We have all experienced the irritation of a neighborhood dog barking through the night at nothing significant. If it keeps up for more than a few nights, even the most tolerant, will become so agitated he will confront the dog’s owner. There is just something unsettling about that persistent, penetrating noise, going on and on, non-stop. The only person who seems unaffected by the barking is the owner himself who somehow has acquired the ability to block it out entirely.
On the other hand, everyone loves the dog who remains constantly quiet, always around but not in the way. Because of this normally quiet state, the neighbors and the owner are immediately alerted when they hear the dog barking. There is no doubt in their minds, that the dog is barking at something out of the ordinary, the dog is “sounding the alert” to something. It is then up to the owner to determine if the barking is warranted; perhaps a robber, or a bear, or even a fire.
Yet regardless of how important or valid the barking is, if it comes at 3:00 am, the first response is one of irritation. That is the nature of an alarm; it is supposed to be irritating to ensure a response, just as an infants cry.
All my life I have been around dogs which had been well trained and normally are very quiet. I have seen on occasion when these dogs get so excited about something that they just can’t help it, the dog would let out a low, quiet “woof”.
I also remember, on occasion, hearing the dog barking at night.
As a child I would see my dad go out with a light to investigate what was alarming the dog. After finding nothing, the dog would get a good talking to and we would all go back to bed.
After a few nights of this, finding no cause, the irritation would grow in us all until we began to be angry at the dog for waking us.
Finally, on one such particular occasion, we woke one morning to find the goats were dead. Killed by a brown bear who had through the week, becoming increasingly comfortable around the place, even with a barking dog.
This story is the same whether a bear, a fire or an intruder.
The dog was being faithful to do his part for the protection of the ones he loved, but in return he received ill favor, frustration, reprimand, and even disfavor.
But having the nature of a dog, he just kept doing his job the best he knew how.
The fault was not in the dog.
The owner faithfully got up to investigate. At first the owner was quick to respond.
With flashlight and rifle in hand a search was made each night, until in time the decision was made to just stay in bed, the repeated searching had shown to be fruitless, and the comfort of sleep was just too desirable to abandon without good cause.
The fault was not in the owner.
The fault was not in the bear, who was also just doing what was in his nature; to destroy and devour an easy prey.
So at who’s feet can the fault be lain?
How could this horrible result have been avoided?
If we would have remembered the normal state of this wonderful animal, we should have known that in spite of not being able to detect it ourselves, the dog was telling us; danger was indeed just beyond our ability to detect it.
The fault was in our ignorance of the nature of danger, specifically the nature of the danger in our location.
Bears, like the progressive agenda, are very patient.
Sitting in tree stands watching bears is a fascinating study.
At first they circle the area of their interest from a significant distance.
Very slowly, night after night, they will come just a little bit closer. Testing. Sniffing. Listening. The barking dog is a good way to keep them at a distance…. For a time, but eventually they will work their way in closer and closer. Only when sure they are safe from harm, will they claim their target.
Strangely in our ignorance, we are quick to jump to alert on the first night, when the bear is the least detectable and least dangerous to us.
But as the nights progress the danger grows closer while at the same time our interest grows less.
At the point in time the attack is made, we are sound asleep having tuned out the barking dog as an irritation to our slumber.
America, you’re dogs are barking.
They have been barking for a long time now.
Danger has been growing bolder and closer over the years.
Now as the danger is eminent, is not the time to get angry at the sound of the alarm!
Turn off your TV, park the boat; The intruder is at the door to steel your children away, To make slaves of a free people.
Learn about your enemy.
Your enemy is now on your soil as Alkida and Hezbollah, and illegal aliens.
He is inside your government as self serving congressmen and corrupt Supreme Court Justices.
He is destroying your industry as Liberal agenda pushing legislators.
He is killing your faith as warped and wicked media.
He is now changing the very fundamentals of your existence as the President of the United States!
Who is this enemy?
The values of Hell itself as Progressivism.
Get involved.
Seriously take interest in who is running for office.
Search them out. Take no ones word.
Look up their track record to show their real views.
and VOTE with an educated mind!
Finally, Tolerate evil no longer!
Political correctness, and tolerance for everything, is not the way to greatness!
"Tolerance is the virtue of a man without conviction." author: Bill Gothard
Evil must be identified as a danger, and defended against.
Be discriminating and call good good, and be bold to call evil, Evil.
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20
If you don't choose your rulers in righteousness, evil will rule by default.
In my simple way I am doing as commanded; to be your barking dog. Ezekiel 3:17-21

Please read these books!
Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America by Brigitte Gabriel
Animal Farm by George Orwell
The Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek (see Glenn Beck’s show June 8, 2010)
At Glennbeckclips.com
If government is truly of the people and by the people then each citizen has a duty to be informed. This November we will choose if we are to be ruled as subjects or if limited, constitutional government is our servant and the people are still the sovereigns.