Tuesday, January 25, 2011


post 155

It may be hard to see the continuity of my past several posts;
They may seem disjointed and unrelated, but they have been all structured to show a singular point.
Following these posts, as we think about the Healthcare debate before congress right now, we can see why it is so important to truthfully represent historical fact to maintain national stability.

Some quick recap of historically recent events regarding Healthcare;
• Congress pushed Healthcare on America.
• A significantly large outcry rose against it.
• Congress passed the bill anyway.
• America responded by a historic vote, changing control of the House of Representatives, sending a very strong message to congress.
• This new congress began enacting a retraction of this Healthcare bill.
• Now the remaining old representatives and congress are requiring to be met “half way” demanding an alternative healthcare bill suggestion.

For these new representatives to refuse, would be seen as a stubborn unwillingness to cooperate, and so they are strongly tempted to begin writing their own healthcare bill.

And just like that, a new era of socialism would begin at the hands of the new Republican Representatives!

THIS situation is the result of earlier corruption, and a forgetfulness of what existed before that corruption. This is a loss of sight of the goal.

That goal is not a rebellion against Healthcare,
but a search to discover if our Foundational documents even allow for national healthcare, reminiscent of Justice Marshall’s search to discover if the Supreme Court was allowed to act in the way they wished to act on behalf of the injured party before them.
Just as he pointed out then, It frankly does not matter if Congress wants to give us Healthcare or not, neither does it matter if the people of America want Healthcare or not.
This is not a Democracy.
This is a Republic of Law. Article 4 Section 4

Therefore the primary question must be; Does the constitution allow Congress to provide public healthcare?

Now after such a search is made, and lets assume for a moment that it is found that it does not allow it. And lets also assume for a moment that the majority of Americans want national Healthcare,
Congress cannot simply ignore the oppositions of the Constitution, to give the people what they want, but must lawfully ratify an amendment to the Foundational institution of the Constitution before passing such a law as healthcare.

If the people want national healthcare, they vote representatives into office who will initiate such an amendment which would then allow Congress to pass Healthcare bills lawfully.
This is a timely process for good reason.
The very foundation of our nation should not be tampered with for light and transient reasons. Therefore the grueling process would allow for debate, the resolution of questions, possible reconsideration, and investigation of potential problems and issues.

Then after the long and laborious effort, if the people still want national healthcare, and if the investigation does not expose significant consequences from the idea, then such an amendment can be lawfully ratified to change the nation’s foundation.
Article VI paragraph 3 “This Constitution, and …(any Laws ect.) of the United States which shall be made IN PURSUANCE THEREOF; … shall be the SUPREME LAW of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, ANY THING in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary NOTWITHSTANDING.” (capitalized emphasis added)

America is a Democratic form of governance in that the people choose their representatives,
but we are a Republican form of Government in that we have rock solid Law, greatly protected behind our Constitution, that cannot Lawfully be breached… by ANYONE.

Has it been breached before?
Yes many times.
These breaches include:
The making of law by the Judiciary. - Breaches Article 1 Section 1,8 and Article 4 Section 2.
Laws against religion. - Breaches The First Amendment, as well as the entire concept of the Constitution.
The Money Trust of 1910, and the Banking Act of 1933. - Breaches Article 1 Section 8,10
The Internal Revenue Service. - Breaches the intent of that role lying with Congress. - Breaches Article 1 Section 10
Paper currency - Breaches Article 1 Section 10
The Federal Welfare system. - Breaches the limitations of Congress. - Article 1 Section 8
And many other unlawful programs such as tarp and the purchase of private business.
And most of the 1000+ “laws” passed by Congress every year, who have forgotten the constitution grants them power to pass laws needful for the operation of government, not for the regulation of the people.

The process to allow for things not previously allowed by the Constitution is shown by the Income Tax Amendment.
Income tax is Fully in violation of Article 1 Section 9 until the passage of the 16th Amendment.
It seems to be properly enacted by the lawful means allowed by the Constitution in Article 5.
I will not here digress into the debate whether or not the 16th Amendment was properly ratified according to the rules laid out in Article 5 of the Constitution, But I include it here to show the proper process of lawfully altering the Constitution even if that alteration is 180 degrees opposite to the original intent and specific laws. *1

Breaches made by this present administration:
Failure to validate the man elected as President. Article 2 Section 1
Failure to protect our Nations borders. Article 1 Section 8, Article 4 Section 4
Denial of States to defend their own boarders due to Congress’s failure. Article 1 Section 10
Spending huge sums of monies with no accountabilities. Article 1 Section 9
And many others.
At this point it would be far easier to list the few laws and programs passed by Congress which DO NOT breach the Constitution.

