Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pre Three woes - Part 2

Line By Line - Revelation 8:1-13
Post 201

We just examined the first trumpet from the temporal earthly perspective while allowing a spiritual understanding based on the pre-Three Woes, but before we move on to the next trumpet and the second woe we need to back up and understand the same events from a different angle; this time with a spiritual perspective allowing for the temporal one. To do that we need to re-configure our thoughts and comprehension of the genesis of the whole seven trumpets part of the story of Revelation.
Lets start again at the beginning of the seven trumpets to see this from God’s angel of eternal things:

Revelation 8:1 “And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.”
In the desire to stay on topic we cannot here go back further to the genesis of the seven seals, so lets just note that the seven trumpets is a whole segmented detail of the seventh seal. Viewed here at the beginning of the trumpets we see that the genesis of the trumpet portion of history is reason for a silence in heaven that lasts ½ hour. Knowing that heaven is eternal and so ½ hour is irrelevant to heaven, this period of time is a temporal noted delay in events. Heaven is noting “a moment of silence” as a memorial of temporal events before continuing with the “next phase”.
Why? I suggest because the next phase is a bad one and the silence is like taking a big breath before starting a great exertion. We will understand this better when we grasp the actual cause of the collection of seven trumpets.

Revelation 8:2 “And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.”
Not just seven angels standing around, THE seven angels standing before God. We have spent several past posts understanding the seven eyes/ seven flames/ seven Spirits of God and I propose these seven angels are directed by those same seven Spirits; The seven parts of the Holy Ghost himself. Why is this significant? Because like the four carpenter/wind/spirits that are sent to fray the spirit princes of the four diverse Gentile GDEs that rule the earth through history, these seven angels blowing their seven trumpets show that the events that occur are simply God’s opera playing out precisely on time as written. The trumpet is the voice of the conductor loosing the actors to play out their parts on cue. So how much independence does the dragon really have though what he does is of his own will? Remember post 090 Life is a Story? It is for the spiritual domain as well.
These angels are given their trumpets at this time because of something significant in the narrative that transpires; What is that?

Revelation 8:3 “And another angel came and stood at the alter, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints *1 upon the golden alter which was before the throne.”
Remember this part of the vision shows events that happen in heaven before the throne of God. Here we see another, a different angel load his censer with the prayers of all the saints and an appropriate amount of incense to mix with it. How much? Much!
Now as this mixture of sweet odor wafts up to the throne of God lets ask the question; “Why do saints pray prayers that burn with incense?” The answer is found in the events played out. Incense creates a desirable odor only when heated to burning, thus the purpose of a censer. And so we see that the prayers in the mix put into the censer result in a sweet odor to God only when heated to burning. Again the question; “What makes saints pray?” Answer: An environment of burning hot circumstances.
Now before you jump to wrong conclusions; do we value or cherish the heat that burns the incense which we enjoy? Of course not. We care nothing for the fire, we simply like the odor.
And so it is with God. The torment of the saints is not what pleases God, thus the incense mixed with them. God’s pleasure comes from the prayers to him by the saints. He loves his saints and he loves to receive their prayers. But as is the nature of incense, man seems to need great heat before we turn our voice to God in earnest…. So heat is provided. That’s it.
Once humanity learns how to pray to God in earnest without heat, the heat will be eliminated (Revelation 20:10).

Revelation 8:4 “And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand.”
Again we are shown the control of the events. This is not a raging fire out of control, this is an apothecary angel carefully hand balancing all the elements to produce just the right flavor of odor for God *2.

Revelation 8:5 “And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the alter, and cast it unto the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.”
Here there is a change that takes place. Although the events are still sourced in heaven, the subject has changed. The same angel with the same censer is done sending incense to God, he now reaches into the coals of flame from the alter that caused the burning that released the prayers, and fills the censer with those coals. And he casts those flaming coals to the earth.
That’s what happens spiritually and from God’s angle of things that brings about the seven trumpets. The fire that once was sourced from the incense alter in heaven is now cast to the earth to now burn from there (Revelation 12:10,12). That is a substantial change in things!
I will show that this has already happened in history.

Revelation 8:6 “And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepare themselves to sound.”
Now we understand the significance. There are seven phases or events that result from this flaming sensor cast to earth… perhaps as a star like a lamp? (Revelation 8:10)
With this spiritual perspective as seen from heaven against the temporal perspective of the same story, we begin to comprehend that we are actually being told an eternal multi-dimensional story in our four dimensional world *3. Although the events do track simplistically and orderly in our temporal realm, the concepts God is showing are not as easy to constrain temporally. We are actually getting a glimpse into events of a multi-dimensional reality. This is why we see first hail and fire and blood, then a meteor, and finally Satan himself falling as a star; they are simply accelerating degrees of the same 3rd trimester birth pangs of the censor fallen to earth.

