Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Same Trend: Missing the point

Post 021

I marvel at how easily issues are twisted to meaningless confusion. Then the invented confusion is turned back on those opposing the original issue and accused as initiating meaningless argument. Here is an example:

It was discovered that during this time of economic concern, the IRS sent hundreds of employees to party in Vegas. The public was outraged. So the government has taken this to heart and black listed popular places to party. Now they are sending their employees to more expensive but less public places. Then they complain because the public has forced them to spend more on parties!

How hard is it to figure out this problem?
The public does not want you to party on our money. ANYWHERE!
The issue is not Orlando, or Vegas, or anywhere else, the issue is that we are angry that you party on our money...especially in these economic hard times.

This present re-working of the Healthcare bill "reform" that congress is trying to work up and pass is following the same trend. They figure; The public doesn't like this, so lets try it a different way. As if this is the problem.
Let me be clear, (to use the words of Obama, but I really mean it!)
We the people, do not want the government to run health care. Government has no business in running the lives of its citizens.
No amount of reworking this Marxist bill will correct the issue.
Don't spin this to mean we are pleased with the present healthcare.
The government protected insurance companies,
The government protected pharmaceutical companies,
The government cowing to these lobbyists,
these and other issues need to be fixed, but the government is already the reason for these problems, so more government intervention is not the fix.
If one murderer kills 4 people, adding another murderer does not actually fix the problem!

Government Czars telling doctors how to do their job,
Government Czars telling us our plan is not good enough for them,
The fines for refusing government programs,
The loss of ability to choose and get our own care; whether unborn or very old, These are only a few of the issues that come when the government tries to run private decisions.

The very nature of this bill is anti-Republic in nature.
It is oppressive in its implementation.
This Congress has already proven that it cannot be trusted with our private companies, our Government, our money, or our protection.
This issue is not actually about Healthcare, This bill is about freedom vs. slavery.

The problem is actually the kind of Government we want to run America.
Try to have a discussion about daycare with a child molester.
Do you think you will be able to come to a fair compromise?

You want to ban all child molesters from the daycare where you place your child. The child molester complains because you refuse to compromise. How about 2 days a week? doesn't that sound fair?
You wanted NO days allowed to the molester but he wanted 7 days a week, so 2 days sure sounds fair!

"Tolerance is the virtue of a man without conviction."
- author Bill Gothard

Freedom thinking Americans across the parties, cannot accept this government takeover of our choices for our own health.
We refuse to compromise on this; Freedom and Marxism are not compatible.
You want to help Americans get better healthcare? Great. do it. But NOT at the cost of Freedom.

I know, somehow this post will be twisted into a sexist issue.
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Friday, July 24, 2009

Obama Marxism

Post 020

Following is a Youtube link to who Obama really is and what his goals really are.
His own words speak best, but some help understanding his words are included.
Obama Marxism
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The President and Professor Gates?

Post 019

There are all kinds of issues flying around concerning the recent confrontation between the police and Professor Gates.
Race issues, Police brutality, Home ownership rights, etc.

My thought above all else;
What is the leader of the greatest nation on earth doing, spending his time mixed up in the small stuff?
It belittles the office of president to stoop so low as to choose to get involved in an issue that does not warrant his involvement.
In the construction industry this is called "micro managing".
This is the act of a person inexperienced in leadership skills.
It never turns out well.
It nearly always leads to a loss of respect by the subordinates.

Then on top of that, the man holding the office of the president rushed to a conclusion even though he admitted he did not have all the information.
This kind of rash decision should make us all afraid of his power.
It shows that he does not have the caution and discretion the office deserves.
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Quote of the Day

Post 018

"We did not vote to change the Republic,
We voted to Change Washington."

Glenn beck, 'Glenn Beck's Common Sense'

This is the perfect description of the current struggle between "sides".
One side wants an entirely new American form of Government.
The other side wants the evils that have corrupted the most perfect form of Government on the planet to be changed back to proper values.

