Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks vs. Thanksgiving

Post 278

In the previous two Posts I think the scientific complexity became so overwhelming in thought that the actual point may have been missed; that is the Northern kingdom abandoned God and was destroyed without hope of recovery, and the Southern kingdom was itself internally divided, shown in time by the successful repulsion of the Assyrian that conquered the North, but then fell to the Babylon whore that does not kill the less than faithful wife, she just transforms her.
It is the complexity of this last fall of the second part that needs to be explored because that unfaithful wife is still alive and can be redeemed with the remnant if she will repent. This is the topic of today’s Post.

Can you identify the significant difference between giving thanks and Thanksgiving? In our Type of the two-part kingdom we see that Israel refused to give thanks at all while Judah had Thanksgiving, but God was looking for them to give thanks… which neither of them did. This distinction, though seemingly small, is vital. Like the genesis of the species, the fundamental important details are in the differences, not in the similarities.
To help you readily grasp my proposed concept, think of Thanksgiving as the theory of Evolution and giving thanks as the Creator God theory. Remember; we have discarded the unbeliever as the Northern kingdom and we are now investigating complexities of only the Southern kingdom of God’s “faithful” people, to discover the cause of their subsequent incarceration style “discarding” as well.

Think back to the American Pilgrims, just what did they have to be thankful for? Those poor people had experienced the flight from religious persecution in their homelands, the hardships of losing loved ones while crossing the sea in less than five star accommodations, to end up on the hostile shores of a strange and unbroken land when starvation, disease, hard life and cruel winters cut their ranks by less than half. Where was God in all that? Why did they give earnest and heartfelt thanks to the Creator and Sustainer for his seeming lack of help and sustenance? We will answer that question later only by reflection, but now let’s look at today’s Thanksgiving by comparison:

The average American has so much money that we don’t need to scratch our very lives from the soil with our fingernails, we just drive to the store and pick through the heaps of world sourced foods piled onto shelves and bins just waiting for us to poke and sniff, pretending to have such scrutinizing palates as to search for the best of the lot to take home and fix into so much perfectly prepared provision that we have to take fizzy tablets to keep our stomachs from hurting. Then we waddle into the living room with our loved ones and flop into padded chairs that even recline so that our overstuffed carcasses can be supremely comfortable while we watch the religiously traditional football game or parade on a 52” High Definition TV.
“Now that is Thanksgiving at its best!”

But just what are we giving thanks for? Are we even giving thanks at all? Or is Thanksgiving just the name that we gave a specific day of ancient and unrelated memorial to yearly take off work and fill our every pleasure to the maximum capacity?
Isn’t the actual spirit of Thanksgiving today a kind of twisted excuse to over indulge as a way of expressing our gratefulness for having so much? For many years, before the arrival of our utter destruction, Conservative Christian America did not actually abandon God as the Northern kingdom of the Liberal Godless, we just traditionalized him into our own gluttony and called it faith.

But if I ask you to show me the spirit of thanksgiving in the events of the Thanksgiving day, you will be able to show it to me in everything that was done; Inviting loved ones to fellowship in the special day honoring the LORD, eating the huge volume of provision and taking time to actually bow the head and say “thank you” for the excess of abundance, taking the day off from work and its secular drive for Money to “relax in the Lord’s provision,” and an overall warm feeling of good-will and a break from frustration and anger of a normal day; “Yes, this is a great day to give thanks!”

Same event, but two different angles of perception. How do we know which is the true rendition and which is the illusion? Is it only a matter of personal perspective or is there a way to find out for sure?
* * *

Don’t misunderstand me, I am not suggesting that tradition is a bad thing; in fact it is very, very good… until the tradition itself replaces the actual meaning of the tradition. Allow me to show this in another current-events way:

I just spent a significant amount of time reviewing the plethora of this year’s Christmas presentations on TV in an effort to identify the overall theme.
“Theme?” you query, “It’s Christmas of course!”
But is it?
Now while I am not going to provide the details of the shows individually, the trending through them all was very striking. Interestingly enough they all fell well within the “outline” of the Christmas pageant titled; Trans-Siberian Orchestra: Ghosts of Christmas Eve. There is no doubt that this musical presentation had some of the recognizable trappings of a traditional Christmas pageant but the DNA of The Christmas pageant was utterly missing while it retained enough proteins to make it seem “Christmassy.”
Now while this seems like a simple step away from traditional, in the harmless expression of a younger generation’s creative rendition, the real trap is that the traditional Christmas pageant which it pretends to be, is itself only pretending to be true worship. So in all reality the Trans-Siberian Orchestra: Ghosts of Christmas Eve is really only the worship of the image of a dead religion and not the dead religion itself.

I am not yet an old man, but in my own lifetime, though I was too young to accurately remember true worship in the faith at Christmas, I do remember the very earnest and glorious Christmas pageants that honored that faith. Now today, the pageants are honoring the pageants of the past and have completely forgotten the faith that those earlier pageants honored. Once it was the worship of the Son of God come to Earth, then it was Baby Jesus in a manger, then it was Santa Clause, and now it's "the Magic of Christmas."
Remember the old black and white movies that, although already secular, still retained the pageantry of Church and “the meaning of Christmas” in the moral that they preached? It’s a Wonderful Life was already sliding down the rails of secular but you could still find the Christmas root buried down deep if you wanted to. Though the people depicted in the movie were not seriously faithful to God they nonetheless held the traditional values of Christmas. Then we went through several years of abandoning the traditional Christmas and replaced it with Santa Clause, Miracle on 34th Street was just such an example. The already warped spirit of It’s a Wonderful Life passed on that warpage, now slightly more warped with still newer values, and so the change happened perceptively gradual and uncontested. The problem is that It’s a Wonderful Life had already morphed the spirit of Christmas and so the spirit that was transferred wasn’t even the right spirit to begin with before it morphed again. But today we look back on that old movie as the perfection of representing Christmas. Now today our Christmas pageants, devoid of any hint of Christ, are of the warped spirits of yesterdays warped Santa Clause spirits themselves warpages of the previous pageants that warped the worship of Jesus. The former actual worship of Jesus Christ the Mighty Savior, is so forgotten that to restore the old ways of Christmas is to bring back a simple, clean, and un-warlock type Santa Clause! Today the spirit of Christmas is all about Mystical "Christmas Magic.”

While most all the programs this year are personal family based stories with “real life” settings of people in need of a “Christmas Miracle,” some of this year’s programs retained renditions of Santa Clause with combined elements of the traditional manger scene Jesus, but even those were presented in the “real life” presentation of Mystical Magic helping real people in need. The entire spirit of Christmas today is expressed in the now familiar whisper; “BELIEVE!”
Believe in what? It doesn’t matter; Baby Jesus, Santa Clause, Good Fate, Hope, it’s all the same thing, it’s simply; “Y’u gotta have FAITH in faith.” Christmas has now become a special time of year when you can hope for miracles to happen more than at any other time of year; the source is really unimportant, and in fact not actually knowing the Mystical source is an important part of the miracle, as in the spirit of not telling what you wished for or it wouldn't come true (*1).
* * *

Where am I going with this in any practical way?
The key to proper comprehension of what is observed is based on perspective. Let’s say that reality is exampled in a described event like a snap-shot in time:
A person is drowning at the bottom of a water-tower tank and another person is standing on the walkway at the top of the tank looking down into the water, their eyes meet. The perspective that really matters in this example is whether you are the one standing on the walkway, or are you lying on the bottom looking up? Every discussion about the drowning person takes on completely different meaning and application depending on your perspective. Are you in the condition to help or are you the one needing help? Until the event actually takes place the discussion of which you are is subjective in the following definition:

Subjective: b. arising from conditions within the brain or sense organs and not directly caused by external stimuli.

Let’s take this a step further in the example and let’s assume it is just before the event in question, and by scrutinizing the details in the photo we positively identify that it is indeed you standing on the walkway looking down into the water. This is a good thing right?
All the presented parameters allow you to become confident that you are the rescuer; You got ropes and harnesses grapples and pulleys. Any warnings or further statements regarding the drowning person are perceived by you as information that you can use to help the person you see at the bottom of the tank; The tank is so deep and so filled, the walls are thus composed, the water is such a temperature, etc., etc., all easily seen as very good information to describe how they fell in and the dangers they now face and useful to aid you in the rescue attempt.
The problem is that the picture is a warning given to you, because a board is about to break as you look into the tank and it will be you that falls into the water loaded down with all your rescue equipment. It will be someone else who is seen standing on the walkway looking down at you drowning at the bottom. But now you know how you got there.

This is why you cannot clearly comprehend yourself as the Jew in the holocaust. By a wrong perception you are sure that everything the scriptures and history has to say about “them” is not speaking of “you.” When the “photo” of scripture in Type talks of a board breaking and someone falling in and then someone standing there looking down, you perceive yourself being the second individual because the Jew has already fallen in. Don’t be such a fool! If you walk on the same platform the same fate will be yours because all those boards are rotten! This is not a forth-dimensional discussion of timing; it’s a fifth-dimensional discussion of patterns.

“Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in. Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:
For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, If thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off”
Romans 11:19-22.

“So how does one actually change their present perception when all of the evidence leads me to conclude that I am the rescuer and not the victim?”

The very question is the beginning of the answer.
Now let me help:
* * *

Why did the Jews suffer the holocaust?
Being the generation after the holocaust and not being Jewish, we have a two-fold numbing of anesthesia that blinds us to really seeing. It is natural in this drugged state to imagine that their real world situation of cause-and-effect does not and cannot affect ours. In this way we again literally dehumanize them just as the Nazis did at the time by forcing the Jew into a pathetic condition that allows us to then make this dehumanized distinction of their animalistic condition in contrast to our own refined condition of life.
A month before the events the Jews were just normal happy families of working class people making a living to pay their mortgages and feed their families, and buy them delightful things as expressions of their love for one another. A month after, they were filthy animals sleeping on a flea infested blanket unfit for dogs and eating inedible scraps from the floor or a parlor pot like wild beasts at an unusually cruel zoo.

But think about it; Were the Jews irreligious just before the holocaust, were they indistinguishable from their Pagan neighbors? Didn’t they faithfully carry out their religious traditions of Holy Days handed down through Moses? Weren’t they carefully living out the regimented Jewish life? Were they so evil as to be worthy of such torment that would befall them within a month?
“NO! What they experienced was not their fault! It was Hitler and his demonic spirit of violence against the innocent!”
Who is going be so coldly brash as to argue that point?

“Oh God! Why make it me?!” (asked only rhetorically since I already know the answer).
His answer is because I have no dog in this fight. I am simply the obedient messenger of what God really wants you to grasp, for a reason that you cannot yet perceive. So allow me to continue.

I have watched many hours of original footage as well as many interviews with actual holocaust survivors in the attempt to discover why God would have delivered these people into such atrocities. Why them specifically? They really didn’t appear wicked at all, and especially not by comparison of other far more wicked but not likewise abused nations. What is God’s perspective in light of his promises to carry out exactly what happened? (Deuteronomy 27:20+31:29+32:30-31). Here is what came loudly through:

Admitting that I have not seen all the interviews done, and all the interviews were themselves only a fraction of the survivors, and the survivors were but a fraction of the incarcerated, yet I have seen enough of them to formulate an unbroken trend: In every case I heard victims. I never heard repentance. Not once.
The Horrors that those poor people suffered are beyond human comprehension. This is not debatable except for the wildly insane who claim it never happened, the volume of documentation is too profound and conclusive. The problem is that by experiencing those horrors, there is no evil more great that can be compared next to it to show the suffering as justified. Where is the darker blackness to show them that their innocent victim mentality of “light” is a flawed perception? How does God justify such things?
Today in our geographicly far-away and years-removed timeframe of reality, we too ask these questions of God because we have no greater blackness by which to compare the events. This is completely a perceptional issue that affects virtually every verse of scripture we read.

God’s simple two-dimensional answer is in effect; “I told you not to climb the water tower of sin.” And the beginning of our self-justifying reply of well-intended rebellion is; “But…”

In our self-justifying god-status of free-will we require more information than “Don’t” in order to justify God in conflict with our own rational superior-opinions on the matter. And in kindness and patience God provides that more information, but it’s not simple; It’s very complex; it’s fifth-dimensional, which is why he gave it to us in the simple and easy to understand version of “Don’t.”

