Sunday, March 27, 2011

More Horses?!

Part 4
post 178
Zechariah 1:1-12

Verses 1-6 deserves a careful look as it identifies the cause of cry made later in verse 12: “….how long wilt thou (God) not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah, against which thou hast had indignation these three score and ten years?”
(which we will eventually get to).

But first we see the sum of the reason for the trouble, is carried here in v.2-3;
“The LORD hath been sore displeased with your fathers.
Therefore… Thus saith the LORD of hosts;
Turn ye unto me, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will turn unto you, saith the LORD of hosts”
Zechariah 1:2-3

The entire context of scripture can only be properly understood when we read it with the understanding that Israel is always the central focus. Of course we Gentile believers are able to apply the truth of it to ourselves, but not to the failure in understanding of this foundational concept. All the global events we read here is to be interpreted with this in mind.

But I leave the study of those beginning verses for another time in order to sooner arrive at the direct link with Zechariah 6:1-8, Daniel 7, and Revelation 17 which is our present study regarding the identity and timing of the last GDE (Global Dominate Empire).
* * *

"I saw by night, and behold a man riding upon a red horse, and he stood among the myrtle trees that were in the bottom;
and behind him were there red horses, speckled, and white."
Zechariah 1:8

Spirits of what?
Zechariah 1:7-11 has frankly utterly stumped me for years, but with our recent study I now see how it makes very good sense, and provides one very significant validation to my interpretation of the fourth great beast having 3 parts;

To begin with we see a red horse.
We learned in Zechariah 6 that the chariots represent God's spirits of the heaven controlling the winds, and the horses further represented God's spirits over the Empires.
The red horses are specifically those over the Empire of Babylon.

But in this Zechariah 1 passage, there is no chariot (representing a high ranking spirit guiding the team of angels) instead we see a lone man *1 riding a single red horse. And behind him are other horses under his command (no riders declared).

To help us understand, lets call the red chariot (driver) a commander, and this lone red rider a sergeant and the riderless horses corporals.
The chariot driver had a specialized regiment of horses all for a specifically focused purpose of red, and this sergeant rider under his command has a squad of a few corporals from several diverse regiments with his own mission to accomplish, though he himself is directed by the red commander.
I hesitate to use military terms here which implies the purpose of conflict, no such implication is given in the passage. These are just scouts.

It is very easy to confuse the three elements of what we are learning by improperly mixing metaphors as it were *2.
These elements are:
1. The actual spirits of the four winds revealed as horses and chariots of various colors for the purpose of understanding the
2. actual four spirits of God over the empires, which are in turn revealed for the purpose of understanding the organization and nature of the
3. actual spiritual realm, and thus the identity of this small band of mixed horses.
4. We are also shown glimpses of the demonic spirits over the empires as beasts which strive with the horse spirits of God.

So while we use the real one to metaphorically explain the other real one, so that we can understand yet a third real one, enlightening our comprehension of another kind, we must be very careful not to incorrectly blend them by analogy in our attempt to understand them.

It must be noted that if the color was not important, scripture would not have included it. By their colors we are to make the connection between the two narratives of chapters 1 and 6.
Yet in this case the color is not representing the empire of Babylon anymore because this single red horse is now the focus, not the whole chariot of red horses we saw in chapter 6.
But because scripture does not add confusion of unequal representation we can be confident this lone red horse is under the authority of the red commanding chariot spirit of that empire. It will eventually come clear that this lone horse rider is God's spirit over the city of Babylon.
This understanding of different rolls under the "red" authority, will help us in later interpretation.

Where are they?
Now here we see this single red horse and rider as sergeant over his squad, standing in a valley among myrtle trees...

(Because the theme of this whole chapter revolves around "How Long?", my hypothesis is that this represents Israel at rest with shade giving myrtle trees grown up over time in a valley running with water. This has not yet happened, and cannot happen until 2048 at the earliest.*3)

...and behind him are more red horses, speckled horses, and white horses. The commas distinguish these are not mixed colored horses standing there, but horses of different colors standing together.
Now this is the first time we actually see a location for at least some of the red horses that represented God's spirits over Babylon, and we remember from chapter 6 that the white horses represented His spirits over Greece.
But where are the black horses over Persia, and what are these speckled horses?

Zechariah asks the question for us; “What are these? And the angel that talked with me said unto me, I will shew thee what these be.” Zechariah 1:9
We cheated and jumped ahead to chapter 6, so we have information Zechariah didn't have at this time.
But note that the angel did not say he would tell him, but show him. And so we learn who they are by watching the events unfold. In other words what comes after is for the purpose of showing us what these horses represent:

The man *1 riding the red horse (1:8) explains in verse 10, that the other horses behind him are “they whom the LORD hath sent to walk to and fro through the earth.”
Then just in case we don’t pick up on the catchphrase, the horses behind him answered his statement by saying; “We have walked to and fro through the earth…”
Now where have we heard such a line repeated so much before? The spirits of Zechariah 6:5 did the same thing, and a very big deal was made of it there too so that we would pay attention and make a positive connection.

We are then given a report of what they found by walking back and forth; “…and, behold, all the earth sitteth still and is at rest.” Zechariah 1:11b

At this point our understanding needs to branch into many areas simultaneously;
1. The now apparent larger group of various wandering horses.
2. The connection of the Red horses to those that wander.
3. Where are the Black horses?
4. What do the speckled horses represent?
5. The purpose and result of the wandering horses, (which we just read).
6. Retain the train of thought to continue the narrative: "How long?"

So before we just move on in the narrative, lets discuss:
* * *

Topic 1:
We have discovered that instead of only the Bay horse winds of the Hadley cell of the 4th chariot wandering to and fro, (chapter 6) Here we see; red, speckled, and white horses wandering to and fro through the earth under the authority of a single red horse...but the bay horses are not among them!
These various and specific colors tell us which ministering spirits are present at the time the declaration is made. This will prove to be significant in identifying "When".

Topic 2:
This band of various wanderers has a “sergeant” on a red horse standing in front of them.
We noted that the Red horses representing spirits over Babylon, was the Jetstream winds that have an overall affect on all the winds beneath it, i.e. the white horses of the Ferrel cell (Greece) and the grisled/bay horses of the Hadley cell (Rome).
Therefore this small squad of horses is a specialized selection under the same chain of command.

Topic 3:
God's black horses of the Polar cell over the realm of Persia, are on the otherside of the Ferrel cell and therefore not directly under the commanding jurisdiction of the red sergeant of the subtropical Jetstream wind (Zechariah 6:8) (Though because there is a polar Jetsream as well, added to the fact that the band of horses declared the entire world to be at rest, I conclude the red commander does have overall jurisdiction. Yet this is not shown in the narrative because it is not relative to the prophecy regarding the band of observers under the red Jetstream commander.)
What does that mean?
It means that for reasons we will later discover, God's spirit over the Empire of Persia is not present at the "When" of this passage.

Topic 4:
So this red commander has behind him; his own red horses (angels), some white horses, and some speckled ones. The speckled is a new breed.

Now today we interpret the word speckled to mean “spotted”, more like the original word grisled, and so our modern altered interpretation breeds confusion.
But the original word, and therefore intent, was that speckled means “obnoxious Bay”.
Here are the original words and their meanings from the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Hebrew Bible:

Speckled 8320 saruq; from 8319; bright red (as piercing to the sight), ie. Bay
8319 sharaq; a primary root; properly to be shrill, i.e. to whistle or hiss (as a call or in scorn).

Grisled 1261 barod; from 1258; spotted (as if with hail)
1258 barad; a primary root, to hail.

Bay 554 amots; probably from 553; of a strong color, i.e. red (others fleet).

Scripturally Speckled and Grisled are clearly different: (Genesis 31:10)
But Speckled and Bay are very similar... but not the same.

