the barking is the owner himself who somehow has acquired the ability to block it out entirely.
On the other hand, everyone loves the dog who remains constantly quiet, always around but not in the way. Because of this normally quiet state, the neighbors and the owner are immediately alerted when they hear the dog barking. There is no doubt in their minds, that the dog is barking at something out of the ordinary, the dog is “sounding the alert” to something. It is then up to the owner to determine if the barking is warranted; perhaps a robber, or a bear, or even a fire.
Yet regardless of how important or valid the barking is, if it comes at 3:00 am, the first response is one of irritation. That is the nature of an alarm; it is supposed to be irritating to ensure a response, just as an infants cry.
All my life I have been around dogs which had been well trained and normally are very quiet. I have seen on occasion when these dogs get so excited about something that they just can’t help it, the dog would let out a low, quiet “woof”.
I also remember, on occasion, hearing the dog barking at night.
As a child I would see my dad go out with a light to investigate what was alarming the dog. After finding nothing, the dog would get a good talking to and we would all go back to bed.
After a few nights of this, finding no cause, the irritation would grow in us all until we began to be angry at the dog for waking us.
Finally, on one such particular occasion, we woke one morning to find the goats were dead. Killed by a brown bear who had through the week, becoming increasingly comfortable around the place, even with a barking dog.
This story is the same whether a bear, a fire or an intruder.
The dog was being faithful to do his part for the protection of the ones he loved, but in return he received ill favor, frustration, reprimand, and even disfavor.
But having the nature of a dog, he just kept doing his job the best he knew how.
The fault was not in the dog.
The owner faithfully got up to investigate. At first the owner was quick to respond.
With flashlight and rifle in hand a search was made each night, until in time the decision was made to just stay in bed, the repeated searching had shown to be fruitless, and the comfort of sleep was just too desirable to abandon without good cause.
The fault was not in the owner.
The fault was not in the bear, who was also just doing what was in his nature; to destroy and devour an easy prey.
So at who’s feet can the fault be lain?
How could this horrible result have been avoided?
If we would have remembered the normal state of this wonderful animal, we should have known that in spite of not being able to detect it ourselves, the dog was telling us; danger was indeed just beyond our ability to detect it.
The fault was in our ignorance of the nature of danger, specifically the nature of the danger in our location.
Bears, like the progressive agenda, are very patient.
Sitting in tree stands watching bears is a fascinating study.
At first they circle the area of their interest from a significant distance.
Very slowly, night after night, they will come just a little bit closer. Testing. Sniffing. Listening. The barking dog is a good way to keep them at a distance…. For a time, but eventually they will work their way in closer and closer. Only when sure they are safe from harm, will they claim their target.
Strangely in our ignorance, we are quick to jump to alert on the first night, when the bear is the least detectable and least dangerous to us.
But as the nights progress the danger grows closer while at the same time our interest grows less.
At the point in time the attack is made, we are sound asleep having tuned out the barking dog as an irritation to our slumber.
America, you’re dogs are barking.
They have been barking for a long time now.
Danger has been growing bolder and closer over the years.
Now as the danger is eminent, is not the time to get angry at the sound of the alarm!
Turn off your TV, park the boat; The intruder is at the door to steel your children away, To make slaves of a free people.
Learn about your enemy.
Your enemy is now on your soil as Alkida and Hezbollah, and illegal aliens.
He is inside your government as self serving congressmen and corrupt Supreme Court Justices.
He is destroying your industry as Liberal agenda pushing legislators.
He is killing your faith as warped and wicked media.
He is now changing the very fundamentals of your existence as the President of the United States!
Who is this enemy?
The values of Hell itself as Progressivism.
Get involved.
Seriously take interest in who is running for office.
Search them out. Take no ones word.
Look up their track record to show their real views.
and VOTE with an educated mind!
Finally, Tolerate evil no longer!
Political correctness, and tolerance for everything, is not the way to greatness!
"Tolerance is the virtue of a man without conviction." author: Bill Gothard
Evil must be identified as a danger, and defended against.
Be discriminating and call good good, and be bold to call evil, Evil.
