Part 2 ( part 1 The Great Whore)
post 175
I beg you to read this short section of
Zechariah 6:1-8 before continuing, because pre-reading it has profound impact on your
later understanding that you will not get if I just give you the answers first.
I realize you will not yet see how this post
relates to the Last World Empire, but I encourage you to read it on its own
merit, to be amazed at this secret science from the Creator, and discover later
how it ties in to prophecy!
* * *
Identifying the Four Spirits:
Zechariah 6:5 “And the
angel answered and said unto me, These are the four spirits of the heavens, (8064) which go forth from standing before
the Lord of all the earth.”
Quick overview:
In verse 1 we have two brass mountains from
between which come 4 chariots (with 5 various colored horses): Red, black,
white, grisled, and bay.
The brass mountains are an identifier for when and
how in the events these spirits come, but lets ignore those for the time to
look at the chariots.
Verse 5 tells us plainly that these chariots are
the 4 spirits of the heavens.
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance;
Heavens 8064 shamayim; dual of an unused singular shameh; from an unused root meaning to be lofty;
the sky (as aloft; the dual perhaps alluding to the visible arch in
which the clouds move, as well as the higher ether where the celestial bodies
Clearly meaning at least; the atmosphere,
troposphere, and stratosphere.
Troposphere: “(from Greek: tropein - to
change, circulate or mix) is the lowermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere.
Most of the weather phenomena, systems, convection, turbulence and clouds occur
in this layer, although some may extend into the lower portion of the
Stratosphere: “Little moisture enters
the stratosphere, so clouds are rare. Even though the stratosphere has complex
wind systems, violent storms don't occur there. Because the air temperature in
the stratosphere slowly increases with altitude, it does not cause convection
and has a stabilizing effect on atmospheric conditions in the region. Stability
generally limits vertical extensions of cloud and leads to the lateral
spreading of high cumulonimbus cloud with characteristic anvil heads. This
means that weather (in the form of clouds) is almost entirely confined to the
troposphere below. That's why airline pilots prefer to fly in the
So by identifying these same four spirits
elsewhere in scripture we can learn more about when they play their part, and
just what they do;
“And after these
things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the
four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the
sea, nor on any tree” Revelation 7:1
Interestingly these 4 angels hold the four winds
of the earth, not of the heavens. So are they different?
We already know by science that the global winds
of the earth, are found in the heavens as the word is defined in the original
Mark 13:27 also confirms they are the same; “And
then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the
four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of
Clearly both the heaven and the earth are
identified under the scope of the four angels of the winds.
By definition of the regions of their
responsibility, we see these are the same spirits as identified in the
Zechariah 6:5, Daniel 7:2 and Revelation 7:1.
Clearly the winds of the heavens are global.
Zechariah 6:5 identifies these spirits as going forth from standing before the
Lord of all the earth, therefore proclaiming that the winds of the earth are
controlled by spirits, which are directed by God.
It is here we should note that although there are
4 chariots representing 4 spirits, the horses of these chariots defined by
color represent 5 winds, and there are yet unknown numbers of horses for each
chariot, but at least 2 of each color due to the plural form of the word
All that to say, one spirit can have dominion over
more than one wind within his scope of authority, but all the winds (horses) of
each chariot (authority) can be scientifically categorized under one
controlling force.
This is prophetically important.
* * *
Identifying Their Job:
We learn in the following verse the purpose of the
four angels holding the four winds;
“…and he cried with a
loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the
sea,” Revelation 7:2.
It is indisputable that these angels use the winds
to hurt the planet, but for some reason the earth and sea are separated as
different. I suggest that we might discover although this global weather
"hurt" will actually occur, the hidden prophecy means the earth as
the planet, and the sea as the humanity (Isaiah 17:12).
But there are two ways in which this hurt might be
(I have since figured out theory 2 is correct. See post 200 The First Woe
(I have since figured out theory 2 is correct. See post 200 The First Woe
“And after these
things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the
four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the
sea, nor on any tree” Revelation 7:1.
Theory 1- Let loose the winds:
"And after" follows the incredible
events of the previous chapter which have yet to happen.
