Post 158
Today in the news we watch as Egypt becomes the next nation in a growing list of countries who’s governments are melting down from an uprising of the people.
There is much speculation as to the causes and the resolutions as each nation becomes the headline of the day, and I do not wish to add my opinion to the many already out there.
But while sitting around the table at the local coffee shop, this was the topic of curiosity.
To those of us there, opinion was all that mattered because to us as we watch the news, the events had no impact on our lives this morning;
The menu was the same,
The temperature in the coffee shop was the same,
I still had the 75 cents needed to pay for my coffee.
In this way, the events we watch on the TV news are no different than the movies we also watch. It simply is not reality for those of us not involved in that region, and so other than the latest topic to have something to discuss, the problems in Egypt this morning only apply to the conversation until the topic turns toward; where we will ride our snowmobiles today? Or, Where we will locate our next wolf traps. Or, The new fog lights someone put on their pickup yesterday.
In the micro cosmic world we live in way out here in remote Alaska, the events of the national meltdown of a major nation of the world just doesn’t seem to matter.
But from a macrocosmic perspective, from a big picture understanding, this recent event in a growing list is quite significant.
Yet there is just no way to introduce a macrocosmic perspective into a microcosmic worldview.
Only when America finds itself suddenly on the list as the latest headline, will our people open their eyes enough to ask; How did that happen?
But by then, that will be the wrong question.
Revelation 17 shows us a great mystery.
But it is a macrocosmic mystery.
It plays out on a global scale.
If, like the guys around the table this morning, you don’t care about global events, then don’t bother to continue reading my blog, I don't think I have anything more for you.
But for those curious about the big picture of reality, hang on.
We are about to take one very wild ride into scriptural prophecy regarding near future events.
* * *
For some time now I have been wanting to turn the page on my blog to focus on the future, but until the concept is grasped that America is not the world, such a focus will have no effect.
The world will not end when America falls. Life here on this soil will continue though lifestyle will be dramatically changed.
This is the “change” Obama campaigned on and won the election on.
This is the change the Marxists have been setting up.
This is the change carefully crafted by the now identified “Progressives” who actually wrote down their designs in books like; “Rules for Radicals”, "Reclaiming Revolution" and “The Coming Insurrection” and revealed in books like; “The Creature From Jekyll Island” and “The Road to Serfdom”.
Small isolated events in this global meltdown have been carefully crafted by powerful men like George Soros, but the mastermind behind the macrocosmic big picture events is the Devil himself. George Soros is just a self-absorbed patsy, putty in the hands of his master even though he does not know it.
* * *
So what actually does the macrocosmic global future look like?
There are many signs that we are now in the days of the end which Daniel was told would be the time when the secrets of the words he wrote would be opened up and unsealed.
For those still with me, I would like to begin a biblical exploration to find out the meaning of those previously hidden passages if we can.
But as I do, I need to start off clarifying that we are now pushing into an area of interpretation.
The scriptures have been carefully crafted by the Maker to hide the details to ensure the foretelling of events don’t themselves make the events happen.
This is largely why a portion of prophecy has been written in strange representations and metaphorical figures.
The truth is written there, but can only be understood when the events begin to play out.
“And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?
And he (the unidentified messenger) said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.” Daniel 12:8-9 and also 13.
This is because the purpose of prophecy is not so we can change the future, but so we can believe God knows what he is talking about when we observe the events play out.
By having this confidence in God from prophecy fulfilled, we can have confidence in God for prophecy yet to be fulfilled. And the result is the ability to give ourselves confidently into the hand of God.
This is salvation: The re-arrangement of our mental processes and perspectives, to align with God.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Acts 16:31
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, ....” Romans 12:2a
I have spent the majority of the first half of my blog showing history and how ancient and modern history has fulfilled scripture prophecy perfectly.
I wish to use the authority of fulfilled prophecy to confidently believe prophecy of scripture yet to be fulfilled.
The only variable which cannot be eliminated is interpretation, but as the time of their fulfillment approach, the events in which we find ourselves make interpretation less necessary as the events themselves prove scripture.
The sudden meltdown of significant nations such as Greece and Egypt and America tend to support the notion that the time of fulfillment is here.
The problem becomes not a lack of scriptural support, but how to wade through the incredible volume of scriptural support.
IF you haven’t read the novel, who really cares about the climax to it all in the last chapter?!
But for those of you actually interested I will do my best to turn the water pressure down on the fire hose I will ask you to drink from.
Your homework?
Read and re-read Revelation 17.
Don’t try real hard to understand it, just read it and become familiar with what it says.
We will explore its meaning in time, and this is a good place to start.
(If you don't have a bible you can find one online located on the Home page of this blog under "Must Read Websites".)
* * * * * * *
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Post 157
Meaning absolutely no offense whatsoever, I could not have paid our friend Sharon to leave a comment that proves my point as well as the one she left on the previous post “False Hope”.
Sharon mocks documentation of facts, she needs no history, no science, logic, or reason to maintain her hope.
“I refuse to believe…” is not a statement of reason resulting from evaluation of the evidence, it is just a baseless, stubborn determination.
The facts, the history, the documentation have no effect on her hope.
I have well documented my understanding that the values of this man in the white house she "hopes" may be "that someone new", is in fact spawn of Hell.
I would ask her for her supporting documentation of her views, but she doesn’t believe in that stuff.
It has been rightly said; “You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not use reason to get into.”
* * *
So why then does the scripture promote hope at all?
At my count the scriptures refer to hope 140 times.
The word hope in the OT has 15 different definitions.
This is not a simple word, and so it is not hard to comprehend that there might be a difference between False Hope, and Hope that has merit.
It would be far too lengthy to provide here detailed explanation of the 15 various definitions of hope used in the OT, but fortunately for us, the New Testament uses only two definitions both of the same source;
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible:
Translated from the New Testament Greek
1679 elpizo; from 1680; to expect or confide.
1680 elpis; from a prime root elpo; (to anticipate, usually with pleasure); expectation (abstract or concrete) or confidence. [Other related words]; faith, hope.
In this definition as used in scripture, it is understood that with this hope is also attached a causality; a value that makes your particular hope reasonable. *1
This biblical hope has a specific expectation, expectation comes with support.
When an astronaut climbs aboard a rocket, it is with hope that the mission will result in a successful return to earth.
This hope is supported by years of complex scientific calculations based on even more complex understanding of the universe, combined with amazing engineering, skilled mechanics, extensive training and a careful evaluation of every possible factor until the conclusion is declared; “All systems Go.”
So where is there room for hope?
Because in every untested or dangerous venture there is always the unknown or uncontrollable factor.
This uncontrollable factor creates the potential for failure.
Once a venture (if possible) has been perfected until the danger is entirely removed, hope is also removed. The success is a certainty and there is nothing left to hope.
The degree of hope is therefore directly proportionate to the knowledge of control.
* * *
I am a wolf trapper.
I have spent a few years perfecting my skills, knowledge, and equipment.
And as a result, I now harvest more than I did when I started this venture.
But because I do not have full control, I cannot guarantee my success.
Therefore each time I go out on my trap-line, I “hope” I catch a wolf.
This hope is significant support which sustains my motivation to try even after I fail.
I had similar hope back when I started learning, so why did I not catch wolves then?
Trip after trip I failed, and day after day I returned empty.
But I had hope.
The hope was not the factor that determined if I would succeed or not.
Hope had virtually nothing to do with my success.
But was the significant factor which motivated me to continue the effort until I did succeed.
Knowledge and skill and equipment were the factors I increased, added to the variable factors I could not control, which made me eventually successful before I ran out of hope.
But if I expected hope to be the answer, I would have continued doing the same things over and over just waiting to catch a wolf because I believed in hope.
I might as well just stayed home watching TV and "hope" a wolf would jump into the back of my truck.
As I look back at my early days, I had such little knowledge, that I actually set wolf traps where there were no wolves.
All the hope in the world would never result in success.
Hope is only a tool which “fills in the gaps” of the uncontrollable, allowing us to push through until success is achieved. It is therefore vital that our hope is based on something actually worthy of counting on.
Hope must be based on SOMETHING, not on hope itself.
Now the astronaut is not brilliant enough to make a rocket, nor calculate the flight path. He therefore must have hope in the ability of those in whom he places his life.
Hope in nothing but hope has another definition; Insanity.
A humorous but accurate working definition of insanity is;
“Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.”
This is the definition of believing hope is all you need in defiance to history, logic, reason, science, and fact.
* * *
With this understanding of hope and its specific place in our determination to succeed, we can evaluate the hope of Abraham as show in Romans 4.
This passage is not informing us that Abraham did not practice the works of the law,
He did.
What this passage is telling us is that Abraham understood that his works, though having their place, did not cover the uncontrollable factors.
“For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God.” Romans 4:2
This verse tells us works are a good thing indeed, and have good results in this life, but have nothing to do with God’s part of it.
“For what saith the scripture? (the OT, the Tanakh) Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.” Romans 4:3
According to God’s perspective, Abraham’s righteousness was not found in his works, but in his believing God.
And the chapter continues for some verses showing just this thought, until we find ourselves at verse 13;
“For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham… through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.” Romans 4:13
Here in the general topic of faith in its role completely different than works, we are given a specific example of the existence of the Jewish nation and its eventual influence over the entire world though Abraham and the faith. *2 And for several more verses this topic is developed.
Until we arrive at 4:17 “(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth [makes alive] the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.”
Say what?
Without going into detail, Abraham and Sarah were both childless and very old.
Yet God promised Abraham he would be the father of many nations. (Genesis 22:17-18)
This verse tells us in hindsight, that Abraham believed God even though it was impossible.
And finally we get to the verse of this post topic.
“Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.” Romans 4:18
* * *
This hope of Abraham’s; was it baseless hope in nothing at all but hope itself?
The verse almost lets us think this.
“who against hope believed in hope…”
This tells us that even hope was hopeless in this case. Abraham's hope was even against hope. His hope could not even be supported by hope itself, let alone by science or facts.
So in every way Abraham had virtually no reason to hope, and yet he did hope even against the logical failure of hope itself.
What a fool!
But not quite.
What was Abraham's belief of hope actually hoping in?
Was Abraham’s hope based on nothing?
Abraham’s hope was based on a promise from God; "according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.”
His hope was completely based on belief in the promise of God and nothing else, for there was nothing else including hope that could support his hope.
ONLY the promise of God.
In this blogs vernacular; His hope was in the knowledge and experience and equipment of God not his own.
“And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither the deadness of Sarah’s womb:
he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
and being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able to perform.” Romans 4:19-21
THIS hope, was not hope in hope, because even hope had no hope.
This hope was an intellectually unreasonable belief in God, that if God said it, it was true, regardless of how impossible it was.
“And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.” Romans 4:22 (Genesis 15:6)
Now, if there is no God, this man was the most foolish man the planet had ever seen, because there was no possible support for his hope.
Such a godless hope (if there is no God) is the similar baseless hope of Sharon as she hopes America will recover under the Obama administration.
The nation has driven off the cliff; by the wholesale yet thinly veiled abandonment of the Constitution, and the unconscious national embrace of socialism, and the bankruptcy of our nation, and the rejection of our Christian foundation.
The hope to levitate our "national van" out of thin air and back onto the road, is to hope in a hope that has no hope.
But If there IS a God, the God of Abraham, then we have reason to hope in His promise and nothing else, even if that promise is to levitate the nation out of thin air, back onto the road in defiance of all science, and history, and logic, and reason… and hope.
and now we have new and deeper understanding of just such a fantastic promise by God:
“IF my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14
This promise is a promise of hope when hope is hopeless.
But look at the works that must accompany this promise. (just as Abraham's faith was accompanied by works)
The works are our part and the hope covers the gap of the uncontrollable which is God’s part. As our national van plummets through the air to the ocean below, just how effective do you think our part really is? “Move over, you’re not steering right!”
Yet God says we have a part, and we must put great diligence to getting our part right.
And steering our nation right is not even included in the works God expects from us!
At this point it is as hopeless as the guy behind the wheel vigorously and desperately turning it in a fruitless attempt to drive it back onto the road while we are plummeting through the air!
But as long as we are still trying to drive, we are neglecting our part of the works his promise requires;
Humility, prayer, seek God's face, and repent from our wicked ways.
This is our part.
Not a revision of Healthcare! Not a new negotiation with China! Not "Hope and Change" as promised by this administration!
But now, to add significant complication, our national leader, before the media of the world, publicly declared; “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation,…” *3
So the question must be asked; Does this promise even apply to us now?
“IF my people, which are called by my name…”
are we as a nation still called by his name if we publicly reject that title?
Are you starting to see why I have great fear for the life of America?
Mine is the same fear that our founders also had.
They at the beginning, and I at the end.
* * *
Now returning this thought of hope back to a personal application as it was for Abraham; Do you suppose "I sure hope God fixes my problems" will get you very far?
* * * * * * *
*1 "...and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you..." I Peter 3:15
*2 The original story of promise and events; Genesis 15-17
An interesting side note related to this verse and passage: the main thrust of Islam is world dominance.
Since at least the 7th century Islam has attempted to conquer the world through the forceful spreading of their faith.
The Holy Wars, and the creation of the United States of America are direct results of this Islamic effort. *4
Here in this chapter we see that God the Father has promised world dominance to Abraham and his seed, not through force of law as Islam strives for, but through faith.
Islam claims to be also the children of Abraham through Esau, and attempts to achieve the promise of world dominance by force of law.
But this is not what God has in mind.
THIS is why neither the Jew’s, or the Christian’s faith requires compliance.
We OFFER our faith to the world, but do not demand it.
Through faith we believe GOD will “arrange” the events that will bring about the faith across the globe when the Messiah comes.
But before he comes, scripture tells us the Anti-messiah will first appear and attempt to fulfill his dominance by force.
Islam’s Qur’an indicates their Mahdi will do this very thing. *5
Related Post 067 Help Hope Or Folly? -
*3 Not a Christian nation
Obama speech in Ankara Turkey
*4 With regret I have not yet developed the topic regarding the original cause for Columbus to sail to America. Until then I offer this portion of American history;
Treaty of Tripoli 1796
This treaty was made only 20 years after the creation of our fledgling nation.
And that, following a great battle against her former sovereign.
The new nation of America was in great need of the supplies and goods acquired in the Barbary regions, But as is the nature of Islam, the heavy Jizyah taxes and submissions were required.
This treaty was written in Arabic, heavily taxed, and greatly favored the Muslim nations, But at the time America had few options but to comply.
Note this document is strangely missing indication of any signature by anyone of the USA other than Barlow himself appointed by the President.
One must also note the date of the formation of the United States Marine Corps, 1775
The initial and primary purpose of the USMC was, as told in our Marine Corps Song; "From the halls of Montezuma, to the Shores of Tripoli, we will fight our nation's battles, on the land and on the sea..."
Breaking the oppressive hold of the Muslim authority over the trading nations was the job of the USMC.
Therefore sighting article 11 of this treaty as evidence America was not created as a Christian nation is folly and uninformed. - (excerpt from post 072 “What Makes A Christian Nation?”) - a Christian Nation -
*5 The Qur’an’s Mahdi (messiah) is the Bible’s Antichrist, and the Qur’an sees the Bible’s Messiah as the Antichrist (Dajjal). Chapter 49 “God’s War On Terror” by Walid Shoebat. This book is packed full of references both Qur’an and Bible showing the plethora of examples and explanation.
“you can’t imagine how I felt when I read the Bible and found so much that describes the Mahdi who I had learned so much about growing up (as a Muslim). The shock to me was that, while a character identical to my Mahdi was seen throughout the pages of the Bible, this character was not called “the Mahdi”, but rather “the Antichrist”. Were the prophets of the Bible Islam-aphobes? After all, the Mahdi to us Sunni Muslims was “The rightly-guided and awaited One.” Shi’a Muslims refer to him as Sahib Al-Zaman “the Lord of the Age.” This is exactly what the bible calls Satan: “the lord of the age” (II Corinthians 4:4)
You may think that this is simply a coincidence. Once I am done demonstrating the dozens of similarities between Islam’s system and that of the Antichrist, you will not be able to claim mere coincidence….” - Chapter 12 “God’s War On Terror”
Meaning absolutely no offense whatsoever, I could not have paid our friend Sharon to leave a comment that proves my point as well as the one she left on the previous post “False Hope”.
Sharon mocks documentation of facts, she needs no history, no science, logic, or reason to maintain her hope.
“I refuse to believe…” is not a statement of reason resulting from evaluation of the evidence, it is just a baseless, stubborn determination.
The facts, the history, the documentation have no effect on her hope.
I have well documented my understanding that the values of this man in the white house she "hopes" may be "that someone new", is in fact spawn of Hell.
I would ask her for her supporting documentation of her views, but she doesn’t believe in that stuff.
It has been rightly said; “You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not use reason to get into.”
* * *
So why then does the scripture promote hope at all?
At my count the scriptures refer to hope 140 times.
The word hope in the OT has 15 different definitions.