What didn’t the Jews do?
Isn’t it obvious by now? They didn’t obey God.
But that is not obvious, is it? Why?
Because we are just as disobedient as they were, and like them, we feel that we are faithful. We refuse to see our sin as God sees our sin and so we accuse God of unjustified abandonment just as they did… and still do, even after their incarceration.
I have shown you in over four years and 250 posts the guilt that, by the very definition of “remnant,” you most probably cannot yet fully accept because you still see yourself as the saved rescuer of sinners standing on the platform looking down, rather than the one drowning (Luke 6:39, Romans 1:32). So providing more scripture as support of my “picture” is not going to do a bit more good.
That is not why I am still writing.

The reason I am still writing is because even after experiencing and surviving the holocaust, the Jews never got the message of their incarceration. They spent the entire time crying; “I’m innocent! I don’t deserve this!”
Where is the greater blackness that can show them that they are not victims? It is within their own heart; the greater blackness is their own perception of their virtue. So if that is the case, why did God not likewise destroy the far more wicked nations than the Jews?
The answer is found in the purpose of the first commandment:

“And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might” Deuteronomy 6:5.

God was not the God of the other nations, so as wicked as they acted they were not violating this commandment to them; the Jews were violating His commandment to them because they were indeed God’s people and so had commandments by which they would be judged, namely a singular and complete love of God alone.

“What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said; Thou shalt not covet” Romans 7:7.

But by generations of warping the original faith, their religious pageants of traditions eventually were themselves warped into mere shadows of those pageants until their faith was transformed into meaningless national holy-days (holidays) with names like Thanksgiving and Christmas and Easter, or Hanukah, Yom-kippur and Passover, completely devoid of the DNA of those memorials but retaining the trappings that allow us to pretend that we are honoring God while we consume them upon our own lust.

“Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts” James 4:3.

Going into our own incarceration fully convinced we are not guilty will allow us to have incredibly enduring “faith” that, like the Jews, will wait patiently for God to rescue us even while we witness the unspeakable horrors of God’s non-rescuing abandonment wrath. Coming out the other side of the holocaust we will have a very bizarre faith in a God that either cannot, or willnot rescue us (Isaiah 59:1-2).
To the person, every non-Christian Jew that survived the holocaust will openly declare that God abandon them. The truth of their declaration is purely a fact that cannot be denied as sure as the holocaust itself cannot be denied. God did indeed abandon them. But they still retain no guilt in the matter so what they experienced lies wholly at the feet of God himself for his meglomaniacally cruel ways.
Christian Americans are the exact image of this Type as they know they are not “really” in obedience to God but by the grace of his Son’s sacrifice they are convinced they don’t need to be. So when God delivers us into the camps the strongest of these “faithful Christians” will keep their deeply tried faith while at the same time witness that the God in whom they trust cannot or willnot save them from a horribly unspeakable fate they do not deserve.
Go ahead, turn your Christian hatred on those inhuman Muslims whose teeth are filled with the flesh of your corpses made into a stew (Micah 3:3). But I remind you that it is God himself who sends them (Micah 2:3) for your own doings (Micah 2:4).

“Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the LORD shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee” Deuteronomy 27:48.

But hey, this is Thanksgiving and we should really put away all unpleasant thoughts and unsavory comments and give thanks to the LORD on this day! So eat up till it hurts and go relax in front of a really exciting game, I hope it’s a close score because who wants to see a boring game? Oh, and, HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!
(See God’s command to Jeremiah in 16:8-9).
* * * * * * *

(*1) Christmas Miracles:
I am not going to get into the details as to the complex morphology of this concept but will provide one example for you to ponder:
I was interested to notice the very large volume of programs that all provided an actual brighter-than-usual magical star upon which to make a “Christmas Wish”. A Christmas Wish, we are confirmed repeatedly from many various and unrelated shows, is a special wish that will come true only at Christmas.

“Ya, OK, so what? It’s a fairy tale for entertainment.”
But oddly enough this Christmas Star looks exactly like those of the old shows depicting the supernatural Bethlehem Star over Baby Jesus’ manger. In those earlier shows the corruption had already begun in a far more concealed way; the focus on the symbol rather than what it symbolized (Romans 1:25). Today’s magical Christmas Star is not just some new fanciful idea dreamed up by a screenwriter trying to create an interesting fantasy as a replacement of the Biblical account; it is a corruption of the Biblical account itself.

Corrupt: 1. Now Rare. Changed from a sound to a putrid state; tainted. 2. Changed from a state of uprightness, correctness, truth, etc., to a bad state; depraved.

Something cannot become corrupted unless it was previously in a non-corrupted state.
Why not invent a unique holiday of wishing upon a supernatural glint in a diamond ring on the second Thursday after the full moon if there is new snow on the ground?
The answer is because that would have no point.
The magical Christmas wishing star must be such a star, on that day, because then and only then can it corrupt the Bethlehem Star and the declaration that it made:

Jesus Christ the Messiah and hope of the world has come!

But just to deny that declaration ever happened is not enough, the very message must be fully corrupted in order to make sure the original message cannot be recovered even to the curious historian (*1b). So, THE star is intentionally retained, and it’s supernatural presentation also remains, we just change the very nature of the star by first providing an earlier corruption long before the corruption of the corruption is made. Therefore whoever wishes to retrace the roots of the corruption will discover “the original star” but never find the truth that that star was itself a corruption of something even older (Revelation 12:1-4).

“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works” II Corinthians 11:14-15.


“And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison…” Acts 12:7a.
“I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star” Revelation 22:16.

The traditional pageant of a helpless baby sucking sustenance from the breast of his poverty stricken human mother and whose dirty diapers needed to be changed by the hand of his human father, a helpless child who needed to be protected by human parents and learn right from wrong by the education of human thought, all this is the perceptional corruption of the original message of salvation with those very details. The star simply proclaimed the Savior had come; the salvation was not for another three decades at his death and resurrection.
So while we forget that point and desire to return to the Old Traditional Pageants of the charming Christmas story of a baby, what does a magical Wishing Star have to do with that… Even on Christmas? The answer is that such a special star obviously has more power than the helpless baby.
(*1b) A Current Sample Corruption of a Corruption Type:
Remember at this year’s Olympics in London it was determined that the Palestinians could compete in the games under the quasi and unofficial national title of Palestine? What a wonderful and benevolent decision by the game officials, right? Never mind that the capitol of this quasi nation was officially entered as Jerusalem; it’s just pretend so that they could enter the games.
But now seemingly unrelated, only a few months later, on November 20, 2012:

“Palestinians win upgraded UN status by wide margin
The UN General Assembly has voted overwhelmingly to recognise (sic) Palestine as a non-member observer state - a move strongly opposed by Israel and the US… The Palestinians can now take part in UN debates and potentially join bodies like the International Criminal Court.
The assembly voted 138-9 in favour, with 41 nations abstaining.
Hundreds of Palestinians celebrated on the streets of Ramallah, in the West Bank after the result was announced.

‘ Birth Certificate’
Sixty-five years ago on this day, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 181, which partitioned the land of historic Palestine into two states and became the birth certificate for Israel," Mr Abbas said shortly before the vote in New York.
"The General Assembly is called upon today to issue a birth certificate of the reality of the State of Palestine," he said.
The UK abstained from the vote, as did Germany. The Czech Republic, Canada, the Marshall Islands and Panama were among the nations voting with the US and Israel. In the West Bank, crowds celebrated the vote by waving flags and chanting "God is great!"
"For the first time, there will be a state called Palestine, with the recognition of the entire world," Amir Hamdan was quoted as saying by the Associated Press news agency.
"Today the world will hear our voice," he added.

Symbolic milestone
The Palestinians are seeking UN recognition of a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, the lands Israel captured in 1967.
While the move is seen as a symbolic milestone in Palestinian ambitions for statehood, the "Yes" vote will also have a practical diplomatic effect, says the BBC's Barbara Plett, at the UN.
The Palestinians hope that access to UN bodies will bring new rights: A successful application for membership of the ICC could be used to accuse Israel of war crimes or make other legal claims against it.
"This is a whole new ball-game now. Israel will be dealing with a member of the international community, a state called Palestine with rights," senior PLO official Hanan Ashrawi told the BBC.
"We will have access to international organisations and agencies and we will take it from there."
There had been lobbying by Israel and the US to try to delay the vote or change the text to obtain guarantees that no international legal action would be taken against Israel.
Last year, Mr Abbas asked the UN Security Council to admit the Palestinians as a member state, but that was opposed by the US…”
- (

It has only been 65 years but already the world has forgotten the complicated details that has brought us to this controversial decision of recognizing Palestine as a nation or not. It’s a little matter of a stolen name.
Historically the designation of Palestine was given solely to the Jewish nation and their lands. Palestine was a name the Jews were proud of and bore it on maps, buildings, newspapers, businesses, etc., in their homeland.
As a stroke of genius, when the Jews selected the official national title of “Israel” the Arab squatters on the fringe quickly argued for and received the former designation to identify themselves. Eventually, by the use of that old historic name these squatters began to claim ownership of the land that went with the name. Now today, after only 65 years of lobbing rockets into Israel to keep the irritating attention on themselves the UN has finally recognized these squatting unruly terrorist thieves as the Nation of Palestine… whose capitol is Jerusalem.
So until Jerusalem is also handed to them as the “historically ancient capitol of Palestine” I don’t see them becoming pleasant neighbors to the Jews.

Particle or Wave?

Post 277

Reserved for future use.

The Young Double-Slit Experiment

Formerly under:

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Super Perfect Storm

Post 276

There was a significant element in the last post that might appear as if it was sloppily handled. I know that it looks as if I got lazy and improperly merged two specifics into one in order to present my prophetic case of total and permanent destruction for a rebelious America. That two-part apparent flaw is in viewing the future Assyrian and the historical Babylon as a single GDE (Global Dominant Empire) when historically the scriptures and history show that they are very much distinctly different.

Unfortunately few Christians are even familiar enough with their scriptures to catch this “significant flaw” in my work and so if they don’t reject my prophetic interpretation outright from their simple unfounded unbelief, they simply take what I have said as true because it sounds good and reasonable to them by my presentation.
And while the simple unbelievers cannot be helped because their unbelief is based only in emotion that cannot be rationally debated, the simple believers can find help for their belief only until some critic brings up the “flaw” as proof of my error. Then their simple belief crumbles to dust in the revelation and their simple belief quickly switches to that of the new understanding, still in the same simple belief (Ephesians 4:14). These believers are the seed that fell on stony places and among thorns, where they indeed sprung up but having no root because of a lack of soil, or being choked by the logic of the wicked, they whither when hard circumstances or opposition arises as the scorching sun or weeds.

“…A sower went forth to sow; and when he sowed, some seed fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up: (the emotional unbeliever)

Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: and when the sun
(of trials) was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they whithered away.
And some fell among
(example; intellectual) thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them (the simple believers)…” Matthew 13:3-7.

I do not write to the emotional unbelievers because details of logic and reason have no power in emotion.
And I do not directly write to the presently acceptable simple in faith, who cannot yet comprehend the need for details but are nonetheless presently saved in their simple faith… until hard circumstances confuse and kill their shallow faith of “Jesus will protect or rescue me from any harm.” These simple in faith are perfectly Typed in the adoring barmaids of the Disney animation; Beauty and the Beast (*1). As much as they are completely smitten with Gaston, their simplistic puppy-love has nothing of substance for us to even be drawn to. These have nothing to offer anyone else for why they love him (I Peter 3:15-16) and we see their love as cute but silly.
Having been protected from opposition and persecution for generations, American Christians have been quite successful in this multi-generational simple faith without a scorching sun. This was the great value of our Christian American form of Government that allowed millions to live out their lives and reach their deaths in simple faith and successfully access heaven with nothing more than a “Jesus Loves me” understanding (Acts 16:31, Revelation 2:24-25). As long as the sun does not rise in unobstructed skies the plant with shallow soil can survive. These are what I have called Downs Syndrome Christians. But notice what is NOT asked in the parable; Are there plants with undeveloped roots though having plenty of soil, so that when the sun comes up they might quickly grow deeper roots before their soil dries and they scorch? This is a good question theologically on a micro level of; “no pain - no gain” (James 1:2-3), but in the world of farming such a thing does not generally happen for crops in a macro way (Isaiah 1:30, Jeremiah 8:13, 17:8), Plants cannot grow roots fast enough to make up for a hot day. In this parable of the faith, the seed is the spirit of God’s Word (13:19), it has the nature to reach its root deep into the moist soil below the surface. The key element then is the depth of the soil (clay). That’s you.

“For thus saith the LORD to the men of Judah and Jerusalem, Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns” Jeremiah 4:3.

