Post 271
“…And he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many…” Daniel 8:25a.
Even a child can easily describe the stark difference between violence and peace; these two natures are polar opposites with opposing effects. These opposing natures are at perpetual war with one another like light and darkness, good and evil, or black and white. So why in Daniel 2:40-43 did God choose iron and clay to represent the division portion of the Daniel 7 fourth Diverse Beast? The reason is because this kingdom is a division of dark and darker; there is no real light in it to contend with the darkness (Matthew 6:23), but in their lively contention you could’t convince them of that.
God divided the light from the darkness back in Genesis 1:4, which makes us confident that Black and White cannot occupy the same space at the same time or Evil cannot exist where Good dwells… but since we saw that the separated waters mingled afterwards, can light and darkness mingle too? John 1:4-5 tells us that while life as light can actually shine in the darkness the darkness cannot comprehend it, but strangely II Corinthians 4:6 tells us that God made the light to shine out of the darkness, and Psalm 139:12 even supports this strange notion. So what are we to do in the confusion? I John 2:8 provides a new commandment regarding a sure separation within ourselves regardless of the complications around us. The sure separation from the darkness is in Jesus Christ the true light carried within us. Light shining out of the darkness.
Violence can indeed abide with peace, and peace combined with another element can produce violence, much as iron law and the people’s democracy can unite to produce either good or evil. The Republic of America and the Republic of China have historically shown the vast differences of application with essentially the same basic elements, which we now know that the mysterious difference is in the waters of different natures, somewhat like sea water and fresh are both waters but distinctly different eco systems.
Continuing our investigation of “What is peace?” allow me to provide an example of the confusion that already exists deeply in America on this topic. Please note: I am not allowing the witch to preach for me, but rather showing you that she is indeed a witch promoting a Christain message:
* * *
The Good Witch:
Since it’s the Halloween season here in America the TV is inundated with the familiar Halloween themed programs. But unlike my childhood’s horror movies, slasher movies, and dark occult movies like The Exorcist, today’s Halloween TV has another presentation. Today we have an emotionally alluring Halloween; like Harry Potter, vampire romances, and beautifully feminine witches like Cassandra Nightingale with nothing but goodness in her heart, presented in The Good Witch, a Hallmark Channel presentation (*1).
This is a delightfully family orientated movie with virtually nothing objectionable even to the most discriminating- with the exception of perhaps a few kisses by adults and one very “feminine” gown.
In this movie, good is good and bad is bad, and Cassandra always stands on the side of good against the evil and always in a wonderfully unifying resolution to the good of everyone, even the local prude who stands against her for her “dark ways.”
Throughout the film, beginning with the very title, beautiful, graceful, and kind Cassandra, the new resident of a sleepy little town, is revealed with all the obvious signs of practicing the dark arts of witchcraft, but in a way that allows doubt to the truth of what you see. The things and events you observe could be just unusual coincidence, but the “oddity” is just too coincidental to ignore, and by it, we are confident that we are supposed to know she is a witch. In this way the viewer is allowed the option to “see” an honest to goodness witch, or just an innocent woman who “sees” life a little different than you or I.
And while her obvious occult practices are left to wonder under a very thin mask of un-confession, her pure and good heart and her ability to intelligently produce perfectly timed favorable results to the benefit of the community are unquestionable. This woman is a wonderful asset to this town and everyone could learn a-thing-or-two from her about kindness and understanding.
Now add to this complexity the local know-it-all busybody prude with a mean heart that takes a disliking to Cassandra and determines to drive her from town as a witch.
She gets a significant portion of the town to rise up against Cassandra and her shop of “odd trinkets,” but even in trying hard to describe it like the movie presents it, I cannot present the innocent perspective that the movie artfully provides, and because of it I cannot accurately present the dilemma, so allow me to just declare it:
In the wonderfully family movie, Cassandra is the innocent and the dumpy prude is the narrow-minded “Christian” disruption to the peace of the town. In a great extension of kindness, which is her normal nature, Cassandra befriends the obnoxious woman and eventually wins her heart of friendship and brings peace to the town. The movie succeeds in completely disarming your clear recognition that this woman is truly a full blown witch and allures you to side with her completely as the innocent, like was done for the beast in “Beauty and the Beast” and the dumpy prude is as Gaston, who sees the evil for what it is; evil.
As hard as it is for today’s American Christian to condemn the Beast, it’s that much harder to condemn a beautifully soft natured woman with a wonderful personality of kindness, who just happens to practice witchcraft.
SO, in real life; here on the streets of America, who is going to be the obnoxious prude and drive the witch from town? And if we do, what a black mark of “Hate Speech” we would get! (*2). And now tell me Christian American, how do you think we should implement the following scripture?
“Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live” Exodus 22:18.
“Oh that’s easy” you say, “We are not under the law but under grace.”
Fair enough.
So dear Christian, what do you do if your wife regularly sleeps with the priest? Is that OK too because we are not under the law? Let’s read the context in which the above easily rejected verse is found:
“Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death” Exodus 22:19.
“Woe, OK, that is bad” you reply, “but instead of Capital Punishment let’s just put them in rehabilitation.”
Fair enough.
But will you also put the witch in rehabilitation, or are we going to “massage” that away too? Read the next verse of the context:
“He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed” Exodus 22:20.
Oh, now that is just barbaric! right?
But why do you suppose God put these three widely divers ordinances together in a single context under Capitol Punishment? If we look, we see that we have a very great difference of reaction between them, from; “Each to his own,” to “That’s nasty!” to “Don’t be ridiculous!” But man did not make the laws; these are God’s opinion on things.
You see God doesn’t play emotional games and his laws are not suggestions. There are REASONS why he gave us these laws, and like Cassandra using her magic to do good, your corrupted goodness of peace in disobeying God brings confusion that eventually brings the un-solvable violence of Noah’s day as the context continues:
“And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword: and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless” Exodus 22:24.
“BUT!” I hear you shout, “Are you really recommending a return to the barbaric Witch Burning of early America?”
Of course not.
That event was perhaps handled by wicked men and the results were quite possibly the deaths of many innocents along with a few guilty…perhaps (*3).
But while you struggled with my actual meaning of Post 266 “It’s About To Snow,” because I seemed to tell long time Christians to quit your job in order to find God, Jesus was far more radical than I:
“Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire” Matthew 18:8.
Does Jesus really want a bunch of self-mangled people in wheelchairs roaming his streets of gold? Of course not. What he was actually saying is to urgently figure out how to keep your hands and feet from being an offence!
Now here is the really had part to swallow; BECAUSE we can’t seem to figure out how to stop our own members from bringing offense, our only choice is to amputate them to end the offense. But BECAUSE we can’t bring ourselves to do that either, God himself is sending the Muslims to do that job for us!
Do you suppose because wicked men will handle this job, many innocents will again be killed along with the guilty, as supposed in the Witch-Burning?
NOW, if God is sending the limb-hacking Muslims in real life, how much of a metaphor do you think Jesus’ statement was? How much of a metaphor do think my job quitting instruction was? Don’t get out your knife first; get out your Bible! But if you just can’t find the time, then get out your knife! It’s THAT serious. Is America’s great unemployment rate God’s divine aid to cut off our jobs so that we will have the time to find him? Does that sound too radically religious to believe?
“But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption…which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam…who loved the wages of unrighteousness;” II Peter 2:12-15.
Like Uzzah before the falling Ark (II Samuel 6:6-7, I Chronicles 13:9-10), America has already moved beyond a right answer; Touch it and die, or let it fall and live without the Ark. This is the quandary of November 6th 2012 (*4).
* * *
“And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy (7922) also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand…and by peace shall destroy many” Daniel 8:24-25.
Policy 7922 sekel; from 7919; intelligence; by implication success:-- discretion, knowledge, policy, prudence, sense, understanding, wisdom, wise.
7919 sakal; a primitive root; to be (causatively, make or act) circumspect and hence intelligent:-- consider, expert, instruct, prosper, (deal) prudent (-ly), (give) skill (-ful), have good success, teach, (have, make to) understand (-ing), wisdom, (be, behave self, consider, make) wise (-ly), guide wittingly.
Circumspect: Careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences: prudent. - Merriam-Webster electronic dictionary app.
Example: “The United States Intelligence Community (IC) is a cooperative federation of 16 separate United States government agencies that work separately and together to conduct intelligence activities considered necessary for the conduct of foreign relations and national security of the United States. Member organizations of the IC include intelligence agencies [CIA], military intelligence, and civilian intelligence and analysis offices within federal executive departments” - (
While describing the Antichrist and by degree, the many leaders before him, this also perfectly describes Cassandra in her circumspect use of magic to make it desirable in her town and thereby raise a whole generation of socially accepted witches, which God will destroy by the third party hand of this Beast who will then make a public statement condemning the brutal act.
The power of this Beast is the power of Miry Iron; it is the Waters from above the firmament; it is the “They” of his clay. His power is the supernatural combined with the human law. It is the iron and the clay. The problem is that the democratic clay will not allow the iron to destroy the witch for some time, and so she rides on the back of the Beast for a while (Revelation 17:3).
Now although the translation “wonderfully” seems an unfortunate use to describe a thing so grand it is possibly miraculous, it is not a poor choice of words. It is a very accurate translation of his kind of destruction through peace, just as Cassandra brought witchcraft to the town by her wonder-full charming and beneficial presentation.
* * *
Something to Compare Against:
America has already so confused her light into darkness that she cannot now see that the Yin and the Yang, which she borrowed from the Orient religions, are both darkness in the same circle:
“But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matthew 6:23.
The mental perception of light is now a conditioned evaluation of comparison with the “obvious” darkness in the same circle, and in so doing, the confident proclamation is that; “I am obviously the white side,” while God casts the whole Yin-and-Yang circle-of-darkness into the fire as the abomination of a strange god.
Evil is easily seen as evil against the clean. So the evil needs a greater evil to be compared against and so accepted as the clean by comparison. This is the fundamental rule in all TV and movie presentations of evil. It makes you, the third party participant, determine the goodness of the two sides in a provided conflict; one is evil and therefore the other is good. How good is it? That doesn’t matter to the carefully crafted presentation and so is not evaluated in the setting; it’s just a lot better than the evil and so it is good by default.
In “The Good Witch” Cassandra plays the part of an outside Problem-Solver between contending locals. In a primary case; between a young bully and his victim, the bully is obviously the “evil” and his victim is obviously the “good.” But now the super wise Cassandra is able to devise a creative environment where evil can be won over to the good and all turns out even better than a compromise; Cassandra’s magical policy has won the day!
NOW, by comparison between the “good” victim and the “super wise” Cassandra, which is the good and which is the evil, so to speak? Obviously Cassandra’s magical ways are far “gooder” than the failures of the good victim.
What we have just seen is the demonic supernatural Miry Clay take a superior place above contending humanity of Potter’s Clay and Morter. Instead of casting out the witch as instructed, humanity now is grateful to the witch for her supernaturally wise help that brings peace to contending humanity.
The one that was “put in her place” is the only one in town who saw the witch for what she was; a witch, but in her own corrupted nature of Morter she is like “the pot calling the kettle black.” And now we have a new “evil” against which everyone in the town can be compared. The victim, the bully, and the witch can all compare themselves against the prude and see themselves as a unified global community of good against the evil Christian...whom they want to join them in peace, but she will have none of it! Suddenly the witch is the tolerant one offering peace, but only if the Christian will quit contending with her practices of witchcraft. Destruction by Peace.
Harry Potter (*5) would not be acceptable unless there was a greater evil presentation against which his goodness could be compared. Any “Muggle” that stands against witchcraft is just such a usable comparison, and so we see the perfect “set up” as Harry’s Muggle parents are not even nice people. These films are not entertainment; they are indoctrination of the Devil against the scriptures themselves. Peruse the Muggle link and compare it to the scripture’s important separation between waters/spirits. It is startling!
But; do you really think I will convince any Christian Harry Potter lovers?
“Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” II Timothy 3:4-5.
I constantly marvel at the detailed accuracy of scripture: this is not a simple list of generics; it is very specific:
Traitors from God are ones who are his people but have subversively changed loyalties to give aid to the enemy, example; Christians who love and defend Harry Potter so that he is allowed to infiltrate without opposition.
Highminded are those who stand on elevated ground of illusion, above the clear instruction of scripture. These people use self-rationalization to explain why their views are morally better than God’s, (see Romans 11:20-21 to make it directly personal).
Highminded 5187 tuphoo; from a derivative of 5188; to envelop with smoke, i.e. (figuratively) to inflate with self-conceit:-- high-minded, be lifted up with pride, be proud.
Lovers of pleasures is not the problem here, it’s loving pleasures more than God. God says don’t love Harry Potter, but because you are already drawn in, how do you un-love what you love? But the more important question is; How do you want to when you don’t want to? Like a drug addict, this is a difficult problem, which is why God already said; don’t even become familiar in the first place. Just DON’T. But they do. In fact the encouragement to our kids in a positive light is to “Just Do It!” In otherwords; “To hell with the consequences!”
These “good Christian” people cannot see themselves as guilty because they are busy comparing themselves with the far more guilty and so see themselves as clean (II Corinthians 10:12). It is to these blind and guilty Christians that the law of God has been provided, but their dirty-grace faith is a solid protection against that law that brings conviction and so repentance is never found.
This is the setting in which America now approaches their Presidential vote of November 6th. And while I didn’t personally know a single person who confessed they would vote for Clinton a second time, I know a lot that are proud to declare they will vote for Obama again. The darkness is growing rapidly.
But that is not the Mystery.
The mystery is that I, along with many concerned Christians, will vote for Romney.
“So, Why is that a mystery?” you ask.
Because it’s very easy to see that Obama and his Muslim loyalty is a Type of the Antichrist destruction of God’s people, but it’s far more mysterious to see that Romney is a Type of their captivity in Babylon. The mystery is why would God’s people choose Babylon? One is destruction by violence; the other is destruction by peace. But peace rides the violence like the Harlot rides the Beast. The harlot needs the Beast as a basis of evil from which to proclaim her goodness for public acceptance. So knowing this, how can I choose the Harlot? I will expound on this in a following post.
* * * * * * *
(*1) Not A Recommendation:
Please do not imagine I have provided these titles as recommendations for you and your family to watch, I am simply revealing the truth behind the programs you already let your family watch in ignorance and are therefore completely defenseless against their demonic indoctrinations.
The Good Witch - (
(*2) Hate Speech Legislation:
The following is excerpted from a WND report;
“The federal “Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009,” signed into law by President Obama, enhances penalties for “hate crimes” deemed to be motivated by “actual or perceived sexual orientation” of a victim…
AFLC said it has filed a petition to the high court asking for the review.
The case contends that the “hate crimes” law violates the plaintiffs’ civil rights, since it opens Christians to becoming the target of federal investigations, grand juries and even criminal charges just for opposing or publicly criticizing the homosexual lifestyle and “gay” activism.
The petition points out that all 50 states already have laws punishing violence, and that, as Attorney General Eric Holder himself has admitted, there is no evidence that “hate crimes” go unpunished at the state level. In 2008, of the 1.38 million violent crimes reported, only 243 dealt with the victim’s sexual orientation.
The Hate Crimes Act was dubbed by its critics the “Pedophile Protection Act” after an amendment to explicitly prohibit pedophiles from being protected by the act was defeated by majority Democrats. During congressional debate, supporters argued that all “philias,” or alternative sexual lifestyles, should be protected…
The pastors explained that as Christian leaders with a duty to teach God’s Word on moral issues such as homosexuality, they have “willfully” and actively engaged in expressive conduct regarding the morality of homosexuality – conduct that could subject them to investigation and prosecution under the Hate Crimes Act, which does not limit its prohibitions to physical acts of violence, AFLC said.
But judges to date have said such a threat of investigation, prosecution and jail time doesn’t mean that the pastors have grounds to pursue a challenge…
Obama signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act in October 2009 after Democrats strategically attached it to a “must-pass” $680 billion defense-appropriations bill.
The law cracks down on any actions that could be linked to criticism of homosexuality or even the “perception” of homosexuality. As Congress debated it, there were assurances it would not be used to restrict free speech.
Obama boasted about the “hate crimes” bill when he signed it into law.