This is not a simple word, and so it is not hard to comprehend that there might be a difference between False Hope, and Hope that has merit.
It would be far too lengthy to provide here detailed explanation of the 15 various definitions of hope used in the OT, but fortunately for us, the New Testament uses only two definitions both of the same source;
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible:
Translated from the New Testament Greek
1679 elpizo; from 1680; to expect or confide.
1680 elpis; from a prime root elpo; (to anticipate, usually with pleasure); expectation (abstract or concrete) or confidence. [Other related words]; faith, hope.
In this definition as used in scripture, it is understood that with this hope is also attached a causality; a value that makes your particular hope reasonable. *1
This biblical hope has a specific expectation, expectation comes with support.
When an astronaut climbs aboard a rocket, it is with hope that the mission will result in a successful return to earth.
This hope is supported by years of complex scientific calculations based on even more complex understanding of the universe, combined with amazing engineering, skilled mechanics, extensive training and a careful evaluation of every possible factor until the conclusion is declared; “All systems Go.”
So where is there room for hope?
Because in every untested or dangerous venture there is always the unknown or uncontrollable factor.
This uncontrollable factor creates the potential for failure.
Once a venture (if possible) has been perfected until the danger is entirely removed, hope is also removed. The success is a certainty and there is nothing left to hope.
The degree of hope is therefore directly proportionate to the knowledge of control.
* * *
I am a wolf trapper.
I have spent a few years perfecting my skills, knowledge, and equipment.
And as a result, I now harvest more than I did when I started this venture.
But because I do not have full control, I cannot guarantee my success.
Therefore each time I go out on my trap-line, I “hope” I catch a wolf.
This hope is significant support which sustains my motivation to try even after I fail.
I had similar hope back when I started learning, so why did I not catch wolves then?
Trip after trip I failed, and day after day I returned empty.
But I had hope.
The hope was not the factor that determined if I would succeed or not.
Hope had virtually nothing to do with my success.
But was the significant factor which motivated me to continue the effort until I did succeed.
Knowledge and skill and equipment were the factors I increased, added to the variable factors I could not control, which made me eventually successful before I ran out of hope.
But if I expected hope to be the answer, I would have continued doing the same things over and over just waiting to catch a wolf because I believed in hope.
I might as well just stayed home watching TV and "hope" a wolf would jump into the back of my truck.
As I look back at my early days, I had such little knowledge, that I actually set wolf traps where there were no wolves.
All the hope in the world would never result in success.
Hope is only a tool which “fills in the gaps” of the uncontrollable, allowing us to push through until success is achieved. It is therefore vital that our hope is based on something actually worthy of counting on.
Hope must be based on SOMETHING, not on hope itself.
Now the astronaut is not brilliant enough to make a rocket, nor calculate the flight path. He therefore must have hope in the ability of those in whom he places his life.
Hope in nothing but hope has another definition; Insanity.
A humorous but accurate working definition of insanity is;
“Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.”
This is the definition of believing hope is all you need in defiance to history, logic, reason, science, and fact.
* * *
With this understanding of hope and its specific place in our determination to succeed, we can evaluate the hope of Abraham as show in Romans 4.
This passage is not informing us that Abraham did not practice the works of the law,
He did.
What this passage is telling us is that Abraham understood that his works, though having their place, did not cover the uncontrollable factors.
“For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God.” Romans 4:2
This verse tells us works are a good thing indeed, and have good results in this life, but have nothing to do with God’s part of it.
“For what saith the scripture? (the OT, the Tanakh) Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.” Romans 4:3
According to God’s perspective, Abraham’s righteousness was not found in his works, but in his believing God.
And the chapter continues for some verses showing just this thought, until we find ourselves at verse 13;
“For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham… through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.” Romans 4:13
Here in the general topic of faith in its role completely different than works, we are given a specific example of the existence of the Jewish nation and its eventual influence over the entire world though Abraham and the faith. *2 And for several more verses this topic is developed.
Until we arrive at 4:17 “(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth [makes alive] the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.”
Say what?
Without going into detail, Abraham and Sarah were both childless and very old.
Yet God promised Abraham he would be the father of many nations. (Genesis 22:17-18)
This verse tells us in hindsight, that Abraham believed God even though it was impossible.
And finally we get to the verse of this post topic.
“Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.” Romans 4:18
* * *
This hope of Abraham’s; was it baseless hope in nothing at all but hope itself?
The verse almost lets us think this.
“who against hope believed in hope…”
This tells us that even hope was hopeless in this case. Abraham's hope was even against hope. His hope could not even be supported by hope itself, let alone by science or facts.
So in every way Abraham had virtually no reason to hope, and yet he did hope even against the logical failure of hope itself.
What a fool!
But not quite.
What was Abraham's belief of hope actually hoping in?
Was Abraham’s hope based on nothing?
Abraham’s hope was based on a promise from God; "according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.”
His hope was completely based on belief in the promise of God and nothing else, for there was nothing else including hope that could support his hope.
ONLY the promise of God.
In this blogs vernacular; His hope was in the knowledge and experience and equipment of God not his own.
“And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither the deadness of Sarah’s womb:
he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
and being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able to perform.” Romans 4:19-21
THIS hope, was not hope in hope, because even hope had no hope.
This hope was an intellectually unreasonable belief in God, that if God said it, it was true, regardless of how impossible it was.
“And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.” Romans 4:22 (Genesis 15:6)
Now, if there is no God, this man was the most foolish man the planet had ever seen, because there was no possible support for his hope.
Such a godless hope (if there is no God) is the similar baseless hope of Sharon as she hopes America will recover under the Obama administration.
The nation has driven off the cliff; by the wholesale yet thinly veiled abandonment of the Constitution, and the unconscious national embrace of socialism, and the bankruptcy of our nation, and the rejection of our Christian foundation.
The hope to levitate our "national van" out of thin air and back onto the road, is to hope in a hope that has no hope.
But If there IS a God, the God of Abraham, then we have reason to hope in His promise and nothing else, even if that promise is to levitate the nation out of thin air, back onto the road in defiance of all science, and history, and logic, and reason… and hope.
and now we have new and deeper understanding of just such a fantastic promise by God:
“IF my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14
This promise is a promise of hope when hope is hopeless.
But look at the works that must accompany this promise. (just as Abraham's faith was accompanied by works)
The works are our part and the hope covers the gap of the uncontrollable which is God’s part. As our national van plummets through the air to the ocean below, just how effective do you think our part really is? “Move over, you’re not steering right!”
Yet God says we have a part, and we must put great diligence to getting our part right.
And steering our nation right is not even included in the works God expects from us!
At this point it is as hopeless as the guy behind the wheel vigorously and desperately turning it in a fruitless attempt to drive it back onto the road while we are plummeting through the air!
But as long as we are still trying to drive, we are neglecting our part of the works his promise requires;
Humility, prayer, seek God's face, and repent from our wicked ways.
This is our part.
Not a revision of Healthcare! Not a new negotiation with China! Not "Hope and Change" as promised by this administration!
But now, to add significant complication, our national leader, before the media of the world, publicly declared; “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation,…” *3
So the question must be asked; Does this promise even apply to us now?
“IF my people, which are called by my name…”
are we as a nation still called by his name if we publicly reject that title?
Are you starting to see why I have great fear for the life of America?
Mine is the same fear that our founders also had.
They at the beginning, and I at the end.
* * *
Now returning this thought of hope back to a personal application as it was for Abraham; Do you suppose "I sure hope God fixes my problems" will get you very far?
* * * * * * *
*1 "...and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you..." I Peter 3:15
*2 The original story of promise and events; Genesis 15-17
An interesting side note related to this verse and passage: the main thrust of Islam is world dominance.
Since at least the 7th century Islam has attempted to conquer the world through the forceful spreading of their faith.
The Holy Wars, and the creation of the United States of America are direct results of this Islamic effort. *4
Here in this chapter we see that God the Father has promised world dominance to Abraham and his seed, not through force of law as Islam strives for, but through faith.
Islam claims to be also the children of Abraham through Esau, and attempts to achieve the promise of world dominance by force of law.
But this is not what God has in mind.
THIS is why neither the Jew’s, or the Christian’s faith requires compliance.
We OFFER our faith to the world, but do not demand it.
Through faith we believe GOD will “arrange” the events that will bring about the faith across the globe when the Messiah comes.
But before he comes, scripture tells us the Anti-messiah will first appear and attempt to fulfill his dominance by force.
Islam’s Qur’an indicates their Mahdi will do this very thing. *5
Related Post 067 Help Hope Or Folly? -
*3 Not a Christian nation
Obama speech in Ankara Turkey
*4 With regret I have not yet developed the topic regarding the original cause for Columbus to sail to America. Until then I offer this portion of American history;
Treaty of Tripoli 1796
This treaty was made only 20 years after the creation of our fledgling nation.
And that, following a great battle against her former sovereign.
The new nation of America was in great need of the supplies and goods acquired in the Barbary regions, But as is the nature of Islam, the heavy Jizyah taxes and submissions were required.
This treaty was written in Arabic, heavily taxed, and greatly favored the Muslim nations, But at the time America had few options but to comply.
Note this document is strangely missing indication of any signature by anyone of the USA other than Barlow himself appointed by the President.
One must also note the date of the formation of the United States Marine Corps, 1775
The initial and primary purpose of the USMC was, as told in our Marine Corps Song; "From the halls of Montezuma, to the Shores of Tripoli, we will fight our nation's battles, on the land and on the sea..."
Breaking the oppressive hold of the Muslim authority over the trading nations was the job of the USMC.
Therefore sighting article 11 of this treaty as evidence America was not created as a Christian nation is folly and uninformed. - (excerpt from post 072 “What Makes A Christian Nation?”) - a Christian Nation -
*5 The Qur’an’s Mahdi (messiah) is the Bible’s Antichrist, and the Qur’an sees the Bible’s Messiah as the Antichrist (Dajjal). Chapter 49 “God’s War On Terror” by Walid Shoebat. This book is packed full of references both Qur’an and Bible showing the plethora of examples and explanation.
“you can’t imagine how I felt when I read the Bible and found so much that describes the Mahdi who I had learned so much about growing up (as a Muslim). The shock to me was that, while a character identical to my Mahdi was seen throughout the pages of the Bible, this character was not called “the Mahdi”, but rather “the Antichrist”. Were the prophets of the Bible Islam-aphobes? After all, the Mahdi to us Sunni Muslims was “The rightly-guided and awaited One.” Shi’a Muslims refer to him as Sahib Al-Zaman “the Lord of the Age.” This is exactly what the bible calls Satan: “the lord of the age” (II Corinthians 4:4)
You may think that this is simply a coincidence. Once I am done demonstrating the dozens of similarities between Islam’s system and that of the Antichrist, you will not be able to claim mere coincidence….” - Chapter 12 “God’s War On Terror”
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
False Hope
Post 156
I woke up this morning from an unusual dream.
Don’t read into this anymore than “just a dream”. We all have them, and this one was nothing more. But I believe this dream was due to several significant circumstances this week, all with direct application.
Please make a conscious effort to place yourself in my dream in order to get the significance for your own application, as well as for a secondary application for our nation. In this post I will be applying it primarily nationally:
I was passenger in a van with several friends. We were happily driving on an abandon secondary road high in the tropical mountains of some undefined island location.
The thick tropical trees were overgrowing the road and brushing against both sides of the truck as we bounced along at a good pace.
I was leaning out of the window trying to grab wild fruit from periodic trees as we drove.
Everyone was laughing and having a fun time enjoying the experience.
Ahead was a tree with large fruit leaning into the road even more than most. I was sure I could get one of these.
As we pushed through the tree I almost had one in my hand, when the road made a sharp turn to the right, but not seeing the turn in time, the van drove straight…
Right off a cliff into the air 6000 feet above the ocean.
And for a second, time seemed to stop.
I saw the driver aggressively turning the steering wheel in the fleeting fruitless panic to return to the road.
I saw the girl sitting next to me frozen with a sheer look of blank terror.
I heard the guy behind the driver thumping the side of the van and seat as he randomly thrashed around grabbing at nothing like a cat just run over in the street.
And in my own mind I was grasping at the reality that we really did just drive off a cliff.
I had that sick feeling of “this can’t be real” as I saw through the windshield the ocean still very far away.
Then time returned to normal, and in a single second I mentally evaluated all the possibilities;
Do I stay in the van and ride it down?
Do I open the door and freefall with my skydiving experience?
Do I look in the cargo and try to make a parachute out of a tarp and rope?
How do I help those in the van with me?
What are our best chances in the variety of options?
All of these possible options always resulted in the same outcome;
And then I woke.
* * *
Now thinking about this incident, what do you see if viewed from the perspective of a bystander walking along the road?
He does not know us in the van. He has no personal connection to the incident.
He saw a van drive off the cliff and plunge thousands of feet into the ocean.
It didn’t change his life in the least.
The event was not a process, but a moment in time.
It was a tragic car wreck, plain and simple.
From his perspective those people died the moment they left the road. And he would be right… plus about 2.6 minutes. Whatever they did in the van for those last moments made no difference in the least, just as if they did nothing at all.
But for those of us in the van, those 2.6 minutes is a lifetime!
Analyzing that time in slow-motion for evaluation purposes, there was a lot going on in that 2.6 minutes. Or was it 2.5?
There were whole lives lived in that time.
Evaluations made, actions put forth, things rejected and things tried.
Those of us in the van were not willing to just say; “That’s it, I’m dead.”
We had to live to the very last moment attempting to beat the odds, or at least make our odds better, no matter how slim they were, we had to try.
The answer is; “Hope”
* * *
Now what good would it do to start screaming; “WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!”?
This helps no one, regardless of how true it is.
Many people, and I think perhaps most, would rather ignore the obvious and stay Busy trying; "something”.
And why not? It certainly can’t hurt... or can it?
Blame is something many like to keep themselves occupied with in such a time;
Whose fault was it?
Was it me who distracted everyone?
Was it the highway department for letting that tree grow obscuring the road?
Was it the driver, who should have taken more caution?
And then there is the Regrets that people cling to;
IF only I had stayed home and mowed the lawn.
IF only we had decided to take the other fork.
IF only I had been able to get the fruit, we might have stopped.
And we finish the list with Denial.
With all these variables there is still only one outcome.
But hope keeps us going, while blame, regret and denial help us ignore reality.
Hope can be a good thing, and a very powerful motivator.
But more often than not, hope is a false security. Hope has a way of ignoring all the facts, all the history, all the conditions, all reason.
Hope needs no support.
Hope; from Greek elpis; (to anticipate, usually with pleasure); expectation (abstract or concrete) confidence.
* * *
And here is where it finally all comes clear to me.
I have been writing my blog with a big picture in mind, which I have been attempting to show one brushstroke at a time.
But the reader, unable to yet see the big picture, reads my blog as promoting hopelessness.
The nature of a blog is for an isolated random thought, and few take the time to read back even half a dozen posts, let alone the 150 I have used to develop my thought.
So many might see my blog as screaming; “WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!”
This is not the picture I am painting, but I can see how it looks like that right now.
And now I understand why all the facts, all the documentation, all the evidence, all the history, all the logic and reasoning makes no difference.
Because Hope needs no support. Hope can ignore all the evidence to the contrary.
And when all seems lost, we cling to hope.
I realize I have been painting a very bleak picture of doom.
And there is far more canvas and paint available to make the bleak picture bigger, with more detail.
But at this point what’s the use?
You get the idea.
You see enough evidence to grasp reality if you want to.
We can all see the ocean far below through the windshield of our national van as we plummet to the end.
* * *
This week I was called out to recover the body of a local man I know, who was cross country skiing with a friend and suddenly died of an apparent heart attack.
In his van of life he was happily driving along and then wasn’t.
* * *
Last night I got a call from a woman friend who said her husband wants a divorce.
And suddenly her familiar life comes crashing in on her.
In her van of marriage she was safely driving along and then wasn’t.
* * *
What is your scenario?
For most of us, life is showing us the signs that things are coming unraveled.
But we keep driving along oblivious to the dangers ahead.
After your van leaves the road is the wrong time to try and fix the problems.
It is the wrong time to use caution.
It is the wrong time to try solutions.
It is the wrong time to listen to reason.
This is reality in a very harsh way.
I want in the strongest way to quote scripture that promises hope and help and good things for America. I know lots of those passages.
But what I get from God for America are very dark and fearful passages.
“Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up a cry or prayer for them: for I will not hear them in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble.” Jeremiah 11:14
The book of Jeremiah was written to the Jewish people as a warning for their evil ways, and the consequences that would follow if they did not repent.
But it is also a universal truth.
Any nation that takes this same path will face the same events.
Jeremiah 12:14-17 identifies this inclusion and ends with;
“But if they will not obey, I will utterly pluck up and destroy that nation, saith the LORD”
America has driven her van off the cliff.
The reason is at this time irrelevant.
Who is at fault is also irrelevant.
Thoughts of regret only obscure the observation of reality.
And so as a nation we continue in action because of hope. But hope in what?
