Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Iron

of Iron and Clay
Post 265
(Genesis 3:15+6:4b=Daniel 2:43)

Remember we are continuing the Days of Noah investigation of the Angel theory that suggests angels can breed with human women and actually produce real offspring, which, with violence, is scripturally one event that precursored Global Destruction. In the previous Posts we clearly exposed the wrongful extension of that theory which supposes the nephil giants of that former day were the result of that angelic inter-breeding, though we haven’t yet explored what was the true cause. We have yet to discuss the actual genesis of the not-so-angelic nephil giants but right now we are still investigating more clues that confirm the angels actually produce children and in so doing play a specific part that brought about the flood by water and therefore will again at the end of this world age Christ described by; “as in the days of Noah,” but this time it will be by fire.
This Post did not start out to be an independent study of the Iron but without it the Clay will not make enough sense. Just how the angels and their offspring come into the topic will have to wait even longer until after we grasp the deeper meanings of iron and clay.

“And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay” Daniel 2:43.

The relative topic of our ongoing study is the “they” of this verse, who are obviously NOT the seed of men but nonetheless blend themselves contentiously with the seed of men. But this post is not about them yet; it’s about the iron of the Iron and Clay, which they Type. So to make things simpler to comprehend as we go, there are four parts to this verse: the Iron, the Clay, the Seed of Men, and the They; the one set is compared to the other set as an explanatory example. The problem is that we haven’t even comprehended the example-set yet! That’s what we are about to do, but as always; it’s not as simple as a surface reading imagines:
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It’s Not All About Rome:
The multi-metal image in the Daniel 2 dream of Babylon’s king Nebuchadnezzar provides identification of all the Global Dominate Empires beginning with his own Babylonian Empire and ending with the Matthew 24:3 “end of the world as we know it” Empire; i.e. the end of the global age such as was Noah’s Flood.
That Daniel 2 history, having now experienced the arrival and passing of all but the last Gentile GDE prophesied in that dream, can validate the accuracy of Daniel’s prophetic interpretation up until the last one that has not yet completed its term though it has already come and gone.
I find it simultaneously humorous and frustrating that my careful wording for the sake of accuracy seems to imitate the cryptic wring of the prophecy no matter how hard I try to avoid it. To speak less cryptically is to narrow the meaning so much that it no longer accurately describes the topic. I am confident that I can make the prophecy clear but it will take a lot of carefully selected words to do it while retaining the truth of all the details contained in the prophecy.
Our focus right now is on the iron that is clearly shown to be in the Empire of legs as well as in the Empire of feet, but since we are usually starting from the common premise that those four parts (2 legs and 2 feet) are all the same generic Empire of Rome, we must first walk through the Nebuchadnezzar image Empire-by-Empire to extract needed information for correct interpretation:

“This image’s head was of fine gold (Babylon), his breast and his arms of silver (Medo-Persia), his belly and his thighs of brass (Greece), his legs of iron (Rome), his feet part of iron and part of clay (Islamic Caliphate) Daniel 2:32-33.

I realize that my Islam-Feet Empire interpretation kicks hard against the current Revived Rome theory that is so prevalent today, but history simply proves my general interpretation of Islam to be fact now entered into the historic record. I don’t mean to be harsh but those clinging to a too simplistic “Revived Rome” really need to catch up with the details of reality and review their dusty interpretation that was not actually wrong, just incomplete. If you will simply allow that my interpretation could be true and give me a genuine chance, I will in this post prove my claim beyond reasonable doubt. What you do with it then is up to you, but at least you gave it an honest ear:

“He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him” Proverbs 18:13.

The problem is that while still hung up on a “good preliminary theory” that was simply proven as limited by recent history, it will be even more difficult to accept my additional Second-Islamic-foot theory having not yet also become history to consider. Therefore, regardless of the Islamic first-foot historical fact, I confess this second-foot theory is only an extremely well founded theory at this time, which I will here show beyond reasonable question as most probable, and even being acceptably validated as to call it proper interpretation, though still limited. Other similar variations of interpretation available might be the two houses of Islam; Sunni and Shi’ite, as the meaning of the twin feet but I will show that concept to be misapplied. Another of the similar variations is that Revived Rome will be the second-foot, which again I will show is not a possible answer. All this will be done simply as a side topic while we explore the iron itself, which no serious scholar argues that this was indeed the identity of the Roman Empire and its two Legs of iron.
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Of The Strength of Iron:
In the subsequent Daniel 2:36-43 interpretation of this dream, Daniel includes details of toes not previously mentioned when presenting the dream earlier in 2:31-35, this omission in the telling of the dream is so that we firmly understand that the toes are not, in this sense, a separate empire from the feet yet still play a significantly unique role at the end of the Feet Empire, (pun intended by scripture).

“And whereas thou sawest the feet (Islamic) and toes (Islamic), part of potters’ clay (?) and part of iron (as was Rome), the kingdom shall be divided (6386); but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, foreasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay (?) Daniel 2:41.

Kingdoms and Empires:


It is important when interpreting, to note that we have two different identifiers for each kingdom; a body part and the substance of that body part. Since Babylon was a single Empire composed of a single kingdom it is not necessary to distinguish the substance between Empire and kingdom; it’s one in the same because it was a lone part. Babylon was the first-grade interpretation of this dream. Now we are promoted to second-grade.

Having said that, we have long incorrectly assumed the material composition alone is what makes a kingdom/Empire (as one in the same thing as was Babylon) rather than realizing it is the body part that makes a kingdom and multiple body parts of a single substance are combined can make a single Empire. We see this more complex Empire in the Chest and Arms composed of Silver that came after the simplicity of golden Babylon’s completely singular existence.
History shows that the kingdoms of Media and Persia; as body parts of two arms, were united to make up the singular Persian Empire as the Chest with the governing power represented by Silver as the uniting force. This is not a sterile “sum=sum” as there were not three kingdoms to coincide with “two arms and a chest” body parts. The material that all the parts were made of shows the “group” in which the parts belong, as related to the other groups; i.e. the form of governance that empowered these several parts into a recognizable Empire - in this case a singular chest. Any number of kingdoms can possess the same nature of governance represented by the material that they are composed of. In the case of Persia it was two independent kingdoms united into a unified and larger Empire of singular governance that eliminated the dual independence. In the image of a man, the downward progression shows two arms becoming a single chest: Media and Persia became the Persian Empire of Silver. You are now ready for third-grade.

Next came the Empire of Greece that, opposite of the Persian Empire, started off as a single kingdom Empire represented as a brass belly, and in the end of that Empire it was divided into two great kingdoms as the brass thighs that emerged out of the Greek Empire (*1), both retaining the Greek order of governance represented by brass. These thighs not becoming legs shows that these two kingdoms were unable to sustain the GDE status of their Empire after it broke up.
Nonetheless, all these “phases” of the Greek Empire-as-body-parts had the similar unique governance represented by Brass. So we see that addition and subtraction of body parts are both shown in the process of making an Empire Group identified by their material composition, but the GDE is bigger than the sum of its parts separated. Now we are promoted to fourth-grade interpretation.

After Greece came Rome; in surface appearance, just another GDE in the historically growing list, this one composed of iron. Again two kingdoms made up this Empire, but unlike Persia or Greece, this Empire has an added complexity; neither portion was ever joined to the other in a substantial singular body-part Empire and so we know the two elements, though both being iron by singular governance, remained independent. And one kingdom outlived the other by a thousand years. Rome Italy in the West came by itself as complete Rome, then Constantinople emerged parallel to Rome as Rome in the East. Eventually, by one increasing while the other decreased, Rome was simply “transferred” from West to East while both body parts were completely Rome. Rome Italy finally dried up as a GDE but the figurehead remained while Constantinople of the Eastern Byzantine Empire (*2) of Rome continued on, now completely Rome... but still quite different from Western Rome. The history of Rome provides the necessary key to understanding that these legs of the image were “walking” in time; one passing the other, as it were.

Ignoring for the moment other known passages that add yet more complexity to this simple Daniel 2 chart of Global Dominate Empires, we can see that we went from the simplest version of a single kingdom single Empire with a single nature of governance, to more complex Empires of multiple kingdoms added or subtracted, and even divided, as time progressed, yet all retaining the Empiric “nature” that defined them collectively as the Empires they were. These growing complexities have been explained by a convenient progression through history to show us how to identify the still more complex Empire that came next. Congratulations; we are promoted to Middle School interpretation.

Notice that in the Daniel 2:41 verse above I positively identify both the feet and the toes as Islamic. This is because that Empire, with three body-part kingdoms, is described simply as “feet” in the original Daniel 2:33 presentation of the dream. Originally the Feet Empire is simply listed as its own empire exclusive from the Legs Empire; therefore the added complexity of the toes was not needed to make that distinction. And like all the previous GDE examples; at least one foot of Islam with the unique governing nature of Iron and Clay is now also positively identified as an independent GDE by history past. The common confusion is that for the first time, two separate Empires happen to have a shared nature of iron, though the second Empire has blended that iron nature with the addition of Clay, which combination identifies it’s unique composition as an independent GDE with some familiar elements in its governance to the one that came before it. The complexities continue to grow. Are you ready to be promoted to basic algebra interpretation?

Islam... Again:
It is true that the second foot of the historically proven Islamic-Feet-Empire has not yet come in time. But it is the scriptural twin body part of the original Foot Empire because it is scripturally stated to be composed of the same blended material. Therefore it is quite safe to declare positively that the second foot will be recognizably similar to the first foot; i.e. an Islamic Caliphate with the same “spirit” of governance like we saw with the two parts of Rome bypassing in time:

If R (Rome) = RI (Rome Italy) + BE (Byzantine Empire), then IC (Islamic Caliphate) = ICP (Islamic Caliphate Past) + ICF (Islamic Caliphate Future).

The two “parts” of Rome being slightly offset in time, though overlapping in the passing, educationally encourages us to consider that the feet at the end of those legs must also be even further offset in time as “walking feet” at the end of the walking legs that already did the passing before the feet materialized. These feet never overlap in time; one came and went fully before the other arrives.
Other passages of Prophecy add great complexity to this basic image, and by the complexity they further support this interpretation though they are speaking of completely different concepts regarding these same Empires. Just because they don’t teach you about Imaginary Numbers or Quantum Leap in Algebra does not make Algebra wrong, just as grade three interpretation did not nullify grade one though it sure makes grade one understanding seem almost irrelevant for its simplicity. In this post there are many such things of the other Prophecies that would only add confusion to this Daniel 2 Basic Point that is so foundationally important to those other levels of interpretation. The Revived Rome interpretation is a result of jumping classes and ignorantly attempting to add Geometry to Grade-Three interpretation. By staying in the proper order of class progression in scripture we can greatly diminish the confusion and false conclusions. And because we have now moved from researchable history to projecting (interpreting) the future, the class order is that much more important.