“After more than a decade, we’ve passed inclusive hate-crimes legislation to help protect our citizens from violence based on what they look like, who they love, how they pray or who they are,” he said.
The bill signed by Obama was opposed by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, which called it a “menace” to civil liberties. The commission argued the law allows federal authorities to bring charges against individuals even if they’ve already been cleared in a state court.” - (
By peace, the Mortor son of Satan that occupies the highest office in America has enacted legislation of destruction against those that would stand on the commands of God in defense of this nation against God’s wrath.
If Sodomy and Child molestation are to be protected not only against prohibiting the act but against even the suggestion that it is reprehensible, then what abominations could possibly be seen as reproachable? Surely not witchcraft. But what do you expect a Jehovahless leader to do when so-called Christians filled with hate are accused of beating to death a sodomite? The government is simply trying to solve a complex problem of sin while mired in iniquity themselves. And so is the Church today.
(*3) Witch Burning of Salem Massachusetts:
It is quite troubling that after 320 years have passed, we seem willing to proclaim that we know the truth of the events. I am certainly not suggesting the women were all in fact witches rightly put to death, but neither can I confirm that innocent women were murdered in a religious paranoia. The fact is we just don’t know, but we nonetheless sure like to use that one-year event as a standard to proclaim “never again, at any cost.”
Is this reaction not a more sure form of anti-religious paranoia than the event of so long ago was religiously hysterical? Consider this telling brief statement in the article that obviously stands against the horrible events of a presumed hysterical religious people:
“Witchcraft was then used by peasants, who invoked particular charms for farming and agriculture. Over time, the idea of white magic transformed into dark magic and became associated with demons and evil spirits.” - (
This statement is hauntingly familiar with the recent troubles of Uganda described in An Unconventional War ( Will their children one day, 300 years from now, describe their very real solution as hateful witch burning? Most probably.
So why am I against obeying the scriptural law to Capitally punish all witches? Because we are no longer righteous before God to do that job. First we must purify our own hearts and actions before God, and become his clean and holy people, and then we will have clear wisdom in how to deal with people dabbling in ignorance vs. those that are committed to witchcraft. This self-cleansing from sin was the secret of Uganda’s success when no previous effort could prevail.
Remember post 256 On The Olympics? I showed that this same “white magic,” today called superstition, is prevalent not only in the pagan culture but in the Christian church as well. It is indeed time for a very real and serious purging, but the knife must fall on our own limbs first! (Matthew 7:3-5, I Peter 4:17).
(*4) All Bad Options:
See also a similar “no good answer” quandary of II Samuel 24:13-15 and notice the comparable 3 months option without God’s presence, as we saw in II Samuel 6:11-12. David chose the option that was most directly handled by God alone but the price was still very high, the punishment must be paid. Uzzah had no such option in his two-party choice of either/or. And neither do we; Like whoever put the Ark on the cart, the powers that be have already set us up to fail.
(*5) Harry Potter:
“harry (v.)
O.E. hergian "make war, lay waste, ravage, plunder," the word used in the "Anglo-Saxon Chronicle" for what the Vikings did to England, from P.Gmc. verb *harohan (cf. O.Fris. urheria "lay waste, ravage, plunder," O.N. herja "to make a raid, to plunder," O.S., O.H.G. herion, Ger. verheeren "to destroy, lay waste, devastate"), from *harjaz "an armed force" (cf. O.E. here, O.N. herr "crowd, great number; army, troop," O.S., O.Fris. heri, Du. heir, O.H.G. har, Ger. Heer "host, army," Goth. harjis), from PIE root *koro- "war" (cf. Lith. karas "war, quarrel," karias "host, army;" O.C.S. kara "strife;" M.Ir. cuire "troop;" O.Pers. kara "host, people, army;" Gk. koiranos "ruler, leader, commander"). Weakened sense of "worry, goad, harass" is from c.1400. Related: Harried; harrying.
masc. proper name, a familiar form of Henry. Weekley takes the overwhelming number of Harris and Harrison surnames as evidence that "Harry," not "Henry," was the M.E. pronunciation of Henry. Also cf. Harriet, English equivalent of Fr. Henriette, fem. dim. of Henri. Nautical slang Harriet Lane "preserved meat" (1896) refers to a famous murder victim whose killer allegedly chopped up her body.” - (
Thank you Tonis Anton for the information, this was just too good to leave as as unattached link.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
The Ministering Damsel
Post 270
“…And he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many…” Daniel 8:25a.
For many years this wording has been a curious mystery to me; “How does the most evil man the planet has ever seen, destroy many by peace?” Is peace destructive? If so, then;
What is peace?
We are about to embark on a series of studies that are so earthshakingly dark and confusing that I seriously hesitate to begin writing it down. Where do you stand when the entire earth is quaking under your feet? When what has always been unquestionably solid rock suddenly turns to giant liquefied walls of earth like the waves of a hurricane sea (Isaiah 57:20-21). How do you save an entire ship, or even a single life, when it is caught in the middle of The typhoon of Perfect Storm proportions?
What I am about to show in detail is so hopeless I don’t want to be the guy to tell it. And the hopelessness of it is not the worst part.
The fingers of the multiple cells in this perfect storm are many and complex, and the complexity of what I have already been showing in scripture is provided to us as a cipher pattern so that we can actually grasp how to interpret this storm in an effort to avoid it, not weather it.
Seasoned fishermen on the Grand Banks have long seen great storms and to refrain from boldly plowing the seas every time a storm is reported would be to fail their jobs as cowards. These seamen are a hearty sort that need an iron nature so strong they can ply their work in the face of pending disaster as a regular thing. But a Perfect Storm is a horse of a different color, such as Zechariah 6:7 + 1:8 = Speckled (*1);
Bravery is irrelevant in such a storm, and in fact bravery simply morphs into the actions of a fool. Same act, Same display of nature, but Different actual nature because intelligent calculation has been removed from the equation.
Bravery is carefully calculating the odds against experience and ability then moving ahead with skill against the acceptable risk, while foolish is moving ahead in blindness without the calculation.
Skill and ability, nor bravery, have any part in the calculation of a perfect storm. The bravest men harbor their ships and take the time off from work. The fool plows ahead to weather the storm in the illusion of bravery, and loudly mocks the calculating brave as a coward. The lines and complexities of when which is which are really quite entangled. But it is not at all confusing to the one doing his own calculations using his well seasoned knowledge of his skills and abilities (Revelation 16:15, Luke 21:34-36, II Peter 3:10-14).
How easy it would be to simply say; “we will all be killed by a nuclear bomb”; we could easily grasp that singular concept and accept it as a specific target to defend against or prepare for the inevitable end while we ponder about what day it will come. But this is not to be. Our great destruction is to be far more complex, and the first fingers of it have already begun to build.
I really don’t want to be the weather guy, I would much rather be writing the Isaiah 58:6-14 “Grace sequel” to my first book as promised, but I have volunteered for this mission of God and so have been given a clear understanding of how this Perfect Storm plays out. And the storm is building faster than I can write it with clarity. There are already many ships too far out to sea to recover, even if they turned back to shore right now. But there are still many others that can yet be saved if they would but turn back now.
While my efforts are earnestly calling these back, the facts are that those now returning because of the looming storm will be saved while those still plowing ahead will not hear any more warnings, they have already made up their minds to ignore them and are committed to “hell or high water”.
What I am now writing is the blow by blow pre-history of the storm for the later generations to read. The reason that it is a pre-historical account (even if only a few days ahead of the events) is a justification of God, that he did not wish it, and provided a sufficient warning to avoid it:
“Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets” Amos 3:7.
But obviously, with my English language translation and self-described uncertainty of “theories”, “proposals” and “submissions” of interpretation, I don’t qualify as a prophet do I?
Except God has already made a contingency for this "less than a prophet":
“For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.
But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken” Isaiah 28:11-13.
If that does not perfectly describe my work, tell me what this passage would describe better?! God has not provided new prophecy; he has sent men like me to explain it through the laborious effort of our frail humanity, not in Hebrew or Greek or even Aramaic but in a different language, and the tongue in which I speak is not to farmers and ranchers by analogy, but to an age of science:
“Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is...(America). Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves…Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD…when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it…and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report (let alone to experience it)” Isaiah 18:14-19.
My soul is vexed simply to report it’s dark complexity even before it actually happens.
By the very complex nature of the destruction, I find myself standing against many ministers that I truly love and respect as men. The last thing I wish to do is point a bony finger directly at these fellow ministers and cry out; “WRONG!” but by the very nature of this destruction and the description of it, this will be the sad result. So be it, Even though because they are all somebodies and I am a nobody, my “interpretation” will be utterly rejected and mocked as “Doom-and-Gloom”.
But I have not put my life on hold and taken up this work for the sake of saving the world from destruction; I am doing this work as a testimony against humanity to validate God in the destruction. The reason this work is so important is because of the complex nature of the destruction:
“For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many” Matthew 24:5.
Hitler deceived a lot of people in the name of God, and by it destroyed many; with complex corruption he actually came in the name of the Christ through Evolutionary progress masked as God’s will ( I provide this antichristian article as evidence of the great confusion that must be dissected to the ultimate degree and thereby separate the waters from the waters. Otherwise these waters will be accused of being those waters because obviously waters are waters right? (Isaiah 5:19-20, Jeremiah 4:22, 13:10).
Up until now, those deceivers who have come in the name of Christ have been easily spotted charlatans, fooling only the simple. But the scriptures show a terrifying prophecy of imitators that are so close to the real presentation that it will be nearly impossible to distinguish between them and the truth:
“For there shall be false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before (it happens)” Matthew 24:24.
Hitler’s “Christian deception” may have worked on the pagan author of the above linked website but there is not a true Christian alive or dead that would allow that Hitler properly applied the scriptures. The deception still to come is far more sophisticated than that, to the point that even earnest Christians will be deceived, and only those very intimate with God will see the deception. So what hope is there for explaining it to the linked website author who can’t see it in the simple version?
Rick Warren’s “Purpose Driven” Apostasy is simply another degree of this early deception, but it is already deceiving many Christians while it makes poison waters of the pure waters of Christianity itself. I have no qualms about exposing Mr. Warren as a child of hell; he is not a fellow minister though he claims to be. His form of apostasy is still too distant from the real truth that other than deceiving the foolish he is no threat to the faith.
But there are those now standing among us that are the first of the wonderful prophet impostors and as much as it pains me to so publicly “turn on them” in my exposure of the error, I must not hold back from the exposure and let the individuals fall into whichever camp they belong. Please, please understand that I mean no animosity or personal attack on men who have sacrificed so much in a completely honest and honorable intent for good; I know the diligence to which they have labored to do their honorable work, BUT…their work is not of God and so the result will be the ruin of deception.
So let’s begin with the basics:
* * *
The Ministering Damsel:
“And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel…met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying (3132):” Acts 16:16.
Soothsaying 3132 manteuomai; from a derivative of 3105 (meaning a prophet, as supposed to rave through inspiration); to divine, i.e. utter spells (under pretense of foretelling:-- by soothsaying.
3105 mainomai; middle voice from a primary mao (to long for; through the idea of insensate craving); to rave as a “maniac”:-- be beside self (mad).
“The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation” Acts 16:17.
So we see that this helpful and insightful girl was earnestly confirming that the Jesus Christ these men were preaching was the true way, and these ministers were sent by God to show that way.
Now how are you going to argue that this is not a good thing? Who among us would tell this eagerly helpful girl that she could not minister? Clearly what she was saying was completely of God, right? According to I John 4:2 her spirit must be confirmed a spirit of God;
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world” I John 4:1-3.
Properly following the caution that there are many false prophets, they tried the girl’s spirit by having a “get to know you” conversation and she eagerly confessed her confirmation that God sent these men to preach God’s salvation to the people. And since the salvation they preached was Jesus Christ, clearly her spirit was confessing by agreement that Jesus Christ came in the flesh to save mankind, right?
Now don’t go all religiously pious on me because you “know the right answer”; figure this out as if it was happening in your church today:
You and a few men from your church go on a week-long street ministry to a town several hours from home, and after a morning of preaching you take a break for lunch with a following planned prayer circle to refresh your spirits for the afternoon work.
As you head to the hotel conference room to pray, this spunky seventeen year old girl with a bubbly personality introduces herself to you guys and so you strike up a short conversation in which she expresses excitement for the work you are doing in her town. You ask her about herself and she tells you that she works for a local small time magician as a fortuneteller but she really doesn’t like it, even though she is actually really good at it, she just needs the money for college.
After you reach your conference room door you say your goodbyes and go in to pray. Then as you get back on your street corner and resume preaching, this girl walks through the back of the crowd as a self-appointed advertiser, proclaiming;
“These men are the ministers of the most high God and are showing us the way of salvation”
and every now and then she catches your eye and gives you a quick two-thumbs-up grin as you, and she, continue to minister; She is an unexpected enthusiastic team player.
After evening falls and the crowd and the girl go home, your team sits at a restaurant for supper where someone brings up the unusual girl and her actions. Obviously by the conversation it struck everyone as a bit odd, but hey, the Lord works in mysterious ways, right?
OK, NOW you get the reality of the event the apostles faced. What do you do beyond quietly hoping that she doesn’t come back tomorrow, Right? But you feel a bit guilty for not wanting her; “Why don’t you want her?” you think to yourself, “Is she saying anything wrong that you can point out? No. It’s just odd. It’s, uncomfortably odd”.
But she does come back the next day.
“And she did this many days.
But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour” Acts 16:18.
So how did Paul know this was a demonic spirit and not a spirit from God to support their ministry? Do you suppose any of his group challenged him for discouraging her faith? I mean Paul seemed to violate the very scripture that clearly and plainly determines if it is of God or not!
“Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God…” I John 4:2.
So now what just happened to that rock solid one-verse-theology that you can safely camp on in confidence? Is the scripture wrong or is it Paul that was wrong? It’s obviously one or the other, so tell me; Which is it?
* * *
Like Oil and Water, No, More Like Iron and Clay:
Darwin was a Christian. But Darwin altered his faith in the Word of God and chose instead the limited reasoning mind of finite man that seemed to suggest the scriptures were wrong. Only a “Darwin” proclaims the scriptures wrong based on his arguing suppositions of the circumstances, Yet there is something in his contention that now needs to be answered (I Peter 3:15-16):
Like Darwin’s problem, the answer to our present discussion is found in the complexity itself, though most people simply conclude that, “complexity means a cover-up to error” and so refuse to even hear the argument; “The truth is either simple or it’s not true”.
But for those who are willing to give the argument an honest hearing, Let’s start with the information that her spirit was referred to as “he” while the damsel was identified as “her”:
“…come out of her. And he came out the same hour.”
It’s obvious by the fact that she didn’t die when the spirit (water) was cast out of her, that this spirit was additional to the one mixed with her dust to make potter’s clay. By this distinctive division between the girl and the additional spirit in her, we can see that verse 17 tells us it was the girl who was supporting the apostles work while it was the spirit of divination that gave her insight into who they were and so motivated her to a twisted spiritual support that actually spiritually undermined their ministry. So how can we justify warning her not to preach Jesus Christ? We find the answer in her proclamation:
“…These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation” Acts 16:17.
Like Simon of Acts 8:9-23, this girl is promoting something that she herself has not experienced but her demon spirit of divination gives her personal insight that convinces her that she has; so although she means well, she is a false witness; by the very definition of “witness” she is telling a lie even though the information is true.
Many, many Christians will promote the work of great men of God because they are convinced in their hearts and spirits and minds that the information is true, but if they are not preaching from personal experience of that truth, whatever they proclaim is actually a false witness and therefore a destructive lie. This grieves the men of God because the mindframe of that conduct keeps these false witnesses in the illusion that they are already a party to what they are proclaiming is the truth. By her own declaration this girl was one of those sinners to whom the apostles were preaching, but by mis-orderly joining the ministry before salvation, she could not be saved because by her participation of agreement she thought she already was.
So what are her listeners supposed to conclude from a sinner supporting and preaching the gospel of salvation without being saved?
This is the complex deception that comes through the many possessed of demons that come in Jesus’ name declaring that he is in fact the Son of God; which is an allowable interpretation of:
“For many shall come in my name, saying, (that) I (Jesus) am Christ; and shall deceive many (with their confusion that comes attached to their truthful proclamation)” Matthew 24:5.