The word "CHANGE" means two entirely different things to two entirely different views.
One view makes slaves of free men,
The other makes free men of slaves.
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Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Real Difference

Post 017

I have discovered the foundation of the current differences of opinions and perspectives between the left and right on the current issues.

We have all seen the news reports of a woman crying her eyes out over the conviction of her son as a serial murderer.
She wails' "My son is a good boy, he could never do those things!"

We can all have compassion on her because we know the blinding power of love.
But we still put her son away because it must be done.

The love affair of the left with their president, their congress, their bills, is not because facts all point to the great success of it.
But because of the loyalty of blind love.
The old woman really does honestly believe her son is a good boy.
She may not even contend with the idea that he did such horrible things, but to her, there must be some unknown cause that made him do those things against his will!
"It is not his fault!"
Love is a wonderful thing. But it must be balanced with facts and truth.
Why not allow everyone to live in their own blind fantasy?
Because reality does not submit to fantasy, but we can really mess up reality by trying.
If we let the son go because of his mothers fantasy, He Will Kill Again.
If it is important that people don't die (reality) then he must be put away, regardless of what his mother wants to believe.

The truth is, these unprecedented bills passed by this present liberal administration are the death of America as we know it.
I am not saying life will not go on.
Of course it will.
I am saying that we now have a new version of America, where freedom is not the premiere objective, but security is trump. Security at the cost of freedom.
And FREEDOM is what our founders, and forefathers bled and died for.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Words, or Actions?

Post 016

Watching the "one-minuet speeches" in the house on the Healthcare Reform, I was curious to note that those speaking against the Bill, gave reason after reason across a wide span of relative issues showing this bill is flawed; From excessive spending, to lack of care, to job loss, to fast tracking, to recent bills passes, etc. They covered a myriad of issues that need to be legitimately investigated weather correct or incorrect.

But every speaker for the bill, did nothing for the bill, but instead only cried; "fear mongers", "scare tactics", "the party of NO."

Yet I am constantly hearing from the left, that Republicans have nothing valuable to offer.
Remember; This healthcare reform bill successfully excluded Republicans from the writing of it.
Remember; It was Rep. Todd Tiahrt of Kansas who proposed that government lives by the bills they create such as this healthcare bill. but the Dem. controlled congress tossed it out as so much trash.
Remember; It was Pelosi who refused to allow the republican sponsored vote allowing America to harvest it's own oil!

One of the top 5 catch lines of those in favor of the bill is; "doing something is better than doing nothing!"
As if there are only two choices, pass our bill, or do nothing.
What about the third option? "spend the deserved time to write a good bill with bipartisan efforts that will actually help Americans without destroying our future?"
Why is this not an option?

Who is talking trash, and who is interested in fixing real problems with real suggestions?
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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Quote of the Day

Post 015

"Isn't the term 'reverse racism' actually racist?"
- Kyle Ponsford

I only comment on this because the only ones actually bringing up race are the Obama people crying against those who don't like Obama... for a myriad of reasons having nothing to do with race.
Apparently we have to vote for him BECAUSE HE IS BLACK.

But to cry “reverse racism” is to be identified as a racist!
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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Watch what really happens

Post 014

Obama Speech transcript segment:
"I want to be very clear: I will not sign on to any health plan that adds to our deficits over the next decade. And by helping improve quality and efficiency, the reforms we make will help bring our deficits under control in the long-term.

Those who oppose reform will also tell you that under our plan, you won’t get to choose your doctor – that some bureaucrat will choose for you. That’s also not true. Michelle and I don’t want anyone telling us who our family’s doctor should be – and no one should decide that for you either. Under our proposals, if you like your doctor, you keep your doctor. If you like your current insurance, you keep that insurance. Period, end of story.

Finally, opponents of health reform warn that this is all some big plot for socialized medicine or government-run health care with long lines and rationed care. That’s not true either. I don’t believe that government can or should run health care. But I also don’t think insurance companies should have free reign to do as they please."

