So using the analogy of the previous post, how does a nation find itself in the second phase of corruption? What does that look like?
Has anyone seen The Guide Stones in Georgia?
It is well worth a detour to have a look, just Google “guidestones”.
I include this particular site link because it shows the current mystery already willfully given to the stones, though they are hardly 30 years old now.
What will be the mystery associated with them in another 30?
Here is a simple, to the point, site that implies nothing but the declaration of existence of this “American Stonehenge”, and what it says:
Q: Who set it up?
A: That has been intentionally obscured.
Q: Why was it set up?
A: That has been left for the stones themselves to explain.
Q: In what way does it represent the existence of America?
A: In no way whatsoever. In fact it stands against everything America was created for.
Q: In what way will it be seen to represent America to archeologists of the future who look for evidences for the greatness of the American Nation in her day?
A: It may indeed be seen as sure proof of what we believed as a nation.
So although today’s Americans reject that America was created by Christians on the principles of the Christian faith, regardless of the huge volume of available evidences, *1
They will willingly gravitate to the mystery and message of these guidestones which have virtually no historic influence on America.
And after this generation is dead and gone, what will our children find as evidence to use as landmarks for the purpose of returning to our foundations?
How will they learn what actually made this nation great?
And if then they don't learn what made it great, how are they to identify what destroyed it, for the purpose of avoiding the same fate in the future?
Yet the confusion and deception of this stone cancer does not end there.
With careful search there have been clues left behind to discover the origin of these stones, but it is presently clear that those clues have been carefully fabricated to lead to an intended conclusion and not the actual truth, which violates the 9th plank of the guidestone dictates:
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature
What will be the result of the future searchers of these clues?
The author is declared there in stone, to be: R.C. Christian (a pseudonyn) [sic]
There are 10 planks on stone.
Will this be confused with other indications America had at least some Christian influence, based on 10 commandments on stone from the Jewish faith?
Who knows.
But when the national “visibility” becomes so poor, the pilot in the fog of low clouds will grasp whatever is visible on his trip back to where he came from.
These guide stone will succeed only in ensuring the pilots of this once great nation will never succeed in finding their way back!
My argument here is not with the message… even though I wholeheartedly disagree with it.
My argument here, is the Suggested Implication of the message:
IF they would have placed a plaque stating the idea; “These are the values we feel should be followed.” And then identified who “we” are, then I would not argue with their action of erecting whatever they want to erect on their own land. They have that right.
But by the secrecy of the authors, and the mystery regarding its erection, by the time-capsule intended for the future, and the appearance of “permanence” in the chiseled words on stone, all this lends to suggest without accountability, that this represents America, These are the rules we live by, This is the mind-frame of our Nation we wish to share with the future.
This form of deceit is hard to reign in, because there is nothing by which to actually debate, there is nothing stated to which we can argue, there is only implication with heavily guided suggestion that leads the observer to the authors desired end.
This is National Cancer.
And once it takes root, it is very very hard to remove.
Usually the best you can hope for is to put it in remission for the purpose of prolonging life.
Not the best concept, but dealing with reality it is far better than the alternative!
* * *
This year I became keenly aware of how many of our Christmas songs are in direct conflict with the truth of our faith:
Take the song; “Do you hear what I hear?”
In this song:
The Bethlehem Star has a long tail.
The king declares all men to pray for peace and worship the child Messiah.
This poetic folk tale sounds pretty, but really does harm to the truth of the actual faith.
Science tells us this song declares the star to be a comet. This misguided error, as the guidestones, only ensures the truth to be harder to find.*2
But a precedent has been set!
And as Alaska's former attorney General has shown, we tend to place higher value on precedent than we do on the original concept. *3
Did the king make such a wonderful declaration of peace and worship as the song declares?
The Holy Scriptures of our faith report that this king sought the child for the purpose of killing him, and in fact slaughtered every young boy of the region under two years of age just to make sure. (Matthew 2)
This kind of peace is more representational of the Islamic faith.
Now you might ask, What is the big deal, it is just a song. They are just stones in a field.
And as long as we have a clear visual bearing, I can wholeheartedly agree.
No harm, no foul when the skies are blue and sun is bright.
But as the weather of our national success worsens, and the clouds of confusion obscure our landmarks, there becomes a greater concern that we recognize what we are looking at. Because at this point, virtually every visible evidence of our flight path becomes critical to get our present bearing, and then return to the clear skies we came from.
How much more so this cancer for the generation that follows ours?
* * * * * * *
Please copy and paste these links into your browser if the links don't work:
*1 Christian form of Government 4 parts -
*2 The Christmas Star -
*3 Spirit of Error -
I see your reasoning quite clearly, but (big BUT) I see our Nation's troubles through a different "Looking Glass".
ReplyDeleteThis great country has been "spoiled" and become lethargic. Most do not seek to find out about anything any different than their own surroundings.
Simply stated: a family does not "feel" the impact of poverty or death or disability unless that very thing hits their household.
To further elaborate..."they" lead a life of indifference following ONLY those whom they call friends, advice. They can be grouped together as a common majority of the population in our great country, and I say this because there are so many in high political & business positions who will speak out in our churches & our schools and be applauded, and supported by their piers because they want a "piece of the pie" so to speak. They have been placed in these positions by inheritance or by popularity. Most are eloquent speakers. We follow them like little lambs in anticipation of what reward may be handed out to us just because we can call them our "friend" or "associate". It's the "Keep up with the Jones's" syndrome.
I recently watched an episode of the popular TV reality show "Undercover Boss". The CEO had risen from a family of stark poverty and now flew in his own private jet & staid at only 5 star hotels. He was so affected by the "real" conditions of the people who paid for his many luxuries that he broke down into tears many times during the taping of the show. HIS EYES had been opened, and he did make many changes in his company policies after the experience.
The moral of my story is that we have put the people who are out of touch with the real conditions in this great country in the position of leadership and until we as a majority step up and join hands to bring "real people" into our government we will continue to fail. I don't see this happening any time soon. (said with deep sadness & regret)
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Blount Cannon