Still the Iron and Clay nature of Islam, but in a New Form:
Now we need to identify the toes, which are all clearly the same nature of material makeup as the two Iron and Clay Islamic Caliphate Feet that come before it. The toes, by omission, are listed in the early image presentation as a part of the feet Empire, and are attached to the feet just as the brass thighs of Greece were attached to the brass belly and so identified with Greece by the composition. Therefore it is safe to positively conclude that although clearly still a part of the Iron and Clay Islamic Empire of Feet, the Toes will nonetheless be a significant kingdom breakout from the Islamic Caliphate Empire’s established organization. This needs to be covered in more detail later but I will simply state here that this Islamic Empire of Toes will endure just seven years, plus perhaps a few months at best for the administrative jockeying that raises the Antichrist. (We will of course explore this in detail later). It is for the reason of its very short duration that I will hereafter usually identify the root Iron and Clay Empire as “two-part”, with the understanding that it has a very significant “third phase” of ten simultaneous kingdoms of authoritative power that are very quickly reduced to seven with the rise of its lone ultimate authority figure (Daniel 7:24). This new governing structure retains the Iron and Clay form of governance, which is Islam.
Again, there are other prophetic passages that give even more detail than that but in this prophetic Nebuchadnezzar dream the vision is limited to the basic GDEs so we too will avoid adding confusion at this time in the effort to discover the nature of Iron.
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Segregating Iron from Clay:
Now notice above, that in identifying the whole three-phase GDE of Islam that I put a question mark (?) for the Clay nature while positively identifying Rome with the nature of Iron. The reason I do this is because although we know the portion of iron in the Feet is “of the strength” that was identified first in the non-confusing pure iron legs of Rome, the Clay of Islam is something else entirely which we have not yet actually identified in history or elsewhere. Because of the Clay addition to the iron, we know the shared nature of iron between two Empires is not actually identifying the Empire itself but something similar in the “genetic makeup” of the Empire so represented. Daniel 2:41 confirms this by telling us plainly that the iron represents the strength and not exclusively the Empire itself;

iron = all Rome, but Rome does not = all iron.

Rome was simply an empire that had that strength nature when it came, but that doesn’t mean that “anything with iron” is Rome. Now if the Feet Empire that followed Rome was also composed of all iron, we could conclude that the feet were indeed a part of the legs Empire; as feet are attached to legs, and arms are attached to chest. But this is not the case, even though we are assured that a portion of the strength-nature of iron was also in the “part of Clay” Empire that followed Rome, which according to history was Islam-Past.
Daniel 2:40’s careful wording tells us that Rome’s composition was fully of the strength of iron and so acted like the nature of iron (which nature we are investigating), while Islam as the Feet only had “of the strength of iron because some unknown percentage of Islam was also made up of Clay. Since Rome had no such hybrid complexity in its strength, it should be easier to identify in Rome what the iron of strength actually presents like, in the effort to identify the similar characteristic seen in Islam’s more complex Hybrid Iron portion. This discovery will help us extract the iron from Islam in order to then identify the Clay that remains.
But before we jump to the complex difficulty of separating Iron from Clay, is there another kingdom with iron that we can explore for clues to the pure nature of iron?
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Jesus Christ’s Iron Rod:
We have always seen the Iron of the 4th Diverse Beast as evil, but scripture makes clear that Jesus himself will come back to rule with a rod of iron:

“And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war…And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God”
Revelation 19:11-15.

Because of impostors like Allah, presenting themselves as “greater” than this Faithful and True God working through the power of iron, the next verse provides a positive identifier:

“And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS” Revelation 19:16.

We just learned a very important fact that iron is not bad in itself, just as sex is not bad in itself or guns are not bad in themselves… Sex and war are sometimes good, though they are often abused and misused giving them a bad reputation. The Beast of Iron is not evil because of the iron he can use, the Beast of Iron is evil because of how, when, and why he uses that iron: He is evil because he IS of iron and can’t help it when he acts like iron, it’s in his nature. It’s in his DNA.
Jesus Christ is not of the iron; iron, as a rod not a kingdom, is something he has the ability to use when he deems it appropriate but refrains from its use when it is not appropriate. This is the important symbolism of the American Eagle with “iron” arrows in one claw and the “peace branch” in the other. Though there are many natures of strength, the Beast of iron has no other option but iron. Rome gloried in their crushing violence, as did Hitler and the others, conquest by brutal power is the nature of iron. The death penalty is not for correction or rehabilitation; it is simply a means to utterly remove a damaging element from what you wish to protect. Iron does this job most effectively.
Another nature of iron is the refusal to receive an appeal (Hebrews 10:31, 12:17, Psalm 2:12). The scriptures inform us of the many steps that lead to such an iron heaven:

“And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass:” Leviticus 26:19.

Way back at the beginning of the law, God revealed that all the GDE natures have this same amoral use if properly cleaned, and as Noah’s neighbors found out; while some things are not obligated to endure the fire, not everything can endure the water of separation that everything is obligated to experience:

“Only the gold, and the silver, the brass, the iron, the tin, and the lead, Every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall make it go through the fire, and it shall be clean: nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of separation: and all that abideth not the fire ye shall make go through the water (flood)” Numbers 31:22-23.

This shows us that although the kings with these natures are destroyed in the fire and/or the water, for the abuse of their dominions, the metallic “DNA” of their kingdom natures can and will be redeemed with the dominions of their collective kingdoms for God’s proper use:

“But all the silver, and gold, and vessels of brass and iron, are consecrated unto the LORD: they shall come into the treasury of the LORD” Joshua 6:19.

“…I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame. As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time” Daniel 7:11-12.

“I beheld…until…the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom” Daniel 7:21-22.

“But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him” Daniel 7:26-27.

“And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever” Revelation 11:15.

(See also Deuteronomy 8:9, I Chronicles 22:3,14-16, 29:7-8, II Chronicles 2:7).

OK, I jumped classes and by practiced understanding of Quantum Leap I have properly used the information of another passage here. This was to show the amoral nature of iron is nonetheless; to waste, destroy, punish, do away, and subdue the enemy with merciless and unapologetic thoroughness. The wise awareness of iron’s amoral nature is what makes my blood boil at our local driveway-signs reading; “War is not the Answer.” Tell me you wouldn’t use the power of iron to rightly protect your twelve year old daughter against her would be rapist. The vexation is in knowing that many of my neighbors would not. I cannot reach those so confused, but for others still making that determination, the scripture shows that Jesus Christ himself does not shy away from the needful use of iron.

If we don’t judge Christ Jesus for implementing his dominion with a rod of iron (Psalm 2:9), or judge God the Father for placing a destroying yoke of iron upon the necks of his own rebellious people (Deuteronomy 28:48), or for sending his people into the first iron furnace of Egypt (Deuteronomy 4:20) as a pre-warning not to turn from Him (+v.19), then how can we judge Islam or Hitler for implementing their god’s cruel iron over the earth? We can’t. We should only judge the justice of their use, and that by the law of God the Creator to whom every creature will be accountable (I Corinthians 15:27-28).
Job 28:2 tells us plainly that iron comes from out of the earth, so how will Christ Jesus use such earthly power of iron against his enemies? By the hand of his own people on earth: humans (Psalm 149:4-9, Daniel 7:22), just as he did through Joshua upon driving out the inhabitants of the Promised Land. This describes the reality that such a dominion is not a surrealistic “spiritual” thing, it is a very real implementation of justice here on earth, just as our American Founders implemented by blood sweat and tears, and as we should be doing now but have become too soft and spineless in our perverted warm-and-fuzzy Christianity of rainbows of tolerance and puffy clouds of unconditional love apologizing to the haters of God for offending their sensibilities. But, I have jumped ahead and you may need a more step-by-step approach to accept this truth.
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A Complex Divided Kingdom:
From the interpretation of Daniel 2:38-43 we note that although the Silver GDE had two arms representing the kingdoms of Media and Persia in a unified Empire, and the iron GDE of unified Rome had two legs of Western Rome Italy and the Eastern Byzantine Empire, only the Two-Feet-and-Ten-Toes Empire of Islam is specifically identified in scripture as divided, and so we know that the division is specifically speaking of the uniquely simultaneous conflicting natures of governance represented as Iron and Clay in the singular Empire and not the three different body parts of that Empire:

Divided 6386 pelag; (Chaldean) corresponding to 6385:-- divided.
6385 palag; a primitive root; to split (literally or figuratively):-- divide.

The strength of the Iron and the (yet undefined) relationally conflicting nature of the Clay are what make up the perpetual division through all three phases of this kingdom of feet and toes. Notice the following very interesting direct connection in scriptural-principle-Type, which seems to provide more information regarding these two incompatible natures:

“And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg (6385); for in his days was the earth (776) divided (6385); and his brother’s name was Joktan (3355) Genesis 10:25.

While this Peleg division son may perhaps be just a coincidental similarity, the deeper truth of the prophetic principle comes through when we discover the meaning and identity of Joktan:

Joktan 3355 Yoqtan; from 6994; he will be made little; Joktan, an Arabian patriarch:-- Joktan.
6994 qaton; a primitive root [rather denominative from 6996]; to diminish, i.e. be (causatively, make) diminutive or (figuratively) of no account:-- be a (make) small (thing), be not worthy.
6996 qatan; or qaton; from 6962; abbreviated, i.e. diminutive, literally (in quantity, size or number) or figuratively (in age or importance):-- least, less (-ser), little (one), small (-est, one, quantity, thing), young (-er, -est).

The direct and huge cyclic prophetic connection can hardly be denied as we are reminded of two other sons with such a foundational division: Isaac and Ishmael (Genesis 17:18-21), and yet again in Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25:22-23). You cannot be made little unless you were once big. Virtually all three examples of unequal family division is at a foundational level (*3).

Because of the known historically fulfilled portion of the prophecy, we can now understand that whatever is going on uniquely in the conflicting dual-material nature of the Feet Empire, did not happen in the two-part Arms or the two-part Legs Empires who’s natures were declared singular. So the fact that the feet also come in a pair has nothing to do with the division. These are two completely different mysteries to solve; Two feet, each with the same dual-nature. Do you understand? The division of the kingdom is because of the Iron and Clay, and not because of the multi-phases that the kingdom also happens to come in. This understanding actually really helps later as we explore Daniel 7’s entire ages as Diverse Beasts, of which the last one contains several of these Daniel 2 GDEs, much like the 7th Seal in Revelation 8:1 has its own multi-layered elements of seven Trumpets, who’s 7th (Revelation 11:15) likewise has its own multi-layered 7 elements.

