Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Phases of the Ages

Post 323

Now that we have a very basic comprehension of the Grand Tapestry, let’s pause to consider its progressing phases with a bit more understanding. Parallel to the previously described phases of the observable human maturation process as our Typology reference, we find suggested in the scriptures seven specific unobservable phases of humanity’s spiritual development toward that simultaneous end. Allow me to walk through these in brief for the big picture comprehension. Here is the outline as I see it:

Temporal lifespan: conception/birth - infant - juvenile - young adult - productive - resource - old age/death.
Spiritual lifespan: conception/salvation - child - slave - servant - steward - friend - bride/kingdom of heaven.

Like as with the temporal in the previous Post, let’s not here quibble over the specific order in my list of the spiritual. But unlike my temporal labels; these spiritual labels are God’s so our only discussion of question should be the specific order in which I placed them with intent, which, in our present later-stage in the list, is not that important as long as we include them all and see the proper flow of progression from beginning to end.
Every Christian can accept that the spiritual life begins and ends with these and any bible reader should be able to easily identify these seven specific labels as they relate to God’s relationship with humanity-- whether his children or not his children, via adoption-- (Romans 8:15, Galatians 4:5-7 *1).
By connecting these biblical labels into a charted development process as I have done here, the Christian should suddenly get a revelation of deep understanding and be able to find new comprehension as he reads the scriptures so that we don’t have to go over the very exciting, and massive, volume of details here. The scriptural types and cycles and examples are abundant, and you should find the scriptures fresh and new as you explore what it has to say along this concept in explaining why God seems to work with different ages in different ways, though very fundamentally consistent in intent of application, and why the similarities-but-differences seem confusing when we read it all lumped into a single “one size fits all” mentality of a teenager’s rushed application to adulthood in youthful ignorance:

“God, who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in times past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds (165);” Hebrews 1:1-2.

worlds 165 aion; from the same as 104; properly, an age

This full seven-staged maturation concept is very complex and hard to explain simplistically, as each explored stage also has its own similar seven-phases not to be confused with another stage in a similar phase but shifted by the maturity of its entire age, and in addition, each application-- such as temporal-- has application in Type to another application-- such as spiritual.
Picture this like trying to explain the intimate and mysterious workings of the solar system and the atom simultaneously because the solar system is made of atoms, which reflects the nature of God, who made it all in the beginning when it was fresh and maintains it all at the end when it is wearing out (Isaiah 51:6), and you begin to get the idea. So to aid a seating of this concept for you to explore in depth later on your own, let’s walk through the list in brief before we focus on our present “Woman’s World” phase of this later-age and it’s Grand Tapestry purposes.
* * *

New Beginnings:
We see in the Creation narration of Genesis 1 the specific progressive creations and separations that God made on each day: Substance from non-substance, light from dark waters, lower waters from upper waters (*2), dry land from lower waters, one kind of land flora from another kind, day and night ruled succinctly by sun and moon, creatures in the waters from creatures above the waters, and finally; the land creatures different from water creatures separated by kind, and the animal kind themselves distinct from Mankind, and mankind divided further into genders.
We note that each creation group has both a ruling (greater) and a submitting (lesser) element, this is the pattern of creation as one stage is distinct from the next but directly interacting with the others, and when all this was complete and functioning like a well-oiled machine, we read that God took his Sabbath rest, (from which is spawn the demonic doctrine of the “watchmaker” theories that suppose God now observes the earth “hands off,” as if it could run even a moment without him; as if Colossians 1:16 were segregated from v.17 (Job 37:10-13 etc.). Every lie is composed of some degree ---up to a whole lot-- of twisted truth for the purpose of misdirection, but that is for another topic).

In a pattern recognition in scripture, we see that God’s creation of mankind-- as distinct from other kinds-- is further divided into “favored people” and “not,” and each favored people-group-- I am calling an “age”-- is separated out from those that were created previously. What we end up with are seven distinct ages for God’s distilled “favored” people-group, which each first-phase was presented as a “new beginning”:

Beginning/Adam - Noah - Abraham - Moses - David - Jesus - Kingdom of Heaven/End.

Each of these studies, when investigated for its unique purpose in the Grand Tapestry, reveals amazing and surprising discoveries. As an example: when investigating the new beginning of Moses’ age as distinct from the previous, have you ever listed the foundational life-directing declared commands of God given to men in the ages from Adam until Moses-- whether good men or bad?

“Be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28), Don’t eat the forbidden fruit (Genesis 2:17), Do well (Genesis 4:7), Don’t eat blood (Genesis 9:4), Don’t murder anyone (Genesis 9:5-6), Walk perfectly, before God (Genesis 17:1).”

As brief as this six-part short list is, it was not even delivered all at once but rather was dispersed through the ages as necessary. To show a single example of how this worked functionally, let’s further explore the last command in the list:

“These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God” Genesis 6:9.

Where in all the scripture before this verse, do we read the command to be perfect? We don’t. Yet Noah was. Hmmm, I wonder what motivated this perfection from him without a specific command, and at a time when nobody else on the planet was?
In the age that followed, we come to the stage of Abraham, who-- while yet Abram in his early phases of the faith as he pleased God though clearly not perfect-- was in fact finally given the command to be perfect:

“And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect” Genesis 17:1.

Noah didn’t need the specific and direct command but Abram did. Why?
I believe our answer is found in the specific instruction that reveals the key to perfection: “walk before me and you will be perfect,” not; “be perfect so you can walk before me.” Walking before God simply produces perfection as a byproduct. “If you are not perfect, you are not walking before God,” as opposed to; “I am walking with God, therefore I am perfect.” This important distinction is somehow still confusing to our later-day age, though there is now no excuse because God's motivating perfecting Spirit now dwells within us in addition to Jesus himself confirming the command (Matthew 5:48). I propose that the reason for the command to Abram but not to Noah, is because in the advancing age of maturity, while having much more information and experience to evaluate, and so, believing that we are more self-intelligent in choosing our proper walk, humanity has with this advantage a greater capacity to manipulate the interpretation of God’s command with those experiences and information and therefore alter the rules of life by the complexity of voluminous perception. New means of finding “loopholes” requires more numerous and specific rules to overcome them. And frankly my voluminous works of explanation has that same potential danger in misapplication (Proverbs 10:19), but the confused age now requires it.
As Abram was the representation of the age that needed the newly specific command in order to achieve the intended goal of walking before God; it was humanity itself that was maturing by self-evaluating the increasing knowledge of good and evil that Adam and Eve introduced into the human paradigm. God is simply working within man’s state of comprehension at different levels in the age process of teaching the teen to drive the family car.
A six-year-old takes out the trash when told to without a thought toward rights, a twelve-year-old is supposed to know when the trash needs to be taken out and then do it without asking but wars with his individuality in the task forced upon him, an eighteen-year-old figures; “you have no right to make me.” Each progressing phase requires greater rules both in expectation of duty and consequence for greater breach through increased knowledge.

All that goes away when he reaches adulthood, and at that point, whether he takes out the trash or not is entirely up to him with the results just being something everyone has to live with either way. There is no punishment for failure, he really does have the right to choose for himself-- if for no other reason than he has come of age. Good son or bad son, or a man who renounces his father altogether, the right is his to choose whether he will take out the trash or not and he is publicly evaluated as a no-account sloth or a dependable blessing to the family by his choice. At this point it’s not a judgment made for correction or punishment but merely an observation of fact that must be worked with as we interact with him. Miley Cyrus and her trash isn’t going away any time soon.
In like principle, the groom gets the girl he marries, not the girl he wishes her to be. The composition of her pre-marriage existence has made her who she is at the foundational level. Yet compromised Christians, composing their entire lives in the comfort of dirty grace, assume that somehow when their bodies are adapted to enter eternity (marriage to the Lamb), “who they are” will also be changed at the same instant. But in such a case, with a new body and a new soul and spirit that motivates it, how could that still be you? What would be left to call it you? You didn’t want to change your ways while on earth because "it wouldn’t be you anymore," and so we get the answer to the question; "Why does a young woman become very unhappy when her new husband doesn’t like who she is and tries to change her to whom she should be?"
Marriage is the time to reap the rewards of who you have all your life been striving to become in the hope of a happy marriage: Angry bitter and selfish, or tender loving and benevolent, the eligible girls are lined up at the dance and the suitor gets to choose what he likes. At that point it’s not his job to fix your foundation; it’s your job to present yourself desirable…not to you but to Him! We touched on this concept in Post 249 “The Cinderella Syndrome” - (, and while the Apostle Paul gloried in his infirmities (II Corinthians 12:9-10), today’s “infermal” glorying is not at all what he had in mind (Luke 7:21, Romans 6:1-2). And so we require still more specific instruction as we seem to go backwards not forwards in our development.

