Sunday, June 27, 2010

What Makes A Nation Christian?

post 072

I am deeply concerned that the man holding the office of President of The United States of America has publicly declared to the world; “We (America) do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation, we consider ourselves a nation of citizens.”
Not a Christian nation
speech in Ankara Turkey

He has held these views for some time, as indicated by the same perspective as a senator in this speech of 2006;
“Whatever we once were we are no longer a Christian nation. At least not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim Nation, and a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation and a nation of Non-Believers,
No longer a Christian nation short version.
long version worth listening to.

Why, of all the policy of this administration to be concerned about, would I choose this one to focus on?

It is not because of the statements alone, or because he has taken upon himself to declare to the world what “we” now believe; Treasonous as such statements are. (more on this later).

I am concerned because he has a very foundational misunderstanding of what it means to be a Christian Nation.

But lets be generous and examine his speeches to understand his perspective in an effort to give him all the benefit of the doubt.
After all, was it not Americans who voted him into office?
Has he not been consistent in his beliefs and views?
Did he not run his campaign on “Change”?
Is he not doing exactly what he said he would do if elected?

Perhaps he is actually right. Maybe we are no longer a Christian nation.
I can easily find support of this by reading the comments posted in reply to these video clips from Youtube, some examples:

"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" Article 11, Treaty With Tripoli, 1796.....founding fathers were still sad people think we're a christian nation”

“He is absolutely correct. We have never considered ourselves to be a Christian nation - or of any other religion. We have a law that bans the establishment of any official religion.”

These are actually some of the most logical comments in favor of his view.
And further, nearly all comments posted in opposition to Mr. Obama’s view are hopelessly embracing, and presented with clear un-Christlike hatred, which does poorly to defend the idea that America might be a Christian nation.

Listening carefully to these speeches I find a foundational perspective that what makes a Christian nation is a nation inhabited exclusively by Christians.
This flawed understanding then supports such declarations, because indeed we have many peoples, of many religions, inhabiting this great nation.

But is it actually true that a nation is only Christian, when all its people are Christian?
We have no problem understanding that Sudan is a Muslim Nation even though a large segment is Christian.
We have no problem understanding that Turkey is a Muslim Nation even though it is quite “western” in its present state from what it has been in its past.
We have no problem understanding that Israel is a Jewish nation even though they openly accept Arabs and Egyptians, and in fact anyone who chooses, as full citizens living among them. So what actually makes a nation Jewish or Christian or Catholic or Hindu or Muslim?

1) The United States Constitution shows a clear absence of direct religion in its composition.
) And the Bill of Rights, written to; “extend the ground of public confidence in the Government,…”(Preamble) makes as the very first Article, the assurances that Congress was restricted from making laws “respecting an establishment of religion…”
3) The very purpose of the Constitution is found in its preamble, and appears to be missing any direct indication of promoting the Christian religion.

So are these sure proofs that our founders indeed were careful to establish this nation free from religion, as Mr. Obama, and the commenters suggest?

* * *

Having just secured their freedom from the tyrannical King of England, having just escaped the oppression from the Murderous Church of England, Our founders labored greatly to insure they did not create a nation, which would soon return the people to such injuries. They were well learned that governments tend to corruption, and that government established churches tends to even greater corruptions. So the nation they formed was the result of a mighty effort to ensure that power and faith was retained by the governed and not possessed by the government.

So how then can I boldly declare that America was indeed designed and established as a Christian nation?
To answer that, I must ask again the original question; “What makes a nation Christian?”
If a nation is not determined to be Christian simply by the faith of the inhabitants, what other authority could make it so?
Obviously the religion ruling the government would be a clear example, such as all the various nations of Islam.
But America has been very clearly established to intentionally avoid such a state.
We have ruled out the idea that majority determines the religion as Mr. Obama suggests,
We have also rejected the government ruling the church as England did.
And we have rejected the Church ruling the government as Islam does.

I love the genius behind the founders who discovered the elusive 3rd option!

That is a form of Government which can only govern until the governed reject the foundations on which the government was established.
That government was a democratic Republic whose authority for existence was "Nature's God" (1st and 2nd paragraphs, Declaration of Independence)
This was such an illusive ideology that no nation on earth had ever before been established with such a government!
With very little serious investigation it will be found that America was built as an intentionally religious-less form of government, established wholly on the principles of Jesus the Christ found in the Holy Bible. In this way the people were provided great freedoms AND great security, a very rare combination.

How is that possible?
In a very real sense it is practically impossible, yet history shows that it is!

The trick is to first distinguish between religion and faith. Practically; religion is the efforts of man to establish a proper form of worship, while faith is the core values that motivate action.
Our founders were as in favor of providing a form of government which would promote the faith of Christianity, as they were opposed to establishing by law the Christian religion.

