Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Two Masters

Post 208

Why have I regularly gone off on these tangents while attempting to reach the interpretation of the Beast of Revelation 17:7? Am I actually ever going to get there?
The purpose of my writing is not actually the delivery of the clinical interpretation though that is primarily what the reader wants. Although the revelation of the prophecy is very exciting to me, what I am really excited about is the revelation of the understanding behind the prophecy.
In a reversal of perspective, my “rabbit trails” in getting to the interpretation are not the tangent, the clinical interpretation desired is the tangent *1.

What I am laboriously showing is the deceptive spirit of the lie that makes up the nature of the beast and the whore that rides it. The intent is to show the system of the lie that provides a great and terrible evil which the majority will naturally run from, and the apparent lesser evil appearing good in comparison as the designed trap that will be run to *2.
This evil is not some future entity we are to be looking for to avoid (though that entity is indeed rising now); rather this is all a part of Daniel 7s - 4th Diverse Beast with three parts, described in greater detail as the three part Daniel 2:33 Beast of Iron that first came upon us way back at the rise of Rome and has been growing by degree ever since (with a short setback in a chronological period of respite by the birth of America; that nation built on the principle of Jesus the Christ in the image of the Kingdom of Heaven).
Now at the useful end of that nation by her schizophrenia of faith (two masters), we cannot deny that by the evidence of our current condition the fault lies at the feet of the Christians who have departed from the right way through a subversion (overturning) of the faith. The faith itself has not been destroyed, but it’s use has been as we saw in the previous post.
And so we arrive at this post; a further clarification in an attempt to help the confused identify themselves thereby allowing a departure from the iniquity and a clear and earnest return to the LORD left behind in the subverted faith.

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise 2706 *3 the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon” Matthew 6:24.

This short, simple verse speaks incredible volumes of which I will only touch the surface here.
In an overall comprehension of its clear meaning the first and last parts cannot be stated any clearer: Pick your God, you cannot serve both.

But we are a people who by nature work a concept to death as cattle trampling a spring; “If the simple statement conflicts with my life, I don’t change my life but rather massage the concept in great detail until somehow it does.” The fact we end up swallowing polluted mud does not seem to matter.
So God provided some detail in the center of the grand concept to help us understand what was made so clear just in case we can’t see ourselves in the accusation of serving two masters:
If you try to serve two masters you will not be able to avoid one of two outcomes; in serving both you will hate the one and love the other, or else you will cling to the one and despise the other.
I would like to paraphrase it so you might understand it better but it cannot be stated any clearer.

It is easy to naturally assume we are loving the right one and hating the wrong one, or clinging to the right one and despising the wrong one. In this way we  allow ourselves to feel we are doing the best we can under the circumstances of being trapped, but the very fact that we are serving two masters means that we are choosing the wrong one! It is the right one that is hated, it is the right one that is despised because we HAVE TWO MASTERS; its not about a right choice between them, its that we shouldn’t have two.
* * *

Hate and Love or Cling and Despise.
So what is actually the difference between the two outcomes of hate or despise? They seem about the same:

Why would someone stay with a master that he hates?
There are actually many reasons that compound as such a relationship continues in its course, the best descriptive word of them all is “Trapped”.
We are a people caught in this trap of serving two masters and the result is indeed one of these two outcomes in every case: We hate our jobs but don’t quit because we have become dependent on the money. We hate our marriage but are obligated for the children’s sake, etc., but in each case the problem lies in the service of two masters and not actually the entities themselves:
WHY do you hate your marriage; because it does not provide what you want, thus the second master; your inordinate desire. WHY do you hate your job; because it does not fulfill your idea of the way things should be: as an employee you want to run the company that employs you, but since you don’t have the ability, you have two masters. At the chosen service of a second master grows a hatred of the first, and the first is hated because you just can’t break away entirely. The first master, that was once served in favor, is now seen as a predator that demands your service and so receives your hate.

Why would someone serve a master they despise?
Clearly the verse shows these have made their choice by clinging to only one and despising the other, yet for some reason they cannot make the break from the one they despise.
“Cling” is not love but a result of desperation of something desired. Since what is clung to is not based on love but a self-centered desire of return, then hate is not a resulting emotion either but a despising because it does not provide what the one clung to does *3.
If the second master clearly stripped the authority of the first there would be no two master problem, but because of the inability to leave the first master there is evidence that we know the first master has value, but the second master gives us what we want. So we continue to serve the first master though we despise it because of the clinging to the second.
But Jesus does not say it will be a struggle to serve two masters, he says it cannot be done. The hated or despised master is not actually a master at this point but an anchor you cannot cut loose because you know it is actually the right one that you should love, it is the one that you should cling to, but you don’t. Therefore it is a troublesome master in your heart and mind only but in reality it is not your master.

The focused meaning in the verse is made easier by the last clarifying statement: “Ye cannot serve God and Mammon (3126).”
So what exactly is mammon? (Luke 16:9, 16:11, 16:13).

Mammon 3126 mammonas; of Chaldian origin; (confidence, i.e. figuratively wealth, personified); mammonas, i.e. avarice (deified).

Avarice: Excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity.

To deify (make a god/master of) avarice, is to put your serious trust in what you desire greatly. Only a slight rabbit trail is the god cupid; the little cherub that draws to you the heart of one you want, implied; against their natural will. This “wish” to Cupid is avarice personified making Cupid mammon.
Anything of such an avarice mindframe is mammon though most easily recognized in the concept that wealth will provide what you want in life as Cupid brings whom you love in life.

So what is this verse actually declaring? It is explained from the other side of the issue in Romans 6:16; “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?”

You CANNOT serve both God and confidence in something else to provide your desire. In fact you cannot serve both God and your desire.
And since our short clear verse said it so perfectly, more words can only muddy the water. Yet if you don’t get it in the pure form perhaps a bit of trampling might make it more palatable to your acquired taste:

The desire for something is not what is condemned here. We all have God ordained natural desires. What is condemned is transferring the confidence that rightly belongs on God alone, to something else on which you trust to fulfill your desire. This transference usually happens when God will not provide what you want, and is what deifies that alternate confidence.