I write the following details to the hungry in spirit and the humble in heart who desperately want to find the Lord’s threads of truth in a world fabric of deceit. It is far past time to take advantage of God’s spiritual sunblock that can protect you from the full force of the unshielded sun even after the shadetree is removed (I Peter 3:10-13 + 4:17-19 + Revelation 2:19-26 = II Thessalonians 2:1-7).
Spiritually the shadetree (*2) of the world is Typed in the Mosaic Law in the hands of Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:17-20). Temporally in current events, that shadetree was Typed as that Christian Law in the hands of the American government before the tree was diseased.
So now let’s explore the concept of my apparent flaw in mixing the Assyrian with Babylon in my last times prophecy interpretation.
* * *

The Holy Bible, the ancient archeological evidences, and the oldest historians, all agree on the following historical events while the scriptures alone provide the cause:
The ancient nation of Israel, due to irreconcilable differences, was eventually divided into the northern kingdom called Israel and the southern kingdom called Judah. Neither nation-fragment was right before God but the northern kingdom had fully abandoned God and set up two new sites in Bethel and Dan to worship golden calves as a replacement (II Kings 10:29), while the southern kingdom maintained the traditional worship in the temple of God located in Jerusalem though their heart too was gone from Him. In one layer we can see the Type of America’s liberals and conservatives dividing their nation between those holding to a traditional Christian nation and those demanding a full separation between Church and State with the intent to remove the Church altogether.
* * *

The Destruction of the Northern Kingdom:
Because of the Northern kingdom’s departure from God and the subsequent spiral of confusion into every abomination without restraint of clear moral guilt (II Kings 17:16-17), God began a program of early destruction for the Northern kingdom (II Kings 10:31-33). That destruction ended with the conquest of the Northern Kingdom of Israel by the Assyrian king Shalmaneser (II Kings 17:2,18+22-24).
Notice the long period between the destruction declared by God in II Kings 10:29 and the actual fulfillment in II Kings 17:22-24. The details of why the delay and the end result are well worth studying in this short section of II Kings along with Daniel chapters 1-4 by Type in the life of Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian as collective Israel, but to avoid excessive rabbit-trailing we simply must continue with our present topic; The northern kingdom of Progressives was utterly taken away and never returned.

“For the children of (the northern kingdom called) Israel walked in all the sins of Jeroboam which he did; they departed not from them; until the LORD removed Israel out of his sight, as he had said by all his servants the prophets. So was Israel carried away out of their own land to Assyria unto this day” II Kings 17:22-23.

“And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger. Therefore the LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight: there was none left but the tribe (kingdom) of Judah” II Kings 17:17-18.

The complexity of this division and the timeline of their different removals lend to long explanations for accuracy. Without my added parenthesis this passage rightly speaks of Israel as a whole nation and truly only the tribe of Judah remained with Godly seed still in tact. My added parentheses define the “half way” point specifics that we are now discussing. So as a whole nation taken captive, it was accomplished by both the Assyrian and Babylon.

I have labeled the Assyrian king “The Perfect Storm” to represent the unusually extreme, very specific and intense, utter destruction like a tornado compared to the general and less specific destruction of a hurricane like Babylon. This kind of pinpoint tornado intensity is compounded by several other very accurate conditions to create the most destruction possible as if intelligently designed against its particular landfall destination for that purpose. This is called a Perfect Storm.
But that historical Perfect Storm Assyrian was then, this is now.
* * *

The Destruction of the Southern Kingdom:
Very shortly after the Northern Kingdom was hauled away; (the very next verse to be precise), we see that the Southern Kingdom of Judah didn’t get the message:

“Also Judah kept not the commandments of the LORD their God, but walked in the statutes (2708) of Israel which they made” II Kings 17:19.

What were statutes? The same thing they are today:

statutes 2708 chuqqah; feminine of 2706, and meaning substantially the same:-- appointed, custom, manner, ordinance, site, statue.
2706 choq; from 2710; an enactment; hence, an appointment (of time, space, quantity, labor or usage):-- appointed, bound, commandment, convenient, custom, decree (-d), due, law, measure x necessary, ordinance (-nary), portion, set time, statute, task.

While v.17 tells us their statutes of law legalized their children to be burned alive (*3), and made it lawful to hire fortunetellers, use witchcraft, and turn to all manner of darkness to receive guidance, their statutes also legalized prostitution, specifically approved Ponzi Schemes such as Social Security, etc., pharmaceutical drug dealing, and a myriad of other wickedness’s for profit; “Hey, it’s not unlawful so I’m not technically doing anything wrong.” (Feel free to go back and check these details against the passage; II Kings 17:17-18).
One of those modern divinations and enchantments we will discuss in a future Post is turning to medical “sources” other than God in the desire to become pregnant. Like American Christians today; the kingdom of Judah had become completely enamored by the statutes of their Northern Progressive counterpart, and even after Israel’s utter destruction Judah could not identify the cause. Likewise it is incredulous that I would suggest “alternative fertilization” might be an offense to God, How dare I!? But wait for it, we’re still getting to that.
* * *

Rabbit Trail:
As much as I would like to, I really can’t spend too much time on this side indictment against Israel, but have a look at II Kings 17:24-29. While the “faithful” nation of the Southern kingdom claimed be the followers of God yet followed after the iniquities of the Northern kingdom, the Pagan strangers that the Assyrian moved into the land of Northern kingdom were being so plagued that they asked the Assyrian to send them back a Northern priest to show them how to fear the LORD and thereby appease the God of the unfamiliar land they now lived in! The Pagan strangers had far more natural sensitivity to the spiritual than did God’s own people!
Talk about a confusion! The result was a very complex merging of Abraham’s original faith mixed into the mire of multi-sourced pagan religions (II Kings 17:29-32) resulting in this verse:

“They feared the LORD, and served their own gods, after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from thence” II Kings 17:33.

This can be a bit confusing because of all the players; so let me add some insight;

“They (the new settlers carried away from their own various homelands and installed in Israel by the Assyrian) feared the LORD, and (also) served their own gods, after the manner of the nations whom they (Assyria) carried away from thence (their various homelands) II Kings 17:33.

The new inhabitants of the Northern land of Israel was a conglomerate of many nations, themselves carried away from their own homes along with their unique gods, and in international courtesy asked for an Israelite priest of the land to be sent to help them become comfortable. They did not desire to offend the god of the land whomever he was. The fact that the Assyrian complied is archeologically not a surprise as the world at the time, like India today, believed in millions of gods that occupied everything locally.
Do you suppose their polite universalism of all religions pleased God because they included him too? Doubtful, God is not interested in being anyone’s addition to their collection of gods. This includes Chrislam.
Now this might not mean anything to you right now, but it will in a few years, as Christianity will feel obligated by the love and kindness of Christ to accommodate Islam into the faith so that we can all get along.

The continuing verses of II Kings 17:33-41 on the heels of 17:7-12 shows a very confusing condition of “the now,” “the former ways,” and “the pre-former ways,” resulting in a homogenization of many religious elements like a chimera of faith.
The southern kingdom could see this chimeric abomination by the strangers and so perhaps thought they were doing well by avoiding all the foreign religions and following the “Jewish ways” of their northern sister, forgetting that those corrupted ways were borrowed earlier from those they themselves displaced, and were what got the Northern Tribe delivered into captivity.
This confusion is Typed in the desire of Republicans to make a return from Progressivism back to their former corrupt Republican administration. Such a return by comparison looks like a great move in the right direction, but according to these historical events such a move would only return us to the offense that caused God to destroy us in the first place, which ended up in this Progressive Globalism of values we now see in Obama while the progressives looking at Republicanism today literally mock the stubborn Republicans for wanting their proven destructive “old-fashioned” ways back. This is indeed a complex storm that never finds its way back to the ways of our original founders.
* * *

Back to the Southern Kingdom:
Not many years later the Southern kingdom had a new king named Hezekiah (II Kings 18:1) and he was remarkably Godly without compromise (II Kings 18:3-8). Verse 7 informs us that king Hezekiah even rebelled against the king of Assyria at the blessing of God, and so we need to back track a few chapters to see that while the Northern kingdom was being displaced by Assyria for rebelling against Assyria by turning to Egypt for help, Hezekiah’s father, king Ahaz, paid a heavy fee to pacify the Assyrian regarding the Southern kingdom (II Kings 16:7-9), asking the Assyrian to defend Judah against Syria whom the LORD sent to plague them (II Kings 15:37). Tiglathpileser, the sitting Assyrian king, accepted the call and killed Rezin the king of Syria (16:9).

So now we see the history of how Judah remained in their Southern land but paid an allegiance to Assyria, while the Northern kingdom attempted a failed rebellion and was removed for it.
Now in chapter 18, Hezekiah, the new king of Judah, turned fully to the LORD and was so blessed by God that God granted him a successful rebellion from the Assyrian king who was now Sennacherib (II Kings 18:7 and 19:20), but you have to wonder about probable complaints of the “faithful” people as the king seemed to imitate the failure of the sinful Northern kingdom. In the narration of the events of this rebellion we see important details that also apply by Type but we are just going to have to skip for space and clarity.
Having turned the Southern nation’s administration fully to God, Hezekiah was able to appeal to God for deliverance and God heard his cry (II Kings 19:19-20), and before we move on, note in v.24 the “strange waters” which Sennacherib drank to aid him as similar to the strong spirits of Kony in Uganda having no power over the repentant and cleansed of God.

What a wonderful turn-around for the kingdom of Judah, they really seemed to have learned how to permanently avoid the evil and choose the good (Isaiah 7:15), but we would be wrong. As is the nature of evils tactics, we tend to focus on what we are successful at and remain unguarded against what we are not attending; this is where the next attack comes from. While Hezekiah was very pleased with himself in God’s protection and miraculous “grace”(*4) he acted foolishly in ignorant confidence with the newly arrived strangers of Babylon, inviting them in, and shared all his government secrets if you will (II Kings 20:12-13). The enemy of my enemy is not as much my friend as the saying loves to promote. The enemy of your enemy may still be your enemy!

Now at the time, Babylon was just another of the Assyrian’s conquered nations, and in fact Babylonians were among those captives whom he relocated to the Northern kingdom (II Kings 17:24), which may be the motive for other Babylonians coming to visit them. Hezekiah could not know that they would soon be conquering Assyria and in so doing become not only the next GDE but the greatest GDE of all (Daniel 2:37, Revelation 17:10). But Isaiah did (II Kings 20:14-18). Verse 18 even specifically describes Daniel and his three friends. See Daniel 1:1-7 as the fulfillment of all Isaiah prophesied here.
And so we see that by Babylon’s extraordinary greatness, subversive strategies, and less specific yet earnest destruction, it is represented by the designation of “Super Storm.” But like the Assyrian; That was then and this is now.

I have spent a great amount of effort describing the last times Perfect-Storm Assyrian in general so that you can identify him by his singular nature of conquest, but almost no time yet describing the complex Super-Storm of Babylon. That will take some doing. Because if we Type the Assyrian as the nature of the single minded easy to understand sexually driven hunter “Man,” Babylon would be Typed by complex “Woman.”
I had speculated by hope that Romney would have won the election because now that he didn’t I am concerned I will not have the time to fully explain the nature of Babylon and you can bet I will not do it here in one Post. Please do not be alarmed if you are wholly unfamiliar with the following scientific concepts in this post, just read through it and you should get the general spiritual point easily enough.
* * *

The Super Perfect Storm:
Through the graphed and charted history of America we have seen a progressive increase in the size and magnitude of our nation’s weather storms that seasonally come from the East. In the confident modern Christian mystical-mindframe of Spiritual Alchemy one cannot see the quantum (*5) explanation of why this is the case, but by the careful chemical study of spiritual physics these collective events, though specifically unpredictable as individual particles, are not at all mystical as waves; their collective increase in magnitude, intensity, and frequency are easily predicted and we have the Biblical textbook that walks us through “the math” at the quantum level.
Like a specifically aimed particle of light in quantum Spiritual Physics the temporal result of a single storm appears random and unpredictable: What causes the increased magnitude and intensity of the storm? When will the storm come? How strong or big will it be? What course will it track? What targets will it hit? What destruction will it cause? These are all unexplained variables that will not allow us to make an accurate collective prediction, but in simply understanding the existence of the quantum dimension of God we can be assured that there are specific rules in that realm that remove the mystery as a wave pattern while the specific particle destination remains a mystery until it lands. Focus on the particle destination, and how it gets there no longer makes sense. Quantum physics explains how God is both fully in control and we are individually free agents at the same time.
The holy Scriptures of God are literally an explanation of quantum mechanics in the language of our temporal reality. We speak of more than three dimensions as a way of describing quantum mechanics by our three-dimensional minds just as a three dimensional cube is complexly described on a two dimensional paper:

Unfolded, we see that a two dimensional world will describe a three dimensional cube as six identical two-dimensional squares all in a mysteriously specific order of proximity for reasons the two-dimensional world cannot fully comprehend. Viewing the folded cube in the last sequence, from an angle, even in two dimensions we can get an idea how these squares all lay together, but to the two-dimensional mind most those squares are now warped and half of them are even missing entirely. The two dimensional mind would say there are now only three squares and two are corrupted. If we label all these six squares as individual two-dimensional realities, after it is folded we find three of those realities no longer exist, two are warped into corruption, and one is determined to be the complete two-dimensional reality that is accepted in the two-dimensional mind as the only true third dimensional square where reality is understood. In otherwords they completely miss the concept of the internal reality of a complex three dimensions while they get excited to explore the warped possibilities of two other realities other than the one they normally experience and understand.
Now turn that cube so that it is seen full on and we see that our three dimensional representation actually becomes nothing more than a two-dimensional square with no extra parts, and so, by the viewing angle, it CANNOT be distinguished for the three-dimensional cube that it is. This is what I call Spiritual Alchemy as we view our own temporal world not seeing the undiscerned complexity even as we study the scriptures to understand it. Our two-dimensional spiritual scientists of “life and death” are having a tough time understanding the three-dimensional elements of “life and death and eternity,” while we Christian “scientists” have just as much difficulty contemplating the spiritual at the quantum level even though the Book describes it plainly.