Regarding the above very short list of governing rules in the early ages, the revelation is rather startling as we realize just how much of human history those early ages covered, and we get a keen note of comparison as we consider the first 200 years of the "not quite" United States had no constitution or unified government at all, and then after those early ages, our Founders created a unifying government with a four-page Constitution to adequately govern the colletion of States under one Union for another 150 years of mid ages. Today, in her later age, that established governance now creates thousands of additional pages of law every year in the effort to sufficiently govern the now stubbornly wicked people who resent being governed at all (Ezra 9:9-15+ Isaiah 13:10-11+ Jeremiah 25:29,44:29+ I Timothy 1:9-11= I Peter 2:13-19+), yet seem to clamor for a nanny king in the foolishness of unlearned repeating cycles (I Samuel 8:7).
Boiled down to the basics, God tells us that the plethora of new laws still have the intended “Do well” command, even if those laws are now flawed themselves and have a different definition of “well” and a different surface beneficiary of the well doing (I Corinthians 7:20-22). Suffering through oppression has an amazing ability to realign the value of self-regulation long abandoned in lieu of boundless self-pleasure (I Peter 4:1-2, Hebrews 11:24-25). The actual important perspective of this is a “family matter”; it’s what is primarily good for the family, which is why our early Americans were willing to sacrifice their possessions and lives for the good of the righteous nation and the new self-focused unrighteous generation calls them fools. This gets very complex when a nation changes its family values for the global community values, and the factor that few seem to be considering becomes: “If the globe is the new family, Who gets the benefits of my labor, and then; Who is the new enemy to defend against?” The new enemy becomes the rejected Almighty head of the house himself and his people who are no longer a part of that family now globalized (Isaiah 43:9-12, Jeremiah 31:10-11, Zechariah 14:17-19, Micah 4:11-12= Matthew 25:32).
Contrary to the age of Isaiah 43:12, there is now a strange god among us. To avoid the confusion of manipulated propaganda, we need to make our evaluations on the declarations God gave before that strange god arrived with his slight-of-hand deceptions (Isaiah 48:5).

Getting back on topic regarding pre-Abram mankind, We know by conjecture that in spite of nothing written to declare that he was given such a command to be perfect, mankind must have somehow been given other “rules to live by,” as Cain and Sodom, before the law, were remarked as accountable for their sin (Genesis 4:5,7+13:13,18:20), and sin is declared to be the breach of the law (I John 3:4) whether applied or not (Romans 5:13+6:15), and so we see that the law came to the early ages with less directness but nonetheless in clarity of understanding the unspoken, (Romans 1:20,28-32+2:12-15,27, I Corinthians 11:14-15=Job 12:7-10, Psalm 19:1-4, Isaiah 45:8).
Even before the law came, Cain was suggestively reasoned with that he knew by nature to “do well,” and God similarly, in a later age, sent angels to actually evaluate if Sodom’s sin was as bad as they made it out to be (Genesis 18:21). No chastisement, no warning, no correction before they were unceremoniously snuffed out for their excessive wickedness as decreed so by nature itself, without having the written command that would be needed and provided in later ages, because, in the later mature wisdom with the intellectual comprehension of Sodom in their lineage-past, they are now prone to misinterpret the speech of nature, even if they are looking diligently for the correct answer:

India's Supreme Court has recognised transgender people as a third gender, in a landmark ruling. 'It is the right of every human being to choose their gender,' it said in granting rights to those who identify themselves as neither male nor female. It ordered the government to provide transgender people with quotas in jobs and education in line with other minorities, as well as key amenities. According to one estimate, India has about two million transgender people” - BBCNews-India 4-15-2014 - (

Back at the tower of Babel-- where they defied the confirmation of the first direct command (Genesis 11:4 vs. 9:1+7)-- God simply broke up their party to keep them from doing stuff that would be globally destructive at that early stage (Genesis 11:6-8), but, in our last-days stage of intelligent technology that brings again the world into a “single-city mind” which empowers humanity with that same degree and capability which was previously foiled, we are repeating the same Type events on a global scale which God will allow this time, to bring our own destruction of a significantly harsher consequence because of what is to be expected from the now mature age.
An ignorant boy that plays with matches gets a spanking before he burns the house down, but an evil minded nation that plays with nukes on his neighbors porch… who will “spank” him? Who can is who should. But, since this is the age of self-governing maturity, a rebuke or a spanking is inappropriate before the event; now is the age for criminal prosecutions and harsher judgments that we use quotation marks to describe as like kind in maturity.

This "be perfect" comparison between ages is one example of many. It seems that the early world, even at the flood that judged them without the law, knew enough about the right way to be held accountable, and even to walk before God perfectly, yet the Maker rarely intervened dramatically in the affairs of godless men as they matured in the early stages as they so desired… but when he did, it was dramatic to say the least, as the goal at that point was not usually correction but judgment to make way for the next phase or age. This “hands off” contemplation directly speaks to the question of; “Why does God allow all the suffering in the world?” and the answer is found in the very first command/declaration of humanity’s appointed burden of responsibility:

“And God blessed them, and God said unto them… replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion…” Genesis 1:28.

It’s our earth, we are supposed to be figuring out how to run it, even if only by the trial-and-error applications of our knowledge of good and evil… until we reach that repeating point of misapplication (such as the Beast Islam and the boundless Whore of Democracy we see rising today) that goes beyond correction and brings early termination for our failed attempts at reaching the seemingly undeclared but discoverable goal:

“And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart” Genesis 6:5-6.

“For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not” Ecclesiastes 7:20.

So God cleans things up, restarts the next generation of humanity fresh, and we begin again in the progression of phases in the next advanced age of only seven, that are supposed to collectively bring humanity’s maturity by experience and time, and wiser choices by historical past-failures learned. In all reality this is in fact human evolution as we painfully learn how to rightly handle the fruit of the forbidden tree now in our possession, and for the confused mind it can be seen as human Evolution as that fruit is used to other inglorious ends of discovery. The very real difference between the two perspectives is the direction taken and the end result: One to success the other to failure. “But what is success?”
To answer that, we need to add all the stages into the collective evaluation to find the sum, and the details of the beginning and end now become important.
* * *

Five Interim Stages of Seven:
Let’s not presently explore the first stage of birth-- that by our existence is simply a fact-- and let’s also set aside the still questionably proven future details of the end, which leaves us with five interim stages of our human lifespan to explore couched between these bookends. For clarity sake I have comparatively listed a few of the biblically calculated keys to the ages that open that door for you. [These were a lot prettier and easier to see comparatively when columned and typed across a full sheet of paper]:

• Creation days: 1st=Beginning - 2nd=labor - 3rd=labor - 4th=labor - 5th=labor - 6th=labor*(man) - 7th=rest.
• Work Week: 1st=Sunday - 2nd=labor - 3rd=labor - 4th=labor - 5th=labor - 6th*(gather twice) - 7th=Sabbath.
• Ages: 1st - 2nd - 3rd - 4th - 5th - 6th* - 7th.
• Humanity: conception/birth - infant - child - young adult - productive - resource - old age/Death.
• Spiritual: conception/salvation - child - slave - servant - steward - friend - bride/Kingdom of Heaven.
• Favored group*: Adam - Noah - Abraham - Moses - David - Jesus*(x2) - kingdom of heaven/End.