Reality shows that there is no action that can now change the inevitable outcome.
Only ignorance of the real facts would allow denial.
It is time to personally forget these useless struggles of turning the steering wheel,
The time to turn all our attention into action to keep the van on the road is past.
As long as this present life is all you can see, then the doom is very black indeed, and hope is all you have to cling to. And you get angry with me for pointing out the dire situation.
For those of us in the van of my dream, death was a soon and sure result.
But life does not end there.
In the scenario of the van full of people, they have an after life they will soon enter.
In the scenario of the ruined marriage, there is a different, single life that comes next.
In the scenario of a nation’s end, there is life still lived in a different circumstance under a different government.
This is the point and focus of my blog; preparation for this next life.
I am looking into the future to a true hope with a solid promise; "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."(a pre-planned result) Jeremiah 29:11
But as long as you cling so tightly to empty hope of surviving this life, you cannot prepare for the next one. it is to these "clingers" that God refuses to hear when their 2.6 minutes come.
The point of the dream is true in all cases, with somewhat different applications yet all similar.
Life goes on, though in a way that cannot at this time be seen or understood.
And in each scenario the proper action is surprisingly the same;
The primary attention to your relationship with your Creator nearly to the exclusion of everything else until the chips finish falling.
The reason why the right reaction is the same in all cases, is because the cause was also the same in all cases;
• A man dies as all men do, because of Adam's original sin. Death came into the world because of sin.
• A nation falls because of corruption and destructive sin.
• A marriage ends because of selfish sin.
Sin: from Greek hamartano; "to miss the mark".
We saw previously in James 1, that sin is the result of giving in to temptation. Death is the natural result; death of a life, death of a marriage, death of a nation.
All decay, ruin, and death are a result of “missing the mark”, i.e. sin.
The Creator gave us a handbook user-guide which must be neglected for the production of resulting sin.
Therefore the answer in all cases is to turn toward the Creator and re-align the thinking to His values, His instruction, His perspective.
He calls this Repentance.
Repent: from Greek metanoeo; to think differently or afterward; i.e. reconsider, to morally feel compunction.
And even in the last moments, repentance can be made and accepted as preparation for entering the next phase, even though that phase is; divorced, or slavery, or physical death.
But to return to the way things were, is not the goal.
That time is passed.
There are new things coming.
And there is only metaphorically 2.6 minutes left in which to prepare.
“(for he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)” II Corinthians 6:2
* * *
For many of us personally today, the van has not yet left the road though we are ever driving closer to that moment.
In the fun and activity of life, it is hard to take the time to contemplate where you are actually going.
But there are times, moments, when life gives you a slow spot such as right now, when you have the chance to take action in serious contemplation regarding that destination.
As you suddenly find yourself in the last few seconds of life, freefalling to your death, is probably not a convenient time to seriously seek out the God you always knew was there, but were too busy to get to know.
I find it very comforting to have experienced in my dream a confirming peace that I have a current and blame free relationship with my Creator now. So that in the moment of crisis I am not scrambling to double check potential problems that might result in eternal consequences.
After all, just how focused can you be when you are suddenly gripping your chest and things begin to go black in that last 2.6 minutes?
Preoccupation with false hope will only result in keeping you from facing reality until it is too late.
* * * * * * *
It is to be understood that a metaphorically applied dream is far simpler than the complications of reality.
I am not suggesting the abandonment of efforts to save the nation.
Only a re-prioritization of personal accountability to the Maker, and the recognition that the state of the nation is merely a bi-product of the individual condition applied collectively.
God has little concern for nations other than as part of his grand plan.
His greater concern is the individuals of those nations.
If He cannot win our hearts through blessing, He will resort to the suffering that comes by our own hands as he pulls away.
If He yet cannot win our hearts through suffering, He will abandon us to our own will as we demand.
This is why the Children of Israel suffer as they have,
And this is why America will suffer as it will.
I woke up this morning from an unusual dream.
Don’t read into this anymore than “just a dream”. We all have them, and this one was nothing more. But I believe this dream was due to several significant circumstances this week, all with direct application.
Please make a conscious effort to place yourself in my dream in order to get the significance for your own application, as well as for a secondary application for our nation. In this post I will be applying it primarily nationally:
I was passenger in a van with several friends. We were happily driving on an abandon secondary road high in the tropical mountains of some undefined island location.
The thick tropical trees were overgrowing the road and brushing against both sides of the truck as we bounced along at a good pace.
I was leaning out of the window trying to grab wild fruit from periodic trees as we drove.
Everyone was laughing and having a fun time enjoying the experience.
Ahead was a tree with large fruit leaning into the road even more than most. I was sure I could get one of these.
As we pushed through the tree I almost had one in my hand, when the road made a sharp turn to the right, but not seeing the turn in time, the van drove straight…
Right off a cliff into the air 6000 feet above the ocean.
And for a second, time seemed to stop.
I saw the driver aggressively turning the steering wheel in the fleeting fruitless panic to return to the road.
I saw the girl sitting next to me frozen with a sheer look of blank terror.
I heard the guy behind the driver thumping the side of the van and seat as he randomly thrashed around grabbing at nothing like a cat just run over in the street.
And in my own mind I was grasping at the reality that we really did just drive off a cliff.
I had that sick feeling of “this can’t be real” as I saw through the windshield the ocean still very far away.
Then time returned to normal, and in a single second I mentally evaluated all the possibilities;
Do I stay in the van and ride it down?
Do I open the door and freefall with my skydiving experience?
Do I look in the cargo and try to make a parachute out of a tarp and rope?
How do I help those in the van with me?
What are our best chances in the variety of options?
All of these possible options always resulted in the same outcome;
And then I woke.
* * *
Now thinking about this incident, what do you see if viewed from the perspective of a bystander walking along the road?
He does not know us in the van. He has no personal connection to the incident.
He saw a van drive off the cliff and plunge thousands of feet into the ocean.
It didn’t change his life in the least.
The event was not a process, but a moment in time.
It was a tragic car wreck, plain and simple.
From his perspective those people died the moment they left the road. And he would be right… plus about 2.6 minutes. Whatever they did in the van for those last moments made no difference in the least, just as if they did nothing at all.
But for those of us in the van, those 2.6 minutes is a lifetime!
Analyzing that time in slow-motion for evaluation purposes, there was a lot going on in that 2.6 minutes. Or was it 2.5?
There were whole lives lived in that time.
Evaluations made, actions put forth, things rejected and things tried.
Those of us in the van were not willing to just say; “That’s it, I’m dead.”
We had to live to the very last moment attempting to beat the odds, or at least make our odds better, no matter how slim they were, we had to try.
The answer is; “Hope”
* * *
Now what good would it do to start screaming; “WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!”?
This helps no one, regardless of how true it is.
Many people, and I think perhaps most, would rather ignore the obvious and stay Busy trying; "something”.
And why not? It certainly can’t hurt... or can it?
Blame is something many like to keep themselves occupied with in such a time;
Whose fault was it?
Was it me who distracted everyone?
Was it the highway department for letting that tree grow obscuring the road?
Was it the driver, who should have taken more caution?
And then there is the Regrets that people cling to;
IF only I had stayed home and mowed the lawn.
IF only we had decided to take the other fork.
IF only I had been able to get the fruit, we might have stopped.
And we finish the list with Denial.
With all these variables there is still only one outcome.
But hope keeps us going, while blame, regret and denial help us ignore reality.
Hope can be a good thing, and a very powerful motivator.
But more often than not, hope is a false security. Hope has a way of ignoring all the facts, all the history, all the conditions, all reason.
Hope needs no support.
Hope; from Greek elpis; (to anticipate, usually with pleasure); expectation (abstract or concrete) confidence.
* * *
And here is where it finally all comes clear to me.
I have been writing my blog with a big picture in mind, which I have been attempting to show one brushstroke at a time.
But the reader, unable to yet see the big picture, reads my blog as promoting hopelessness.
The nature of a blog is for an isolated random thought, and few take the time to read back even half a dozen posts, let alone the 150 I have used to develop my thought.
So many might see my blog as screaming; “WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!”
This is not the picture I am painting, but I can see how it looks like that right now.
And now I understand why all the facts, all the documentation, all the evidence, all the history, all the logic and reasoning makes no difference.
Because Hope needs no support. Hope can ignore all the evidence to the contrary.
And when all seems lost, we cling to hope.
I realize I have been painting a very bleak picture of doom.
And there is far more canvas and paint available to make the bleak picture bigger, with more detail.
But at this point what’s the use?
You get the idea.
You see enough evidence to grasp reality if you want to.
We can all see the ocean far below through the windshield of our national van as we plummet to the end.
* * *
This week I was called out to recover the body of a local man I know, who was cross country skiing with a friend and suddenly died of an apparent heart attack.
In his van of life he was happily driving along and then wasn’t.
* * *
Last night I got a call from a woman friend who said her husband wants a divorce.
And suddenly her familiar life comes crashing in on her.
In her van of marriage she was safely driving along and then wasn’t.
* * *
What is your scenario?
For most of us, life is showing us the signs that things are coming unraveled.
But we keep driving along oblivious to the dangers ahead.
After your van leaves the road is the wrong time to try and fix the problems.
It is the wrong time to use caution.
It is the wrong time to try solutions.
It is the wrong time to listen to reason.
This is reality in a very harsh way.
I want in the strongest way to quote scripture that promises hope and help and good things for America. I know lots of those passages.
But what I get from God for America are very dark and fearful passages.
“Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up a cry or prayer for them: for I will not hear them in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble.” Jeremiah 11:14
The book of Jeremiah was written to the Jewish people as a warning for their evil ways, and the consequences that would follow if they did not repent.
But it is also a universal truth.
Any nation that takes this same path will face the same events.
Jeremiah 12:14-17 identifies this inclusion and ends with;
“But if they will not obey, I will utterly pluck up and destroy that nation, saith the LORD”
America has driven her van off the cliff.
The reason is at this time irrelevant.
Who is at fault is also irrelevant.
Thoughts of regret only obscure the observation of reality.
And so as a nation we continue in action because of hope. But hope in what?
Reality shows that there is no action that can now change the inevitable outcome.
Only ignorance of the real facts would allow denial.
It is time to personally forget these useless struggles of turning the steering wheel,
The time to turn all our attention into action to keep the van on the road is past.
As long as this present life is all you can see, then the doom is very black indeed, and hope is all you have to cling to. And you get angry with me for pointing out the dire situation.
For those of us in the van of my dream, death was a soon and sure result.
But life does not end there.
In the scenario of the van full of people, they have an after life they will soon enter.
In the scenario of the ruined marriage, there is a different, single life that comes next.
In the scenario of a nation’s end, there is life still lived in a different circumstance under a different government.
This is the point and focus of my blog; preparation for this next life.
I am looking into the future to a true hope with a solid promise; "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."(a pre-planned result) Jeremiah 29:11
But as long as you cling so tightly to empty hope of surviving this life, you cannot prepare for the next one. it is to these "clingers" that God refuses to hear when their 2.6 minutes come.
The point of the dream is true in all cases, with somewhat different applications yet all similar.
Life goes on, though in a way that cannot at this time be seen or understood.
And in each scenario the proper action is surprisingly the same;
The primary attention to your relationship with your Creator nearly to the exclusion of everything else until the chips finish falling.
The reason why the right reaction is the same in all cases, is because the cause was also the same in all cases;
• A man dies as all men do, because of Adam's original sin. Death came into the world because of sin.
• A nation falls because of corruption and destructive sin.
• A marriage ends because of selfish sin.
Sin: from Greek hamartano; "to miss the mark".
We saw previously in James 1, that sin is the result of giving in to temptation. Death is the natural result; death of a life, death of a marriage, death of a nation.
All decay, ruin, and death are a result of “missing the mark”, i.e. sin.
The Creator gave us a handbook user-guide which must be neglected for the production of resulting sin.
Therefore the answer in all cases is to turn toward the Creator and re-align the thinking to His values, His instruction, His perspective.
He calls this Repentance.
Repent: from Greek metanoeo; to think differently or afterward; i.e. reconsider, to morally feel compunction.
And even in the last moments, repentance can be made and accepted as preparation for entering the next phase, even though that phase is; divorced, or slavery, or physical death.
But to return to the way things were, is not the goal.
That time is passed.
There are new things coming.
And there is only metaphorically 2.6 minutes left in which to prepare.
“(for he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)” II Corinthians 6:2
* * *
For many of us personally today, the van has not yet left the road though we are ever driving closer to that moment.
In the fun and activity of life, it is hard to take the time to contemplate where you are actually going.
But there are times, moments, when life gives you a slow spot such as right now, when you have the chance to take action in serious contemplation regarding that destination.
As you suddenly find yourself in the last few seconds of life, freefalling to your death, is probably not a convenient time to seriously seek out the God you always knew was there, but were too busy to get to know.
I find it very comforting to have experienced in my dream a confirming peace that I have a current and blame free relationship with my Creator now. So that in the moment of crisis I am not scrambling to double check potential problems that might result in eternal consequences.
After all, just how focused can you be when you are suddenly gripping your chest and things begin to go black in that last 2.6 minutes?
Preoccupation with false hope will only result in keeping you from facing reality until it is too late.
* * * * * * *
It is to be understood that a metaphorically applied dream is far simpler than the complications of reality.
I am not suggesting the abandonment of efforts to save the nation.
Only a re-prioritization of personal accountability to the Maker, and the recognition that the state of the nation is merely a bi-product of the individual condition applied collectively.
God has little concern for nations other than as part of his grand plan.
His greater concern is the individuals of those nations.
If He cannot win our hearts through blessing, He will resort to the suffering that comes by our own hands as he pulls away.
If He yet cannot win our hearts through suffering, He will abandon us to our own will as we demand.
This is why the Children of Israel suffer as they have,
And this is why America will suffer as it will.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
post 155
It may be hard to see the continuity of my past several posts;
They may seem disjointed and unrelated, but they have been all structured to show a singular point.
Following these posts, as we think about the Healthcare debate before congress right now, we can see why it is so important to truthfully represent historical fact to maintain national stability.
Some quick recap of historically recent events regarding Healthcare;
• Congress pushed Healthcare on America.
• A significantly large outcry rose against it.
• Congress passed the bill anyway.
• America responded by a historic vote, changing control of the House of Representatives, sending a very strong message to congress.
• This new congress began enacting a retraction of this Healthcare bill.
• Now the remaining old representatives and congress are requiring to be met “half way” demanding an alternative healthcare bill suggestion.
For these new representatives to refuse, would be seen as a stubborn unwillingness to cooperate, and so they are strongly tempted to begin writing their own healthcare bill.
And just like that, a new era of socialism would begin at the hands of the new Republican Representatives!
THIS situation is the result of earlier corruption, and a forgetfulness of what existed before that corruption. This is a loss of sight of the goal.
That goal is not a rebellion against Healthcare,
but a search to discover if our Foundational documents even allow for national healthcare, reminiscent of Justice Marshall’s search to discover if the Supreme Court was allowed to act in the way they wished to act on behalf of the injured party before them.
Just as he pointed out then, It frankly does not matter if Congress wants to give us Healthcare or not, neither does it matter if the people of America want Healthcare or not.
This is not a Democracy.
This is a Republic of Law. Article 4 Section 4
Therefore the primary question must be; Does the constitution allow Congress to provide public healthcare?
Now after such a search is made, and lets assume for a moment that it is found that it does not allow it. And lets also assume for a moment that the majority of Americans want national Healthcare,
Congress cannot simply ignore the oppositions of the Constitution, to give the people what they want, but must lawfully ratify an amendment to the Foundational institution of the Constitution before passing such a law as healthcare.
If the people want national healthcare, they vote representatives into office who will initiate such an amendment which would then allow Congress to pass Healthcare bills lawfully.
This is a timely process for good reason.
The very foundation of our nation should not be tampered with for light and transient reasons. Therefore the grueling process would allow for debate, the resolution of questions, possible reconsideration, and investigation of potential problems and issues.
Then after the long and laborious effort, if the people still want national healthcare, and if the investigation does not expose significant consequences from the idea, then such an amendment can be lawfully ratified to change the nation’s foundation.
Article VI paragraph 3 “This Constitution, and …(any Laws ect.) of the United States which shall be made IN PURSUANCE THEREOF; … shall be the SUPREME LAW of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, ANY THING in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary NOTWITHSTANDING.” (capitalized emphasis added)
America is a Democratic form of governance in that the people choose their representatives,
but we are a Republican form of Government in that we have rock solid Law, greatly protected behind our Constitution, that cannot Lawfully be breached… by ANYONE.
Has it been breached before?
Yes many times.
These breaches include:
The making of law by the Judiciary. - Breaches Article 1 Section 1,8 and Article 4 Section 2.
Laws against religion. - Breaches The First Amendment, as well as the entire concept of the Constitution.