The laws of this land were carefully structured to align with the principles of the Christian God, without demanding the Christian religion was followed.
(again please see my 4 part post "Separation of Church and State" for ref.)
Jesus did not demand or require anyone to follow him. And our founders followed that example in writing our laws to carefully maintain this freedom of choice, yet at the same time subject the social laws to following His principles. Not because they wanted to make a Christian nation, but because they wanted a nation to benefit from following His sound recommendations.
The result is a nation which has been better than any other at obeying Christ’s very idea of Christianity; that is a nation of free men, socially at peace with one another by practicing the establishment of Christian principles without establishing the Christian religion.
In this way they kept the Christian faith out of the hands of the government, and kept the government out of the hands of an organized religion, while at the same time subjecting the government and the society to socially advantageous laws established from the Christian faith.

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here." Patrick Henry

Since the foundational laws creating this nation were fundamentally derived from the principles of the Holy Bible, this nation is in fact a Christian nation even though a large number of its inhabitants are now, not of the Christian faith.
These non-Christian inhabitants can enjoy the freedom, peace and security of this nation because of its laws based on Christian values.
Unlike the Islamic Nations whose laws based on Islamic values ensure bondage, fear and oppression to all non-Muslim inhabitants.
Only in this creative way can the nation remain Christian even if the people are not. By its very nature it must remain Christian until the people choose to change the nations very fundamental laws, which are based on Christianity.
(It pains me greatly not to be able to copy whole books here on this subject! I have a great volume of books which faithfully reprint original documents of our founders and have posted at the bottom some titles for your pleasure.)

It was for this reason of the people’s God given right to choose their own religion freely, that our founders ensured our government would not ever establish any religion, “nor prohibit the free exercise thereof”. The government was stripped of any supposed authority to do so.
Yet the inclusion of religious values and especially those of the Christian faith were greatly encouraged by our founders as the only means to maintain a healthy government.
Please see the many references in my 4 part Separation of Church and State trial part 2
as well as the others.

Mr. Obama has openly purposed to “fundamentally Change America", and the only way to do so is by destroying our nation’s DNA as it were, and replace it with the DNA values of other evil empires and ideology.
Mr. Obama was wrong when he declared America is no longer a Christian nation. By the very DNA of our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the foundational laws of Jurisprudence, America is and will remain a Christian nation until these foundations be destroyed.
Although Mr. Obama’s goal is to do just that through “Change”, he has made his declaration prematurely.
we are 5 days away from fundamentally changing America
Obama sees Constitution fundamentally flawed short version
Obama sees Constitution fundamentally flawed full version.
And this from the man who just fired General McCrystal for disparaging remarks about his authorities!
talk show narration of Obama speech, but very good

A mere "nation of citizens" having discarded any legitimate connection to Christianity as Mr. Obama has declared, Has virtually no foundation on which to stand.
As stated by William Penn, “Those people who are not governed by GOD will be ruled by tyrants."
In effect and in truth, by these declarations Mr. Obama has committed treason against the United States Of America by "jerking" her sure foundations from under her feet, Abandoning any responsibility to Natures God, and therefore laying her exposed and helpless before her enemies.

Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 5th edition 1948
1 Now Rare. The betrayal of any trust or confidence; breach of faith.
2 The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance.
treason against the United States is defined by the Constitution (Art. III, sec. 3) to consist "only in levying war against them,
or in adhering to their enemies, giving aid and comfort to them."

Islam is the self declared enemy of America.
Mr. Obama has on more than one occasion ridiculed the Holy Bible.
He has on numerous occasions quoted the Koran with great respect.
Without the approval of the governed, He has declared "America is not, nor will ever be at war with Islam."
He is very familiar with, and has praised at length Islam, and disdains the values of Christianity.
He has openly made public statements disparaging our constitution, as flawed and irrelevant.
He has committed many unconstitutional acts through our congress.
His bold and clear agenda is the fundamental change of America.
Having shown a fundamental change cannot take place without the utter destruction of the existing nation, There is now a list of clearly treasonous intent by this man.

* * * * * * *

This blog is already too long, but a short answer to a legitimate argument is warranted:

Treaty of Tripoli 1796
This treaty was made only 20 years after the creation of a fledgling nation.
And that, following a great battle against her former sovereign.
The new nation of America was in great need of the supplies and goods acquired in the Barbary regions, But as is the nature of Islam, the heavy Jizyah taxes and submissions were required.
This treaty was written in Arabic, heavily taxed, and greatly favored the Muslim nations, But at the time America had few options but to comply.
Note this document is strangely missing indication of any signature by anyone of the USA other than Barlow himself appointed by the President.
One must also note the date of the formation of the United States Marine Corps, 1775
The initial and primary purpose of the USMC was, as told in our Marine Corps Song; "From the halls of Montezuma, to the Shores of Tripoli, we will fight our nation's battles, on the land and on the sea..."
Breaking the oppressive hold of the Muslim authority over the trading nations was the job of the USMC.
Therefore siting article 11 of this treaty as evidence America was not created as a Christian nation is folly and uninformed.

Books with a plethora of clear original evidence of the Christian faith, and Christian intent our founders used to create this great nation:

Celebrate Liberty! Famous Patriotic Speeches & Sermons” David Barton
"The Christian Life And Character Of The Civil Institutions Of The United States" Benjamin F. Morris
"ORIGINAL INTENT The Courts, The Constitution, & Religion" David Barton
"America's God and Country" Encyclopedia of Quotations, William J. Federer
Sergeant & Rawle's Reports, page 394

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