Are you unhappy because you just don’t have enough money? Are you confident that if you did you would be happy?
Are you unhappy because you don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Are you confident that if you did you would be happy?
Are you unhappy because you are not lifted up in the eyes of those who know you? Are you confident that if you did you would be happy?

“For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world” I John 2:16 (see also Nehemiah 9:28-30-35 and just now entering 36-37).

Here John is making it very clear that these inordinate focuses have nothing to do with serving God but are sourced of this world. So what do you do now knowing that God is not there to fulfill your inordinate desires? Do you find another master to add to your faith that will give you what you want, or do you surrender your desires to your single Master's will that has other plans for you? Do not get so bogged down in the defined specifics to the missing of the point; Yes there are three specifics identified in the verse for the hard of hearing, but to the spiritual these are three principles of life that cover a larger scope. In an attempt to expose these three general areas I will reveal the three subversions of the minister’s faiths I referenced  in a previous post:

Just this week I witnessed a very sad example of this minister’s great internal struggle between serving two gods. Due to circumstance he simply did not have the strength to avoid he found himself preaching a Social Gospel of blasphemy to a godless audience. My meaning of Social Gospel is best defined as an empty religious message of false hope that is tailored to society's palate. The true gospel of Jesus Christ (which I am confident he thinks he follows) was completely lost in the Social Gospel he felt forced to preach due to the setting. While I could empathies with his situation I must condemn the choice that he made while here attempting to avoid the condemnation and address the cause.
This subversion of his faith is a result of his II Timothy timidity which Paul was instructing him to avoid. The minister has two masters: The Lord Jesus Christ and the praise of society. The fear of hurting people became a master equal (or apparently greater) than the clear direction of the Savior to preach Christ; the Word of the LORD (Acts 8:5, 10:34-42, Romans 10:8-9, I Corinthians 1:17, II Timothy 4:2-5, Titus 1:3, I Peter 1:25). I place this under the category of lust of the flesh because it is the inordinate desire to be liked without conflict that has weakened this minister’s faith unto ineffectiveness. His clinging to the wrong master makes him despise the other he is determined to follow in conflict.

The second minister though having a great ministry built upon a great faith has compromised his great faith by the experience of failure. He knows beyond question that Jesus Christ is the right way but the persistent failure of God to “protect” him in temporal reality has subverted his faith.
He still has strong faith but it is subconsciously adjusted to accommodate perceived reality. To him it is clear that God does not protect us from the evils of the world and so the passages that promise such things must be reinterpreted to fit his experience of reality.
There is a supernatural willingness to turn a blind eye to the scripturally pre-explained causes of God’s apparent failure to protect and simply conclude that God does not protect. This is the very heart of the Jews in facing their horrible experiences. Endurance is now the extent of their faith.
Without realizing it this minister’s faith has been subverted from real and practical to analogy and spiritually disconnected. This minister has fallen into the trap of the lust of the eyes. I put it here in this category because it is the lust to have what we see but don’t have that produces greed.
God has been faithful to, in a curse like way, take from him the “stuff” he puts his confidence in. The ownership of the stuff is not the sin but the confidence in stuff in order to feel successful is transference of deification that belongs only to God. This minister has two masters. As he clings to the  one, it causes him to despise the other.
This was similar to the problem of my own heart that caused God to remove all my confidences in mammon before I could comprehend that truly God is alone the only place where our confidence belongs. Similarly, I honestly don't think there is a person who knows me, including myself, that would think of my problem also as greed, but the confidence in things that can provide what I want belongs in this category.

The third minister has a great amount of scriptural knowledge and by conversation has shown a great amount of comprehension of what it says. In general he conducts his life in an un-reproachable manner yet the spirit of his very Being, oozes general pride. It does not take a deep search to discover that what he does usually has an ulterior motive that centers around his own glory. This is the pride of life; “Associating with that which makes me look good". I have seen this minister actually fulfill the passage of Luke 14:8-11 in a very non-analogy way and it was not a surprise because it is in his nature to possess that place of honor by passive conquest.

This is not a condemnation of these men but an attempt to show that even while we commit to serving the Lord with our lives, through error we can ignorantly allow our faith to be subverted, thinking to be doing the right thing we are actually working for the other team by failing our job.
All this falls under the concept of showing you the nature of the last Gentile GDE Beast (Global Dominate Empire) and the Great Whore that in combination are THE LIE that cannot be avoided except for the diligent follower of Jesus Christ THE TRUTH.

Do not wait for the deception to come, it is already here and you are likely already an unknowing participant. If my writing seems to you as negative gloom and doom that encourages a choosing of sides among men, it is because you only practice one part of the two-part mixture:

“For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: But the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it” Hebrews 4:2.

This is not saying they just didn’t hear the gospel preached, it is saying that while they heard it and thought they understood it they did not get the produce (profit) it provides.
Why? Because they lacked the faith needed to combine with the knowledge that produces the useful comprehension.
The struggle of choice between the Yin and the Yang is a blindness to the fact that the whole circle is evil *2. Lift up your eyes beyond yourself and your overwhelming problems, to focus in the realm beyond the circle. That is where God is and it is only God that can transform the entire circle to become something else entirely where there is no Yin and Yang.

The very real and overwhelming problems of America today are no different. The solution is not found within the circle of “finance the debt” vs. “don’t raise the cap”, these are the Yin and Yang of the choices before congress. The solution is found beyond that problem because the source of the problem is also found beyond spend/don’t spend.
This economic problem is simply a national curse that comes as a bi-product for rejecting God and can only be fixed by a return to the perspective which gave us this great nation in the first place.
* * * * * * *

*1 Tangent: Touching; touching at a single point; specifically, Geometry, meeting a curve or surface at two or more consecutive points and hence having there the same direction as the curve or surface; -

*2 Yin and Yang:
“But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matthew 6:23.

Where is the light in this passage? THERE IS NO LIGHT FOUND HERE.
So if our perspective of light is “graded on the curve”, what we are sure is light by comparison to known darkness is not light at all but darkness, then contemplate the darkness of what even we think is darkness! There is nothing here that approves of the stuff we think is light in this context. What it is saying is that if you chose to live in the circle of Yin and Yang evaluating light and dark comparatively, your entire eye (comprehension) is evil and nothing you come up with is light even though you clearly see it as such. The white in the Yin and Yang circle is simply a different shade of the same darkness also found there as black.