For the more diligent explorer the following is an extended collection, though these take much more interactive investigation to figure out and so for this quick review should be passed over to avoid greater confusion. We covered these individually in more detail in other Posts on prophecy, but here the striking connection between the temporal and spiritual outline is interesting as we compare these two lists:

• Prophecy: 69 weeks of man’s rule= 1 through 6* as decades (* long surprise Gentile age) - Hebrew return as 7th decade-week/Christ's return.
• Angelic Princes: Red - Black - White - Grisled - Bay - Specled* - Rest.
• Gentile Age: gold - silver - brass - iron - iron & clay - x2* - Stone/New Beginning.
• Fesh: head - chest - belly - legs - feet - x2*(Toes are feet, but unique 8th) - stone/God.
• Post-Israel GDEs: Babylon - Persia - Greece - Rome - Islam - Islam II* - Hebrew kingdom/Eternity.
• Grand Tapestry*: adds 2 Gentile GDEs before Israel ruled and fell, making - Islam II=8th(*of 7) - ninth king/Christ.

It is a bit confusing to group these so simplistically without long explanations, which is why the scriptures isolate each in their own books and chapters to explain them individually in their settings for us to understand their individuality before we figure out how they interact. The comparative connection like this chart, reveals quite apparently that we are most surely now living in the 6th* Age of complexity in a 7 Age program.
* -- Do you remember in early Posts we touched on a principle that there is always a complexity in the 6th that comes before the 7th and final phase of success? (Post 087 “The 6th 7 Principle” - The majority of this whole Blog seems to be a dedicated description of the “pretty big bump*” that threatens to derail this train just before it reaches the terminal, and whether or not the train derails, it will throw a lot of passengers… many from the train. Scriptural Prophecy is your seatbelt and I’m in effect the purser helping you to get it properly fastened at the last second. Five phases have passed; we are already in the bump stage, as the great bloodletting of the 20th century reveals. The significant damage/complexity is still to come, which is the seemingly insignificant “*” of the jot or tittle attached to the age. If you have to ask; “Was that the bump?” the answer is; “No.”
This is my perspective of the four “blood moons.” To suppose these natural eclipse events are the sum and meaning of the scriptural end time prophecy is to suppose the red hue of the setting sun is what turned the Exodus river of Egypt to blood in the effort to motivate the Pharaoh to let God’s people go. Don’t malign God by supposing that he thinks scientifically mature, intellectually aged, sinning humanity, will be impressed by a redish eclipse:

“And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues…” Revelation 16:8-9.

“Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound” Isaiah 30:26 (meaning, this return of Israel is clearly not that event).

“The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come” Joel 2:31, confirmed in Acts 2:20, (Isaiah 13:10 may or may not be this same specific event).

When the sun actually burns out after a brief mini-nova-like period of being seven times brighter, to the point that perhaps its dying ember light can only brighten the moon to a deep red, It’s safe to go ahead and be impressed, (*3). The part of the bump that is still to come as the now-expected 6th 7 transition, is a very big bump indeed. You may want to brush up on the details some.

When God told the first-stage Adam not to eat the forbidden fruit, Adam had an actual tree standing in the middle of paradise. It was just not that hard to figure out what not to eat.
When God told the third-stage Abram to be perfect (meaning, abstain from the fruit of imperfection), it was a little bit harder to define what the forbidden fruit actually was. Same fruit, same concept; very different presentation for the advancement of a more mature age, though Abram, like Adam, was at the time, in an early phase of his stage. And like Adam, Abraham’s age ended in the eviction of his people from the Promised Land (garden), and into a land of thorns and labor and toil for their bread all the days of their life. Until the next-age of Moses came. Are you seeing the pattern of Christ's advanced age?
When God told the more-mature-stage Moses and his people, not to break the newly written perfecting Commandments, it was far more complex still. The forbidden fruit was just as plentiful as in Adam’s day, but it wasn’t hanging from a single temporal tree for obvious abstinence; nor was it clear by an uncompromised perception of life that understood the speech of nature. No, now it had to be understood in the evaluation of what was commanded in a very long collection of complex and specific temporal rules with very direct temporal punishments for error.
Today, in the sixth-stage of maturity, the garden is fenceless and overgrown, the tree has sprouted an orchard though not trees per se, the comprehension of nature is confused by complexity, and the written rules of temporal compliance have all been taken away with the temporal temple. There are virtually no boundaries or restrictions… but the unchangeable law of the universe still stands: “The forbidden fruit has consequences,” (Matthew 5:48). We really should have figured this out by now, to the point that we don’t need the rules. Do you still touch the hot stove? Go figure. Who really needs more than five lessons?

The Slow Thinkers:
Having now a basic comprehension of the distinctive and progressive ages and their phases of the Grand Tapestry and their beneficial education for a specific end that we might not yet grasp (much as we have done with the Sabbath), we need to at least discuss the groups of people who can’t seem to figure out how to keep up with the proper age, let alone the latest phase of it. We are not throwing stones or making condemnations in this discussion, but simply making necessary observations so that we can wisely interact with them in the real world as it is, and not as we would like it to be. But having said that, it is awfully hard not to mock the teenager who comes to school with his hands in bandages for the umpteenth time in a single year. I encourage you to have extended pity on variously stunted minds which we might not understand in their difficulty of comprehension (II Corinthians 3:14 and 4:3-4), because you too have your own tendencies toward stupidity in areas that should be obvious (I John 2:11, Ephesians 4:17-20, II Peter 1:8-9,3:17). Compassion and tolerance may help with the intersocial attitude, but it doesn’t help with the consequence of failure, on their part or on yours. Be perfect, walk with God (Hebrews 12:12-24…). And pray for those who don’t (Matthew 5:44), offering them more than prayer only, even as I do with you (II Timothy 2:24-26).

Skipping over the obvious state of the Jews in their “hand burnt” spiritual blindness, (because the scriptures have made that reason very clear: Romans 11:25+11:19, etc.), Let’s contemplate the other group of slow thinkers that still live in their out-of-place 7th Century phase in this present 21st Century age by the rules of a religion that was created at that time from the even older Mosaic age long past when they dug it up from the sands of time. The Muslims seem to have picked up that fragmented faith long after it was declared-- not destroyed (Matthew 5:17) but nonetheless-- obsolete without the latest updates (I Timothy 1:7-8, Hebrews 10:28-30, I Corinthians 7:39, Galatians 4:21-26). In this age of cutting-edge technology needing to be updated almost daily, this religion is only two entire ages and a few thousand years behind the times~ both temporally and spiritually. The Grand Tapestry makes that very clear, in both the big picture as well as the intimate details.
So what do you do when you have an entire house full of people that keep burning their hands? You take the stove out of the house. And in keeping with the times and the spiritually lobotomized era, God removed the temple, the law, and the sacrifices so they could no longer hurt themselves with them. Healthy adults really don’t need those anyway because they are out eating fresh herbs from the garden they tend (John 14:26+Romans 2:14-15+Romans 8:1-4). But while the Jews have no garden and no stove, the Muslims found the old stove out back and brought it into their house, believing that burnt hands are just a natural part of responsible cooking, and if your hands aren’t burnt you are neglecting your social duty.
The Christless Jewish and Muslim confusion seems to have no clear explanation until we place their disorder properly on the progressive timeline with the big picture in mind, and then it makes perfect sense. But I warn you, don’t get smug; This is the age of confusion and derailing bumps before we reach the terminal! If you are not getting frequent updates from the Spirit of God through his word, then your faith is also obsolete!
As evidence of this fact, let’s next discuss The Sixth Age.
* * * * * * *

(*1) “To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ” Galatians 4:5-7.