The Money Trust of 1910, and the Banking Act of 1933. - Breaches Article 1 Section 8,10
The Internal Revenue Service. - Breaches the intent of that role lying with Congress. - Breaches Article 1 Section 10
Paper currency - Breaches Article 1 Section 10
The Federal Welfare system. - Breaches the limitations of Congress. - Article 1 Section 8
And many other unlawful programs such as tarp and the purchase of private business.
And most of the 1000+ “laws” passed by Congress every year, who have forgotten the constitution grants them power to pass laws needful for the operation of government, not for the regulation of the people.
The process to allow for things not previously allowed by the Constitution is shown by the Income Tax Amendment.
Income tax is Fully in violation of Article 1 Section 9 until the passage of the 16th Amendment.
It seems to be properly enacted by the lawful means allowed by the Constitution in Article 5.
I will not here digress into the debate whether or not the 16th Amendment was properly ratified according to the rules laid out in Article 5 of the Constitution, But I include it here to show the proper process of lawfully altering the Constitution even if that alteration is 180 degrees opposite to the original intent and specific laws. *1
Breaches made by this present administration:
Failure to validate the man elected as President. Article 2 Section 1
Failure to protect our Nations borders. Article 1 Section 8, Article 4 Section 4
Denial of States to defend their own boarders due to Congress’s failure. Article 1 Section 10
Spending huge sums of monies with no accountabilities. Article 1 Section 9
And many others.
At this point it would be far easier to list the few laws and programs passed by Congress which DO NOT breach the Constitution.
Each of these breaches can be easily identified as such when the constitution is seen as a controlling document for the purpose of RESTRICTING the power of government. ANY THING in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary NOTWITHSTANDING.”
In simple terms; if it is not in conformity to this document, it has no authority as Law.
The corrupted interpretation of the allowances that result in these breaches, comes through ignoring the supremacy of the document in this RESTRICTING foundational role.
Just because these unlawful breaches have been made and tolerated, is no grounds to declare “precedent” when again attempting to make another breach.
At this point would it be possible to retract these programs?
Not likely. They are now cancer in America, accepted by the body as a healthy part of our national system to the point they are aggressively defended, yet in fact are a violation of our system and destroying us.
Most all cancers in the human body are a result of abuse of the system through ingestion, absorption or inhalation, over a long period of time.
Most all cancers in our nation are a result of abuse of our Constitution in the same conceptual ways.
The temptation of Healthcare is not the problem, but the provision of Healthcare BEFORE serious investigation to see if our system is designed to handle Healthcare.
I now wish to do some of my own investigation to test the waters of plausibility:
* * *
Does our foundational document, The United States Constitution, allow for the provision of National Healthcare?
The constitutional relevance to this issue is found in Article 1 Section 8 which very carefully identifies all the roles of Congress.
“The Congress shall have power to…” informs that unless it is included in the list of specifics that follow, Congress DOES NOT have power to…
This Article lays out the specific powers of Congress.
SO, can we find the provision of National Healthcare within this list of powers?
Lay and collect taxes… no.
Borrow Money… no.
Regulate Commerce among the several states… no.
Make Rules of Naturalization and Bankruptcies… no.
Coin money… no.
Punish counterfeiting… no.
Establish Post Offices and post Roads… no.
Promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts by specific means… no.
Set up Tribunals for inferior courts… no.
Deal with Piracy… no.
Declare War and such… no.
Raise and provide for Armies and a Navy… no.
Provide for the specifically designated activities of the Militia… no.
Create all Legislation over the District created as the seat of Federal government, and military sites… no.
And finally;
“To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or office thereof.”
This last one is not a generic clause as some see it. It is the authority to make specific laws. Those laws are exclusively for the fulfillment of the things in this list.
Then it says; “And all other powers…” what does that mean?
This clause is regarding the making of laws. It is congress who makes the laws regulating the judiciary, and administrations etc. All specifically identified in the Constitution. Congress then, by this clause has power to make laws which also regulate the operations of those agencies as well.
There are virtually no areas in which the congress is allowed to “run free” to make laws as it pleases for purposes beyond these specific duties.
Are you getting the idea?
This is a very very specific list of duties the Congress is to have.
This is THE list. (of course I conceptualized the intent of each topic for this writing)
Congress shall NOT have power to do anything NOT in this list.
Can anyone, anywhere, come up with something in this list that can be twisted to allow congress to provide National Healthcare?
So, how about a National Healthcare, which all people in this land are REQUIRED to purchase and use?
It is insane to suppose so!
To lawfully provide National Healthcare would take a foundational alteration of the Constitution by lawfully ratified Amendment allowed in Article 5.
But to do this, such an Amendment would need to alter the very DNA of the Constitution.
The two are virtually incompatable.
This constitution is a guarantee of Freedom through a Republican form of Government.
But America has ignored her Constitution for so long we have imagined ourselves to be a Democracy of emotional people free to make whatever rules or laws feel good at the time.
This was not the intent of the founders, and our Constitution was not written for this kind of Governance.
* * *
What are the implications of this?
That our socialist minded life we now live in America, is not the America we were given by our Founders.
Our Constitution is not for a socialist people, and cannot regulate a socialist government.
But we are now so fully socialist that the American people would have a collective heart attack if it was seriously suggested we must abandon all our socialist programs, for the purpose of restoring our nation to health.
Where are national parks?
Where is medicare?
Where is welfare?
Where are grants, or pork spending? or federally funded state programs?
NONE of these are permitted by the Constitution.
Congress was not created for providing the people with anything but protection.
America was created for a people to stand together, but on their own feet, not leaning on the provision of others, and not sucking from the teet of government.
The nation was great because people were free to be creative in their stand, and that creativity was blessed to abundance, allowing generosity.
The source of that greatness and abundance was the blessing of the God of nature, meaning; when you do things right, the result is good. That is a law of nature, written by nature’s God.
But America has forgotten all that now.
And frankly there is just no way Americans now dependent on government programs, will say; “No more!”
* * *
I eagerly say I am very impressed with many of our new Tea Party Representatives.
The more I see them in action of their intentions the more I like them.
There are some like Michele Bachmann who really seem to understand why she was voted into office.
But the second the American people realize what these Representatives must do in order to save this nation, there will be a far greater uproar than that which was against the lawless passage of Healthcare. (And this does not yet even approach the source solution.)
Because the average American has become self-serving and greedy but doesn’t think so.
America has not just fallen to many temptations, she is now committed to feeding her lust, thinking that lust is perfectly healthy.
Our problems in America are now far beyond Healthcare.
But the implementation of Healthcare is the establishment of a fully socialistic nation.
There are now politically no more barriers to full-on Communism.
Obama did succeed in fundamentally changing America, and whether we end up with healthcare or not is irrelevant, we have accepted the negotiations with its source.
Within a few short years America will be replacing our Constitution and obsolete form of Government with a new one. And why not? The one we have is never used and just in the way.
* * *
Do I sound defeated?
I am not defeated.
But these are the facts as they presently are.
IF you don’t want this for your children, it is not too late even now to change this course, but there are not several options. There is just one.
That is a return to the original intent, at the cost of luxury for this generation and even the next.
What was that original intent?
“It is rightly impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible” - George Washington
“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.” - John Adams
“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians” - Patrick Henry
God said the same thing in a different way:
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14
A self-serving people want a government that provides for them, and votes socialist minded people into office.
A godly people accept the responsibility to provide for their own needs and wants.
A godly people are not socialist minded, and will not vote socialist minded people into office.
So if our government is full of socialists, who is to blame?
But do you really think you have done all your part by voting "the right people"?
If we stay politically inactive because "we voted right", then we are still socialist minded, expecting "them" to take care of that for us.
The solution for America's problem is a correction of individual, and consequently collective, perspective.
God offers such correction before slavery, but history shows those corrections usually come while in slavery.
* * * * * * *
*1 Original Constitution Article 1 Section 9 paragraph 3 "No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken."
Amendment Article XVI "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."
It may be hard to see the continuity of my past several posts;
They may seem disjointed and unrelated, but they have been all structured to show a singular point.
Following these posts, as we think about the Healthcare debate before congress right now, we can see why it is so important to truthfully represent historical fact to maintain national stability.
Some quick recap of historically recent events regarding Healthcare;
• Congress pushed Healthcare on America.
• A significantly large outcry rose against it.
• Congress passed the bill anyway.
• America responded by a historic vote, changing control of the House of Representatives, sending a very strong message to congress.
• This new congress began enacting a retraction of this Healthcare bill.
• Now the remaining old representatives and congress are requiring to be met “half way” demanding an alternative healthcare bill suggestion.
For these new representatives to refuse, would be seen as a stubborn unwillingness to cooperate, and so they are strongly tempted to begin writing their own healthcare bill.
And just like that, a new era of socialism would begin at the hands of the new Republican Representatives!
THIS situation is the result of earlier corruption, and a forgetfulness of what existed before that corruption. This is a loss of sight of the goal.
That goal is not a rebellion against Healthcare,
but a search to discover if our Foundational documents even allow for national healthcare, reminiscent of Justice Marshall’s search to discover if the Supreme Court was allowed to act in the way they wished to act on behalf of the injured party before them.
Just as he pointed out then, It frankly does not matter if Congress wants to give us Healthcare or not, neither does it matter if the people of America want Healthcare or not.
This is not a Democracy.
This is a Republic of Law. Article 4 Section 4
Therefore the primary question must be; Does the constitution allow Congress to provide public healthcare?
Now after such a search is made, and lets assume for a moment that it is found that it does not allow it. And lets also assume for a moment that the majority of Americans want national Healthcare,
Congress cannot simply ignore the oppositions of the Constitution, to give the people what they want, but must lawfully ratify an amendment to the Foundational institution of the Constitution before passing such a law as healthcare.
If the people want national healthcare, they vote representatives into office who will initiate such an amendment which would then allow Congress to pass Healthcare bills lawfully.
This is a timely process for good reason.
The very foundation of our nation should not be tampered with for light and transient reasons. Therefore the grueling process would allow for debate, the resolution of questions, possible reconsideration, and investigation of potential problems and issues.
Then after the long and laborious effort, if the people still want national healthcare, and if the investigation does not expose significant consequences from the idea, then such an amendment can be lawfully ratified to change the nation’s foundation.
Article VI paragraph 3 “This Constitution, and …(any Laws ect.) of the United States which shall be made IN PURSUANCE THEREOF; … shall be the SUPREME LAW of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, ANY THING in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary NOTWITHSTANDING.” (capitalized emphasis added)
America is a Democratic form of governance in that the people choose their representatives,
but we are a Republican form of Government in that we have rock solid Law, greatly protected behind our Constitution, that cannot Lawfully be breached… by ANYONE.
Has it been breached before?
Yes many times.
These breaches include:
The making of law by the Judiciary. - Breaches Article 1 Section 1,8 and Article 4 Section 2.
Laws against religion. - Breaches The First Amendment, as well as the entire concept of the Constitution.
The Money Trust of 1910, and the Banking Act of 1933. - Breaches Article 1 Section 8,10
The Internal Revenue Service. - Breaches the intent of that role lying with Congress. - Breaches Article 1 Section 10
Paper currency - Breaches Article 1 Section 10
The Federal Welfare system. - Breaches the limitations of Congress. - Article 1 Section 8
And many other unlawful programs such as tarp and the purchase of private business.
And most of the 1000+ “laws” passed by Congress every year, who have forgotten the constitution grants them power to pass laws needful for the operation of government, not for the regulation of the people.
The process to allow for things not previously allowed by the Constitution is shown by the Income Tax Amendment.
Income tax is Fully in violation of Article 1 Section 9 until the passage of the 16th Amendment.
It seems to be properly enacted by the lawful means allowed by the Constitution in Article 5.
I will not here digress into the debate whether or not the 16th Amendment was properly ratified according to the rules laid out in Article 5 of the Constitution, But I include it here to show the proper process of lawfully altering the Constitution even if that alteration is 180 degrees opposite to the original intent and specific laws. *1
Breaches made by this present administration:
Failure to validate the man elected as President. Article 2 Section 1
Failure to protect our Nations borders. Article 1 Section 8, Article 4 Section 4
Denial of States to defend their own boarders due to Congress’s failure. Article 1 Section 10
Spending huge sums of monies with no accountabilities. Article 1 Section 9
And many others.
At this point it would be far easier to list the few laws and programs passed by Congress which DO NOT breach the Constitution.
Each of these breaches can be easily identified as such when the constitution is seen as a controlling document for the purpose of RESTRICTING the power of government. ANY THING in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary NOTWITHSTANDING.”
In simple terms; if it is not in conformity to this document, it has no authority as Law.
The corrupted interpretation of the allowances that result in these breaches, comes through ignoring the supremacy of the document in this RESTRICTING foundational role.
Just because these unlawful breaches have been made and tolerated, is no grounds to declare “precedent” when again attempting to make another breach.
At this point would it be possible to retract these programs?
Not likely. They are now cancer in America, accepted by the body as a healthy part of our national system to the point they are aggressively defended, yet in fact are a violation of our system and destroying us.
Most all cancers in the human body are a result of abuse of the system through ingestion, absorption or inhalation, over a long period of time.
Most all cancers in our nation are a result of abuse of our Constitution in the same conceptual ways.
The temptation of Healthcare is not the problem, but the provision of Healthcare BEFORE serious investigation to see if our system is designed to handle Healthcare.
I now wish to do some of my own investigation to test the waters of plausibility:
* * *
Does our foundational document, The United States Constitution, allow for the provision of National Healthcare?
The constitutional relevance to this issue is found in Article 1 Section 8 which very carefully identifies all the roles of Congress.
“The Congress shall have power to…” informs that unless it is included in the list of specifics that follow, Congress DOES NOT have power to…
This Article lays out the specific powers of Congress.
SO, can we find the provision of National Healthcare within this list of powers?
Lay and collect taxes… no.
Borrow Money… no.
Regulate Commerce among the several states… no.
Make Rules of Naturalization and Bankruptcies… no.
Coin money… no.
Punish counterfeiting… no.
Establish Post Offices and post Roads… no.
Promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts by specific means… no.
Set up Tribunals for inferior courts… no.
Deal with Piracy… no.
Declare War and such… no.
Raise and provide for Armies and a Navy… no.
Provide for the specifically designated activities of the Militia… no.
Create all Legislation over the District created as the seat of Federal government, and military sites… no.
And finally;
“To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or office thereof.”
This last one is not a generic clause as some see it. It is the authority to make specific laws. Those laws are exclusively for the fulfillment of the things in this list.
Then it says; “And all other powers…” what does that mean?
This clause is regarding the making of laws. It is congress who makes the laws regulating the judiciary, and administrations etc. All specifically identified in the Constitution. Congress then, by this clause has power to make laws which also regulate the operations of those agencies as well.
There are virtually no areas in which the congress is allowed to “run free” to make laws as it pleases for purposes beyond these specific duties.
Are you getting the idea?
This is a very very specific list of duties the Congress is to have.
This is THE list. (of course I conceptualized the intent of each topic for this writing)
Congress shall NOT have power to do anything NOT in this list.
Can anyone, anywhere, come up with something in this list that can be twisted to allow congress to provide National Healthcare?
So, how about a National Healthcare, which all people in this land are REQUIRED to purchase and use?
It is insane to suppose so!
To lawfully provide National Healthcare would take a foundational alteration of the Constitution by lawfully ratified Amendment allowed in Article 5.
But to do this, such an Amendment would need to alter the very DNA of the Constitution.
The two are virtually incompatable.
This constitution is a guarantee of Freedom through a Republican form of Government.
But America has ignored her Constitution for so long we have imagined ourselves to be a Democracy of emotional people free to make whatever rules or laws feel good at the time.
This was not the intent of the founders, and our Constitution was not written for this kind of Governance.
* * *
What are the implications of this?
That our socialist minded life we now live in America, is not the America we were given by our Founders.
Our Constitution is not for a socialist people, and cannot regulate a socialist government.
But we are now so fully socialist that the American people would have a collective heart attack if it was seriously suggested we must abandon all our socialist programs, for the purpose of restoring our nation to health.
Where are national parks?
Where is medicare?
Where is welfare?
Where are grants, or pork spending? or federally funded state programs?
NONE of these are permitted by the Constitution.
Congress was not created for providing the people with anything but protection.
America was created for a people to stand together, but on their own feet, not leaning on the provision of others, and not sucking from the teet of government.
The nation was great because people were free to be creative in their stand, and that creativity was blessed to abundance, allowing generosity.
The source of that greatness and abundance was the blessing of the God of nature, meaning; when you do things right, the result is good. That is a law of nature, written by nature’s God.
But America has forgotten all that now.
And frankly there is just no way Americans now dependent on government programs, will say; “No more!”
* * *
I eagerly say I am very impressed with many of our new Tea Party Representatives.
The more I see them in action of their intentions the more I like them.
There are some like Michele Bachmann who really seem to understand why she was voted into office.
But the second the American people realize what these Representatives must do in order to save this nation, there will be a far greater uproar than that which was against the lawless passage of Healthcare. (And this does not yet even approach the source solution.)