*3 Despise 2706 kataphroneo; from 2596 and 5426; to think against, i.e. disesteem.
By definition this despising seems to come as a result of a new attention that takes the place of a previous. The thing disesteemed must have first been esteemed. The second master provides a new thinking that opposes the first master and belittles it in the despiser’s eyes.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Where Is The LORD?

(Part II)
Post 207

In the previous post we began to see how the overturning of our faith does not destroy the faith while it completely apostatizes its use. With this in mind lets ask the question; why does the Lord not respond today; in the real events of real problems, Where is the LORD?
This is not just an insignificant rhetorical question with no answer; this question MUST be answered if our faith is to have profit.
But In our very comfortable lives here in America, we generically have jobs and homes and are completely free of any discernable needs. We are so fat that we cry about occasionally not getting our momentary desires, never contemplating that we expect that our needs are of course fulfilled. In this existence it is easy to imagine anything we want about God because there are no needs that he alone can fill to cause us pause when he doesn’t. I can attribute my job to God if I want to, but with the training I have and the health to do the job, and with the availability of the position and the affluence of the materials, getting the job is simply a reasonable and expected outcome. Pagans get jobs too *1.
So just where am I to exercise the II Timothy 2:15 test of application of my division of the word of truth? I can actually have divided the word of truth incorrectly and still get the job. So where is the Lord in that? In this abundance of American life I can really get off track in all kinds of strange philosophy about God and misinterpret my successes in life as passing the test of a worthy workman that does not need to be ashamed.
When someone confronts me about my strange philosophies I can create all sorts of mental gymnastics to explain it and this is the striving about words to no profit that Paul mentions in II Timothy 2:14 as well as the profane and vain babblings that do nothing but increase further ungodliness by supporting the twisted thinking (II Timothy 2:16).
Couched between these two verses of corruption in the faith is a different road of thinking that is established on the lifestyle of a good soldier of Jesus Christ (II Timothy 2:3). We see in verses 4-7 that such a life choice has a different set of standards than meaningless untested words;
“No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then you are chosen. Don’t get snared by the pagan ways of looking at life.
“And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.” Even in the pagan world cheaters are not given the trophy. We ban steroid users, and levy fines on violators of the game rules because this is serious business, but in the faith? Who knows what the rules are, it’s all a matter of interpretation.
Yet here Paul makes clear this is not so. You do not win the crown if you go about it outside the rules. Even in traffic court “ignorance is no excuse”.
“The husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits.” In a self-centered mindframe this means I get to be benefited first, but Jesus debunked that simplistic self-focus mentality of interpretation when he declared in his kingdom the first shall be last (Matthew 20:16). So what does this passage mean? The next verse informs us there is more to this than first meets the eye; “Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things.”
Think “Winter Olympics” and you begin to get the idea. If you choose and are chosen to take this path in life there are rules to follow if you want the prize for being the winner. The husbandman in this case is the athlete applying the practice and the soldier’s single eye to his mission. The fruits he gets first are the results of his application. He gets to evaluate his work before anyone else gets the chance. If his training is ineffective he is the first to see. But if his training is good he knows it personally as he observes the results; What was impossible before has become expected through mastery. This is the fulfillment of II Timothy 2:15; “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
But again, Until the Winter Olympics where will the test of rightly dividing be proven? It must be proven in the privacy of your own training as you are the first partaker of the fruit of your successes and failures. Long before the day of serious competition you know with a reasonable degree of accuracy how you will perform according to the degree of effort you put into the training. Did you regularly skip practice to go drinking with your friends? Did you cave to the desire for an occasional burger and fries? Did you sleep through your workout only putting in an appearance but not pushing your limits?

The Winter Olympics has now come.
The arena has been set up in the Middle East and the stands are full of spectator nations, and this contest is not figure skating; This contest is one of Faith. Israel is in great peril and America is the Champion of Christ to finally have the opportunity to show the results of the training.
But wait. Can we change the rules? We really shouldn’t even have competition because someone will get hurt. Lets just hold hands and sing “Joy to the World” leaving out “the Lord has come” part, of course.
These are the cries of one ashamed of his workmanship. That’s not a good way to begin the Olympics.
* * *

Once, a long time ago there was a nation in the very same condition of danger Israel is in today.
So perhaps as her defender we might want to read up on those events to see if anything applies today. Funny thing too; The historical narration with near virtually the same events is about a nation with exactly the same name; Israel. What’s the odds of that?

“Hear ye the word of the LORD, O house of Jacob, and all the families of the house of Israel (and the nation who has also claimed his name and now standing with her as defender): Thus saith the LORD, What iniquity have your fathers found in me, that they are gone far from me, and have walked after vanity, and are become vain? Neither said they, Where is the LORD that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, that led us through the wilderness, through a land of deserts and of pits, through a land of drought, and of the shadow of death, through a land that no man passed through, and where no man dwelt? And I brought you into a plentiful country, to eat the fruit thereof and the goodness thereof…”
Jeremiah 1:4-7a

Is this not directly applicable? Does it not apply to the United States of America as slightly indirectly as it directly applies to Israel? We have pastors that recognize God, but in the great time of need they don’t even ask Where is the LORD. They already know by long practice in their personal lives that God does not respond today as he did in ancient times for Israel and only 200 years ago for America, but nobody knows why. This is obviously not our pastor’s fault as they love God and have been asking for aid for a very long time with no result. “God asked what iniquity our fathers found in him that would make them go far from him, I will tell you the answer; It is that he does not help when we call, so what does he have to say for himself?”