These four angels are described as holding the
four winds from blowing "after that". They then might unloose the
wind to do great damage to the earth and sea and trees. Immediately we think of
hurricanes and tornadoes, unleashed with God’s great fury.
The wording describes the angels successfully
holding the winds so that they do not blow anywhere, not even on any tree,
presumably in this theory “before
they let them loose”.
Though this holding back has never yet been
accomplished, might it one day come to pass? Scripture says it will.
But is the holding back a reprieve from the
blowing damage?
Zechariah 1:11 describes a time when by search the
earth is found to be “sitting still and at rest.” Could this also mean the winds themselves are still?
But the question must be asked; Can the earth be
at rest if the winds do not blow?
This thought extends into theory 2;
Theory 2- Hold the winds:
This verse can also be interpreted to mean that
the damage done will be as a result of the angels holding back the wind from
blowing at all.
How might this damage the earth?
If the main four winds of the earth we now know in
science, do not blow, the damage done will be unimaginable! The rains will not
come, the currents of the seas will be affected, the temperature of the air and
the sea will dramatically change, there will be much sea life die from
temperature change alone, not to mention the nutrients stop coming in the
currents. The ability of these spirits to hurt the trees by not blowing, can
mean nothing less that a lack of rain, which besides drought, results in fire.
Such a lack of blowing would be catastrophic to
the sea, the earth and the trees.
But so would extreme blowing such as the earth has
never seen.
I am leaning with uncertainty to the not blowing
theory, but either way the earth is damaged.
* * *
Investigating the earth’s winds:
Just Google “global winds” for lots of
I am no scientist, but I find it curious that the
non-religious scientific community recognizes 3 global wind cells; The Polar,
the Ferrel, and the Hadley.
I find it curious that 3 of the 4 chariots in
Zechariah 6 are described as going to specific locations (part of no. 4 wanders
“to and fro” but not up and down).
Considering that Israel is always the central
focus of scripture, lets examine these 3 winds of the earth related to the
geographic location of Israel:
(Look at the below map and find Israel located
just above the Horse latitude.)

Zechariah 6:6-7:
“The black horses
which are therein (chariot #2) go
forth into the north country; (Polar)
and the white (chariot #3) go forth after them; (Ferrel)
and the grisled (½ chariot #4) go forth toward the south
country. (Hadley)
And the bay (½ chariot #4) went forth, and sought to
go that they might walk to and fro through the earth: …” (random).
Note: the red horses of chariot #1 are missing
entirely. (Scripture is as amazingly complex as is the temporal reality which
it explains, this adds to the thrill of figuring it out.)
According to the location of Israel on the globe,
what we know of this description fits amazingly accurate! Since Israel is the
focus location, it is neither north or south, and the description of the white
horse (cell) over the region of Israel is simply; “they follow after those
going north”.
How else would you put it?
The passage speaks of “countries” as geographic
regions related to Israel, but also fits the global cycles of the earth’s winds
Science today refers to them globally as 3 cells,
though they are mirrored in the other hemisphere.
Likewise the biblical plural of horses
representing the winds, implies at least two of each color, suggesting a
further scriptural accuracy related to the redundant winds of both hemispheres.
* * *
Regarding the Mysterious Winds of the Missing
Red horses:
Zechariah 6:2 "In
the first chariot were red horses..."
and then we never hear of them again for the
remainder of the narration.
Jetstream: “A river of fast flowing air
at high altitudes above the earth that generally flows from west to east over
the mid-latitudes. The jet stream separates cold polar air from warmer air to
the south and generally "steers" surface features such as fronts and
low pressure systems."
FYI: I have learned that each hemisphere has two
jet streams; one between each weather cell, not that it matters much here
except when counting horses, but has significant meaning prophetically.
A great curious
read: NOAA on Jetstream - (
So while Jetstreams are the high altitude winds
that have a stabilizing affect on the cells beneath them, they are
scientifically independent from the 3 weather cells.
I am convinced that the winds of the Red horses
are the Jetstreams, and because of their extreme altitude, are generally viewed
as disconnected to events on the surface though very much influential.
Therefore they are identified in scripture as present but curiously left out in
the Zechariah narrative showing their location in reality as sort of secret.