Because the average American has become self-serving and greedy but doesn’t think so.
America has not just fallen to many temptations, she is now committed to feeding her lust, thinking that lust is perfectly healthy.
Our problems in America are now far beyond Healthcare.
But the implementation of Healthcare is the establishment of a fully socialistic nation.
There are now politically no more barriers to full-on Communism.
Obama did succeed in fundamentally changing America, and whether we end up with healthcare or not is irrelevant, we have accepted the negotiations with its source.
Within a few short years America will be replacing our Constitution and obsolete form of Government with a new one. And why not? The one we have is never used and just in the way.
* * *
Do I sound defeated?
I am not defeated.
But these are the facts as they presently are.
IF you don’t want this for your children, it is not too late even now to change this course, but there are not several options. There is just one.
That is a return to the original intent, at the cost of luxury for this generation and even the next.
What was that original intent?
“It is rightly impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible” - George Washington
“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.” - John Adams
“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians” - Patrick Henry
God said the same thing in a different way:
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14
A self-serving people want a government that provides for them, and votes socialist minded people into office.
A godly people accept the responsibility to provide for their own needs and wants.
A godly people are not socialist minded, and will not vote socialist minded people into office.
So if our government is full of socialists, who is to blame?
But do you really think you have done all your part by voting "the right people"?
If we stay politically inactive because "we voted right", then we are still socialist minded, expecting "them" to take care of that for us.
The solution for America's problem is a correction of individual, and consequently collective, perspective.
God offers such correction before slavery, but history shows those corrections usually come while in slavery.
* * * * * * *
*1 Original Constitution Article 1 Section 9 paragraph 3 "No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken."
Amendment Article XVI "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Line By Line - James 1:1-8
post 154
James 1:1 “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.”
This James has been believed to be the same brother of Jesus and perhaps of Jude described in Mark 6:3 “Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon?”
We know that Jesus Brother was indeed an apostle of Jesus as shown in Galatians 1:19 “But other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord’s brother.” And so it is reasonably safe to conclude the writer of James was indeed the apostle and brother of Jesus, but we are not directly told so.
Jude 1:1 “Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:”
We do not have enough information to make a clear determination, but since we know Jesus brother James was an apostle, it follows that Jude is claiming to be a brother of James, as James is connected to Jesus.
Therefore it is only slightly less sure that Jude was also the Jude of Mark 6:3, indeed Jesus brother.
Why go into all this here?
Because of the topics these (possible) brothers chose to write about;
Jude wrote to the saints about the corrupted doctrine we today call Eternal Security, that is the belief that after salvation sin no longer matters regarding salvation;
“It was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares… turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness,..” Jude 1:3-4
But that is for another study.
Here in verse 1 we see that James was writing to the Jewish mind, the Jews of all twelve tribes which Rome had recently scattered because of persecution unto death. But don’t miss the fact that it was the Christians who were heavily persecuted, and so it is my belief that James was writing to Jews converted to Christ.
If what James has to say, works for the persecuted believers, it can easily work for us!
James 1:2 “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations;”
This verse states coming and various temptations as fact. They will come. And they should not be seen as strange, or troublous, or because of sin. Temptations to the believer have a purpose for our benefit.
James 1:3 “Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.” 5281
Patience; hupomone; from 5278; cheerful (or hopeful) endurance, constancy.
It is my experience that temptations and failures, and temptations and overcoming, create a depth of faith through drawing close to know God, which grows the stability in Christ to overcome, from a very deep source far stronger than the temptation.
The resulting consistent victory over temptation is a clear indication of your successful growth in the faith.
Temptations then afford us the opportunity to seek the face of God in a new and deep way. This knowledge creates joy when we see new temptations approach if we are prepared to face them in practiced faith in Christ.
But to be unprepared, is to result in sure failure, which then shows you where you need to seek after God.
In this way, the result of success or failure in facing temptation is merely a tool to be used for growing deep faith!
With this understanding we can see that we can in deed count it joy to face a new and different temptation.
IF God were to punish us, or cast off our salvation if we fail the temptation, then James could not tell us to count the temptations joy.
This verse then is a confidence that as saints in Christ, endeavoring to build our faith, we need not fear the temptation, whether we fail or overcome.
This is the original and valid understanding of Eternal Security before the doctrine was corrupted.
As an apprentice carpenter, my job was to drive nails.
And at the beginning, the whole crew would laugh at me for the nails I bent.
I was failing at an alarming rate.
But there was no fear of being fired, because I was learning.
Soon I was pretty good.
And then came the new (diverse) challenges of harder woods, difficult angles, ect. ect.
As long as I had the spirit of learning, I did not need to fear for my job, even though I was frustrated for my failures!
The frustration I felt, simply shortened the learning period, by motivating greater desire to succeed.
None of this has anything to do with the lazy punk that had no care if he bent nails or not.
He lost his job on the second day.
This part of the letter from James is not written to that guy.
Jude was written for that warning. Don’t be like him!
James 1:4 “But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”
OK, so temptation brings a challenge to learn the ways of Christ in overcoming.
Learning these ways produces happy confidence of a sound faith that actually works. (patience)
And this patience produces security and boldness in faith, knowing you are strong in the Lord.
But what if after years of temptations I continue to fail them? This indicates there is something not right. Some understanding missing.
What then?
James 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth 3679 not: and it shall be given him.”
Upbraideth; oneidizo; from 3681; to defame, i.e. rail at, chide, taunt.
I love this verse!
James clearly knows the heart of him who needs this verse! And so (through the Holy Ghost) he writes this verse so clearly! He goes to extra length making sure we get it!
If you can't figure out what you are doing wrong, ASK GOD.
God will give you the answer. And not just a little bit, God gives to anyone that asks A LOT of answer!(liberally) How much more clear and comforting can he write this?
But that is not all…
Can't you see what this is saying?!
Temptations are not to be feared, because how you come through them is not judged.
The temptations are your tools of education.
(Now your fellow workers might lovingly embarrass you for your failure, but this is not a bad thing. It encourages you to strive for success.
Even though God does not chide you for your failures, the present consequences are very real. The nail gets bent.
This too is encouragement to succeed.)
Some figure it out sooner, some struggle a long time learning.
Go to God and ask him for the wisdom in the temptation that you seem to be lacking.
God will give it to you, because he wants you to succeed!
But the application of that wisdom is practiced in temptation.
Practice makes perfect as they say!
* * *
Now just like all groups of laborers on the job, there is always the guy who is there, but clearly doesn’t really want to be. He is just there for the check.
This guy has a problem, but his problem is not related to the nail bending apprentice.
And so James has to include here a disclaimer;
James 1:6 “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.”
It is too easy to religious-ize this stuff, and we mentally add so much confusion to the simplicity.
We already know by the previous verses that God is not an angry boss holding our jobs over our head if we fail the temptation that comes.
And we already know that if we can't figure out why we keep failing, we can ask God for wisdom regarding our problem.
If you are the guy on the job because you just want a free ticket to heaven, you got a surprise coming.
You cannot ask for wisdom from God if you are not IN (committed to) the faith, or if you are not asking because you want to succeed at your job. (the faith) *1
If you are asking for selfish reasons, or with a halfhearted mindframe, then you have no stability, you have no foundation on which to build understanding.
In otherwords it is important that you have a job minded perspective in seeking the answer. Is your heart really wanting to succeed in overcoming the temptation because you want to be a deeper Christian? Or because you don’t like to fail?
I once had a young apprentice who wanted to learn all my “tricks-of-the-trade” so he could leave me and start his own business. He was a great kid, but his heart was wrong. As much as I really wanted to help him, I held back from him. His pride was something I did not want to feed. But on the same job I had less talented kids to whom I gave all the knowledge they could receive.
James 1:7 “For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.”
Apparently God has the same perspective!
God does not play well with uncommitted people.
Today the Church is full of people who really don’t want to try real hard at the faith.
They only want to know just enough to get the check, as long as it doesn’t disrupt the rest of their lives.
This person can ask God for wisdom until they are blue in the face, God will give them nothing.
This is not a trick. This is not “God’s out” so he doesn’t have to come through for you.
If God does not come through for you, it is because he can see that you are wishy-washy;
James 1:8 “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”
You get mad at God because you ask for wisdom, but this passage of verses tells you God PROMISES to come through A LOT (liberally), for those who are right with him.
Therefore; instead of getting mad at God for failing you. You need to recognize that although you are SURE you are OK with God, God is not OK with you.
You are the person of James 1:6-8.
Now fix that because you are so screwed up, you have no idea which way is up!
You are convinced you are not the problem, therefore God must be a liar.
What is wrong with your head?
Unstable is a word that describes a lack of bearing, uncertainty of direction, nothing solid to build on.
We call Nitro-Glycerin unstable because of its ready explosive nature when shaken.
We call a whacko who shoots a bunch of people at a conference; Unstable.
A double minded man has this kind of potential destruction in every thing he does!
You don't think concluding that the fault must lie with God because you think you are faultless, is unstable?
This is a serious problem!
Don’t miss the concept that this instability is in opposition to the stability found as a result of temptations testing your faith.
What is double minded?
That is a mind that wants two opposing things and cannot chose between them. The lack of definite choice for one at the exclusion of the other, is what causes instability.
Americans with their focus on success and finances, and pleasures, and toys, pride and reputation, looks and cool, have a very hard time turning a full face to God because our culture now says you don’t need to let go of the stuff.
To prove this, I just struck a nerve with most readers.
If you would react so defensively regarding your faith, I would say you have no problem with your stuff. But to even suggest you must chose between stuff and God, raises your blood pressure in defense. This should tell you, Here is the problem!
“And again I (Jesus) say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:25, Luke 18:25.
Now if you know anything about the purpose of the four gospels telling the same story from different angles, you will know that because this passage is found in three of them, that this important knowledge is given to Jew, and Gentile, rich and poor, slave or free man. This concept is universal to all men. (John was written regarding Jesus' Divinity and so this passage does not apply in that Gospel)
Who is Rich?
It is important to realize that even low-income people in America are the rich man of the world. While they go hungry because they can't find food, we watch TV, go Online, grab a mocha at the corner shop, etc. etc.
So rich is not a matter of perspective. It matters not if YOU think or feel you are rich, it only matters; Do you have the heart and mind of the rich? And God is the judge of that, not you!
Truly poor people have virtually nothing to loose in turning to God.
Rich people place value on who and what they have made themselves, and fear what they might loose if they turn to God.
Now, are you rich?
I do not wish to leave this topic without answering the question; What do I do if I suddenly realize I am the double minded person this passage is speaking about, and the proof is that I get no wisdom for my problems though I have asked God many times?
The answer is actually quite clear, but very hard to achieve;
Make a choice.
Will you turn wholly to God, or remain clinging to your current life you love and hate?
This is the answer.
You work on that, and you will begin to find answers.
* * * * * * *
*1 Matthew 22:11-14 On the job, but not for long.
post 154
James 1:1 “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.”
This James has been believed to be the same brother of Jesus and perhaps of Jude described in Mark 6:3 “Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon?”
We know that Jesus Brother was indeed an apostle of Jesus as shown in Galatians 1:19 “But other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord’s brother.” And so it is reasonably safe to conclude the writer of James was indeed the apostle and brother of Jesus, but we are not directly told so.
Jude 1:1 “Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:”
We do not have enough information to make a clear determination, but since we know Jesus brother James was an apostle, it follows that Jude is claiming to be a brother of James, as James is connected to Jesus.
Therefore it is only slightly less sure that Jude was also the Jude of Mark 6:3, indeed Jesus brother.
Why go into all this here?
Because of the topics these (possible) brothers chose to write about;
Jude wrote to the saints about the corrupted doctrine we today call Eternal Security, that is the belief that after salvation sin no longer matters regarding salvation;
“It was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares… turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness,..” Jude 1:3-4
But that is for another study.
Here in verse 1 we see that James was writing to the Jewish mind, the Jews of all twelve tribes which Rome had recently scattered because of persecution unto death. But don’t miss the fact that it was the Christians who were heavily persecuted, and so it is my belief that James was writing to Jews converted to Christ.
If what James has to say, works for the persecuted believers, it can easily work for us!
James 1:2 “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations;”
This verse states coming and various temptations as fact. They will come. And they should not be seen as strange, or troublous, or because of sin. Temptations to the believer have a purpose for our benefit.
James 1:3 “Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.” 5281
Patience; hupomone; from 5278; cheerful (or hopeful) endurance, constancy.
It is my experience that temptations and failures, and temptations and overcoming, create a depth of faith through drawing close to know God, which grows the stability in Christ to overcome, from a very deep source far stronger than the temptation.
The resulting consistent victory over temptation is a clear indication of your successful growth in the faith.
Temptations then afford us the opportunity to seek the face of God in a new and deep way. This knowledge creates joy when we see new temptations approach if we are prepared to face them in practiced faith in Christ.
But to be unprepared, is to result in sure failure, which then shows you where you need to seek after God.
In this way, the result of success or failure in facing temptation is merely a tool to be used for growing deep faith!
With this understanding we can see that we can in deed count it joy to face a new and different temptation.
IF God were to punish us, or cast off our salvation if we fail the temptation, then James could not tell us to count the temptations joy.
This verse then is a confidence that as saints in Christ, endeavoring to build our faith, we need not fear the temptation, whether we fail or overcome.
This is the original and valid understanding of Eternal Security before the doctrine was corrupted.
As an apprentice carpenter, my job was to drive nails.
And at the beginning, the whole crew would laugh at me for the nails I bent.
I was failing at an alarming rate.
But there was no fear of being fired, because I was learning.
Soon I was pretty good.
And then came the new (diverse) challenges of harder woods, difficult angles, ect. ect.
As long as I had the spirit of learning, I did not need to fear for my job, even though I was frustrated for my failures!
The frustration I felt, simply shortened the learning period, by motivating greater desire to succeed.
None of this has anything to do with the lazy punk that had no care if he bent nails or not.
He lost his job on the second day.
This part of the letter from James is not written to that guy.
Jude was written for that warning. Don’t be like him!
James 1:4 “But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”
OK, so temptation brings a challenge to learn the ways of Christ in overcoming.
Learning these ways produces happy confidence of a sound faith that actually works. (patience)
And this patience produces security and boldness in faith, knowing you are strong in the Lord.
But what if after years of temptations I continue to fail them? This indicates there is something not right. Some understanding missing.
What then?
James 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth 3679 not: and it shall be given him.”
Upbraideth; oneidizo; from 3681; to defame, i.e. rail at, chide, taunt.
I love this verse!
James clearly knows the heart of him who needs this verse! And so (through the Holy Ghost) he writes this verse so clearly! He goes to extra length making sure we get it!
If you can't figure out what you are doing wrong, ASK GOD.
God will give you the answer. And not just a little bit, God gives to anyone that asks A LOT of answer!(liberally) How much more clear and comforting can he write this?
But that is not all…
Can't you see what this is saying?!
Temptations are not to be feared, because how you come through them is not judged.
The temptations are your tools of education.
(Now your fellow workers might lovingly embarrass you for your failure, but this is not a bad thing. It encourages you to strive for success.
Even though God does not chide you for your failures, the present consequences are very real. The nail gets bent.
This too is encouragement to succeed.)
Some figure it out sooner, some struggle a long time learning.
Go to God and ask him for the wisdom in the temptation that you seem to be lacking.
God will give it to you, because he wants you to succeed!
But the application of that wisdom is practiced in temptation.
Practice makes perfect as they say!
* * *
Now just like all groups of laborers on the job, there is always the guy who is there, but clearly doesn’t really want to be. He is just there for the check.
This guy has a problem, but his problem is not related to the nail bending apprentice.
And so James has to include here a disclaimer;
James 1:6 “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.”
It is too easy to religious-ize this stuff, and we mentally add so much confusion to the simplicity.
We already know by the previous verses that God is not an angry boss holding our jobs over our head if we fail the temptation that comes.
And we already know that if we can't figure out why we keep failing, we can ask God for wisdom regarding our problem.
If you are the guy on the job because you just want a free ticket to heaven, you got a surprise coming.
You cannot ask for wisdom from God if you are not IN (committed to) the faith, or if you are not asking because you want to succeed at your job. (the faith) *1
If you are asking for selfish reasons, or with a halfhearted mindframe, then you have no stability, you have no foundation on which to build understanding.
In otherwords it is important that you have a job minded perspective in seeking the answer. Is your heart really wanting to succeed in overcoming the temptation because you want to be a deeper Christian? Or because you don’t like to fail?
I once had a young apprentice who wanted to learn all my “tricks-of-the-trade” so he could leave me and start his own business. He was a great kid, but his heart was wrong. As much as I really wanted to help him, I held back from him. His pride was something I did not want to feed. But on the same job I had less talented kids to whom I gave all the knowledge they could receive.
James 1:7 “For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.”
Apparently God has the same perspective!
God does not play well with uncommitted people.
Today the Church is full of people who really don’t want to try real hard at the faith.