I know that this seems like a manipulation of interpretation, but consider that while the girl willingly confessed the truth of the apostle’s message, apparently nobody directly asked the spirit in her. And if they had, the spirit would have said, “No, Jesus did not come in the flesh”, though he didn’t mind the girl saying so because he could use it.
What the girl ends up with is a schizophrenic soul of miry and potter’s spirits (James 1:6-7).
Tom Horn, author of “Apollyon Rising 2012” might not be the damsel, but he sure has not followed the Apostle Paul’s example in scripture; instead he has brought the girl up onto the stage and asked her to preach for Jesus!
“But why was Paul grieved while Mr. Horn is excited?” This question should seriously haunt all Christians until it is fully answered.
The problem is that my simplistic answer regarding identifying the damsel’s spirit, sounds like a “slight of hand” to answer a flaw in scripture. But there are lots of other verses and historical records to show that spirits are picked up and lost quite frequently; Potter’s spirits seem to be hard to acquire and fall off on their own without regular and careful maintenance (Ephesians 4:30), while Miry spirits seem to jump on by themselves and cling hard until removed with force of Power (Matthew 17:19-21). Identifying which is of God and which is of Satan is a discernment that all Christians should gain by intimacy with the Holy Spirit of God, though obviously, by special gifting, some Christians will have a keener ability than others;
“For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom. To another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit…to another the discerning of spirits…” I Corinthians 12:8-11.
This post is just a warm up in recognizing the complexity as we learn to identify the spirits within the people we meet as well as the earnest ministers of Christ that come in his name but bring destructive deception in Jesus’ name.
Oh, by the way, notice the part of Acts 16:16 that I left out;
“And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying:” Acts 16:16.
I left the underlined part out of the presentation because this is an "after the fact" bit of info provided by the inerrant scripture, that unless given as insight by the Holy Ghost, you just wouldn’t know in your evaluation.
So now, how important is supernatural insight into the spirits of Christian ministers?
Only as important as proper evaluation of their message.
* * * * * * *
*1 SuperStorm Sandy:
As we watch the current news of SuperStorm Sandy attacking the shores of America’s Eastern coastlands, the over-dramatization of the media has labeled this a “Perfect Storm”. The problem this creates is still more deception because it gives us the wrong idea that we can in fact weather any storm; “See? We weathered Sandy”.
If we analyze the meaning and application of this post against SuperStorm Sandy as a Perfect Storm, we will come up with a “we can weather this too” conclusion. But Sandy is far from a Perfect Storm; she is only a SuperStorm with perhaps perfect aim, like a perfectly aimed 9.9 earthquake is to a perfectly aimed 12.0.
If you look at a vast variety of dictionaries you will find a wide spectrum of defined meanings, but the single factor that remains consistent among them all is a significant combination of circumstances that result in a very rare excessively disastrous effect (
The term was actually invented by a writer in 1936, and while that bit of information seems to have dropped from all but a rare definition, that writer would be the original source for what makes up a perfect storm.
In short; it takes multiple weather cells, each a significant storm on their own, combined in a perfect meteorological and circumstantial conjunction to produce the worst possible results.
See the 1991 Unnamed Storm ( against the 1938 New England Hurricane ( as a conceptual idea.
And don’t forget, this Post’s analogy is that the sea is where the hopeless destruction takes place and land is where you can flee from it by moving further inland in bad weather (Jeremiah 51:6, I Corinthians 10:14, I Corinthians 6:18). Scripturally, the Land and Sea are foundationally different by their very compositions and natures.
Land=Law=Iron, Sea=Democracy=Humanity.
“…And he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many…” Daniel 8:25a.
For many years this wording has been a curious mystery to me; “How does the most evil man the planet has ever seen, destroy many by peace?” Is peace destructive? If so, then;
What is peace?
We are about to embark on a series of studies that are so earthshakingly dark and confusing that I seriously hesitate to begin writing it down. Where do you stand when the entire earth is quaking under your feet? When what has always been unquestionably solid rock suddenly turns to giant liquefied walls of earth like the waves of a hurricane sea (Isaiah 57:20-21). How do you save an entire ship, or even a single life, when it is caught in the middle of The typhoon of Perfect Storm proportions?
What I am about to show in detail is so hopeless I don’t want to be the guy to tell it. And the hopelessness of it is not the worst part.
The fingers of the multiple cells in this perfect storm are many and complex, and the complexity of what I have already been showing in scripture is provided to us as a cipher pattern so that we can actually grasp how to interpret this storm in an effort to avoid it, not weather it.
Seasoned fishermen on the Grand Banks have long seen great storms and to refrain from boldly plowing the seas every time a storm is reported would be to fail their jobs as cowards. These seamen are a hearty sort that need an iron nature so strong they can ply their work in the face of pending disaster as a regular thing. But a Perfect Storm is a horse of a different color, such as Zechariah 6:7 + 1:8 = Speckled (*1);
Bravery is irrelevant in such a storm, and in fact bravery simply morphs into the actions of a fool. Same act, Same display of nature, but Different actual nature because intelligent calculation has been removed from the equation.
Bravery is carefully calculating the odds against experience and ability then moving ahead with skill against the acceptable risk, while foolish is moving ahead in blindness without the calculation.
Skill and ability, nor bravery, have any part in the calculation of a perfect storm. The bravest men harbor their ships and take the time off from work. The fool plows ahead to weather the storm in the illusion of bravery, and loudly mocks the calculating brave as a coward. The lines and complexities of when which is which are really quite entangled. But it is not at all confusing to the one doing his own calculations using his well seasoned knowledge of his skills and abilities (Revelation 16:15, Luke 21:34-36, II Peter 3:10-14).
How easy it would be to simply say; “we will all be killed by a nuclear bomb”; we could easily grasp that singular concept and accept it as a specific target to defend against or prepare for the inevitable end while we ponder about what day it will come. But this is not to be. Our great destruction is to be far more complex, and the first fingers of it have already begun to build.
I really don’t want to be the weather guy, I would much rather be writing the Isaiah 58:6-14 “Grace sequel” to my first book as promised, but I have volunteered for this mission of God and so have been given a clear understanding of how this Perfect Storm plays out. And the storm is building faster than I can write it with clarity. There are already many ships too far out to sea to recover, even if they turned back to shore right now. But there are still many others that can yet be saved if they would but turn back now.
While my efforts are earnestly calling these back, the facts are that those now returning because of the looming storm will be saved while those still plowing ahead will not hear any more warnings, they have already made up their minds to ignore them and are committed to “hell or high water”.
What I am now writing is the blow by blow pre-history of the storm for the later generations to read. The reason that it is a pre-historical account (even if only a few days ahead of the events) is a justification of God, that he did not wish it, and provided a sufficient warning to avoid it:
“Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets” Amos 3:7.
But obviously, with my English language translation and self-described uncertainty of “theories”, “proposals” and “submissions” of interpretation, I don’t qualify as a prophet do I?
Except God has already made a contingency for this "less than a prophet":
“For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.
But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken” Isaiah 28:11-13.
If that does not perfectly describe my work, tell me what this passage would describe better?! God has not provided new prophecy; he has sent men like me to explain it through the laborious effort of our frail humanity, not in Hebrew or Greek or even Aramaic but in a different language, and the tongue in which I speak is not to farmers and ranchers by analogy, but to an age of science:
“Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is...(America). Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves…Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD…when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it…and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report (let alone to experience it)” Isaiah 18:14-19.
My soul is vexed simply to report it’s dark complexity even before it actually happens.
By the very complex nature of the destruction, I find myself standing against many ministers that I truly love and respect as men. The last thing I wish to do is point a bony finger directly at these fellow ministers and cry out; “WRONG!” but by the very nature of this destruction and the description of it, this will be the sad result. So be it, Even though because they are all somebodies and I am a nobody, my “interpretation” will be utterly rejected and mocked as “Doom-and-Gloom”.
But I have not put my life on hold and taken up this work for the sake of saving the world from destruction; I am doing this work as a testimony against humanity to validate God in the destruction. The reason this work is so important is because of the complex nature of the destruction:
“For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many” Matthew 24:5.
Hitler deceived a lot of people in the name of God, and by it destroyed many; with complex corruption he actually came in the name of the Christ through Evolutionary progress masked as God’s will ( I provide this antichristian article as evidence of the great confusion that must be dissected to the ultimate degree and thereby separate the waters from the waters. Otherwise these waters will be accused of being those waters because obviously waters are waters right? (Isaiah 5:19-20, Jeremiah 4:22, 13:10).
Up until now, those deceivers who have come in the name of Christ have been easily spotted charlatans, fooling only the simple. But the scriptures show a terrifying prophecy of imitators that are so close to the real presentation that it will be nearly impossible to distinguish between them and the truth:
“For there shall be false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before (it happens)” Matthew 24:24.
Hitler’s “Christian deception” may have worked on the pagan author of the above linked website but there is not a true Christian alive or dead that would allow that Hitler properly applied the scriptures. The deception still to come is far more sophisticated than that, to the point that even earnest Christians will be deceived, and only those very intimate with God will see the deception. So what hope is there for explaining it to the linked website author who can’t see it in the simple version?
Rick Warren’s “Purpose Driven” Apostasy is simply another degree of this early deception, but it is already deceiving many Christians while it makes poison waters of the pure waters of Christianity itself. I have no qualms about exposing Mr. Warren as a child of hell; he is not a fellow minister though he claims to be. His form of apostasy is still too distant from the real truth that other than deceiving the foolish he is no threat to the faith.
But there are those now standing among us that are the first of the wonderful prophet impostors and as much as it pains me to so publicly “turn on them” in my exposure of the error, I must not hold back from the exposure and let the individuals fall into whichever camp they belong. Please, please understand that I mean no animosity or personal attack on men who have sacrificed so much in a completely honest and honorable intent for good; I know the diligence to which they have labored to do their honorable work, BUT…their work is not of God and so the result will be the ruin of deception.
So let’s begin with the basics:
* * *
The Ministering Damsel:
“And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel…met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying (3132):” Acts 16:16.
Soothsaying 3132 manteuomai; from a derivative of 3105 (meaning a prophet, as supposed to rave through inspiration); to divine, i.e. utter spells (under pretense of foretelling:-- by soothsaying.
3105 mainomai; middle voice from a primary mao (to long for; through the idea of insensate craving); to rave as a “maniac”:-- be beside self (mad).
“The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation” Acts 16:17.
So we see that this helpful and insightful girl was earnestly confirming that the Jesus Christ these men were preaching was the true way, and these ministers were sent by God to show that way.
Now how are you going to argue that this is not a good thing? Who among us would tell this eagerly helpful girl that she could not minister? Clearly what she was saying was completely of God, right? According to I John 4:2 her spirit must be confirmed a spirit of God;
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world” I John 4:1-3.
Properly following the caution that there are many false prophets, they tried the girl’s spirit by having a “get to know you” conversation and she eagerly confessed her confirmation that God sent these men to preach God’s salvation to the people. And since the salvation they preached was Jesus Christ, clearly her spirit was confessing by agreement that Jesus Christ came in the flesh to save mankind, right?
Now don’t go all religiously pious on me because you “know the right answer”; figure this out as if it was happening in your church today:
You and a few men from your church go on a week-long street ministry to a town several hours from home, and after a morning of preaching you take a break for lunch with a following planned prayer circle to refresh your spirits for the afternoon work.
As you head to the hotel conference room to pray, this spunky seventeen year old girl with a bubbly personality introduces herself to you guys and so you strike up a short conversation in which she expresses excitement for the work you are doing in her town. You ask her about herself and she tells you that she works for a local small time magician as a fortuneteller but she really doesn’t like it, even though she is actually really good at it, she just needs the money for college.
After you reach your conference room door you say your goodbyes and go in to pray. Then as you get back on your street corner and resume preaching, this girl walks through the back of the crowd as a self-appointed advertiser, proclaiming;
“These men are the ministers of the most high God and are showing us the way of salvation”
and every now and then she catches your eye and gives you a quick two-thumbs-up grin as you, and she, continue to minister; She is an unexpected enthusiastic team player.
After evening falls and the crowd and the girl go home, your team sits at a restaurant for supper where someone brings up the unusual girl and her actions. Obviously by the conversation it struck everyone as a bit odd, but hey, the Lord works in mysterious ways, right?
OK, NOW you get the reality of the event the apostles faced. What do you do beyond quietly hoping that she doesn’t come back tomorrow, Right? But you feel a bit guilty for not wanting her; “Why don’t you want her?” you think to yourself, “Is she saying anything wrong that you can point out? No. It’s just odd. It’s, uncomfortably odd”.
But she does come back the next day.
“And she did this many days.
But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour” Acts 16:18.
So how did Paul know this was a demonic spirit and not a spirit from God to support their ministry? Do you suppose any of his group challenged him for discouraging her faith? I mean Paul seemed to violate the very scripture that clearly and plainly determines if it is of God or not!
“Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God…” I John 4:2.
So now what just happened to that rock solid one-verse-theology that you can safely camp on in confidence? Is the scripture wrong or is it Paul that was wrong? It’s obviously one or the other, so tell me; Which is it?
* * *
Like Oil and Water, No, More Like Iron and Clay:
Darwin was a Christian. But Darwin altered his faith in the Word of God and chose instead the limited reasoning mind of finite man that seemed to suggest the scriptures were wrong. Only a “Darwin” proclaims the scriptures wrong based on his arguing suppositions of the circumstances, Yet there is something in his contention that now needs to be answered (I Peter 3:15-16):
Like Darwin’s problem, the answer to our present discussion is found in the complexity itself, though most people simply conclude that, “complexity means a cover-up to error” and so refuse to even hear the argument; “The truth is either simple or it’s not true”.
But for those who are willing to give the argument an honest hearing, Let’s start with the information that her spirit was referred to as “he” while the damsel was identified as “her”:
“…come out of her. And he came out the same hour.”
It’s obvious by the fact that she didn’t die when the spirit (water) was cast out of her, that this spirit was additional to the one mixed with her dust to make potter’s clay. By this distinctive division between the girl and the additional spirit in her, we can see that verse 17 tells us it was the girl who was supporting the apostles work while it was the spirit of divination that gave her insight into who they were and so motivated her to a twisted spiritual support that actually spiritually undermined their ministry. So how can we justify warning her not to preach Jesus Christ? We find the answer in her proclamation:
“…These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation” Acts 16:17.
Like Simon of Acts 8:9-23, this girl is promoting something that she herself has not experienced but her demon spirit of divination gives her personal insight that convinces her that she has; so although she means well, she is a false witness; by the very definition of “witness” she is telling a lie even though the information is true.
Many, many Christians will promote the work of great men of God because they are convinced in their hearts and spirits and minds that the information is true, but if they are not preaching from personal experience of that truth, whatever they proclaim is actually a false witness and therefore a destructive lie. This grieves the men of God because the mindframe of that conduct keeps these false witnesses in the illusion that they are already a party to what they are proclaiming is the truth. By her own declaration this girl was one of those sinners to whom the apostles were preaching, but by mis-orderly joining the ministry before salvation, she could not be saved because by her participation of agreement she thought she already was.
So what are her listeners supposed to conclude from a sinner supporting and preaching the gospel of salvation without being saved?
This is the complex deception that comes through the many possessed of demons that come in Jesus’ name declaring that he is in fact the Son of God; which is an allowable interpretation of:
“For many shall come in my name, saying, (that) I (Jesus) am Christ; and shall deceive many (with their confusion that comes attached to their truthful proclamation)” Matthew 24:5.
I know that this seems like a manipulation of interpretation, but consider that while the girl willingly confessed the truth of the apostle’s message, apparently nobody directly asked the spirit in her. And if they had, the spirit would have said, “No, Jesus did not come in the flesh”, though he didn’t mind the girl saying so because he could use it.
What the girl ends up with is a schizophrenic soul of miry and potter’s spirits (James 1:6-7).
Tom Horn, author of “Apollyon Rising 2012” might not be the damsel, but he sure has not followed the Apostle Paul’s example in scripture; instead he has brought the girl up onto the stage and asked her to preach for Jesus!