“So where is the other foot?”
Scripture tells us that the first foot of the Islamic Empire, now fallen in history, was composed of the divided Iron and Clay and so the pending second foot of that Empire will too, making the pair the singular Empire of two-similar-parts like Rome’s legs but separated in Time rather than Geography. We just happen to be born in the exact short space between them as The Great American Pause in the storm (as perhaps a Type of Revelation 8:1) before it really gets ugly. Since the second foot has not yet arrived, this is rightly classed as still a theory. This Two-Foot theory will be proven or refuted as we watch the return of Islam rise to be the second foot having no other GDE exist between historical Islam-1 and theoretical Islam-2. The next GDE after the historically fallen Islam MUST be a foundationally very similar Islam or my Second-Foot interpretation is proven wrong. Since God declared to me the destruction of America for her folly (*4), I have been working night and day even before Obama took office, to get this theory out before it became current events. I think my writing is not fast enough to stay ahead as prophecy turns into history. Be very clear; historically and prophetically, Islam is without a doubt the first-foot already come and gone, the validity of my second-foot theory has little to do with that fact of history, though that fact in history has everything to do with validating my second-foot theory. Being always open to seriously review other acceptably plausible theories, it must be shown that Islam, now completely past in history, was indeed divided between houses of just who should rule the Caliphate (*5). This foundational division of Islam, starting just after the death of Mohammad, may perhaps be the division described as Iron and Clay but it cannot be the description of two Empiric feet as was exampled by Medo-Persia’s two arms of kingdoms or Rome’s two legs of East and West regions of administrative authority. To remain consistent in the prophecy, the twin feet must be a fundamental separation of actual ruling unified kingdoms within the singular Empire, which we did not see of Islam even though Islam-Past is done and gone. This strongly supports my theory that we have not yet seen Islam’s second foot, which must appear similar or equal to the first foot in kind, allowing differences in administration such as Rome’s Western and Eastern legs of governance which no one questions was “All Rome.” The historically dual kingdom situation of Rome is now tandem in Islam and is a related Type imitation of the Christ as he came and went without fulfilling all the prophecy, and by this we know that he is to return as unquestionably the same Christ, though in a very different administrative expression from before as we saw above his future use of iron. The Muslim 12th Imam Mahdi is no different in Type (*6): Islam must return because the prophecy shows a second foot that we have not yet seen, which has not done what the prophecy says it will do; i.e. sprout ten toes of the same dual nature as either foot.

We are now confident that the “whereas” in Daniel 2:41 above, clearly means that the division of the kingdom is a direct reflection of the mixture of Iron and Clay, yet the whole divided kingdom will still be relatively strong “forasmuch,” i.e. “by degree of,” the iron portion that is in it. How strong is it? It’s as strong as the percentage of Iron that is mixed with Clay. Clearly the Empire’s strength is its Iron in conflict with its obviously contrary Clay. But does that actually mean the Clay is weak? Wait and see!
Again we confirm that this is not describing the genesis of two feet. The iron is in both feet, as is the Clay. We could only rightly assume this divided mixture creates a kingdom-of-two-feet if one foot was Clay while the other was iron, but this is not the case by any interpretation. No, the Iron and the Clay are clearly mixed throughout the whole Empire, and as toes are medically classed as part of a foot yet also identified separately when attention is drawn to their detail, the “not actually an empire” Toes-Kingdom of the mysterious 8th king in a list of only 7 (Revelation 17:11), is not independent from the 8th empire foot that belongs as a mate to the 7th Empire, since the genetic “DNA” Empire material nature is the same; Iron and Clay, unlike the Roman iron-legs Empire emerging from the Greek Brass-thighs.
Therefore, how the body-part kingdoms are classed together into Empires is based upon their material composition, we cannot simply chuck apples and oranges into the same basket because they are both fruit and both come from trees. The Feet are not of the Legs Empire because they both have some iron, and neither are they divided because they come in a pair.

So how can this hybrid mixture of Iron and Clay natures result in a singular though divided kingdom? The answer has a Type clue in Islam’s divided religion of Shi’ite and Sunni still united in difficulty under a single Caliph Imam, but this divided religion does not necessarily express fully the Iron and Clay of the mixture; it only describes in Type how a divided kingdom can yet be singular. Likewise America, as perpetually dueling parties of Democrats and Republicans united in peace under one Constitution of Laws, America remained proudly United until the God of our unification was ejected in 1963-64, and now in the present, less than one generation later, the Obama Administration has declared our unifying document of foundational laws “A living document... with flaws," meaning it no longer possesses the stable power to unite our differing opinions; In effect, our Republic has been changed into a Democracy by nothing more than a change of perspective. Like the iron of that Document, we still need to discover the “DNA code” of both the Iron and the Clay of the Islamic Empire, and we are now discovering the iron first.
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An Entire Age of Iron:
While Daniel 2:41 plainly but quietly states this is a three-phase Empire, it is hidden behind the other more obviously interesting mystery of Iron and Clay. Zechariah 6:3 ( describes a specific definition between the Empires of Rome and Islam with symbols of Grisled and Bay horses in a single Chariot represented as the Daniel 7 Fourth Diverse Beast, which has more than one Empire.
Zechariah 1:8 strongly suggests a still further division of the two-feet Empire into toes by describing Speckled horses, which are simply a further distilled specification of the Bay (red).
Finally Revelation 17:10-11 confirms the king of the second-foot-and-toes Empire by declaring a kind of 8th king in a list of specifically only 7, suggesting that he is a returning player but with a distilled uniqueness all his own:

“And there are seven kings:
(1,2,3,4,5) are fallen, and one is (#6),
and the other
(#7) is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth
(#8), and is of the seven(1,2,3,4,5,6,7), and goeth into perdition” Revelation 17:10-11.

Here we are informed that this whole Revelation 17:7 narration regarding a specific beast (lower case) is talking about one that is not even classed in the list of the world’s seven GDE kings. Amazingly Revelation 13:2 describes this Revelation 17:11 #8 beast king as having the natures of #5 Greece, #4 Persia, and #3 Babylon:

“And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard (Greece), and his feet were as the feet of a bear (Persia), and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (Babylon): and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority” Revelation 13:2 (Compare with Daniel 7:19-20).

Now we begin to understand the specific wording; he is the eighth, and is of the seven”; not of the seventh” or of one of the seven. And by not mentioning the first two Empires of old, we see a last Beast/beast that incorporates the descriptions of all the previous Diverse Beast Ages of Daniel 7.

“But wait just a second” I hear you say, “how do you see the beast of Rome represented in that passage?”

What animal represented the Fourth Diverse Beast in the Daniel 7:7 description? None. The identity of the Fourth Diverse Beast (commonly understated as Rome) was simply the Iron in the teeth of a dreadful, terrible, and exceedingly strong monster. Daniel 2:40 informs us that the unique identifying element of that Beast was the strength/u> (5326) of the iron, and v.41 shows the Feet Empire was ”of the strength too.

Strength 5326 nitsbah; (Chaldean); from a root corresponding to 5324; fixedness, i.e. firmness:-- Strength.
5324 natsba; a primitive root; to station, in various applications (literally or figuratively):-- appointed, deputy, erect, establish…lay, officer, pillar, present, rear up, set (over, up), settle, sharpen, stablish, (make to) stand (-ing, still, up, upright), best state.

It is interesting that this word strength does not appear to be aggressive but only the ability to be established and remain unmoved where and how it is, yet we see in the narrative that this Beast, beginning with its Rome phase, is extremely aggressive (Daniel 7:7).
Reviewing the Revelation 13:2 verse, as we contemplate this last Diverse Beast as an Age, we begin to see that each of the first 3 Diverse Beasts had a unique characteristic that this 4th Beast possesses; I am only conjecturing what that characteristic represents but the basic foundation of this Beast’s strength is perhaps the fast tearing of the Leopard of Greece as non-brittle brass nails (Daniel 7:19), The now “fast” locomotion and treading element of the massive troop movement of powerful, intimidating Persia as silver feet from which nails attach (Daniel 7:19), And the speech of the now “fast and powerful” Beast is as the golden mouth of a lion (Daniel 7:20); loud and confident and glorious as Babylon’s arrogant Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 7:11a,20b,25, 13:5-6). This fast, powerful, smooth talking, confident combination of all the natures of the previous Diverse Beasts is itself the power of the Beast that also has powerful iron teeth (Daniel 7:19). That Iron Beast element comes in two distinct Empires of body-parts as independent Empires with a common Beast “DNA” of Iron to be added to this last multi-talented Diverse-Beast Age.
That Daniel 7, 4th Diverse Age began with the rise of Rome that besieged Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple, and starved to death millions of Jews confined behind the stone “barbwire” of their "internment compound" under the military guard of siege. Does that sound like Hitler’s concentration camps? It is exactly the same because it’s all the 4th Diverse Beast Age of iron.

Acts 2:17, II Timothy 3:1, Hebrews 1:2 all speak of the last days in the present tense; The Last Days are the Age of the 4th Diverse Beast that comes with a short list of GDEs to administer it, Rome was simply the first. Do you really want to know what the streets of Jerusalem looked like in 70 AD? We have black and white moving footage of it in the 1945 British and American war films of incomprehensible horrors as they found it upon their successful liberation of Hitler’s camps. I highly recommend the PBS Frontline presentation of the actual original archival reels under the title; “Memory of the Camps” (though it’s not for the young or the delicate).
By understanding this concept of a whole Age of iron, we see Stalin, Hitler, Chairman Mao, etc., etc., as simply lesser insignificant kings in the Age of Iron in which there are three Global Dominate Iron Empires. Two are past, One remains to rise, but that One will have two phases, and the second phase will have two phases; it seems the already unspeakable horrors are still distilling its horribleness!
* * *

But wait, In our present Revelation 13:2 passage, the Beast that rises from the sea of humanity comes with 7 heads (v.1), but I count only 4 listed;

1. The beast of discussion identified by Power,
2. The Leopard beast,
3. The Bear beast,
4. and the Lion beast.

We now know the Iron Power Beast comes divided in two Empires (Rome and Islam), but that still only lists 5 probable heads. But with the Revelation 17:11 description of 8 total we are able to see that Revelation 13 adds the very first two GDEs; Assyria and Egypt for a total of 7 heads all viewed from the reverse order as the present looks backwards in time, (Revelation 17:9 heads=mountains=Empires). The 8th “head” is the one that is of the 7, showing that Islam's single head comes twice.
And, as the crowning glory of this Beast of world history with 7 heads, there arises 10 last kings as horns as toes (*7)(Revelation 17:12-13=Daniel 7:7-8+24) with 10 last crowns, from which a single Great Horn emerges as if the 11th. This is finally the actual last GDE king, the son of perdition, the seed of Satan. The one who would subvert the role of Christ the King; this is Antichrist.
All these former natures distilled into a single Empire king are the diverse elements that make this last Beast function so well. The resulting strength of the Beast that embodies all the unique strengths of the combined previous Empires is; the strength to establish, and remain established, as is, unaltered, undamaged, unafraid, and therefore be fearlessly and aggressively violent above all others having no equal and no one to stop him:

“…and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” Revelation 13:4.