So the question becomes; Why does Zechariah use two different words for the same color of horses; Bay and Speckled?

My interpretation is that the speckled are a further division of the Zechariah 6:7 bay horses, which both being bay, when combined are just half of the two colors; (bay and grisled) of the Zechariah 6:3 4th chariot, representing the two parts; Rome and the two-fold Islamic Caliphate we see in Revelation 17:10-11 as the 6th (Rome), 7th (Caliphate) and 8th (Caliphate two), which are all the three parts of the Daniel 2:40-43 final Iron Empire as: legs, feet, and toes of iron, all rolled into the 4th great diverse beast of Daniel 7:7-8.

Now go back and read the definition of the word speckled! It is bay... only magnified to make it a unique line of what is still just bay!
"And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven..." Revelation 17:11

Topic 5:
But what does the red horse sergeant have to do with the wandering ones, besides helping us to cross-reference all these prophecies to find the ciphers for these secrets?

Before we answer this question we have to remember that the horse and chariot spirits we saw in Zechariah 6, are sent from God (Zech 1:10, Dan 7:2) to aid the nations, and are not the evil princes (spirits) of the nations sent from hell. (Dan 10:13,20)

So if the commander of the red horses represents the spirit as the Jetstream and its overall influence over the spirits of global powers of men, what does it have to do with the walking angels which we now know are more than just the wandering storm winds of the bay (1st Caliphate) horses, but is rather white and red, with a unique variation of the bay called speckled, though missing the original bay and grisled horses?
The answer is; the Jetstream is the chief of wandering winds, showing the red angel has more overall authority than all the others, including the 8th kingdom of Islamic Caliphate here called speckled, though this riding red sergeant only manages those under his more defined scope of angels who themselves are over the authorities of Greece, Babylon, and the yet to rise "more vigorous" Caliphate.
Because the black, grisled and bay are not among them, we can know that Persia, Rome and the first Caliphate play no part when the scouts make their report of peace.

The significant point is that according to a chronological timeline, the report is made while the 8th kingdom of Revelation 17:11 is in position, the city of Babylon has also risen, and Greece is established to play a significant part.
that narrows significantly the time we can expect to see the world rightly declared to be at rest!

Are you hearing this? Today we watch in fear as Islam is rising to attempt a global oppression. but after it is successfully the 8th and final Empire, the world will find a time of rest! How strange. But we will get to that later.
* * *

Rabbit trail:
Our global “general” weather trends are largely determined by where the Jetstream happens to travel on any given year.
Here in Alaska we are directly beneath a major collision of currents, and the northern Polar Jetstream location has “everything” to do with our season’s weather trend. Alaska Jet Stream article *4
This year the Polar Jetstream flows below Alaska on a direct horizontal course before dipping down to affect the lower 48. (That's Alaska speak for the rest of the U.S.A)

Polar Jetstream 2011 *4 (animated Jetstream well worth checking out, though a rabbit trail to our discussion. [pick 4 days, 6 hours, faster, then hit resume])

…In recent years it made a great “omega” right over the entire State of Alaska, bringing a lot of snow with moist warm air. This year it is cold and dry with less snow than I have ever seen.
But this is just the northern Polar Jetstream, not the more significant Subtropical one that our present passage is discussing.
I am sure that there is another red horse commander for this region, but this is not the topic at hand.

That rabbit trail was to show the wandering authority of the red horses of the Jetstreams, and therefore the chain of command authorizing the red captain to command the various horses of the wandering band.

I am confident that this red authority shows the spirit of Babylon remains a quiet but powerful influence over the nations of the earth even though her physical presence lies quietly abandon for the time being under the sands of Iraq, waiting for her time to rise again.
* * *

Return to Topic 5:
Since this sergeant is a single angel of the entire red regiment, it seems probable that not all of the red and white horses are with this wandering captain; only representations of their regiments are with him.
But the entire bay company, including the speckled half, is a part of the wandering Hadley regiment, Yet strangely we see no representing grisled horses (Rome) or bay horses (Caliphate 1) present.
This tells me that at the time this prophecy takes place, only the speckled 1/3 of this Hadley regiment will be present.

So because the red regiment is also a wandering regiment like the bay, the question is; What are the white representatives of Greece doing with this wandering squad, as they are of the only none wandering regiment there? Greece does not even fit into this chronological theory, its period of being the GDE is past.
The answer is two fold:
First, Greece is still Greece, just no longer the GDE. It remains, while Babylon and Islam have disappeared, with prophecies to return in modified forms.
I suggest this is why Greece is not represented as a wandering wind, but the others are.
Second, we should be startled to see prophecy of Greece rising to play a significant role, yet while the modern prophetic scholars are fruitlessly watching for Rome to revive, Greece is being ignored.

Therefore; Babylon, Greece and the return of the Caliphate will all have a significant role under the authority of the Babylonian spirit in the last days events at the time this squad of observers declare the world is at rest. (Daniel 8:22-23+) No Egypt, No Assyria, No Persia, No Rome, No Revived Roman Empire of European nations, and not the first try of the Islamic Caliphate.

Am I saying none of these nations will exist? No, just that they don't play any independent significant role in the last days events at that time...
Even Iran, which used to be Persia, is no longer under the spirit of silver but now wholly under the Islamic spirit of iron and therefore now under the authority of the 4th chariot commander. So although the geographic area remains in play, the spirit of the ancient Persian Empire is gone though he proved to be a tough cookie in his day. (Daniel 10:12-13,20)
This then allows the black horse of Persia to be absent while placing Iran under the speckled horse authority. This is the only possible explanation for the wandering horses to claim they have walked the whole while missing a black horse.
But this sounds a bit to convenient, almost like a manipulation of the prophecy to make it fit.
I submit a theory that between now and the declaration of rest, Iran will be utterly destroyed and therefore its absence will not be a prophetic manipulation. (this theory developed another time)
Rome too is still on the earth, but we don't see the grisled representation present. This is because Rome is no longer a power player, and also falls under the authority of the speckled horse as part of the iron empire.
So we see that all four of the diverse beasts of Daniel 7 are in a way, still among us in various and somewhat confusing ways, but the spirits in authority at the time of global rest, are those only of Babylon, Islam and Greece.

Topic 6:
Returning to the narrative;
In a defense of the Deity of Christ, Paul asked this question of what God only said to Jesus; “But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?”
Hebrews 1:13-14
This confirmation that Jesus is no angel, (since he was told by God to sit on his right hand until God made all his enemies his footstool. Psalm 110:1) also tells us that ALL angels are ministering spirits sent out, not to minister TO, but to minister ON BEHALF of the saved.