Now, Looking again at the above unfolded representation of a three-dimensional cube in two dimensions, let’s use our temporal storms as our wordpicture, and call the outside cells “normal storm components”; be they hurricanes, tornados, wind patterns, tidal activity, population density, warning technology, evacuation means, etc.
We see that on one leg there is even a combined twin celled storm component that would make it worse/more complex than “a normal storm” so let’s call that combination an “unusually complex storm.” Noticing that the comparatively rare center cell is simultaneously connected to three normal storm components and an unusual storm combination, let’s call the center cell a “Perfect Storm” of unfathomable destructive power. Now fold that together into a three-dimensional cube where every storm component side is connected to another, and we end up with an exceedingly more complex “Super Storm.” There is just no way possible that “the math” of our above Storm Chart will allow for anything having more destructive power than that!
…Or is there?

In 1954 Salvador Dali created a painting of the Crucifixion of Christ that appears to be almost blasphemous in its “artistic license”; “What was the guy thinking?!” (
Although his video interview reveals a confused mind and a rudimentary understanding of Nuclear Physics at best, his related painting reveals a surprisingly deep comprehension in application of the newly discovered quantum levels as they pertain to the spiritual reality that they rightly enhabit. BUT, the application there can be very dangerous indeed! (*6).

In this strange painting we see a three-dimensional representation of what might be considered the forth or fifth dimension (*7) but I believe it more accurately would be called the quantum reality reflected in three dimensions. Each of these cubes reflects an entire reality but inseparably connected to the others in a specific pattern that has a mysterious meaning for how the fifth dimension must be folded; it is not the quantum fifth dimension without all of these three-dimensional possibilities even though we can comprehend by experience only one. In a way, I offer my presentation of prophetic “layers” as a kind of incomplete explanation of the “cycles” of prophecy that all have independent application through event, locality, and time, yet still point to a specific singular intent when its many layers and cycles are folded up.
It seems apparent that Salvador Dali had an almost unbelievable understanding of this truth as he painted Christ the Creator and Savior attached solely at our singular reality cube but clearly covering every reality that makes up the quantum dimension; i.e. the quantum world of unexplainable potential variations that manifest in reality in different ways.

Now, fold this fifth-dimensional reality of fourth-dimensional possibilities as you would the three-dimensional example and we end up with the image of a three-dimensional cube that contains seven other relatively identical unseen cubes occupying the same space at the same time, this “heavy” cube CANNOT be distinguished from a common three-dimensional cube which is easily understood in our three-dimensional world. Turn that heavy cube head on and we actually see the image of a two-dimensional square that cannot be distinguished from a three-dimensional cube! In the simplistic two-dimensional presentation we can simply say with the apostle Paul:

“And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified” I Corinthians 2:1-2.

Yet Paul had plenty more to say in scripture regarding the details of that simple declaration. Even the fifth dimension of quantum mechanics with all its complexity is still a single simple reality to God. And of a truth, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ the Creator of all the dimensions covers the entire scope and every element complex or simple. There is no reality or potential reality or even imagination of reality that Christ’s blood is not necessary or sufficient to cover (II Corinthians 10:5). Are you hearing the depth of what this means in our scientific age of unlimited imagination? (I Corinthians 2:10).

Now, look at each independent six-sided excessively complex Super Storm cube all attached in the exact order necessary to fold together as eight Super Storms perfectly combine to create a “Super Perfect Storm”! This is the final storm even now approaching, preceded by an ever increasing series of stronger and more complex storms before it arrives like the growing chambers in the shell of a nautilus.
The self-professed “wise” four-dimensional minded globalist will try to confuse your simple three-dimensional mindframe that Jesus Christ the Son of God is only relevant in one three-dimensional reality while they play in the other dimension possibilities that we will soon explore in upcoming posts.
This is the very mind expanding concept of Star Trek, where our human rules are irrelevant to other life forms in other galaxies without the need of a savior, and the beginning of describing Mystery Babylon even before adding her complex concept to the single-minded violent Perfect Storm of Islam. What do you think NASA is doing spending hundreds of billions of dollars sending spacecraft into the cosmos for nothing more than an obsessed search for other life outside of the Savior, and proof of an alternate explanation of how we came to be?
NASA is as real as you get in the temporal dimension, so if they are earnestly contesting Jesus Christ using that kind of money and energy there really must be something significant about Christ!
* * *

Scriptural concepts revealing the blend:
Just as the complex discussion to explain the so-called hypercube, the scripture’s discussion regarding the last Assyrian is not a simple short list of verses. So when I “sketch” a quick complex description of The Super Perfect Assyrian Storm by the following three-dimensional portions don’t assume that it will provide you an accurate comprehension; That is going to take a lot more work:
In the above complex discussion we saw a few “cells” of this concept through Israel’s compound captivity. In a simple timeline accounting of the events, the Assyrian came before Babylon, but then giving a general account we can rightly say that the nation of Israel was conquered and led away captive by Babylon and Assyria. The obvious question of the uninformed, who dropped in without all the previous info, would be to ask in confusion; “Which is it?” “Were the Jews led away into Assyria or Babylon? Or did they join forces and conquer Israel together?” A simple answer cannot resolve the confusion.

The scriptures have a surprising amount to say regarding this last Assyrian, but because the scriptures cover a very long history and reveal many Assyrians through time, sometimes mixing the descriptions by prophetic multiple meanings and sometimes calling him by other names in Type as well as identifying specific descriptions of certain portions of his nature, it is all very confusing. How can The Assyrian be the king of Babylon as well as being Roman, and coming from Egypt etc.? The answer is found by identifying which three-dimensional cube each detail fits, and then joining those related edges to their proper adjoining cube in a way that allows the whole thing to be folded into a “heavy” fifth-dimensional multi-layered, single three-dimension cube of reality. Allow me here at the end of this post to briefly show a single very powerful example that has long brought confusion and wrong foundational interpretation:

Daniel 9:26b is the middle section of a single verse, itself a mere portion near the end of a very pivotal prophecy that has been interpreted by the now-past fulfillment. Obviously the fulfillment of a prophecy is the best unarguable interpretation… or is it?
Let’s have a look:

“…And the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary…” Daniel 9:26b.

This verse fragment comes on the heels of the foundational prophecy regarding the presentation of Jesus as the Messiah on a specific day in time, and his subsequent crucifixion for the sins of mankind (Daniel 9:25). That section of prophecy itself is couched in the Big-Picture prophecy regarding the Jews and Jerusalem through time (Daniel 9:24).
So there is our background.

Jesus was crucified in 33 AD and Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed in 70 AD by the Romans. This is not up for speculation or debate as every possible angle to reach another people falls pathetically short. Obviously the Romans that destroyed the city and the sanctuary were the unarguable people of the prince that shall come. Period.

Then the next verse; 27, positively identifies that prince is in fact the Antichrist that brings the final seven years of a long horribly tormented earth without Christ as king. Again; unarguable.

THEREFORE it cannot be disputed that the Antichrist is Roman… But I disagree with this conclusion!

Yet once that “indisputable fact” is firmly in place, there are many additional supporting scriptural confirmations as well as available interpretations of other prophecies including that the city of Rome and the Roman Catholic Church whore are the Revelation 17:18 city described as Babylon.
I used to wonder why God would design his word in such a way as to allow these deep and complex confirmations of error to those who are earnestly seeking to discover what the scriptures are saying. See Psalm 2:3 vs. Zechariah 11:14 as an example, or Daniel 7:20 vs. Zechariah 11:8, where God intentionally creates an opportunity to confuse just who is who in the narrative and God more than once justifies doing one event himself but condemns the same event done by another. While this seems just plain wrong, it is recognizably Typed in commanding an adulterer to be killed but blessing the same physical union in marriage. That’s not hard to figure out.
These intentional “wrong turn” opportunities of confusion make perfect sense to me now and are reflected in why Jesus said he spoke in parables (Matthew 13:13-15); one does not accidentally find yourself in heaven, or as the U.S. Marines like to say; “We’re looking for a few good men.” How come nobody brings suit against the Marines for unfairness, yet they are quick to blame God for being unfair?

“But,” you say, “I don’t want to be a Marine.”
Yes, but you don’t want to be a Christian either. Yet somehow you want the cool uniform and status as somebody going to heaven.

So with all the scriptural evidence backed up by historical fulfillment, how can the Antichrist prince NOT be Roman?
Well, the first hint is that the wicked City of Rome is not named Babylon, of the Chaldeans, built in the desert, on the Euphrates River, in Ur, the land of Shinar, all prophetic descriptions of the Great Whore city that rides the Empire of the Assyrian.
But more specifically, in Daniel 7:7-26 we now understand by detail, explained in several previous posts, that the Assyrian is the Iron Beast prince of an Empire that spans at least four identifiable phases; the first being the Roman empire and the last being a seven kingdom Islam with ten kings, himself being in addition. Therefore the people of the Roman empire that destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple are the people not of the prince that ruled them at the time, but of the prince that shall come; i.e. the Assyrian Antichrist who is also the prince of Hitler, and Kony, and Egypt, and Babylon, etc. That Miry prince is the Prince of Violence, and is still coming to present himself in the form of a hybrid man. (Which we still have not discussed how that can happen).

So although I have little doubt that Rome and her Church will most probably play a still future role in that empire of violence, Rome is not the identity that we should be using to recognize his coming, other than to comprehend the nature of the Assyrian’s unspeakable “justified” violence against the holy people.
This is the same concept we should be using to identify the nature of the wicked city rather than supposing it is the Rome of Italy.
* * *

Now don’t give up because this post was so full of scientific information that was perhaps way above your head, the following posts will not be so scientifically based…. or at least I will try.
Who am I kidding? This scientific comprehension is fundamental to our entire new age!
* * * * * * *

(*1) Beauty and the Beast Post 250: (

(*2) Shadetree:
Post 189 Sunburn : ( This discusses in detail the logic of the Psalm 91:1 “Shadow of the Almighty” as protection from the burning sun.

(*3) Saline Abortion:
“After the toxic mixture is injected, the baby swallows the salt solution and is poisoned and his skin burned. After suffering for 1 to 12; hours, the baby’s heartbeat stops. The corrosive effect of the salt solution burns the lungs and strips away the outer layer of the baby’s skin. The mother goes through labor and soon delivers a burned, shriveled and dead baby. The abortion, in medical terms, is considered a success. Because the unborn child’s pain receptors in the nervous system have developed, an unborn child can feel pain at 13 to 14 weeks gestation, well before saline abortions are performed” - (

(*4) The Sands of Time:
Review II Kings 20:11 in the events of 20:1-11, as the technique that Satan’s Son will attempt to use himself! (Daniel 7:25).
Disney’s latest princess story, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, continues the same theme I have sugested in several previous posts. I intend to explain this in detail later but this pre-information post is important to understand it.