This strength of merciless violence, speed, mass, and confidence, is the pure iron-will that empowered its youthful phase of merciless Rome to conquer and move the sea of humanity as history shows. Then the Beast matured into its next phase of Islam, retaining its iron power but now also mixed with it the yet undefined Clay that changed its nature by some significant degree. What was that element? We will have to wait for the post on Clay, but by identifying the similarities in the natures of Rome and Islam and Christ’s iron rule, we see that perhaps the iron is the loyalty to an unmoving ideal; first the ideal of Roman law, and next the ideal of Islamic law and lastly the ideal of Christ’s law. Ideology is perhaps the most powerful force on earth, but I get ahead of myself.
* * *

Why is this iron distinction prophecy so important to us today?
It is important because the illusion of presentation is even now convincing humanity that there is a desirable Iron Empire rising that we should all accept for the Global Peace it promises (I Thessalonians 5:3-4, Micah 3:4-5). Scripture tells us it is a ruse just as the strong tender and patient leading of a rancher confidently guides the sheep quietly into a specific alley… for easy slaughter (Zechariah 11:15-17). This is not insignificant as we have the example of Hitler who confidently promised the German nation quick relief from national hunger and economic collapse, but through the economic boost of war gave them instead the permanent label of unspeakable mass murderer and ultimate self-destruction. Today we see another fresh example in Egypt, when guided by an organized seeking for relief from government corruption; they threw off their protection from radical Islam and then took to their leadership the Muslim Brotherhood. The spirit of Global Peace that now intoxicates the world through the promise of Democracy will not produce the lasting peace that it promises but the sheep continue crowding into that alley by a very Mysterious draw of being pushed from the rear.
How do I know this will end badly? Because prophecy shows the dominion of the 4th Diverse Beast of Iron continues as Clay masked Iron regardless of how many various Empires it comes in. This is not my opinion, I am not offering this as conjecture; this is the prophecy of scripture, though for a time I will be seen to be obviously in error as “real peace” promises to become an apparent reality (Zechariah 1:11):

“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief”
I Thessalonians 5:3-4.

The example in this verse tells us that as a pregnant woman, the ever-increasing pain comes and goes in waves. The unbearable suffering comes in strength and then subsides. The ever-shrinking periods between the suffering is really quite pleasant in comparison; all is well, go back to sleep, nothing to worry about... Then WHAM! The suffering begins again, only stronger than before, which you didn’t think was possible until it came! This Genesis 3:15 demonic seed baby is coming, but the nation movers are gently singing denial to quiet the sheep as they slowly and gently nudge them further into the alley. It’s not really about the slaughter; it’s about whether you are an innocent victim or a German guard that ensures the victimization (John 12:23-27).

“Woe unto the world because of offences! For it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!” Matthew 18:7.

When you watch the Holocaust footage you have to ask; “How much more woe can there be beyond what those innocents suffered?” This verse expresses God’s perspective on that. The woe stored up for the guilty would make us all flee to those camps for relief! Oh dear guilty, Repent and be made clean by the blood of Jesus Christ, before it’s time to pay the price yourself! (Ezekiel 33:1-5+15-16).

Gun Control: The reason why the iron distinction prophecy is so important today is because this very structured iron regime of Allah’s faith that will end so horribly is carefully planned by Satan to “educate” mankind against any such future similarities. Satan is intentionally destroying the reception of Christ’s rule of iron because “all iron is bad” will be the unquestionable belief proven by unspeakable experience. It will be like attempting to tell a Jew that the Third Reich is a good idea! That sounds preposterous but let me show that this is not a future concept, we have already fallen to the confusion:
Capitol punishment was once the law in America because it was God’s law.

“And he that killeth any man shall surely be put to death” Leviticus 24:17 among others.

Is that too "Old Testament" for you who stand confident in the Grace of Christianity? Try it in the New Testament:

“He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints” Revelation 13:10, among others.

Though few were warped enough to take pleasure in carrying out the law, everyone knew the law was just and good for the land. But today “All killing is bad,” is the mentality behind the driveway-signs stating; “War is not the answer.” Permissive tolerance of every kind of evil is the only alternative, which is today’s American Christianity of unconditional grace, and this is exactly where Satan wants to lead humanity by his worldwide violence. This is what produces the success of Mystery Babylon’s great wickedness in utter repulsion to God and his hateful iron law. Today’s Christians have already utterly cast off the Old Testament and everything in it, this is not a future concept.
Want more evidence? In WWII the Japanese Americans were interned in camps to protect America against potential enemy alies. Was it horrible? Yes it was. But in our emotional response to avoid repeating such wrongs, we now intentionally appoint Muslims to “National Security” positions of the Government of the United States while we are at war with Islam’s terrorists!(*8). We cannot say “No” or we are accused of repeating the crimes of WWII.
This was Satan’s long term intent for the WWII camps.
I warned you that we have entered the age of confusion!
* * *

It’s not time to choose; we have already chosen:
While we did not personally experience the degree of violence in the previous GDEs for comparison, there is no doubt that the 20th Century was by far the most murderous ever recorded to this point. “Shepherds” like;
Chairman Mao (,
Adolf Hitler (,
Joseph Stalin (,
and many others (,
murdered in unspeakable mass even their own people by starvation, chemical research, military arms, wild animals, fire, and other, with seemingly no real purpose other than an insatiable lust for death. All this even before the rise of Islam 2, let alone the Antichrist portion!
President Ronald Reagan seemed to recognize this truth when he said:

“You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.” - Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States.

From the national choices that we made after Reagan, it does not appear like we have accepted his challenge but instead are making league with the darkness!
The question is why?

Do you really imagine the angels of Genesis 6 were doing just fine until the young ladies began to put on a particularly exotic shade of lipstick that they just couldn’t resist? No, there was something beyond the illusion of beauty that drew the angels to their folly. And likewise there is something else in the “DNA” of this particular brand of Iron, other than war, that distinguishes it from the common war power of the Gold, Silver, or Brass Empires that came before it, or that which will come with Christ’s kingdom after it. That “something,” for both men and women, is the Genesis 6 Nephilization of humanity that causes our school children to shoot random fellow students in class such as in the case of Columbine ( It’s the same source that causes our middle school daughters by their unintentional precocious sexualization to defraud not only their fellow students but their teachers as well, or our young female teachers to attempt to find fulfillment by seducing their juvenile male students. We can blame it on demons if we want, but it is just us; we are doing these things to ourselves and too dull of spirit to even know why or how, or how to stop it even if we really wanted to. This is perhaps the perfect setting the angels carefully waited for so that they can rush in and “save the day”… but we will discuss that in another post.
What really tears out my heart is that Christians overconfident in their “salvation by grace” (Ephesians 2:8), are fully convinced I am preaching the heresy of an "iron" legalism, and so they show a corrupt one-wheeled vehicle of faith by which that grace comes. Corrupt faith brings corrupt grace. Ephesians 2:10 speaks of the true faith with a clear purpose that brings the kind of grace to “DO”;

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them”.

These lawless dirty-grace Christians are already standing with the Great Whore, because they actually are married to Christ while they fornicate with iniquity! This is the folly of the angels!
* * * * * * *

(*1) Four or Two?
This complexity will not be discussed in this post but for confidence of scripture I point out that Daniel 8:21-22 shows the four kingdoms of Brass Greece that emerged and did not die for a later Antichrist Type involvement, though only two great kingdoms remained as the official brass thighs of Greece. For details please see Al Maxey’s “The Ptolemies & Seleucids “ (

(*2) Rome and Byzantium:
Everyone knows of the Roman Empire but few Americans know anything about its Eastern twin leg of the Byzantine Empire ( that out lived Rome by 1000 years from the city of Byzantium, better known as Constantinople.

(*3) The Peleg Foundation of Unequal Division:
This family division is unavoidably explained in Type by the very real splitting of the continents (776) in a sudden catastrophic tectonic plate action (and not slowly over billions of years, before man arrived). Suddenly we don’t need land bridges that “sunk” slowly, or giant ice sheets spanning oceans, or impossible canoe trips across seas, for people to be found spread across every landmass of the globe. That was not just an earthquake; it was a planetary Peleg! It might sound a lot like Pangaea, but this was something that happened in a single lifespan.

Earth 776 ‘erets; from an unused root probably meaning to be firm; the earth (at large, or partitively a land):-- x common, country, earth, field, ground, land, x nations, way, + wilderness, world.

While it is easy to see the prophetic meaning of his brother’s name, we just as easily skip over the meaning of Peleg: “…for in his days was the earth divided…” Sure we have little problem understanding this actually means a great land-altering event of unimaginable magnitude, but that definition seems utterly remote from his brother. Only when we combine the meanings of their names do we get the hidden prophecy. It was the separation of Peleg that revealed his brother’s diminishment. This is profound in meaning as it suggests the diminishing of his brother is kindof Peleg’s “fault.”
Now stay with me. By separating ourselves as God’s people, from the Pagan world, our action in fact automatically diminishes our brother human beings who are not God’s people. It’s not intentional; it’s just a matter of fact of the situation. By its very nature the acceptance of truth excludes everything else. This is the reason why Christians are attacked as; “narrow minded,” “holier than thou,” “bigoted,” and “judgmental.” The very nature of the faith is exclusive of everything not of the faith. (The fact that fallen Christians actually commit these named crimes against them, and so justify the complaint, does not help the righteousness of the faith). With this Peleg comprehension; suddenly Christians come face to face with a very uncomfortable nature of Christianity found in Jesus own words:

“Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:…” Luke 12:51-53 (also Mark 13:12-13).

We always thought it was Satan’s people who instigated the division but in fact it is that we have separated ourselves from them and in so doing state without words; “You are not God’s people.” This of course offends their sensibilities and so in anger they retaliate as if the wrath is our fault. Our separation, without words, indeed declares the diminished state of our human brothers. And now we begin to comprehend the truth of the heart wrenching separation that must take place from those who would harbor the accursed thing in the camp, which we discussed in the previous Post. How much worse when it gets deeply personal:

“He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me” Matthew 10:37.

I cannot drag this out in this post as it should be addressed, but it is very important to note that Christians seem to constantly implement this passage at just the wrong time-and-place while failing to implement it at the right time-and-place. I did not post the verse that follows it because being intentionally personal it is far too often combined with this public verse and so used to pass “the death sentence” on the fallen for their sins rather than used on those who have implemented “folly.” If you don’t yet know the difference you have no business “cutting off” your loved ones because they have sinned. This passage in that case is supposed to be a personal “devotion-to-God” verse not a “judge-others” verse (Matthew 7:3-5). But now, as the days grow quickly darker, the division between God’s true people and those who are not God’s people will automatically happen in sorrow, and you won’t avoid the retaliation that comes because your very existence reveals their smallness. Though they will demand it, no Obama-like apologies are appropriate. Just don’t get proud and prove them right!