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20
If you don't choose your rulers in righteousness, evil will rule by default.
In my simple way I am doing as commanded; to be your barking dog. Ezekiel 3:17-21

Please read these books!
Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America by Brigitte Gabriel
Animal Farm by George Orwell
The Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek (see Glenn Beck’s show June 8, 2010)
We have all experienced the irritation of a neighborhood dog barking through the night at nothing significant. If it keeps up for more than a few nights, even the most tolerant, will become so agitated he will confront the dog’s owner. There is just something unsettling about that persistent, penetrating noise, going on and on, non-stop. The only person who seems unaffected by the barking is the owner himself who somehow has acquired the ability to block it out entirely.
On the other hand, everyone loves the dog who remains constantly quiet, always around but not in the way. Because of this normally quiet state, the neighbors and the owner are immediately alerted when they hear the dog barking. There is no doubt in their minds, that the dog is barking at something out of the ordinary, the dog is “sounding the alert” to something. It is then up to the owner to determine if the barking is warranted; perhaps a robber, or a bear, or even a fire.
Yet regardless of how important or valid the barking is, if it comes at 3:00 am, the first response is one of irritation. That is the nature of an alarm; it is supposed to be irritating to ensure a response, just as an infants cry.
All my life I have been around dogs which had been well trained and normally are very quiet. I have seen on occasion when these dogs get so excited about something that they just can’t help it, the dog would let out a low, quiet “woof”.
I also remember, on occasion, hearing the dog barking at night.
As a child I would see my dad go out with a light to investigate what was alarming the dog. After finding nothing, the dog would get a good talking to and we would all go back to bed.
After a few nights of this, finding no cause, the irritation would grow in us all until we began to be angry at the dog for waking us.
Finally, on one such particular occasion, we woke one morning to find the goats were dead. Killed by a brown bear who had through the week, becoming increasingly comfortable around the place, even with a barking dog.
This story is the same whether a bear, a fire or an intruder.
The dog was being faithful to do his part for the protection of the ones he loved, but in return he received ill favor, frustration, reprimand, and even disfavor.
But having the nature of a dog, he just kept doing his job the best he knew how.
The fault was not in the dog.
The owner faithfully got up to investigate. At first the owner was quick to respond.
With flashlight and rifle in hand a search was made each night, until in time the decision was made to just stay in bed, the repeated searching had shown to be fruitless, and the comfort of sleep was just too desirable to abandon without good cause.
The fault was not in the owner.
The fault was not in the bear, who was also just doing what was in his nature; to destroy and devour an easy prey.
So at who’s feet can the fault be lain?
How could this horrible result have been avoided?
If we would have remembered the normal state of this wonderful animal, we should have known that in spite of not being able to detect it ourselves, the dog was telling us; danger was indeed just beyond our ability to detect it.
The fault was in our ignorance of the nature of danger, specifically the nature of the danger in our location.
Bears, like the progressive agenda, are very patient.
Sitting in tree stands watching bears is a fascinating study.
At first they circle the area of their interest from a significant distance.
Very slowly, night after night, they will come just a little bit closer. Testing. Sniffing. Listening. The barking dog is a good way to keep them at a distance…. For a time, but eventually they will work their way in closer and closer. Only when sure they are safe from harm, will they claim their target.
Strangely in our ignorance, we are quick to jump to alert on the first night, when the bear is the least detectable and least dangerous to us.
But as the nights progress the danger grows closer while at the same time our interest grows less.
At the point in time the attack is made, we are sound asleep having tuned out the barking dog as an irritation to our slumber.
America, you’re dogs are barking.
They have been barking for a long time now.
Danger has been growing bolder and closer over the years.
Now as the danger is eminent, is not the time to get angry at the sound of the alarm!
Turn off your TV, park the boat; The intruder is at the door to steel your children away, To make slaves of a free people.
Learn about your enemy.
Your enemy is now on your soil as Alkida and Hezbollah, and illegal aliens.
He is inside your government as self serving congressmen and corrupt Supreme Court Justices.