One thing that appears to be consistant:
Any time Obama says "let me be clear" means whatever follows will be the opposite of reality.

Entire Speech posted here:CQ Politics

So far, in the first 100 days of office, Obama has almost trippled the national Debt that took 43 presidents and 200 years to do.
So far so good,
"now is not the time to slow down, now is not the time to loose heart" Barck Obama.
He's right... IF the goal is 5 Trillion!
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Quote of the Day

Post 013

On Sonia Sotomyor:
Described by Judy Miller as; "the perfect witness",
She then said;
"If you can't pin her down, you can't hold her feet to the fire."
Judy Miller on Fox news 7/18/09
That insane idea is the problem.
Think about it.
This woman has said the best person for the job is the person who can best hide their real thoughts and opinions from us. Mind you that does not mean hiding them from the law in making decisions, just from those trying to seat her.

It should be; "If you can't pin her down, fire the deceptive, secretive, self serving impostor of a judge!"
Kyle Ponsford

As said by Laura Ingraham on Fox news;
"Sotomayor is the David Blane of Judges"
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Friday, July 17, 2009

Read the Health Care Bill Here

Post 012

Hey don't believe anyone!
Do your own homework, read the Health Care bill below.
currently 1018 pages, just a paperback compared to the stimulus bill, so you should have no problem reading it.

But first check out this great review on it.
A great review on the Health Care Bill

But if you want to go right to it, start with page 16 where independent coverage is outlawed.

Look for the part where people who don't want it will be fined!

OK, Here it is:
Healthcare Bill.pdf
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A Father's Advice To His Daughter

Post 011

Why is it that so many people are willing to hear, but unwilling to see?
I have been reviewing Mr. Obama's clear, earnest promises, Then try to match them to what I see happen. It is not compatible.
Remember he told us the Bail out plan would have NO EARMARKS? and NO BIG PAYOUTS to bureaucratic officers?NO Earmarks in it!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfKTfClo5y8&NR=1(still looking for the other clip)
Did it? Oh yes and how! Billions and Billions in both earmarks and big payouts.
Remember he told us he would go LINE BY LINE through the bill to ensure the money spent would go to helping real people out of real problems? - Campaign promises - (line by line speech)***
Did he? NOT on your life!
Remember he promised us that we could go through legislation on line and review it before it passed, to make sure it would "stand up to the sunlight"? BEFORE it is passed
Did that happen? Not a chance!
In fact this financially unprecedented bill was pushed through so fast even Congress had no time to read it, let alone us on line.
He complained that his administration had inherited a one Trillion Dollar deficit.
What is it now, after his first 100 days? (clip to be posted)
At this point 1 Trillion would be a welcome dream!

To say one thing, but do the exact opposite is so far beyond lying, It must be intentional deception, otherwise the gap between words and deeds would not be so wide.
Men are notorious for telling a young woman whatever she wants to hear in order to get in her pants, that might be ok with her now in her youth, as long as she likes the words, but ask her dad if that is ok.
and is it ok with her after she learns that he was lying to her? Rarely.
You who are in love with Obama and hear only his smooth words, are the teen girl who has no interest in the truth of who the guy is, I am like the dad saying; "Honey, this guy does not love you, he wants to take from you his pleasure then leave you wrecked.
he is a snake oil salesman who promises the sun, moon and stars... for a price, but provides nothing, while at the same time leaving you in in far worse condition than when he found you.
I know you are in love with this guy, You want to believe in him. You feel in your heart he is a good man, but you have to stop hearing with your heart, and start looking with your mind. He is killing you. THE MAN IS GIVING YOU POLITICAL AIDS.
and worse yet, not only is he taking his pleasure with you, but all his football team buddies called congress is having their way with you too."
You may love him, but he and his friends think of you only as the town bicycle, to be ridden hard and often then left behind the bar when you are broken and unridable."
Is this too graphic for you? I am sorry, but it is the truth you need to hear.