“But why was Paul grieved while Mr. Horn is excited?” This question should seriously haunt all Christians until it is fully answered.
The problem is that my simplistic answer regarding identifying the damsel’s spirit, sounds like a “slight of hand” to answer a flaw in scripture. But there are lots of other verses and historical records to show that spirits are picked up and lost quite frequently; Potter’s spirits seem to be hard to acquire and fall off on their own without regular and careful maintenance (Ephesians 4:30), while Miry spirits seem to jump on by themselves and cling hard until removed with force of Power (Matthew 17:19-21). Identifying which is of God and which is of Satan is a discernment that all Christians should gain by intimacy with the Holy Spirit of God, though obviously, by special gifting, some Christians will have a keener ability than others;
“For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom. To another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit…to another the discerning of spirits…” I Corinthians 12:8-11.
This post is just a warm up in recognizing the complexity as we learn to identify the spirits within the people we meet as well as the earnest ministers of Christ that come in his name but bring destructive deception in Jesus’ name.
Oh, by the way, notice the part of Acts 16:16 that I left out;
“And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying:” Acts 16:16.
I left the underlined part out of the presentation because this is an "after the fact" bit of info provided by the inerrant scripture, that unless given as insight by the Holy Ghost, you just wouldn’t know in your evaluation.
So now, how important is supernatural insight into the spirits of Christian ministers?
Only as important as proper evaluation of their message.
* * * * * * *
*1 SuperStorm Sandy:
As we watch the current news of SuperStorm Sandy attacking the shores of America’s Eastern coastlands, the over-dramatization of the media has labeled this a “Perfect Storm”. The problem this creates is still more deception because it gives us the wrong idea that we can in fact weather any storm; “See? We weathered Sandy”.
If we analyze the meaning and application of this post against SuperStorm Sandy as a Perfect Storm, we will come up with a “we can weather this too” conclusion. But Sandy is far from a Perfect Storm; she is only a SuperStorm with perhaps perfect aim, like a perfectly aimed 9.9 earthquake is to a perfectly aimed 12.0.
If you look at a vast variety of dictionaries you will find a wide spectrum of defined meanings, but the single factor that remains consistent among them all is a significant combination of circumstances that result in a very rare excessively disastrous effect (
The term was actually invented by a writer in 1936, and while that bit of information seems to have dropped from all but a rare definition, that writer would be the original source for what makes up a perfect storm.
In short; it takes multiple weather cells, each a significant storm on their own, combined in a perfect meteorological and circumstantial conjunction to produce the worst possible results.
See the 1991 Unnamed Storm ( against the 1938 New England Hurricane ( as a conceptual idea.
And don’t forget, this Post’s analogy is that the sea is where the hopeless destruction takes place and land is where you can flee from it by moving further inland in bad weather (Jeremiah 51:6, I Corinthians 10:14, I Corinthians 6:18). Scripturally, the Land and Sea are foundationally different by their very compositions and natures.
Land=Law=Iron, Sea=Democracy=Humanity.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
The Spirits of Clay
Post 269
“Of course!”, you say while rolling your eyes; “Different kinds of spirits too.”
But are you surprised? By now you knew the scripture would go there, right?
I realize these posts seem numerous and long and random as I draw many various threads into this very large and complex tapestry, but when it is finished the picture should be remarkably clear by the experience of the adventure even more than by the information intellectually received.
* * *
If we accept the premise that the waters are the Type of the spirits, and that these spirits are mixed with clay to form a man that is then injected with life by the Breath of God to create a living soul, then we can return to the evaporation Type and see its accuracy when we die to ourselves as it says:
“For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s” Romans 14:7-8.
This is the meaning behind the bold statement of the three Hebrew youths before the Furnace:
“Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. If it be so (being cast into the furnace as the king said), our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.
But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up” Daniel 3:16-18.
Clearly these three did not know if God would or would not deliver them from death in the furnace, in fact the odds were stacked fully against them that he wouldn’t, yet still, worshiping his gods in order to save their lives was not even a consideration to them. They were not frantically thinking quickly; “How can I get out of this with my life and still not offend God?”
Their reply did not say that God would for sure keep the king from chucking them in, they said; if God so desired he could deliver them from being chucked in or the resulting death of being chucked in.
The confident phrase “and he will deliver us out of thine hand” is not a statement of confidence that God would indeed keep them from experiencing the furnace, but that IF God so desired he could and would; and if not, he would still, on another level, deliver them out of the king’s hand, which was the whole contest that the king had created (v.15c).
I really can’t tell if these three guys had insight that they would be delivered from physical death, but by their statement, I don’t think so. What they knew was that God would deliver them from the king’s hand because he made such a challenge to God. The reason for this event is because this is a Type of the Great Tribulation after Daniel was symbolically “Raptured” by his unexplained absence in the narrative.
Just as these three Hebrews faced the flames of Nebuchadnezzar’s furnace, the new Jewish Christians, that miss the Rapture before their conversion, will trust Christ’s deliverance whether in the furnace of torment or through it as we saw Typed in evidence by both the dead and the survivors of God’s people in the holocaust, such as survivor Corrie ten Boom and her sister who did not survive. The Antichrist king will not be able to harm these people either way, and this is the meaning Paul intended as he wrapped up his previous comments of v.1-8:
“For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living” Romans 14:9.
So what could make such a concept possible if a real death of the clay is still just as much a factor as it was before they believed? I propose that it is a metamorphous of the spirit. This is the unexplained meaning by having added; “and revival”, which has multiple applications to the believers depending on whether dead or living. Christ is Lord of them both through a revived spirit, as well as Lord of each by his dying and his resurrection, which precedes their own;
“And as touching the dead, that they rise…He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living…” Mark 12:26-27.
Just as a lowly caterpillar is earthbound to a very confined space of a few leaves, there comes a point in time when a metamorphosis takes place in her. She is still fully the same DNA of the ugly leaf crawling caterpillar, but now she is beautiful, and liberated; SHE CAN FLY!
In physical death our soul is liberated but we leave behind our bodies. By further analysis this is in fact still accurately Typed in evaporation because the metamorphosed water molecule also leaves behind the body of water from which it was liberated. A word play? Sure, but by pun it speaks the truth. Yet this is not the most interesting part; there is still another process pending:
Christ has declared that when all those designated to be killed have been killed (Isaiah 57:1, Revelation 6:11), he will make a grand sweep and raise even their body that they left behind, and then those that remain alive, in a seemingly instantaneous quantum-leap, he will liberate the whole “body of waters” like a whole lake instantaneously jumping into the sky leaving nothing but a dry crater where it was a lake just a moment before. Do you struggle with the concept? We are provided the Type extension by all those tiny delicate butterflies ending up migrating ( across thousands of miles to gather in Mexico! I imagine such a thing would be hard to grasp for the leaf crawling caterpillar too.
But is the idea of an entire lake evaporating instantly really so much different than the common pealing of layers from its surface? Just because you have never seen it before doesn’t negate the scientific probabilities provided in the “DNA instructions” of the chemical bond in H2O. You just have to excite the molecules enough to move as one like a flock of Starlings! This is called a “Revival” among living Christian caterpillars turned to butterflies, and a “Rapture” when the butterflies are eventually flocked home.
The excitation in the spirit is scripturally called a quickening:
“And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins…Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened (4806) us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus; (why?) that in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus (*1)” Ephesians 2:1,5-7 (see also Colossians 2:13).
“For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened (2227) by the Spirit:” I Peter 3:18 (see also I Corinthians 15:36, Psalm 119:50,93).
Quickened 4806 suzoopoieo; from 4862 and 2227; to reanimate conjointly with (figuratively):-- quicken together with.
Quickened 2227 zoopoieo; from the same as 2226 and 4160; to (re-) vitalize (literally or figuratively):-- make alive, give life, quicken.
4862 sun, soon; a primary preposition denoting union; with or together (but much closer than 3326 or 3844), i.e. by association, companionship, process, resemblance, possession, instrumentality, addition, etc.:-- beside, with. In composition it has similar applications, including completeness.
4160 poieo; apparently a prolongation from an obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide application, more or less direct):--…
But before that unusual day of migratory flocking comes, Once we realize that the waters are spirits, we see in evaporation the caterpillar to butterfly Type; When man was made by God he mixed with the dust some pure earthborn mist water from the new earth. The completely earthen clay then is temporal, but in an innocent way (Genesis 2:25).
But not long into this adventure man was confronted with an option, a choice, a forbidden desire, and he chose to disobey. His spirit was instantly corrupted not by the product of the sin but by iniquity itself, which was so added to his formerly pure nature; his clay was marred by not holding the shape it was given and the shape was not held by an additional water content weakening the holding properties. As a part of his new miry nature, he passed down this marred clay through the waters of his DNA. We declare this marred son of Adam as having an “intrinsic sin nature” (*2), which we see proven out when a toddler begins to wail in “disinheritance” when a playmate chooses something that he himself had not even thought of until that moment. Covetousness, Greed, Selfishness, Anger, etc., are all a part of his very fibers from birth as he cries like a fire alarm when he is hungry or uncomfortable or lonely; “I want what I want now!” This son of Adam starts off with Adam’s corrupted spirit (Psalm 51:5) and it only gets worse from there unless altered by a purified heart and a right spirit by evaporation (Psalm 51:10-12).
When the risen Jesus Christ excites your spirit of waters enough to be evaporated (transformed) into a gaseous (spiritual) state, your body remains earthbound but your spirit begins to soar into the realm of God without the contaminates such as salt. You actually see everything from a new perspective, from “a birds eye view,” from the perspective of God himself, and not from your former earthbound self-centered viewpoint.
Very similar to this spiritual liberation is the soul’s liberation at death, apparently described in many first-person narratives of people dying, then returning. They tell us that while they were liberated they floated above their bodies looking down as from the ceiling. In their spiritual state they had little concern for the recovery events going on below them as they watched like a curious third-party observer of a car crash.
When your spirit is similarly liberated in Christ, the cares of this body of clay seem to be insignificant to the new importance of the spiritual reality that you were not previously aware of. Your perspective has changed. You have the mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16, 3:14, 4:4, Philippians 1:27-29, 2:5-8. Etc.) and everything old somehow becomes new (II Corinthians 5:17-20, I Peter 4:1-4), the old isn’t replaced, it just becomes new, revived, quickened.
But that is not where it ends; as Typed by rain, once your earthborn spirit is transformed, it then condenses along with others in this elevated perspective (Typed in Acts 2:1-5) and is returned to a functionally useful state in the still earthbound body of waters (humanity), and so falls as rain on the mountains to travel through many adventures in the streams of the earth along the way (Proverbs 11:25, I Corinthians 3:6, Jeremiah 31:12, Isaiah 58:11), where having completed one task, your spirit is again refreshed by a renewing evaporation and your humanity is refreshed by a new pure mist like dew!
“My root was spread out by the (refreshing) waters, and the dew lay all night upon my branch. My glory was fresh in me, and my bow (administering authority) was renewed in my hand. Unto me men gave ear, and waited, and kept silence at my counsel. After my words they spake not again; and my speech dropped upon them. And they waited for me as for the rain; and they opened their mouth wide as for (drinking) the latter rain” Job 29:23.
“For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal” II Corinthians 4:16-17.
This renewing is not reincarnation; that is simply Satan’s perversion of this process of a quickened spirit that transforms the function of this same body into a minister of Jesus Christ. The change is so real and complete that it might as well be reincarnation but all within the same lump of clay; It is appointed for man once to die and after that the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). But now we can see how, without the instructing Spirit of God, such a scriptural concept can be construed to mean reincarnation.
It is the sun that excites the surface water molecules to evaporation, which exposes the next “layer” to be so excited. By our own liberating excitement unto Christ we expose those near us to the Son. Since we believers now possess the Son in us (Galatians 2:20) making us greater than even John the Baptist (Matthew 11:11 + John 5:36, John 5:19-32, Romans 2:14-15, = John 14:12, Zechariah 8:16-17), we have the potential to excite those near us even if we are not near the surface due to some environmental agitation of the waters or even overshadowed by the clouds of winter by the wicked evaporation unto another “Anti-Christ” sun/son (see post 189 Sunburn
Such a potential Holy nuclear chain reaction deep within the dark lake has unspeakable possibilities if we would simply allow our glorified waters to be so excited by His Spirit within us. But instead, like water in winter, the “religious leaders” protect themselves from the Son by growing a hard earthbound crust of pride Typed as winter’s ice. This sealing “top layer” of spiritual “protection from radicalization” ensures that even the liquid water below them does not evaporate either:
“But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in” Matthew 23:13.
“And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; and also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction” II Peter 3:15-16.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children” Hosea 4:6.
This rigid “winter-effect protection” is all within the earthborn waters of common humanity. Obviously influenced by the seasons of time and ages and “other” cold waters, but still well within humanity itself. This becomes the earthbound stagnant waters of our spirits mired in sin even without mingling the “They” Clay to the degree of actual offspring.
Hosea hints to us the cure for this earthbound chilling is knowledge, but am I just “borrowing” his verse and wrongly applying it to my own analogy of water/spirit? Let’s see:
“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.
Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee” Psalm 51:10-13.
We see that there is a clear connection between the heart and the spirit; both are complex and hard to explain motivations of why we “do what we do”. Let’s see how the scriptures use this and if it fits my water/spirit application:
“And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh: that they may walk in my statutes, and keep mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God” Ezekiel 11:19-20.
“A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them” Ezekiel 36:26-27.
These verses appear redundant but notice the subject of whom they are written about changes from “them” to “you” (with the exception of a single case of “you” in the first passage that I will explain later).
So it seems evident that “we” and “they” are both supposed to sit around waiting for God to do this wonderful work of “Grace” that he promised he would do, right? Welllll, not quite.
Notice that couched between these two redundant promises we find this:
“Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel?” Ezekiel 18:31.
So it seems just as true that God clearly requires us to do this new-heart and new-spirit work ourselves! How can He have it both ways?
We find the answer in the previous verses (18:29-30) indicating that we accuse God of not having equal ways, like being judged in a balance for comparable weights. The accusation is that God is not just in his complaint!
Let’s read God’s reply directly:
“Yet saith that house of Israel, The way of the Lord is not equal. O house of Israel, are not my ways equal? Are not your ways unequal? Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, saith the Lord GOD. Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin” Ezekiel 18:29-30.
Clearly we have a warped perspective of why things are the way they are, and so we put the blame of our condition on God! Frankly I hear this ALL THE TIME from Christians, though they refuse to actually come right out and say it. They wait around in sin and iniquity for God to come and give them this promised new heart and spirit, which he seems reluctant to do:
“If he would simply fulfill his promise, which I am patiently waiting for, then I would be fixed and wouldn’t keep sinning all the time! But since God fails to fix me but still judges me for my iniquity, it is plain that God’s ways are unjust”; i.e. unequal.
So how can God do this?
The answer comes in the contingency verse that follows the first redundant passage of the promise:
“But as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, saith the Lord GOD“ Ezekiel 11:21.
So is this all just a big circular reasoning empty promise; “I will fix you if you fix yourself, and if you don’t fix yourself I won’t fix you”?
Let’s explore this problem to see if scripture gives us the answer, and just to make it hard on the scriptures to provide a reasonable answer, let’s look at the New Testament where his promise of God-provided Grace is abundant:
“For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God…But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; and have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:” Colossians 3:3,8-10.
Obviously grace has been accessed by these, and so the promise of a new heart and spirit is also received, so how is it that these still need to be encouraged to put off the things of their old hearts and spirits?
We see hidden in this passage that the key of excitation unto evaporation (i.e. renewal) is in knowledge.
“This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.
But ye have not so learned Christ; if so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness” Ephesians 4:17-24.
So we see a chemical bond in the basic elements of the waters; a two-part composition that creates an end result. A God-provided heart and spirit, and a human-reception and implementation of that heart and spirit. The successful implementation is accessed through knowledge. And it is for this reason that God declares:
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children” Hosea 4:6.
God himself declares these to be his people, but they, like the gentile unbelievers, rejected his knowledge in favor of emotion. And so my “top-layer-protective-ice-barrier” example rightly fits the religious leadership that hides the people under their authority from the saving knowledge, while giving them a proxy that has no saving power to evaporation but provides a good illusion with only subtle yet catastrophic differences (I Peter 2:19, Genesis 3:1, Acts 13:10, II Corinthians 11:3, Genesis 27:35).
