Friday, June 8, 2012

The Cinderella Syndrome:

A study in our gender typology
- Part Two -
Post 249

So can we suppose that all similar “princess” stories apply with the similar message as Cinderella? The answer is Yes and No. (Remember, I have declared this to be the Age of Confusion).
I spent several hours on the Internet exploring subliminal messages in animations with specific focus on the princess stories, and Disney specifically but not exclusively, and discovered a whole string of various elements that need to be discussed before coming to the correct answer, but I will only be able to address a few directly, and a few others only in passing, and still others not at all. This gets quite complex and I wasn’t going to address this topic here at all but find it very useful to our understanding of the larger topic; A Proper Comprehension of Our Relationship With God.
Do not jump the track to a path not suggested; I am not declaring the Disney Cinderella animation as scripture or somehow supernaturally holy, beyond preaching a God enhanced supernatural “hidden” message that Disney and his crew did not directly know was being written. Now while it immediately seems wholly ridiculous that I would suggest such a thing, we eagerly go to great lengths, even frame by frame, to discover subliminal messages embedded by the producing artists. As I have in the past, and continue to propose, Everything in our present reality is an illusion of a greater reality by which we are supposed to comprehend it. If the authors are embedding subliminal messages (which is utterly irrefutable at this point), it is but a representational Type (meaning not exactly as, but similar) of a spiritual method used to present a message outside of our present focus. The complexity doubles when we understand that there are two possible supernatural perspectives being subliminally introduced: simply put; Good and Evil (*1). Therefore the only point of argument becomes just who is intentionally introducing the message that is to be “subliminally” received (*2), and in kind, what is the very nature that defines the message? (*3).
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Moving On:
As presented in the previous post, the very nature of the princess message, regardless of all the various princess stories, is unchangeably by its Type, an instruction to our relationship with God. If the instruction is corrupted it does not alter the truth that it is nonetheless still instruction to that end. In otherwords it corrupts our understanding of our relationship with God rather than alter the nature of the message to mean something else entirely. Here is where it is easy to jump off the proper path and follow various apparent trails to wrong ends while thinking we are still on the right course.
Just because I found a supernaturally accurate salvation message in the Cinderella animation story does not mean that all princess stories have this same equal message value. We must use wisdom, discretion, and rules of science to evaluate each presentation to discover its merits of probability or lack thereof, and upon doing so we make another discovery:
By evaluating both the intentional and supernatural subliminal messages in each presentation, we can chart a specific progression to shocking ends. Toward the completion of the next post those ends themselves will begin to become apparent while I more slowly draw attention to some of the specific points along the way.
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Getting Somewhere One Step At A Time:
Remember that Cinderella was appealing, both to us and to the prince, whether in rags or refinement. This is because her appeal is found in her perfect heart; her selfless spirit. But because of the confusion today, we cannot ignore that indeed she was more physically beautiful than her ugly evil stepsisters, yet in the spirit of the animation in the time it was created, it is easy to accept their outward appearances were simply an intentional representation of what was inside; good is beautiful and evil is ugly; not suggesting that beautiful is good and ugly is evil.

But the spirit of today’s evil, it took that wholesome element and began twisting it in the darkening hearts of men, to begin the bastardization of beauty as a thing of lust. We see in the animation of Snow White that her physical beauty was indeed a significant element to the story, but still we easily comprehend that her physical beauty is little more than a tangible representation of her inner beauty, which is really still the point of the story and the issue to the wicked queen, i.e. Good vs. Evil. But yes this representational use of beauty is seen as one step away from that of Cinderella.

Next we have Sleeping Beauty whose very name suggests a physical appearance as the primary topic though her nature is still the primary attraction. She simply would not be Sleeping Beauty if she did not have such an endearing heart. No young girl is going to miss this obvious truth in any of these three foundational stories. But the inordinate focus of the darkening heart toward the beauty of the flesh, runs with this perversion of the story’s intent, to improperly accentuate this element in later versions without including its Type.

In ignorance of the details it is easy to suppose I am inventing overlays and Types wherever I want to see them, and I can understand that perspective in a darkend mind in this age of habitual manipulation. But history shows (*4) that these stories were written more than 900 years before Disney adapted them for his use, and we cannot simply ignore the age in which they were written. Christ had come not long before to offer his message of hope for future spiritual marriage and a kingdom of happily-ever-after but only after a dark period of enduring troubled times most probably experienced when these were written. As you watch Sleeping Beauty with this clear theme in mind it is incredible to see this Christian message leading the entire story and we can imagine it hidden in this way to avoid persecution from the government church of the Dark Ages while still teaching children to patiently hope in Christ. Teaching good character is but a worthy byproduct of such a theme because a good relationship with Christ promotes a good marriage (Ephesians 5:22-32).