He is destroying your industry as Liberal agenda pushing legislators.
He is killing your faith as warped and wicked media.
He is now changing the very fundamentals of your existence as the President of the United States!
Who is this enemy?
The values of Hell itself as Progressivism.
Get involved.
Seriously take interest in who is running for office.
Search them out. Take no ones word.
Look up their track record to show their real views.
and VOTE with an educated mind!
Finally, Tolerate evil no longer!
Political correctness, and tolerance for everything, is not the way to greatness!
"Tolerance is the virtue of a man without conviction." author: Bill Gothard
Evil must be identified as a danger, and defended against.
Be discriminating and call good good, and be bold to call evil, Evil.
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20
If you don't choose your rulers in righteousness, evil will rule by default.
In my simple way I am doing as commanded; to be your barking dog. Ezekiel 3:17-21

Please read these books!
Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America by Brigitte Gabriel
Animal Farm by George Orwell
The Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek (see Glenn Beck’s show June 8, 2010)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
What is Truth?
post 064
Recently in The Truth Project (*1) I was confronted with the question; “What is truth?”
At the time, I was not as interested in the answer as I was curious about the question itself.
Absolutely everyone knows what truth is…. Until asked to define it.
Ask yourself, “What is truth?” and you find your mind stumbling for the right words to explain what you are sure you know for fact, then you think, and you discover you really are not sure what truth is.
Go ahead ask yourself right now, write it down, I’ll wait.
* * *
In all confidence you probably gave lots of explanations, which turned out to be attributes, or events, but not actually defining truth.
Why is a word that is so familiar to us, so hard to explain, even to ourselves?
The more I thought about this, the more the answer itself seemed important.
After wrestling with the question and the answer for a few days, I showed up at my local community coffee shop in the morning, which is a regular daily winter routine with several locals.
It went like this;
“I have been thinking about a question that has got me stumped, so I want to run it by you and get your input, OK?”
“I need to know, WHAT IS TRUTH?”
One local liberal man we’ll call him Chip, blurted out;
“Truth is what it is.”
I said, I needed a better definition.
Another, in law enforcement, we will call Andy said;
“Truth is a person’s perception of reality.”
I asked; “you like that definition?"
He affirmed in confidence, so I wrote that on my paper place-mat.
I then asked;
“How can you and I both have different truth?”
As we discussed it more he included;
“Truth varies from person to person.”
And later in our conversation, he added;
“There is no definition of truth beyond perception.”
And; “Truth is not an absolute.”
So with his agreement I summed up his answers by writing;
“Truth is human perception.”
The owner and cook came out of the kitchen and agreed with this definition confidently. And the waitress hesitantly agreed as well.
My constant question returned often;
“How can there be more than one truth? Isn’t truth more foundational than opinion?”
The answer was;
“Truth has too many variables to define it clearly.”
At this point Chip got up shaking his head as if to say; The question is ridiculous and not worth my time. And he left.
After expressing my belief that Truth must be more than imagination, Andy explained it to me like this;
“We know now that the world has always been round, but men of the past thought it was flat and so the truth for them was that it was flat.”
So changing tactics, I asked,
“What is Fact?”
and without a hesitation Andy answered;
“The ultimate truth.”
“So!” I said; “If there is ultimate truth, anything less that that must not be truth.”
The word Ultimate indicates that truth is more concrete than opinion. If we look deep enough we can find what (ultimate) truth actually is. Therefore when something does not agree with ultimate truth, it cannot be truth.”
“What is the truth, if I drop my coffee cup to the floor; will it break?”
As long as we only TALK about a truth, it remains in the theory stage and we can both feel we are right. you say it wont, I say it will, yet neither of these are more than opinion until tested.
But when I drop my coffee cup on the floor, the truth will be revealed.
You call it ultimate truth, my truth, observed truth. You add all kinds of verbs to the word to try to define the intensity of the truth. These verbs tend to indicate at some point the truth can be known as fact. My truth may be less true than your truth, which is less true than ultimate truth?
At this point, both the cook and waitress said their heads hurt and wanted the conversation to end.
