Sunday, August 30, 2009

Next Step

Post 027

So what the heck does that last post have to do with politics?
Only everything.
The one thing Fox media will not talk about is the one thing that made America what it was, And is the only thing that can restore it.
That one thing is that as a nation, the people believed they were accountable to the Creator.
Our founders were convinced by reason that there is a God that created all things.
Our government today has gone to great lengths to abolish the notion of a creator from our places of education and the halls of our governing institutions. Our government has systematically removed God and all references to God from our history.
Is this just a religious argument?
No. If it was, you would still be reading in school George Washington's Fair well Address, un-edited, and many other writings of the founders.

It is understandable that one man may not like the religion of another, but the wholesale removal of the religion so entwined in government is to alter that government at it's foundation. To do it openly is a matter of thoughtful choice for it's subjects. To do it secretly is evil.

Every decision, every thought process must be calculated from one of two foundational perspectives;

1) We are responsible to our creator for what we do.
2) We are an accident responsible to nothing.

The first idea brought about the great success of the United States of America. The second idea is that which is bringing this great nation to it's end.

"Preposterous!" you say.

Then tell me, How do you determine what is right and what is wrong? Your answer will describe the cause of America's problems.
How do I know this?
The coin was either made, or it evolved. If you do not believe in a Creator who has given unalterable moral laws, then right and wrong must be subjective and therefore variable. Taken to it's end This thinking must conclude that there is no right and wrong.
To sustain a healthy society without moral laws is as insane a thought as Evolution.
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Sunday, August 9, 2009


Post 026

This next example goes just a bit further. Intentional deception is carefully organized and presented with the natural tendencies of the human mind calculated in for the desired perception.
This is my favorite example of seeing but not seeing!
Basketball pass test

Think how much more can be done with actual lies!

"Half truth is often a greater lie" - Benjamin Franklin "Poor Richard's Almanack" 1758

This next deception is getting a bit more complicated to explain in a short blog, the following video uses professional media, appealing sound effects, and a voice narration that is accepted as scientific fact. But listen for these two points:
First: The number of times the concept words; Maybe, Perhaps, Possibly, Probably are used in this so-called scientific presentation. And Second: The presentation is built on a disprovable theory as if it was long proven to be fact. That theory? Evolution.
Common, stay with me for a minuet. Don’t get so defensive yet. After I am done you can still reject my views.

Before you watch the video on the cell, let me ask you; If I found an 1847 US quarter in the desert where it would seem impossible that man has been, would you believe that quarter had evolved there over millions of years? Or would you try to come up with another theory of how that quarter got there?
The evolution of that quarter would not even enter the equation. Of course the quarter was made by someone, and the theories of how it got there would get as wild as perhaps a collector of rare coins had dropped it out of an airplane.
Why would you so completely reject the concept that the coin had evolved? The coin is nothing more than a collection of metals in a circular shape with images stamped on both sides. It does not move, it is extremely simplistic, much more likely to have evolved than a cell.
But when it comes to biology we are told a fantastic story that simply defies all scientific evidence and observations; “Biology HAS evolved.” they say.
Now the truly strange part is that the entire theory of evolution is not based on facts that can be perceived in two different ways like the spinning girl example, but rather based on intentional lies and deception.

I ask just one simple yet foundational question;
“Give me just one example in all the matter of the known universe, using the laws of science, of anything that gets better over time when left to itself.” All things we know of is in the state of decay. This is the nature of biology. Yet in the face of this irrefutable fact, we are to believe that man has evolved from the primordial goo after thousands and millions of individual successful accidental improvements. Scientists have tried a very simple experiment;

"Put a living cell in beaker with the perfect solution to sustain the cell's life, then poke a hole in the cell with a sterile needle. The parts of the cell leak out into the solution. Why does the cell die?" - Michael Behe "Unlocking The Mysteries Of Life".

All the parts of the cell are already there in the form needed for life, no evolution needed at this point, the solution is perfect for life, no evolution needed at this point either, yet the cell cannot be brought to life with help let alone on its own. Yet we are to assume that by undirected accident and millions of years, evolution brought about the living cell, and the living cell brought about the variety of species we see today. This idea can be described as nothing short of insanity. Honestly.
Now watch the following video while thinking about this.
Cell Biology Deception

I am using reason and logic, I openly seek anyone who can show how my thinking to this point is flawed.

Notice how I have not brought religion or God into this until now, yet those of you who still believe in evolution have already jumped ahead with great emotional stress, to point out how unbelievable is the notion of God as a creator.
Your case does not defend evolution, just rejects the alternative theory which I never brought up yet. How do I know this? Because there is no other answer. The coin evolved or it was made.
And this is the reason why the belief in evolution; the rejection of God as creator. Not the science that proves evolution.

The theory of evolution is a card trick, a misdirection, a poorly thought out deception which only takes a bit of thought to realize it for what it is.