So this special band of walking ministers does what?
Without going off on another long rabbit trail, lets have a look at another band that don't wander but “run to and fro through the whole earth.” Zechariah 4:10b These that run are the seven eyes of the Lord. Zechariah 3:9, 4:10a
“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him…” II Chronicles 16:9
which brings us to;
"(there)…stood a Lamb (Jesus) as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.” Revelation 5:6b (Rev. 3:1)

So now we have made a full circle and know that the seven running Spirits are the eyes of God running to and fro looking for opportunities to show himself strong, not directly to, but in behalf of, his faithful children.
Therefore the 4 standing spirits (Zech. 6:5) are subordinate ministering spirits doing the bidding of the 7 directly from the Holy Spirit.
And the wandering company of spirits (Zech. 6:7) are yet subordinate to those standing, and still a select few of those regiments and companies are part of the specialist walking spirits scouting the earth. (Zech. 1:11)

This is not hard to see if you picture a military chain of command. All of them with the focus of ministering in behalf of the faithful.
With the evil spirits intent on thwarting them, they end up striving over humanity. with man involved too, the striving involves governments and nations and Empires.(Daniel 7:2, 9:22, 10:13-13,20-21, 11:37-38, 12:1) yet God remains ultimately in control to fulfill his will in his time; "Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians." Daniel 5:28
But we have been kept from this clear awareness until now;
"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end:..." Daniel 12:4
* * *

So why do the evil spirits always seem to dominate the empires of the earth?
That question will be answered in more detail in the next post, but simply put; It was answered back at the beginning of this chapter;

“The LORD hath been sore displeased with your fathers.
Therefore…Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Turn ye unto me, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will turn unto you, saith the LORD of hosts.
Be ye not as your fathers, unto whom the former prophets have cried, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Turn ye now from your evil doings: but they did not hear, nor hearken unto me, saith the LORD.”…
Zechariah 1:2-4

The spirits which are dominate are granted authority by God through the will of man, as the spirits (both good and evil) work through the actions and wills of men (both good and evil) on their good or evil behalf.
"And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Matthew 16:19
* * *

And now we have arrived at the beginning of the whole question today:

“…How long wilt thou (God) not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cites of Judah, against which thou hast had indignation these threescore and ten years?” Zechariah 1:12

But that answer will have to wait until the next post.
(and lest you have forgotten, we are searching for the answer to the timing of when the last GDE that affects Israel will rise, and what it will look like.)
* * * * * * *

*1 Man 376 iysh; contrast from 582 [or perhaps rather from an unused root meaning to be extant]; a man as an individual or a male person; often used as an adjunct to a more definite term (and in such cases frequently not expressed in translation).

Therefore Zechariah was simply stating a rider that looked like a man.

*2 Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a word for one idea or thing is used in place of another to suggest a likeness between them. - Merryman-Webster Electronic Dictionary.

*3 Myrtle Trees:
Grow like small bushes when dry but large bushy shade trees when there is plenty of moisture. It takes a well moistured myrtle tree 100-150 years to mature.
Since Israel became a nation and began to plant and irrigate myrtle trees in 1948, 2011 minus 1948 = 63 years of growth. 100 years minus 63 = 37 more years to reach earliest maturity. 2011 plus 37 more years = 2048 until this prophecy of a rider on a red horse standing in the bottom among myrtle trees proclaiming rest, can take place.
(remember, this is just a hypothesis at this time.)

*4 In case the links doesn't work:
Alaska Jetstream Article:
Animated Jetsream:

Friday, March 25, 2011

Four Great Beasts

Part 3
Post 177
Required reading - Daniel 7

I write this post with the understanding you have already read the chapter.
Take the time and read it now… Don’t study it, just read it. It needs to be fresh in your mind for this post to make any sense.
(If you don’t have a bible, please take the time to use the link I have provided under "Must Read Websites".)

* * *
Now lets begin:

“Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea.
And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another.”
Daniel 7:2-3

Winds or beasts?

To save confusion it must be noted here that the four winds are not the four great beasts.
The winds “strove” on the sea and the beasts came up. *1
My last post was about these winds, and this post is about the beasts.
But I sometimes refer to them as one in the same for the purpose of reducing the complication in the narrative, but they are not actually the same thing.
The winds are the influencing spirits of the great beasts that rise, as we saw this clearly in the interpreted message of the chariots (spirits) of the actual winds of the earth from my previous post.
But to refer to the one implies the other as well, because there is no beast without the spirit behind it. Yet to know the distinctions allows us to better understand WHY and HOW things happen.

Good or evil spirits/winds?

Because of the word heavens (8064) describing the realm of the “four spirits” discussed in Zechariah 6:5, we tend to associate those spirits where God dwells, in Heaven, and therefore assume these spirits are good.
Yet we discovered the word heaven as used, only suggests the temporal regions, and this meaning by use is further defined to the layers of the sky where winds are found.
The Zechariah temporal description did not tell us anything regarding the nature of the four “spirits” that this spiritual vision in Daniel 7 now speaks of as four “winds”.
It is no accident that these two prophecies trade the words used, unquestionably tying them together.
But I get ahead of myself. The answer of good or bad will reveal itself later.

Why Beasts?

Why did Daniel not just call them nations, or kingdoms, or kings, or empires?
Because each of those titles defines the discussed entity in a way that restricts the actual concept that Daniel is explaining here. It is our job to understand what these beasts are beyond such restrictive terms.

Why only four?

The thing prophecy students notice right away is that there are only four beasts.
If these are the four most commonly interpreted Global Dominate Empires that affected Israel, (GDEs) why only four of the eight found in the Revelation 17 prophecy?
Why not at least the five shown in Daniel 2?
Good question.

We find the answer in the word “Diverse” used in this chapter five times.

Diverse 8133 shena;
(Chaldean) corresponding to 8132:- alter, change, (be) diverse.
8132 shana; a primary root; to alter:- change.

Remember in our previous post the online definition of troposphere?
"The troposphere (from Greek: tropein - to change, circulate or mix) is the lowermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere. Most of the weather phenomena, systems, convection, turbulence and clouds occur in this layer, although some may extend into the lower portion of the stratosphere."

These “great beasts” are in this short list because they are diverse one from another; they each are a change from what was before. Those not diverse are not included in this list; not a list of kings or kingdoms, but of “beasts”, which implies a life force, an entity beyond just an empire. We might refer to this as an era.
I tend to use the word Empire with this encompassing understanding that it means the many kings and kingdoms that fall under its scope such as the many variations of the Persian Empire. But the scripture only used this word once, (and not in this chapter) because even the word empire does not include the spiritual force of the “wind” that uses the empire to strive over the masses.

Empire 4438 maluwth;
from 4427;… a rule; concrete; a dominion.
4427 malak; a primary root; to reign; inception; to ascend the throne; causative; to induct into royalty; hence (by implication) to take counsel.


We find several lists in scripture of the GDEs (Global Dominate Empires), each with a different number due to a different focus for why they made the list;
Revelation 17 tells us there are a total of 7, no 8. Well actually 9 kingdom empires.
This apparent uncertainty is actually an explanation of groupings; 7 are like this, but all 8 are like that, and in total there are 9 because…
Daniel 2 tells us there are 4, well 5, no to get specific there are 6, unless you include Christ’s kingdom then there are 7. This is done for the very same reason.
The identification of Grouping.
Here in Daniel 7 the distinction of this specific group of 4 is with specific attention to the four spirits behind the “greatness and diversity”.

* * *


But all that is only relevant if you hold to the theory that these great beasts actually represent GDEs. (Global Dominate Empires)
So before we go off trying to make these beasts represent some various wild idea, the vision interprets itself;
We are told in Daniel 7:17 “These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth.”
Since these are “great” beasts we must conclude these kings are the best of the best for greatness. It is very hard to pass up the idea that a great king must also have a great kingdom.
But before we get real nitpicky trying to distinguish between great kings or their great kingdoms, the passage also includes their kingdoms as inseparable from the kings in the very next verse; “But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom,…” not the king as the previous verse declared.
And again, even more specific; “Thus the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth,…” Daniel 7:23
Therefore the use of the term “great beast” actually intends this prophecy to mean both king and kingdom and even the whole empire era as evidenced by v.5 where it includes four kings of a single beast.

This is why we do not find this chapter to have contradictions even though it declares things differently such as the beasts rising from the sea in verse 2 but rising from the earth in verse 17. We understand there is meaning to be grasped in the different words used by their intended context describing a distinct difference though subtle *2.

So are we clear?
These four great beasts in Daniel 7 are four great king/kingdom empires and the four different (diverse) spirits that distinguish them from each other. (Ephesians 6:12)
The question is only; Which ones?

I submit they are the spirits and empires of; Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome.

But the pieces don’t fit those empires…do they?