Each of these breaches can be easily identified as such when the constitution is seen as a controlling document for the purpose of RESTRICTING the power of government. ANY THING in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary NOTWITHSTANDING.”
In simple terms; if it is not in conformity to this document, it has no authority as Law.

The corrupted interpretation of the allowances that result in these breaches, comes through ignoring the supremacy of the document in this RESTRICTING foundational role.
Just because these unlawful breaches have been made and tolerated, is no grounds to declare “precedent” when again attempting to make another breach.

At this point would it be possible to retract these programs?
Not likely. They are now cancer in America, accepted by the body as a healthy part of our national system to the point they are aggressively defended, yet in fact are a violation of our system and destroying us.

Most all cancers in the human body are a result of abuse of the system through ingestion, absorption or inhalation, over a long period of time.
Most all cancers in our nation are a result of abuse of our Constitution in the same conceptual ways.

The temptation of Healthcare is not the problem, but the provision of Healthcare BEFORE serious investigation to see if our system is designed to handle Healthcare.

I now wish to do some of my own investigation to test the waters of plausibility:

* * *
Does our foundational document, The United States Constitution, allow for the provision of National Healthcare?

The constitutional relevance to this issue is found in Article 1 Section 8 which very carefully identifies all the roles of Congress.
“The Congress shall have power to…” informs that unless it is included in the list of specifics that follow, Congress DOES NOT have power to…
This Article lays out the specific powers of Congress.
SO, can we find the provision of National Healthcare within this list of powers?

Lay and collect taxes… no.
Borrow Money… no.
Regulate Commerce among the several states… no.
Make Rules of Naturalization and Bankruptcies… no.
Coin money… no.
Punish counterfeiting… no.
Establish Post Offices and post Roads… no.
Promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts by specific means… no.
Set up Tribunals for inferior courts… no.
Deal with Piracy… no.
Declare War and such… no.
Raise and provide for Armies and a Navy… no.
Provide for the specifically designated activities of the Militia… no.
Create all Legislation over the District created as the seat of Federal government, and military sites… no.
And finally;
“To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or office thereof.”

This last one is not a generic clause as some see it. It is the authority to make specific laws. Those laws are exclusively for the fulfillment of the things in this list.

Then it says; “And all other powers…” what does that mean?
This clause is regarding the making of laws. It is congress who makes the laws regulating the judiciary, and administrations etc. All specifically identified in the Constitution. Congress then, by this clause has power to make laws which also regulate the operations of those agencies as well.
There are virtually no areas in which the congress is allowed to “run free” to make laws as it pleases for purposes beyond these specific duties.

Are you getting the idea?
This is a very very specific list of duties the Congress is to have.
This is THE list. (of course I conceptualized the intent of each topic for this writing)
Congress shall NOT have power to do anything NOT in this list.

Can anyone, anywhere, come up with something in this list that can be twisted to allow congress to provide National Healthcare?
So, how about a National Healthcare, which all people in this land are REQUIRED to purchase and use?
It is insane to suppose so!

To lawfully provide National Healthcare would take a foundational alteration of the Constitution by lawfully ratified Amendment allowed in Article 5.
But to do this, such an Amendment would need to alter the very DNA of the Constitution.
The two are virtually incompatable.

This constitution is a guarantee of Freedom through a Republican form of Government.
But America has ignored her Constitution for so long we have imagined ourselves to be a Democracy of emotional people free to make whatever rules or laws feel good at the time.
This was not the intent of the founders, and our Constitution was not written for this kind of Governance.

* * *

What are the implications of this?
That our socialist minded life we now live in America, is not the America we were given by our Founders.
Our Constitution is not for a socialist people, and cannot regulate a socialist government.
But we are now so fully socialist that the American people would have a collective heart attack if it was seriously suggested we must abandon all our socialist programs, for the purpose of restoring our nation to health.

Where are national parks?
Where is medicare?
Where is welfare?
Where are grants, or pork spending? or federally funded state programs?
NONE of these are permitted by the Constitution.
Congress was not created for providing the people with anything but protection.