Today I heard his Press release in which he said; "The race is always hardest just before the end. Now is not the time to loose heart, Now is not the time to slow down"

Funny, those words sound so much like the last president about the war in Iraq. But you were not in love with him so you could see with your mind. but this guy has you blind with love. you cannot see straight.
I agree that you have picked a whole string of looser "boyfriends", some maybe a bit better than the next, but that does not mean this guy is good for you. It means you are still picking losers!
you need to ask yourself why, before you can hope to choose better.
in the mean time don't just let this guy continue to climb on.

You want examples:
AIDS in the form of Homeland Security Act - Passed without being read
AIDS in the form of US Patriot Act - Passed without being read
AIDS in the form of Stimulus Package - Passed without being read
HIV in the form of Cap and Trade - wallstreet article
AIDS in the form of Health Care Reform - Before the House now.outlaws private care
EBOLI in the form of HR 2749,HR 875, HR 759 Shelly Roache on HR875
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGZL6q-3LOw&feature=PlayList&p=6650203FF91F9719&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=8) -
Shelly Roache on HR759
To be passed memorial day.
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ghosts of the Recent Past

Post 010

Key to these links:
4 stars= good raw footage,
3 stars= very good but with added drama,
2 stars= good but must filter over drama,
1 stars= needed information but lost in agenda driven presentation

No earmarks clips***
Obama on policies that stand up to the sunlight *****
Is he talking about THIS administration?!
Obama on gay marriage and sermon on the mount****
Obama's new World Order Berlin speech**
Obama mocks the Bible***
Obama "Not a Christian nation", then mocks the bible
Has no idea about America's christian law****
Obama plan to disarm*
- Kenya's reaction to Obama visit****
- Obama bows to Saudi King Abdullah***
- Campain promises - (line by line speach)***
- Obama's line by line promise and result ***
- Obama blasts earmarks, what happened? ***
- Obama stimulus plan without earmarks ****
- Obama; "this bill does not have a single earmark in it" ***
- Obama: strings attached and no huge bonuses for wall street speech. ***
- Obama: Break the cycle and get the economy moving, more than 90% will go to creating jobs, not a single earmark, inherited 1T deffest **** Long
- Obama's acceptance speech seems to have be read from the reverse mirror of exactly what he has done!
Obama confesses not ready to run before one day as a senator***
- Obama: "greatest economic challenge of our life time" a bit different than campaign speech
Pay as you Go

Obama's acceptance speech; "this administration has inherited a trillion dollar deficit" Gee wouldn't that be nice now?

Report on $700 billion tarp

Obama Double Talk

Single Payer Double Talk

Iraq Double Talk
Tax Double Talk

Dems silence the debate in favor of vacation**** On Energy vote
house energy vote press conference**** On Energy vote
House floor after Peloci turns off lights***** On Energy vote
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The Stimulus Bill

Post 009

Remember this?

Obama on Stimulus package

Let's see how this has actually turned out.
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Quote of the Day

Post 008

"We have a media that takes pride in shaping opinions rather than informing them"
- Chuck Missler.
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Iran Deserves Freedom, Do We?

Post 007

I have been quite taken with the videos and reports of Iran's reaction to the recent Presidential election.
In the face of being shot dead, they are in the streets in mass, crying that their votes were stolen, that the man who claims the office has stolen it. Ahmedinejad.
We in America sit and watch it on TV because Dancing With The Stars is not on yet.

Here in America the same event has taken place but with a different result of public action.
A man who has refused to provide proof of U.S. birth, required by Article 2 Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution has also stolen the presidency read it here (http://www.earlyamerica.com/earlyamerica/freedom/constitution/text.html).
It is also challenged that ACORN helped stuff the ballot boxes to get him in.
But here in America, while we have the freedom to protest, we are too sophisticated to believe it or too lazy to get off the couch.