They only want to know just enough to get the check, as long as it doesn’t disrupt the rest of their lives.
This person can ask God for wisdom until they are blue in the face, God will give them nothing.
This is not a trick. This is not “God’s out” so he doesn’t have to come through for you.
If God does not come through for you, it is because he can see that you are wishy-washy;
James 1:8 “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”
You get mad at God because you ask for wisdom, but this passage of verses tells you God PROMISES to come through A LOT (liberally), for those who are right with him.
Therefore; instead of getting mad at God for failing you. You need to recognize that although you are SURE you are OK with God, God is not OK with you.
You are the person of James 1:6-8.
Now fix that because you are so screwed up, you have no idea which way is up!
You are convinced you are not the problem, therefore God must be a liar.
What is wrong with your head?
Unstable is a word that describes a lack of bearing, uncertainty of direction, nothing solid to build on.
We call Nitro-Glycerin unstable because of its ready explosive nature when shaken.
We call a whacko who shoots a bunch of people at a conference; Unstable.
A double minded man has this kind of potential destruction in every thing he does!
You don't think concluding that the fault must lie with God because you think you are faultless, is unstable?
This is a serious problem!
Don’t miss the concept that this instability is in opposition to the stability found as a result of temptations testing your faith.
What is double minded?
That is a mind that wants two opposing things and cannot chose between them. The lack of definite choice for one at the exclusion of the other, is what causes instability.
Americans with their focus on success and finances, and pleasures, and toys, pride and reputation, looks and cool, have a very hard time turning a full face to God because our culture now says you don’t need to let go of the stuff.
To prove this, I just struck a nerve with most readers.
If you would react so defensively regarding your faith, I would say you have no problem with your stuff. But to even suggest you must chose between stuff and God, raises your blood pressure in defense. This should tell you, Here is the problem!
“And again I (Jesus) say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:25, Luke 18:25.
Now if you know anything about the purpose of the four gospels telling the same story from different angles, you will know that because this passage is found in three of them, that this important knowledge is given to Jew, and Gentile, rich and poor, slave or free man. This concept is universal to all men. (John was written regarding Jesus' Divinity and so this passage does not apply in that Gospel)
Who is Rich?
It is important to realize that even low-income people in America are the rich man of the world. While they go hungry because they can't find food, we watch TV, go Online, grab a mocha at the corner shop, etc. etc.
So rich is not a matter of perspective. It matters not if YOU think or feel you are rich, it only matters; Do you have the heart and mind of the rich? And God is the judge of that, not you!
Truly poor people have virtually nothing to loose in turning to God.
Rich people place value on who and what they have made themselves, and fear what they might loose if they turn to God.
Now, are you rich?
I do not wish to leave this topic without answering the question; What do I do if I suddenly realize I am the double minded person this passage is speaking about, and the proof is that I get no wisdom for my problems though I have asked God many times?
The answer is actually quite clear, but very hard to achieve;
Make a choice.
Will you turn wholly to God, or remain clinging to your current life you love and hate?
This is the answer.
You work on that, and you will begin to find answers.
* * * * * * *
*1 Matthew 22:11-14 On the job, but not for long.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Corruption Part 2
Post 153
So using the analogy of the previous post, how does a nation find itself in the second phase of corruption? What does that look like?
Has anyone seen The Guide Stones in Georgia?
It is well worth a detour to have a look, just Google “guidestones”.
I include this particular site link because it shows the current mystery already willfully given to the stones, though they are hardly 30 years old now.
What will be the mystery associated with them in another 30?
Here is a simple, to the point, site that implies nothing but the declaration of existence of this “American Stonehenge”, and what it says:
Q: Who set it up?
A: That has been intentionally obscured.
Q: Why was it set up?
A: That has been left for the stones themselves to explain.
Q: In what way does it represent the existence of America?
A: In no way whatsoever. In fact it stands against everything America was created for.
Q: In what way will it be seen to represent America to archeologists of the future who look for evidences for the greatness of the American Nation in her day?
A: It may indeed be seen as sure proof of what we believed as a nation.
So although today’s Americans reject that America was created by Christians on the principles of the Christian faith, regardless of the huge volume of available evidences, *1
They will willingly gravitate to the mystery and message of these guidestones which have virtually no historic influence on America.
And after this generation is dead and gone, what will our children find as evidence to use as landmarks for the purpose of returning to our foundations?
How will they learn what actually made this nation great?
And if then they don't learn what made it great, how are they to identify what destroyed it, for the purpose of avoiding the same fate in the future?
Yet the confusion and deception of this stone cancer does not end there.
With careful search there have been clues left behind to discover the origin of these stones, but it is presently clear that those clues have been carefully fabricated to lead to an intended conclusion and not the actual truth, which violates the 9th plank of the guidestone dictates:
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature
What will be the result of the future searchers of these clues?
The author is declared there in stone, to be: R.C. Christian (a pseudonyn) [sic]
There are 10 planks on stone.
Will this be confused with other indications America had at least some Christian influence, based on 10 commandments on stone from the Jewish faith?
Who knows.
But when the national “visibility” becomes so poor, the pilot in the fog of low clouds will grasp whatever is visible on his trip back to where he came from.
These guide stone will succeed only in ensuring the pilots of this once great nation will never succeed in finding their way back!
My argument here is not with the message… even though I wholeheartedly disagree with it.
My argument here, is the Suggested Implication of the message:
IF they would have placed a plaque stating the idea; “These are the values we feel should be followed.” And then identified who “we” are, then I would not argue with their action of erecting whatever they want to erect on their own land. They have that right.
But by the secrecy of the authors, and the mystery regarding its erection, by the time-capsule intended for the future, and the appearance of “permanence” in the chiseled words on stone, all this lends to suggest without accountability, that this represents America, These are the rules we live by, This is the mind-frame of our Nation we wish to share with the future.
This form of deceit is hard to reign in, because there is nothing by which to actually debate, there is nothing stated to which we can argue, there is only implication with heavily guided suggestion that leads the observer to the authors desired end.
This is National Cancer.
And once it takes root, it is very very hard to remove.
Usually the best you can hope for is to put it in remission for the purpose of prolonging life.
Not the best concept, but dealing with reality it is far better than the alternative!
* * *
This year I became keenly aware of how many of our Christmas songs are in direct conflict with the truth of our faith:
Take the song; “Do you hear what I hear?”
In this song:
The Bethlehem Star has a long tail.
The king declares all men to pray for peace and worship the child Messiah.
This poetic folk tale sounds pretty, but really does harm to the truth of the actual faith.
Science tells us this song declares the star to be a comet. This misguided error, as the guidestones, only ensures the truth to be harder to find.*2
But a precedent has been set!
And as Alaska's former attorney General has shown, we tend to place higher value on precedent than we do on the original concept. *3
Did the king make such a wonderful declaration of peace and worship as the song declares?
The Holy Scriptures of our faith report that this king sought the child for the purpose of killing him, and in fact slaughtered every young boy of the region under two years of age just to make sure. (Matthew 2)
This kind of peace is more representational of the Islamic faith.
Now you might ask, What is the big deal, it is just a song. They are just stones in a field.
And as long as we have a clear visual bearing, I can wholeheartedly agree.
No harm, no foul when the skies are blue and sun is bright.
But as the weather of our national success worsens, and the clouds of confusion obscure our landmarks, there becomes a greater concern that we recognize what we are looking at. Because at this point, virtually every visible evidence of our flight path becomes critical to get our present bearing, and then return to the clear skies we came from.
How much more so this cancer for the generation that follows ours?
* * * * * * *
Please copy and paste these links into your browser if the links don't work:
*1 Christian form of Government 4 parts -
*2 The Christmas Star -
*3 Spirit of Error -
So using the analogy of the previous post, how does a nation find itself in the second phase of corruption? What does that look like?
Has anyone seen The Guide Stones in Georgia?
It is well worth a detour to have a look, just Google “guidestones”.
I include this particular site link because it shows the current mystery already willfully given to the stones, though they are hardly 30 years old now.
What will be the mystery associated with them in another 30?
Here is a simple, to the point, site that implies nothing but the declaration of existence of this “American Stonehenge”, and what it says:
Q: Who set it up?
A: That has been intentionally obscured.
Q: Why was it set up?
A: That has been left for the stones themselves to explain.
Q: In what way does it represent the existence of America?
A: In no way whatsoever. In fact it stands against everything America was created for.
Q: In what way will it be seen to represent America to archeologists of the future who look for evidences for the greatness of the American Nation in her day?
A: It may indeed be seen as sure proof of what we believed as a nation.
So although today’s Americans reject that America was created by Christians on the principles of the Christian faith, regardless of the huge volume of available evidences, *1
They will willingly gravitate to the mystery and message of these guidestones which have virtually no historic influence on America.
And after this generation is dead and gone, what will our children find as evidence to use as landmarks for the purpose of returning to our foundations?
How will they learn what actually made this nation great?
And if then they don't learn what made it great, how are they to identify what destroyed it, for the purpose of avoiding the same fate in the future?
Yet the confusion and deception of this stone cancer does not end there.
With careful search there have been clues left behind to discover the origin of these stones, but it is presently clear that those clues have been carefully fabricated to lead to an intended conclusion and not the actual truth, which violates the 9th plank of the guidestone dictates:
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature
What will be the result of the future searchers of these clues?
The author is declared there in stone, to be: R.C. Christian (a pseudonyn) [sic]
There are 10 planks on stone.
Will this be confused with other indications America had at least some Christian influence, based on 10 commandments on stone from the Jewish faith?
Who knows.
But when the national “visibility” becomes so poor, the pilot in the fog of low clouds will grasp whatever is visible on his trip back to where he came from.
These guide stone will succeed only in ensuring the pilots of this once great nation will never succeed in finding their way back!
My argument here is not with the message… even though I wholeheartedly disagree with it.
My argument here, is the Suggested Implication of the message:
IF they would have placed a plaque stating the idea; “These are the values we feel should be followed.” And then identified who “we” are, then I would not argue with their action of erecting whatever they want to erect on their own land. They have that right.
But by the secrecy of the authors, and the mystery regarding its erection, by the time-capsule intended for the future, and the appearance of “permanence” in the chiseled words on stone, all this lends to suggest without accountability, that this represents America, These are the rules we live by, This is the mind-frame of our Nation we wish to share with the future.
This form of deceit is hard to reign in, because there is nothing by which to actually debate, there is nothing stated to which we can argue, there is only implication with heavily guided suggestion that leads the observer to the authors desired end.
This is National Cancer.
And once it takes root, it is very very hard to remove.
Usually the best you can hope for is to put it in remission for the purpose of prolonging life.
Not the best concept, but dealing with reality it is far better than the alternative!
* * *
This year I became keenly aware of how many of our Christmas songs are in direct conflict with the truth of our faith:
Take the song; “Do you hear what I hear?”
In this song:
The Bethlehem Star has a long tail.
The king declares all men to pray for peace and worship the child Messiah.
This poetic folk tale sounds pretty, but really does harm to the truth of the actual faith.
Science tells us this song declares the star to be a comet. This misguided error, as the guidestones, only ensures the truth to be harder to find.*2
But a precedent has been set!
And as Alaska's former attorney General has shown, we tend to place higher value on precedent than we do on the original concept. *3
Did the king make such a wonderful declaration of peace and worship as the song declares?
The Holy Scriptures of our faith report that this king sought the child for the purpose of killing him, and in fact slaughtered every young boy of the region under two years of age just to make sure. (Matthew 2)
This kind of peace is more representational of the Islamic faith.
Now you might ask, What is the big deal, it is just a song. They are just stones in a field.
And as long as we have a clear visual bearing, I can wholeheartedly agree.
No harm, no foul when the skies are blue and sun is bright.
But as the weather of our national success worsens, and the clouds of confusion obscure our landmarks, there becomes a greater concern that we recognize what we are looking at. Because at this point, virtually every visible evidence of our flight path becomes critical to get our present bearing, and then return to the clear skies we came from.
How much more so this cancer for the generation that follows ours?
* * * * * * *
Please copy and paste these links into your browser if the links don't work:
*1 Christian form of Government 4 parts -
*2 The Christmas Star -
*3 Spirit of Error -
Post 152
Once corruption takes root, it becomes difficult to dig it out sufficiently enough to restore the health of the entity corrupted. This applies to the physical body corrupted by disease, or the nation corrupted by destructive legislation, or the faith corrupted by compromise.
This is a battle.
But the difficulty becomes exponential when that corruption is accepted by the entity as a healthy part of its being. We see the application as cancer in the physical body, misguided precedent replacing original intent in the nation, or false doctrine established in the faith.
This is confusion.
What is cancer and what is healthy flesh?
Which is good law, and which is misguided law?
What is right faith, and what is destructive?
The reason why these are so much more difficult to dig out, is because the horizon line between good and bad has become progressively obscured until all bearing is lost. *1
This concept is the reason for most of the fatal private plane crashes in Alaska.
We call it visibility deprivation.
This rarely happens all at once:
When the cloud layer drops, the safe space to fly between earth and cloud becomes diminished.
But the course is set, and the destination seated in the mind, and the pilot believes he is able to retain his bearings. In other-words he thinks he can succeed with the conditions present and so he continues on progressively.
Then the cloud layer continues to drop, and he is forced to fly yet lower.
As long as the pilot can see the horizon, as long as he can retain even the tiniest object in the thickening clouds while remaining above the terrain, his mind is able to usually interpret correctly all that he cannot see, and thereby retain his bearing.
But as the cloud layer continues to drop, he is forced ever closer to the ground and his boundaries of safety continually diminish.
This is the first category of corruption. The safe skies have been corrupted, increasing the danger of flight, yet experience, knowledge, and moxie, are able to overcome the corruption with greater degree of effort and focus.
But there comes a point in time, an exact moment, when he suddenly loses sight of the last ghostly object of ground, and immediately he looses all bearing.
At this moment the sky looks exactly like the ground.
It is utterly shocking to that pilot how immediately he looses bearing.
We have all heard the stories, but until each pilot experiences that moment, he cannot comprehend the utter change that takes place in a moment in time.
One second he is in control of the situation, the next second he is utterly helpless.
They say even the very best pilots cannot maintain a steady course longer than 60 seconds when this occurs.
This is the second category of corruption.
“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11:3
This scenario can be applied to all areas of corruption.
It may be due to ignorance, or carelessness, or defiance, but even cancer usually gives lots of warnings before the corruption changes from one category into the next.
Our great nation of America is actually still in category one.
But the cloud layer has dropped so far there is no safe flying space left.
The horizon is obscured, and we are now desperately flying in ever thickening clouds straining to find those ghostly landmarks of recognizable stability by which to navigate.
The TEA party is desperately clinging to one weak image that is so frail we are afraid to blink for fear that it will disappear in the fog.
Our history is another such landmark now rejected as uncertain. The pilot and copilots are arguing how to interpret what they think they see in the fog: is what they see a four-foot rock 50 feet from the plane, or an island 600 feet from the plane? How it is interpreted has everything to do with resulting action!
Original Intent is there beside that one, and right now the copilot is screaming; “I see that one real clear, believe me, we can rely on that!” but the present administration in control cannot see it, and cannot believe the copilot no matter how many of us vote.
Now America has long stopped looking for the solid mountain of our faith. That landmark was obscured some time ago and has been dropped from the list of things to look for as bearing, but is the easiest to find if we would just look for it, right past our history, and original intent.
A wise pilot will observe the circumstances, and determine the risk of failure as too high, and navigate a U-turn, in the attempt to fly out of the fog.
Yet sometimes when that pilot pushes too far, the fog has closed in behind him, and there is no way out!
America, we are at this point now.
What do we do?
Continue to fly in the same direction, or try to find our way back in search of the clear skies we used to fly?
Either way, the danger is very real.
But one thing is sure. Death waits for us in this direction.
100% of all nations who have flown this course have crashed and burned.
History is littered with their wreckage.
I challenge you to name one that has not.
* * *
Viable landmarks by which to navigate with assurance while still in the first category of corruption:
Nationally -
“It is rightly impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible” - George Washington
“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.” - John Adams
“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians” - Patrick Henry
“Almost all the civil liberty now enjoyed in the world owes its origin to the principles of Christian religion.” - Noah Webster
“The religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of Christ and his apostles. This is genuine Christianity and to this we owe our free constitutions of government.” Noah Webster
“Let the children be carefully instructed in the principles and obligations of the Christian religion. This is the most essential part of education. The great enemy of the salvation of man, in my opinion, never invented a more effectual means of removing Christianity from the world than by persuading mankind it was improper to read the Bible in our schools.” - Benjamin Rush
“My views are the result of a lifetime of inquiry and reflection and very different from the anti-Christian systems imputed to me by those who know nothing of my opinions. To the corruption of Christianity, I am indeed opposed, but not (opposed) to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian in the only sense in which he wished anyone to be sincerely attached to his doctrines in preference to all others” - Thomas Jefferson
Faith -
Romans 1-2. The warning of Progressive steps of Depravity
Jude - The corruption of true faith (the present corruption of Eternal Security v.4)
* * * * * * *
*1 The very term Progressive implies moving little by little, changing position to a specific destination in front. The nature of the word Progress implies betterment, but does not require it. Progress only means; to become closer to that which you are aiming.