(*4) Prophesied the end of America:
Post 092 October 16, 2010 “ You’re Doing What?” (

(*5) “What's the Shi'ite-Sunni split really about? It's about who should lead Islam, and it began at the moment of Muhammad's death. As the founder of Islam, he was the undisputed leader. And if he had had a son, the split might never have happened — a son would automatically have inherited his father's authority. But he died without sons and without leaving a clear will. His closest male relative was his cousin and son-in-law, the philosopher-warrior Ali, whose followers — the Shiat Ali [followers of Ali], or Shi'ite for short — say that he was the only one with the spiritual authority to succeed Muhammad. The Sunnis believed that the caliphate should go to whoever would be best equipped politically to maintain the burgeoning Muslim empire, backing Muhammad's father-in-law Abu Bakr. In the end, Abu Bakr was named the first caliph. Though Ali eventually assumed the caliphate 25 years later, he was assassinated, power fell to the founder of the first Sunni dynasty, and the Shi'ites felt a terrible, lasting sense of dispossession...” - (,8599,1924116,00.html)

(*6) Mahdi: “Mahdi means 'guided one'. Often refered to as Imam Mahdi, or Al-Mahdi, it is the nickname name of a very important person in Islam who will have the real name: Muhammed. He is yet to be born according to the majority of Sunni Muslims, but is alive at this very moment according to the majority of Shia Muslims, but his identity is not know (i.e. He is in occulation).
It is said he will accompany Prophet Jesus (AS) when he returns and will rid the world of evil, eventually bringing peace & harmony after the great wars. Mahdi is also a popular boy's name.”
- (

(*7) Ten Toes on One Foot:
This suggestion is quite troubling as we see no remarks of this notably abnormal characteristic of the Nebuchadnezzar image, but neither are we told that each foot has five toes; we simply assume this fact as natural and expected, so my theory that all ten toes are on one foot just seems to be a manipulation of the prophecy. This became a somewhat mute argument when I concluded that the ten toes of Daniel 2:41-43 are the same ten horns of Daniel 7:7-8 and Revelation 12:3 as ten kings. These ten are not given their kingdoms until the rise of the Antichrist at the very end of that second foot Empire that has the ten toes (Revelation 17:12).
To be honest I don’t like this interpretation because it simply does not match the historic example of perfect anatomical imagery in the statue that we have seen to this point. Therefore, like the Revived Rome theory, though maybe not actually incorect, there is obviously more information yet to be revealed. Besides, the Beast has ten heads, right?, so how tough to accept is a single foot with ten toes? My only question of caution is to ask; "Are the ten toes really these ten kings or are they actually something else?" For now, my interpretation stands.
I realize this post is very long, but I removed almost as much as I published!

(*8) More Muslims appointed to America’s Department of Homeland Security - (

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Folly of Angels

Post 264

“Behold, he put no trust in his servants; and his angels he charged with folly: How much less in them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, which are crushed before the moth?” Job 4:18-19.

The passage continues on relative to the clay, but we will not cover that for a few more posts. Here we note that for some reason God charged his angels with folly. So what is folly that the angels themselves should be so charged? The scriptures tell us by several examples such as in the law of first mention:

“And the sons of Jacob came out of the field when they heard it: and the men were grieved, and they were very wroth, because he (Shechem) had wrought folly in Israel in lying with Jacob’s daughter; which thing ought not to be done” Genesis 34:7.

But of course this was not an angel that had violated Dinah so how do I project this onto the folly of angels? I do it by discovering the Type that the entire story plays out, and why it is entered into the scripture at all.
Though it is longer than I would like to draw out in this post, the events of the story needs to be grasped. Please read it as the specific Type of our Genesis 6:2 topic:
* * *

The Victim Dinah:

“And Dinah
(1783) the daughter of Leah, which she bare unto Jacob, went out to see the daughters of the land” Genesis 34:1.

Dinah 1783 Diynah; feminine of 1779; justice; Dinah, the daughter of Jacob:-- Dinah.
1779 diyn or duwn; from 1777; judgment (the suit, justice, sentence or tribunal); by implication also strife:-- cause, judgment, plea, strife.

We see no obvious sin in her action, but Dinah; as the embodiment of the application of God’s Justice, went to consider these Pagan women that by familiarity of curiosity placed Dinah where she shouldn’t be; i.e. in the wicked proximity (“neighborhood”) of her defiler;(meaning the ability to apply Justice being defiled by the overpowering involvement of the ungodly), which is the example of nearly every original college in America, such as Harvard, Yale, and Princeton (*1) as they became corrupted by later introducing godless goals.

“And when Shechem (7927) the son of Hamor (2544) the Hivite (2340), prince of the country, saw her, he took her, and lay with her, and defiled her” Genesis 34:2.
* * *

Rabbit Trail Pedigree:

7927 Shkem; the same as 7926; ridge; Shekem, a place in Palestine:-- Shechem.

7927 is the 7926 name of a Palestinian ridge. But note; the meaning of that name is importantly not sourced from the ridge; the name of the ridge is sourced from the man with that name:

7926 shkem; from 7925; the neck (between the shoulders) as the place of burdens; figuratively, the spur of a hill:-- back, X consent, portion, shoulder.

This is a very good description of reason to be proud of a stiff neck… if packing a heavy load is what you want to be proud of, as opposed to Christ’s recommendation for a man (see Matthew 11:28-30 vs. Exodus 32:9-10). But a great theft and subversive perversion of Christ’s roll in carrying your heavy load is what this is man is all about: Antichrist.

7925 shakam; a primitive root; properly, to incline (the shoulder to a burden); but used only as denominative from 7926; literally, to load up (on the back of man or beast), i.e. to start early in the morning:-- (arise, be up, get [oneself] up, rise up) early (betimes), morning.

Denominative: adjective 1. Conferring a denomination, or name. 2. Grammatical Derived from a substantive or an adjective.
Denominate: Having a specific name or denomination; thus, 7 feet is a denominate quality, while 7 is a mere abstract quantity or number. -- To give a name to; to entitle; name; call. - Webster’s 1948

What we learned first is that this man was Palestinian. “Palestine” is a Jesus era Roman designation of slander, not quite wrongly transcribed from “land of the Hebrews which once was the Philistine’s,” which more accurately means in this ancient application: Canaan under rule of Israel. The word Palestine still fits the application today, on many levels!
And next, that he was really something special in order to have a ridge named after his great ability to bear on his neck a noteworthy burden that is normally put onto many others. A prophetic Type of Anti-christ.
Then we see he was determined to do this early in the morning twilight (5399).

“What real meaning could any of this seemingly insignificant history possibly have?”

We have already seen only a few of the scriptures that point out the fact that Canaanites: i.e. Philistines and Giants, lived intermixed; and although not all Canaanites were Giants they were nonetheless all of great stature (Numbers 13:32+33). So contemplating this, let’s investigate his pedigree that the scriptures so conveniently provide here; Shechem's father:

Hamor 2544 Chamowr; the same as 2543; ass; Chamor, a Canaanite:-- Hamor.

While the inferred slam is perhaps a chiding pun, we are here told Shechem’s father was a Canaanite; the Numbers 13:29 people that lived by the sea as well as the border of Jordan, whom God specifically said to kill off and possess their land for reasons of utter corruption, which we have already discussed (Genesis 15:16+ Deuteronomy 9:5-6). But there is yet more detail in this man’s name:

2543 chamowr; or (shortened) chamor; from 2560; a male ass (from its dun red):-- (he) ass.

But lest you immediately stay with the derogatory inference and so miss the point;

2560 chamar; a primitive root; properly, to boil up; hence, to ferment (with scum); to glow (with redness); as denominative (from 2564) to smear with pitch:-- daub, befoul, be red, trouble.
2564 chemar; from 2560; bitumen (as rising to the surface):-- slime(-pit).

Wow there is a mouthful in that name!
What we see in all this, is a Canaanite man so full of stubborn rage of gall from the miry slime-pit of hell, that the blood so constantly flushed his face red that he was named after the dun red color of an ass; a stubborn beast of burden! This father of Shechem was someone you really didn’t want to mess with! (Proverbs 22:24-25).
Who is the “red son” but Esau?; named for his red color (Genesis 25:25) and declared to be the perpetual hater of his brother, God’s people (Genesis 25:22-23, Ezekiel 35:2-5, *2), and likewise hated of God in return (Romans 9:13), and unable to find repentance after selling his God-given birthright position (Genesis 25:32-34+Hebrews 12:16) as like the angels.
Are you seeing the direct connection here?
Hamor is a Type of the fallen angel(s) who left his/their first estate as did Lucifer and Esau, and Shechem is the offspring Mighty Man/men (Genesis 6:4) that bore his unusual burden of humanity in the morning twilight, comparatively describing his Type of the Morning Stars (Job 38:7, Amos 5:8), and finally contrasted in Revelation:

“And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. And I will give him the morning star. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches” Revelation 2:26-29.

These next few posts have been delayed because of several significant topics so completely intertwined; we will discuss the iron rule and the pottery in other posts, but who is this morning star and what are the faithful keeper of works supposed to do with a morning star?
Because of Revelation 22:16 (the last few verses in the last book of the entire Bible describing the last events of prophecy that scripture records) we know the Morning Star is Jesus Christ himself;

“I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star” Revelation 22:16.

But why does Jesus there go into the whole pedigree bit about being both the root of David as well as his offspring?, which is something important that Jesus stumped the unfaithful religious Jews over in Matthew 22:45+1:20.
Yes, Jesus is THE Morning Star that rises at the end, but he is not the early morning star rising in the twilight hours between night and day, which he himself is describing in the earlier prophecy of Revelation 2:29. THAT morning star is an imposter trying to jump the gun and gain the advantage over the morning star that comes later.
Nor is Jesus the morning star in the plural; those are the Job 38:7, Amos 5:8, Genesis 3:15 seed of angels, who attempt to subvert his place by the same early morning arrival of taking on the burden of flesh and becoming gods on the earth (plural mighty-men, coming first/singular Antichrist, coming second, all the seed of the morning star dragon of Revelation 12:3-4.

This (*2) Ideomean son of Esau, Hamor, a Canaanite, the father of Shechem a mighty man Philistine, was a Hivite and the prince of the country; the Type of Satan the Goat in the occultic sense (Daniel 8:25). So what is a Hivite?

Hivite 2340 chivviy; perhaps from 2233; a villager; a Chivvite, one of the aboriginal tribes of Palestine:-- Hivite.

