Friday, November 19, 2010

Where is our Trust?

post 126

As I investigate the causes and results of America’s demise, I use the Creators Handbook For Nations to find clues.
Here is an interesting bit of history that seems to be so applicable to America today:

At the fall of the northern tribe of Israel to Assyria, the Assyrian king asked:

“But if thou say to me, We trust in the LORD our God: is it not he, whose high places and whose alters Hezekiah hath taken away, and said to Judah and to Jerusalem, Ye shall worship before this alter?” (the alter of the calf he set up) - Isaiah 36:7

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This Pagan king came against the nation of God worshipers to conquer them right after their leader officially rejected their God and set up replacements.

And as was the practice in that day the Assyrian king marched his men to encircle the walled city for a long siege. And then once in place, he sent out a negotiator to determine the conditions of surrender. (read Isaiah chapter 36)

So the Jews, protected behind their walls, sent out their Tea Party to declare they had no intention of surrender.

And so the Assyrian responded with the above challenging question paraphrased like this:

“I’m hear to negotiate your surrender, But if you say to me, 'We trust in the LORD our God to win against your wicked siege'
I ask; 'Do you mean the God whom your Supreme Court removed from your places of education, finding it unconstitutional to teach the bible in schools or allow the students to pray, or to even see a copy of the 10 commandments?

Do you mean the God whom your Congress has by law removed from influencing your government by Separation of Church and State?

Do you mean the God whom your historians have erased from your libraries, removing even the many references to Him by your founding fathers?

Do you mean the God whom your people have scrubbed from your holidays, by saying; Merry X-mas, or Happy Holidays, or Turkey day, the God whom you refuse to allow a place on your lawn in recognition of the condition of his birth?

Do you mean the God whom you have seriously offended by replacing him with the worship of Evolution as your Creator in your institutions of Education?

Do you mean the God whom you have seriously offended by replacing his Divine Protection with the worship of Environmentalism, believing you can save yourselves?

Do you mean the God whom you deeply offend every day in many ways because you have no idea what you are doing wrong since you have no time to read his book?

Is this the God you tell me you now trust in to keep you safe from me?”

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The king of Assyria was quite bold in his understanding of the strained relation of Israel and their God. He did not deny the existence of their God, he just knew they had no standing with Him.
How did he know this? It is a question worthy of contemplation.

Then he goes even further, and boldly declares;
“And am I now come up without the LORD against this land to destroy it?
The LORD said unto me, Go up against this land, and destroy it.”
Isaiah 36:10

For years I interpreted this passage to mean the Assyrian king was using subversion of the Jews religion to weaken their resolve.
But now I understand that God actually sent this pagan king to punish His people.
The Jews were no longer worthy to be independent because they were too confused to run their own lives, and so God sent the king of Assyria to run their lives for them.

The Assyrian king sent his negotiator to offer them great help and support if they would commit their allegiance to him;
“Now therefore give pledges, I pray thee, to my master the king of Assyria, and I will give thee two thousand horses, if thou be able on thy part to set riders upon them.” Isaiah 36:8
In the next verse he recognized Israel’s history to turn to Egypt for horses and chariots of war.
What he was doing was offering them the items in which they really trusted.

What is it that America trusts in today?
I submit we no longer trust in our military. In fact I submit as a nation we despise it!
It seems quite evident that America now trusts only in our wealth.
The only thing America has any real interest in at this point is our economy. Here is where we now place our trust.
Therefore I believe that we will soon be offered a solution to our economic troubles by those whom would take our allegiance.

If we refuse there will be war, if we accept we will become servants.

According to my interpretation of Daniel 5 as a prophecy of America’s fall, we will take the offer and become servants.

But remember, we are not Jews. We are not the nation of Gods Chosen People whom he promised he would never destroy.
We are simply a nation subject to the cause and effect of the universal laws of nature.
If we follow God we will be blessed, and if we turn from God we will be destroyed.
When we become servants it will not result in our own good!

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  1. That pretty much sums up the course of where we are and where we are headed...sad.

  2. In terms of the huge financial dept the US is already pretty much sold away, i.e. owned. So much about the economy and becoming a servant.


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