And I went home to think some more.
Is truth simply variable and therefore meaningless?
I think by nature when pressed we find that truth must be more than that.
How do I find out; “What is truth?”
I got out my dictionary, a Webster’s Collegiate 5th edition dated 1948. It said;
1. Quality or state of being true; hence:
a. Archaic. fidelity; constancy.
b. Veracity; sincerity; genuineness.
c. Agreement with that which is represented; correspondence to reality; verisimilitude.
d. Conformity to rule; exactness; correctness.
2. That which is true; that which conforms to fact or reality; that which is or is characterized by being in accord with what is, which has been, or must be; as, to seek the truth; the truths of science.
Here is my 2001 Merryman-Webster electronic dictionary:
1. Truthfulness, honesty
2. The real state of things: fact
3. The body of real events or facts: actuality
4. A true or accepted statement or proposition
5. Agreement with fact or reality: correctness.
There seems very little here to include; imagination, opinion, assumption, faith, or hope.
Truth appears to be very definitive. There are no verbs to add validity or type of truth.
‘My truth’, ‘your truth’, ‘perceived truth’ are even less than limitations on truth; the attached verb shows that the perception of the perceived truth must be less than true.
If it does not represent fact of reality, it is not truth, so to say “my truth” suggests some variation of what is actually reality, which then cannot be true.
So why do so many Americans today have such a strange view of truth?
Where do such views originate?
Recently I listened to a podcast from the apologist Ravi Zacharias (*2)
Although the podcast did not even seem to touch this topic, I was amazed to see it answer this question.
The Christian religion holds firmly to the perspective that truth by its very nature, is exclusive of all else. If ‘this’ is true, then ‘that’ is not true. “Either/Or” is the nature of truth. This is why the world sees Christianity as narrow minded, bigoted, and restricting, when in fact it is represented by all reality.
In America, all of our culture, all of our laws, all of our perspectives, have been built and successfully administered with this Either/OR approach to life.
Looking at the Hindu religion of India, they hold the view; god is everything and everything is God. From this pantheistic perspective any view is as equally correct, even if conflicting; good, bad, this or that, it is all god. In this way everything is true. It is the "This and That" approach.
I try to grant every view an opportunity to prove itself, so this perspective deserves to be honestly evaluated; after all, Hinduism has grown to become the world's third largest religion, after Christianity and Islam.Hinduism
But this perspective seems to hold water only as long as it isn’t tested in reality.
As Ravi expressed so well; “Even in India we look both ways when we cross the street, it is either me or the bus, not both.”
The incredible poverty in the streets of India side by side with the wealthy, is a clear example of this perspective in action. "I am rich, you are starving, that is Karma, therefore we should not try to change it."
But this religious perspective comes very close to the new American idea that truth is whatever you think it is.
I believe this thinking is now possible in America, and promoted by our infatuation with fantasy through TV, movies and video games. Most Americans spend a huge percentage of their lives in fantasy, where this kind of thinking cannot be proven wrong.
Nature abhors a vacuum, so this adaptation of unfamiliar views is assured, once the original faith is rejected as ours was by removing our God from our schools and our government in 1963.
Vice President Joe Biden can honestly believe that “America must spend money to keep from going bankrupt ", but tested against reality in history and practice, this idea proves to be folly. In the movies you can out run a title wave, hold your breath underwater for as long as you need, get shot at point blank by a machine gun but not get hurt, then take out your opponent with a single round from a pistol while you are tumbling for cover! In the world of the Matrix, reality as we know it means nothing, Therefore truth has no meaning either.
Once a person decides truth has nothing to do with reality, then anything is potentially possible, and any opposition is just negative! Lets try it and hope it will work, be positive!
But Americans used to know what foolishness was. And how did they know that?
Because Americans believed in the concept that there is only one truth, and we must find that truth.
This is a basic of nature, of science, of reality. Originally this was the platform and purpose for scientific discovery, to find what is true. Today the History and Science channels have been taken over by the SciFi channel.
Strangely enough, Jesus gave us our original logic when he said; “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but by me.” John 14:6 This is the Either/OR approach. Not unfair, just the way it is.