Although close *3, what we are told in scripture of these proposed four king/kingdoms doesn’t seem to quite fit in representing those four great beasts:

1. Yes, the 1st Lion beast fits Nebuchadnezzar remarkably well, even showing his change of heart experience from a Lion to a man. (Daniel 1-4) This representation focuses on the great king rather than his kingdom (which is allowed in v.17), that did not change with the man as evidenced by the sins of his grandson Belshazzar, also a king of Babylon, (Daniel 5) because the striving spirit over the kingdom was not changed.

2. The 2nd Bear beast is rather questionable as fitting Persia. (Although it turns out more through our ignorance than actual flaw.) Yes we know the Medo-Persian empire was inseparably composed of both those nations, and in fact Persia did eclipse Media quite accurately “raising up on one side”, but what are the three ribs between its teeth?
[09/15/12 - Admittedly questionable as weak: Frankly I have doubts regarding this conjecture. I have not yet come up with anything more worthy to represent these three ribs:] We can validate Persia as the bear beast by reviewing Daniel 11:2 “And now will I shew thee the truth. Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia; and the fourth shall be far richer than they all: and by his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against the realm of Grecia.” *4 I propose that the teeth of this bear are the two nations Media and Persia between which these three kings find themselves ruling as they encouraged both to chew up many nations just as upper and lower teeth do; “They (the three kings) said thus unto it, (the beast of Medo-Persia) Arise, devour much flesh”. *5

3. The 3rd Leopard beast again fits Greece extremely well with great detail including the rise and fall of Alexander the Great, and his four generals that divided his kingdom after. (Daniel 8:5-8,21-22)

So it looks like 3 out of 3 are actually very good matches. (watch that 4th one in the list!)

4. But it is the 4th great beast that “confirms beyond doubt” this is not a correct interpretation: Rome, clearly did not fulfill well any of the descriptions beyond a superficial “meanness of Iron”. Rome certainly did not possess the 10 horns now famous among Christian prophecy buffs. Its actual significant diversity is debated depending on the perspective used, and so I will not address that issue here… because it is irrelevant!
If Rome is meant to be the fourth great diverse beast of this prophecy, the results are weak at best, and failed to fulfill with assurance at least some of the prophecy.


And the typical explanation given is the expectation of its soon reemergence, dubbed “The Revived Roman Empire”, to fulfill what it has not yet done.
Yet in this light, the numbering sequence cannot be reconciled with the prophecy of Rev 17:10-11, nor can it’s possible return (more on this in later posts; Post 264 "Of Iron").

But in answer to this singular problem in identifying the 4th great beast of this interpretation, lets remember to apply what we learned in the cipher of the previous post…

* * *
The prophecy of the four winds of Zechariah 6:

We saw in that narration the representation of the 4 winds of the northern hemisphere. Though it allowed for the scientific truth of the other hemisphere as well, the narration was intentionally prophetic and so used only one.
It must be remembered that correct interpretation cannot add or subtract from the actual prophecy as it is given. We do not “make things fit”, *6 but rather perfect the accuracy of our interpretation by changing our interpretation until it fits the prophecy flawlessly.
The prophecy is always flawless; if there are conflicts they lie in the interpretation.

Yes, in the previous post we filled in the blanks when trying to understand the natural science of the temporal layer of the message. In science, information left out does not make it wrong, just missing (like the location of the winds of the red horses). The blanks are intentionally there in order to make the second layer of prophecy also accurate, and you can't add stuff to a prophecy, though you can use more than one properly interpreted prophecy in combination to understand others.
Therefore we will only apply here what that narration provided prophetically as a template for the prophecy, by using the temporal message cipher that we solved.
Solving the scientific cipher gives us a key to solving the prophetic cipher, much as archeologists do on the ancient hieroglyphs in Egypt.

Those 4 elements of the chariots and horses with their intricacies are our tools.
The temporal message described the wind cells of the hemispheres and their characteristics we now know as the Jetstream, the Polar, the Ferrel, and the Hadley cells, with their respective winds colored for identification… so that we could identify the spirits (chariots) of the four beasts (Empires) and the strange complexities of the 4th.
And it is that 4th that now seems to give our interpretation question.

I have copied them here for our application of them to this prophecy:

Zechariah 6:2,6-7
Note: the red horses (chariot #1) (v.2) are missing entirely.
“The black horses which are therein (chariot #2) go forth into the north country; (Polar)
and the white (chariot #3) go forth after them; (Ferrel)
and the grisled (½ chariot #4) go forth toward the south country. (Hadley)
And the bay (½ chariot #4) went forth, and sought to go that they might walk to and fro through the earth: …” (random)


Chariots = Controlling spirits
Horses = Empires under those spirits,
Spirits + Empires = Beasts

Chariot of Red Horses = the Lion of Babylon:

We saw in that narration the first chariot had Red horses, but then we never heard of it again leaving the narration with three of the four winds. As we investigated we learned that the represented Jetstream is located high above and therefore has a significant influence on those cells that come beneath it;

"Little moisture enters the stratosphere, so clouds are rare. Even though the stratosphere has complex wind systems, violent storms don't occur there. Because the air temperature in the stratosphere slowly increases with altitude, it does not cause convection and has a stabilizing effect on atmospheric conditions in the region. Stability generally limits vertical extensions of cloud and leads to the lateral spreading of high cumulonimbus cloud with characteristic anvil heads. This means that weather (in the form of clouds) is almost entirely confined to the troposphere below. That's why airline pilots prefer to fly in the stratosphere." - Stratosphere
The Jetstreams are said to be just below the Stratosphere. In effect, the highest “weather” under which no other weather can achieve such place.

“Thou, O king, (Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon) art a king of kings: for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory. And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this head of gold.” Daniel 2:37-38

This tells us that regardless of desire or potential, no other kingdom that follows Babylon will have as high a standing or as much single control as Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon did.
This is important to know as we watch the rise of Islam in the world today.

But what we are not told prophetically is the destination of the red horses.
This “prophetic secret” explained in our now understandable science of global winds, implies that we cannot restrict the boundaries of Babylon as we can the other nations in history.
Therefore I propose that the spirit of Babylon will influence the Grisled and Bay horse kingdoms undetected as the Jetstream over the Hadley cell egging on the violence of the storm winds without breaching either the temporal or prophetic narrations in scripture. (a bit of a wild idea I know, but take it or leave it. I will provide significant evidence in posts to come.)

Black horses of Persia, White horses of Greece, Grisled horses of Rome:

In attempting to learn something of these great beasts by the narrative of the horses, we discover the message actually gave us very little information. *7
I believe this is because their individuality, (diversity) is the primary point of the message.
We were shown the secret that our global winds are not one giant mess of bluster, but 4 distinct realms.
I believe this is also the prophetic point of the message in both Zechariah 6 and Daniel 7.
There are 4 distinct spirits that influence their realms on the earth. And that is what we are to understand.
But why go to all the extremes to make this point: four world dominate empires in time should be real easy to say without all the drama.

The answer is why Rome does not quite fit as the 4th beast!

Bay horses...of what?

The 4th beast we are forced by scripture to call Rome,*8 though it doesn’t quite fit, has a detail that seems to become central in the narration of the 4th chariot of Zechariah 6.
All the horses of that chariot, which I suggest is the 4th great beast of Daniel 7, has two kinds of horses representing two kings of empires, with two different roles though clearly of the same iron source; chariot i.e. spirit.

So the all important question becomes: Is the 4th chariot; Grisled, or Bay?
This is the impossible question to answer!
The correct answer is “Yes”.