(*2) Lower waters from upper waters: See Post 268 “The Waters of Clay” - (

(*3) “That’s It?”
I confess that while I worked diligently editing this Post waiting to see the eclipse from my office window, I was disappointed that my sky became overcast right at the wrong time and I saw the obscured event through a “lightly fogged” sky. Did I really need to see it at all? No, I already know the times, I am already prepared, I have no need for a sign-- even of such a magnificent spectacle-- to motivate me to get right with God in fear of the end. Do you? (Hebrews 10:26-27).
It seems so poetic to think that God might create such a “pre-sign” of the sun-darkening end-event to come, and then cover the sky with clouds so that the masses would miss it by ignorance while the “knowledgeable” know it is happening even without seeing it.

“Having eyes, see ye not? And having ears, hear ye not? And do ye not remember?” Mark 8:18.

It’s as if God was telling us scripturally illiterate intellectual giants that this “sign” is not about the temporal event to be watched in either awe or fear. As I visit with people in other states, God seemed to cover the event with clouds over much of the land, thereby forcing us to contemplate what we knew by information but could not bow see.

“…An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” Matthew 12:39-40.

This “blood moon” event happened on Passover; also the day of the crucifixion on which Jesus Christ likewise died to save us from our much-deserved wrath of God as the Death Angel passed over the Hebrews in Egypt protected by that blood of sacrifice. How many Christians contemplated THIS over the hype of the end of the world? …where virtually every scriptural mention of the moon turning to blood also includes the sun going black (Joel 2:31, Acts 2:20, Revelation 6:12).
If this was a sign, the masses of Christians completely missed the point. And the non-Christians had no hope of figuring it out.

As a side note: Do you realize that according to God's divine calendar, established on day-four of Creation and declared specifically designed to mark such things, We can know confidently that in spite of all the manipulations of man to mess with times and laws-- and calendars-- we should be celebrating the resurrection this year on Friday morning the 18th as God’s resurrection Sunday, as Typed by the OT “second sabbath” Holy Days (Leviticus 16:29-31, 23:27-32=Leviticus 23:37-38). How hard is that to figure out? But don’t let this bit of insightful trivia throw you from the topic and point of this Post.

Humanity gets all the life they need from the sun, and in that temporal mindframe of understanding life they reject the Son and his light that was given as hard to comprehend and unnecessarily redundant. So, like as the stove of the temple and sacrifice that was taken away to encourage them to accept the true worship and Sacrifice that they only Typed, God will likewise blot out the light of the sun and moon to allow us no alternative but to accept the true life-giving light of the true Sun:

“And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it” Revelation 21:23-24.

How amazing is that?!
The exploration of this prophecy applied functionally will have to wait for another time.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Grand Tapestry Introduction

Post 322

I desire to expound in several directions that the last Post brought up, such as:
Now that we recognize that neither intellect nor emotion are the Spirit promoted by God, we need to study the spirit and how to distinguish God’s Spirit from both our own and the spirits of darkness-- which study would be a continuation of Post 269 “The Spirits Of Clay” (
Or we could investigate the social impossibility of complaining against the many Roma Downey type messages of unconditional love in the face of the alternate very conditional hatred thrust upon us by the 4th Beast’s spirit of violence, anger, and intolerance that we see today, and we could see how this “male and female” double-assault of wickedness is reminiscent of the twin faces of death presented by Communist Marxism as it murdered millions in a Politically driven Genocide vs. Nazi Socialism that murdered millions in an Ethnically driven Genocide while each presented itself to the masses as a unique savior from “the oppressor.”
And along with that, we could study to show how Mystery Babylon will indeed first destroy spiritually and then actually kill physically, all in the name of her marvelous liberty of love and peace-- (Don't miss this very interesting and revealing current Muslim example of what I mean before the “male” Beast of iron law has had enough of her “feminine” democratic ways and brings in the Anti-Christ to destroy her with his own form of correcting law, that by then the general world will see as worthy because of her irrational and shameless lewdness that knows no bounds, yet bemoan the end of her era of wealth and luxury and greatly desired decadence of lawless Liberty.

But this work is already long enough and my intended point has been sufficiently made: Mystery Babylon with her many complex faces is now among us alive and well (*1), but in her beautiful, exciting, uninhibited youth and innocence with great promise and potential in giving herself to your pleasures with no apparent strings of significance, she is hardly recognized as undesirable even by the “slightly tainted” Christians who see no other options. Yet once she and her new NGO governing ways are tolerated by secret desire, then accepted by a surprising success, she will begin her artful vilification of those few remaining who oppose her "insignificant" lewdness in any way. In her initial exciting, smooth, pure, and beguiling ways-- that will succeed at taming the “One God” intolerant Beast of Islam-- she will also succeed in making her other “One God” Christians and Jews her bedfellows too, her only opponents left will be the resisting “radicals” from those groups that must be destroyed for the sake of Unconditional Global Love. Her new Dirty Grace Jesus will unquestionably label the resisting Hebrew, Muslim, and Christian God(s), the one-in-the-same malevolent destroyer that must be globally risen against by the democracy of human tolerance. Her declared goal is not to destroy or even take vengeance on the intolerant; but to geld and tame and bring it under her benevolent skirt of universal Peace as she rides him. The destruction she “reluctantly” administers only comes when these “resisters” refuse to conform. This is the same spirit that drives the Purpose Driven Church movement today, which is right now subversively consuming common Christianity almost without resistance, as the first stage. I tell you now, like the aggressive spread of final stage cancer, it is too late to stop this spirit that has infected the entire world; we cannot save this patient as the Whore quickly consumes the earth under her spell, and Glenn Beck seems to be setting up to be among her greatest assets in spreading her message.
In these last days it is inappropriate to continue denying the inevitable in favor of a false hope. It will take creative and dangerous exploits on the part of the few honorable and Godly people, to succeed in delaying this subversion even a little (Daniel 11:28 vs. Daniel 11:32), and many weak, milk-drinking Christians, will criticize and condemn such righteous activity as wickedness (Matthew 10:36). And many more will wickedly conduct themselves in the same name and presumed cause of the Godly, which, by so doing, will prove the cause as evil. It is the age of confusion.
And so I leave these explorations for you to do with the Lord and his Spirit of Holiness that he has given to us by our spiritual baptism into Christ Jesus (Revelation 1:5, Revelation 7:14) with the spiritual water/fire of the Holy Ghost (Numbers 31:23, Acts 22:16, I Corinthians 6:11, Titus 3:5, Hebrews 10:22), whom I trust that my Ephesians 5:26 path-straightening, foot-washing work has helped you to hear, by encouraging you to maintain the cleanliness of your spiritual hands and feet (Exodus 30:19-21, Psalm 26:5-7, Matthew 15:2-3, John 9:7, 13:7-10,14, Isaiah 1:16-20=Ephesians 6:15), and instruct you to always confirm what you hear from the Spirit, with the whole of the written word of God (Deuteronomy 32:46-47, Psalm 119:11)-- that can often be summed up in a single verse for discussion sake, but is never a one-verse theology confirmation.
The word without the Spirit is a corps unraised, but the Spirit without the word is a disembodied aberration (*2). The unity is life itself, and we Christians in our temporal state are the physical image and Type of that union of Spirit and Word, in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord (Genesis 1:26, I Corinthians 12:27, Romans 12:5).

And now, as we bring this present unfinished study of Mystery Babylon to a slow conclusion-- which introduces the next study of continuation, (which I may or may not get to as quickly as I desire), let’s explore the seven phases that introduce the Grand Tapestry of our human history. These two topics go hand in hand and so we must discuss both at the same time, but in the following few Posts I endeavor to focus primarily on the stages, or phases, and only use the Grand Tapestry outline as a resonance-board to be deeply explored in another work.
I need to make clear that these two concepts are not spelled out as fact in the scripture. Rather I am applying historical and scriptural study in comprehension of the Spirit of God, to infer, postulate, and explain, our current state of existence before God as it seems to differ some from earlier phases. In otherwords; this may be considered just my educated theory as distinct from what I know to be the established word of God, but I expect you will discover that my proposal is scripturally sound and quite explanatory of all that we have covered in this lengthy multi-collections of work, which I believe God commissioned me to do as I heard his glorious concert by His Spirit though the Word, of which I am even still attempting to flesh out the notes and write it all down on paper, (see Post 110 “3 AM” -, an excerpt from the As America Falls collection of earlier Posts that I still hope to compile and publish in book-form).
* * *

The Repeating evolutionary Cycles of Life:
All life consists of phases in development. For humanity let’s label these phases:

conception/birth - infant - juvenile - young adult - productive - resource - old age/death.