(*5) What is Quantum Physics?
“Quantum physics is a branch of science that deals with discrete, indivisible units of energy called quanta as described by the Quantum Theory. There are five main ideas represented in Quantum Theory:
1) Energy is not continuous, but comes in small but discrete units.
2) The elementary particles behave both like particles and like waves.
3) The movement of these particles is inherently random.
4) It is physically impossible to know both the position and the momentum of a particle at the same time. The more precisely one is known, the less precise the measurement of the other is.
5) The atomic world is nothing like the world we live in.”

- (

(*6) The danger I speak of is our four-dimensional perception of Quantum domain where we assume Christ’s covering crucifixion covers even Satan and his angels in that realm, and therefore allows the possibility of his salvation and restoration, which would allow us to cohabit with them by the approval of God. This is a miss application of dimensions that we don’t comprehend by using the concepts of a four dimensional mind.

(*7) Forth or Fifth Dimension?
Proper science will tell us that the fourth dimension is time itself, and as independent three-dimensional cubes composing the so-called “hypercube” in this painting, each cube in the painting must needfully contain time incorporated by the collection of many cubes and not separably displayed in each three-dimensional cube and therefore collectively viewed as a representation of the fourth dimension of time. In this way the painting might suggest that each cube is a variable representation of many points in time but this is a flawed view as by rolling up the supposed hypercube, all the contents now occupy the same space at the same time which is not the declared properties of a tesseract . This is why I suggest the actual painting does not show a hypercube, but rather represents the fifth dimension or; the quantum realm as Salvador Dali suggests by the single crucifixion of Christ compassing them all.
This is of course a very complex argument as they are, for most practical purposes, one in the same thing until you enter the quantum realm itself.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

So it Snowed

Line-by-line Jeremiah 26-27
November 10, 2012
Post 275

I told you it would snow and now it has snowed.

“Your right!” you mock behind your sniggering, “Amazing that you saw that coming… since it ALWAYS snows in the winter!”

And sure enough, we have another liberal president. We have had many liberal presidents before; it’s simply a natural process, so why am I all; “IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD! And stuff,” now at this election?
That would be a good question, but the problem is not the question. The problem is the mocking opposition without earnestly asking my reasoning behind the seemingly over-reaction to a normal thing.
“So it snowed; what’s the big deal?” should be the honest question asked.
This is the question I will answer:
* * *

First Snow:
I now have about a foot of snow at my place. And while that may seem like a debilitating amount to many cities across America, there are many others that scoff at it as wholly unworthy to even mention for its insignificant volume. Why is that?
Obviously it is because of familiarity and nothing more.
Communities familiar with eight feet of snow through an average winter will comprehend my declaration of a foot based on their familiarity with snow and react with boredom, while communities that virtually shut down when they get two inches have a different comprehension of what a foot means. Exactly the same declaration but received in comprehension very differently.

Now by my use of snow and winter as idioms for the events of discomfort in a period of violence, we begin to see that the comprehension of what that actually means is quite diverse, depending on the familiarity one is to discomfort and violence.
I imagine the street thug in New York City might shrug at my warning of violence because he believes I have no idea what violence is by comparison. And likewise I imagine the family farmer of a small sleepy Midwest town pictures violence as perhaps his son coming home from school with a black eye.
But while we might want to spend time analyzing this unknown variable of just what I meant, my point goes far beyond that. My declaration was that when it comes, this excessively strong winter will last for something like a prophetic 70 years! By my use, in the perspective of how long a winter normally lasts, you can comprehend that my meaning of 70 years is not a calendar period of counting days, it is an eternity by comparison of normal.
And here is where I get my first public opposition.

While publicly forecasting specific details of winter severity is so “50/50” as to possibly being correct that no one will voice an argument even if they think them wrong, it is quite safe to publicly decry the fool who proclaims that this winter will last for 70 years!
That just doesn’t happen. Everybody knows that doesn’t happen. You don’t have to be a trained meteorologist to know that it doesn’t happen. And so the common person who has never even looked at a barometer in their entire life can still voice confidently that such a proclamation is utter foolishness… even when the person making the declaration is in fact a pathological meteorologist with a huge volume of technical data to back up his claim. It just doesn’t happen.
Such was the case in which we find Jeremiah who as God’s meteorologist declared that particular winter would last 70 years if they did not repent:

“In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah came this word from the LORD, saying, Thus saith the LORD; Stand in the court of the LORD’s house, and speak unto all the cities of Judah, which come to worship in the LORD’s house, all the words that I command thee to speak unto them; diminish them not a word: If so be they will hearken, and turn every man from his evil way, that I may repent me of the evil, which I purpose to do unto them because of the evil of their doings” Jeremiah 26:1-3.

(“OK, deep breath, here we go:”)
In the first year of Obama the Lord sent me to speak, just outside the organized Church while to the American Christian (represented by the conservative Southern tribe of Judah as the house that followed the Lord while the Northern tribe, the liberals, was running wild without God). In the Type of Jeremiah and the spirit of Daniel I have done faithfully what I was told to do and I gave you this warning in great detail by my own words as I got them from the Lord through his word:

“And thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the LORD; If ye will not hearken to me, to walk in my law, which I have set before you, to hearken to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I sent unto you, both rising up early, and sending them, but ye have not hearkened; Then will I make this house like Shiloh, and will make this city a curse to all the nations of the earth” Jeremiah 26:4-6.

Have I not made this message clear by many, many words in a context and format that today’s information age can easily comprehend?
As evidenced by the number of hits on my free and public blog I know the people have at least had access to it via a necessary word of mouth, which did not happen. Even most the readers who accepted and believed my work were too afraid to share it with others lest they be classed as radicals. These Christian people are the priests as I have shown in the previous post. I also sent my book and several manuscript portions to several of the best-known prophets of American Christianity, without a single reply.

“So the priests and the prophets and all the people heard Jeremiah speaking these words in the house of the LORD” Jeremiah 26:7.

I will give you that all the Christian people have not heard my message, in fact, by the pathetic counter volume, it could be said virtually no one has heard it. But here’s the thing; I am not Jeremiah. Jeremiah already presented his message and it is included in the Holy scriptures for every Christian to read and hear, so actually in the spirit of Belshazzar’s no second chance, my repeat of Jeremiah’s previous message is not actually even needed, it is only a bonus reminder if you will, helping the world see the connection from then to now. This isn’t about me and you don’t need to hear my specific message to be accountable to Jeremiah’s, which you do need to hear. Since every Christian in America has a bible, every Christian (represented by the worshipers of the southern house) has had access to the message and this verse is checked off as fulfilled.

So what was the reaction of “the faithful people of God”; the “Conservative Christian” if you will, of the Southern house?

“Now it came to pass, when Jeremiah had made an end of speaking all that the LORD had commanded him to speak unto all the people, that the priests and the prophets and all the people took him, saying, Thou shalt surely die” Jeremiah 26:8.

Well now there’s a fine How-do-you-do!
Jeremiah didn’t go into the North and attempt to deliver his message from the alter of the golden calf; he gave God’s message to those who were most likely to receive it; God’s self-declared people of faith, reminiscent of Jesus taking his message first to the Jews to be rejected by them as “worthy to die.” Are you seeing the cycles here? Not as carbon copies of exactly the same details but fulfilling exactly the same concepts. This is what it means to be a Type.

After four years of writing this public blog (but not yet finished speaking all that the LORD has command me), on the first day after the Black Spirit of Violence was officially seated as the new god of America, I finally get my first series of verbal opposition…and all the opposes are Christian Americans. Of course they are; it’s right on cue:

“Why hast thou prophesied in the name of the LORD, saying, This house shall be like Shiloh, and this city shall be desolate without an inhabitant? And all the people were gathered against Jeremiah in the house of the LORD” Jeremiah 26:9.

Remember, these were not the Godless calf worshipping sinners on the streets of the North, nor were they the sinners on the streets of the South who knew God even if they didn’t go to his temple to serve him. No, these opposes of Jeremiah were the publicly “faithful of God” who attended church every Sunday, they were the common bench warming attendee, the pastors of the Church and the ministers of prophecy; The entire organized Church was very angry at Jeremiah’s message of gloom. But the curious thing is that they didn’t even know why Jeremiah would say such things!

“God is a God of love, not an angry God as you describe! We are the faithful of God so why do you come here of all places to preach this angry message? Jeremiah you obviously don’t know God, and so in the spirit of protecting God’s holy name we must destroy you and your message of hate!”

OK, so here, within a week or so, is about where we are on the obscure timeline of Jeremiah’s prophetic events as there is but a foot of snow on the ground. In all reality a foot of snow is just a normal wintry inconvenience and nothing to really get worked up over. Some hear my message of the first foot of snow and come fully unglued because to them a foot is devastating, while others blow-off my message as the ravings of a religious whacko that has no significance on their circumstances beyond “Put on your boots it’s getting deep in here!”

Fair enough, it’s only a foot.
* * *

The Next Few Feet:
Verse 10 begins as the Federal public servants get involved;

“When the princes of Judah heard these things, then they came up from the kings house unto the house of the LORD, and sat down in the entry of the new gate of the LORD’s house” Jeremiah 26:10.

From 1963-64 up until Obama, there has been a very strong wall of separation between Church and State. I am not making a judgment, just an observation. But from the very beginnings of Obama’s political career, he has brought “his anti-Church church” along with him to directly affect the State (*1). Again, not a criticism, just an observation.
Almost overnight we saw a new turn in political policy as Nancy Pelosi from her public office of Speaker of the House rambled-on in her “eye-winking” religious confusion regarding The Word, which is now apparently “acceptable” back in the halls of Congress in spite of the Church/State segregation. Hollywood too suddenly began a whole new approach to religion and faith, and while formerly using them only as targets for mockery, now plies them in the same Nancy Pelosi confusion. A new futuristic global conglomerate of strange faith is now being pushed like drugs on the street as a thing desired.
So the President sends his CIA agents to the Church to talk things over with the hierarchy in the solidarity of this New Gate of political religious order:

“Then spake the priests and the prophets unto the princes and to all the people, saying, This man is worthy to die; for he hath prophesied against this city, as ye have heard with your ears” Jeremiah 26:11.

We get no impression that the Government agents had anything to say; they went to listen… apparently. It was the Church leadership that proclaimed to the Agents, and to the public, what was true and false; “The official Church has spoken on this matter.” Again we see the amazing Type of Jesus’ trial played out in the repeating cycle.
So did the Government agents have any influence on the Church administration? You bet it did, just as Rome had taken up rule over the Sanhedrin while allowing them to “Rule” with a new mindframe of the way things should be. Today we see the Government directing the fundamentals of the Church while allowing it the allusion of self-governance:

“No Hate speech,” “You must ordain women and Sodomites,” “You cannot stand against abortion or stop the government from giving your daughters contraceptives, etc., etc." “Ok, so now tell us about this Jeremiah guy.”

“This man is worthy to die; for he hath prophesied against this city, as ye have heard with your ears.”
(See Mark 14:63-64).

Why did the priests and the prophets determine that Jeremiah should die? Because he blasphemed God? No. Because he broke their laws? No. This was purely a political game to cover up the real reasons they wanted this man dead. They artfully used a concept that the Feds had jurisdiction over in the New Gate of the Church:
National Security via Hate Speech legislation to provide a cover for shutting him up.
Oh that is smooth! But more shocking is how accurately it Types America today.

Now get this; Jeremiah did not make a public apology or even call the UCLJ to ply the law and get him acquitted for the crime of Hate Speech! Rather he confirmed his message:

“Then spake Jeremiah unto all the princes and to all the people, saying, The LORD sent me to prophesy against this house and against this city all the words that ye have heard.
Therefore now amend your ways and your doings, and obey the voice of the LORD your God; and the LORD will repent him of the evil that he hath pronounced against you.
As for me, behold, I am in your hand: do with me as seemeth good and meet
(3477) unto you” Jeremiah 26:12-14.

Meet 3477 yashar; from 3474; straight (literally or figuratively):-- convenient, equity, Jasher, just, meet(-est), + pleased well right(-eous), straight, (most) upright(-ly, -ness).

Note also that Jeremiah did not make his reply to the Church leadership. He knew that they were not interested in the law or what was morally right and wrong or even what was scripturally true, they wanted him dead because he offended their authority.
Jeremiah spoke his message to the Feds and the people; to the Feds because by his message they could evaluate for themselves whether it broke the secular law or not, and to the people because in the power of democracy they could if they wanted to, stop the proceedings, but primarily Jeremiah repeated his message to them because getting the message out was the most important element. He did not give a defense; he preached his message!
How hard is it to figure out how this applies to you if you are a Christian spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a setting where that is offensive to the powers that be?
Why did it not matter to Jeremiah what they did to him? Because he knew full well that he was the embodiment of the message of God. Again, the Type of Christ!

“Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake” Matthew 24:9.

“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you” John 15:18-19(+).

Jeremiah WAS the message, how they treated him was how they responded to the message. Jeremiah knew that it was not about him but about the message.

“But know ye for certain, that if ye put me to death, ye shall surely bring innocent blood upon yourselves, and upon this city, and upon the inhabitants thereof: for of a truth the LORD hath sent me unto you to speak all these words in your ears” Jeremiah 26:15.

Now we can fully comprehend that Jeremiah was not pleading for his life; he was pleading for theirs!

“Then said the princes (Feds) and all the people unto the priests and to the prophets; This man is not worthy to die: for he hath spoken to us in the name of the LORD our God” Jeremiah 26:16.

In an unexpected turn we see that the Feds actually sided with the common Christian against the Church leadership in defense of Jeremiah’s message that made sense (Luke 23:14). This does not mean they actually believed it, only that they believed Jeremiah was convinced that his message was actually from the same LORD God that they figured they served in their temple worship. Obviously the common Christian saw this argument differently than the Church Authority, and the Secular Law administrators seemed to agree with the people.
THEN, for reasons they do not make clear, some of the well-renown and long established social leaders finally joined in to share their two-cents on the matter (Mark 15:11):

“Then rose up certain of the elders of the land, and spake to all the assembly of the people, saying, Micah the Morasthite (Micah 1:1) prophesied in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah (just before Babylon’s first conquest), saying Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Zion shall be plowed like a field, and Jerusalem shall become heaps, and the mountain of the house as the high places of a forest.
Did Hezekiah king of Judah and all Judah put him at all to death? Did he not fear the LORD, and besought the LORD, and the LORD repented him of the evil which he had pronounced against them? Thus
(if we kill him) might we procure great evil against our souls...

It looks like Jeremiah has an ally in the leadership!... but their oration continues:

...And there was also a man that prophesied in the name of the LORD, Urijah the son of Shemaiah of Kirjathjearim, who prophesied against this city and against this land according to all the (same) words of Jeremiah: And when Jehoiakim the king, with all his mighty men, and all the princes, heard his words, the king sought to put him to death: but when Urijah heard it, he was afraid, and fled, and went into Egypt; and Jehoiakim the king sent men into Egypt, namely, Elnathan the son of Achbor, and certain men with him into Egypt. And they fetched forth Urijah out of Egypt, and brought him unto Jerhoiakim the king; who slew him with the sword, and cast his dead body into the graves of the common people (apparently with no consequence to themselves) Jeremiah 26:17-23.

So just what did these elders suggest? Apparently NOTHING! They simply presented the “non-biased; Fair and Balanced” history of similar events with different responses. They apparently offered virtually no council; “leaving the choice to the people” …But:

Nevertheless the hand of Ahikam the son of Shaphan was with Jeremiah, that they should not give him into the hand of the people to put him to death” Jeremiah 26:24.

Well that was a close call. “Nevertheless” suggests that these community elders had seen the tide turning in Jeremiah’s favor and stepped in to sway the crowed back against him, it’s hard to say. All we know is that Ahikam was the guy that persuaded the Government agents not to let the people kill him. But make a special note who it was that would have put him to death; the people. Not the Feds, not the Church authority, but the democratic power of the faith-based people.
But… having the Jesus trial in the New Testament as a post-Type reflection of this trial, we can see that it was indeed the Church authority that moved the people to demand the Feds kill Jesus. So Ahikam stayed the emotionally fickle people susceptible to the will of the Church leadership of the elders.

Who was Ahikam? Well he was no ignorant youth. We see him first show up in II Kings 22:12 after his father Shaphan in the lineage of the scribes, served eight year old Josiah the king (II Kings 22:1-3). It was Shaphan who read the lost scriptures to king Josiah (II Kings 22:10) and his son Ahikam was already among the next generation young scribes of the king, who were sent to enquire of the LORD on behalf of the king and the people concerning the wrath of God proclaimed in the book against the same city and people to whom Jeremiah is now preaching (II Kings 22:12-13). Ahhikam, now the elder scribe, has got some serious first-hand familiarity with this old message as he saw the child king stay God’s wrath from a very troubled nation by simply responding to the warning! (II Kings 22:17-20 a must read!). Knowing that God made a special stay of destruction for Josiah, Ahikam most certainly had to have known that this king and people would not hear the warning that Josiah did!
* * *

Same Snowstorm, Different Day:
As we learned in recent Posts regarding the Genesis 7 multi-layered accounts of Noah, we see Jeremiah 27 does not begin a narration of a different time but rather different details of the same events of chapter 26.

“In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah came this word unto Jeremiah from the LORD, saying,” Jeremiah 27:1 (see 26:1 for comparison).

So why the second run-through rather than include all the details in one telling? The reason is because the first telling was a direct Type prophecy of Jesus Christ’s own message and trial while the second telling had important information that does not fit that Type. In the first telling Jeremiah even prophesied the putting to death of Jesus the innocent blood and the burden born by the people because of it! And like Abraham’s Isaac, his actual sacrifice was not required to make the point of the Type.
So were the elders right in thinking it didn’t matter to the outcome of the city whether they killed him or not? Hardly! What they hadn’t figured out is that they were still in the middle of a singular concept and in killing Urijah the city was judged but simply had not yet come to the time when it paid for it. Jeremiah was a third warning because while they listened to the first messenger, they killed the next one and poorly treated another in the image of Matthew 21:35-37 before the LORD sent his actual Son Typed by the previous messengers. It’s all the same message to the same city (yes, specifically Jerusalem in one layer but); the world’s people of God we now call the Church. I will later expound on the multi-layered complexity of this telling but for now let’s just follow the passage as it gives us more information of the same event:

“Thus saith the LORD to me;
Make thee bonds and yokes, and put them upon thy neck”
Jeremiah 27:2.

The bonds of course are straps and anchors to ensure the yokes stay connected in place, and the yokes were then, and still are today, large beams of wood specially crafted to fit the necks of large animals (often Oxen) from which are strapped instruments of plowing fallow ground in preparation of planting seeds. Speaking to a farming people they easily understood the significance of this “word picture” description using props.

The farming Hebrews knew that Jeremiah’s “so called” word from the LORD was telling them that whoever was declared to be wearing this yoke image was being prophesied to be the hard labor servants of Nebuchadnezzar, and once strapped into the get-up there is no chance of escaping that job. I say; “so called” because we will soon see that his prophecy was questioned as actually from the LORD, but let’s wait until we get there.

“and send them to the king of Edom, and to the king of Moab, and to the king of the Ammonites, and to the king of Tyrus, and to the king of Zidon, by the hand of the messengers which come to Jerusalem unto Zedekiah king of Judah; And command them to say unto their masters, Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Thus shall ye say unto your masters;” Jeremiah 27:3-4.

By this very specific list of nations we know that God was not being generic here. This is not some vague all encompassing arching of the hands to mean a general concept; Jeremiah had apparently made several copies of the yoke he wore as an example and told these messengers to return to their kings strapped up as he was and deliver his message to them. Those nations specifically were prophesied to become the beasts of labor unto the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar: But before we just jump to the message itself we should pause to note this strange setting; What were these national messengers doing coming to Zedekiah in Jerusalem?
Isn’t it obvious? These were delegates participating in an EU Summit to discuss this new Babylonian threat. Jerusalem was at the time the renowned seat from which God provided wisdom to the world leaders, Zedekiah was the President of the EU so to speak, and these nations were at least connected to God through Israel. In otherwords; they knew who God was and came for counsel. Jeremiah’s message was not the message of protection they expected from the EU Summit looking to God.
What? You thought our modern sophistication of international coalition is uniquely advantaged over the backward nations of the ignorant ages of the past? That arrogance is why we continue to repeat their mistakes!
Picture Jeremiah walking to the podium in a business suit carrying scale models and overhead projections of Nazi Concentration camps as props to show the EU delegates what Islam is projected to do to a specific list of current nations and you just might get the reality of his presentation.
NOW with a great new serious interest in the matter you lean forward and scan the list of nations on his hand-out to see if yours is on it! But don’t get too relieved yet when you don’t find it, he has a whole lot more to say in his “six hour long” presentation that affects far more than his short list before you now, and he will be back several more times throughout this summit to report new updates of intelligence from the LORD (feel free to jump ahead of me and read the whole book of Jeremiah!).

So now, what was the message Jeremiah gave to the specific delegates instructing them to return it to their kings?

Thus shall ye say unto your masters; “I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are upon the ground (including Daniel 7’s Four Diverse Beasts), by my great power and by my outstretched arm, and have given it (the earth) unto whom it seemed meet unto me” Jeremiah 27:5.

It is important to note here that these national delegates were not coming as personal worshipers of Israel’s God, just shirttail worshipers through Israel. Jeremiah is presenting to the EU conference information regarding the very real threat of the Babylonian GDE (Global Dominate Empire) to many nations, much as, not long ago, America was the top “respected opinion” in the UN because the wisdom of our God seemed to work in reality.
He starts off with the basics that perhaps they didn’t know, that is; Exactly who is in control of world events. Like today’s footnotes and resources quoted, I imagine Jeremiah presented a lot of historical and factual data to support his presentation but because we are so far removed from that summit the details are left out so that we don’t get confused about events not relevant to us today. In my “reenactment” of Jeremiah’s presentation I have included many such supporting evidences and documentations as to make my hard-to-believe proclamation at least palatable if not completely believable. Now that those foundational facts are out of the way he continues:

“And now have I (God) given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my servant; and the beasts of the field have I given him also to serve him.
And all nations shall serve him, and his son, and his son’s son, until the very time of his land come…”
Jeremiah 27:6-7a.

The reason why I end v.7 mid sentence is due to the complexity of the multi-layered use of this prophecy. In the time of Jeremiah this prophecy was very specifically given to them of his day and would affect them of his day. But the prophecy is also for us today. The cycle of the prophecy remains consistent to the same problem; it’s still the same God and the people still have the same propensity of unbelief, and the iniquity is still the same, and so the consequences are still the same. God is even so kind as to keep the players all basically the same while including with each unique cycle, satellite players that qualify under the same criteria of knowledgeable unbelief. Today unfortunately that includes America.
So God proclaims that he has given this large region of lands into the control of the king of Babylon. Historically this was a GDE located in the land we now call Iraq whose headquarters was a city of the same name as the Empire and found along the Euphrates River located just a few miles south of modern Baghdad. But note the authority with this hand is not the city or even the nation itself but the king. This allows for the prophetic cycle to include another king that rules over Babylon at another time. I will not develop this concept here but just point out that the last king of Babylon is also prophetically called The Assyrian (which you will note Assyria is not located in the region of Iraq), and you will note that this future Assyrian and Babylon are often spoken of in the same breath. Let’s call the Assyrian a Perfect Storm and Babylon a Super Storm. The last days combination…

But in this particular version of the multi-layered narration of Jeremiah 27 God is specifically speaking of the 590-588 BC triple fall of Israel and includes the surrounding nations to the GDE of Babylon (Jeremiah 39:1-2). In this particular event the prophecy Jeremiah was presenting to the EU was that the duration would last to the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar, which we now know by the evidence of archeology was in fact Belshazzar just as Daniel reported first-hand in Daniel 5 about 538 BC (according to the questionable date of the bible helps).

We have already covered the details of this period (*2) and so in this post I simply want to point out that Jeremiah prophesied that this God-ordained ruler of this region would extend for an undisclosed period that spans through three specific kings but does not prohibit perhaps even more unnamed kings between them. Now let’s finish that verse while contemplating perhaps a mystery that is yet to be fulfilled regarding the cryptic wording of; “the very time of his land come” before continuing with their specific event:

“…And all nations shall serve him, and his son, and his son’s son, until the very time of his land come: and then many nations and great kings shall serve themselves of him.
And it shall come to pass, that the nation and kingdom which will not serve the same Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, and that will not put their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, that nation will I punish, saith the LORD, with the sword, and with the famine, and with the pestilence, until I have consumed them by his hand”
Jeremiah 27:7-8.

“…And all nations shall serve him, and his son, and his son’s son, until the very time of his land come: and then many nations and great kings shall serve themselves of him.
And it shall come to pass, that the nation and kingdom which will not serve the same Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, and that will not put their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, that nation will I punish, saith the LORD, with the sword, and with the famine, and with the pestilence, until I have consumed them by his hand”
Jeremiah 27:7-8.