It’s a bit of a rabbit trail through roots of meanings to get there but the result is:

2332 chavvah; causatively from 2331; life-giver; Chavvah (or Eve), the first woman:-- Eve.

And now we are back to the women of the land, which, when Justice Dinah, (a virgin of God’s people), went to get to know, she implemented their alluring "beauty products" and in so doing drew the attention of, and was violated by, the Mighty-Man son of the prince of the country, who saw her captivating innocence wrapped in the easy virtue garments of lustful beauty. These chavvah women are the Type of earth-born daughters of “Mother Earth”, who in iniquity as Pagans assume the place of Eve; the God-given mother of mankind, in the effort to bring about a new race of humanity; the Mighty Men (expounded in a later post). These chavvah are the Type mothers/people of the Hivite child Shechem; the Type of the hybrid children of the Sons of God; i.e. children of fallen angels, but even more directly, the mothers of the Type of the singular hybrid child of Satan - Antichrist.
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Back to Dinah:

Now that we know who these Types are, the verse told us that this Shechem; saw Dinah among the daughters of the land, and took her, and lay with her, defiling her. Obviously we get the impression that she was forcefully raped, as she was (I will show further evidence of this in following posts), but now continue reading:

“and his soul clave unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and he loved the damsel, and spake kindly unto the damsel. And Shechem spake unto his father Hamor, saying, Get me this damsel to wife” Genesis 34:3-4.

Well now, this is an unexpected turn of events; Typically when a woman is raped she is further despised not loved (II Samuel 13:15), so what happened?
Well as far as I know we are not directly told, but there is a well-known surprising nature of men to be deeply attached beyond expectation to the first woman he lies with carnally. I’m going to go out on a limb here because he is the Type of the seed of angels, and so I suggest that Shechem was a virgin, as we know by God’s unique notation (Genesis 6:2) and punishment (Jude 1:6), that the angels were when they took their wives. This resulting genuine love of the rapist is important as we contemplate the actions, reactions, feeling, motives, and results, of the events that follow the rape but led up to the destruction of the Flood, and is again about to play out in our very real lives in the here-and-now reenactment.
We see in Genesis 6:2 and 4 that these unwilling women became the wives of their rapists as well as mothers to their sons and we must conclude by the nature of sex slaves that these women eventually grew a confused attachment to their captor husbands, much as is exampled by the confusing and hateful uncontrollable draw to an addiction that you know will destroy you.
Today, would-be rescuers of sex slave prostitutes find the girls actually resist their rescuers with great resistance. So are they willing participants of their situation? Hardly, but yes. This is the Type of the coming culture on the world today.
It pains me greatly that the concept that I am trying to present is so huge that it takes many posts to cover enough just to really grasp its significance, so for now, by later reading the actions of the Hebrews in this story of Dinah, just contemplate what this love of the rapist might mean in how we as a nation, and as a globe, should respond, as opposed to how we are presently programmed to respond, especially remembering to consider God’s flood judgment for defiling Lady Justice (Isaiah 5:20-23+Psalm 11:2-3). Enough for now, let’s move on:

“And Jacob heard that he had defiled Dinah his daughter: now his sons were with his cattle in the field: and Jacob held his peace until they were come” Genesis 34:5.

As just a historical narration we presume that Jacob was incapable of taking solitary action against the Hivite people and so he waited till his boys came home before confronting the defiler of his daughter. But considering the Type it represents, we see that Jacob plays the roll of God the Father, of his daughter playing the roll of humanity, and so we note that Jacob’s sons in the field with the cattle must be God’s angels preoccupied with their rightful industry elsewhere (Daniel 10), while God is in heaven aware of the turn of events but waiting for the right time to avenge (Romans 12:19, Ezekiel 25:14). And so he waits, with the illusion that he will not judge the folly done against those, who by living it out, are his Dinah Justice defiled. (Psalm 73:1-14 note verse 10 describe Israel returned back to their land yet remain greatly troubled by the wicked).
We see in the Genesis 6 narrative of this story Typed, that God declared his wrath and vengeance in verses 7, 13 and 17, but delayed action, presumably until Noah could get his boat ready for the event (v.14) as a Type of Jacob's boys coming home from their labor. Of course we know the Ark is the Type of the Rapture of the faithful, and his second coming for the Jews to be gathered (Matthew 24:31), therefore by Type we have a glimpse into the reason why the second Global Destruction by fire does not occur until some time after this demonic rape of humanity; God is waiting for his “sons” to finish their work and come home to implement the wrath (Exodus 22:21-24, Nahum 1:2) as we saw visually by the attack of the townsmen led by Gaston in “Beauty and the Beast” (

Now while the Dinah passage continues on in describing the events of the last day’s battle against the wicked people, right now we are still exploring the meaning of Folly, which the Angels were charged with. I tie this event to the actions of the Angels as they are the same sin, both called folly, and the Types in detail describe them perfectly.
Suddenly, when you really understand the significance of the events of the unseen realm, you begin to question the actual reality of the historical Types we play out with our lives that represent them! NOW the mind of the spirit is becoming dominate to the mind of the flesh, which is the perspective of the new life in Jesus Christ! THIS is how Christians are supposed to think and reason and act; with the mind of the spirit (Romans 8:5-6, 27-28, Ephesians 4:23-24, Philippians 27-28). Dina’s horrible experience was a shadow of something far more sinister going on.
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The Victim Tamar:

“And she answered him, Nay, my brother, do not force me; for no such thing ought to be done in Israel: do not thou this folly”
II Samuel 13:12.

Tamar is the second innocent victim of folly shown in scripture. This is another strange story of seemingly meaningless bazaar bible history that simply has no place in such a Holy Book by God to his people… until you see the Type it portrays.
In the preceding two chapters we see King David murder a man and take his wife but never is the word folly used for his actions of horrific sin, so whatever is specifically done that is declared folly, is obviously a unique class of iniquity. And clearly this is another rape.
So why is rape a folly but murder-so-that-you-can-marry-your-victim’s-wife isn’t? Job gives us a clue in Chapter 24, but this is a rabbit trail:
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Rabbit Trail:

“Why, seeing
(that) times are not hidden from the Almighty, do they that know him not see his days?” Job 24:1 (*3)

Job is asking the very common question; Why God, who sees everything, does not bring his promised judgment on behalf of his tormented people (Romans 12:19); “If there really is a God, why does he let bad things happen to good people?” (we will not answer this question until a later post).
Job continues for 11 verses of specifics that the wicked do to the defenseless until he comes to his concluding statement at the sum of all the horrors, Typed in the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD, that validates his question;

“Men groan from out of the city, and the soul of the wounded crieth out: yet God layeth not folly to them” Job 24:12.

(I will begin the foundation of the answer in the next post but won’t complete it for several posts.) The passage continues to again reveal, though cryptically, the concept of the early morning Shechem murderer of man and the raper of women at night just before dawn, and the chapter ends with the knowledge that it will be “a little while” until they meet their just rewards, but the little while may run so “while” that Job knows men will want to call him a liar and his declaration of coming justice worthless (Job 24:24-25). Though the everyday "wicked men" are the surface topic of the passage, the seed of angels are the hidden topic in this whole chapter but this can only be picked up once the whole testimony of scripture is grasped on the subject. So whether you see it or not, let’s just move on. My point is that in that whole list of really bad stuff done to the innocent, God does not count it folly. Sin? Yes, Iniquity? Sure, wickedness? You bet, Folly? No. Folly is quite special and an exclusive concept, though as we will learn, it comes in a variety of manifestations. But enough with the Rabbit Trail let’s continue:
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The Victim Tamar Continued:
As something similar as with Shechem, Tamar’s brother Amnon was uncontrollably drawn by more than just lust to his own half-sister;

“And it came to pass after this, that Absalom the son of David had a fair sister, whose name was Tamar (8559); and Amnon (550) the son of David loved her. And Amnon was so vexed, that he fell sick for his sister Tamar; for she was a virgin; and Amnon thought it hard for him to do any thing to her” II Samuel 13:1-2.

Again in the Type of Genesis 6:2 we have a fair daughter, and someone’s Genesis 3:6 uncontrollable desire to the forbidden. So was Tamar guilty of defrauding her brother by her makeup or clothing choices, or her actions? There is no indication of this whatsoever. It seems that Tamar’s beauty was natural, her attire was normal for her royal position, and by what is written of her demeanor she is faultless. But it was her fair beauty nonetheless that moved the vexed man to a froth, and he did not know how to go about achieving his secret desires without the advice from a friend:

“But Amnon had a friend, whose name was Jonadab (3122), the son of Shimeah David’s brother: and Jonadab was a very subtil man” II Samuel 13:3 (see Genesis 3:1a for his Type).

Amnon clearly has an incestual spirit, but as many ruling families of the world’s recent past have shown, this is not as historically unusual as we today seem to think. A violation of God’s law? You bet (Deuteronomy 27:22), but nonetheless not unusual for ruling families and seemingly continues without intervention of God’s wrath for the violation.
We will skip the details of his friend’s advice but to note that Amnon had help conspiring how to acquire his great desire (love) (v.4), though by the wording it is possible Jonadab had no real thought to the ends which Amnon would take this. I am only conjecturing but it seems likely that all Johadab knew was that Amnon loved Tamar deeply and so he helped Amnon set up an intimate setting where it could be revealed to her. Jonadab’s declared error was his subtil ways of deception to achieve his honorable or dishonorable goals. So having deceived everyone into helping, including his father, the events were set up that arranged for Tamar to find herself in innocence within Amnon’s bedchamber, where his mind was so twisted by his rationalized lust of love that he actually imagined Tamar, a virgin, his sister, a daughter of Israel, would willingly lie with him in fornication.
So is incest the Folly we are examining? No, as Tamar makes clear:
“And she answered him, Nay, my brother, do not force me; for no such thing ought to be done in Israel: do not thou this folly. And I, whither shall I cause my shame to go? And as for thee, thou shalt be as one of the fools in Israel. Now therefore, I pray thee, speak unto the king; for he will not withhold me from thee” II Samuel 13:12-13.

Whether Tamar wanted to marry Amnon is not made clear, nor is it critical to the immediate topic; Tamar offered Amnon an acceptable alternative of marriage that would save both their reputations, meaning that incest was not a social taboo in Israel at that time, nor was it considered folly. Was it offensive to God? You bet it was; as God does not change his laws over time. Israel was already violating many of God’s laws yet God was mostly blessing them through king David’s less that fully obedient reign because his foundational desire was true to God's heart (I Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22). This is yet another Old Testament example of New Testament grace in action; in the concept of sin not unto death (I John 5:16-17), that although does not end the relationship with God, nonetheless greatly adds sorrow and complexity to the strained relationship (I John 5:18). We know clearly that a marriage of incest might have gone unpunished though not please God, so what makes the rape of Tamar a folly in Israel?
We need to continue reading:

“Howbeit he would not hearken unto her voice: but, being stronger than she, forced her, and lay with her. Then Amnon hated her exceedingly; so that the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater than the love wherewith he had loved (157) her. And Amnon said unto her, Arise, be gone” II Samuel 13:14-15.