The concern should be, Are we aiming in the right direction?
A person who desires to die of kidney failure makes progress by ever increasing alcoholism, but that does not mean that end is wise, or right.
This Progressive movement in America is the perfect image of the frog boiling to death in a pot of water. As the temperature progresses the frog is able to acclimate to the gradual change, and remains unaware he is about to die when the destination is reached.
Once corruption takes root, it becomes difficult to dig it out sufficiently enough to restore the health of the entity corrupted. This applies to the physical body corrupted by disease, or the nation corrupted by destructive legislation, or the faith corrupted by compromise.
This is a battle.
But the difficulty becomes exponential when that corruption is accepted by the entity as a healthy part of its being. We see the application as cancer in the physical body, misguided precedent replacing original intent in the nation, or false doctrine established in the faith.
This is confusion.
What is cancer and what is healthy flesh?
Which is good law, and which is misguided law?
What is right faith, and what is destructive?
The reason why these are so much more difficult to dig out, is because the horizon line between good and bad has become progressively obscured until all bearing is lost. *1
This concept is the reason for most of the fatal private plane crashes in Alaska.
We call it visibility deprivation.
This rarely happens all at once:
When the cloud layer drops, the safe space to fly between earth and cloud becomes diminished.
But the course is set, and the destination seated in the mind, and the pilot believes he is able to retain his bearings. In other-words he thinks he can succeed with the conditions present and so he continues on progressively.
Then the cloud layer continues to drop, and he is forced to fly yet lower.
As long as the pilot can see the horizon, as long as he can retain even the tiniest object in the thickening clouds while remaining above the terrain, his mind is able to usually interpret correctly all that he cannot see, and thereby retain his bearing.
But as the cloud layer continues to drop, he is forced ever closer to the ground and his boundaries of safety continually diminish.
This is the first category of corruption. The safe skies have been corrupted, increasing the danger of flight, yet experience, knowledge, and moxie, are able to overcome the corruption with greater degree of effort and focus.
But there comes a point in time, an exact moment, when he suddenly loses sight of the last ghostly object of ground, and immediately he looses all bearing.
At this moment the sky looks exactly like the ground.
It is utterly shocking to that pilot how immediately he looses bearing.
We have all heard the stories, but until each pilot experiences that moment, he cannot comprehend the utter change that takes place in a moment in time.
One second he is in control of the situation, the next second he is utterly helpless.
They say even the very best pilots cannot maintain a steady course longer than 60 seconds when this occurs.
This is the second category of corruption.
“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11:3
This scenario can be applied to all areas of corruption.
It may be due to ignorance, or carelessness, or defiance, but even cancer usually gives lots of warnings before the corruption changes from one category into the next.
Our great nation of America is actually still in category one.
But the cloud layer has dropped so far there is no safe flying space left.
The horizon is obscured, and we are now desperately flying in ever thickening clouds straining to find those ghostly landmarks of recognizable stability by which to navigate.
The TEA party is desperately clinging to one weak image that is so frail we are afraid to blink for fear that it will disappear in the fog.
Our history is another such landmark now rejected as uncertain. The pilot and copilots are arguing how to interpret what they think they see in the fog: is what they see a four-foot rock 50 feet from the plane, or an island 600 feet from the plane? How it is interpreted has everything to do with resulting action!
Original Intent is there beside that one, and right now the copilot is screaming; “I see that one real clear, believe me, we can rely on that!” but the present administration in control cannot see it, and cannot believe the copilot no matter how many of us vote.
Now America has long stopped looking for the solid mountain of our faith. That landmark was obscured some time ago and has been dropped from the list of things to look for as bearing, but is the easiest to find if we would just look for it, right past our history, and original intent.
A wise pilot will observe the circumstances, and determine the risk of failure as too high, and navigate a U-turn, in the attempt to fly out of the fog.
Yet sometimes when that pilot pushes too far, the fog has closed in behind him, and there is no way out!
America, we are at this point now.
What do we do?
Continue to fly in the same direction, or try to find our way back in search of the clear skies we used to fly?
Either way, the danger is very real.
But one thing is sure. Death waits for us in this direction.
100% of all nations who have flown this course have crashed and burned.
History is littered with their wreckage.
I challenge you to name one that has not.
* * *
Viable landmarks by which to navigate with assurance while still in the first category of corruption:
Nationally -
“It is rightly impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible” - George Washington
“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.” - John Adams
“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians” - Patrick Henry
“Almost all the civil liberty now enjoyed in the world owes its origin to the principles of Christian religion.” - Noah Webster
“The religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of Christ and his apostles. This is genuine Christianity and to this we owe our free constitutions of government.” Noah Webster
“Let the children be carefully instructed in the principles and obligations of the Christian religion. This is the most essential part of education. The great enemy of the salvation of man, in my opinion, never invented a more effectual means of removing Christianity from the world than by persuading mankind it was improper to read the Bible in our schools.” - Benjamin Rush
“My views are the result of a lifetime of inquiry and reflection and very different from the anti-Christian systems imputed to me by those who know nothing of my opinions. To the corruption of Christianity, I am indeed opposed, but not (opposed) to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian in the only sense in which he wished anyone to be sincerely attached to his doctrines in preference to all others” - Thomas Jefferson
Faith -
Romans 1-2. The warning of Progressive steps of Depravity
Jude - The corruption of true faith (the present corruption of Eternal Security v.4)
* * * * * * *
*1 The very term Progressive implies moving little by little, changing position to a specific destination in front. The nature of the word Progress implies betterment, but does not require it. Progress only means; to become closer to that which you are aiming.
The concern should be, Are we aiming in the right direction?
A person who desires to die of kidney failure makes progress by ever increasing alcoholism, but that does not mean that end is wise, or right.
This Progressive movement in America is the perfect image of the frog boiling to death in a pot of water. As the temperature progresses the frog is able to acclimate to the gradual change, and remains unaware he is about to die when the destination is reached.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Spirit of Error
Post 151
Copied from Anchorage Daily News ( January 14, 2011-
“Intent of US Constitution mulled since the beginning
John Havelock
Published: January 14th, 2011 09:44 PM
Last Modified: January 14th, 2011 09:45 PM
The United States is experiencing a crisis in health care. For two generations, the country has provided financial support for health care for some of the poor, most of the aged, members of Congress, veterans and others, all with good results, but there are millions left out facing illness and death. The Congress and president have just determined that all should be covered. The law provides that if a citizen feels it's not for him, he can opt out but he should pay a tax to support the system anyway. We can't let anyone die because they opted out.
Health care for all and other questions of social policy are hot these days because an often vociferous faction, calling itself "Originalists," charges that the principle of obedience to the original intent of the Constitution's draftsmen, including its limits on federal powers, has been betrayed.
It might surprise the reader to know that judges have been considering original intent for all of the nearly 224 years since its adoption. It's just not so easy to interpret intent with a document that old. Some of the provisions are straightforward, others ambiguous. For example, what does it mean that the Congress shall have the power "to provide for the general welfare of the United States"?
To take another example, where is it written in the Constitution that the Supreme Court has the power to throw out the acts of the people's representatives? Nowhere. If it had been originally intended, don't you think someone would have made it specific? Putting it bluntly, the first chief justice of the Supreme Court decided it would be a good idea. Justice Marshall enshrined the notion in Marbury v Madison in 1803. Maybe he was right, maybe wrong, but a precedent was established that has been respected by the courts ever since, even though it is unlikely that any great harm would come to us if Acts of Congress, signed by the president, could not be dumped by just one member of the Supreme Court, elected by nobody, breaking a four-four tie.
Sixteen years later, in McCullough v Maryland, Justice Marshall reminded us, "We must never forget that it is a constitution we are expounding."
What did he mean by that? He explained later in the opinion describing one section: "This provision is made in a constitution intended to endure for ages to come, and consequently, to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs."
As Marshall knew, none of the Constitution's provisions could have anticipated the drastic changes that have made America unrecognizable from the perspective of an original draftsman. What would the draftsmen have thought about the allocation of radio frequencies? Hmmm.
But still, over these intervening years, public administrators and judges have worked at deriving meaning from this document, or, rather, series of documents, as amendments have been added, considering what the draftsmen might have intended. They have applied that meaning in practices and judicial decisions, supplementing their main work in interpreting and applying federal law. These decisions make up an impressive body of law that lawyers call "precedent." Precedent is normally binding in determining what the Constitution means.
The "Originalists" of 2011 want to throw out much of what generations of judges have had to say, in favor of a new interpretation of what the draftsmen thought. Originalists color themselves as conservatives, but this approach, throwing out the concept of "precedent" that has guided the thinking of all well-trained lawyers for years, reveals the Originalists as striving to make radical changes in the meaning of the Constitution so they may bring radical change to the country.
Originalists have a new social agenda for the United States disguised as the application of conservative principles.
We can have no objection to the advocacy of this social agenda. Such views can and should be vigorously expounded and debated. Maybe universal health coverage is bad for the country. But it is mischievous to pretend that the nation cannot even consider the program because fealty to originalism means the program is unconstitutional.
John Havelock is a practicing lawyer and former Alaska attorney general. “
* * *
Ignorance is something we can all wink at in the innocent, but Mr. Havelock is not innocent. Mr. Havelock is a practicing lawyer and former Attorney General of Alaska.
Therefore he has an obligation to know the truth and the application of law, and we have every right to hold him accountable for error. So much more so, when that error is done with intent and for a subversive purpose of which this article gives every indication of being; *1
He begins his article making a bold declaration; “The United States is experiencing a crisis in health care.” This statement, based on opinion and propaganda, is the apparent foundation for his article. We will at this time ignore the debate whether this statement is true or false.
He goes on to boldly state that the country’s financial healthcare support of some of her peoples has been; “all with good result” We can only imagine that he does not mean to include those majority of veterans who although promised, cannot get the care they need, or those Americans who cannot receive organs because federal prisoners have priority, or the unbalanced and expensive care provided for congress but not even implied to the masses, or the inexcusable high cost of care because of government regulations harming those not in their programs, or the incredible wasted funds which many congressman openly recognizes as “just to be expected”, or the bold fact that this country is virtually bankrupt because of spending funds on programs the government was never designed to fund, such as the kind of Health Care he is suggesting.
So just what does “all with good results” actually mean in such a bold statement?
Further, those of us who have read the Healthcare bill, at least in part, know the “opt out” option is a poorly veiled deception, which he actually exposes by stating they should pay anyway, then supports his statement of declaration by the emotional logic; “we can’t let anyone die because they opt out.”
Says who?
Why does this former Attorney General assume this idea is already beyond question? Are we already a Nanny State? What if I actually prefer dying because I chose to opt out? Don’t I still have that freedom? Or do I actually belong to the State now? What gives this man the right to decide “we” can’t allow such a thing? What else can’t they allow? Homeless? Jobless? Carless? Spouseless? SUVless?
When did your hearts turn from being Americans?
“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains or slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take but as for me; give me liberty or give me death!” - Patrick Henry
* * *
But my response here is not to argue his views on Healthcare.
He has made his statement of cause (Healthcare) to support the rest of his article. He knows he now has the favorable ear of those who like the idea of universal healthcare.
With this favor he now enters the real intent of his article; the disparagement of the “so called” “originalists”. Those vociferous factions!
If it was not so serious, his open vilification of these people would be comical. Are they no longer Americans? Don’t they still have a right to an opinion? Or is that time already passed in America as in all previous communist countries that came before us?
Then this former Attorney General gives the “vociferous faction” calling itself “originalists” a lesson in original intent;
“…where is it written in the Constitution that the Supreme Court has the power to throw out the acts of the people's representatives?”
Good question Mr. Havelock... But wrong implication.
He goes on:
“Putting it bluntly, the first chief justice of the Supreme Court decided it would be a good idea. Justice Marshall enshrined the notion in Marbury v Madison in 1803.”
Isn’t that interesting? I always thought Chief Justice John Jay was the original chief Justice of the Supreme Court 1789-1795, not Justice Marshall 1801-1835 but hey, what do I know?
And to continue his error Mr. Havelock poorly twisted the written historical fact for the purpose of making his case for healthcare.
Justice Marshall did not actually enshrine the notion of throwing out the acts of the people’s representatives. What he confirmed was throwing out such acts as were in violation of original intent of the Constitution. *2 And THAT Mr. Havelock IS in the constitution by Article 1 Section 1,
And by the clear limitations of said government established by Article 1 Section 8,
And by the oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution”,
And by the limitations of the Judicial Power of the Supreme Court found in Article 3 Section 2,
And by the process of ratification of amendments as found in Article 5.
And by the spirit of original intent of the writers and signers of the the declaration which you can't seem to find because the document is so old;
“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”
- Patrick Henry
But do you mean other than those?
* * *
So the very case Mr. Havelock is making against the “originalists” actually supports the originalists argument in conflict with the point he is trying to make it make regarding precedent! *4 Or am I being vociferous by pointing this out?
In fact the very Justice Marshall in the very case Mr. Havelock used to make his case is in fact very, very clear that he stands on the principle of an originalist; What specifically did the Constitution intend? *3
Mr. Havelock, if you like the idea of universal healthcare, then by all means promote it, that is your right as a free American. But do not lie, deceive, and subvert the truth to do it, That is not your right to do because it does great damage to America.
Mr. Havelock is attempting to subvert the case, the character, and the original intent of Justice Marshall. But hey, attorneys are recognized across America for a willingness to distort the truth to win their case.
Do you really think the practicing attorney and former attorney general of Alaska does not know this error? IF he doesn’t, he is a lousy attorney who doesn’t bother to research his facts. This is willful and shameful conduct for anyone, and even moreso for someone pretending to practice law in America!
The ramifications are huge and far more unaffordable than Health Care!
His article should have been titled:
Intent of US Constitution MAULED since the beginning.
* * * * * * *
*1 Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 5th edition 1948
Subvert: 1. To overturn; overthrow; ruin utterly 2. To undermine the morals allegiance, or faith of; corrupt.
*2 “Marbury v. Madison, case decided in 1803 by the U.S. Supreme Court. William Marbury had been commissioned justice of the peace in the District of Columbia by President John Adams in the “midnight appointments” at the very end of his administration. When the new administration did not deliver the commission, Marbury sued James Madison, Jefferson's Secretary of State. (At that time the Secretary of State was charged with certain domestic duties as well as with conducting foreign affairs.) Chief Justice John Marshall held that, although Marbury was entitled to the commission, the statute that was the basis of the particular remedy sought was unconstitutional because it gave the Supreme Court authority that was implicitly denied it by Article 3 of the U.S. Constitution. The decision was the first by the Supreme Court to declare unconstitutional and void an act passed by Congress that the Court considered in violation of the Constitution. The decision established the doctrine of judicial review, which recognizes the authority of courts to declare statutes unconstitutional.” - See R. L. Clinton, Marbury v. Madison and Judicial Review (1989). -
*3 Full Text of the case:
*4 From Justice Marshall’s ruling:
page 5 U.S. 163 “The very essence of civil liberty certainly consists in the right of every individual to claim the protection of the laws whenever he receives an injury. One of the first duties of government is to afford that protection.”
"it is a general and indisputable rule that where there is a legal right, there is also a legal remedy by suit or action at law whenever that right is invaded."
“The Government of the United States has been emphatically termed a government of laws, and not of men. It will certainly cease to deserve this high appellation if the laws furnish no remedy for the violation of a vested legal right.”
“Impressions are often received without much reflection or examination, and it is not wonderful that, in such a case as this, the assertion by an individual of his legal claims in a court of justice, to which claims it is the duty of that court to attend, should, at first view, be considered
Page 5 U. S. 170
by some as an attempt to intrude into the cabinet and to intermeddle with the prerogatives of the Executive.”
“It is scarcely necessary for the Court to disclaim all pretensions to such a jurisdiction. An extravagance so absurd and excessive could not have been entertained for a moment. The province of the Court is solely to decide on the rights of individuals, not to inquire how the Executive or Executive officers perform duties in which they have a discretion. Questions, in their nature political or which are, by the Constitution and laws, submitted to the Executive, can never be made in this court.”
Page 5 U.S. 173 “The act to establish the judicial courts of the United States authorizes the Supreme Court ‘to issue writs of mandamus, in cases warranted by the principles and usages of law, to any courts appointed, or persons holding office, under the authority of the United States.’"
Page 5 U.S. 176 “The authority, therefore, given to the Supreme Court by the act establishing the judicial courts of the United States to issue writs of mandamus to public officers appears not to be warranted by the Constitution, and it becomes necessary to inquire whether a jurisdiction so conferred can be exercised.”
“The question whether an act repugnant to the Constitution can become the law of the land is a question deeply interesting to the United States, but, happily, not of an intricacy proportioned to its interest. It seems only necessary to recognize certain principles, supposed to have been long and well established, to decide it.