All three of these similar stories strongly promote the captivating humble heart of these girls in trouble and in each story we see the girls are endearing even while in rags and suffering persecution. There is something mutually important here that has long been forgotten; the analogy of one thing for another.
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The Type of Beauty:
Being a Christian nation when these animations were produced, there was a ready comprehension of the beauty of the spirit. But today’s scoliosis of the concept resulting in a perverse sexually driven focus on the flesh causes us in confusion to be repulsed by our natural desire toward beauty. This is simply an expected result of abandoning the focus of the Type that beauty was designed to reveal to us. Beauty is unarguably appealing to our nature… (well at least it once was, but that topic comes later).
Why is it that in each of the stories the girls are dressed in rags, but then provided beautiful gowns to be presented to the prince? Today we argue that this is a wrong focus on the physical. But not long ago it was obvious that these “wedding gowns” so to speak, were physical representations of being clothed in Christ’s righteousness, which is a beauty far greater than our own. The Christian message is that we are all poor wretches shamefully dressed in our own best rags, but in love the wealthy prince through the Holy Spirit provides us with royal cloths of righteousness that makes us outwardly beautiful to him and all who meet us (Isaiah 61:10, Job 29:14, Psalm 132:9).
Strangely this Type is not lost in reality today as Hollywood goes to every length and ability to “miraculously” transform ordinary girls into china dolls of extraordinary beauty for film. Makeup and cloths were once the known Type of the transformation in us when we put on Christ (Romans 13:14, Galatians 3:27). Any Girl can be made beautiful. But today’s girls are confused to desperately present themselves as beautiful then loath the man that finds them so. This is because we have forgotten the purpose of the Type. The woman is the Type of the Church and man is the Type of Christ. And the outward beauty is not supposed to be the lure by which to win a man, but it certainly helps. These old fairytales teach both the Type and its meaning, both temporally and spiritually.
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The perversion:
So what happens when a girl gets all dolled up in makeup and fine clothes but has forgotten to develop the selfless princess heart? Funny, scripture describes it like this;

“As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion” Proverbs 11:22.

The princess stories are not about a focus on outward beauty but an inward beauty that transforms the outside. The additional beautiful cloths are but the latter frosting on the gorgeous cake.
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But We’re Not Done Yet: Not by a long shot!
Common ignorance of these truths and Types naturally produce misunderstanding and the resulting confusion and perversion is not enough. We are further driven by the spirit of Evil to continue twisting. By abandoning the whole spiritual purpose for the Type we are now free to explore near limitless options for the next variation on the story and we alter the princess Type into The Little Mermaid. This little half naked hottie has an appealing personality but her princess heart is greatly diminished from her predecessors. Now her heart is not so selfless but rather capitalizing on her “rights” to choose her own way and her strange circumstances help us side with her troubled willful heart. Such a change of heart would be easy to recognize and reject, if her story was similar to the previous princesses, but by adding so many complexities we simply loose track of the core values as “not applicable in this situation” and so we loose our ability to make a right determination. She is a kind of fish, she lives in the water, and both justify her near nudity, and in similar justification, as a mermaid we are already programmed to empathies with the conflict of her “almost” human condition and resulting complex relationship.
So now with these “new rules” where the real God does not apply in such fantasy, she is justified to “sell her soul” as it were, to abandon her mermaid-ism and become like her “prince”.
But although the elements are still in the story that demand it is The Type, the confusion and perversion of the story that is to be Typed, is profound to result in many wrong conclusions.
Now stay with me,
If we are to connect with the story then we must accept that we are supposed to be represented by the mermaid, in otherwords mermaid = humanity.
SO what does that make the human “prince” in the story? Good question, but we know its not humanity.
Now if this were simply an isolated animation story, we could either “like” it, or reject it as “weird” without much significance. But because of the plethora of such modern unique “princess” stories, we must include this one in the tracking to see the resulting collective destination.
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Collective Direction:
We have arrived at the age where grown adults have an affinity to cartoons, animations and fairytale stories even in movies, and in so doing we have a whole new batch of princess stories to add to the graphing chart.
Now we have, to name only a few; Kate Winslet’s 1997 Titanic, Drew Barrymore’s 1998 Ever After, Julia Roberts’ 1990 Pretty Woman, 2001 A Knight’s Tale, Anne Hathaway’s 2004 Ella Enchanted, Disney’s 2007 Enchanted, etc., etc., etc., all loose stories on the same theme that cannot shake the Type but feel free to decimate the message of that Type.
In the multiplication of various perversions of the Type we are not so fortunate to simply forget and move on but rather we continue to abuse the Type in “creativity” and so twist upon twist and warp upon warp until the Type is so wholly perverted that its actual representation is unrecoverable while we attempt to apply it in confusion, and finally I reach the title of this post;
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The Cinderella Syndrome:
In spite of the persistent effort to wholly destroy the concept entirely, by the abuses of the Type the type itself remains a focus. And so little girls and young women everywhere attempt to apply what they know of the princess Type from what they have been fed. I call the resulting confusion the Cinderella Syndrome.
The little Mermaid is a likeable girl with a big heart but an internal struggle between what she wants and what she has. She doesn’t want to be rebellious or disobedient but her heart wont rest without getting what it wants. Today we are so far removed from the Cinderella heart that we cannot see the two circumstances are not all that different. It’s the hearts that are vastly different between them in their basically similar circumstances of not being where they want to be in life. So although still likeable, The Little Mermaid is no Cinderella, and therefore misses the whole princess spirit of the Type. But having ditched the relationship the Type was intended to teach, who cares? Let's just be happy have some popcorn and enjoy a cute story.