Reject this truth, and you reject logic. Because IF Jesus is the creator of the known universe as the bible says, (John 1:3) then rejecting him, rejects truth.
Are we seeing the evidence of this truth by this new bizarre concept of ‘pantheistic truth’ in America?
* * * * * * *
*1 The Truth Project is an amazing walk through why America works. Very worth your time!
*2 I highly recommend Ravi’s podcasts for the thinking mind: Let my People Think Podcasts
Recently in The Truth Project (*1) I was confronted with the question; “What is truth?”
At the time, I was not as interested in the answer as I was curious about the question itself.
Absolutely everyone knows what truth is…. Until asked to define it.
Ask yourself, “What is truth?” and you find your mind stumbling for the right words to explain what you are sure you know for fact, then you think, and you discover you really are not sure what truth is.
Go ahead ask yourself right now, write it down, I’ll wait.
* * *
In all confidence you probably gave lots of explanations, which turned out to be attributes, or events, but not actually defining truth.
Why is a word that is so familiar to us, so hard to explain, even to ourselves?
The more I thought about this, the more the answer itself seemed important.
After wrestling with the question and the answer for a few days, I showed up at my local community coffee shop in the morning, which is a regular daily winter routine with several locals.
It went like this;
“I have been thinking about a question that has got me stumped, so I want to run it by you and get your input, OK?”
“I need to know, WHAT IS TRUTH?”
One local liberal man we’ll call him Chip, blurted out;
“Truth is what it is.”
I said, I needed a better definition.
Another, in law enforcement, we will call Andy said;
“Truth is a person’s perception of reality.”
I asked; “you like that definition?"
He affirmed in confidence, so I wrote that on my paper place-mat.
I then asked;
“How can you and I both have different truth?”
As we discussed it more he included;
“Truth varies from person to person.”
And later in our conversation, he added;
“There is no definition of truth beyond perception.”
And; “Truth is not an absolute.”
So with his agreement I summed up his answers by writing;
“Truth is human perception.”
The owner and cook came out of the kitchen and agreed with this definition confidently. And the waitress hesitantly agreed as well.
My constant question returned often;
“How can there be more than one truth? Isn’t truth more foundational than opinion?”
The answer was;
“Truth has too many variables to define it clearly.”
At this point Chip got up shaking his head as if to say; The question is ridiculous and not worth my time. And he left.
After expressing my belief that Truth must be more than imagination, Andy explained it to me like this;
“We know now that the world has always been round, but men of the past thought it was flat and so the truth for them was that it was flat.”
So changing tactics, I asked,
“What is Fact?”
and without a hesitation Andy answered;
“The ultimate truth.”
“So!” I said; “If there is ultimate truth, anything less that that must not be truth.”
The word Ultimate indicates that truth is more concrete than opinion. If we look deep enough we can find what (ultimate) truth actually is. Therefore when something does not agree with ultimate truth, it cannot be truth.”
“What is the truth, if I drop my coffee cup to the floor; will it break?”
As long as we only TALK about a truth, it remains in the theory stage and we can both feel we are right. you say it wont, I say it will, yet neither of these are more than opinion until tested.
But when I drop my coffee cup on the floor, the truth will be revealed.
You call it ultimate truth, my truth, observed truth. You add all kinds of verbs to the word to try to define the intensity of the truth. These verbs tend to indicate at some point the truth can be known as fact. My truth may be less true than your truth, which is less true than ultimate truth?
At this point, both the cook and waitress said their heads hurt and wanted the conversation to end.
And I went home to think some more.
Is truth simply variable and therefore meaningless?
I think by nature when pressed we find that truth must be more than that.
How do I find out; “What is truth?”
I got out my dictionary, a Webster’s Collegiate 5th edition dated 1948. It said;
1. Quality or state of being true; hence:
a. Archaic. fidelity; constancy.
b. Veracity; sincerity; genuineness.
c. Agreement with that which is represented; correspondence to reality; verisimilitude.
d. Conformity to rule; exactness; correctness.