But I remind you, God is not addressing your departure; that was a result of obediently following your fathers. He is asking you to answer why your fathers left him. The reason why this is an important distinction is because you need to evaluate the reason for your own sakes. God did not forsake your fathers; they forsook him. Now you are forsaken but that is a different problem that is sourced in your father’s decision and can only be evaluated at the source for a proper response from you now *2.
How about we let God finish his thought:

“…but when ye (as a people) entered, ye defiled my land, and made mine heritage an abomination. The priests said not, Where is the LORD? And they that handled the law knew me not: the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.” Jeremiah 1:7b-8

So lets see now; God accuses us of having
• priests that don’t even ask Where is God,
• Lawyers and Judges that don’t even know God,
• Pastors that live in transgression against God,
• And prophets that practice their profession by another god and follow the ways of apostasy.
And God continues:

“Wherefore I will yet plead with you, saith the LORD, and with your children’s children will I plead.” Jeremiah 1:9
Even after all the line item facts of offense that would require God not to answer their/our cries, God is still not done with them, he continues to plead and promises to plead even generations later with their grandchildren. Well at least we know Israel won’t be utterly destroyed.
But wait. There are two points that should be noted:
First: this Jeremiah event was a long time ago and history shows God did plead with their grandchildren. And
Second: this is a result of a promise God made to Israel never to cast them off, so America can’t really rely on this children’s children promise even if Israel might because of a multiple application as prophecy.

And God begins his plea before the court of reason:
“For pass over the isles of Chittim and see; and send unto Kedar, and consider diligently, and see if there be such a thing. Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods?...” Jeremiah 1:10-11a
God is not afraid we might find him in error if we really look into this, he instructs us to consider this diligently if such a thing has happened; Did these Pagan nations change gods in their entire history? Is it a Pagan practice to one year worship this god and next year worship that god after casting off the first? This is not the way of people, even those people that worship things that are not actually gods and have no power. It is the nature of man to cling hard to their gods even if they provide virtually nothing.

“…but my people have changed their glory for that which doeth not profit. Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the LORD. For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.” Jeremiah 1:11b-13

Remember, this is God’s lawful pleading of defense in this argument of who is justified.
God did all this for his people giving them great glory. And in return, contrary to the nature of humanity, they traded in that glory along with the God that provided it, and replaced him with utter worthlessness.
God declared by proof he was the spring of flowing water that fed their nation in the middle of a desert country, but they turned their backs to the spring in favor of laboriously carving out their own holding ponds of stagnate water and worse still, all their labor was in vain as the holding ponds could not even hold water at all. Now that is some really smart folk!

And this is just the beginning of the first chapter of a fifty-two-chapter plea. I’m thinking God has a very sound case. But Israel is no longer alone in their insanity.

America; The people of America; The Christians of America; The pastors of the Christians of the people of America, This is now speaking of us. We have now also been entered in this case before the court of reason by our example of imitation.

What has made our fathers cast of our great glory and the God that provided that glory?
This is the God that brought us out from bondage of the tyrant king of England; The same God that miraculously aided our endeavors as documented in our foundational charters by our founding forefathers; The same God that quickly raised us up as a fledgling nation to defeat the Islamic oppressors of the trade routs of the word, and continued to elevate us up above all nations on earth, not to oppress but to bless. Not to consume but to aid their own success. What has this Great God done to cause our fathers to refuse his care and drive him from our governments and places of education? Why have we followed the example of Israel and traded fresh, unending, running water for stagnate holding ponds that leak? Having watched our spiritual patriarch crash and burn her faith resulting in such unspeakable holocaust, Having provided schools for the primary purpose of educating our children in that history, what would make us tear all that down? We gotta be even more insane than Israel!

And so as he pled with Israel God now pleads with America’s Christians as we endeavor to run to Israel’s defense without God;

“Hast thou not procured this unto thyself, in that thou hast forsaken the LORD thy God, when he led thee by the way? *3" Jeremiah 1:17
* * *

I understand that to the Christian who has really attempted to raise God’s much needed aid to no avail, it is really hard to feel anything. The mind knows these scriptures are true and right, but reality says I need help now and the reason why it doesn’t come is at this point irrelevant.
I know men of God who’s homes have been broken up by thieves, whose daughters have fatherless children, who face perpetual disasters of life that are so insurmountable it is all one can do to stay solvent. But while these are proofs to them that God does not help, God declares them to be reasons to ask; Where is the LORD?
When you ask that question with every intention of finding the answer, God helps the investigation by pointing at our fathers. They are the ones who have led us to this desolate place without God and so it is imperative that we trace back to the reason they departed from God. Perhaps it was a good and valid reason but perhaps it wasn’t. Once we discover the answer we can rightly determine if we should return to the God that abundantly blessed and provided and protected or continue our course without him.
God does not answer because we have been trained by our fathers to live outside of his will while pretending he is our God.

Dear troubled Christian, the curses you face that seem to want to kill you but never actually get the job done, are not proof that God does not work among humanity today; they are the tools to drive you to seriously ask Where is the LORD?

Can God save Israel if we choose him as our God of defense? Not only can he, but he would desire nothing else. Can God also restore America as he did Lazarus (John 11) if we choose him as our God? Not only can he, but he would love to perform just such a miracle.
But we cannot turn to God nationally as long as privately we only pretend to serve him.
The profits of our private catastrophic faiths are utterly ruined as is proven by the silence we get when we ask God for help. I use “we” as a politeness because I am no longer drawing stagnate water from a leaking sludge-pond of worthless faith. Won’t you join me in drawing living water from the spring our fathers abandon without cause?
* * * * * * *

*1 I should not have to spell out the detail that of course I know that all these things come from God and that the Christ based foundation of America is directly attributable for these conditions and that the Pagan gets jobs here too because of the conditions thereby created. But this is not directly obvious to the skeptic, which is my point.

*2 "Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask they father, and he will shew thee, thy elders, and they will tell thee." Deuteronomy 32:7
"And when the LORD saw it, he abhorred them, because of the provoking of his sons, and of his daughters. And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be: for they are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith." Deuteronomy 32:19-20

*3 “Then my anger shall be kindled against them in that day, and I will forsake them, and I will hide my face from them, and they shall be devoured, and many evils and troubles shall befall them; so that they will say in that day, Are not these evils come upon us, because our God is not among us?” Deuteronomy 31:17
This is not a guarantee of such a response; God is simply declaring the intended reason for the evils though the cause is self-inflicted. If you are struggling now with your troubles but refuse to accept they are due to your waywardness of heart, how bad can the troubles get? Look to the troubles of Israel as an example, but they do not ask; Where is the LORD?
If you don’t ask now, when will you ask?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Rightly Dividing