The Grisled horses take their normal role in the world of winds, and go south to become the Hadley cell, by nature more violently powerful than the others, making it diverse, but not to the point of unweathercell-like uniqueness. This is the Roman Empire with its ruthlessly murderous church.
I am suggesting this does not minimize their role from lack of numbers, I am saying the 4th chariot had twice as many horses as the other three, so there is nothing new or special showing up yet. Rome was just another diverse empire in the list of 4.
In this way I believe we can call Rome the Grisled horses of the 4th chariot without any problem whatsoever, just as the Hadley cell does not fulfill the actions of the storms of its chariot.

But then there is a unique turn of events that scripture has repeatedly shown;

The destructive Bay horses also of the 4th Chariot.

Here is where the marvel of God shows amazing;
The very strange narration of Zechariah 6 did a superb job of explaining the interconnected yet separate functions of the Hadley cell and the Storm cells that come in its scope.
But now we can see that it also perfectly explains something even harder to understand;
Which is that the 4th great beast system, i.e. diverse Empire, is composed of not just one normal empire, but another abnormal one as well, and this one does not play by the normal rules.

The one kingdom being “normal” in the ways of kingdoms is Rome, but another very scary one that can hardly be described for its unique diversity and violence, cannot be any other than the Caliphate of Islam that came after Rome, which is described by the uncell-like nature of hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, and the like.

Rome was indeed the 4th kingdom on the earth, but did not fulfill the prophecy of the 4th beast of Iron.
The Islamic Caliphate was the 5th kingdom on the earth, but the spirit was not diverse from Rome. Therefore both the 4th and the 5th kingdoms on the earth are of the 4th great diverse beast… and still there is more because even the 5th kingdom of the Caliphate did not see the rise of 10 simultaneous kings as prophesied in Daniel 7:24, nor did it devour the whole earth, treading it down and breaking it in pieces, though it tried. Daniel 7:23, and finally the other horn (power) did not rise from the 10 as expected in Daniel 7:23-26, to accomplish what is said of it.
But this too was prophesied (Daniel 8:19-25, 10:14) and does fit the numbering order and return prophesied in Revelation 17 we will cover later.

Now don’t get lost. This is a tough one to keep straight.
If the Caliphate is the Bay horses, and Rome is the Gisled horses...

who or what is the chariot spirit/wind?!

For that answer we need to go to Daniel 10:12-13,20.
“Then said he (the angel) unto me, Fear not Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.
But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.”

Here we are given an incredible window into the supernatural domain and we learn that this angel of God was actually helping the kings of Persia while the spiritual prince of Persia resisted him. Clearly they had two different plans for Persia!
Don’t miss that in the day of Daniel’s vision, Persia was not yet the GDE. Yet this angel was fighting on behalf of those kings (but not the three yet to stand up) so diligently that he could not break loose to reach Daniel for 21 day until Michael came to help! (v.14)
We now have significant insight into what it means when Daniel 7:2 says; “behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea.”
Were they striving with each other? It doesn’t seem so, just as warm and cold air bring strife in each of the global wind cells but the cells do not specifically strive with each other as much as within themselves.
It is hot and cold, good and evil that bring strife to all things. and in the striving, one GDE eventually falls and another takes its place;

After he delivered his message the angel said: “now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Grecia shall come.” Daniel 10:20 We see that although there is only one GDE at a time, their princes were already working on their plans, and I don't think they just die after their empire falls.

So what do you suppose ended the reign of the prince of the Islamic Caliphate that followed Rome's prince in 570 and lasted until 1924 though greatly powerless beginning about 1775 when America established the united States Marine Corps for the purpose of ending the piracy of the Barbary Coast Muslim's at Tripoli. *9
I submit that it was the prince of America that strove with her side by side against the prince of Islam as our Christian founders knew that Islam was the 7th empire of Revelation 17. They knew by their recent experience that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing, but with God all things are possible!
Yet today the spirit of our government has changed sides; now in agreement with the spirits of darkness in the violent nations and turning our back to the spirit of reason that used to support the weak and helpless nations such as Israel.

It is these princes of darkness that strive with the spirits of heaven over the realms of men, and now we know what it means by saying; "and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city..." Daniel 9:26
This prince is not Titus the Roman commander in charge when his troops burnt the temple. This prince that shall come is the spiritual prince of iron that rules over all the last days kingdoms of iron under the 4th great beast.

Now this sounds all too fantastic to believe except for the fact that the events of Daniel’s prophecy regarding Babylon, Persia, Greece, the death of the Messiah, and the fall of Jerusalem all played out just as he wrote it down! and the failure of Rome to fulfill the remaining prophecies until a strange return, is also hidden in the prophecies. This is very hard to ignore.

Therefore we conclude in confidence that the same spiritual “prince of iron” that controlled Rome, also controlled the Islamic Caliphate. but the Caliphate is a violence at a whole new level.
* * *


Now to verify my theory of this blended concoction of kingdoms into one great beast we turn to the prophecy of Daniel 2, which identifies in the fuller chronological list of the GDEs, (Global Dominant Empires) that the last three kingdoms are all of the Iron Empire:
Legs of Iron = Rome
Feet of Iron and Clay = Caliphate of Islam; left and right = one and two.
Toes of Iron and Clay = greater detail (explained in book Three).

These are all shown in the Daniel 2 prophecy as “of Iron”, therefore I submit that these are the two kinds of horses in the 4th chariot; Rome and the Islamic Caliphate in two parts.

Because the 4th chariot had a unique division that the other 3 didn’t have, we should have no problem allowing that the Bay horses are also potentially divided even further, though the Zechariah 6 narration didn’t show it because they are “all bay horses”, just as Daniel 2 didn’t show it because they are “all of iron.”


Daniel 2:40 declares the fourth kingdom to be strong as Iron.
Then the next 3 verses describe the 4th kingdom of Legs, Feet, and Toes without distinctly numbering them as it did with the others.
The first three kingdoms were all numbered, and so is the 4th.
It is us who want to number individually the legs feet and toes, but this is not done in Daniel 2. The reason is because Daniel 2 is describing the nature of the 4 Beasts;
Gold, Silver, Brass, and Iron.
Though some of the iron is weakened, it still has “the strength of Iron” and therefore included in the generic nature of the Iron Empire. (Daniel 2:41-42) the text makes this clear.

Yes, the careful wording also allows for the 4th Empire of Iron to be further divided into independent chronological kingdoms shown in Revelation 17, but in Daniel 2 this distinction is not made because chronology is not the point there.
Returning to the four great beasts of Daniel 7, I declare all the iron parts are the 4th great beast.
Returning to Zechariah 6, I declare all the iron parts are the horses of the 4th chariot though distinguished there as only two parts; Rome and Caliphate.
I will later show the Caliphate to be further distinguished as two parts shown in Revelation 17, which is allowed in Zechariah 6 as there are an unknown number of Bay horses because there are an unknown number of storm cells.

Therefore I put forward that the four great beasts of Daniel 7 are:

Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome/Islamic Caliphate.

And there is still more prophecy that fits with this evidence as the four Carpenters of Zechariah 1:12-21
But my next post will lay the ground work in the preceding verses.
* * * * * * *

*1 The Striving Spirits:

“…The Four Winds of the Heaven strove upon the great sea.” Daniel 7:2

This phase is most often interpreted to mean the Mediterranean Sea, which also goes by that title. But in order for this phrase here to mean that body of water, the striving winds would have to continue for the duration of all these four empires.
Scientifically we know by Zechariah 6, that “striving” weather is the result of collision between warm and cold air.
But if this prophesy is a reference to the angels of the kingdoms of Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome/Caliphate, as I submit they are, then the striving of the actual winds would be irrelevant due to the thousands of years covered in these four Empires.
Such wind activity over that long of period would become “normal”, making the statement pointless.