Somehow we feel that America is too.... Something, to fall under that kind of corruption.
What makes it a matter of fact; "Of course Mr. I'm-a-nut-job stole the presidency of Iran"?
But not here.
When the honest question is brought up; "Why does he not provide the birth certificate proving he is a natural born citizen, making him lawfully eligible?"
The questioner is told to "Move on".

I have alot of problems with this man, but this one is ground level.
Is the Constitution our Nation's foundational law, or is it just a sheet of suggestions?
And how is it that no one seems to care? Next year the grand mufti of Turkey might be elected our president, and heck, why not? He probably has some good ideas.

The people of Iran appear to be willing to die to obtain the illusive freedom, that we appear so willing to give away, or throw in the dumpster as trash.
We have great honor for the actual document displayed under unbreakable glass and protection, but what it says on that document is apparently not really that important.

Would you like to live in Iran?
How about Iran, if it was re-named America?
You will soon, if you do not fill the streets and the halls of Congress to demand under penalty of bodily harm that they abide by the Constitution!

Democrat or Republican, Right or Left, we must demand our government stay subject to OUR document that WE wrote to rule government... and words alone will no longer work.
The High Office of the President not to be excluded.
God Preserve Us because we...Uh... deserve it?

Petition to require birth certificate - Please sign it.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

On Sotomayor Interviewers

Post 006

I am pulling my hair out listening to the Sotomayor interviews.
Surprisingly not because of her, but because of the self-glorifying interviewers!
This may be the only time I see bipartisanship in action, as both sides of the political arena are acting like self-centered fools.
They spend large amounts of time making statements of themselves, what they think and what they have done. When they eventually get around to actually asking Ms. Sotomayor a question, it seems to be more along the lines of "do you agree with me?"

These interviewers seem to forget themselves, that the law is not subjective to personal opinion. They don't seem to be able to keep their search for agreement with their own opinions out of their questioning.
They ask her a question, then immediately after her answer respond with, "I agree" or "I don't agree with that". This clearly indicates they are saying, if you don't agree with my views I wont seat you. So they are not trying to seat a qualified judge, they are seating the winner of a popularity pole.

In this way they are as guilty as Sotomayor in using the appearance of Law to approve or validate their own opinions and agendas.
The difference is that Sotomayor has done a great job staying on track defending that the law is not subject to personal opinion.
Too bad, like her interviewers, she doesn't really believe that. This, according to her many written and spoken statements in her past as a judge.
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Quote of the Day

Post 005

"The Government that can give you what you want, is big enough to take what you have"
- author, not sure.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

On Sotomayor

Post 004

It has long been the accepted practice of those running for office, to say whatever people want to hear regardless of the truth.
Every one, bar none, that I have asked (and there have been many) say, as a matter of fact, that "politicians lie."
It's as if there job is to lie, and people mysteriously act as if that goes with the job description.

Watching the Sotomayor questioning before being seated to the supreme court, I marvel that she can dogmatically state that she believes and has always judged with impartiality and respect, in the supremacy of the law as the final authority. Yet when she was confronted with her 10 years of many rulings and comments stating that her judgments are influenced by her life experiences, she declared that it was misunderstanding of a bad joke.
I am weary of the growing habit of political individuals when caught in both faces, respond with, "It was a joke that fell flat" or variations there of.

It should be standard procedure, when a political figure is found in more than one face, to be fired. period.
Sure, give them an opportunity to explain a change of heart in the event, or extenuating circumstances, but if there is not a good and acceptable reason for it, fire the lout for the deception, and the following lie they tried to cover it with.