Let’s not get stuck on these specific titles at this point, but simply understand that humanity goes through specific and predictable changes from beginning to end. We can all agree this is true, and we can all agree that the phases begin and end with these, so we only have these five mid-term phases to quibble over and that’s not too bad when beginning a discussion of new consideration.
In the pre-Darwinian era this chained process was properly called evolution but we can hardly use that corrupted word anymore because it has been transformed into something it was never intended to mean, so let’s just call this the process of maturity, and if I use the word evolution here, this is what I mean; The changing from one phase to the next. But, don’t ever for a second imagine that I am trying to blend the natural and predictable processes God designed into the seed, with the subversive unpredictable and fanciful Evolutionary processes of added information that Satan has twisted the maturing of creation to suggest. Such a blending is utterly disastrous, with ends surprisingly functional but nonetheless pure evil, much as was represented by the results of Jurassic Park in the movie of the same name, the surprisingly enduring phrase from the silly old black-and-white film days is; “We’ve created a MONSTER!” But with the sophistication of science and slight-of-hand fantastic presentation, it’s not so silly anymore.
So now let’s continue:

As I have expressed throughout my work, the observable creation explains the unobservable (Romans 1:20). This is the way designed into virtually everything, which is why these Christian movies that blend and rewrite “insignificant details” of the scripture have done a terribly destructive disservice.
As an example: the scriptures never tell us that Jesus asked for help to get into Peter’s boat, nor after aboard, does it tell us he dangled his hand in the water to “summon” the fish into Peter’s net, or said that his mission was to “change the world,” as Roma Downey’s Son of God movie shows us with blasphemous drama: --Matthew 4:17-20, Mark 1:14-18, Luke 5:1-11, vs. “fishing” ( because such events and words invented by her would deviate from, and destroy, the description of the unobserved prophetic principle that God intended the biblical event to Type.
It’s the very pleasant deletion of “go, and sin no more” from the “neither do I condemn thee:” message of John 8:11, because we want a different result. Just be sure to also delete the “junk colon” concept in order to successfully get the desired liberating outcome rather than the undesirable limiting warning of “lest a worse thing come unto thee” (John 5:14).

Like the so-called “Junk DNA,” there is nothing in the scripture that is extraneous-- even if it seems so by ignorant men; virtually every letter and emphasis of the written scripture (and the spiritual message of life that it gives), no matter how small and seemingly insignificant, has a specific and complex intent that remains valid to the end of time, whether we know it and choose to use it, or whether we don’t know it and choose to abandon it or manipulate it to mean something else:

“For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot (2503) or one tittle (2762) shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven Matthew 5:18-20.

Jot 2503 iota; of Hebrew origin (the tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet); “iota”, the name of the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet, put (figuratively) for a very small part of anything:-- jot.

Tittle 2762 keraia; feminine of a presumed derivative of the base of 2768; something horn-like, i.e. (specially) the apex of a Hebrew letter (figuratively, the least particle):-- tittle.

So, although we will not now rabbit-trail this concept to study the mystery of just what has been so carelessly manipulated away in the section of cinematic scripture exampled above (among the plethora of similar in her films and shows), we must make strong note that these so-called Christian films, like today’s scientists playing with the genome sequence, are destroying in the souls of their participants the very carefully and miraculously constructed work of God found in the scriptures, to the point of creating still unknown problems that very likely will not have a solution short of a Noah-like genetic cleansing but by fire (Deuteronomy 19:14+27:17, Proverbs 22:28, 23:10-11, Job 24:1-13= Genesis 6:9, Matthew 24:7 [Pestilences 3061], II Peter 2:17-21, [Numbers 31:23], etc.):

“Scientists hail synthetic chromosome advance.
… As a form of life whose cells contain a nucleus, yeast is related to plants and animals and shares 2,000 genes with us. So the creation of the first of yeast's 16 chromosomes has been hailed as ‘a massive deal’ in the emerging science of synthetic biology. The genes in the original chromosome were replaced with synthetic versions and the finished manmade chromosome was then successfully integrated into a yeast cell. The new cell was then observed to reproduce, passing a key test of viability. …
Chucking the junk.
… The new chromosome, known as SynIII, involved designing and creating 273,871 base pairs of DNA - fewer than the 316,667 pairs in the original chromosome. The researchers removed repeated sections in the original DNA and so-called ‘junk’ DNA known not to code for any proteins - and they then added ‘tags’ to the chromosome. Dr Boeke said that despite making more than 50,000 changes to the DNA code in the chromosome, the yeast was not only ‘hardy’ but had also gained new functions. …” - BBC science 3-27-2014 (

Scientists, filmmakers, and modern minded preachers of repentless salvation, are cavalierly changing the very fundamental foundations of life, without having a clue as to what repercussions will be faced as a result, because they have no idea what they are actually playing with, or how and why it even works. Remember the vestigial appendix, or the Lobotomy doctors of only a few years ago, not to mention the blood-letting or manure using methods of a generation earlier? These are the same ignorant guys who now want to download your mind into a computer and assure you that it will still be you! And they are doing the same thing with the scriptures and the Spirit of God.
Calling the Son of God movie “a spiritual lobotomy on a chromosomial level of technology,” might not be as far off as one would think… but they are learning by experimentation how to manipulate it to get the Genesis 6:4 results they eventually want.
Moving on.
* * *

How Long is the Span of Life?:
Frankly, other than the first 5.006 chapters in Genesis, we know almost nothing of the Age that ended with Methuselah, when, like Adam, God commanded Noah to replenish the earth in a new beginning (Genesis 1:28=9:1). Therefore, whatever IS written about that previous world is very important for us to know or God wouldn’t have included it. Let’s call that pre-flood period our paternal human development. Like DNA, it’s the foundational blueprint of our present humanity, as, Typed in a subsequent generation, we go through our own stages of predictable-but-new repeating development, and that development has both a historically known beginning and a prophetically known point of culmination, between which we live out our lives as we see fit, expecting the predictable and inevitable end but uncertain as to exactly when it will actually come. Here is where we run into a major argument of two distinct worldviews: “How long do we have to live?”

When your six-year-old asks such a question, what do you tell him? Clearly there is no termination date stamped on the bottom of his foot, so you tell him, “We don’t know.”
But speaking collectively, we do have a reasonable parameter within which we can expect him to live; barring many various causes that cut short a human life, we can assume that generally the lifespan of human beings today is about 75-90 years depending on a whole lot of factors. So how would you respond if I answered your son and told him his lifespan is normally expected to last 230,000 years-- give or take a few thousand. You would burst out laughing and tell your son I was joking. But what if I became greatly offended that you should think I was joking and I drew diagrams and dates and charts on napkins to prove it? You would perhaps think it’s time to find a new friend. Yet this is the condition that our present generation faces as it asks the question, and the difference between 6000 years and 13,820,000,000 is just ludicrous (*3). How is it possible that two seemingly sane adults can come to such greatly varied conclusions? A difference of two hundred years in a single life-expectancy theory would be vast enough to figure one of the two opinions is insane, but a difference of 229,900 years? wow! what can be said to adequately describe the lunacy? or which one is insane for that matter?
When you open the door to begin a legitimate dialogue with insanity, the discussion never ends because insanity knows no limits to its options of defense. But along that line we discover that sanity is sanity precisely because it has specific limitations that are at least testable to discover flaws in those boundaries. Let’s simply recognize that Uncle Buck has his limitless billions-of-years theory, and get serious again. Allow me to show you my odd theory as to how I come to answer this question of humanity’s expected duration and you can evaluate its worthiness for yourself by testing it against, recorded history, true science, and untarnished scripture. All I ask is a momentary earnest ear of contemplation.