I suggest the great sea is here representational of all humanity as allowed by Isaiah 17:12 “Woe to the multitude of many people, which make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters!”
Because this chapter of Daniel is clearly prophetic I also include the applicable prophetic passage in Revelation 17:1 “…I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:” and the self interpretation of the same chapter; “And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.” Revelation 17:15

Prophetically waters are representational of masses of people. The more people the bigger the water;
waters, many waters, sea, and the great sea.
If the Revelation passage identifies the great volume of people, multitudes, nations and tongues as many waters, I can only conclude the great sea means the entire planet of all mankind, for there is not greater sea of humanity.

Therefore the striving of the four winds of the heaven upon the great sea, can only mean prophetically the four spirits of heaven striving over humanity through the nations.

The explanation of this interaction between realms is exampled in the moving of the Holy Spirit upon individuals; “The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8
Using this example, we can begin to comprehend how the spirits of the heavens move on nations, much as the winds affect the earth. The scripture has diligently tied all these concepts together.
Today we are watching in utter amazement as nation after nation implode in turmoil for seemingly insignificant reasons when viewed historically. The “Striving” seems to be contagious…and world wide. The expanding cold air of evil is quickly causing an inversion over the warm air of righteousness.

The striving of the four winds here, ties this passage to that of Zechariah 6, “…These are the four spirits of the heavens,…”
showing that we should use the rest of the Zechariah 6 prophecy in our interpretation here.
This is the Key to correctly interpreting Daniel 7.

*2 King or Kingdom? From the Sea or the Earth?
Daniel 7:3 tells us these beasts rise from the Sea, while verse 17 tells us they rise from the Earth. Is this not a clear contradiction? No: Verse 3 explains the entities (Empires) are representationally beasts, and therefore where the beasts comes from is also explained representationally; the sea.
Prophetically the sea represents the humanity of the world and this is given attention because the “winds” of verse 2 as spirits of authorities that strive upon man resulting in the rise of empires, are not of the human realm.
In verse 17 the beasts that rise from the earth are human kings of the kingdoms that rise from the sea of nations, yet we know by verse 2 that the kingdoms are influenced by spiritual beings described as winds.

*3 The Four Great Kingdoms:
Daniel 2:36-40 Establishes the greatness of four kingdoms beginning with the greatest.
Gold representing the greatest metal was the material of the Head, also the greatest body part in an image. Then Daniel goes to extreme lengths, very near brown-nosing, to tell Nebuchadnezzar that he was indeed the greatest. But this was not brown-nosing, this was God himself through prophecy clearly beyond argument identifying Nebuchadnezzar as the greatest king/kingdom.
Silver comes right behind Gold in representational greatness, and we see this kingdom also represented as the chest and arms, right under the head as representing the next most important body part in greatness. Now today we know of other metals we determine to be greater, but this is not the point. For some reason even today in spite of science and actual value, Gold and Silver still represent 1st and 2nd in as great as you can get.
Falling behind them in greatness are Brass and Iron, and their representational body parts.
By now the greatness has been established by the previous two, therefore these next identified kingdoms of the world can rightly be accepted as the 3rd and 4th in greatness simply because they are in the list of the top four, the relational body parts are in agreement, as well as the lesser greatness of the represented metals.

*4 Greece and Persia future:
I cannot here properly cover the further distinction of the 4th Persian king from the three that stand up, but you should begin to see the numerous examples of scripture in making the last one in lists strangely unique and further defined outside the normal trend. I suggest a hypothesis that the 4th king of Persia mentioned has not yet risen in history and when he does he will by wealth and power stir up all nations against Greece. (Daniel 8:19-25) For our present study we only need the first half of the Daniel 11:2 verse, as the second half relates to a completely different context.

*5 Medo-Persia:
I find it fascinating that the prophecy of Daniel 11:2 would begin with; “And now will I shew thee the truth,…” Why would the angel telling the prophecy (Daniel 10:20) need to say that? Its not like he has made a habit of telling anything but truth!
Because he knew that history would especially muddy the waters in confusion and obscurity regarding this Medo-Persian time of history, (i.e. beast) not able to later identify the three great kings of Persia that are shown in this prophecy. And for this reason our confidence in Persia being the Bear is a bit shaky. Therefore the prophecy in Daniel 11:2 simply says; This is the truth, you can believe it or not.
Since the previous beast fits very well the King of Babylon, I choose to accept the angel’s declaration as truth, and use his testimony as my evidence for placing Persia as the bear beast.
Feel free to investigate Persian history in the effort to validate this claim, but you will soon find that search will be enormous. God knew that before it happened. So lets believe him and move on to the next beast for which we can find validating history. has a very good pdf file called “The Times of the Great Kings of Persia” by Charles V. Taylor, if you are inclined to study this history you may want to take the time to download it although it is hard to find. I can only get you as close as and you will have to continue from there.

It is quite difficult to track history at times due to the cacophony of various focuses, factions, and struggles blending into confusion. Just what was the actual scope and time of the Persian Empire? - many kings of Persia

*6 Do not alter prophecy:
“For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God himself shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” Revelation 22:18-19
The reason why it is so important is because no matter how good intended the person is in making alterations, the alterations will fail. But in so failing the actual prophecy will be seen to fail as well because it was altered.
With such a failure God will be seen to fail.
Only God, the Creator of the reality of which he prophesied, is able to prophecy correctly! But due to the appearance of probable failure, well meaning men might be moved to remove some parts to “help God out”.
And due to events in a man’s present time, he may be inclined to make the prophecy fit his circumstances to “make” it come to pass.
These are strictly forbidden upon great punishment from God himself.
God’s Word does not need man’s help.

Am I afraid of misinterpretation?
Yes I am, because it might lead men astray.

*7 Additional information:
We are given scraps of additional information regarding the conduct of the beasts;
And frankly I have no explanation for the meaning of;
“then cried he unto me, and spake unto me, saying, Behold, these that go toward the north country have quieted my spirit in the north country.” Zechariah 6:6
The wording can allow for those to be Persia the Black horses that actually go into the north country, or the white horses of Greece that go after them “toward” the north country.
Does Greece quiet the spirit of Persia?
Does Persia quiet God’s Holy Spirit in the north country?
Because this is so hidden I believe it has significant importance, not as an isolated point, but may open a large area of mystery.
Presently I have no idea what it means, and must move on to complete my present course. I leave this one with you to ask of God for an explanation as you study, but anticipate the revelation to come before I am done!

*8 Rome is the 4th and last kingdom:
"And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;..." Daniel 9:26
Jesus the Messiah was in deed crucified, not for his own sins but for ours. and then in 70AD the soldiers of Rome conquered Jerusalem, burnt the temple, and dispersed the Jewish people fulfilling this prophecy.
The prophecy then goes on to describe the Antichrist which is confirmed in Daniel 7:23 "Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon the earth, which shall diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces." and then this too goes on to describe the rise of the Antichrist from that kingdom.
It cannot be rejected that scripture declares Rome to be the 4th and last empire, but it also cannot be denied that scripture also declares Rome cannot fulfill the requirements of that last kingdom.
This conundrum is fully resolved by recognizing all these prophecies are showing that Rome is of iron and part of the last beast empire, but not without the other two parts of iron as well!

*9 The Barbary Pirates:
My previous post; The Mosque discusses this topic and contains the following related link; Barbary wars -


Post 176

I find it ironic that the scriptures are written is such amazingly accurate brevity that we miss what it is saying.

Yet in diligently searching all that it says in its brevity, I struggle to minimize the many words I need to explain it, lest you get weary for its length, and quit reading.

As I work and refine my writing in the effort to weed out any extra material, I find the incredible perfection of the scriptures have already accomplished this job perfectly!

So it would seem that I need my many words for you to understand the brevity of scripture, but the scriptures have weeded out all the extra words so that you will read it!