“The same Nebuchadnezzar” is a specific key phrase to bring their current events back to the front and so we should be careful not to assume this section would be written for future cycles; Today any Nebuchadnezzar as the king of Babylon would not be “the same Nebuchadnezzar” they faced. So what difference might that make? Namely that God is not requiring a subsequent cycle of people to submit to Nebuchadnezzar as he demanded of Jeremiah’s specific EU nations to do. This possible confusion is reflected as God sent the Hebrews into Egypt the first time to be their servants 400 years but any later cycles of people were actually forbidden to reenact the same path by returning to Egypt.
Why is this significant?
First off, don’t jump to imagine that God has forbidden any future cycles to go into Babylon as he did with Egypt, I find no such prohibition. But neither do I find any directive to submit to any future king of Babylon lest you fall under this curse of God to punish those that refuse. Are you confused yet?

Here is the point:
If…no, WHEN a future king of Babylon rises and calls himself Nebuchadnezzar (I mean besides Sodom Hussein) I find we are neither instructed to submit or denied to submit, apparently it is for us to determine this time. So how do we make that determination?
Ohhhh there is a good question!

The scriptures have intentionally left it cryptic for the purpose of making us dig for the answer and in so digging we will get an unintended wisdom that we will desperately need at the time! I purpose to spend many Posts expounding on the scriptures relating to the nature of this Babylon in order to help that generation make that choice with wisdom…because that is a very, very dangerous choice fraught with many ruinous pitfalls that are very nearly impossible to avoid. So why would any of God’s people choose to make that choice? It's because the alternative, though less complex, is a more sure and swift destruction. I believe America just made the sure and swift destruction choice. For the rest of the world, have a good watch because it may just persuade you to make the other (which is not in itself a good choice).
And now we are back to the Jeremiah prophecy that proclaims:

And it shall come to pass, that the nation and kingdom which will not serve the same Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, and that will not put their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, that nation will I punish, saith the LORD, with the sword, and with the famine, and with the pestilence, until I have consumed them by his hand” Jeremiah 27:8.

By whose hand comes these several forms of being consumed? God is the one speaking here so it can be none other than the king of Babylon. So is this Nebuchadnezzar a savior or a killer? He is both by complexity. Submit and he might not kill you, rebel and he will kill you. And here we find the deep no-right-answer of Uzzah in II Samuel 6. The real issue of warning in this passage is that they had no business transporting God’s Ark on a cart rather than on shoulder carried staves written into the law of Moses. They made this mistake by following the example of the Pagan Philistines who got their hands on God’s holy ways and seemed to be almost miraculously successful at the return of it. Uzzah had no right answer in his time because he should never have been in that circumstance which his authorites put him in.
Likewise America had no business getting themselves to the place where their only two choices were Obama and Romney. Instead of letting the Ark fall and living without God’s Holy oracle we chose to touch the Ark and die instantly. Think Hitler, for both the German soldiers doing the killing and the Jews being killed. Think Uganda. Are you getting the picture of this new America under Islam?
OK, I am getting ahead of the passage so let’s continue:

“Therefore hearken not ye to your prophets, nor to your diviners, nor to your dreamers, nor to your enchanters, nor to your sorcerers, which speak unto you, saying, Ye shall not serve the king of Babylon;” Jeremiah 27:9.

The EU delegates look at each other and shrug; “What? Who said anything about prophets diviners dreamers enchanters or sorcerers?”

What they don’t yet know, that Jeremiah does know, is that after the Summit these delegates will all return home to their kingdoms with the message and props from God’s Prophet, and in reply there will come out of the woodwork a myriad of prognosticators that will refute Jeremiah’s prophecy as wrong.
There will be a whole collection through many different means all confirming that Jeremiah did not hear from God. Jeremiah pre-knew this because God had shown it to him, so he continued his warning of this:

“For they prophesy a lie unto you, to remove you far from your land; and that I should drive you out, and ye should perish. But the nations that bring their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him, those will I let remain still in their own land, saith the LORD; and they shall till it, and dwell therein” Jeremiah 27:10-11.

You can just picture the King of Judah sitting smug in his “Speaker of the House” special chair feeling separated from the “Lesser Pagan Nations” before him as he listens to his countryman and prophet Jeremiah give them the “what-for.”
Then Jeremiah turns to him directly:

“I spake also to Zedekiah king of Judah according to all these words, saying, Bring your necks under the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him and his people, and live. Why will ye die, thou and thy people, by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence, as the LORD hath spoken against the nation that will not serve the king of Babylon?” Jeremiah 27:12-13.

Oh he has got to be squirming now as he does a double-take from gloating as “on Jeremiah’s team” to finding himself in the same boat with the other nations! He’s thinking to himself; “What just happened here? I didn’t see Judah on his short list.” Except it is there; cryptically for the affect of shock (see Jeremiah 26:3). But while he is dazed to comprehend the inclusion of Judah, God’s special seat and pet nation, Jeremiah continues speaking to him directly:

“Therefore hearken not unto the words of the prophets that speak unto you, saying, Ye shall not serve the king of Babylon: for they prophesy a lie unto you. For I have not sent them, saith the LORD, yet they prophesy a lie in my name; that I might drive you out, and that ye might perish, ye, and the prophets that prophesy unto you” Jeremiah 27:14-15.

God is really not being cryptic about this point; the LORD actually intends to destroy these nations and is setting them up for it. IF any of them seem to have a moment of wisdom and follow the advice of lone Jeremiah, God’s personal delegate to the Summit, then they can save their homes in a captive nation, but the cards are stacked fully against them as they will have every other voice in their nations telling them an opposite outcome. A few phone calls on the red-phone and they will quickly find an international coalition of collective thought confirming that they can beat this Nebuchadnezzar mad-man if they band together.
As a point of curiosity, note that the king of Judah does not have all the pagan advisers of mystical origin, he only has other “prophets of God” that agree with all the pagan wisdom on this matter. Jeremiah is quite alone in his “radical” presentation, regardless of his models, overheads, and large wooden props.

Verse 16 provides quite a lot of significant detail as to the exact timeframe in which Jeremiah made his public presentation before the EU:

“Also I spake to the priests and to all this people, saying, Thus saith the LORD; Hearken not to the words of your prophets that prophesy unto you, saying, Behold, the vessels of the LORD’s house shall now shortly be brought again from Babylon: for they prophesy a lie unto you. Hearken not unto them; serve the king of Babylon, and live: wherefore should this city be laid waste?” Jeremiah 27:16-17.

It becomes clear that this Summit was arranged after a significant experience with this Babylon and we see that the first siege of Jerusalem had already occurred and a good portion of the Temple instruments had been hauled away. It seems that even though Babylon had already conquered Judea but allowed then to stay, the general “spiritual” consensus was that a revival would soon break out and all would be restored. This is nothing new; they had been saying the same thing even before the first siege (Jeremiah 5) and Jeremiah had been consistently proclaiming that Judah would fall with the Pagans because of their unrepentance (Jeremiah 9:25-26). Reading through these early chapters we see several times God’s complaint was that the pastors were leading the people into a false security that actually kept them from the LORD (Jeremiah 2:8, 7:28, 10:21, 12:10, 22:22, 23:2). Now Jeremiah challenges the Hebrew people to test their prophets of God:

“But if they be prophets, and if the word of the LORD be with them, let them now make intercession to the LORD of hosts, that the vessels which are left in the house of the LORD, and in the house of the king of Judah, and at Jerusalem, go not to Babylon.
For thus saith the LORD of hosts concerning the pillars, and concerning the sea, and concerning the bases, and concerning the residue of the vessels that remain in this city, which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took not, when he carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah from Jerusalem to Babylon, and all the nobles of Judah and Jerusalem
(including Daniel);
Yea, thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, concerning the vessels that remain in the house of the LORD, and in the house of the king of Judah and of Jerusalem;
They shall be carried to Babylon, and there shall they be until the day that I visit them, saith the LORD; then will I bring them up, and restore them to this place”
Jeremiah 27:18-22.

Jeremiah provided a multi element proof of just who was speaking from God and who was speaking from emotion. First he told the confused people to challenge their prophets to ask God to bring back the Temple vessels as they said that he would do anyway. Jeremiah was saying; “Yes, by all means, appeal to God, cry to him and beg, go through all your regular religious activities and see if God will hear you. I am telling you that he will not, because this is what God told me; All the stuff left in the city; even the really big stuff like Solomon’s Brass Bath and the Temple’s two brass pillars, will go to Babylon as well. Yes, your prophets are right; they will be returned, but not this year or the next as they say, No, not for many, many years.”

Then the Summit was over and everyone dispersed.
* * *

How did Jeremiah tell them earlier to identify a true prophet of God?

“I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil ways, and from the evil of their doings”
Jeremiah 23:21-22.

Comforting everyone and telling them; “God loves you, everything will be alright” is a warm-and-fuzzy Rob Bell thing to say but it is a very destructive lie in that it inoculates them from repentance due to fear by recognizing the very real consequence of sin. If you don’t actually repent in earnest then most certainly everything will NOT be alright!
Glenn Beck keeps faithfully showing us how very bad everything really is, but then washes all the useful fear away by telling everyone that if we just treat people with warm-and-fuzzy hugs and kisses of community service and handing out bags of groceries to total strangers not knowing if they actually need it, the bad will all go away because thoughts of good always prevail.
Mr. Beck’s information is extremely accurate and desperatly needed, and for a long time I honestly thought that he was sent by God to warn America, and maybe he was, but somewhere he got his wires crossed with a false Jesus of good-will, and inoculates his listeners against the focus on true repentance that the fear should naturally bring. He rightly brings the fear but falls short of the answer.

“The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is chaff to the wheat? saith the LORD. Is not my word like as a fire? Saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” Jeremiah 23:28-29.

Am I not using enough of God’s word? Am I presenting one-verse theology to support my proclamation, or am I actually opening the very spirit of prophecy to reveal the foundational need for true in deep repentance before we can expect ANYTHING from God but wrath? Glenn Beck doesn’t even believe it matters which god you turn to, as long as it makes you a better person. What kind of faith in Jesus Christ is that?

“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed…For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ” Galatians 1:8,10.

I pray that Mr. Beck might repent of his generic Jesus of Good-will and return to the singular person of Yeshua the Son of God that brought him from a worthless life to a new life, before he confused the person of Jesus with “an idea.” Until then, harsh as it sounds, let Mr. Beck be accursed lest you become confused yourself by the truth he uses to powerless ends (see Post 227 On Tongues
* * *

How personal can Jeremiah’s message apply today?
I am not kidding; today as I write this I got a phone call from the Conservative Majority organization who are all geared up to unseat Obama with new information discovered about his Birth-Certificate treasonous activity and several other rock solid issues that are sure to impeach him… if only I would send them $150.00 to support their work.
I actually had to laugh.
But honestly, how do you say no to their request? What conservative could refuse to send them money in such a time of national need as this?
The reason I laughed and said “no thank you” is because I understand where we are in the scriptural prophecy; If there is no national repentance there will be no unseating of God’s specially sent destroyer, it doesn’t matter how much money or diligence or well wishing you throw at it…unless of course God is just replacing him by a worse one.
I laughed, and then explained to the caller that these are issues that needed to be won in the previous 4 years when there was still a chance, if it wasn’t done then, there is not a chance on this planet that it will happen now. Sending your daughter’s cold corps to rehab for Heroin overdose is simply a waste of money in foolish denial. America OD’d four years ago, she is officially pronounced dead on November 6, 2012. November 11 is just a little late to start a new and improved detox program; I will send my $150 to Uganda where it can still do some good.

Does the Conservative Majority actually mean well and think they can really do some good now when they couldn’t in his first term? I don’t know. But if they do, they are simply ignorant of reality, but who can tell them that without looking like the defeatist? And if they are really just leaches collecting money from the fearful then they have a really good scam going. Either way, it’s a waste of money to send it to them now.
Does this sound negative and defeatist? You bet it does, and that is going to work in the favor of the leaches feeding off the fearful and the hopeful who have no foundation but hope to stand on. How long are you going to perform CPR? America didn’t just swallow a grape that stuck in her throat a moment ago; she has been dying of aggressive cancer for many years. You don’t bring someone back that died from cancer by blowing air into her lungs, and it’s not defeatist to say so. Defeatism or Moving forward, are two perspectives of the same response. So the argument of perspective then simply becomes; “Who do you believe?”
It’s an; “I say it’s too late to save it,” “They say it’s not,” kind of thing. So who is right?