(Where Is The Lord? - Part I)
II Timothy 2:1-19
July 2-3, 2011
Post 206

There are three ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that I intimately converse with from time to time. These are personally morally stable men with a desire to serve God and encourage others to serve God. They have in various degree laid aside their potential personal successes to take up the ministry of God and live with the temporal diminishments that result, these men are not ignorant of the scripture or the personal application of it to life. These are respected men in their communities because of their real and honest application of their faith in their lives as opposed to the more common charlatans masquerading as ministers as a means to achieve personal success. Recently I have also interacted in a far less degree with a few very significant leaders regarding the topic of the present Israel issue. Yet without exception they all hear my words as so much clinical concoction of religious extremism that I have improperly drawn from the scriptures that do not mean what I interpret them to mean.
So why is it that we all believe in the same Jesus, preach from and personally apply the same scriptures, but disagree on what it means? We cannot all be correct as our views disagree, therefore; How do we rightly divide the word of truth? (II Timothy 2:15)

This concept of conflicting interpretations is a foundational issue that demands an earnest investigation while knowing this problem of interpretation disparity has existed from the beginning as the first “second hand” minister of God found herself questioning the meaning of God’s word by the alternate interpretation offered; “Hath God said?” (Genesis 3:1). Adam, like the writers of the scripture, received God’s word directly. It is we, the second hand ministers like Eve, that then have to interpret the meaning of the words we have been handed down.
* * *

Why the disparity?
Disparity: Inequality; different in age, rank, or condition; also, difference in character or kind.
By investigation of the question we soon discover there are quite a few variables that make the surface answer quite complex:
First we have the several layers of intent as God’s word was designed to be applied spiritually, and physically, and at different times in history in different but similar scenarios of both. In each interpretation the application is somewhat different though 100% correct.
Next we have the near limitless various individual applications to believers in different needs at their same point of application, yet again still 100% correct. These variables are numerous and different but correct interpretations of the word of truth that need discretion when interacting between believers (Romans 14:4).

But the problem grows increasingly complex when we add the many variables of incorrect interpretation with their many various causes.
It is for this complexity of error that the II Timothy 2:15 verse distinguishes rightly dividing the word of truth from wrongly dividing it. This is not speaking of pagan non-believers who do not even have available the word of truth, nor is it defending the debate that it is the word of truth; the people this verse is speaking to do not question that it is. Yet this passage warns that believers, confident that it is the word of truth, are still susceptible to wrongly divide that word. What might be the consequences of this error? And perhaps a more important question; What might be the cause?
This second chapter of II Timothy gives us both answers:
* * *

Regarding the consequences of miss-interpreting/applying scripture:

“Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers” II Timothy 2:14.

Verse 14 begins by establishing the foundation upon which to avoid the very nature of miss-interpretation. “Of these things put them in remembrance…” What things? We will cover that in the next section. Then having laid the foundation to avoid miss-division of the word of truth Paul goes on in the verse to explain the consequences:
“…charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit 5539, but to the subverting 2692 of the hearers.”

In this use the Greek word subversion is; katastrophe; from 2690; an overturn (“catastrophe”) i.e. demolition; figuratively apostasy.
This is significant as it clearly identifies that this catastrophe of the faith cannot occur unless the faith has been first set up that is then destroyed or overturned. Again this is speaking of believers whose faith has been catastrophically overturned by the striving of words to no advantage (profit).

Profit 5539 chresimos; from 5540; serviceable.
5540 chresis; employment, i.e. (specifically) sexual intercourse (as an occupation of the body):- use.

Don’t be distracted by leading words to the inapplicable side issue of a paid prostitute; that is not the meaning of the language in this application though quite entangled. Rather, it is speaking of a very intimate and personal application (thus the words employment and occupation) meaning a useable real function or act to fulfill a designated purpose in the way that sexual intercourse is the means to show love and produce offspring. The serviceable use (means of achieving the goal) is the topic; thus “advantage”.
The “overturning”; the catastrophic destruction in this application is exampled in the abuse of sexual intercourse as a woman becomes a sex slave such as a rape victim/prostitute. The resulting confusion by its corrupted use turns a beautiful function into a curse for the woman destroyed and the man doing the destroying. This is the meaning of the word used here: “Profit” meaning useful advantage.
The corruption does not destroy the function, but catastrophically destroys the actual purpose of the function by overturning the use. Now instead of producing offspring it produces money and or violence, instead of expressing love it expresses abuse and indifference. The function is not altered but the intended profit is. This results in the apostasy revealed in the definition of catastrophe: an utterly ruined faith, not by the destruction of the faith but by a foundational and utter corruption of it; the faith is not destroyed but the intended usefulness is. The end result in both cases of faith and intercourse is a fully perverted perspective of what the function is actually for; What hope remains for an uncorrupted understanding of the original intent? In their world such an idea has no meaning, ability or relevance.

After explaining in our root verse of the passage (v.15) that Timothy is not to fall to this corruption of the faith, Paul continues to describe the consequences of wrongly dividing the word of truth;
“but shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenae’us and Philetus; who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some” II Timothy 2:16-18.

Since we know this letter to Timothy was written after the resurrection of Jesus from the dead following his crucifixion, Paul is clearly not speaking of that event as THE resurrection but these men were. Same word of truth, but one to rightly and one to wrongly dividing. This resurrection is that of the believers unto eternal life, but these men had convinced some of the faith that they had somehow missed that resurrection and of course such a belief would catastrophically demolish their faith as now hopeless. This was done by these perhaps well meaning but deceived preaches as they wrongly divided the word of truth twisting it by profane and vain though intelligent sounding words resulting in destruction.
I suggest that in the very dark days ahead, this very same corrupt twisting of scripture to “prove” to believers that they missed the resurrection will be a very real threat to the faith of that day.
There will indeed be a real rapture; a resurrection of sorts, of the believers in a specific point in time proceeding a great wrath of unspeakable horrors to fall upon the earth. There will be teachers using scripture to “prove” that was THE resurrection and so if you are still here, you have no more hope of salvation and are eternally lost as is evident by the great wrath upon the earth by God himself. Although this will be explained as the real hell on earth; THIS IS NOT SO. There remains for them the great resurrection in the end and they should have all confidence of hope that if they remain faithful they will not miss it just as we did not miss it though we did not accompany Jesus in his first resurrection that Hymenae’us and Philetus wrongly preached. Note that both right and wrong uses speak with the words of truth as the topic here is the word of truth miss-used.
With the original word definitions shown, we see clearly the example of rape in the physical sense is actually a mirror of the far more horrible event of spiritual rape by the corruption of our understanding of the word of truth. Attempting to convince a long time sex slave in the prostitution trade that sex is a beautiful expression of love would be quite a task. She has unimaginable and complex corruption of understanding to overcome in the process, what hope is there for a genuine recovery? In the same way is the corruption of a prostituted faith.
But this passage also addresses this issue of restitution beginning in the very next verse;

“Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity” II Timothy 2:19.