“So, exactly; how is God Just in his ‘you have to fix yourself or I wont fix you’ concept?”
Good question.
Remember the contingency verse of his promise?
“But as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, saith the Lord GOD“ Ezekiel 11:21.
This condition is found even after his giving of the promised new heart and spirit, and so this shows us that the new heart and spirit can be resisted or rejected or corrupted by those to whom it was given (see post 168 The Heart These are those who sit around in their sin still waiting and blaming God for not rescuing them from their iniquity that they love with their heart.
He already came and already gave but they would not receive it because they loved their detestable things and their abominations. I pray this is not you! But it must be you if you are still waiting patiently without receiving.
We see this truth played out in the parable of the Prodigal Son of Luke 15, who like Jacob, was given by the Father his promised inheritance but he squandered it in his detestable things and abominations (Luke 15:12-13). And now the foolish boy finds himself destitute in a bad age (v.14), and yet no one provides a rescue or uplifting aid (v.15-16).
Where was God in all his troubles? Is this just some test of God that in faith he must endure? How many years as the son of the father, did he spend in spiritual destitution while thinking himself just? And, for-cry’n-out-loud; why did his father not come to rescue him! Clearly his father does not love him or care for him.
But this is not the expression of the parable. We later see that the father was so heartsick for his son and pined for his return that his ever vigil eye saw his son coming while he was still a long way off (v.20) much as we also pine for the coming of our Lord (I Thessalonians 5:1-4, II Peter 3:9-14).
My point is that after the promised inheritance was given to the boy, that promise has been given; there is no more of that promise to be given to him (Hebrews 6:1-9, 10:26-31). At this point in the boy’s very pitiful condition he should not be looking for any “wire of money” from his father to bail him out of his troubles, it is up to the boy to wake up to his own responsibilities and take the cause of his condition upon his own back. This is the only way he will ever come to the right answer:
“And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!” Luke 15:17.
Gone was the false blame of his father’s inequality for making him suffer, or his patient waiting for his father to drive by looking for him. Gone was his self-centered corruption of “wanting my father to love me,” this boy was now truly in need and he could no longer afford the luxury of such emotional head games. He began to seriously look for the right answer even if it meant crawling back to his father in shame… “That’s it! That’s the right answer!”
“I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants” v.18-19.
This boy had no self-pity illusions of self-rejection that he was actually no longer his father’s son, but his heart was right to conclude that he really was unworthy to bear that title because of his squandered inheritance. He determined to go back in desperation and beg his father to make him as one of his servants, and it would be enough. He was not looking for his old room back; he was just hoping to get back on the property under the authority and care of this great man… who just happened to be his father.
But the illusion of determination does not fill your belly; he actually acted on his plan:
“And he arose, and came to his father…” v.20a.
But have you ever wondered how he got back to his father’s place? Verse 13 tells us the boy went into a far country to waste his substance. So with no money for the bus, motels, and roadside diners, what kind of struggle and adventure of trial do you imagine it was to get home? The narration doesn’t say, because it doesn’t matter. The boy was finally committed to returning home and so he did.
“But I thought Hebrews 6:4 and 10:26 said that such a return was impossible.”
Yes it does, but God is the God of the impossible!
“For with God nothing shall be impossible” Luke 1:37 (also Matthew 17:20).
A careful study of the Hebrews wording declares it is impossible to renew them, but the crack is left in the door for them to renew themselves as the prodigal son did, and as instructed by Ezekiel 18:31. But don’t for a second imagine that he had an easy road of it. At the very end of his rope this solution was the only possible salvation, and he took it, and in so taking found himself on the road home and under the watchful eye of his glad father. At the point of determined action the trials of the journey became insignificant and so in the narrative he simply “arose, and came to his father.” I have made just such a journey home from my wandering, and so can you.
* * *
Can’t Blame the Devil:
Before the days of Noah, the violence of man was the same self-centered, greedy, covetous, angry, earthbound spirit that was born into Cain by the fall of Adam. The same earthen spirits of fallen Adam and his wife are transferred to their offspring. This idea of multiple individual spirits is the meaning of plural waters even after the initial separation into two groups on either side of the firmament. Speaking now of only the earthborn group; they are all the same water group but many individual expressions of spirits as it is mixed with more dust to make more mankind through conception and birth. This is the uncomfortable direct interpretation of the Hebrew word waters:
Water/waters 4325 mayim; dual of a primitive noun (but used in a singular sense); water; figuratively, juice; by euphemism, urine, semen:-- + pill, wasting, water(-ing), [-course, -flood, -spring].
For our practical purposes let’s just call it “bodily fluids” and encompass the whole collection, which makes it plural. Man’s body is made up of about 65% H2O water (*3). From this “waters” comes the dregs of urine as well as the fluid of new life. These are all Types of the various spirits called waters within man, and that doesn’t include the Spirit of God that can also reside there. My point is that man passes his collective waters on to his offspring, both good and bad, so exactly what actually is the plural singular waters?
DNA... and more.
The destructive coursing nature of his spirit is also passed on to his children, and we see this phenomenon in children adopted at birth often “magically” retaining the “preferences” and moral weaknesses of a birth parent they never met. This is physically Typed by the adoption of “drug babies,” who carry the nature given by the sins of the parent. But while the physical representation is easily accepted and understood, the spiritual reflection is still a scientific mystery, but they will eventually figure it out.
What this mystery is, are the spirits of wasting passed on along with the DNA. So are people actually born gay? In a way, the answer must be “yes,” but in practical truth the answer is “no.” They are only born with a spiritual weakness to that nature, no different than to any other familial sin of which we are all equally accountable to abstain from; drugs, theft, anger, slothfulness, lust, etc. A propensity is not who you are until you act on it; it is a spirit that you have been given, which you must overcome, not with simple willpower but by the restoring properties of evaporation in Christ Jesus which allows you a new perspective on everything through a new heart and a new spirit.
In spite of the demonic involvement of Genesis 6:2 and 4, Genesis 6:5 holds humanity alone fully responsible for the violence… but the order and wording of v.3 recognizes that there was an additional element that aided man to become so violent: There was introduced another kind of waters.
Waters being the Type for spirits, we can see now that mankind in their contentment to remain un-liberated from their beloved sins became stagnant groundwater whose nature is not to become liberated, but rather odiferous when even slightly agitated; Violent.
By these contrasting reactions to the trials of our faith, can you now see the evidence of transformation shown in James that encourages such an unexpected response?
“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations” James 1:2.
What reaction do you have when your life’s waters are agitated; excitation to evaporation unto Christ, or moved to self-protecting violence? This foundationally vulnerable yet independent violent spirit of humanity, displayed even more strikingly in the female gender, is what captivated the spirits of heaven called the sons of God (i.e. the waters above the firmament), to remove from their proper place and fall to earth in the desire to mingle with this “wonderfully” mired humanity (Jude 1:6-8, Revelation 12:9). But like the cold clouds of winter hiding us from the warming Son, Hollywood produces an appeal for this abomination in movies like City of Angels (read the plot now!), and many others like “Michael,” and Meet Joe Black, which I don’t need to see before criticizing the demon heart and spirit born of this iniquitous appealing mix.
* * *
More Gender Typology:
What is so appealing to most men about a beautiful girl with guns or tools or in other ways displaying a cross-roll “I can too” kind of conduct in a tool-girl-poster kind of way?
She is blending the glories of her vulnerable soft and beautiful femininity with the glories of a man’s strong hard and rugged world. I cannot explain why that is alluring, but the principle is that in Type she is, in the accentuation of her feminine role by implementing the masculine role, acting out the glorified humanity while submissive to God. It’s just plain alluring to a man in the same way girls are drawn to the reverse presentation of the same idea in the movies mentioned above; Powerful angels giving up their strength and abilities to join her in her vulnerable world because of love.
In the Type of the tool-girl’s cross-roll display, God wishes to grant power to weak humanity by inviting us into his spiritual world while still in the vulnerable flesh. He gives us his tools and his abilities and finds it attractively appealing when we use them. But it’s only appealing to him when we remember to accentuate our humanity (feminine Typology) as we do it. Wash your hair, put on your makeup, dress yourself like an obvious girl, and still go do what needs to be done in a world that doesn’t fit that “job description.” Now THAT is really attractive!
But somehow that same appeal becomes quite offensive when she then wants my job. In her serious focus on the job itself, she no longer has time to do her hair, is uninterested in useless makeup, and finds girl’s clothes beneath her; she now wants to “be the man.” Now she is not attractive, she is mockingly called a “truck.” This is the butch, tattooed, cigar smoking, snuff chewing, foul-mouthed female truck-driver that hates women. Now that is really revolting!
The difference is not in the events of the job she does; it is in the role that she wants to play while doing it. When she forgets that she is a girl she has lost all her appeal, on as well as off, the job; regular guys are not attracted to guys. And God is not attracted to god wannabees as they go about building his kingdom with his tools in their wisdom. But a regular guy will make himself nauseating to help a feminine girl work beside him in his “man’s world,” and so will God:
“Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, ye are gods?” John 10:34.
It’s not about the job it’s about the gender you want to play.
God is not concerned about actually loosing his job as if you could actually take it away, he welcomes our involvement with him on his job and in fact he likes it (Matthew 28:18-20, II Timothy 4:2, Matthew 24:14, Genesis 2:18). He equips us with His Power and His Spirit (Ezekiel 37:14) and transforms us with our own liberated spirit of knowledge to enable us to be a useful participant in His Project (Ezekiel 36:27), and all the while he thinks it’s endearingly cute that we want to work with him. Just don’t ever forget your gender-typology role and begin to argue about his leadership choices. That’s a line once crossed that continues to grow until like Lucifer you presume yourself God’s equal in how things should be run. Though both genders work side by side, the Men’s Room is still the Men’s Room and you’ve got a room too. This principle is Typed in the genders, and with that Type we see many complexities that we will not cover here, so put away your offense which is not meant by this discussion. But in the easy offense lies an exposure of the additional situation already in play.
* * *
The Additional Situation:
Like today’s woman easily offended when discussing gender rolls, we seem to be just as easily offended that God would remind us of our humanity that needs to depend on him so much if the relationship is going to work, “How dare he say that sexist garbage to me!” And Satan quickly steps in to offer a fast-track “shoulder” to independent godhood; “You are gods, as He himself said, so who needs Him?” Today’s liberated woman has shown plainly that she really doesn’t need a man as once thought. And likewise humanity doesn’t need a God, (though many gods at their convenience and for their pleasure is a great idea!). This is Mystery Babylon, the mother of harlots and abominations (Revelation 17:5).
But just who is this that comes to comfort your offense by giving you an understanding shoulder to cry on? As the beautiful covering cherub (Ezekiel 28:14-16), Lucifer began to think of himself as God’s equal (Isaiah 14:14) and was offended that God would think of him as a “mere” helpmeet. But since he was not treated as the equal that he saw himself and the multitude of merchandise (success) had show him to be, he had a violent reaction (Ezekiel 28:16), which he shares with you in “understanding” your problem. Yet the more interesting part is what started this downward spiral in the first place:
“Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness… (3314)” Ezekiel 28:17a.
brightness 3314 yiph’ah; from 3313; splendor or (figuratively) beauty:-- brightness.
In his Typology feminine role of being a helpmeet to the masculine God, Lucifer became self-focused on the power of his incredible beauty. The inward focused attention to the splendor of that beauty perverted his own thoughts about himself and his self-absorbed reasoning twisted his wisdom. But how does a creation ever get to the place of actually concluding that he is the equal to his creator? It can be nothing other than that the power (splendor) of his beauty observably affected God so much that he saw his own power over God!
It is almost rightly said;
The weaker sex is really the stronger sex because of the weakness of the stronger sex for the weaker sex. - unknown
Lucifer experienced the truth of this saying but mistook that apparent weakness in his Creator as something that could be exploited. And then the hammer fell as quickly as the second half of the same verse!
“I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee” Ezekiel 28:17b.
“They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?” Isaiah 14:16-17.
Not so hot now, huh? Apparently there is a difference between a “weakness” toward someone desired (we call it love) and a weakness of impotency by that desire. King Solomon understood this truth as he instructed his son:
”Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings” Proverbs 31:3.
This is in nowise suggesting that women be diminished or kept from reading or an education or jobs or equality in humanity as some religions and nations do, or that women should not be loved unreservedly by their husbands (Proverbs 5:18-19+, Song of Solomon 4:9-10+), rather Solomon was saying that as a king and a man he should refrain from surrendering the thing that makes him a king and a man: His internal fortitude, his self-possessed ability to lead, his confidence, his manliness; the protection of his family and kingdom.
As much as God loved beautiful Lucifer and gave him so much attention and power that he began to think he was God’s equal, that love was not impotence and it did not keep God from maintaining his righteous and perfect authority that belongs to him alone as God. He cast Lucifer out as a self-centered usurper bent on stealing his kingdom and glory.
As glorified humanity through the liberation of evaporation unto Christ Jesus, we too have that kind of power with God. He loves us that much (John 3:16, Ephesians 5:25-28) and it is true that:
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” Philippians 4:13.
But although they delicately call it a “glow,” don’t ever forget that women do sweat; they get offensive BO, and their charm diminishes when they forget to be girls even as they sweat. As the feminine roll in this relationship with God, we need also to be careful to shower regularly in God’s word (Ephesians 5:26), comb our hair and put on our makeup in our good works (I Timothy 2:9-10, Ephesians 2:10, Matthew 5:16), and dress ourselves in the finest of feminine clothes in God’s forgiveness and righteousness (Job 29:14, Isaiah 61:10), and not forget to mask our daily BO by the perfume of Christ’s counsel and wisdom through prayer (Proverbs 27:9, Exodus 30:35-37, Revelation 5:8, 8:3-4), that we may be always presentable to our God and King and Lord and Spouse, even as we work beside him in the muds of the morter and miry clay;
Such “paraphernalia of femininity” are the instruments of our faith!
But even prostitutes have their own kind of feminine paraphernalia, so clearly, all ways of humanity are not proper before God. Example; Do not burn strange incense before him (Exodus 30:9, Leviticus 10:1-2) and don’t burn incense unto other gods (I Kings 11:8-9); incense being counsel and acquired wisdom in prayer. God really doesn’t like the stench of our own concoction, even if in thinking it should please him, we offer it up in worship.
This is really no different than a woman being personally offended when she asks her husband if he likes her dress and he says “No.” Why is he supposed to like her taste when she doesn’t feel the need to appeal to his? Be honest, she is not usually upset that her dress choice didn’t please him, she is usually upset that he didn’t like what pleased her. So who is it really all about? The answer to this riddle is found in the spirit behind the query.
There is clearly a serious miss-conception when we become instantly offended that God would remind us of our humanity or that a man would remind a woman of her gender. Femininity is not a demeaning roll; it’s your glory! (I Corinthians 11:15). As Typed by God, Only a woman can be the love of a man through marriage, and Only humanity is the bride of God and his Son Jesus Christ, and by reminding us of our humanity God is in effect putting us back on the pedestal from which we fell. While this is profound on its own merits, it has even more meaning when stacked against the non-earthborn waters that do not have this Bride of God option (I Peter 1:10-12). The spirit that motivates our actions is far more important than the actions themselves.
It is the applied non-violent nature of Christ that while wrestling in the mud with the violent, we make God smile because the femininity is just so dang cute in such an environment (Ephesians 6:10-18). Vulnerability dressed in God’s armor is irresistibly attractive to God! And should be as appealing to us as a woman who wears her husbands workshirt as a nightgown while he is away on business. Is she thinking about how it makes her figure look good while she sleeps or is she thinking about the man she longs for?
But by a socially sponsored contention in the self-perceived shame of their genetic vulnerability, women today are easily offended when discussing gender, pre-assuming a negative connotation, and likewise humanity tends to become defensively independent to enhance their abilities to battle the violent. In otherwords; we learn to “drive truck like a man” because it gets the job done more efficiently;
“Go ahead, fight fire with fire.”