Sotomayor's own words tell us clearly that she feels as a wise Lateno woman
she can make better decisions than a white man. This clear statement tells us she is racist for one, and does not believe the Law is static, but that she interprets the law to mean whatever she feels it should mean. Her racism is further proven by her judgment regarding the New Haven firemen. Reverse Racism overturned
Sotomayor's own words tell us that she thinks, as a judge, she actually makes the law by interpreting it her way. courts make policy
Her beliefs have been expressed consistently....until this questioning process.
Now she goes with the "I was misunderstood" "it was a joke that went flat" "I meant something else" tactic.

In the past, America believed in, and expected honor in it's public servants, but now honor seems to have nothing to do with government. I have not lived a long time yet, but in my own adult lifetime, I have seen people seated who not long ago would have been tossed out as incompetent liars.
I can only conclude that by tossing God out of our nation, we have also ejected his values such as truth, justice and honor.
These are the values that were once the fiber of the American way.
what values have replaced them? agenda, personal opinion, party....
This is as much the evolution of a nation, as the eye falling out of a stinking, rotting corps!

This is not the worst part yet, Here it is;
Sotomayor is not a stupid woman, she speaks well, she is intelligent.
Under scrutiny she knows what the law requires; she knows the "right way". During this interrogation she says what she is supposed to say related to the position.
Those judging her worthiness to sit on the bench hear her good and proper words, and ignore her history, past judgments, and past statements, and will therefore most likely seat her because she agrees with their agenda.
It would be far better for America if Sotomayor actually believed that her past actions as judge were according to the intent of the position, but her words under question prove that she knows that her past actions are in fact in opposition to the intent of the position as judge, and that after she is seated she will go back to doing what she knows is not in conformity to her present words to be seated.
This is why in the old west, people caught in a lie were shot.
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Monday, July 13, 2009

Prove Me Wrong

Post 003
(expanded, with additional links 6/13/2010)

Let's try a different line of thinking for a moment,
I am declaring that Obama is anti-American.

Tell me I am wrong Please, but here is what I see;

In violation of the constitution he refused to provide proof of American birth.
Because he did not, he is ineligible to be president,
(U.S. Constitution article 2 section 1)
Demand to show
Now, 6 months later is too late even if he eventually does provide one, he has had plenty of time now to invent one.
updated argument 6/13/10

He clearly states his view that the US Constitution is fundamentally flawed. constitution flawed audio
suggesting it is but a stepping stone to other ends.
constitution flawed long version

He proposes an unlawful Civilian National Security Force
such as Hitler set up.
Rahm Emanuel expounds on this mandatory service

20 days into the Presidency, Obama seizes the census process control from the commerce dept. Glenn Beck explains what this means.
Jerryday.com census
explains the lawlessness of this new census.

He, as our President, has given submissive homage to Saudi monarch. - Obama bows to Saudi King Abdullah
This homage from the same man who thought it too much effort to show allegiance to our own nation's flag. No salute accompanied by worst rendition of anthem

He, as our President, has on more than one occasion officially apologized for our nations past arrogance without the approval of the people.
Apology in Strasbourg France 4/3/09
FOX take on Apology Tour

He, as our President, has on more than one occasion officially declared to foreign nations that America is no longer a Christian nation, without the approval of the people.
Not a Christian nation
Not a Christian nation long version
suggesting we become Muslim form of government?

He has publicly mocked the Bible in specific ways.
Obama mocks the Bible
Obama mocks the bible long version
Yet quotes the Kor'an with great respect. Obama honors Islam

He, as our President, has in the face of our history, turned OUR back on our allies, the nation of Israel. and in stead taken the side of our mutual nations enemies.
London Daily Telegraph on Obama 6/13/10
Obama speech in Ciro
Israel responds to Obama
While at the same time Praising ISLAM and Islamic learning. Cairo Speech

He has borrowed and spent MANY TRILLIONS of dollars with virtually no strings. just tossed it to the wind, all in the first 100 days of office. (I realize this is largely congress but he willingly takes the credit)

He has ordained many Czars (30+ so far) over us to run our lives without our ability to reject them or fire them. These Czars are only subject to him. Not congress, not the voting public.
now 44 as of 6/13/10

Is he misspoken, or does he intend to repeal the amendment limiting his term to 8 years? 10 year term?