Can you see the two fold statement of Jesus to the woman caught in adultery? This is not so much a statement of admonition but a release from captivity; Allow it to be so. Let them depart. If you identify with Christ, depart from iniquity. "Go and sin no more."

The many different confusions of corruptions of the faith are all washed away in the rock solid foundation of God with this guarantee; The Lord knows his own as opposed to those professing to be his.
Like the woman caught in adultery for reasons not explained but only now becoming evident by the growing awareness of Islam’s long practice, the Lord does not condemn these destroyed believers nor is the church to condemn them, but neither are they to expect nothing from them as suggested by the false doctrine of Unconditional Love. The love that Jesus extended is two fold; “…Neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more” John 8:11.
And indeed in our type and shadow, we find that once rescued from the sex slave trade these women are able to overcome and recover in a miraculous way. When once they willingly offered their bodies to corruption as slaves, they now being free from bondage have no inclination to continue such conduct. Jesus' comment to the woman was not an admonition but a statement of freedom, thus the colon.
So it is with those in the corruption of faith. It may be hard to rescue them, and in the process they may actually resist aggressively giving the impression they diligently want to stay in their condition, but those convinced to the recognition of truth, God can and does grant them miraculous recovery. These in helpless bondage are not our enemies but brainwashed fearful slaves. It is incredibly easy to simply run from captivity and be free, but the programing of fear keeps them in bondage. Therefore II Timothy 2:24-26 tells us we are not to strive about such corruption as choosing sides in a battle, we are rather to teach them with patience; in meekness instructing the correction to those in error in hopes that God might grant them repentance of their error by recognizing the truth. These are not intentional enemies of God bent on evil for evil’s sake, but snared by the devil and taken captive in their understanding to do his will because they now think it is what they must do. Remember these are not the pagans we are also supposed to rescue, this is the consequence of believers wrongly dividing the word of truth.
Now in understanding we can see that Paul was not personally condemning the false teachers of Hymenae’us and Philetus but that their false teaching must be stopped. His heart was that they would recover the faith through hearing the correct presentation of the word of truth but in the meantime they were doing great damage that should not be allowed unresisted.
This very uncomfortable concept of sexual abuse fills the scriptures as physically a bi-product of being conquered by the enemy, prophetically as a consequence for national disobedience, and spiritually for the same reasons. I have already shown in several posts like 123 The Woman In The Ephah that the corruption and abuse of sex will play a huge primary role in the rise and success of the Great Whore of the 3rd phase of the 4th diverse beast, and that this physical reality will be the reflection of the spiritual reality of the faith as the word of truth is foundationally corrupted to catastrophic destruction called apostasy. Christians have long abhorred the thought of the apostate church.
Now suddenly with this understanding we should have a new heart of compassion on those corrupted while at the same time hating the corruption they are a part of. Rescue is the theme, not war.
* * *

Now lets address the cause of such error:

These well-meaning ministers of God who cannot rightly divide the word of truth have been captured by the Devil and their faith has been raped and prostituted. They have been his slaves for years now until this way has become a lifestyle; a part of who they are and they actually now defend their perspective as their own, presenting in every way that they really do believe they are acting of their own volition. Like the prostitute on the street most are not actually there because they specifically chose it, but now are so confused they don’t know how to accept help or even know they want it, even when it is actually standing in front of them; they have been lied to and deceived constantly for many years and they honestly can’t recognize the truth. To make the confusion even greater, the word of truth is what has been used to corrupt them so hearing the words has a completely different interpretation that has no profit.

It is common to hear of these newly trafficked girls deceived by the promise of a great job in a far away land by men that "just want to help". Suddenly discovering they are in real trouble they run to the woman they are told by design can help them, but in reality she is the madam that sells them into prostitution. So which is actually worse when they are a team with a single design? Both the man and the madam are the Yin and Yang of evil.
This is exactly the scenario America now faces as seeing Israel in very real danger, we cannot help her so we ignorantly send her to the woman of Democracy that is supposed to help only to find too late she is the madam. This scenario has all been very carefully designed by Satan himself as we see mirrored in the successful practice of human trafficking.

How can these ministers not see this?
Because they have failed to apply the concept of II Timothy chapter 2 which is the full conviction that the only way to avoid the corruption is to “be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” II Timothy 2:1.
This is not a warm and fuzzy general idea for basic betterment, it is virtually the only right answer in real life situations.
“No man that warreth entangleth 1707 himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier” II Timothy 2:4. This verse is most commonly wrongly interpreted to mean Christians should stay out of politics or remain aloof from non-religious things but this is shown wrong by Jesus prayer of John 17:15 “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.” So what is the actual meaning of the II Timothy verse? It is speaking with the analogy of a soldier. The key word is entangled. Soldiers are people too, they have car payments and girlfriends, but they are not to entangle themselves in affairs outside of their mission. Therefore by the combination of these two verses, participation is not forbidden but entanglement is.
Entangleth 1707 empleko; from 1722 and 4120; to entwine, i.e. (figuratively) involve with.
1722 en; a primitive preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relationship of rest…
4120 pleko; a primitive word; to twine or braid.

The meaning comes clear that this entanglement is a significant stand by the complex combination of two values for the purpose of becoming one thing. If then the Timothy passage is speaking of the faith as a military type mission and the non-faith world as the civilian life, then to combine the mission of the faithful with the mentality of the non-faithful ways for the purpose of making a stand, is exactly the entanglement that Paul says is forbidden. Such a venture is the desire to obey the scriptural mandate to bless Israel by turning to the pagan world to add their strength to our otherwise weak endeavor of faith.
“On paper” this sounds like a good idea, but this cannot be employed because it violates the faith itself. It is wrongly dividing the word of truth.