That the people have an original right to establish for their future government such principles as, in their opinion, shall most conduce to their own happiness is the basis on which the whole American fabric has been erected. The exercise of this original right is a very great exertion; nor can it nor ought it to be frequently repeated. The principles, therefore, so established are deemed fundamental. And as the authority from which they proceed, is supreme, and can seldom act, they are designed to be permanent.”
“The powers of the Legislature are defined and limited; and that those limits may not be mistaken or forgotten, the Constitution is written.”
The Constitution is either a superior, paramount law, unchangeable by ordinary means, or it is on a level with ordinary legislative acts, and, like other acts, is alterable when the legislature shall please to alter it.
If the former part of the alternative be true, then a legislative act contrary to the Constitution is not law; if the latter part be true, then written Constitutions are absurd attempts on the part of the people to limit a power in its own nature illimitable.
Certainly all those who have framed written Constitutions contemplate them as forming the fundamental and paramount law of the nation, and consequently the theory of every such government must be that an act of the Legislature repugnant to the Constitution is void.
page 5 U.S. 178 “If, then, the Courts are to regard the Constitution, and the Constitution is superior to any ordinary act of the Legislature, the Constitution, and not such ordinary act, must govern the case to which they both apply.
“Those, then, who controvert the principle that the Constitution is to be considered in court as a paramount law are reduced to the necessity of maintaining that courts must close their eyes on the Constitution, and see only the law.
This doctrine would subvert the very foundation of all written Constitutions.”
It would declare that an act which, according to the principles and theory of our government, is entirely void, is yet, in practice, completely obligatory. It would declare that, if the Legislature shall do what is expressly forbidden, such act, notwithstanding the express prohibition, is in reality effectual. It would be giving to the Legislature a practical and real omnipotence with the same breath which professes to restrict their powers within narrow limits. It is prescribing limits, and declaring that those limits may be passed at pleasure.”
Yet this is exactly what Mr. Havelock would have us do by blindly accepting precedent, which he claims this ruling established and supports!
Page 5 U.S. 180 “Thus, the particular phraseology of the Constitution of the United States confirms and strengthens the principle, supposed to be essential to all written Constitutions, that a law repugnant to the Constitution is void, and that courts, as well as other departments, are bound by that instrument. The rule must be discharged.”
* * *
Justice Marshall made clear his recognition that neither Congressional rules, nor even he as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court had power or authority to go beyond what the Constitution explicitly allowed.
This case ruling is so clear in its intent that Mr. Havelock must intentionally misconstrue that intent in order to come to the opinion that Justice Marshall “thought it was a good idea” that the: “Supreme Court has the power to throw out the acts of the people's representatives”.
Mr. Havelock’s error in this one article are so many, I cannot take the space to address the others.
Mr. Havelock has shown us the color of those who would give us Healthcare at any cost.
This is not just error, but the spirit of error.
It is not the “originalists with a new social agenda," but those like Mr. Havelock that would subvert the very foundation of our great nation.
Respectfully Submitted January 16, 2011
Kyle Ponsford
Haines Alaska
Copied from Anchorage Daily News ( January 14, 2011-
“Intent of US Constitution mulled since the beginning
John Havelock
Published: January 14th, 2011 09:44 PM
Last Modified: January 14th, 2011 09:45 PM
The United States is experiencing a crisis in health care. For two generations, the country has provided financial support for health care for some of the poor, most of the aged, members of Congress, veterans and others, all with good results, but there are millions left out facing illness and death. The Congress and president have just determined that all should be covered. The law provides that if a citizen feels it's not for him, he can opt out but he should pay a tax to support the system anyway. We can't let anyone die because they opted out.
Health care for all and other questions of social policy are hot these days because an often vociferous faction, calling itself "Originalists," charges that the principle of obedience to the original intent of the Constitution's draftsmen, including its limits on federal powers, has been betrayed.
It might surprise the reader to know that judges have been considering original intent for all of the nearly 224 years since its adoption. It's just not so easy to interpret intent with a document that old. Some of the provisions are straightforward, others ambiguous. For example, what does it mean that the Congress shall have the power "to provide for the general welfare of the United States"?
To take another example, where is it written in the Constitution that the Supreme Court has the power to throw out the acts of the people's representatives? Nowhere. If it had been originally intended, don't you think someone would have made it specific? Putting it bluntly, the first chief justice of the Supreme Court decided it would be a good idea. Justice Marshall enshrined the notion in Marbury v Madison in 1803. Maybe he was right, maybe wrong, but a precedent was established that has been respected by the courts ever since, even though it is unlikely that any great harm would come to us if Acts of Congress, signed by the president, could not be dumped by just one member of the Supreme Court, elected by nobody, breaking a four-four tie.
Sixteen years later, in McCullough v Maryland, Justice Marshall reminded us, "We must never forget that it is a constitution we are expounding."
What did he mean by that? He explained later in the opinion describing one section: "This provision is made in a constitution intended to endure for ages to come, and consequently, to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs."
As Marshall knew, none of the Constitution's provisions could have anticipated the drastic changes that have made America unrecognizable from the perspective of an original draftsman. What would the draftsmen have thought about the allocation of radio frequencies? Hmmm.
But still, over these intervening years, public administrators and judges have worked at deriving meaning from this document, or, rather, series of documents, as amendments have been added, considering what the draftsmen might have intended. They have applied that meaning in practices and judicial decisions, supplementing their main work in interpreting and applying federal law. These decisions make up an impressive body of law that lawyers call "precedent." Precedent is normally binding in determining what the Constitution means.
The "Originalists" of 2011 want to throw out much of what generations of judges have had to say, in favor of a new interpretation of what the draftsmen thought. Originalists color themselves as conservatives, but this approach, throwing out the concept of "precedent" that has guided the thinking of all well-trained lawyers for years, reveals the Originalists as striving to make radical changes in the meaning of the Constitution so they may bring radical change to the country.
Originalists have a new social agenda for the United States disguised as the application of conservative principles.
We can have no objection to the advocacy of this social agenda. Such views can and should be vigorously expounded and debated. Maybe universal health coverage is bad for the country. But it is mischievous to pretend that the nation cannot even consider the program because fealty to originalism means the program is unconstitutional.
John Havelock is a practicing lawyer and former Alaska attorney general. “
* * *
Ignorance is something we can all wink at in the innocent, but Mr. Havelock is not innocent. Mr. Havelock is a practicing lawyer and former Attorney General of Alaska.
Therefore he has an obligation to know the truth and the application of law, and we have every right to hold him accountable for error. So much more so, when that error is done with intent and for a subversive purpose of which this article gives every indication of being; *1
He begins his article making a bold declaration; “The United States is experiencing a crisis in health care.” This statement, based on opinion and propaganda, is the apparent foundation for his article. We will at this time ignore the debate whether this statement is true or false.
He goes on to boldly state that the country’s financial healthcare support of some of her peoples has been; “all with good result” We can only imagine that he does not mean to include those majority of veterans who although promised, cannot get the care they need, or those Americans who cannot receive organs because federal prisoners have priority, or the unbalanced and expensive care provided for congress but not even implied to the masses, or the inexcusable high cost of care because of government regulations harming those not in their programs, or the incredible wasted funds which many congressman openly recognizes as “just to be expected”, or the bold fact that this country is virtually bankrupt because of spending funds on programs the government was never designed to fund, such as the kind of Health Care he is suggesting.
So just what does “all with good results” actually mean in such a bold statement?
Further, those of us who have read the Healthcare bill, at least in part, know the “opt out” option is a poorly veiled deception, which he actually exposes by stating they should pay anyway, then supports his statement of declaration by the emotional logic; “we can’t let anyone die because they opt out.”
Says who?
Why does this former Attorney General assume this idea is already beyond question? Are we already a Nanny State? What if I actually prefer dying because I chose to opt out? Don’t I still have that freedom? Or do I actually belong to the State now? What gives this man the right to decide “we” can’t allow such a thing? What else can’t they allow? Homeless? Jobless? Carless? Spouseless? SUVless?
When did your hearts turn from being Americans?
“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains or slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take but as for me; give me liberty or give me death!” - Patrick Henry
* * *
But my response here is not to argue his views on Healthcare.
He has made his statement of cause (Healthcare) to support the rest of his article. He knows he now has the favorable ear of those who like the idea of universal healthcare.
With this favor he now enters the real intent of his article; the disparagement of the “so called” “originalists”. Those vociferous factions!
If it was not so serious, his open vilification of these people would be comical. Are they no longer Americans? Don’t they still have a right to an opinion? Or is that time already passed in America as in all previous communist countries that came before us?
Then this former Attorney General gives the “vociferous faction” calling itself “originalists” a lesson in original intent;
“…where is it written in the Constitution that the Supreme Court has the power to throw out the acts of the people's representatives?”
Good question Mr. Havelock... But wrong implication.
He goes on:
“Putting it bluntly, the first chief justice of the Supreme Court decided it would be a good idea. Justice Marshall enshrined the notion in Marbury v Madison in 1803.”
Isn’t that interesting? I always thought Chief Justice John Jay was the original chief Justice of the Supreme Court 1789-1795, not Justice Marshall 1801-1835 but hey, what do I know?
And to continue his error Mr. Havelock poorly twisted the written historical fact for the purpose of making his case for healthcare.
Justice Marshall did not actually enshrine the notion of throwing out the acts of the people’s representatives. What he confirmed was throwing out such acts as were in violation of original intent of the Constitution. *2 And THAT Mr. Havelock IS in the constitution by Article 1 Section 1,
And by the clear limitations of said government established by Article 1 Section 8,
And by the oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution”,
And by the limitations of the Judicial Power of the Supreme Court found in Article 3 Section 2,
And by the process of ratification of amendments as found in Article 5.
And by the spirit of original intent of the writers and signers of the the declaration which you can't seem to find because the document is so old;
“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”
- Patrick Henry
But do you mean other than those?
* * *
So the very case Mr. Havelock is making against the “originalists” actually supports the originalists argument in conflict with the point he is trying to make it make regarding precedent! *4 Or am I being vociferous by pointing this out?
In fact the very Justice Marshall in the very case Mr. Havelock used to make his case is in fact very, very clear that he stands on the principle of an originalist; What specifically did the Constitution intend? *3
Mr. Havelock, if you like the idea of universal healthcare, then by all means promote it, that is your right as a free American. But do not lie, deceive, and subvert the truth to do it, That is not your right to do because it does great damage to America.
Mr. Havelock is attempting to subvert the case, the character, and the original intent of Justice Marshall. But hey, attorneys are recognized across America for a willingness to distort the truth to win their case.
Do you really think the practicing attorney and former attorney general of Alaska does not know this error? IF he doesn’t, he is a lousy attorney who doesn’t bother to research his facts. This is willful and shameful conduct for anyone, and even moreso for someone pretending to practice law in America!
The ramifications are huge and far more unaffordable than Health Care!
His article should have been titled:
Intent of US Constitution MAULED since the beginning.
* * * * * * *
*1 Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 5th edition 1948
Subvert: 1. To overturn; overthrow; ruin utterly 2. To undermine the morals allegiance, or faith of; corrupt.
*2 “Marbury v. Madison, case decided in 1803 by the U.S. Supreme Court. William Marbury had been commissioned justice of the peace in the District of Columbia by President John Adams in the “midnight appointments” at the very end of his administration. When the new administration did not deliver the commission, Marbury sued James Madison, Jefferson's Secretary of State. (At that time the Secretary of State was charged with certain domestic duties as well as with conducting foreign affairs.) Chief Justice John Marshall held that, although Marbury was entitled to the commission, the statute that was the basis of the particular remedy sought was unconstitutional because it gave the Supreme Court authority that was implicitly denied it by Article 3 of the U.S. Constitution. The decision was the first by the Supreme Court to declare unconstitutional and void an act passed by Congress that the Court considered in violation of the Constitution. The decision established the doctrine of judicial review, which recognizes the authority of courts to declare statutes unconstitutional.” - See R. L. Clinton, Marbury v. Madison and Judicial Review (1989). -
*3 Full Text of the case:
*4 From Justice Marshall’s ruling:
page 5 U.S. 163 “The very essence of civil liberty certainly consists in the right of every individual to claim the protection of the laws whenever he receives an injury. One of the first duties of government is to afford that protection.”
"it is a general and indisputable rule that where there is a legal right, there is also a legal remedy by suit or action at law whenever that right is invaded."
“The Government of the United States has been emphatically termed a government of laws, and not of men. It will certainly cease to deserve this high appellation if the laws furnish no remedy for the violation of a vested legal right.”
“Impressions are often received without much reflection or examination, and it is not wonderful that, in such a case as this, the assertion by an individual of his legal claims in a court of justice, to which claims it is the duty of that court to attend, should, at first view, be considered
Page 5 U. S. 170
by some as an attempt to intrude into the cabinet and to intermeddle with the prerogatives of the Executive.”
“It is scarcely necessary for the Court to disclaim all pretensions to such a jurisdiction. An extravagance so absurd and excessive could not have been entertained for a moment. The province of the Court is solely to decide on the rights of individuals, not to inquire how the Executive or Executive officers perform duties in which they have a discretion. Questions, in their nature political or which are, by the Constitution and laws, submitted to the Executive, can never be made in this court.”
Page 5 U.S. 173 “The act to establish the judicial courts of the United States authorizes the Supreme Court ‘to issue writs of mandamus, in cases warranted by the principles and usages of law, to any courts appointed, or persons holding office, under the authority of the United States.’"
Page 5 U.S. 176 “The authority, therefore, given to the Supreme Court by the act establishing the judicial courts of the United States to issue writs of mandamus to public officers appears not to be warranted by the Constitution, and it becomes necessary to inquire whether a jurisdiction so conferred can be exercised.”
“The question whether an act repugnant to the Constitution can become the law of the land is a question deeply interesting to the United States, but, happily, not of an intricacy proportioned to its interest. It seems only necessary to recognize certain principles, supposed to have been long and well established, to decide it.
That the people have an original right to establish for their future government such principles as, in their opinion, shall most conduce to their own happiness is the basis on which the whole American fabric has been erected. The exercise of this original right is a very great exertion; nor can it nor ought it to be frequently repeated. The principles, therefore, so established are deemed fundamental. And as the authority from which they proceed, is supreme, and can seldom act, they are designed to be permanent.”
“The powers of the Legislature are defined and limited; and that those limits may not be mistaken or forgotten, the Constitution is written.”
The Constitution is either a superior, paramount law, unchangeable by ordinary means, or it is on a level with ordinary legislative acts, and, like other acts, is alterable when the legislature shall please to alter it.
If the former part of the alternative be true, then a legislative act contrary to the Constitution is not law; if the latter part be true, then written Constitutions are absurd attempts on the part of the people to limit a power in its own nature illimitable.
Certainly all those who have framed written Constitutions contemplate them as forming the fundamental and paramount law of the nation, and consequently the theory of every such government must be that an act of the Legislature repugnant to the Constitution is void.
page 5 U.S. 178 “If, then, the Courts are to regard the Constitution, and the Constitution is superior to any ordinary act of the Legislature, the Constitution, and not such ordinary act, must govern the case to which they both apply.
“Those, then, who controvert the principle that the Constitution is to be considered in court as a paramount law are reduced to the necessity of maintaining that courts must close their eyes on the Constitution, and see only the law.
This doctrine would subvert the very foundation of all written Constitutions.”
It would declare that an act which, according to the principles and theory of our government, is entirely void, is yet, in practice, completely obligatory. It would declare that, if the Legislature shall do what is expressly forbidden, such act, notwithstanding the express prohibition, is in reality effectual. It would be giving to the Legislature a practical and real omnipotence with the same breath which professes to restrict their powers within narrow limits. It is prescribing limits, and declaring that those limits may be passed at pleasure.”
Yet this is exactly what Mr. Havelock would have us do by blindly accepting precedent, which he claims this ruling established and supports!
Page 5 U.S. 180 “Thus, the particular phraseology of the Constitution of the United States confirms and strengthens the principle, supposed to be essential to all written Constitutions, that a law repugnant to the Constitution is void, and that courts, as well as other departments, are bound by that instrument. The rule must be discharged.”
* * *
Justice Marshall made clear his recognition that neither Congressional rules, nor even he as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court had power or authority to go beyond what the Constitution explicitly allowed.
This case ruling is so clear in its intent that Mr. Havelock must intentionally misconstrue that intent in order to come to the opinion that Justice Marshall “thought it was a good idea” that the: “Supreme Court has the power to throw out the acts of the people's representatives”.
Mr. Havelock’s error in this one article are so many, I cannot take the space to address the others.
Mr. Havelock has shown us the color of those who would give us Healthcare at any cost.
This is not just error, but the spirit of error.
It is not the “originalists with a new social agenda," but those like Mr. Havelock that would subvert the very foundation of our great nation.
Respectfully Submitted January 16, 2011
Kyle Ponsford
Haines Alaska
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