HE, THE PRESIDENT has fired the head of GM and has made GM a GOVERNMENT COMPANY! (what gives the president, congress or the fed. government the right to do that?) US Constitution Article 1 Section 8 does not allow for this. (Obama interview to be linked)

He is, as much as possible, forcing us, by tying our hands, to swallow his Gov. Healthcare plan, largely the Hillary Care plan we already rejected.
(Now Accomplished in the face of national rejection!)

He already told us he believes in "spreading the wealth around": Communism.
Joe the Plumber
He told us he was going to bring "Change": Destruction of what was.

Obama is so progressive he has zoomed right past Socialism, rounded Communism and headed us directly to Marxism.
This is not an accident. he told us what he plans to do as President.
The Obama Plan

He is intentionally, and rapidly changing the very fiber of America.
The America he will leave us is 180 degrees different from the America our founding fathers gave us. THAT WILL NOT BE THE "AMERICA" THAT I WANT TO LIVE IN.
I don't want to live in Russia, Iran, Turkey, China or 1939 Germany.
Why subvert to make this nation like them? (look up Subvert)

I firmly believe that very soon it will be reveled that Obama is actually Muslim in thinking and Islamic in faith.Forgot what to say?****
Obama recited Muslim call to prayer
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuXxtg4M_z8&NR=1 need only see first part.

If this does not scare you, then you have not been looking into the Muslim agenda or the religion of Islam. (God's War On Terror by Walid Shoebat)
Because They Hate by Brigitte Gabriel

Now, Prove me wrong.

Taking all this in context, what do you suppose he meant when he said; "We are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming America."? acceptance speech
England has already fallen to Islam in both numbers and government.
Obama is taking us there with determined intent.

Lets recap:

We have a man in the high office of President who is not eligible due to the constitutional concern for national Allegiance.
He has shown a clear loathing for this nation by apologizing for it.
He has shown a clear disdain for the Bible, and a clear honor for the Kur'an.
He sees the document that ensures our form of government as fundamentally flawed.
He intends to fundamentally change America.
He boldly makes enemies of our allies and allies of our enemies.
He proposes a Hitler style Civilian Security Force.
He has appointed to himself 44 extreme radical rulers which are outside the accountability to anyone but him.
He has seized to himself several roles from public offices.
He has seized government control of many companies.
He has ensured national bankruptcy through unprecedented and wasteful spending.
He has enslaved all US citizens by enacting a fine for not complying to government programs such as Healthcare which was rejected by the people.

He knows what he is doing, and he told us he was going to do it.
My argument is not that he purposes to do this. It is his plan.
My argument is that we are letting him do it!

This man is the enemy of our God, the Hater of Freedom, and the Destroyer of America.

Our Country Deserves Better add

The videos and links posted are not my proof, just good related info.
I do not make a whole case on one item, I add all the components together to see a trend.
If this is not reason then, When Did Reason Die?

* * * * * * *

I have since discovered this blog will not link to the attached sites.
Please highlight and paste the added web addresses.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Quote of the Day

Post 002

"A person who did not use reason to come to a conclusion, cannot be reasoned out of it."
- Author unknown to me.
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Introduction - Clarification

Post 001

I am very new to this whole Twiiter/Blogging thing.
Give me a chance to fail a few times till I learn how this works.

I would like to lay some groundwork for this blog to help you understand my approach.
I have little patience for rabid-defensive-unreasonable-emotionalism and therefore will not respond to these kind of people.

I do welcome all who are willing to discuss any topic with logic and reason.
I do not confuse passion with disrespect but ask you not to confuse disrespect with passion.

I have alot to say on many topics, recognizing I am but a simple man, I endeavor to invoke deep meaningful thought with those I have the privilege to meet.

And so my first post.
Regards my friends,
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