Well this is quite a different result from that of Dina. Why?
Because of his great hatred it seems quite clear that this was not Amon’s first rodeo and because of his confusion in how to go about it without a guiding advice, we see a very weak man who usually got what he wanted quite easily from less virtuous women because he was royalty. Since Tamar was a virgin she was not like the socially acceptable virtueless girls he had known, which awareness of consequence is revealed in the wording of his frustration in verse 2, and his sudden hatred after the fact. Did he ever really care for Tamar though the word used for his emotion was love (157)? I am sure at the time he really was in the great agony of genuine but frustrated secret 157 love (Proverbs 27:5):

Love 157 ahab; or aheb; a primitive root; to have affection for (sexually or otherwise):-- (be-) love (-d, -ly, -r), like, friend.

But the drama doesn’t end there; it gets worse as he sends her packing after raping her:

“…And Amnon said unto her, Arise, be gone. And she said unto him, There is no cause: this evil in sending me away is greater than the other that thou didst unto me. But he would not hearken unto her” II Samuel 13:15b-16.

What did she want from him after he raped her? She wanted him to marry her! Why?
Because the verse did not call her betrothed but only a virgin, so although the event occurred in a house of the city, she falls under a different law:

“If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city; and the man, because he hath humbled his neighbor’s wife: so thou shalt put away evil from among you” Deuteronomy 22:23-24.


“If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days” Deuteronomy 22:28-29.

Clearly Tamar falls under the second law. But why didn’t she cry out? Notice in the second verse is the addition of “lay hold on her” including even the non-consentual forced rape whereas in the first situation it suggests if she doesn’t scream she is at least a less than screaming-resistant victim implying a punishable degree of consent. Tamar’s response to his demand to “get out” tells us that she still thought there was hope of a marriage and she wanted to save both their faces. Being an innocent young virgin, the hope of redeeming marriage was always on her mind through the event, which is why she did not cry out. This is the thoughts in confusion of a pure-hearted virgin who’s very spirit has been forever changed by the act against her as she tries to put the pieces back together.
Tamar knew full well the utter ruin of folly that was done, and once word got out, they would both be marked for life, unrecoverable. What she could not comprehend was that Amnon cared so little about protecting his honor or being labeled a fool of folly (v.13) that he wouldn’t even consider marrying the girl that moments before, he loved with uncontrollable passion.

“So how does this apply to our study?”
I am suggesting that while Dinah’s Type is that of the “first time” Flood-of-Noah angelic rape of human daughters, Tamar represents in Type the experienced “second time” event now coming upon us refered to by as the days of Noah” (Matthew 24:37).
While the sons of God actually fell in love with the women they took the first time, after their release, (itself Typed by the Revelation 9 bugs released unto judgment: Jude 1:6), these same sons of God will again capture and rape fair virgin daughters, but there will be a different kind of love this time, and afterward a very great impassioned hatred even stronger than their lust! (Daniel 11:37).

Notice that the first time the sons of God just took any beautiful woman that they chose (Genesis 6:2), but in the second Type in Amnon, they need help making the carefully conspired setup that arranges the perfect setting for the attack. Everyone was fooled concerning his real intentions, even king David who clearly represents God!
Now before you start throwing stones; of course God knows what’s going on, but this is a Type, and we will see all the evidence that suggests God is not ignorantly complicit in the plan to rape the girl (humanity)… scripture has already prophesied the details (Isaiah 42:9), which reveals his complete awareness, and confirms that the horrors done secretly for their own purposes, nonetheless play into his great plan of redemption (Romans 8:28).
Remember like Tamar, Amnon was David’s child too, just as the sons of God are his creation, as is mankind. But they are not quite the same, just as Tamar was Amnon’s half sister, which shows the spiritual distinction between good and evil in the same creation. Clearly such a relationship is forbidden in the law of God (II Corinthians 6:14, I Thessalonians 5:5, I John 1:5-6, 2:8-9), but this relationship of existence is not the “folly” reason for God’s wrath of what has been done. There is still more:
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What's In A Name?
Let’s look at the revealing names of the players in this Type:

Tamar 8559 Tamar; the same as 8558; Tamar, the name of three women and a place: Tamar.
8558 tamar; from an unused root meaning to be erect; a palm tree:-- palm (tree).

Amnon 550 ‘Amnown; or ‘Amiynown; from 539; faithful; Amnon (or Aminon), a son of David:-- Amnon.
539 aman; a primitive root; properly, to build up or support; to foster as a parent or nurse; figuratively to render (or be) firm or faithful, to trust or believe, to be permanent or quiet; morally to be true or certain;… to go to the right hand:-- hence, assurance, believe, bring up, establish, + fail, be faithful (of long continuance, steadfast, sure, surely, trusty, verified), nurse, (-ing father), (put), trust, turn to the right.

Jonadab 3122 Yownadab; a form of 3082; Jonadab, the name of an Israelite and of a Rechabite:-- Jonadab.
3082 Yehownadab; from 3068 and 5068; Jehovah-largessed; Jehonadab, the name of an Israelite and of an Arab:-- Jehonadab, Jonadab. Compare 3122.
Largess: Liberal giving; a liberal gift. - Webster’s 1948.

It is not such a surprise to see the very fair Tamar means an upright palm. Notice this meaning is not an upright tree but specifically an upright palm; We can imagine honorable royal elegance and beauty, and even the alluring fronds of her breeze-blown hair with the quiet swishing of her frond like skirts etc., that can seriously take a storm and bounce back. This quite accurately describes the upright beautiful status of godly daughters in post 261 “Fair Daughters” as they are confirmed by Jesus to be gods (Psalm 82:6-7, John 10:34-36), but primarily this represents the Jews on many levels.

But what a surprise to see the meaning of Amnon is; faithful! And the root of this meaning reveals the probable relationship they had; it seems that Amnon was her personal protector, her faithful guide, her stable compass, the one she could turn to for good advice. Her friend. It was probably this long-term close “older brother” relationship that pulled his emotions to her upright beauty until skewed by a sudden realization that he was madly in love with her though he couldn’t tell her because of their friendship of “councilor and ward” if you will. He needed help, and his friend Jonadab was just the man.

But what a name there too! Made liberally gifted by God?! Wow. It’s just too bad that he was so very…subtil (2450) (II Samuel 13:3).

Subtil 2450 chakam; from 2449; wise, (i.e. intelligent, skilful or artful):-- cunning (man), subtil, ([un-]), wise([hearted], man).
2449 chakam; a primitive root, to be wise (in mind, word or act):-- x exceeding, teach wisdom, be (make self, shew self) wise, deal (never so) wisely, make wiser.

Can you think of another who was so subtil?

“Now the serpent was more subtil (6175) than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made…” Genesis 3:1.

Subtil 6175 ‘aruwm; passive particle of 6191; cunning (usually in a bad sense):-- crafty, prudent, subtil.
6191 ‘aram; a primitive root; properly, to be (or make) bare; but used only in the derivative sense (through the idea perhaps of smoothness) to be cunning (usually in a bad sense):-- X very, beware, take crafty [counsel], be prudent, deal subtilly.

Now it appears that these two subtils are not the same things, but the only real difference seems to be the motivation. I propose that Jonadab was not intentionally aiding Amnon to do wickedly, though that is exactly what he did by his subtlety. Kinda reminds you of Balaam don’t it?

What I am driving at is that the girl, the boy, the friend, and even the dad King David himself, all thought they wanted good things, and thought they were all doing their part to bring those good things, but somehow it all turned out very badly. These names reveal that they were the people of God, blessed of God personally in a variety of ways and each using their gifted namesake natures to the best of their abilities, but rottenness and decay and ruin were the end results that I don’t think any of them actually wanted. So what actually started this chain reaction of destruction? It was a compromised national perspective. These were a confused people trying to go about their “godly” lives as best they could, they were the historical people of God but their understanding of godliness was now so far off track that they had no awareness to the evil that was overcoming them all as they lived out their pathetic excuses for “godly lives” (II Timothy 3:5).

Having drawn this post slightly off track and thereby expose a bit of today’s confused American Christian culture of destruction, My main point was that rape was the folly of Amnon but I don’t think he thought that was his original intent for the arranged meeting, though it actually was. What played out after she arrived to make an intimate supper was his unplanned step-by-step furtherance to an unholy end.

Now we have two events that didn’t turn out the way the attacker had planned. I will not draw out the rest of the examples to this degree, but enough to show the method and nature of folly:
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The Loose Woman:
Deuteronomy 22:13-21 details the public ugly trial when a man accuses his wife of not being a virgin when they married. But why he didn’t bring up the topic on the first night is explained in the first verse of the long ordeal:

“If any man take a wife, and go in unto her, and hate her,” Deuteronomy 22:13.

And so upon a later acquired hatred the ordeal begins and the accusations fly. Skipping all the part about her being found innocent and his resulting punishment because he “brought up an evil name upon a virgin of Israel” (v.19), let’s skip ahead to that part if she is actually found guilty by a lack of evidence to the contrary:

“Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought (6213) folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father’s house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you” Deuteronomy 22:21.

How do I not address the fact that God’s people as Christians, here in America, see this as ancient and barbaric custom and not a law of God? or that Islam is presently attempting to obey the law of Moses’ God (without his God), and so by a heart of hatred and violence (provided by their own god) they take it as far beyond what God intended as America doesn’t take it the other in “Christian” tolerance. Or that because they do and we don’t, it is curious that they are now rising to rule the world while we are in decline. Or that in our founder’s complete comprehension of true Christianity in practice, they created laws for this nation that in the mercy of Christ refrained from the death sentence but nonetheless made such activity a breach of our laws for the good of the nation just as God intended. Or how do I not deal with the concept that the man sure got off cheaply for his false accusation while she pays heavily for bringing folly. There simply is not space or time to address all this properly so we will just stick to the topic and realize that this woman is not an innocent as were the previous examples, she has brought folly to her nation by sleeping around before she was married.

Wrought 6213 ‘asah; a primary root; to do or make, in the broadest sense and widest application (as follows):-- accomplish, advance, appoint, apt, be at, become, bear, bestow, bring forth, bruise, be busy, X certainly, have the charge of, commit, deal (with), deck, + displease, do, (ready) dress (-ed), (put in) excecute (-ion), exercise, fashion, + feast… and it goes on and on in kind.