Revelation 8:7 “The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.”
This IS the coals of the censer of fire falling to the earth in a very real and yet also spiritual way.
While people may actually flee from the falling elements, with spiritual eyes we know this is the physical representation of the hot coals of bad circumstances that cause the saints to cry out to God in prayer. And so begins the temporal period of the seven trumpets of a particular fire.
I am intentionally ignoring the burning of the grass and trees because honestly I don’t know what they mean spiritually but to note this falls on the "earth" meaning the domain of mankind in general, and temporally it needs no further explanation.

Revelation 8:8-9 “And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.”
There has long been a desire by scholars to spiritualize everything to the point of eliminating the temporal events entirely. We have already seen that prophetically mountains represent significant ruling kingdoms and the sea represents the volume of the masses of humanity symbolized as waters, therefore we can easily understand this verse to mean that a great ruling kingdom falls on 1/3 of humanity in a sea like region and kills 1/3 of the peoples of the sea... but why does the verse seem to add an obvious statement? "That had life"? What creatures in a sea DON'T have life? When viewed spiritually it comes clear that Christians are those who have life, so this is speaking of salvation; Therefore meaning the kingdom kills 1/3 the Christian/Jews of the region, i.e."sea". I submit this sea represents the Middle East.
And since we know in the next verse that this lifeless burning meteor is but a prototype of the living burning star to follow, and since we know the star is the kingdom of Satan himself, then we can conclude that the meteor is a satanic like power that precedes the kingdom of Satan.
Remembering the three parts of the Iron kingdom Empire of Daniel 2:40-43 shown as legs of only iron and feet of iron and clay, we can understand then that the preceding hail and fire and blood represents Rome of iron while the meteor represents the Islamic Caliphate of man and the star represents the similar but more intense second Islamic Caliphate of Satan himself (Speckled of Zechariah 1:8). All three are of the burning fire that causes His saints to pray. This is the fourth diverse beast of Daniel 7:7-25.
But just to ensure that we DON’T spiritualize away the temporal real events, we are shown destroyed 1/3 of the ships in the sea. Spiritually I don't know what this might mean but to make sure we know this is a real event coming on the earth (Maybe Commerce?).
Don't miss the point that by this interpretation we can now identify ourselves in history as existing between the second and third trumpets. The first Woe is only six verses and one event into our future!

Revelation 8:10-11 “And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.”
At this point the spiritual and temporal events are now so mingled they cannot be easily categorized. The very spiritual entity called Satan actually comes to earth in a temporal way and establishes his spiritual/temporal kingdom on earth. But since we are spiritualizing things in this post we can understand that because of this demonic kingdom called bitterness, many men (not described as waters) are killed by the men who are, because those men identified as waters are made bitter by the star that fell. This describes Islam as the spiritual waters through the bitterness of being rejected from the Abrahamic promise, kill many men who are not of their persuasion.
I submit that this persuasion falls on only 1/3 of all mankind but compromises all the religions of earth here called springs. This is the confusion I suggest is now coming upon the Christians as well.

Revelation 8:12 “And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.”
In the last post while thinking temporally we saw how this is actually possible. But here we need to consider the very real spiritual implications as we realize that in proportion to Satan’s domination, reality is actually darkened.
It is still hard to grasp that the spiritual and the temporal are not compartmentalized, it is one in the same reality. Therefore there will actually be a thick inky smoke blanketing the skies over the middle east, the seat of Satan’s kingdom on earth, 1/3 of the earth will be covered by it as 1/3 of humanity will be made bitter by his persuasion.
But don’t miss the point that as the earth rotates and the cloud blocks the sun, that the entire earth will fall in the shadow for one third of the day or night depending on where you are geographically located. In this way we can understand that although sourced in the Middle East, this darkness will have a very real effect on the entire world. And likewise for 2/3 the day the rest of the world will have an affect on that region too as some sunlight slips under the cloud.
We see this conflict in the passage of Revelation 13:8 “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, (....) whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”

Revelation 8:13 “And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpets of the three angels, which are yet to sound!”
Until now the events that transpire at the sounding of the trumpets are all setting up the kingdom of Satan. The remaining trumpets sound events of woe upon humanity as a result of that establishment.
Woe indeed!
* * * * * * *

*1 The prayers:
It should be noted the specific wording; “…with the prayers of all saints…” Revelation 8:3
It does not read; “…with all the prayers of saints…” what’s the difference? We read in Revelation 5:8 that the prayers of saints are contained in at least 24 vials. Therefore I suggest this specific censor contains a specific kind of prayer from every saint. Since this seal is that of great suffering I believe these specific prayers to be those of suffering (II Timothy 3:12).

*2 Apothecary incense ordained: Exodus 30:25, 27:29. Incense was established as a memorial odor of love II Chronicles 16:14.

*3 Four Dimensions: Length, Width, Depth, and Time.

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