Sunday, April 11, 2010

What if Winter Lasted 70 Years?

post 058

After a long and miserable winter, the sun is casting its warmth over my neighborhood.
The snow is melting fast and there is an exciting expectation in the air.
You never think about the absence of the birds song, until you hear it in the spring, and take pleasure in the sound.
People whom have been grumpy all winter, are suddenly friendly, and almost ‘frisky’ with new energy. The unspoken thought is; “I can’t wait until the snow is gone, so I can…”
Spring is here, and the winter is past!
This year, in my area of the world, winter was from November to May, so to speak.
That’s about 7 months.

But what if winter was to last for 70 years?
What if there was no spring,
but a harsh,
miserable darkness for 70 long years?
The problems of “cabin fever” would be exponential! You think folks get strange after 6 months of winter, what if the winter just kept going, on and on, year after year.
70 years is an entire lifetime, not just a season.
Those who once experienced summers, would actually forget what it was like while trying to wrap the thin blanket just a little closer for warmth.
Those born too late to experience the warm season, would never be able to comprehend the idea.
Always cold,
always deep in snow,
always a chore to survive.
There would be no gardens to harvest, no fruit to pick.
Just a constant searching for ever more difficult to find sustenance.

What if there was a way to ensure this did not happen?
What if you could do something to keep the hard times short, and be able to expect, in a few months, a season of warmth, and life, and comfort?
Would you take the effort?
Or would you shrug your shoulders and say; “what’s the use.", "what is to be, will be.”

I find in myself and others, a strange mental propensity to forget what is not presently the condition;
When it's winter, and I am living with winter, it seems it will always be winter.
But when it is summer, I can hardly remember what winter was like, it feels like it will always be summer!
After a week of sunshine, I tend to ignore the things I should do while the weather is good, like fix the hole in the roof. Mentally I imagine there is plenty of time to fix the roof, and I am enjoying the sunshine now.
But when it begins to rain again, I am mad at myself for putting it off and find myself up on the roof, soaking wet, cold, and miserable, fixing the hole.

This is that spirit of apathy I wrote of previously.
It is an unwillingness to endure discomfort today, in order to secure comfort in the future. It is living only for the now.
Yet these issues are seasonal, and most problems in our present life can be endured for a season.
But what if winter was to last for 70 years?

Are you hearing the question?
Are you contemplating the thought?
Take a moment. Think about it.

Our founders left a nation of dark winter, and came with hope, to a new land in an effort to establish a "nation of summer".
Whether you acknowledge it or not, or whether you believe them correct or not, the facts and proofs show that the founding fathers created our nation to be based on the willing obedience of the creator God, In hopes of obtaining his blessings.
Our form of government and our laws were established on this concept.
The question before you, is not do you believe in the God they did?
The question is, did it work favorably, until it began to be changed?
Was America the most benevolent, wealthy, comfortable, free, and hopeful nation on the planet?
It has been summer in America for at least 150 years, with spring at the beginning, and fall now at the end.
The founders who gave us this “nation of summer”, believed in the Holy Bible as the word of God to mankind. It does not matter that you do not believe it, they did, and they are the ones who formed this nation.
So IF they believed it, and IF they were successful at giving us this nation of summer, lets take a moment and explore the warnings of the Book on which they based their beliefs, and formed our government.

Whole volumes could be, and have been written to expound on this topic, so I will not go into a study here, but will present only the concept regarding the warnings.

This God whom our founders believed, gave promise that as long as the people served God, he would bless them, and protect them from their enemies, plagues, famine, and beasts. (Leviticus 25)
But he also warned, that in the same degree that the people turned away from Him, they would experience hardships, and droughts, and wars. And the blessings they experienced before would be replaced by curses. (Leviticus 26)
There is a historical and mathematical principle in the Bible, which our founders understood. And that is the principle of cause and effect.
Once the people reached a state of confused disobedience, there would begin a period of punishment.
That punishment was to last 70 years.(Leviticus 26:23-24, 34-35)
It has happened to Gods people before. (Jeremiah 2:5-12)
The principle still stands.(Romans 1:18-32)
Those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeat it.
If you never read a single verse of scripture, you owe it to yourself and your children to read these 2 chapters of Leviticus, so you will know where our troubles are coming from, and your children will know how to fix the problems after you are dead.
How bad can it get here in America? Just read the history of Germany to get an idea.
Simply open your ears and listen to the public intent of Islam against America!

Mr. Obama, sitting in the office of the president of this nation, has publicly, and un-apologetically proclaimed to the world, that; “America is no longer a Christian Nation.”
Obama speech 1
Obama in turkey
But even worse than such a proclamation, is the lack of uprising from the populous of America. It appears that the man was speaking a horrible truth!
The apparent fact that “America is no longer a Christian nation” is what put the man in that office in the first place. Where are all the supposed Christians standing in the gap?
America, and Christians specifically, cannot blame Obama for our downfall because he made such a declaration. that declaration was only a definitive point in time, like a road-sign that does not cause the hazard in the road, just points it out.
The source of our punishment soon to come, is that Americans are confused; believing themselves to be Christian, but showing insignificant indications that might verify the claim.
According to the Book, who’s values America was founded on, Our national problems are not economic, environmental, political, or moral.
These are but consequences of the problem.
These are only the signs that winter is coming on America.
But it has not even yet begun to snow!

Is our doom certain?
But it is up to you!
If you know more about the characters from your favorite TV show than you do about the sources of America’s foundation, then don’t continue to pretend to be a Christian.
If you don’t claim to be a Christian, but have lived in the abundance and comfort of this nation, you owe a debt to learn where these blessing came from.
Perhaps in knowledge, you both might gain gratefulness to those who gave so much to you, and even more gratefulness to the God who blessed this land.
Perhaps in the humility of such knowledge, we might cry out to God for mercy. God might hear our repentance and extend His mercy on our land.
If you think this notion is foolish, but know nothing about the details on which I write, you are actively and ignorantly participating in the cause of our destruction.

It is God who said;
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee,…”
Hosea 4:6 Holy Bible