But what we end up with is a society full of girls bent on outward beautification and a neglected self-centered miserable heart that only dreams of being the Cinderella she is not, but does not know why. In plain truth, this is the evil stepsister who cuts down others in the effort to look better or does whatever is necessary to succeed. If we are not Cinderella we are the stepsister; there are no other options, it simply doesn’t matter about intent.

Now the chart takes another dive and we get Disney’s version of Rapunzel called Tangled. I confess I really like this one, its cute and cleaver and fresh. And it’s quite a pleasure to see something modern without all the adult innuendos, someone getting hit in the crotch, subversive agenda pushing lifestyles etc. I looked up any reports on subliminal messages and found it clean except for one post production advertising image screaming “SEX”, and a possible Diablo head hidden in the aerial view of the city. But without any other supporting evidence the probability is weak and has no value of effect and so can be discarded as a theory. It’s simply a great animation… But.
We have the same young girl patiently waiting for her prince while hidden away just as the great top three stories… except in this case we have a severe deviation from the Type; her protecting mother turns out to be a wicked witch. Ok, it’s just a story twist. But as the Type it is intended to speak, such a thing utterly confuses the message. This of course, like the mermaid, alters the reality and adds a whole world of confusion in answering this non-biblical pattern. OK, so what?
The problem is that it’s still the same message, it’s the same story... just wrong.
Then next we see this little girl take control of her situation, deceive her mother (which is ok because she’s evil?) overpowers her savior and drives forward with her will that includes him. In the unalterable Type, the represented Christian overpowers Christ to make him do her will. Frankly this is shamefully the accurate representation of the Church today! But it’s just so darn cute! ~

Ok, I have gone far enough with this though I have many, many more examples, but what we end up with is a chart that shows the persistent downward progression from the original scriptural Type of how God designed our interaction with life to be. And today we have a problem with girls who in a confused mind desire to be in trouble so that some prince will need to rescue her. If she doesn’t find herself in such a condition she will manipulate her circumstances to get there! She will choose a bad relationship while "waiting for the one", or become addicted to a substance from which to be rescued, remove herself from her loved ones so that she can be rescued from isolation, or simply become a basket case with the hope that her prince will devote himself to "bring her back". This is a self-created Cinderella Syndrome without being Cinderella. And in her woeful condition she expects her prince to join her in her trouble as a proof of his love. Such is the representation in the 2001 The Knights Tale when Jocelyn demands her prince loose his battle to prove his love. This is utter perverted confusion for both the girl and her prince.

If these were merely entertaining stories we could allow such confusion for entertainment sake, but no such thing exists. These “innocent” stories are very successful propaganda to teach society the perversion of the Creator’s plan. And in the education of the perversion we find our society learning to love the cat Lucifer.