For the hidden prophecy, the declaration of their
presence while missing in the narrative is significant. By leaving their
location out of the prophecy, it confirms them to be unique from the other 3
related cells, and suggests their actual location/relation as sort of
mysterious (Revelation 17:5).
This fits the intriguing description of these four
spirits in scripture very well.
The only remaining question is the identity of the
Bay Horse winds controlled by the angel also controlling the Hadley winds.
* * *
Regarding the Wandering Winds of the Bay
Why are the winds of the 4th chariot divided in
destination and shown by two different colors of horses? Some, the grisled
horses, going south as the Hadley cell, and some wandering “to and fro through
the earth” as the yet unknown winds of the bay horses.
Are the storm winds such as hurricanes, typhoons
and tornadoes all related to the Hadley cell of the south country? (equator)
and therefore are the Bay horses?
Zechariah 6:7 is almost comical in its repeating
that these winds wanted to walk back and forth, asked to walk back and forth,
got permission to walk back and forth, and so they walked back and forth.
Therefore there must be a significance causing
this to be included here with such diligence!
Storm Cells: "A storm cell is an
air mass that contains up and down drafts in convective loops, moves and reacts
as a single entity, and functions as the smallest unit of a storm-producing system." - (storm cells:
That is a pretty good description to fit our
Though storms seem independent, my limited
research suggests storms are produced by interaction between each of the three
related cells, But only in the region of the Hadley cells do we get such
independent storm cells “wandering to and fro through the earth” to the extent
that we keep a fearful eye on their wandering by actually tracking them! We
even name them!
This is good enough for me to accept that these
storm cells are significant enough to be the bay horses, under the fourth
angel, that ask and get permission to wander back and forth unpredictably doing
great violence.
It should be noted that these Bay Horse winds are
not a 5th chariot of the 4 winds, but are a significant portion of the 4th one
though kind of going to a 5th location. Shouldn't then the Bay Horse winds be a
group of their own with a chariot of their own? I will show in time that this
specific number and type is a prophecy which we will cover in the next post.
Remember too, the angels are not the winds, they
just control them. This is why the prophetic description shows chariots and
horses = controllers and winds.
In this way the angel of the last chariot can
manage 2 different kinds of winds within his “scope of authority” and so we see
confirmed the storm winds are directly related to the Hadley cell’s activities.
So in this discovery of just what the horses are,
and the science of what we know about global winds, I have come up with an
actual count of the horses in each chariot:
1st Chariot, 4 Red horses, Jet
streams, both Hemispheres
2nd Chariot, 2 Black horses, Polar
cells, both Hemispheres
3rd Chariot, 2 White horses, Ferrel
cells, both Hemispheres
4th Chariot, 2 Grizled horses, Hadley cells, both Hemispheres
4th Chariot
has unknown Bay horses, Independent
Storm cells
Am I suggesting I have some great wisdom to
uncover this long hidden truth?
Although I have not been able to find this
information taught anywhere, and had to “figure” this out on my own, I do find
it curious why the latitudes, between the weather circulation cells, are called
“Horse Latitudes”.
Google “horse latitudes etymology” for a whole
string of very weak theories as to how the name came about.
I am suggesting that when the brilliant minds
discovered these wind patterns “for the first time” they were men quite
familiar with scripture, and saw as I do, the incredible truth of reality the
ancient scriptures have been faithfully telling us! Perhaps those men actually
used the information here in scripture to discover the cells and patterns in
the first place.
I suggest that they named these latitudes in honor
of this ancient biblical truth, knowing that one day their faith would be
scrubbed from history but their hidden clues would remain, leading us back to
the knowledge of how they learned what they did! This is a Jordan Stone (I will
explain later).
What a thrilling study it has been to uncover like
an archeologist the secrets once known but now long buried. To find such wisdom
in the strange telling of Zechariah 6.
* * *
The point of the confusion:
This was all unarguably just a bunch of
Nostradamus-like mumbo-jumbo that could almost mean anything you wanted it to
when you pre-read it. But we have seen unfold a fascinating pre-written
accurate science of the weather systems of the Earth by the Creator himself
long before our science caught up, and this discovery is so accurate that the
mystery of the correct interpretation is finally revealed. Nostradamus cannot
do that!