2. That which is true; that which conforms to fact or reality; that which is or is characterized by being in accord with what is, which has been, or must be; as, to seek the truth; the truths of science.
Here is my 2001 Merryman-Webster electronic dictionary:
1. Truthfulness, honesty
2. The real state of things: fact
3. The body of real events or facts: actuality
4. A true or accepted statement or proposition
5. Agreement with fact or reality: correctness.
There seems very little here to include; imagination, opinion, assumption, faith, or hope.
Truth appears to be very definitive. There are no verbs to add validity or type of truth.
‘My truth’, ‘your truth’, ‘perceived truth’ are even less than limitations on truth; the attached verb shows that the perception of the perceived truth must be less than true.
If it does not represent fact of reality, it is not truth, so to say “my truth” suggests some variation of what is actually reality, which then cannot be true.
So why do so many Americans today have such a strange view of truth?
Where do such views originate?
Recently I listened to a podcast from the apologist Ravi Zacharias (*2)
Although the podcast did not even seem to touch this topic, I was amazed to see it answer this question.
The Christian religion holds firmly to the perspective that truth by its very nature, is exclusive of all else. If ‘this’ is true, then ‘that’ is not true. “Either/Or” is the nature of truth. This is why the world sees Christianity as narrow minded, bigoted, and restricting, when in fact it is represented by all reality.
In America, all of our culture, all of our laws, all of our perspectives, have been built and successfully administered with this Either/OR approach to life.
Looking at the Hindu religion of India, they hold the view; god is everything and everything is God. From this pantheistic perspective any view is as equally correct, even if conflicting; good, bad, this or that, it is all god. In this way everything is true. It is the "This and That" approach.
I try to grant every view an opportunity to prove itself, so this perspective deserves to be honestly evaluated; after all, Hinduism has grown to become the world's third largest religion, after Christianity and Islam.Hinduism
But this perspective seems to hold water only as long as it isn’t tested in reality.
As Ravi expressed so well; “Even in India we look both ways when we cross the street, it is either me or the bus, not both.”
The incredible poverty in the streets of India side by side with the wealthy, is a clear example of this perspective in action. "I am rich, you are starving, that is Karma, therefore we should not try to change it."
But this religious perspective comes very close to the new American idea that truth is whatever you think it is.
I believe this thinking is now possible in America, and promoted by our infatuation with fantasy through TV, movies and video games. Most Americans spend a huge percentage of their lives in fantasy, where this kind of thinking cannot be proven wrong.
Nature abhors a vacuum, so this adaptation of unfamiliar views is assured, once the original faith is rejected as ours was by removing our God from our schools and our government in 1963.
Vice President Joe Biden can honestly believe that “America must spend money to keep from going bankrupt ", but tested against reality in history and practice, this idea proves to be folly. In the movies you can out run a title wave, hold your breath underwater for as long as you need, get shot at point blank by a machine gun but not get hurt, then take out your opponent with a single round from a pistol while you are tumbling for cover! In the world of the Matrix, reality as we know it means nothing, Therefore truth has no meaning either.
Once a person decides truth has nothing to do with reality, then anything is potentially possible, and any opposition is just negative! Lets try it and hope it will work, be positive!
But Americans used to know what foolishness was. And how did they know that?
Because Americans believed in the concept that there is only one truth, and we must find that truth.
This is a basic of nature, of science, of reality. Originally this was the platform and purpose for scientific discovery, to find what is true. Today the History and Science channels have been taken over by the SciFi channel.
Strangely enough, Jesus gave us our original logic when he said; “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but by me.” John 14:6 This is the Either/OR approach. Not unfair, just the way it is.
Reject this truth, and you reject logic. Because IF Jesus is the creator of the known universe as the bible says, (John 1:3) then rejecting him, rejects truth.
Are we seeing the evidence of this truth by this new bizarre concept of ‘pantheistic truth’ in America?
* * * * * * *
*1 The Truth Project is an amazing walk through why America works. Very worth your time!
*2 I highly recommend Ravi’s podcasts for the thinking mind: Let my People Think Podcasts
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