America was created for a people to stand together, but on their own feet, not leaning on the provision of others, and not sucking from the teet of government.
The nation was great because people were free to be creative in their stand, and that creativity was blessed to abundance, allowing generosity.
The source of that greatness and abundance was the blessing of the God of nature, meaning; when you do things right, the result is good. That is a law of nature, written by nature’s God.

But America has forgotten all that now.
And frankly there is just no way Americans now dependent on government programs, will say; “No more!”

* * *

I eagerly say I am very impressed with many of our new Tea Party Representatives.
The more I see them in action of their intentions the more I like them.
There are some like Michele Bachmann who really seem to understand why she was voted into office.
But the second the American people realize what these Representatives must do in order to save this nation, there will be a far greater uproar than that which was against the lawless passage of Healthcare. (And this does not yet even approach the source solution.)

Because the average American has become self-serving and greedy but doesn’t think so.
America has not just fallen to many temptations, she is now committed to feeding her lust, thinking that lust is perfectly healthy.

Our problems in America are now far beyond Healthcare.
But the implementation of Healthcare is the establishment of a fully socialistic nation.
There are now politically no more barriers to full-on Communism.

Obama did succeed in fundamentally changing America, and whether we end up with healthcare or not is irrelevant, we have accepted the negotiations with its source.

Within a few short years America will be replacing our Constitution and obsolete form of Government with a new one. And why not? The one we have is never used and just in the way.

* * *
Do I sound defeated?
I am not defeated.
But these are the facts as they presently are.
IF you don’t want this for your children, it is not too late even now to change this course, but there are not several options. There is just one.
That is a return to the original intent, at the cost of luxury for this generation and even the next.
What was that original intent?

“It is rightly impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible” - George Washington

“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.” - John Adams

“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians”
- Patrick Henry

God said the same thing in a different way:
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14

A self-serving people want a government that provides for them, and votes socialist minded people into office.
A godly people accept the responsibility to provide for their own needs and wants.
A godly people are not socialist minded, and will not vote socialist minded people into office.
So if our government is full of socialists, who is to blame?
But do you really think you have done all your part by voting "the right people"?
If we stay politically inactive because "we voted right", then we are still socialist minded, expecting "them" to take care of that for us.

The solution for America's problem is a correction of individual, and consequently collective, perspective.
God offers such correction before slavery, but history shows those corrections usually come while in slavery.

* * * * * * *
*1 Original Constitution Article 1 Section 9 paragraph 3 "No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken."
Amendment Article XVI "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

1 comment:

  1. "There are now politically no more barriers to full-on Communism."
    WOW!!! What a bold statement.

    You are evidently referring to the Marxist version of "socialism". Or are you? I can't tell for sure and wish you would clarify both your understanding of the word "socialism" and of the word "communism". According to our own WikipediA definition, socialism has several meanings. I prefer the one about Democratic Socialism: ("Democratic socialism is often used in contrast to movements, such as Leninism, which resort to authoritarian means to achieve a socialist transition to Communism (i.e., "democratic centralism", "vanguardism", etc.) instead advocating for the creation of economic democracy by and for the working class")....that isn't the complete text from Wiki but enough, I think to get my point across.

    Again I see us as "little lambs" being led by the very rich corporations who have their hands in the pockets of our leaders. Take away the Lobbyists & the Electoral College & you remove the "money/power" of the very rich over our government.

    Too much "Glenn Beck" will keep us the "little lambs". He gives such one-sided views (all so eloquent & emotional & so well referenced) that he "has to be right" all the time....NOT SO!!! There is more to this country than Fox News...and I'm not saying CNN is the best either.

    I personally hope another Walter Cronkite (he was often cited as "the most trusted man in America")....(also a quote from Wiki) will magically appear on our news channels. Note the use of the word "magically" because of my tendency toward sarcasm, and feelings of helplessness to ever instill any kind of "hope" back into the people of this great country.

    I just don't see anyone opposing my view that we are a country of "working class" people holding the majority. I'm just trying to say that there are more working class people in the USA than there are in any other "class" of the entire population.

    So where are our voices in all this turmoil??

    Buried under a pile of "money"...THAT CAN BE REMOVED...and the hypnotic rantings of the "Glenn Becks" on our TV screens.

    Respectfully submitted,
    Sharon Blount Cannon


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