I begin this theory by taking my foundational DNA control example from the first recorded complete human blueprint-- those first 5.006 chapters of Genesis-- as the beginning and end of humanity’s cycle if you will. God’s “Spec-book” on humanity’s reality tells us that from the moment God began creating our temporal realm (Genesis 1:1), He made everything in six days, and rested on the seventh day-- presumably to enjoy all that he labored to make (Genesis 1:5+8+12+19+23+31+2:1-3= six days of humanity’s temporal realm creation):

“For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it” Exodus 20:11.

For reasons that are easily overlooked, God made it very important for his “inside” people to perpetually honor this six-day creation theme:

“Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD: whosoever doth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed” Exodus 31:15-17.

Skipping for now the important refreshing concept, God really seems to have “a thing” for the Sabbath rest, and this “thing” is of perpetual duration; i.e. for-e-ver. Scripturally, capitol punishment is reserved for really heinous acts like murder and rape… and dishonoring the Sabbath. What is with the Sabbath?! Let’s see if we can discover something new that would make it so very important.
In our post-flood, next-human-period of replenishing the earth, God gives us a cipher to help us apply this Typology to what is otherwise difficult to figure out:

“For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night” Psalm 90:4.

That OT comment might not have been as cryptic for their age as it is for our own, but here in the NT age the Apostle Peter explains this mystery for our assisted understanding as if we needed more help to figure this out:

“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” II Peter 3:8.

Now in ignorance of both the scripture’s specific and general intent we might easily assume this mean that God created everything not in six 24-hour days but in 6000 years, yet this is clearly not what Genesis specifically tells us. So whether we choose to believe it or not, Genesis makes very clear that God says he made everything in six literal days as the light identifies day from night by the six-time repeated phrase; “and the evening and the morning were the ___ day.”

Additionally we read that God identified these six-days of creation as; “the generations (8435) of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day (3117) that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,” Genesis 2:4.

Generations 8435 towldah; or toldah; from 3205; (plural only) descent, i.e. family; (figuratively) history:-- birth, generations.

Day 3117 yowm; from an unused root meaning to be hot; a day (as the warm hours), whether literal (from sunrise to sunset, or from one sunset to the next), or figurative (a space of time defined by an associated term), [often used adverbially]:-- age…

In my theory I propose that these six-days of creation are the development that brings the earth from conceptual beginning to completion: its prenatal conception-to-birth so to speak. Six days, not millions of years. This creation period is a very significant marker to help us evaluate the life expectancy of human history as we look to anticipate our expected terminus.
But if the thousand years as a day cipher is not referencing a truly six-day creation, then what is it referencing? I suggest this is a complex computation that still has something to do with creation as we remember the importance of the Sabbath. The six-day creation, which is so important that we never forget, even for a week (for reasons we may not actually comprehend as we honor it), is a Typology of something else that needs this days=thousands-of-years computation to figure out.
I suggest, and will explain, that each day of creation represents an age of human development, just as every generation in the Type of the repeating Sabbath observations experiences personally first-hand, and then second-hand as we see the next generation grow up like we did. Every individual experiences stepped phases of life which are repeated by their own children, and I propose there are specifically seven phases, individually as well as the human duration as a whole, though I am not hung up on my specific labels to identify them as repeated here:

conception/birth - infant - juvenile - young adult - productive - resource - old age/death.

While each of these phases are very different, and can each be experienced in a wide variety of acceptable and unacceptable expression, none of them are unpredictable or surprising in the natural evolution of the human individual, and shouldn’t be surprising in humanity’s evolution either. You don’t teach a juvenile to drive a car, and you don’t expect a productive adult to soil his pants, each stage of development gets an increased set of parameters and expectations that fits its relative phase. This variation is not contradictory though different, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out… but a teenager will complain that he is not treated as an adult, because, from his limited perspective he can’t see the difference, while he can see his maturity from the previous phases he has experienced and wrongly uses this awareness to assume his adulthood.
Among several examples throughout scripture, we see this concept of the conjoined temporal and spiritual phases hinted at in the evolution of the New Testament events in the Christian Age that has now lasted 1,981 years and counting:

“But I have prayed for thee (Simon) that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. And (as our teenager example) he (Peter) said unto him, Lord, I am ready to go with thee (now), both into prison, and to death” Luke 22:33, (also John 13:36a,37), but Jesus didn’t see it that way (Luke 22:34, John 13:36b,38).

Jesus said: “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:…and he will shew you things to come” John 16:12-13.

“(But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believed on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified)” John 7:39.

(The experiences of Jesus Christ from v.1-10) “Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses (145) exercised to discern both good and evil” Hebrews 5:11-14.

Senses 145 aistheterion; from a derivative of 143; properly, an organ of perception, i.e. (figuratively) judgment:-- senses. [see the definition of Perspicacity!].

“But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him” I John 2:27.

“As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:” I Peter 1:14.

Clearly there are stages described here, even to the Christian’s spiritual life as it grows in the temporal, and, as in our temporal world, we likewise do not put a juvenile behind the spiritual wheel and expect things to turn out well (I Timothy 3:6). Within these predictable stages of maturity with unique issues to manage, we see (as with the above included Hebrews passage) the added problem of failing to mature at the expected phase of development. This is most easily recognized in individuals but it’s not as easy to translate this understanding to the phases of Human Ages as they relate to the Grand Tapestry of temporal History, both physical and spiritual.

Allow me to propose that the idea of these human phases of development between birth and death-- like the six days of creation and the one of rest-- are a Typology of the biblical 165 aion or “ages,” and that there are seven specific ages of human history from beginning to end. I believe this seven-age theme is the number one most repeated theme in all the scriptures, and has many layers of explanation; such as the seven days of the week, the seven nations driven from the land that God then gave to the Jews to replenish (Deuteronomy 7:1), the seven stages of the Revelation 17:9&10 Gentile Age, the seven stages of the Revelation chapters 2&3 Church Age, and the seven seals, trumpets, and vials of Revelation’s last-days Age to name a few. This interwoven repeating seven-stage theme concept can become very deep indeed as we see it play out with great complexity through the book of Revelation and its miraculously complex Heptadic structure (*4), but we will only here deal with the very first layer concept of simplicity by calling them; Seven Phases of the Grand Tapestry of History, which when complete, reveals a specific purpose of refreshing.
* * *

The Grand Tapestry Introduction:
By the aforementioned suggested calculations I have concluded biblically that all temporal history-as-we-know-it in this present state, has a duration of seven-thousand-years from the creation of Adam to the “end of the world.”
Now it should be noted for clarity sake that the “end of the world” must needs remain in quotes because the scriptures tell us that the world will not actually ever end (Isaiah 45:17, Ephesians 3:21, Isaiah 66:22, Psalm 104:5) though our world will undergo a fundamental transformation (Psalm 102:25-26, Isaiah 65:17, 66:22, II Peter 3:12-14, Revelation 21:1) much as our temporal bodies will undergo a fundamental transformation to enter eternity as well (I Corinthians 15:49,52-54, II Corinthians 5:1-4, Revelation 21:4-5).
In our present state of temporal existence death is pretty much the end of life, and in this way the “end of the world” is pretty much the end of the world in every sense of the meaning (Isaiah 24:19-20, Luke 21:33, II Peter 3:7, Hebrews 1:10-12, Matthew 5:18). Only when we contemplate the realm of God and our eternal existence do we comprehend that there is a complex continuation beyond the end (Job 14:1-17). We will discuss this tapestry-explaining continuation in later Posts as it relates to the Christian Sunday that comes after the week, but first we must discuss the old seven-day week where Saturday-- day 7-- is the last day. It is the conclusion and end-of-the-week in refreshing rest from the week’s long labor. Saturday does not suggest any day to follow it; it is the end of the week; the terminus.