This can in fact increase our productivity, which makes us proud and more independent by proving our own ideas are better than God’s, but at the same time it is offensive to God, who’s job it is to worry about the productivity and has instructed us not to fight that way. Suddenly He has a contentious employee who thinks she/he can run things better than the boss because the productive results prove it.
Now role/gender has everything to do with it when it had nothing to do with it before, like Obama’s first term campaign pulling the “race card” when no one but him was talking race. Like the female gender, humanity is sure a natural at making everything His fault!;
“IF there really is a loving God why does he allow so much suffering?”
His reply? “You’re the keeper of the house, you tell me why there is so much suffering there!” (Genesis 4:6-7+6:5=6:6).
You really don’t want Dad to fix this problem! But he will if we don’t, he’s just giving us time to figure it out. But in our independent pride we will try virtually every wacky idea that comes to mind while refusing to implement His instructions.
And now we see a striking similarity between the self-glorifying feminine spirit of mankind blaming God for our unhappiness, and the self-glorifying feminine spirit of Lucifer doing the same. NOW is the perfect time for Satan and his band to swoop in as beautiful sisters of the gender roll, and bond with humanity in a common “You understand me!” self-pity against the chauvinist masculine God. This is Lesbianism.
In the order of Romans 1:26 the heavenly spirits left their first estate and fornicated with mankind in a Lesbian kind of way (Jude 1:7). You really need to study the one-chapter Jude.
But in the emotionally appealing sisterly bond of mutual understanding, don’t be mistaken to think that fallen Satan is not really in this for himself, just like you are. He is going to twist everything to work to his own self-serving advantage while he plays you beautifully like a crying violin. In both cases, the downward spiral is a self-focus. Pride.
I am not speaking against women; this is a discussion on humanity. Who is your faith really about? Your happiness in the relationship will tell you the true answer! (*4).
* * *
How did the angels breed with humanity?
Spiritually they encouraged the stagnification of the earthborn waters until it was compatible with their own fallen waters, and then infused themselves with the spirits of mankind when the foreign material would not be rejected. In otherwords man became violent by self-focus, which opened the door to an unearthly violence like Hitler himself, simply one of many in the 4th Diverse Beast age that began with Rome.
Both man’s spirits, and the fallen angel’s spirits, are now earthbound, incapable of evaporation because they are hidden from the Son, but feeling liberated because of the unification between themselves, and so freed from an apparent need for God because of the fellowship.
God’s form of liberation is a liberation from the restraints of our humanity while still human, but Satan’s form of liberation is our humanity liberated from God. The one transforms our humanity while the other changes it to something else. We are talking the Types of “kind bending” in principle, and “gender bending” in application. It’s all a very murky soup of Abomination.
“But that is speaking primarily spiritual, how was this done physically?”
Now that we have a good handle on the chemical makeup of humanity at its spiritually molecular level, we can begin to explore how these basic elements can combine to create other properties.
Water is about as non-flammable as anything there is, but have you thought about the fact that water is made up of only Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms? Hydrogen is highly flammable and Oxygen makes things burn better, so why does water not burn? Obviously the combination of elements can produce very unexpected results. So what element was removed from, or added to, the earthborn water that allows for such extraordinary violence as we see in Genesis 6:5? I suggest that we should examine the nature of violence itself to see what actual results we are expecting, and then see if the molecular elements of man can produce this violence, or what additional element-combination is needed.
The spiritual waters above the firmament, though appearing very much identical to the spiritual waters below the firmament, obviously have slightly different properties much as humans and horses have very similar DNA but still quite obviously are different flesh (I Corinthians 15:39).
Since H2O water is only water when you have 1 Oxygen and 2 Hydrogen, it seems that the difference in the plural waters must be another factor. Let’s think about this as we explore temporal humanity in the question of; “how did angels actually breed with humans?”
* * * * * * *
(*1) Ages To Come:
A bit off topic but this verse clearly shows us that there are yet more ages to come in which such grace will not be available in this same way. Imagine being found to have come short of such free grace when it was offered in its very short window in your lifetime, and for eternity being used as an example of unexplainable failure! (Hebrews 4:1-2, Romans 3:23-26).
(*2) Intrinsic: …1. Belonging to the constitution, nature, or essence, of a thing; independent of that which is contingent or acquired. 2. Anatomical, Included wholly within an organ or limb, as certain groups of muscles.
Thus intrinsic sin is born into a man’s very being by the waters mixed with his dust. This flies fully in the face of pagan theories that man is basically good and learns to be evil, though intrinsic sin does not suggest sinful man cannot learn to be more evil or even acquire other elements of evil to add to his intrinsic nature.
(*3) Water Content:
“The human body is 90% water at birth. The water content in the body of a grown-up person decreases to 70%. The water content drops to 50% with age. So it must be water that keeps humans alive. Man depends on the quality of water in terms of physical and psychological state of his body. The latest studies show that water can have either beneficial or detrimental impact on the body.
Lev Skvortsov, an academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, doctor of technical sciences, a member of the Russian Ministry of Health consultative council on drinking water issues, shared his views on how humans should treat water, Lev Skvortsov started the conversation by extolling water.
- Water regulates the temperature of the body, it humidifies the air we breathe, it helps organs assimilate the nutrients and expel the toxins and excess salts. Water helps keep the blood pressure down, thus reducing the probability of a heart attack. The above “job description” for the water is not by any means complete…” - (
“Your body requires a certain amount of water to function properly. When your water-percentage gets out of whack, and you have too much or too little water in your system, you may experience negative effects. To maintain a healthy water-percentage, drink fluids regularly and avoid diuretics such as caffeine.
Water plays an essential role in almost all bodily functions. Water acts to transport nutrients and gases throughout the body, and also enables cellular reactions to take place. Water carries waste products out of your body in the form of urine and feces, helps lubricate your joints, and cushions your organs. Water helps you maintain a stable body temperature during exercise and environmental heat stress. Water is so essential to human life that you can expect to live only a few days without it.
Normal Percentages
Normal and healthy water weight in the human body varies based on age, gender body composition. According to the book "Exercise Physiology," water constitutes 65 percent to 75 percent of muscle and only 10 percent of fat. So, the more muscle mass you have, the higher the percentage of water weight you'll have.
The book "Sports Nutrition" indicates that water accounts for roughly 50 percent to 60 percent of most people's body weight percentage. Because women usually have a higher body fat percentage than men, they tend to have a lower overall percentage of water weight.” - (
(*4) What About Him?
Yes of course men have failed their own gender typology roll as an image of God, and this has compounded the problem as well as the solution. But our discussion is not about fixing God is it?
Have you ever wondered why God designed a system where the wife is supposed to submit to her husband even when she is sure he is wrong?
(I Peter 3:1). Do you really think Sarah was in favor of Abraham hauling her son up the mountain to sacrifice him to God? This is the same guy who repeatedly instructed her to tell folks she was his sister because he was afraid. That never turned out well, though you have to admit it didn’t turn out “bad” either. But what does scripture tell us of Sarah (besides that she was very beautiful)?
“For after this manner in the old time holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement” I Peter 3:5-6.
The key here is not that she called him lord, or that she subjected herself to him. The key is that she trusted God. All the godly women of old did, and their subjection to their husbands was their adornment unto God regarding this trust. The wisdom of their husbands was not a factor other than the dumber the man, the more glorious the adornment showing their trust in God.
“And he (God) said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me” II Corinthians 12:9 (see I Corinthians 1:25).
Wives, is your husband a pitiful excuse for a man? Glory in it, that the power of Christ my rest upon you more than on others with less pitiful husbands. Place your trust in God by seeing Him work through your obedient subjection in spite of his failures. Do you claim to be the daughter of Sara in the faith as men are the sons of Abraham? You can only claim this title if you act like her. Let God deal with your husband’s shortcomings as He sees fit, you keep your eyes on God as the Church keeps their eyes on Christ even in the difficult circumstances brought on by the pitiful governments of mankind.
“Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God” I Peter 2:13-16.
Women, don’t suppose your gender has gotten the short end of the stick, we are all in the same boat with perhaps different oars. As a man, this is as hard for me to do with my incompetent government as a woman toward her incompetent husband. The key is to remember it’s all about trusting God in our obedience through the intervention of prayer, and not an aid to our own ideas of how things should be.
As a further complication that we don’t have room here to properly explore, There are slave wives that although in a really bad situation outside of their will, they must apply this principle and instruction because like it or not they are the wife of their captor.
Likewise, Obama is a usurper of the office of President and the recorded facts show the ACORN ballot stuffing “mock wedding” that won him the seat. I am no longer a free citizen of America but a slave citizen to his administration and like Daniel I must trust God while I subject myself to this new governance. This is not an easy thing to learn to do as we know that Daniel did not “sell out” to the Babylonian ideology (Daniel 1:8), yet he found himself so favored as to be third in the kingdom.
If only I were so wise! (James 1:5).
We are running out of time to learn how, because as Christians we were always supposed to have this wisdom even with a good authority. Now we get to glory in our infirmities as our greater need to trust in God shows perfect in weakness. Adorn yourselves in the humility of a meek and quiet spirit of an evaporated heart possessing God’s elevated perspective (I Peter 3:3-4).
In otherwords; see reality through his bigger picture plan, and then use your femininity to influence your authority.
We are entering an age when the one-chapter Philemon will be of great value to understanding a proper attitude in the circumstance of slavery. See also I Corinthians 7:2-24 which instructs us to have no strong feelings against the circumstance of slavery if we so find ourselves there. It is but a circumstance. Can you acquire freedom? Then by all means take it, but if not, do not hate your captor but rather serve God as a free man that chooses to be God’s slave for God’s sake.
And so it is with wives who find their husbands unsavory.
“Of course!”, you say while rolling your eyes; “Different kinds of spirits too.”
But are you surprised? By now you knew the scripture would go there, right?
I realize these posts seem numerous and long and random as I draw many various threads into this very large and complex tapestry, but when it is finished the picture should be remarkably clear by the experience of the adventure even more than by the information intellectually received.
* * *
If we accept the premise that the waters are the Type of the spirits, and that these spirits are mixed with clay to form a man that is then injected with life by the Breath of God to create a living soul, then we can return to the evaporation Type and see its accuracy when we die to ourselves as it says:
“For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s” Romans 14:7-8.
This is the meaning behind the bold statement of the three Hebrew youths before the Furnace:
“Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. If it be so (being cast into the furnace as the king said), our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.
But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up” Daniel 3:16-18.
Clearly these three did not know if God would or would not deliver them from death in the furnace, in fact the odds were stacked fully against them that he wouldn’t, yet still, worshiping his gods in order to save their lives was not even a consideration to them. They were not frantically thinking quickly; “How can I get out of this with my life and still not offend God?”
Their reply did not say that God would for sure keep the king from chucking them in, they said; if God so desired he could deliver them from being chucked in or the resulting death of being chucked in.
The confident phrase “and he will deliver us out of thine hand” is not a statement of confidence that God would indeed keep them from experiencing the furnace, but that IF God so desired he could and would; and if not, he would still, on another level, deliver them out of the king’s hand, which was the whole contest that the king had created (v.15c).
I really can’t tell if these three guys had insight that they would be delivered from physical death, but by their statement, I don’t think so. What they knew was that God would deliver them from the king’s hand because he made such a challenge to God. The reason for this event is because this is a Type of the Great Tribulation after Daniel was symbolically “Raptured” by his unexplained absence in the narrative.
Just as these three Hebrews faced the flames of Nebuchadnezzar’s furnace, the new Jewish Christians, that miss the Rapture before their conversion, will trust Christ’s deliverance whether in the furnace of torment or through it as we saw Typed in evidence by both the dead and the survivors of God’s people in the holocaust, such as survivor Corrie ten Boom and her sister who did not survive. The Antichrist king will not be able to harm these people either way, and this is the meaning Paul intended as he wrapped up his previous comments of v.1-8:
“For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living” Romans 14:9.
So what could make such a concept possible if a real death of the clay is still just as much a factor as it was before they believed? I propose that it is a metamorphous of the spirit. This is the unexplained meaning by having added; “and revival”, which has multiple applications to the believers depending on whether dead or living. Christ is Lord of them both through a revived spirit, as well as Lord of each by his dying and his resurrection, which precedes their own;
“And as touching the dead, that they rise…He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living…” Mark 12:26-27.
Just as a lowly caterpillar is earthbound to a very confined space of a few leaves, there comes a point in time when a metamorphosis takes place in her. She is still fully the same DNA of the ugly leaf crawling caterpillar, but now she is beautiful, and liberated; SHE CAN FLY!
In physical death our soul is liberated but we leave behind our bodies. By further analysis this is in fact still accurately Typed in evaporation because the metamorphosed water molecule also leaves behind the body of water from which it was liberated. A word play? Sure, but by pun it speaks the truth. Yet this is not the most interesting part; there is still another process pending:
Christ has declared that when all those designated to be killed have been killed (Isaiah 57:1, Revelation 6:11), he will make a grand sweep and raise even their body that they left behind, and then those that remain alive, in a seemingly instantaneous quantum-leap, he will liberate the whole “body of waters” like a whole lake instantaneously jumping into the sky leaving nothing but a dry crater where it was a lake just a moment before. Do you struggle with the concept? We are provided the Type extension by all those tiny delicate butterflies ending up migrating ( across thousands of miles to gather in Mexico! I imagine such a thing would be hard to grasp for the leaf crawling caterpillar too.
But is the idea of an entire lake evaporating instantly really so much different than the common pealing of layers from its surface? Just because you have never seen it before doesn’t negate the scientific probabilities provided in the “DNA instructions” of the chemical bond in H2O. You just have to excite the molecules enough to move as one like a flock of Starlings! This is called a “Revival” among living Christian caterpillars turned to butterflies, and a “Rapture” when the butterflies are eventually flocked home.
The excitation in the spirit is scripturally called a quickening:
“And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins…Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened (4806) us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus; (why?) that in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus (*1)” Ephesians 2:1,5-7 (see also Colossians 2:13).
“For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened (2227) by the Spirit:” I Peter 3:18 (see also I Corinthians 15:36, Psalm 119:50,93).
Quickened 4806 suzoopoieo; from 4862 and 2227; to reanimate conjointly with (figuratively):-- quicken together with.
Quickened 2227 zoopoieo; from the same as 2226 and 4160; to (re-) vitalize (literally or figuratively):-- make alive, give life, quicken.
4862 sun, soon; a primary preposition denoting union; with or together (but much closer than 3326 or 3844), i.e. by association, companionship, process, resemblance, possession, instrumentality, addition, etc.:-- beside, with. In composition it has similar applications, including completeness.
4160 poieo; apparently a prolongation from an obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide application, more or less direct):--…
But before that unusual day of migratory flocking comes, Once we realize that the waters are spirits, we see in evaporation the caterpillar to butterfly Type; When man was made by God he mixed with the dust some pure earthborn mist water from the new earth. The completely earthen clay then is temporal, but in an innocent way (Genesis 2:25).
But not long into this adventure man was confronted with an option, a choice, a forbidden desire, and he chose to disobey. His spirit was instantly corrupted not by the product of the sin but by iniquity itself, which was so added to his formerly pure nature; his clay was marred by not holding the shape it was given and the shape was not held by an additional water content weakening the holding properties. As a part of his new miry nature, he passed down this marred clay through the waters of his DNA. We declare this marred son of Adam as having an “intrinsic sin nature” (*2), which we see proven out when a toddler begins to wail in “disinheritance” when a playmate chooses something that he himself had not even thought of until that moment. Covetousness, Greed, Selfishness, Anger, etc., are all a part of his very fibers from birth as he cries like a fire alarm when he is hungry or uncomfortable or lonely; “I want what I want now!” This son of Adam starts off with Adam’s corrupted spirit (Psalm 51:5) and it only gets worse from there unless altered by a purified heart and a right spirit by evaporation (Psalm 51:10-12).
When the risen Jesus Christ excites your spirit of waters enough to be evaporated (transformed) into a gaseous (spiritual) state, your body remains earthbound but your spirit begins to soar into the realm of God without the contaminates such as salt. You actually see everything from a new perspective, from “a birds eye view,” from the perspective of God himself, and not from your former earthbound self-centered viewpoint.