What would cause the faithful to come to such a conclusional error?
It is the entanglement itself. But the complexity of perception comes when trying to compartmentalize cause with events; i.e. We are now speaking of the Israel situation and so we want to see the specific entanglement to avoid. The problem is that these are not compartmentalized; The entanglement began long ago in an area of life seemingly unrelated and is now presenting in an unsolvable scenario because the corruption has been well established. Like the young woman enslaved into prostitution, the corruption is now so complex and well established these well meaning ministers have been compromised and their faith corrupted though still very much faith.
As I was reminded in a recent conversation, King David in full and pure faith ended up accidentally killing a faithful priest when he tried to bless God by means unauthorized (II Samuel 6:1-12).
The key to understanding the source of the error that ends up in such catastrophe is found in the four stage testing ground of II Timothy 2:15;

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

It begins with stage one: study.
But while many might study for knowledge sake, here in stage two we are specifically to study for the purpose of becoming approvable in our understanding toward God. The wording of this sentence is so perfect it is hard to explain with other words. Unto is not just old English for to but implies a presentation of action. We are not trying to make God approve of us as the word to would suggest, we are trying to conduct our faith of God in wisdom. “Study to perform your successful godly work as it is blessed by God” might be a reasonable transliteration.
Stage three says that this approvable conduct as a result of understanding, is verified in that it produces no shame in poor results. This stage indicates that what we studied must be applied in practice to see if our approvable application produces shame or not. Walk the talk is a common phrase with this meaning.
This is the proof of the tested stage four correct division of the word of truth.

The point here is that stage four proof is not found in theology or philosophy or mental exercise or even in the study that produces it, the stage four proof is found in successful application of personal example; the showing thyself approved.

In each of these three ministers there are different foundational corruptions of their faith having been entangled in godless foundational thinking. The men are not reprobate; they are sound men of faith and in nearly every area of their lives are un-reproachable. But this actually hides the foundational corruption that contaminates the faith resulting in shame as their workmanship is shown to be un-approvable. But the corruption has quietly grown for so long without carefully observing the shame, it is an entanglement from which they don’t even know they need rescue. It is this entanglement that caused King David to imitate the successful conduct of the Philistines when transporting the Arc of the covenant. It was the entanglement that blinded him to his error while trying to bless God but ended in the death of a faithful priest. David was shaken to the core because he had no understanding of the cause. His heart was pure. He meant well. He was just wrong by entanglement with pagan ways. He had wrongly divided the word of truth.

Now we can understand the hidden meaning of II Timothy 2:20-21 “But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.”

It is not God’s desire that some are dishonorable, it is not God’s desire that some are made of wood and earth. But because of the corruption of faith these people have no way of finding the way out and so conclude that God just made them that way and expects them to endure it with patience. But Paul says "Not so!" It is man’s job to purge himself from the errors of shameful faith unapproved. A dishonorable vessel of wood or earth can become an honorable vessel of Gold if he would purge himself of the entanglements.
Clearly put; We cannot allow ourselves to believe there are areas of life where God is not needed. We cannot say; “Our official position on this event is that this event is not supposed to be about religion; it's about supporting and standing with Israel.” - post 205 “Blessing or Curse?”

Seriously, When did God go on vacation allowing us Christians to turn elsewhere for aid? I will tell you when. It began back when each of us in the privacy of our faith compromised just a little and in the compromise God drew back just a bit.
But instead of realizing the severity of such a thing, we simply added more carnal thinking to make up for it. We learned at first in small ways that for some reason God would not come through for us, so we come through for ourselves. Today we have no problem knowing that God does not answer prayer, he does not actually aid in the temporal events of the world and so we need to find “real” solutions to real problems and leave faith to areas that are not so serious. And so the frog is slowly boiled in ever increasing temperature without ever making an effort to escape.
A loved one recently responded with the sudden awareness; “The line I've been waiting for will never come will it?” While we wait for an event significant enough to recognize the corruption and therefore act, the heat is turned up so slowly that there never is an event.
Glenn Beck has been telling us for a few years that if we don’t fix it now it may soon be too late. But I am declaring that by the fact that America can no longer expect God to aid us in defending Israel, that is a line we can use to say "Wow; How far we have fallen!"
Our goose is already cooked. What America needs now is a genuine miracle of resurrection because our frog is already dead.
* * *

But lest you think my message is hopeless (profitless) as was that of Hymenae'us and Philetus let me be quick to say it is not hopeless for the following reason:
Jesus was not physically raised from the dead so that he could then continue his work on earth as if his death was an unfortunate delay. In a very real and full meaning that ministry was over at his death.
It was so over that his own followers deeply mourned the loss and were confused as to the very point of continuing the faith. But Glory to God that ministry was not the entire mission of his coming. His death was actually a part of the mission which began the next stage of the work.
And in like manner the end of America as God's nation to extend his grace to the world is come to and end and the event will be very unpleasant, but this is needful to bring about the next stage. Very similar to Jesus physical presence constrained to one point in time transforming by his resurrection into his Spirit being everywhere at once in each of his followers, so by the death of the Nation the individuals will be metaphorically liberated to spread his grace through the world one on one. Like the early church of Jerusalem was spread through the world by persecution so we must stop being constrained by the corruption of the dying nation and be liberated to preach the gospel with boldness. Instead of a nation of Christ's army of Christian soldiers we become Christ's Gorilla's spreading his Gospel of repentance unto forgiveness.
Yes our national frog is dead and we cannot rightly help the nation of Israel as we should. The consequences of our corrupted help will be profound but that is the cost of failure. We faithful are to acknowledge the loss, but then focus on the knowledge of hope that we have not missed the resurrection. In fact the nation must die before this resurrection can occur in the cyclic process of anticipating that Great Resurrection in the end.
Should the disciples then have rejoiced at Jesus death? Of course not. and neither do I rejoice at the death of my beloved nation. I know full well that we remaining Christians will join the Jews in persecution and I honestly don't look forward to that. I grieve that my fellow Americans have so little regard for the meaning of freedom and peace, but I rejoice that God has shown in prophecy that everything is right on schedule and his story is not done.
* * *

Has your faith been so prostituted that you are held captive by the fear of condemnation? Jesus does not condemn you: in fact he has liberated you so that you can depart from iniquity. Believe me I know how scary it is to abandon the only thing familiar, but all that you think you understand is a carefully crafted world of deception for the purpose of keeping you in bondage. There are no chains but fear binding the prostitute to the street corner she stands on, All she needs is a determination that she will no longer live in this condition.
So it is with the saint captured in iniquity. Run. Run for your life. Flea the bondage of convenient sin and find your Savior waiting just down the street. Go and sin no more, there is a whole world beyond that familiar dark street where your faith is now prostituted.
* * * * * * *

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Blessing Or Curse?