6 days of creation/labor + a day is as a thousand years = 6000 years of labor.
add to that 1 day of rest + a day is as a thousand years = 1000 years of rest.
This adds up to 7 days total duration of creation/week + a day is as a thousand years = 7000 years total duration of history.

Now we Christians know the bible states plainly that the last 1000 years of humanity’s history-as-we-know-it will consist of the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth (Revelation 20:4-6), and so it’s not difficult to see this as the confirming cipher of our theory and the Typology of the 7th day Sabbath Rest from all our toil and labor (Revelation 20:2-3) that God seems to feel is extremely important for us to constantly consider.

“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Return O LORD, how long?...” Psalm 90:12-13a (see also Ezekiel 4:6).

I suggest that the Sabbath rest is the key to numbering our days and answering the question, (and the part of the verse I left out reflects our period of striving labor that will end in the great rest of God’s forgiveness):

7000 years of History (the sum of creation), minus
-1000 years of Millennial Kingdom (Sabbath rest), equals
6000 years of human toil before the Lord of the Sabbath comes (Matthew 12:8, Mark 2:27-28, Luke 6:5).

The Jewish calendar-- recognizing no Messiah yet (*5)-- still counts history from the creation of Adam according to the specific math found in the lineages of the Torah. According to that biblically calculated Jewish calendar, humanity has been in existence for 5774 years and the cosmos has existed an additional five days.
So what this means is that we can subtract 5774 years of labor-past from 6000 total years of human labor to get a very close speculation as to how much longer we can assume humanity must toil before that kingdom comes.

6000 years of total toil, minus
-5774 years already served, equals
226 years remaining until the Kingdom of Heaven comes, as we are instructed to pray for and expect (Matthew 6:10).

Yes, I am well aware of all the kooks who predict the end of the world, and like all those supposedly coming back from heaven with a message from God, we are getting very weary of hearing this garbage and simply toss out anything that sounds similar (II Peter 3:4[-7]): “We have already given these theories an honest hearing and determined they are all unscriptural, and so in conclusion we reject this type of calculation as heretical and foolish.” And to validate our blanket rejection we wrongly apply Matthew 24:36-29 and Mark 13:32 in spite of the fact that when it was time, Noah knew very close to the day (Genesis 6:3, becoming Genesis 7:4), and I am pretty confident that Jesus will know, if he doesn’t know already, the day he will return, even though he didn’t know it when he made the statement. It’s a maturity of time thing:

“…Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power” Acts 1:6b-7.

“And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: he revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him” Daniel 2:21-22.

“But of the times and seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night… but ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief… for God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us…” I Thessalonians 5:1-2,4,9-10.

“…When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, it will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring (4768 overcast). O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?” Matthew 16:2-3.

“Give glory to the LORD your God, before he cause darkness, and before your feet stumble upon the dark [M]ountains, and, while ye look for light, he turn it into the shadow of death, and make it gross darkness” Jeremiah 13:16.

“He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down. Thou makest darkness, and it is night: wherein all the [B]easts of the forest do creep forth” Psalm 104:19-20.

“He hath laid my vine waste, and barked my fig tree: he hath made it clean bare, and cast it away; the branches thereof are made white (like Ezekiel 37’s dry bones) Joel 1:7.

“When thou beatest thine olive tree, thou shalt not go over the boughs again…” Deuteronomy 24:20a, (but Isaiah 17:4-7+ Zechariah 1:15 explains what I left out that relates to near-future events).

“Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the door” Matthew 24:32-33, (see Luke 21:29 that includes all trees).

“The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away” Song of Solomon 2:13.

“Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” I Thessalonians 4:17.

But regarding the Lord’s later Second Coming of judgment: “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” Matthew 24:36.

“Son of man, Prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Howl ye, Woe worth (1929: ah! expressing grief) the day! For the day is near, even the day of the LORD is near, a cloudy day; it shall be the time of the heathen. And the sword shall come…” Ezekiel 30:2-4a.

“Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light. ...Shall not the day of the LORD be darkness, and not light? Even very dark, and no brightness in it?” Amos 5:18,20.

“Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doeth come” Matthew 24:42.

Clearly we can’t know the day or hour, but only a eschatological hypocrite does not know the season, and even a general idea of where in the season!... Israel is always the prophetic olive tree (Jeremiah 11:16-17, Romans 11:17,24-25), and remember; green olives always come before new leaves. Now read again my instructional parable misorder of Matthew’s near summer as it relates to the Song of Solomon’s even nearer springtime!
Summer is the Day of the Lord-- who comes like a thief to break up and destroy, while springtime is the calling away of Christ’s bride. Enoch departed “unusually” (Genesis 5:23-24) before Noah endured the wrath of the flood yet in God’s protection. There was no sign preceding Enoch’s departure but Methuselah was the world’s sign of the season, and by the meaning of his name the flood came as expected; the year he died. At nine-hundred-years-old it would be pretty irresponsible to assume he would live another 200 years, even though it turned out that he lived longer than any other person. At nine-fifty one might begin to wonder if he would live forever, but the obvious reality is that his remaining days just had to be few! Did anybody know the day or the hour he would die? No, but his advanced age and condition, compared to the expected duration, gave strong evidence of his near pending terminus.
Therefore the singularly important question would be; What is a normal lifespan? and we might even have asked; What is the longest on record for comparison? This is the importance for correctly comprehending the designed duration of history. And this is why God made it so important to contemplate the Sabbath as the rest at the end of the week, and experience sleep at the end of the day (John 11:11).
* * *

Don’t you suppose then, that this very common, none-scriptural, flat rejection of any “seasonal investigation” is exactly why Satan has sent so many kooks to make false predictions, and another hoard of kooks to tell us that the numbers are in the millions? To ignore the timing of the end until it comes, might not be a problem for God’s people… except for the fact that God has made it very important that we remember the six-day creation theme and keep watch for the end (Matthew 24:42-45, 25:13, Luke 12:37). I propose that, along with a perpetual expectation of unspecific immanency that has maintained a consistent ready faithfulness through the early part of this 6th age, in these last days we really need to know the Genesis 6:3 season more accurately, because we really, really need to know the specific timing as History wraps up (I Thessalonians 5:4+6, Job 14:5), for reasons I hope to make plain, and this theory seems to prove itself in the very specific math of scripture’s last days calculations that are available to those who will need them (Daniel 12:4,9-13, etc.).

As I have said before; I think in the timely knowing and the not knowing, we are dealing with the difference between the Church age Gentile promises that remain generally vague and mysterious in faith, vs. the Jewish age believers who are most always given very firm landmarks and chronological points of reference in their hardships (John 20:29, Daniel 9:2,24-27). I suggest this disparity is a; I Thessalonians 4:17, II Corinthians 12:2,4 style (726) harpazo, vs. a Second-Coming discussion, and presently we are discussing the Second-Coming end of the world, which I am growing confident that, like Noah, we are to know more accurately as it draws closer.
I believe that topic does have a scriptural termination date stamped somewhere, and while we might not find the date, we can sure learn a lot about the season in this late searching, and thereby glean some very insightful secrets regarding the date of our own early departure. A reasonable but theoretical biblical calculation of 226 years to the end, means we better have our "walking with God" bags already packed and exercised by now! At most, that’s only one generation away from the generation that will see “all these things be fulfilled,” (not Matthew 24:6 but Mark 13:29 in prep for Matthew 24:34). From Adam until now, we are down to a very possible two generations from the actual end!