So being very specific it seems that her fornication is not just personal folly, but what brings folly upon the nation. By these three examples we clearly get the impression that folly is at least sexual, but by the working of that folly there is something else in the meaning.
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The Folly of Achan:
In Joshua 7 we see Achan had disobeyed the command of God and taken a single garment, some silver, and some gold from among the ruins of Jericho after the conquest. The result was that God had removed his aid and they utterly failed the next conquest of a very small town called Ai. About 36 Hebrew men lost their lives that day as a result of Achan’s folly, so God provided the cure;

“And it shall be, that he that is taken with the accursed thing shall be burnt with fire, he and all that he hath: because he hath transgressed the covenant of the LORD, and because he hath wrought folly in Israel” Joshua 7:15.

Until you know exactly why, this judgment seems excessive to include Achan’s wife and children (much as Genesis 6:7 included the animals and birds in the destruction), but do you still require God to explain himself in each circumstance before you believe he is just, or do you even after a lifetime of faith, continue to argue with God because you just can’t see how this is righteous of him? We won’t for several more posts cover in depth God’s very specific reason, so you’re just going to have to work that out between you and God till then. In the meantime note that transgressing God’s covenant, and working folly in Israel, were two different things to God, so let’s back up to v.11 and get God’s perspective on this:

a). “Israel hath sinned,
b). and they have also transgressed my covenant which I commanded them: for they have even taken of the accursed thing,
c). and have also stolen,
d). and dissembled (3584) also, and they have put it even among their own stuff” Joshua 7:11.

a). Clearly Achan sinned when he disobeyed the commandment not to take anything. What seems immediately troubling is that the sin of one man affects everyone. We come to grips with this when we see that folly is a disease that enters the whole body as aids enters individually by a single act of disobedience, though that disobedience may be as remote as of one who donates blood. Now you have a deadly man freely walking among everyone else, pretending that he is perfectly healthy but with the probability of killing many more with his hidden deadly disease. THIS is the concept of Folly.

b). Though the folly of Achan was singular in act, God isolates and identifies the several offenses: By his secret and solitary sin, Achan caused the nation to transgress God’s covenant (Joshua 6:17). And God makes clear that the transgression was having taken something accursed (v.18). Now if greed or covetousness was the transgression, it would be hard to accuse the nation of the offense, but knowing that the thing taken was accursed, means that a curse comes with the thing taken. The curse is not personal; it reaches the whole camp in which it resides (Leviticus 19:29) secretly or not, just as a contagious virus or an unseen communicable disease. In this way God states the whole body of people are under the curse though they had no idea or intentional part in bringing it, just as king David by innocently sending his daughter to her evil rapist brought evil upon his whole house. This is how God can declare the entire camp of Israel as having broken his covenant though through only one man, as a Type of Adam’s fall that affects us all (Romans 5:14). And so God revealed the curse, and declared the cure:

Cause: “Israel hath sinned” Joshua 7:11
Symptom: “Therefore the children of Israel could not stand before their enemies, but turned their backs before their enemies, because they were accursed:
Cure: neither will I be with you anymore, except ye destroy the accursed from among you” Joshua 7:12.

c). Now understanding God’s concern for the national wellbeing because of a curse that separated them from him (I John 1:5), Achan also simply stole. How did he steal? Because what he took was by covetousness, and belonged to the treasury of the LORD (Joshua 6:19); Achan stole from God. Because the things stolen were found among the people, they are all counted guilty with the one who took it, just as the universal affect of the curse, but the degree of guilt is equal to the degree of God’s cure; repentant ignorant sinners go free by the death of one, though having previously paid a high price for the curse (I Timothy 1:12-13). Although quite alarming, this seems to suggest that God works with the church through a socialistic approach (*4).

Enters Folly Joshua 7:15 a from b:
d). God further isolates theft from dissembling, though they are connected: Achan stole and then he covered it up so no one would know.

Dissembled 3584 kachash; a primitive root; to be untrue, in word (to lie, feign, disown) or deed (to disappoint, fail, cringe):-- deceive, deny, dissemble, fail, deal falsely, be found liars, (be-) lie, lying, submit selves.

With this greater understanding we have a lot more comprehension of why Ananias and Sapphira dropped dead at the perceptive feet of Peter for their folly of dissembled theft against the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:1-10). The curse was not able to take root since Peter caught them in their effort, and at the confrontational mouth of Peter God purged the curse from among his Church as required by Joshua 7:12b. Ananias and Sapphira were unknowingly attempting to bring folly onto the Church through their covetous desire to be seen as faithful though they were not. Oh how this rings a very loud bell in the midst of the churches today! You tell me; “Is our church today plagued by the accused thing?” Are we apparently powerless to stand victorious before our enemies of vice, sin, addictions, and more?

So we see that folly is not actually just a sexual thing, and we begin to comprehend there is a fundamental principle that underlies what makes things folly.
I may later expand this post because of all the important things here, but for now this will have to do and so I leave you some studies you can do on your own (*5).
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The Folly of Angels: Psalm 49.
“So what is the folly of angels that God charged them with in Job?”

“Behold, he put no trust in his servants; and his angels he charged with folly: How much less in them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, which are crushed before the moth?” Job 4:18-19.

It is quite obvious that while their action of folly was sexual in nature (Genesis 6:2,4), the thing that made it folly goes way beyond the act. We will significantly explore the principle of this folly in a shocking concluding post that will really tie all this together, as this verse in Job includes others with the angels in God’s disappointed complaint of untrustworthyness.
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(*1) Original Intent of These Three Specific Colleges:
Harvard and Yale were both started by Congregationalists for training ministers of the Gospel.
Harvard’s original two Mottoes were: “For Christ and the Church” and “For the Glory of Christ”. Included in its Directive to Students is the following; “Let every student be plainly instructed and… consider well [that] the main end of his life and studies is to know God and Jesus, which is eternal life (John 17:3), and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning.” And “Everyone shall so exercise himself in reading the Scriptures twice a day that he shall be ready to give such an account of his proficiency therein.”
Yale’s Student Admonishment reads in part: “Above all, have an eye to the great end of all your studies, which is to obtain the clearest conceptions of Divine things and to lead you to a saving knowledge of God in His Son, Jesus Christ.” And “All the scholars are required to live a religious and blameless life according to the rules of God’s Word, diligently reading the holy Scriptures…and constantly attending all the duties of religion.”
Princeton was started by Presbyterians to train ministers of the Gospel. School President and professor John Witherspoon required; “Every student shall attend worship in the college hall morning and evening…[and] shall attend public worship on the Sabbath…. [T]here shall be assigned to each class certain exercises for their religious instruction…. And no student belonging to any class shall neglect them.” - “Four Centuries of American Education” by Dave Barton.
These colleges strove diligently to attach honor and respect to their names, but now since the respected names remain, respect remains also granted, though they are virtually the direct opposite of what they started out to be. The result is the fruit of folly.

(*2) Mt. Seir 8165 Se’iyr; formed like 8163; rough; Seir, a mountain of Idumaea and its aboriginal occupants, also one in Palestine:-- Seir. 8163 sa’iyr; or sabir; from 8175; shaggy; as noun, a he-goat; by analogy, a faun:-- devil, goat, hairy, kid, rough, satyr.

(*3) Why the Delay in Justice?
The martyred saints themselves ask the same question in Revelation 6:9-10, and God explains why in Revelation 6:11, though he doesn’t there provide the reason for the injustice in the first place; that point is irrelevant to the query:

“And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the alter the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, doest thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?” Revelation 6:9-10.

“And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled” Revelation 6:11.

Curious Support:
Enoch simply pre-supports the clarity of the big picture by providing the link between the first global persecution to the second:

“Thus has the whole earth been filled with blood and with iniquity. And now behold the souls of those who are dead, cry out, and complain even to the gate of heaven (compare with Revelation 6:9-10). Their groaning ascends; nor can they escape from unrighteousness which is committed on earth (compare with Revelation 6:11). Thou knowest all things, before they exist. Thou knowest these things, and what has been done by them; yet thou dost not speak to us. What on account of these ought we (your ministering angels) to do to them?
Then the Most High, the Great and Holy One spoke and sent
(His angel) to the son of Lamech, saying: Say to him (Noah) in my name; Conceal thyself. Then explain to him the consummation which is about to take place; for all the earth shall perish; the waters of a deluge shall come over the whole earth, and all things which are in it shall be destroyed” Ethiopic Book of Enoch 9:9-10:4

There was a time before the Flood when God delayed his wrath until all the righteous who would be killed were killed and there was none righteous left but Noah. So because man is only authorized to produce children while living on earth as mortals, God preserved Noah and his family to continue producing the growing number of souls that would be righteous for filling God’s eternal kingdom. At that time God “extracted” Noah and his family by boat and then poured out his wrath upon the corruption and cleansed the earth before putting Noah and his family back upon it.
The same thing in Type is happening again today as the violence grows and God’s faithful are martyred in ever increasing numbers.

“The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come” Isaiah 57:1.

While scripturally ignorant Christians are eagerly but over anticipating the rapture to escape Satan’s violence, the Type shows us that this is not the purpose of the Rapture, but to protect us from God’s great wrath against the folly itself, after the righteous are “removed” primarily at the hand of Satan’s people until there is only “Noah” left.

(*4) Is God a Socialist?
Socialism: A political and economic theory of social organization based on collective or governmental ownership and democratic management of the essential means for the production and distribution of goods; also, a policy or practice based on this theory. (italics added).

This topic opens the door to another very large study, which only adds complexity with the present corruption of all things, that truly originated with God but being perverted, serves the enemy’s use.

(*5) Additional Studies:
The Folly of Benjamin: (Judges 19:23, 20:6,10).

The Fool Nabal and his kind: I Samuel 25:25, Proverbs 13:13-16, 14:8-9,17-18,24-25,29, 15:21, 16:22-23, 17:11-13, 18:12-13, 26:4-12, Ecclesiastes 10:5-7.

Second Chances: Psalm 85:8, Job 33:27-28.

The Sacrifice for Folly: Job 42:8

More Sexual Folly: Proverbs 5 concluding in v.23.

The Folly of the Sumerian Prophecies (, and the Jewish Kabbalah (

“And I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria; they prophesied in Baal, and caused my people Israel to err.
I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah”
Jeremiah 23:13-14.

(I do not include the above two links for you to go read up on the details of this toxic poison, but simply so you can perhaps peruse a single page of their own information and so comprehend the nature of this very current, though long ago prophesied folly.)

Conclusion of Foundational Corruption:

“Therefore the LORD shall have no joy in their young men, neither shall have mercy on their fatherless and widows: for every one is an hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaketh folly.
For all this his
(God’s) anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still” Isaiah 9:17.

In my studied opinion, said simplistically; Folly is the foundational confusion of thinking Death is actually Life.
Suicide as an escape is folly.
Rape for love is folly.
The illusion of righteousness when you are actually with sin, is folly.
Making the righteous appear as the wicked is folly.
Casting away eternity with God for a temporal pleasure is folly.