Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Is This Help, Hope or Folly?

post 067

For a few months I have resisted jumping on a train, destine to ends yet unknown.
So I have waited, and watched.
But I felt it important to post a topic of interesting events which really deserves to be watched.

In my post “America the Titanic” I revealed a truth that God does not generally or typically make a grand entrance into the lives of mankind to save the day, but that His MO (mode of operation) is to mysteriously “help” events in ways which allow for the impossible.
Most Americans today offend Him by attributing such help to Mother Nature, or The Higher Power, or Dumb Luck, or any number of other less than glorious titles of one so interested in our welfare.
Rarely is there a people, whose government is designed to openly give God the praise for the truly amazing sequences of strange events that enable success in otherwise hopeless circumstances.
Israel is just such a people, who over time have both given God the credit, and at other times given the credit to these other less glorious entities.
America is the only other people group I am aware of, which in their form of government has given God the recognition he deserves for his quiet involvement in their existence.

But on the flip side, there seems to be no end to the praise given to God for the Dumb Luck, good odds, and 50/50 successes of events that would not end differently if God did not exist.
If I fall off the sidewalk and don’t break my leg, was that a miracle from God? Hardly.
There is an old saying; “Providence favors the well prepared” This is the rare theme behind the movie; “Karate Kid”. This is the generic rule of nature. Today we often refer to this as “Survival of the fittest”.

God or Luck?
How we separate these two is often a matter of faith, but the camp in which we choose to put the cause of the event, does not mean we chose correctly. Just because I “believe” God kept my leg from breaking, does not mean it was a miracle, and just because you “believe” all existence was a freak accident, does not mean that it was.
There is a single reality, but many wrong ways to see it.
There is a single truth, (that which corresponds to reality), but many lies masquerading as truth.
It is our job as free agents to properly separate true from false. It is also our job to give credit to whom it belongs, and avoid praising the wrong source.

Where am I going with this?
There are still a lot of committed Christians in America today.
It is not God’s normal practice to destroy a people committed to his way. In fact he promises He will not. Hebrews 13:5,
Don’t get me wrong, history is full of evidence that Satan is often granted the power to kill believers, this is war. But God has never granted Satan the power to destroy and entire people who put their faith in God, even at times when they go astray.
God has given to us the history of the Jews as our example of his interaction with his followers; when they turned to God, He helped them. When they turned away, He let them suffer. And when they repented, he helped them recover. (The entire Old Testament is full of examples)

Today in America, God’s people have been lulled asleep by luxury, comfort and pleasant sin. The children of darkness have assumed the positions of authority we have neglected.
But there are signs that the people of faith are waking up. And quietly, like me, they are calling out to God again.
II Chronicles 7:14

If we look at current events, we are seeing the beginning of a very curious trend:
The entrenched haters of God are being quietly dropped from the positions of leadership.

Lets take a look at some recent events:

Aug 1988 - Rush Limbaugh begins the serious conservative radio show, opening the door to conservative voices in the media.
Fox news gains great ground, * while CNN, NBC and other entrenched media struggle.**

* this from the Huffington Post

** this too from a liberal view

Jan 2009 - Glenn Beck
a radio clown, becomes a beacon of truth for America as a very conservative News Host on Fox.

Aug. 2009 - Long term Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy, “the patriarch of the first family of Democratic politics”, died in office, He was 77. Kennedy
Relatively unknown Scott Brown (R)
filled that empty seat running against the shoe-in opponent, Democratic state Attorney General Martha Coakley.

An unusually high number of long term democrats are retiring like rats from a singing ship, while others are being replaced for corruption. Illinois Gov. Blagojevich

June 2010 - Democrat Congressman Bob Etheridge
caught ruffing up a student reporter.

In spite of a strong majority in both houses the Dems are having trouble passing bills.

June 2010 - Alvin Greene
an unemployed man who is currently facing felony charges, with virtually no adds, no website, or funding, is voted the winner in South Carolina’s Democrat Senate primary, Apparently showing the (not so wise) public opinion; ANYONE is better than what we have now!

June 2010 - Leftist Helen Thomas retires:
"In the world of political journalism, it's the end of an era..." after anti-Semitic comments “on the record”.

And the list goes on.

Am I saying these are all good and wise changes? No. But the door is being opened for us to act. As the radical Progressives push to take our nation, there is a standard being raised against it. The opportunity is ours to take if we just will.
Darkness only takes hold at the absence of light. and it just a quickly flees when confronted with light.

America is most assuredly on its deathbed.
The prognosis is grim.
The doctors have all said; “there is no hope”

But near recent history shows the miraculous recovery of just such a hopeless cause;
Only hours after Israel became a nation at 4:30pm on May 14, 1948 the mighty Egyptian army rolled into Israel to “drive them into the sea”. And like the rag tag tiny American colonies, there was no hope of winning a war against such a large, well armed, long standing army. The British military leaders wrote home to say; Within hours Israel will be the shortest lived nation in history. There was no hope.

With more rocks and sticks than rifles as weapons,
With two supper cubs as their air force,
With Children as their military leaders,
and with only hours of national existence in which to train their troops;
The people of Israel not only won that war, but multiplied their land possession many times, allowing them to gift it back for peace.
Freak accident? Dumb Luck? You look at the history and decide for yourself! The facts show there was no way on earth they could have won that war.
But they did.
No amount of “preparedness” could have brought the “favor of providence” there. “Survival of the fittest” did not seem to materialize this time.
On which entity do you choose to attribute their success?

Today, America stands on similar hopeless ground.
We owe more than we can repay.
Our economy is ready to crash.
Our world presentation is a public mockery.
Our government institutions are more corrupt than the mafia.
We have invited God to leave, and have filled our nation with every abominable thing.
Officially our nation’s god is now “time + rain on a rock”.
The prognosis is hopeless.
We have already crashed into the iceberg.


In the world of God, the miraculous isn’t!
So lets continue to call out to God for his mercy.
We are on the road to national awakening,
Lets get serious with God again. Lets put away our filthy ways.
Lets continue to reclaim our righteousness, first as individuals, and then in our communities, and then in our nation.
Lets continue to stand as light against the darkness, and take special note when the darkness departs!
And lets prepare to watch “Dumb Luck” provide “impossible circumstances” at the “perfect time”, to see a nation with a Titanic size hole, fail to sink!
And when it does not sink, lets be smart enough to place the credit on whom it belongs!

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