Knowing the predisposition to class this study in the “whacko section,” why in the world would I even present this end-of-history theory as plausible? It’s because of all the Christians that are eagerly looking for the Antichrist and the “last seven years of world history” to happen any day (Luke 21:8). Events like the four blood moons (beginning in 11 days), while I am sure have a significance that we should know (*6), are, in the ignorance of the timing of the end, causing great anxiety over the presumed evidence of this “last seven years” theory that now captivates inquisitive but simple minded Christians, who, when the world doesn’t end, will find the magician’s cup empty without any explanation other than a certainty that Jesus’ promises and signs are fraud.
Are we close to the last 7 years period? Oh you bet we are! But not that close. Still, 226 years is really, really close!(*7). But this greater period of time, which seems to coincide conveniently with the historical span needed for the rise and fall of an entire empire, explains how the scriptures show many things yet to happen before the end of the world; like the rise and power and fall of Mystery Babylon before the last seven years begins.
So now we can move into my connected parallel theory, which, if you will remember, was the point of this Post;
The Seven Stages of the Ages.
* * * * * * *

(*1) [Added 6/23/2014] "Berlin House of One: The first church-mosque-synagogue?
Berlin thinks it is making religious history as Muslims, Jews and Christians join hands to build a place where they can all worship. The House of One, as it is being called, will be a synagogue, a church and a mosque under one roof. ... The idea came from the Christian side of the triangle. ... We want to use these rooms for our own traditions and prayers. And together we want to use the room in the middle for dialogue and discussion and also for people without faith." - BBC News 6-22-2014 (

This may indeed be favorably reminiscent of the 1739 generic early-American building of worship erected in Philadelphia by fully Christian minister George Whitfield (, according to moralist Benjamin Franklin: "expressly for the use of any Preacher of any religious persuasion who might desire to say something to the people at Philadelphia. The design in building not being to accommodate any particular sect, but the inhabitants in general, so that even if the Mufti of Constantinople were to send a missionary to preach Mohammadism to us he would find a pulpit at his service" (- Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography, chapter 11), but unlike Franklin’s stabilizing confident belief that we all must one day give personal account of ourselves to God the Maker and a clear biblical understanding of who that Maker is; the complete lack of actual fundamentals in the emotional faiths of today, desiring to unite the several god’s and faiths in mutual worship, opens the door wide to "Chrislam": the next step in consuming the actual substance of these different religions to create a chimeric Evolution of universal faith by becoming something else entirely. And while we may very well like the socially beneficial results, whatever it has become in this present “House of One, Chrislam blend” mentality; it is no longer the faith that Christ brought to sinners in need of salvation, but is rather a generic promotion of much needed morals as a show of wisdom (Colossians 2:23), but beneficial only as long as we remain on this soil. Yet in its usefulness, it undermines any thoughts of need in preparation for the life to come, (see Post 298 "Mother Teresa's Abomination" vs. Galatians 5). It has become an earthbound religion, greatly offensive to God, largely because it changes a Republic to a Democracy.

(*2) Aberration: 1. Act of being aberrant; deviation, especially from what is right, natural, or normal. 2. Disorder of the mind. 3. Astronomy. A small periodic change of position in the heavenly bodies, due to the combined effect of the motion of light and the motion of the observer. 4. Optics. The convergence to different foci, by a lens or mirror, or rays of light emanating from one and the same point, or the deviation of such rays from a single focus.
Aberrant: 1. Wandering; straying from the right way; deviating from truth, rectitude, propriety, etc…

Disembody: to divest of a body, of corporeal existence, - (Merriam-Webster online Dictionary adds “or of reality”).
Corporeal: 1. Of the nature of, consisting of, or pertaining to, matter or a material body; physical… - Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 1948.

My meaning then, is that the Holy Spirit through the word of God makes that word live in a functional and practical application to reality, that neither the Spirit nor the word can do independently. The human body-and-soul that we call life is our Typology of this marvelous relationship. Today’s divided Church seems to work hard at segregating these two to dwell in both realms separately, and the result is the death of the functional and practical application, yet provides an indefinable “life-form” that doesn’t belong in our world because it can’t be confirmed or denied or regulated as right or wrong in our temporal domain. The spirits of the dead belong somewhere other than here, be it a human body or the body of Christ (James 2:26, Romans 8:11).

(*3) How old is the Universe?
“13.82 Billion years” is today’s common secular answer -- ( although the 2 seems like a comical bit of presumed accuracy since the 13, let alone the 8, is still casually jerked around by Billions from time to time.
Conversely, the Christian worldview has remained firm on its generic 6000 years theory (by most scrutinizing scholars, it is calculated to be accurately enough 5774-years-old and counting). You would think that in the unchanging dogmatic declaration of such a ridiculously short period, science would have found conclusive proof that this is a completely impossible theory. But they haven’t come up with anything so far but speculation and theory as proof.
On the other hand, Creationists have conclusively shown that many of Evolutionist’s foundational data is actually fabricated data with misleading intentions. Remember Lucy? or Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man, Java Man, or the many other Missing Links? or Haekel’s fabricated comparisons of developing animal embryos still found in textbooks today? or the circular reasoning in dating both the fossils and the rocks they are found in? or the fully fabricated Tree of Life? not to mention the mythical Geologic column, or the ignored theory-breaking Cambrian explosion in the Fossil Record, the alarmingly shallow depth of the dust on the moon, the helium still escaping the earth, or the undispersed heat in the universe, the absence of a single intermediate fossil, the fact that all of Darwin’s evolutionary finches are still thriving simultaneously, the Irreducible Complexity problem, the mystery of information in the DNA, or…
To postulate an explanatory hypothesis for study, or to say openly, “We don’t know yet,” is one thing honorable; but to create lies, misdirection, and the mockery of any opposition given in the spirit of a genuine scientific investigation, is something else entirely.

(*4) Heptad: n. [Latin heptas the number seven, from Greek helptas, -ados, from hepta seven.] The sum or number, of a group, of seven - Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 1948.

(*5) The Hebrew Calendar:
It is a further curious “coincidence” that by God’s command memorializing their Passover rescue from Egypt, the Hebrew calendar begins on a new day:

“This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb…” Exodus 12:2.

But since they refused to give up their old calendar, their nation is now split by schizophrenia using two different calendars: the secular and the religious. The new calendar just “happens” to begin at the halfway point in the secular. The Moses-like rescuing Messiah that they rejected also came at the halfway point in human history, and thus we end up with a Jewish calendar that still begins with Adam, and the Christian calendar that begins with Jesus the second Adam of new beginnings (I Corinthians 15:47-48).
The mathematical discrepancy from true-center accuracy has similar complexity as the Daniel 9:25 calculations with calendar changes, leap-years, and such-- explained by Sir Robert Anderson in The Coming Prince-- that, perhaps by lack of investigation alone, is frankly still beyond me; but here we are simply making the general point of curious comparisons that defy coincidence as an explanation, and in good conscience I could not leave it unnoticed.

(*6) Four Blood Moons:
This of course is an entire study of its own that I don’t wish to get into. But suffice it to say here that while each of these four consecutive eclipses are both reasonably uncommon, and shown to occur on Jewish holy days, only the last one will be seen from Israel so it’s really hard for me to imagine that they have any direct significance to Israel at all.
On the otherhand, (if there even is another hand), These four potentially “blood” moons will be seen in the western world, and the first one just happens to come on April 15, 2014; America’s tax day. Might there be a relationship between the Jewish/Christian holy day of Passover/Crucifixion and America’s day that oppresses her real trust and the people’s individual monetary status collectively?

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon” Matthew 6:24.

It’s just possible that this is a sign of the choosing that will be forced upon us by an economic collapse. Frankly I don’t know, and I don’t have time or desire to investigate it before it occurs. But IF this sign means anything, and IF America is the Promised Land of the Gentile Age as I suggest, I would think it might be an omen of bad things in the west, and specifically for America-- the Harlot FiancĂ©-- and therefore specifically related to her economic wellbeing, both nationally and personally as it relates to the Lamb’s blood to protect us from the Lord’s destroying angel that devastates an entire land. That’s a lot of IF. And that’s all I am going to say on the topic at present.

(*7) Please understand, the purpose of this Post is not to try to sell you on the idea of 226 years left. I am not attempting to predict "the date of Methuselah's death" or the end of the world. There are complexities with the calculations of the Hebrew calendar and such that I do not attempt to address here. What I am trying to show is the importance of distinction between 6000 years and 13.82 Billion.