Very similar to this spiritual liberation is the soul’s liberation at death, apparently described in many first-person narratives of people dying, then returning. They tell us that while they were liberated they floated above their bodies looking down as from the ceiling. In their spiritual state they had little concern for the recovery events going on below them as they watched like a curious third-party observer of a car crash.
When your spirit is similarly liberated in Christ, the cares of this body of clay seem to be insignificant to the new importance of the spiritual reality that you were not previously aware of. Your perspective has changed. You have the mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16, 3:14, 4:4, Philippians 1:27-29, 2:5-8. Etc.) and everything old somehow becomes new (II Corinthians 5:17-20, I Peter 4:1-4), the old isn’t replaced, it just becomes new, revived, quickened.
But that is not where it ends; as Typed by rain, once your earthborn spirit is transformed, it then condenses along with others in this elevated perspective (Typed in Acts 2:1-5) and is returned to a functionally useful state in the still earthbound body of waters (humanity), and so falls as rain on the mountains to travel through many adventures in the streams of the earth along the way (Proverbs 11:25, I Corinthians 3:6, Jeremiah 31:12, Isaiah 58:11), where having completed one task, your spirit is again refreshed by a renewing evaporation and your humanity is refreshed by a new pure mist like dew!
“My root was spread out by the (refreshing) waters, and the dew lay all night upon my branch. My glory was fresh in me, and my bow (administering authority) was renewed in my hand. Unto me men gave ear, and waited, and kept silence at my counsel. After my words they spake not again; and my speech dropped upon them. And they waited for me as for the rain; and they opened their mouth wide as for (drinking) the latter rain” Job 29:23.
“For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal” II Corinthians 4:16-17.
This renewing is not reincarnation; that is simply Satan’s perversion of this process of a quickened spirit that transforms the function of this same body into a minister of Jesus Christ. The change is so real and complete that it might as well be reincarnation but all within the same lump of clay; It is appointed for man once to die and after that the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). But now we can see how, without the instructing Spirit of God, such a scriptural concept can be construed to mean reincarnation.
It is the sun that excites the surface water molecules to evaporation, which exposes the next “layer” to be so excited. By our own liberating excitement unto Christ we expose those near us to the Son. Since we believers now possess the Son in us (Galatians 2:20) making us greater than even John the Baptist (Matthew 11:11 + John 5:36, John 5:19-32, Romans 2:14-15, = John 14:12, Zechariah 8:16-17), we have the potential to excite those near us even if we are not near the surface due to some environmental agitation of the waters or even overshadowed by the clouds of winter by the wicked evaporation unto another “Anti-Christ” sun/son (see post 189 Sunburn
Such a potential Holy nuclear chain reaction deep within the dark lake has unspeakable possibilities if we would simply allow our glorified waters to be so excited by His Spirit within us. But instead, like water in winter, the “religious leaders” protect themselves from the Son by growing a hard earthbound crust of pride Typed as winter’s ice. This sealing “top layer” of spiritual “protection from radicalization” ensures that even the liquid water below them does not evaporate either:
“But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in” Matthew 23:13.
“And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; and also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction” II Peter 3:15-16.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children” Hosea 4:6.
This rigid “winter-effect protection” is all within the earthborn waters of common humanity. Obviously influenced by the seasons of time and ages and “other” cold waters, but still well within humanity itself. This becomes the earthbound stagnant waters of our spirits mired in sin even without mingling the “They” Clay to the degree of actual offspring.
Hosea hints to us the cure for this earthbound chilling is knowledge, but am I just “borrowing” his verse and wrongly applying it to my own analogy of water/spirit? Let’s see:
“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.
Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee” Psalm 51:10-13.
We see that there is a clear connection between the heart and the spirit; both are complex and hard to explain motivations of why we “do what we do”. Let’s see how the scriptures use this and if it fits my water/spirit application:
“And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh: that they may walk in my statutes, and keep mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God” Ezekiel 11:19-20.
“A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them” Ezekiel 36:26-27.
These verses appear redundant but notice the subject of whom they are written about changes from “them” to “you” (with the exception of a single case of “you” in the first passage that I will explain later).
So it seems evident that “we” and “they” are both supposed to sit around waiting for God to do this wonderful work of “Grace” that he promised he would do, right? Welllll, not quite.
Notice that couched between these two redundant promises we find this:
“Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel?” Ezekiel 18:31.
So it seems just as true that God clearly requires us to do this new-heart and new-spirit work ourselves! How can He have it both ways?
We find the answer in the previous verses (18:29-30) indicating that we accuse God of not having equal ways, like being judged in a balance for comparable weights. The accusation is that God is not just in his complaint!
Let’s read God’s reply directly:
“Yet saith that house of Israel, The way of the Lord is not equal. O house of Israel, are not my ways equal? Are not your ways unequal? Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, saith the Lord GOD. Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin” Ezekiel 18:29-30.
Clearly we have a warped perspective of why things are the way they are, and so we put the blame of our condition on God! Frankly I hear this ALL THE TIME from Christians, though they refuse to actually come right out and say it. They wait around in sin and iniquity for God to come and give them this promised new heart and spirit, which he seems reluctant to do:
“If he would simply fulfill his promise, which I am patiently waiting for, then I would be fixed and wouldn’t keep sinning all the time! But since God fails to fix me but still judges me for my iniquity, it is plain that God’s ways are unjust”; i.e. unequal.
So how can God do this?
The answer comes in the contingency verse that follows the first redundant passage of the promise:
“But as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, saith the Lord GOD“ Ezekiel 11:21.
So is this all just a big circular reasoning empty promise; “I will fix you if you fix yourself, and if you don’t fix yourself I won’t fix you”?
Let’s explore this problem to see if scripture gives us the answer, and just to make it hard on the scriptures to provide a reasonable answer, let’s look at the New Testament where his promise of God-provided Grace is abundant:
“For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God…But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; and have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:” Colossians 3:3,8-10.
Obviously grace has been accessed by these, and so the promise of a new heart and spirit is also received, so how is it that these still need to be encouraged to put off the things of their old hearts and spirits?
We see hidden in this passage that the key of excitation unto evaporation (i.e. renewal) is in knowledge.
“This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.
But ye have not so learned Christ; if so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness” Ephesians 4:17-24.
So we see a chemical bond in the basic elements of the waters; a two-part composition that creates an end result. A God-provided heart and spirit, and a human-reception and implementation of that heart and spirit. The successful implementation is accessed through knowledge. And it is for this reason that God declares:
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children” Hosea 4:6.
God himself declares these to be his people, but they, like the gentile unbelievers, rejected his knowledge in favor of emotion. And so my “top-layer-protective-ice-barrier” example rightly fits the religious leadership that hides the people under their authority from the saving knowledge, while giving them a proxy that has no saving power to evaporation but provides a good illusion with only subtle yet catastrophic differences (I Peter 2:19, Genesis 3:1, Acts 13:10, II Corinthians 11:3, Genesis 27:35).
“So, exactly; how is God Just in his ‘you have to fix yourself or I wont fix you’ concept?”
Good question.
Remember the contingency verse of his promise?
“But as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, saith the Lord GOD“ Ezekiel 11:21.
This condition is found even after his giving of the promised new heart and spirit, and so this shows us that the new heart and spirit can be resisted or rejected or corrupted by those to whom it was given (see post 168 The Heart These are those who sit around in their sin still waiting and blaming God for not rescuing them from their iniquity that they love with their heart.
He already came and already gave but they would not receive it because they loved their detestable things and their abominations. I pray this is not you! But it must be you if you are still waiting patiently without receiving.
We see this truth played out in the parable of the Prodigal Son of Luke 15, who like Jacob, was given by the Father his promised inheritance but he squandered it in his detestable things and abominations (Luke 15:12-13). And now the foolish boy finds himself destitute in a bad age (v.14), and yet no one provides a rescue or uplifting aid (v.15-16).
Where was God in all his troubles? Is this just some test of God that in faith he must endure? How many years as the son of the father, did he spend in spiritual destitution while thinking himself just? And, for-cry’n-out-loud; why did his father not come to rescue him! Clearly his father does not love him or care for him.
But this is not the expression of the parable. We later see that the father was so heartsick for his son and pined for his return that his ever vigil eye saw his son coming while he was still a long way off (v.20) much as we also pine for the coming of our Lord (I Thessalonians 5:1-4, II Peter 3:9-14).
My point is that after the promised inheritance was given to the boy, that promise has been given; there is no more of that promise to be given to him (Hebrews 6:1-9, 10:26-31). At this point in the boy’s very pitiful condition he should not be looking for any “wire of money” from his father to bail him out of his troubles, it is up to the boy to wake up to his own responsibilities and take the cause of his condition upon his own back. This is the only way he will ever come to the right answer:
“And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!” Luke 15:17.
Gone was the false blame of his father’s inequality for making him suffer, or his patient waiting for his father to drive by looking for him. Gone was his self-centered corruption of “wanting my father to love me,” this boy was now truly in need and he could no longer afford the luxury of such emotional head games. He began to seriously look for the right answer even if it meant crawling back to his father in shame… “That’s it! That’s the right answer!”
“I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants” v.18-19.
This boy had no self-pity illusions of self-rejection that he was actually no longer his father’s son, but his heart was right to conclude that he really was unworthy to bear that title because of his squandered inheritance. He determined to go back in desperation and beg his father to make him as one of his servants, and it would be enough. He was not looking for his old room back; he was just hoping to get back on the property under the authority and care of this great man… who just happened to be his father.
But the illusion of determination does not fill your belly; he actually acted on his plan:
“And he arose, and came to his father…” v.20a.
But have you ever wondered how he got back to his father’s place? Verse 13 tells us the boy went into a far country to waste his substance. So with no money for the bus, motels, and roadside diners, what kind of struggle and adventure of trial do you imagine it was to get home? The narration doesn’t say, because it doesn’t matter. The boy was finally committed to returning home and so he did.
“But I thought Hebrews 6:4 and 10:26 said that such a return was impossible.”
Yes it does, but God is the God of the impossible!
“For with God nothing shall be impossible” Luke 1:37 (also Matthew 17:20).
A careful study of the Hebrews wording declares it is impossible to renew them, but the crack is left in the door for them to renew themselves as the prodigal son did, and as instructed by Ezekiel 18:31. But don’t for a second imagine that he had an easy road of it. At the very end of his rope this solution was the only possible salvation, and he took it, and in so taking found himself on the road home and under the watchful eye of his glad father. At the point of determined action the trials of the journey became insignificant and so in the narrative he simply “arose, and came to his father.” I have made just such a journey home from my wandering, and so can you.
* * *
Can’t Blame the Devil:
Before the days of Noah, the violence of man was the same self-centered, greedy, covetous, angry, earthbound spirit that was born into Cain by the fall of Adam. The same earthen spirits of fallen Adam and his wife are transferred to their offspring. This idea of multiple individual spirits is the meaning of plural waters even after the initial separation into two groups on either side of the firmament. Speaking now of only the earthborn group; they are all the same water group but many individual expressions of spirits as it is mixed with more dust to make more mankind through conception and birth. This is the uncomfortable direct interpretation of the Hebrew word waters:
Water/waters 4325 mayim; dual of a primitive noun (but used in a singular sense); water; figuratively, juice; by euphemism, urine, semen:-- + pill, wasting, water(-ing), [-course, -flood, -spring].
For our practical purposes let’s just call it “bodily fluids” and encompass the whole collection, which makes it plural. Man’s body is made up of about 65% H2O water (*3). From this “waters” comes the dregs of urine as well as the fluid of new life. These are all Types of the various spirits called waters within man, and that doesn’t include the Spirit of God that can also reside there. My point is that man passes his collective waters on to his offspring, both good and bad, so exactly what actually is the plural singular waters?
DNA... and more.
The destructive coursing nature of his spirit is also passed on to his children, and we see this phenomenon in children adopted at birth often “magically” retaining the “preferences” and moral weaknesses of a birth parent they never met. This is physically Typed by the adoption of “drug babies,” who carry the nature given by the sins of the parent. But while the physical representation is easily accepted and understood, the spiritual reflection is still a scientific mystery, but they will eventually figure it out.
What this mystery is, are the spirits of wasting passed on along with the DNA. So are people actually born gay? In a way, the answer must be “yes,” but in practical truth the answer is “no.” They are only born with a spiritual weakness to that nature, no different than to any other familial sin of which we are all equally accountable to abstain from; drugs, theft, anger, slothfulness, lust, etc. A propensity is not who you are until you act on it; it is a spirit that you have been given, which you must overcome, not with simple willpower but by the restoring properties of evaporation in Christ Jesus which allows you a new perspective on everything through a new heart and a new spirit.
In spite of the demonic involvement of Genesis 6:2 and 4, Genesis 6:5 holds humanity alone fully responsible for the violence… but the order and wording of v.3 recognizes that there was an additional element that aided man to become so violent: There was introduced another kind of waters.
Waters being the Type for spirits, we can see now that mankind in their contentment to remain un-liberated from their beloved sins became stagnant groundwater whose nature is not to become liberated, but rather odiferous when even slightly agitated; Violent.
By these contrasting reactions to the trials of our faith, can you now see the evidence of transformation shown in James that encourages such an unexpected response?
“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations” James 1:2.
What reaction do you have when your life’s waters are agitated; excitation to evaporation unto Christ, or moved to self-protecting violence? This foundationally vulnerable yet independent violent spirit of humanity, displayed even more strikingly in the female gender, is what captivated the spirits of heaven called the sons of God (i.e. the waters above the firmament), to remove from their proper place and fall to earth in the desire to mingle with this “wonderfully” mired humanity (Jude 1:6-8, Revelation 12:9). But like the cold clouds of winter hiding us from the warming Son, Hollywood produces an appeal for this abomination in movies like City of Angels (read the plot now!), and many others like “Michael,” and Meet Joe Black, which I don’t need to see before criticizing the demon heart and spirit born of this iniquitous appealing mix.
* * *
More Gender Typology:
What is so appealing to most men about a beautiful girl with guns or tools or in other ways displaying a cross-roll “I can too” kind of conduct in a tool-girl-poster kind of way?
She is blending the glories of her vulnerable soft and beautiful femininity with the glories of a man’s strong hard and rugged world. I cannot explain why that is alluring, but the principle is that in Type she is, in the accentuation of her feminine role by implementing the masculine role, acting out the glorified humanity while submissive to God. It’s just plain alluring to a man in the same way girls are drawn to the reverse presentation of the same idea in the movies mentioned above; Powerful angels giving up their strength and abilities to join her in her vulnerable world because of love.
In the Type of the tool-girl’s cross-roll display, God wishes to grant power to weak humanity by inviting us into his spiritual world while still in the vulnerable flesh. He gives us his tools and his abilities and finds it attractively appealing when we use them. But it’s only appealing to him when we remember to accentuate our humanity (feminine Typology) as we do it. Wash your hair, put on your makeup, dress yourself like an obvious girl, and still go do what needs to be done in a world that doesn’t fit that “job description.” Now THAT is really attractive!
But somehow that same appeal becomes quite offensive when she then wants my job. In her serious focus on the job itself, she no longer has time to do her hair, is uninterested in useless makeup, and finds girl’s clothes beneath her; she now wants to “be the man.” Now she is not attractive, she is mockingly called a “truck.” This is the butch, tattooed, cigar smoking, snuff chewing, foul-mouthed female truck-driver that hates women. Now that is really revolting!
The difference is not in the events of the job she does; it is in the role that she wants to play while doing it. When she forgets that she is a girl she has lost all her appeal, on as well as off, the job; regular guys are not attracted to guys. And God is not attracted to god wannabees as they go about building his kingdom with his tools in their wisdom. But a regular guy will make himself nauseating to help a feminine girl work beside him in his “man’s world,” and so will God:
“Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, ye are gods?” John 10:34.
It’s not about the job it’s about the gender you want to play.