This was the dilemma faced by Jeremiah’s EU. And just as is done today; the winner is usually the opinion that gets the most democratic votes. But does a majority vote really determine what is actually true or false? Of course not; it only determines the response of action based on opinions of what is perceived to be true. Truth must be found elsewhere. And since the dilemma is regarding a future set of events, that truth is sought from those who are best skilled at projecting the most probable outcomes. That turns out to be; “prophets, diviners, dreamers, enchanters, and sorcerers.” Do you really think the Bible is outdated? The US Conservative President Ronald Reagan’s wife consulted Astrologers regularly for her husband, and yet Christians lauded him as the Godly Leader he presented himself to be, as they indeed should, and as he was (*3).

“And it came to pass through the lightness of her (the liberals) whoredom, that she defiled the land, and committed adultery with stones and with stocks. And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah (the conservatives) hath not turned unto me with her whole heart, but feignedly (8267) saith the LORD” Jeremiah 3:9-10.

Feignedly (8267) sheqer; from 8266; an untruth; by implication, a sham (often adverbial):-- without a cause, deceit (-ful), false (-hood, -ly), feignedly, liar, + lie, lying, vain (thing), wrongfully.

Now when you are a solid Christian nation it’s easy to choose to believe the predictions of Prophets over those of; diviners, dreamers, enchanters, or sorcerers, but it’s not so easy when in the opinion of the leadership these pagan predictions are elevated to the same or greater degree of probability.
The question must be asked;

“How did they get elevated to this degree?”

The answer is two-fold:
First; the Prophets began to provide a poor track record of accuracy, and Secondly; they were not rebuked for it (Deuteronomy 13:1-5).

So while they retained their status as supernatural diviners of the future, the pagan prognosticators, by a comparatively similar degree of correctness, were no longer mocked for their own percentage of failure to be right, so now everybody stands on the same shaky ground of uncertainty; prophets, diviners, dreamers, enchanters, and sorcerers, are all equally to be “trusted” and “not trusted” like a superstition that is not believed but still followed in belief. And so a wise collection of all their various predictions is collected, collated, and then voted on by the authority to determine the most probable outcome of future events. Without apology this is why I am not ashamed to be found wrong in my speculations; I am not a prognosticator or even a prophet to foretell the future in that way. Like Daniel, I am simply reading the writing of God’s prophets and figuring out what they wrote (Daniel 9:2-3). And while my emotional speculations remain provably untrustworthy, my understanding of God’s prophet’s writing is showing a promising record. Like Paul’s thorn in the flesh, this has a strong tendency to keep me quite humble and alert to my own ever-present potential of error and therefore a diligence to remain true to the actual text exclusive of my emotional input.

Jeremiah was God’s Prophet, he was not using his emotions or mental opinions as the other prophets did; Jeremiah was getting his info straight from GOD…and he knew it. The problem is how to get the people and the government’s leadership to believe that? The only real means was a public boldness to declare it so; as in “Thus saith the LORD,” and a challenge to back it up. Let’s review that challenge in yet another telling of those same events:
* * *

“And it came to pass the same year, in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah, in the fourth year, and in the fifth month, that Hananiah the son of Azur the prophet, which was of Gibeon, spake unto me in the house of the LORD, in the presence of the priests and of all the people, saying,”... Jeremiah 28:1.

Don’t get confused about the new inclusion of dates; it’s still the beginning of Zedekiah’s reign and still in the “week” of the national convention after the EU Summit, we just now know the dates of that convention according to the calendar. Now let’s continue with the public declaration of the prophet Hananiah:

“Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saying I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon. Within two full years will I bring again into this place all the vessels of the LORD’s house, that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took away from this place, and carried them to Babylon: And I will bring again to this place Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah, with all the captives of Judah, that went into Babylon, saith the LORD: for I will break the yoke of the king of Babylon” Jeremiah 28:2-4.

You simply cannot argue with his delivery; according to most every Christian today this “pre-New Testament” presentation passes the “Is it of God? smell test” of trying the spirits (I John 4:1+2-3). Hananiah a known prophet in Judah, publicly and plainly gives the credit of his prophecy to the God of Israel, calling him “the LORD of hosts” to make clear to which God we really are attributing this message; “This is God’s hope-filled message to his people.”
Oh what a joy to hear! Such a message to receive from an offical prophet of God just warms your heart as sure as today’s known bible scholars are prophesying the Rapture in our day! It’s a wonderful hope to cling to through the fearful times we now face.

But then that stick-in-the-mud Jeremiah cannot leave well enough alone and he has to take the podium to spew his negativity!
“Ladies and Gentlemen, Honored Guests, Mr. Speaker, Governors, President;”

“Then the prophet Jeremiah said unto the prophet Hananiah in the presence of the priests, and in the presence of all the people that stood in the house of the LORD, Even the prophet Jeremiah said, Amen...” Jeremiah 28:5-6a.

After a momentary silence of shock, the crowd erupts with cheers and standing ovations all around! Flash bulbs going off like strobe-lights as press-agents rush out to the phones. This is a glorious day indeed as the infamously negative prophet of God; Jeremiah, confirms the prophet Hananiah’s proclamation of “good and well-being” for Israel’s near future escaping the great shadow of Babylon!
But as Jeremiah quiets the crowd with his stoic silence, and the applause dies down to hear him, Jeremiah continues;

“Amen: the LORD do so: the LORD perform thy words which thou hast prophesied, to bring again the vessels of the LORD’s house, and all that is carried away captive, from Babylon into this place” Jeremiah 28:6b.

And a second round of cheers and applause erupts, the elation is overwhelming! The air is electric with excitement. And Jeremiah stands patient as he waits for the applause to again die before he continues;

“Nevertheless hear now this word that I speak in thine ears, and in the ears of all the people;
The prophets that have been before me and before thee of old
(like Charles Finney and David Wilkerson) prophesied both against many countries, and against great kingdoms, of war, and of evil, and of pestilence.
The prophet which prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the LORD hath truly sent him”
Jeremiah 28:7-9.

The room is deathly silent as his words try to sink in. What did he just say? What does that mean in light of the proclamation of peace? What does he mean? And finally a slow and quiet murmur grows from the crowd, as they finally comprehend his meaning; Jeremiah simply said; “Wait and see. A prophet of God’s peace is only a prophet of God when the peace he prophesies actually comes true.”

What Jeremiah just said in today’s language would be; “I sincerely wish you are right, but ‘I don’t think so,’ and you will all learn that soon enough.”

Suddenly the great wood yoke prop still on the neck of Jeremiah comes fully into focus in the minds eye. Until now, it was a silly prop that by long seeing it there on his neck through this conference in his formal dress suit, was soon ignored as “over-the-top” drama, but now it is seen as if “real” for the first time. Hannaniah saw it too, and it visually mocked his prophecy loudly, but he suddenly got a brilliant idea as if a revelation from God himself;

“Then Hananiah the prophet took the yoke from off the prophet Jeremiah’s neck, and brake it.
And Hananiah spake in the presence of all the people, saying, Thus saith the LORD; Even so will I break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon from the neck of all nations within the space of two full years. …”
Jeremiah 28:10-11a.

Now we love to picture Hananiah as coming into the conference in a black suit and stepping up to the podium with ominous music playing and an evil glint in his eye, but this is not true. Hananiah was the son of a prophet and in line for the family business; he went to prophet’s seminary and studied under the best, he even was among the top in his class. But having never actually heard the voice of God in his life, poor Hananiah had no real experience from which to evaluate his prophecy. Hananiah actually thought a prophet of God was simply a man who had a good education and familiarity with scripture and then came up with ideas that just made sense to him. Hananiah was quite genuine and earnest, the only problem is that he was dead wrong.

The arguments have all been made, the two sides; both claiming to be the voice of God, have made their statements. Jeremiah knew that any more would just become a fruitless argument between improvable opinions.

“And the prophet Jeremiah went his way” Jeremiah 28:11b.

I know of a very small minority of prophetic men of God who are preaching this same message as I, In fact regarding the delayed Rapture and or the already deceased America, I don’t know of any.
But here is what I do know. There will be a growing number of ministers springing up in confidence to proclaim from scripture that Christian America will escape the evil to come by a revival. My FaceBook private message system already has several, quoting scripture to me telling me that I am wrong. My recommendation is just wait and see. But while you wait with hope that I am wrong, there is a very serious problem that occurs. I know this because we have an insight into the events before they happen, because we have the prototype to examine:

“Then the word of the LORD came unto Jeremiah the prophet, after that Hananiah the prophet had broken the yoke from off the neck of the prophet Jeremiah, saying,
Go and tell Hananiah, saying, Thus saith the LORD; Thou hast broken the yokes of wood; but thou shalt make for them yokes of iron. For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; I have put a yoke of iron upon the neck of all these nations, that they may serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon; and they shall serve him: and I have given him the beasts of the field also”
Jeremiah 28:12-14.

By believing that they could win their freedom from Nebuchadnezzar, these EU nations will unite in a failed attempt to throw him off. What might have been a “peaceful oppression of wood” now becomes the crushing of iron rule not only by periodic oppressive nations but an entire GDE as the Daniel 7 last beast of the field.
The amount of effort or diligence applied does not determine who wins the contest, the determining factor is wholly if it is God’s will. “But what determines God’s will?” That is a question so few actually ask, but the true answer to the unasked question is what determines God’s will. Therefore God’s will in the matter of oppression or freedom actually lies wholly in our own lap, but not how Glenn Beck makes us think! This is what the Northern Ugandan Christians figured out the hard way. Can we apply this concept to the Armenian Genocide or the Jewish Holocaust or what is about to repeat here in America? Are we simply innocent victims unaided by God without cause, or is freedom a thing divinely provided through a people living out obedience to Him in the wise governance of his land as the stewards he created us to be? God does not want passive victims of Allah but involved activists in obedience to God BEFORE we become victims. How do we not see this?

Jeremiah’s personal proclamation to Hananiah provides extremely valuable insight as he concludes with:

“Then said the prophet Jeremiah unto Hananiah the prophet, Hear now, Hananiah; The LORD hath not sent thee; but thou makest this people to trust in a lie.
Therefore thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will cast thee from off the face of the earth: this year thou shalt die, because thou hast taught rebellion against the LORD.
So hananiah the prophet died the same year in the seventh month”
Jeremiah 28:15-17.

If you are a solid Christian who has an emotional confidence in Christ that things will not turn out so bad or the Rapture will come and save us all from the horrors to come, I strongly urge you to keep your emotions in check and be very cautious of using scripture to publicly support your emotional opinions lest God become angry with you as with Hananiah.

God fully intends to destroy America for her abundant iniquities, and he will use Islam to do it. A personal sackcloth-and-ashes kind of repentance from your spirit is the only right answer to prepare for what’s coming. Consider your flesh already dead; your spirit needs immediate attention (Psalm 34:18, 51:17, Proverbs 25:28, Isaiah 61:1-3).

“Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God” Colossians 3:2-3.

Sure it snowed, but as first snow is really little more than an exciting diversion from the familiar summer, the long Winter has not yet even begun to bite! …But it will.
* * * * * * *

(*1) Excerpts from Post 003 Prove Me Wrong (
Obama has publicly mocked the Bible in specific ways.
Obama mocks the Bible -
Obama mocks the Bible long version -
Yet quotes the Kor'an with great respect. Obama honors Islam -

(*2) The Babylonian Captivity Period:
Post 093 Babylon Cliff-notes (,
Post 180 Seventy Years (

(*3) The Reagans' Astrologer:
“When the news broke last week that Nancy Reagan regularly consulted a woman astrologer about the President's schedule, reporters immediately scrambled to discover the mysterious seer's identity. Who was this "Friend" from San Francisco who had so much influence in determining when the President of the U.S. would -- or would not -- hold press conferences, deliver speeches, journey abroad? Not even Donald Regan, whose new book tells of the First Lady's reliance on the seer, learned the answer during his two years as White House chief of staff…” - (,9171,967410,00.html), (,,20099022,00.html).

Regarding Reagan’s Presidency; see II Kings 17:33.
A familiarity with the kings of Judah before the destruction by Babylon, shows that while some kings were wholly bad, and very few were wholly good, others were somewhere in the “attempting to be good but barely succeeding” class. These, like the Reagans, provided a good share of God’s blessing “mechanically” while not succeeding in turning the nation to God. (See II Kings 21:1-2 + 24:3-4 = 23:24-26 as one example of the complexity of combined affect).
I often and publically praise President Reagan for his Godly leadership and wisdom in leading this nation well. I applaude him for it. But that does not mean I am ignorant of his less than Godly choices as well. A very good president? Yes! A great president? No.
I think he was as great as the people allowed him to be.