But the cat has more perversions still in the plan.
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*1 Good or Evil Subliminal Authorization:
Trying to keep this rabbit trail short, we fully comprehend that the intentional subliminal message introduced into a cartoon by the animator is the result of the animator’s mindframe. For a lack of a better word; he subverts the story by including something on his mind that is not openly understood to be the message presented. If he has sex on his mind, the subliminal message he wants to include is sex, if drugs, then drugs, etc. Once this vehicle became perfected, advertising a product by influencing the spirit, created another authorization; in otherwords the motivational force that drives the particular hidden message. What once was simply a desire to share a spirit is now also a desire for manipulated income. We know that sex sells and they want to sell their picture so they include subliminal appeals to the spirit of sex. As the spirit of Evil is permitted and even happily received into our modern society, like the Cinderella family, we authorize Evil through our own wicked spirit to work in our minds what it will, and we subliminally receive what we then sublimely present, thinking its our own idea. I have suggested this to be accurately represented by the house pet named Lucifer seemingly disconnected from the evil actions of those who approve his residency.
But on the flip side is the reverse concept that must also be present; If society permits and even happily receives the spirit of Good, we must expect that we will then receive “subliminally” spiritual influences to promote good. Our actions then reflect what we receive and know it or not we introduce our resulting hearts desire into our work.
The fact that Disney wanted to tell the wholesome Cinderella story at all is indication that this was the approved spirit of society at the time. This powerful spirit of Good was authorized by society and approved by Disney, even if the animators and Disney himself were not fully or even partially aware of what that good spirit was doing through them. The result is a “subliminal” message in the animation that went beyond the animators and even the studio that authorized it. This is the signature of the Spirit of America at that time, even as our values were in the process of changing spirits.

*2 Intentional vs. Unintentional Subliminal Messages:
A still further complexity is the overlapping of humanity onto the role of the spirits.
Now we have four parties; Good spirits, Evil spirits, and the men they influence. Without making it a declaration of law, we understand that good men do not intentionally use subliminal messages to influence the minds of others, whereas evil men have no such compunctions. There are things that properly belong exclusive to the spiritual realm, that while we play our part in them by influence, we are not to manipulate that influence ourselves. This is the very concept why you do not yet (*2b) see Republican motivated assassinations of wicked Democratic presidents even though we desperately want wicked men removed from those seats of government. (I am not even suggesting that all Democratic presidents are wicked). But we do see Republican presidents assassinated by wicked men wanting to remove their opposition. In the world of Good there are rules and things you do not cross, but leave such things in the spiritual realm where it belongs.

*2b Republican Assassinators?
I say “yet” because evil has not yet fully crossed that line here in America, though history shows that it soon will. Soon we will indeed see “Republican” assassinators murdering Democratic leaders and such similar activity, but you can be sure it will not be true Republicans doing the crime.
Evil men will soon perfect the tactic of masquerading as good men to do evil work and then condemn good men for the evil deed. Nero Burnt his own capital just to blame it on Christians so that he could then round them up as dangerous traitors to society. But the very doctrine and nature of Christianity does no such things. Anyone doing such a thing is NOT, and CANNOT be a Christian.

*3 The Nature of the Message:
When a man intentionally introduces a subliminal message with his creative mind, it is born in the temporal realm of the mind, with the intent to influence the temporal realm of another mind through the spirit where it was conceived.
When a man unintentionally introduces a subliminal message, it is born in the spiritual realm with the supernatural (not his) intent of also influencing the temporal realm (*3b).
The nature of the two messages, though appearing quite similar, is completely different by the creative source that conceives it. In both cases the agents of human mind and spiritual influence are used, but the order and the degree are different.
The science of this goes deep and so lets just stop at that.

*3b Unintentional Participation:
Such is the case that resulted in the unjustifiable death of Erik B. Scott as written by his father ( Even if the account provided is true, the Las Vegas Police officers that killed him were not specifically evil men intent on that end, they were simply rushed along in the spiritual current that subliminally directed each step of the process that ended in this death. This is the spirit of death; the Lucifer spirit that has been granted more freedom in America to deal out his destruction through a society of unknowing men who love the cat.

*4 History Shows:
I cannot praise enough the two disk Platinum Edition of these animations (Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty) for their archive footage of Disney and the Animators explaining things from their own perspectives, especially Walt Disney’s presentation of Peter Tchaikovsky’s story and its direct connection to Sleeping Beauty. I submit that this was strongly in mind when the storyboard was written and not the Christian message that is so integral to the story it cannot be unintentionally removed.

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