* * * * * * *

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Four Winds

of the Heavens
Part 2 ( part 1 The Great Whore)
post 175

I beg you to read this short section of Zechariah 6:1-8 before continuing, because pre-reading it has profound impact on your later understanding that you will not get if I just give you the answers first.

I realize you will not yet see how this post relates to the Last World Empire, but I encourage you to read it on its own merit, to be amazed at this secret science from the Creator, and discover later how it ties in to prophecy!
* * *

Identifying the Four Spirits:

Zechariah 6:5 “And the angel answered and said unto me, These are the four spirits of the heavens, (8064) which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth.”

Quick overview:
In verse 1 we have two brass mountains from between which come 4 chariots (with 5 various colored horses): Red, black, white, grisled, and bay.
The brass mountains are an identifier for when and how in the events these spirits come, but lets ignore those for the time to look at the chariots.

Verse 5 tells us plainly that these chariots are the 4 spirits of the heavens.

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance;
Heavens 8064 shamayim; dual of an unused singular shameh; from an unused root meaning to be lofty; the sky (as aloft; the dual perhaps alluding to the visible arch in which the clouds move, as well as the higher ether where the celestial bodies revolve.
Clearly meaning at least; the atmosphere, troposphere, and stratosphere.

Troposphere: “(from Greek: tropein - to change, circulate or mix) is the lowermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere. Most of the weather phenomena, systems, convection, turbulence and clouds occur in this layer, although some may extend into the lower portion of the stratosphere.”

Stratosphere: “Little moisture enters the stratosphere, so clouds are rare. Even though the stratosphere has complex wind systems, violent storms don't occur there. Because the air temperature in the stratosphere slowly increases with altitude, it does not cause convection and has a stabilizing effect on atmospheric conditions in the region. Stability generally limits vertical extensions of cloud and leads to the lateral spreading of high cumulonimbus cloud with characteristic anvil heads. This means that weather (in the form of clouds) is almost entirely confined to the troposphere below. That's why airline pilots prefer to fly in the stratosphere.”  (

So by identifying these same four spirits elsewhere in scripture we can learn more about when they play their part, and just what they do;

“And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree” Revelation 7:1

Interestingly these 4 angels hold the four winds of the earth, not of the heavens. So are they different?
We already know by science that the global winds of the earth, are found in the heavens as the word is defined in the original text.
Mark 13:27 also confirms they are the same; “And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.”
Clearly both the heaven and the earth are identified under the scope of the four angels of the winds.

By definition of the regions of their responsibility, we see these are the same spirits as identified in the Zechariah 6:5, Daniel 7:2 and Revelation 7:1.

Clearly the winds of the heavens are global. Zechariah 6:5 identifies these spirits as going forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth, therefore proclaiming that the winds of the earth are controlled by spirits, which are directed by God.
It is here we should note that although there are 4 chariots representing 4 spirits, the horses of these chariots defined by color represent 5 winds, and there are yet unknown numbers of horses for each chariot, but at least 2 of each color due to the plural form of the word horses.

All that to say, one spirit can have dominion over more than one wind within his scope of authority, but all the winds (horses) of each chariot (authority) can be scientifically categorized under one controlling force.
This is prophetically important.
* * *

Identifying Their Job:
We learn in the following verse the purpose of the four angels holding the four winds;

“…and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,” Revelation 7:2.

It is indisputable that these angels use the winds to hurt the planet, but for some reason the earth and sea are separated as different. I suggest that we might discover although this global weather "hurt" will actually occur, the hidden prophecy means the earth as the planet, and the sea as the humanity (Isaiah 17:12).

But there are two ways in which this hurt might be accomplished:
(I have since figured out theory 2 is correct. See post 200 The First Woe

“And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree” Revelation 7:1.

Theory 1- Let loose the winds:
"And after" follows the incredible events of the previous chapter which have yet to happen.
These four angels are described as holding the four winds from blowing "after that". They then might unloose the wind to do great damage to the earth and sea and trees. Immediately we think of hurricanes and tornadoes, unleashed with God’s great fury.
The wording describes the angels successfully holding the winds so that they do not blow anywhere, not even on any tree, presumably in this theory  “before they let them loose”.
Though this holding back has never yet been accomplished, might it one day come to pass? Scripture says it will.
But is the holding back a reprieve from the blowing damage?
Zechariah 1:11 describes a time when by search the earth is found to be “sitting still and at rest.” Could this also mean the winds themselves are still?
But the question must be asked; Can the earth be at rest if the winds do not blow?
This thought extends into theory 2;

Theory 2- Hold the winds:
This verse can also be interpreted to mean that the damage done will be as a result of the angels holding back the wind from blowing at all.
How might this damage the earth?
If the main four winds of the earth we now know in science, do not blow, the damage done will be unimaginable! The rains will not come, the currents of the seas will be affected, the temperature of the air and the sea will dramatically change, there will be much sea life die from temperature change alone, not to mention the nutrients stop coming in the currents. The ability of these spirits to hurt the trees by not blowing, can mean nothing less that a lack of rain, which besides drought, results in fire.
Such a lack of blowing would be catastrophic to the sea, the earth and the trees.
But so would extreme blowing such as the earth has never seen.
I am leaning with uncertainty to the not blowing theory, but either way the earth is damaged.
* * *

Investigating the earth’s winds:
Just Google “global winds” for lots of information.

I am no scientist, but I find it curious that the non-religious scientific community recognizes 3 global wind cells; The Polar, the Ferrel, and the Hadley.

I find it curious that 3 of the 4 chariots in Zechariah 6 are described as going to specific locations (part of no. 4 wanders “to and fro” but not up and down).

Considering that Israel is always the central focus of scripture, lets examine these 3 winds of the earth related to the geographic location of Israel:
(Look at the below map and find Israel located just above the Horse latitude.)

Zechariah 6:6-7:
“The black horses which are therein (chariot #2) go forth into the north country; (Polar)
and the white (chariot #3) go forth after them; (Ferrel)
and the grisled (½ chariot #4) go forth toward the south country. (Hadley)
And the bay (½ chariot #4) went forth, and sought to go that they might walk to and fro through the earth: …” (random).

Note: the red horses of chariot #1 are missing entirely. (Scripture is as amazingly complex as is the temporal reality which it explains, this adds to the thrill of figuring it out.)

According to the location of Israel on the globe, what we know of this description fits amazingly accurate! Since Israel is the focus location, it is neither north or south, and the description of the white horse (cell) over the region of Israel is simply; “they follow after those going north”.
How else would you put it?

The passage speaks of “countries” as geographic regions related to Israel, but also fits the global cycles of the earth’s winds perfectly.
Science today refers to them globally as 3 cells, though they are mirrored in the other hemisphere.
Likewise the biblical plural of horses representing the winds, implies at least two of each color, suggesting a further scriptural accuracy related to the redundant winds of both hemispheres.
* * *

Regarding the Mysterious Winds of the Missing Red horses:

Zechariah 6:2 "In the first chariot were red horses..."
and then we never hear of them again for the remainder of the narration.

Jetstream:A river of fast flowing air at high altitudes above the earth that generally flows from west to east over the mid-latitudes. The jet stream separates cold polar air from warmer air to the south and generally "steers" surface features such as fronts and low pressure systems."

FYI: I have learned that each hemisphere has two jet streams; one between each weather cell, not that it matters much here except when counting horses, but has significant meaning prophetically.
A great curious read: NOAA on Jetstream - (

So while Jetstreams are the high altitude winds that have a stabilizing affect on the cells beneath them, they are scientifically independent from the 3 weather cells.
I am convinced that the winds of the Red horses are the Jetstreams, and because of their extreme altitude, are generally viewed as disconnected to events on the surface though very much influential. Therefore they are identified in scripture as present but curiously left out in the Zechariah narrative showing their location in reality as sort of secret.
For the hidden prophecy, the declaration of their presence while missing in the narrative is significant. By leaving their location out of the prophecy, it confirms them to be unique from the other 3 related cells, and suggests their actual location/relation as sort of mysterious (Revelation 17:5).

