Wednesday, November 10, 2010

God’s I hate this list

(Precedes the flying roll)
post 117

I bet by now you are thinking; “this guy has forgotten what he was actually writing about!”
Not quite.
What I am attempting to do is show the gap between what we feel is ok with God, and what is actually not.

Because it is in our nature to grow accustom to virtually anything, we really have no way of knowing just how bad off we have become.
Even with a very genuine approach to the subject, everything looks pretty good from where we stand. So we continue on our way oblivious to our Maker’s true perspective.

If you make no pretence of trying to stay on God’s good side, then you really don’t need to waste your time here.
But if you really do want to know where you stand in God’s eyes so that you can fix what might be wrong, then keep reading.

* * *
We do not read our scriptures to find some verse to validate our life.
We read them to learn in which ways we can adjust our lives to conform more closely to the wishes of our Creator. The more you grow to appreciate him the more you delight in finding ways to make him happy, and the easier it is to correct wayward ways.
If I am a happy go lucky ax murderer, and I discover by reading my scriptures that God is not crazy about my conduct, It may be a tough job to change habits, but it is what I must do if I wish to continue a relationship with him.
Sounds reasonable enough, right?

Just remember, God is not trying to deprive you, he is rather fixing your heart.
We find ourselves clinging hard to stuff that really has no value.
But ask yourself; is this thing God is asking of me, worth loosing my soul?
If your heart is really yearning for God, your answer will be easy.
This is the stuff of a right heart! Take the leap!

* * *

So here is a question for thought;
What does God feel is the worst sin you can find in most every movie today?
Are you thinking?

Have you got it?


If you said; Porn and Nudity or Murder, or Violence or Theft, or anger or hatred etc etc those are all real bad things to be bringing into your home on purpose.
But we somehow still do.
My previous post has shown clearly, by scripture itself, that God looks on wizardry as very offensive. But does that stop anyone from watching the show?
It is justified because we all know it is just acting. They don’t really practice wizardry. And somehow representing this offensive practice in a good and wholesome light is ok?

So what if we learned that those things we have already identified as justifiably probably on the top of God’s list, are not actually even on his top list?
What if there was something God felt was far worse than even those, but you don’t see it that way?
Why would you bother to avoid it since you don’t bother to avoid the others you had already figured was the worst?
Can you see how we place far more value on our own desires and customs than we do on God’s opinions?
Is it because we simply do not see the cost? If it doesn’t seem to matter one way or the other, then why not?

Maybe we need to actually see the cost of the offense before we can get the importance into our heads.


Now suppose I were to show you the thing that really bothers God. I mean really makes him mad. And what if I were to show you his plan to punish all those who do this thing?
It might get your attention if you realized you were doing it.

But what if this thing turns out to be something like picking your nose?
Would you stop?

In spite of the right answer being; “OF COURSE!”
You are actually thinking; “Weellll, I don’t know what it is yet.”
So before we even get to the real defined item, we have already uncovered a very serious flaw in your faith.
That flaw is the fact that your faith is not real.
It is just something you do.
So you too can quit reading, the rest of this will have nothing for you.

* * *

Now for those of you still here, I am understanding it is because you really do want to know what really makes God that mad.
I honestly hope so. Because it really took me by surprise when I learned it myself.

So what can it be that is at the top of God’s “I hate this” list?
You will find the answer in my next post!
But thinking about "Why" is your job.

Here is a spoiler; the answer is found in Zechariah 5:1-5
But you wont get it yet!

Zechariah 8:17

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