How does this relate to my previous posts?
Small bits of documentation will never prove a point. They can only be used to support a view already accepted. There is a bigger picture that is in question. If you follow my posts they will eventually point to the real issue.
All I ask is that you use your own mind, Reject all you think you know and start at the basics again, openly examining each concept with a fresh mind of discovery.

If your conclusion turns out to be the same, then fine, you’ve lost nothing. But you may just find that what you thought you knew might be a slick deception that will take you to our national destruction first, and your personal destruction next.

"Truth never lost ground by inquiry, because she is most of all reasonable" - William Penn "More Fruits of Solitude" 1702.
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Boiling It Down

Post 025

I have become keenly aware that both opposing views on most anything are able to find documentation to support their argument. I have two books of Quotes, one whose author chose to include a large portion of unfavorable quotes of our founding fathers, which promote dissension, frustration and discouragement, while the other book of Quotes capitalizes on those quotes which provide a vision, hope, and the encouragement to become better than we are.
Is one book more true than the other? I don’t think so.Is one book more edifying to the people of this nation? Absolutely!

As I write this blog, I must take into account that I am compiling a collection of resources that validate my point, but I also realize there are other resources that may just as successfully validate an opposite view.
Here is a short video showing that we can look at the same thing but perceive it differently Spin Test (

We are also a species that are very easily manipulated and led to a conclusion we feel is our own, and the more content we are in life, the more easily that can be done.
Here is a simple example of the power of manipulation, although it may seem graphic at first, I assure you it is not. Not what you perceive (
This example has made something appear to be something it is not by focusing only on the specific parts needed and excluding everything else that would reveal the deception. Do you feel you were manipulated? The parts are real, there is no lie or dishonesty here, only “part of a bigger picture” to lead you to think something that is not true. This could not be an accident, but must be carefully planned.
This is an example of deception with facts.

Here we add in an example of “slight of Hand” or misdirection. This is not video tampering, this is footage of a real event; This That and the Other (
Now you can ask yourself all day; “How did he do that?” but the fact remains that what you think you saw, is not what really happened.

What is Truth?
It can be defined as; "That which relates to reality"
Here is the explanation if you are interested. This That and the Other explanation (
Once you UNDERSTAND the truth, you can view the event with eyes of wisdom to make a more rational determination of what you witnessed; The TRUTH. But the deception also grows.
Here is an amazing flying card trick Flying Card (
Yet once you know how the trick works, it is so silly that you have to work at not loosing interest in the trick! It becomes clear to you the simple mechanics of it, while appears to defy scientific reality to those who observe it.
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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

President or Dictator?

Post 024

What is the difference between a president and a dictator?
We are aware of the American masses growing very concerned about the flagrant willfulness of congress to blow our money and passing highly destructive bills without so much as reading them.
John Conyers
This week the large and growing groups of Health-Care protesters are being labeled as "angry mobs".
Angry Mob add
OK, So what?
These are the first steps that may soon be used to actually arrest these dissenting voices.
Under the repeated line-bits like "angry mobs". "We all know" angry mobs are potentially dangerous, and this will be the excuse used to remove these important voices. But these voices are citizens confronting their government which is doing what the people don't want them to do. Actual Angry Mob video 1
Actual Angry Mob Video 2
In a nation of free citizens we are all able to disagree and argue our point much like I am doing here. You may agree, or you may disagree with my view, and that is fine. Discussion is the food of learning.
And in a free nation, the government is the servant of the citizens, and the citizen expects the government to listen to their opinions.
This is what a president would want to do.
So why would a government be so unwilling to hear the masses with a different view? Why deny them the right to bring their thoughts to the table for discussion? Why blow them off as an "Angry Mob"?
A president who is unwilling to listen to the people, but do as he wants, is not acting as a president, but has the mind frame of a dictator!
"King & Tyrants are very different characters: one rules his people by laws, to which they consent; the other by his absolute will and power. This is called freedom, this tyranny." - William Penn "Some Fruits of Solitude" 1693.
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Quote of the Day

Post 023

"The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property" - Carl Marx.

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's Not Funny Anymore!

Post 022

It is hard for me to understand how so many people cannot see the pattern here.
The concerned citizen really fears our government due to a long history of abuses, through specific intended direction, through a collection of many many compatible events all pointing to the same thing: The Fall of Freedom in America.

But the willful, self centered, short sighted, leftist hears our complaints on a specific point like a speech or a video and they act as if this is the only event that has ever pointed toward our argument.
And so they cry "ridiculous" and "nit picking" or "Trivial"

The events showing the steady progress of the progressives are coming in so fast and so numerous there is no way to keep up with, or respond to them all.
But daily we are seeing the lion moving ever closer.
Like a nervous gazelle, we might be keeping an eye on what is happening, but after the lion pounces is not the time to decide to run!
Now watch this
Cash 4 Clunkers website concern
by Glenn Beck.
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