This fits the intriguing description of these four spirits in scripture very well.
The only remaining question is the identity of the Bay Horse winds controlled by the angel also controlling the Hadley winds.
* * *
Regarding the Wandering Winds of the Bay Horses:
Why are the winds of the 4th chariot divided in destination and shown by two different colors of horses? Some, the grisled horses, going south as the Hadley cell, and some wandering “to and fro through the earth” as the yet unknown winds of the bay horses.
Are the storm winds such as hurricanes, typhoons and tornadoes all related to the Hadley cell of the south country? (equator) and therefore are the Bay horses?

Zechariah 6:7 is almost comical in its repeating that these winds wanted to walk back and forth, asked to walk back and forth, got permission to walk back and forth, and so they walked back and forth.
Therefore there must be a significance causing this to be included here with such diligence!

Storm Cells: "A storm cell is an air mass that contains up and down drafts in convective loops, moves and reacts as a single entity, and functions as the smallest unit of a storm-producing system." - (storm cells:

That is a pretty good description to fit our analogy!
Though storms seem independent, my limited research suggests storms are produced by interaction between each of the three related cells, But only in the region of the Hadley cells do we get such independent storm cells “wandering to and fro through the earth” to the extent that we keep a fearful eye on their wandering by actually tracking them! We even name them!
This is good enough for me to accept that these storm cells are significant enough to be the bay horses, under the fourth angel, that ask and get permission to wander back and forth unpredictably doing great violence.

It should be noted that these Bay Horse winds are not a 5th chariot of the 4 winds, but are a significant portion of the 4th one though kind of going to a 5th location. Shouldn't then the Bay Horse winds be a group of their own with a chariot of their own? I will show in time that this specific number and type is a prophecy which we will cover in the next post.
Remember too, the angels are not the winds, they just control them. This is why the prophetic description shows chariots and horses = controllers and winds.
In this way the angel of the last chariot can manage 2 different kinds of winds within his “scope of authority” and so we see confirmed the storm winds are directly related to the Hadley cell’s activities.

So in this discovery of just what the horses are, and the science of what we know about global winds, I have come up with an actual count of the horses in each chariot:

1st   Chariot,  4 Red horses,    Jet streams,  both Hemispheres
2nd  Chariot,  2 Black horses,  Polar cells,  both Hemispheres
3rd   Chariot,  2 White horses, Ferrel cells, both Hemispheres
4th   Chariot,  2 Grizled horses, Hadley cells, both Hemispheres
4th   Chariot  has unknown Bay horses,  Independent Storm cells

Am I suggesting I have some great wisdom to uncover this long hidden truth?
Although I have not been able to find this information taught anywhere, and had to “figure” this out on my own, I do find it curious why the latitudes, between the weather circulation cells, are called “Horse Latitudes”.
Google “horse latitudes etymology” for a whole string of very weak theories as to how the name came about.
I am suggesting that when the brilliant minds discovered these wind patterns “for the first time” they were men quite familiar with scripture, and saw as I do, the incredible truth of reality the ancient scriptures have been faithfully telling us! Perhaps those men actually used the information here in scripture to discover the cells and patterns in the first place.
I suggest that they named these latitudes in honor of this ancient biblical truth, knowing that one day their faith would be scrubbed from history but their hidden clues would remain, leading us back to the knowledge of how they learned what they did! This is a Jordan Stone (I will explain later).

What a thrilling study it has been to uncover like an archeologist the secrets once known but now long buried. To find such wisdom in the strange telling of Zechariah 6.
* * *

The point of the confusion:
This was all unarguably just a bunch of Nostradamus-like mumbo-jumbo that could almost mean anything you wanted it to when you pre-read it. But we have seen unfold a fascinating pre-written accurate science of the weather systems of the Earth by the Creator himself long before our science caught up, and this discovery is so accurate that the mystery of the correct interpretation is finally revealed. Nostradamus cannot do that!
Now if you pre-read it and found yourself utterly confused, and then a great light of recognition came on by the interpretation; that was the point of the pre-reading!

Jesus spoke in Parables because he wouldn't force the people to understand.

"Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand" Matthew 13:13.

Jesus is not saying; "They want to know, but I'm not going to tell them."
He is saying; "They don't want to know, therefore I speak truth in parables to help them not know while still giving the truth to those who do. The truth is there if they want it."

This is nothing new to Jesus and the New Testament, Jesus himself only quoted the same idea from Isaiah;

"And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias; which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: FOR (because) this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes THEY have closed; LEST at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them" Matthew 13:14-15 (all cap emphasis added).
Notice: It is the people who have closed their own eyes for the purpose of not seeing. They are hiding intentionally from being converted!

Let’s read that original passage in Isaiah because it is alarming to me and should be alarming to the reader who, looking for easy answers, gives up in confusion;

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?
Then said I, Here am I; send me.
And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not.
Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes;... Isaiah 6:8-10a.

Why is that?! The verse tells us as it continues:

Lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed"
Isaiah 6:10b.

This Isaiah passage continues on to explain God is speaking of the Jews who have been blinded and cut off from the LORD, and we know elsewhere this was so that us Gentiles could be grafted in.
But here is the scary part.
Suddenly with this knowledge the reader sighs with big relief because for a moment he thought perhaps this passage was speaking about him!
Jesus in Matthew WAS speaking about us.
God blinded the Jews, but we blind ourselves!
We are told that if we the unnatural branches fall to the same dullness of the natural branches who were cut off, how much quicker shall we be cut off too! (Romans 11:21) But Why!?
God is not interested in us having the right answer with a wicked heart, for the very reason why we just want the right answer so that we can retain our wicked heart!

Rather God is interested in our regeneration that happens through searching until we find the right answer. The right answer becomes the end of the mission, the mission is where the actual change takes place!
If winning the winter Olympics is the goal, then there is a huge loss experienced when the award is won; The goal is accomplished and now I am lost. This is the same condition as those who have said the magic words and "accepted Jesus into their heart" but find they are still lost and confused.
But if the activity is the love, then the gold at the Olympics is just a nice landmark in the adventure.
We are so goal oriented that we just want someone to fast track the struggle and tell us the answer so we can comply without the change.
This is the Lottery mentality that brings destruction not success.

Jesus does indeed want us to arrive at the right answer, but only by the correct process of restructuring our very minds and hearts and eyes and ear of understanding (Romans 12:2).

It took me several weeks of earnest searching with God to come to my understanding of this post passage, and that came after years of preparation to be able to succeed at this study. Therefore I received a great amount of growth by the effort that you did not get from me just telling you the answer.
So if the answer is what you are seeking, you got it now, and can go back to your ball game. The answer was anti-climactic.
But if finding that secret place in God is what you are seeking, then my study will only be an exciting assist in your own searching process already in progress.
This is one reason why this mystery is hidden in this very strange way.
But so far, we have only revealed the secret science of global weather.
There is also an entirely different secret prophecy hidden here as well that directly relates to the last day Empire we are watching rise today!
But I can't just tell it to you because there is far too much understanding we still need to cover before it can make sense.

Another reason why this scientific information is given to us in this strange way is because after learning the truth of all the confusion, we can see how very accurate it is.
With this mental transition of understanding from mumbo-jumbo to accurate message, we now have a sample of how other confusing prophesies actually have very accurate messages as well.
This is like a cipher solved which we now have as a tool to figure out the others!

Oh, I almost forgot:
I believe the two brass mountains are the sun and the moon... in the context of the weather meaning, but this goes way beyond that!

But that is for another book.
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