God is not concerned about actually loosing his job as if you could actually take it away, he welcomes our involvement with him on his job and in fact he likes it (Matthew 28:18-20, II Timothy 4:2, Matthew 24:14, Genesis 2:18). He equips us with His Power and His Spirit (Ezekiel 37:14) and transforms us with our own liberated spirit of knowledge to enable us to be a useful participant in His Project (Ezekiel 36:27), and all the while he thinks it’s endearingly cute that we want to work with him. Just don’t ever forget your gender-typology role and begin to argue about his leadership choices. That’s a line once crossed that continues to grow until like Lucifer you presume yourself God’s equal in how things should be run. Though both genders work side by side, the Men’s Room is still the Men’s Room and you’ve got a room too. This principle is Typed in the genders, and with that Type we see many complexities that we will not cover here, so put away your offense which is not meant by this discussion. But in the easy offense lies an exposure of the additional situation already in play.
* * *
The Additional Situation:
Like today’s woman easily offended when discussing gender rolls, we seem to be just as easily offended that God would remind us of our humanity that needs to depend on him so much if the relationship is going to work, “How dare he say that sexist garbage to me!” And Satan quickly steps in to offer a fast-track “shoulder” to independent godhood; “You are gods, as He himself said, so who needs Him?” Today’s liberated woman has shown plainly that she really doesn’t need a man as once thought. And likewise humanity doesn’t need a God, (though many gods at their convenience and for their pleasure is a great idea!). This is Mystery Babylon, the mother of harlots and abominations (Revelation 17:5).
But just who is this that comes to comfort your offense by giving you an understanding shoulder to cry on? As the beautiful covering cherub (Ezekiel 28:14-16), Lucifer began to think of himself as God’s equal (Isaiah 14:14) and was offended that God would think of him as a “mere” helpmeet. But since he was not treated as the equal that he saw himself and the multitude of merchandise (success) had show him to be, he had a violent reaction (Ezekiel 28:16), which he shares with you in “understanding” your problem. Yet the more interesting part is what started this downward spiral in the first place:
“Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness… (3314)” Ezekiel 28:17a.
brightness 3314 yiph’ah; from 3313; splendor or (figuratively) beauty:-- brightness.
In his Typology feminine role of being a helpmeet to the masculine God, Lucifer became self-focused on the power of his incredible beauty. The inward focused attention to the splendor of that beauty perverted his own thoughts about himself and his self-absorbed reasoning twisted his wisdom. But how does a creation ever get to the place of actually concluding that he is the equal to his creator? It can be nothing other than that the power (splendor) of his beauty observably affected God so much that he saw his own power over God!
It is almost rightly said;
The weaker sex is really the stronger sex because of the weakness of the stronger sex for the weaker sex. - unknown
Lucifer experienced the truth of this saying but mistook that apparent weakness in his Creator as something that could be exploited. And then the hammer fell as quickly as the second half of the same verse!
“I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee” Ezekiel 28:17b.
“They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?” Isaiah 14:16-17.
Not so hot now, huh? Apparently there is a difference between a “weakness” toward someone desired (we call it love) and a weakness of impotency by that desire. King Solomon understood this truth as he instructed his son:
”Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings” Proverbs 31:3.
This is in nowise suggesting that women be diminished or kept from reading or an education or jobs or equality in humanity as some religions and nations do, or that women should not be loved unreservedly by their husbands (Proverbs 5:18-19+, Song of Solomon 4:9-10+), rather Solomon was saying that as a king and a man he should refrain from surrendering the thing that makes him a king and a man: His internal fortitude, his self-possessed ability to lead, his confidence, his manliness; the protection of his family and kingdom.
As much as God loved beautiful Lucifer and gave him so much attention and power that he began to think he was God’s equal, that love was not impotence and it did not keep God from maintaining his righteous and perfect authority that belongs to him alone as God. He cast Lucifer out as a self-centered usurper bent on stealing his kingdom and glory.
As glorified humanity through the liberation of evaporation unto Christ Jesus, we too have that kind of power with God. He loves us that much (John 3:16, Ephesians 5:25-28) and it is true that:
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” Philippians 4:13.
But although they delicately call it a “glow,” don’t ever forget that women do sweat; they get offensive BO, and their charm diminishes when they forget to be girls even as they sweat. As the feminine roll in this relationship with God, we need also to be careful to shower regularly in God’s word (Ephesians 5:26), comb our hair and put on our makeup in our good works (I Timothy 2:9-10, Ephesians 2:10, Matthew 5:16), and dress ourselves in the finest of feminine clothes in God’s forgiveness and righteousness (Job 29:14, Isaiah 61:10), and not forget to mask our daily BO by the perfume of Christ’s counsel and wisdom through prayer (Proverbs 27:9, Exodus 30:35-37, Revelation 5:8, 8:3-4), that we may be always presentable to our God and King and Lord and Spouse, even as we work beside him in the muds of the morter and miry clay;
Such “paraphernalia of femininity” are the instruments of our faith!
But even prostitutes have their own kind of feminine paraphernalia, so clearly, all ways of humanity are not proper before God. Example; Do not burn strange incense before him (Exodus 30:9, Leviticus 10:1-2) and don’t burn incense unto other gods (I Kings 11:8-9); incense being counsel and acquired wisdom in prayer. God really doesn’t like the stench of our own concoction, even if in thinking it should please him, we offer it up in worship.
This is really no different than a woman being personally offended when she asks her husband if he likes her dress and he says “No.” Why is he supposed to like her taste when she doesn’t feel the need to appeal to his? Be honest, she is not usually upset that her dress choice didn’t please him, she is usually upset that he didn’t like what pleased her. So who is it really all about? The answer to this riddle is found in the spirit behind the query.
There is clearly a serious miss-conception when we become instantly offended that God would remind us of our humanity or that a man would remind a woman of her gender. Femininity is not a demeaning roll; it’s your glory! (I Corinthians 11:15). As Typed by God, Only a woman can be the love of a man through marriage, and Only humanity is the bride of God and his Son Jesus Christ, and by reminding us of our humanity God is in effect putting us back on the pedestal from which we fell. While this is profound on its own merits, it has even more meaning when stacked against the non-earthborn waters that do not have this Bride of God option (I Peter 1:10-12). The spirit that motivates our actions is far more important than the actions themselves.
It is the applied non-violent nature of Christ that while wrestling in the mud with the violent, we make God smile because the femininity is just so dang cute in such an environment (Ephesians 6:10-18). Vulnerability dressed in God’s armor is irresistibly attractive to God! And should be as appealing to us as a woman who wears her husbands workshirt as a nightgown while he is away on business. Is she thinking about how it makes her figure look good while she sleeps or is she thinking about the man she longs for?
But by a socially sponsored contention in the self-perceived shame of their genetic vulnerability, women today are easily offended when discussing gender, pre-assuming a negative connotation, and likewise humanity tends to become defensively independent to enhance their abilities to battle the violent. In otherwords; we learn to “drive truck like a man” because it gets the job done more efficiently;
“Go ahead, fight fire with fire.”
This can in fact increase our productivity, which makes us proud and more independent by proving our own ideas are better than God’s, but at the same time it is offensive to God, who’s job it is to worry about the productivity and has instructed us not to fight that way. Suddenly He has a contentious employee who thinks she/he can run things better than the boss because the productive results prove it.
Now role/gender has everything to do with it when it had nothing to do with it before, like Obama’s first term campaign pulling the “race card” when no one but him was talking race. Like the female gender, humanity is sure a natural at making everything His fault!;
“IF there really is a loving God why does he allow so much suffering?”
His reply? “You’re the keeper of the house, you tell me why there is so much suffering there!” (Genesis 4:6-7+6:5=6:6).
You really don’t want Dad to fix this problem! But he will if we don’t, he’s just giving us time to figure it out. But in our independent pride we will try virtually every wacky idea that comes to mind while refusing to implement His instructions.
And now we see a striking similarity between the self-glorifying feminine spirit of mankind blaming God for our unhappiness, and the self-glorifying feminine spirit of Lucifer doing the same. NOW is the perfect time for Satan and his band to swoop in as beautiful sisters of the gender roll, and bond with humanity in a common “You understand me!” self-pity against the chauvinist masculine God. This is Lesbianism.
In the order of Romans 1:26 the heavenly spirits left their first estate and fornicated with mankind in a Lesbian kind of way (Jude 1:7). You really need to study the one-chapter Jude.
But in the emotionally appealing sisterly bond of mutual understanding, don’t be mistaken to think that fallen Satan is not really in this for himself, just like you are. He is going to twist everything to work to his own self-serving advantage while he plays you beautifully like a crying violin. In both cases, the downward spiral is a self-focus. Pride.
I am not speaking against women; this is a discussion on humanity. Who is your faith really about? Your happiness in the relationship will tell you the true answer! (*4).
* * *
How did the angels breed with humanity?
Spiritually they encouraged the stagnification of the earthborn waters until it was compatible with their own fallen waters, and then infused themselves with the spirits of mankind when the foreign material would not be rejected. In otherwords man became violent by self-focus, which opened the door to an unearthly violence like Hitler himself, simply one of many in the 4th Diverse Beast age that began with Rome.
Both man’s spirits, and the fallen angel’s spirits, are now earthbound, incapable of evaporation because they are hidden from the Son, but feeling liberated because of the unification between themselves, and so freed from an apparent need for God because of the fellowship.
God’s form of liberation is a liberation from the restraints of our humanity while still human, but Satan’s form of liberation is our humanity liberated from God. The one transforms our humanity while the other changes it to something else. We are talking the Types of “kind bending” in principle, and “gender bending” in application. It’s all a very murky soup of Abomination.
“But that is speaking primarily spiritual, how was this done physically?”
Now that we have a good handle on the chemical makeup of humanity at its spiritually molecular level, we can begin to explore how these basic elements can combine to create other properties.
Water is about as non-flammable as anything there is, but have you thought about the fact that water is made up of only Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms? Hydrogen is highly flammable and Oxygen makes things burn better, so why does water not burn? Obviously the combination of elements can produce very unexpected results. So what element was removed from, or added to, the earthborn water that allows for such extraordinary violence as we see in Genesis 6:5? I suggest that we should examine the nature of violence itself to see what actual results we are expecting, and then see if the molecular elements of man can produce this violence, or what additional element-combination is needed.
The spiritual waters above the firmament, though appearing very much identical to the spiritual waters below the firmament, obviously have slightly different properties much as humans and horses have very similar DNA but still quite obviously are different flesh (I Corinthians 15:39).
Since H2O water is only water when you have 1 Oxygen and 2 Hydrogen, it seems that the difference in the plural waters must be another factor. Let’s think about this as we explore temporal humanity in the question of; “how did angels actually breed with humans?”
* * * * * * *
(*1) Ages To Come:
A bit off topic but this verse clearly shows us that there are yet more ages to come in which such grace will not be available in this same way. Imagine being found to have come short of such free grace when it was offered in its very short window in your lifetime, and for eternity being used as an example of unexplainable failure! (Hebrews 4:1-2, Romans 3:23-26).
(*2) Intrinsic: …1. Belonging to the constitution, nature, or essence, of a thing; independent of that which is contingent or acquired. 2. Anatomical, Included wholly within an organ or limb, as certain groups of muscles.
Thus intrinsic sin is born into a man’s very being by the waters mixed with his dust. This flies fully in the face of pagan theories that man is basically good and learns to be evil, though intrinsic sin does not suggest sinful man cannot learn to be more evil or even acquire other elements of evil to add to his intrinsic nature.
(*3) Water Content:
“The human body is 90% water at birth. The water content in the body of a grown-up person decreases to 70%. The water content drops to 50% with age. So it must be water that keeps humans alive. Man depends on the quality of water in terms of physical and psychological state of his body. The latest studies show that water can have either beneficial or detrimental impact on the body.
Lev Skvortsov, an academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, doctor of technical sciences, a member of the Russian Ministry of Health consultative council on drinking water issues, shared his views on how humans should treat water, Lev Skvortsov started the conversation by extolling water.
- Water regulates the temperature of the body, it humidifies the air we breathe, it helps organs assimilate the nutrients and expel the toxins and excess salts. Water helps keep the blood pressure down, thus reducing the probability of a heart attack. The above “job description” for the water is not by any means complete…” - (
“Your body requires a certain amount of water to function properly. When your water-percentage gets out of whack, and you have too much or too little water in your system, you may experience negative effects. To maintain a healthy water-percentage, drink fluids regularly and avoid diuretics such as caffeine.
Water plays an essential role in almost all bodily functions. Water acts to transport nutrients and gases throughout the body, and also enables cellular reactions to take place. Water carries waste products out of your body in the form of urine and feces, helps lubricate your joints, and cushions your organs. Water helps you maintain a stable body temperature during exercise and environmental heat stress. Water is so essential to human life that you can expect to live only a few days without it.
Normal Percentages
Normal and healthy water weight in the human body varies based on age, gender body composition. According to the book "Exercise Physiology," water constitutes 65 percent to 75 percent of muscle and only 10 percent of fat. So, the more muscle mass you have, the higher the percentage of water weight you'll have.
The book "Sports Nutrition" indicates that water accounts for roughly 50 percent to 60 percent of most people's body weight percentage. Because women usually have a higher body fat percentage than men, they tend to have a lower overall percentage of water weight.” - (
(*4) What About Him?
Yes of course men have failed their own gender typology roll as an image of God, and this has compounded the problem as well as the solution. But our discussion is not about fixing God is it?
Have you ever wondered why God designed a system where the wife is supposed to submit to her husband even when she is sure he is wrong?
(I Peter 3:1). Do you really think Sarah was in favor of Abraham hauling her son up the mountain to sacrifice him to God? This is the same guy who repeatedly instructed her to tell folks she was his sister because he was afraid. That never turned out well, though you have to admit it didn’t turn out “bad” either. But what does scripture tell us of Sarah (besides that she was very beautiful)?
“For after this manner in the old time holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement” I Peter 3:5-6.
The key here is not that she called him lord, or that she subjected herself to him. The key is that she trusted God. All the godly women of old did, and their subjection to their husbands was their adornment unto God regarding this trust. The wisdom of their husbands was not a factor other than the dumber the man, the more glorious the adornment showing their trust in God.
“And he (God) said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me” II Corinthians 12:9 (see I Corinthians 1:25).
Wives, is your husband a pitiful excuse for a man? Glory in it, that the power of Christ my rest upon you more than on others with less pitiful husbands. Place your trust in God by seeing Him work through your obedient subjection in spite of his failures. Do you claim to be the daughter of Sara in the faith as men are the sons of Abraham? You can only claim this title if you act like her. Let God deal with your husband’s shortcomings as He sees fit, you keep your eyes on God as the Church keeps their eyes on Christ even in the difficult circumstances brought on by the pitiful governments of mankind.
“Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God” I Peter 2:13-16.
Women, don’t suppose your gender has gotten the short end of the stick, we are all in the same boat with perhaps different oars. As a man, this is as hard for me to do with my incompetent government as a woman toward her incompetent husband. The key is to remember it’s all about trusting God in our obedience through the intervention of prayer, and not an aid to our own ideas of how things should be.
As a further complication that we don’t have room here to properly explore, There are slave wives that although in a really bad situation outside of their will, they must apply this principle and instruction because like it or not they are the wife of their captor.
Likewise, Obama is a usurper of the office of President and the recorded facts show the ACORN ballot stuffing “mock wedding” that won him the seat. I am no longer a free citizen of America but a slave citizen to his administration and like Daniel I must trust God while I subject myself to this new governance. This is not an easy thing to learn to do as we know that Daniel did not “sell out” to the Babylonian ideology (Daniel 1:8), yet he found himself so favored as to be third in the kingdom.
If only I were so wise! (James 1:5).
We are running out of time to learn how, because as Christians we were always supposed to have this wisdom even with a good authority. Now we get to glory in our infirmities as our greater need to trust in God shows perfect in weakness. Adorn yourselves in the humility of a meek and quiet spirit of an evaporated heart possessing God’s elevated perspective (I Peter 3:3-4).
In otherwords; see reality through his bigger picture plan, and then use your femininity to influence your authority.
We are entering an age when the one-chapter Philemon will be of great value to understanding a proper attitude in the circumstance of slavery. See also I Corinthians 7:2-24 which instructs us to have no strong feelings against the circumstance of slavery if we so find ourselves there. It is but a circumstance. Can you acquire freedom? Then by all means take it, but if not, do not hate your captor but rather serve God as a free man that chooses to be God’s slave for God’s sake.
And so it is with wives who find their husbands unsavory.
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