Now if you pre-read it and found yourself utterly
confused, and then a great light of recognition came on by the interpretation;
that was the point of the pre-reading!
Jesus spoke in Parables because he wouldn't force
the people to understand.
"Therefore speak
I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not,
neither do they understand" Matthew
Jesus is not saying; "They want to know, but
I'm not going to tell them."
He is saying; "They don't want to know,
therefore I speak truth in parables to help them not know while still giving
the truth to those who do. The truth is there if they want it."
This is nothing new to Jesus and the New
Testament, Jesus himself only quoted the same idea from Isaiah;
"And in them is
fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias; which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and
shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: FOR (because) this people's heart is waxed gross,
and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes THEY have closed; LEST at
any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should
understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal
them" Matthew 13:14-15 (all cap
emphasis added).
Notice: It is the people who have closed their
own eyes for the purpose of not seeing.
They are hiding intentionally from being converted!
Let’s read that original passage in Isaiah because
it is alarming to me and should be alarming to the reader who, looking for easy
answers, gives up in confusion;
"Also I heard the
voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?
Then said I, Here am
I; send me.
And he said, Go, and
tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but
perceive not.
Make the heart of this
people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes;... Isaiah 6:8-10a.
Why is that?! The verse tells us as it continues:
Lest they see with
their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and
convert, and be healed"
Isaiah 6:10b.
This Isaiah passage continues on to explain God is
speaking of the Jews who have been blinded and cut off from the LORD, and we
know elsewhere this was so that us Gentiles could be grafted in.
But here is the scary part.
Suddenly with this knowledge the reader sighs with
big relief because for a moment he thought perhaps this passage was speaking
about him!
Jesus in Matthew WAS speaking about us.
God blinded the Jews, but we blind ourselves!
We are told that if we the unnatural branches fall
to the same dullness of the natural branches who were cut off, how much quicker
shall we be cut off too! (Romans 11:21) But Why!?
God is not interested in us having the right
answer with a wicked heart, for the very reason why we just want the right
answer so that we can retain our wicked heart!
Rather God is interested in our regeneration that
happens through searching until we find the right answer. The right answer
becomes the end of the mission, the mission is where the actual change takes
If winning the winter Olympics is the goal, then
there is a huge loss experienced when the award is won; The goal is
accomplished and now I am lost. This is the same condition as those who have
said the magic words and "accepted Jesus into their heart" but find
they are still lost and confused.
But if the activity is the love, then the gold at
the Olympics is just a nice landmark in the adventure.
We are so goal oriented that we just want someone
to fast track the struggle and tell us the answer so we can comply without the
This is the Lottery mentality that brings
destruction not success.
Jesus does indeed want us to arrive at the right
answer, but only by the correct process of restructuring our very minds and
hearts and eyes and ear of understanding (Romans 12:2).
It took me several weeks of earnest searching with
God to come to my understanding of this post passage, and that came after years
of preparation to be able to succeed at this study. Therefore I received a
great amount of growth by the effort that you did not get from me just telling
you the answer.
So if the answer is what you are seeking, you got
it now, and can go back to your ball game. The answer was anti-climactic.
But if finding that secret place in God is what
you are seeking, then my study will only be an exciting assist in your own
searching process already in progress.
This is one reason why this mystery is hidden in
this very strange way.
But so far, we have only revealed the secret
science of global weather.
There is also an entirely different secret
prophecy hidden here as well that directly relates to the last day Empire we
are watching rise today!
But I can't just tell it to you because there is
far too much understanding we still need to cover before it can make sense.
Another reason why this scientific information is
given to us in this strange way is because after learning the truth of all the
confusion, we can see how very accurate it is.
With this mental transition of understanding from
mumbo-jumbo to accurate message, we now have a sample of how other confusing
prophesies actually have very accurate messages as well.
This is like a cipher solved which we now have as
a tool to figure out the others!
Oh, I almost forgot:
I believe the two brass mountains are the sun and
the moon... in the context of the weather meaning, but this goes way beyond
But that is for another book.
* * * * * *
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