Post 205

The following is taken from a correspondence with a significant party to the Restoring Courage Event scheduled in Jerusalem. I hesitated to post it but it is becoming significant in the question at hand.

(On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 6:06 AM, you wrote)
Dear Friends,
As a long time consumer of Mr. ---- ‘s material I have nothing but the greatest respect for him and his work. And as a great respecter of Mr. Beck and his work, I have been happy to recommend both men's work to as many as will listen. BUT the joint venture which they plan in Israel in October [I meant August], though with the best and most honorable intentions, is the conception of the greatest iniquity that Israel and the Christian world can commit against their God.
I beg you to insure Mr. ---- has the chance to read these two posts that outline scripturally why he should have virtually nothing to do with Glenn Beck's plan to call all gods of all nations to Jerusalem, beseeching global Democracy to defend them against Islam.
This iniquity will result in Israel's greater sin than the 1st rejection of their messiah when Jesus was crucified. My blog is the body of my book carefully working up to these last few posts which I here include. I believe that Mr. ---- is versed well enough in scripture and truth to comprehend the message without the need to read the entirety of the book, and so with great respect and concern I offer these two posts for serious consideration:

1st - Blind Side (http://when-did-reason-die.blogspot.com/2011/05/blind-side.html)

2nd - Foolish Courage (http://when-did-reason-die.blogspot.com/2011/05/foolish-courage.html)

With great love and admiration:

Kyle Ponsford
[address and phone number removed]


From: info@---
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 10:11:16 -0500
Subject: Re: Urgent: BEFORE Mr. ---- Goes to Israel in August!

Mr. Ponsford,
Greetings from ------.
We thank you for your concern for ------ and for what we are doing in Israel. ------s' official position on this event is that this event is not supposed to be about religion; it's about supporting and standing with Israel. Therefore any and all-regardless of religion-are welcome to come and stand with Israel. We are simply following the directive God gave us of supporting his people.

Should you have any further question on this topic or others related to the Restoring Courage event, we welcome you to ask them. You may send them to customerservice@----- as we are collecting questions and may be, if necessary, sending out updates to our mailing list with more information concerning this event. To receive these updates, please sign up for our mailing list at our website www------.

Have a blessed day,


(On Sat, June 25, 2011 at 2:15 PM you wrote)
Dear Miss J-- of ------,
I really appreciate your reply to my email (included) though it appears evident you did not take the time to read the few pages of intent which I attached and instead directed me to this generic email address for further contact. It is clear that ------ has selected a course of action honestly believed to be right, and thus the debate is now closed to those perceived to be in opposition. Therefore how can I word a short introductory e-mail that might spark a genuine warning of worthy caution that would cause an investigation into a potentially critical line of thinking which simply may not have yet been considered? Please allow me this one thought and I will not bother you further:

You declare that ------s’ stand regarding Israel is based from the directive of scripture, but which scripture exactly?
Perhaps the classic Abrahamic promise: “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee…” Genesis 12:3
That seems like a real easy thing to recognize, but this blessing and curse is shown to be complexly corrupted by Jacob’s own mother’s prophetic aid in a deceitful attempt to receive the blessing;
“My father peradventure will feel me, and I shall seem to him as a deceiver; and I shall bring a curse upon me, and not a blessing” Genesis 27:12.

But Jacob (i.e. Israel) obeyed his mother, deceived his father and did receive the blessing intended for his older brother. How is this scripturally possible?

We see the answer of her reply to his concerns in the next verse;
“And his mother said unto him, Upon me be thy curse, my son: only obey my voice, and go fetch them” Genesis 27:13.
We see That Jacob was not cursed for his deception because his mother took the curse upon herself. How benevolent of her. And as we continue the passage we find the blessing Jacob then received;
“Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine: Let people serve thee, and nations bow down to thee: be lord over thy brethren, and let thy mother’s son bow down to thee: cursed be every one that curseth thee, and blessed be he that blesseth thee” Genesis 27:28-29.
But as we investigate this blessing we find a very real lack in application:
When has these specific blessings fallen upon the people of Israel; (the servants of the nations of the earth, the robbed and the abused people)?
When has Israel’s brother *1 served them? Or bowed down to them? When has Israel been lord over them?
We see that Jacob has not yet received the fulfillment of the blessing.

So just what blessing did Jacob’s mother ensure he got? She ensured he got the meaning of his name; Supplanter *2, and he got a firstborn blessing that was not readily applicable to his second born nature. Is it his blessing by its giving? Yes it is (Genesis 27:33). But that blessing has cost him very dearly indeed in learning how to possess it (these many years later still in the learning).
So did Jacob’s mother actually bless him or curse him in her desire to help?

We see that the transfer of the birthright, had already lawfully taken place earlier in an exchange for a bowl of soup (Genesis 25:31-34). Therefore there was no need to engineer a supplanting plot to take what was lawfully his. But out of fear of letting the lawful birthright slip away (as it appeared to be sure), those that would aid him used ungodly methods to acquire the blessing. Does this ring any bells?
Abraham did the same thing for the same reason: The promise was already his, but out of human fear and doubts of reason he allowed someone to “help” him use ungodly means to acquire the blessing; and the result was a great trouble in the earth that still plagues us today (Genesis 16:1-2).
So did Sarai bless Abram or curse him?
* * *

Perhaps ------s’ stand with Israel is based upon the command of Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.”
But what exactly does this command, command us to do? Only to pray in love. Why?
Because of a truth, what can you do for a person while in rebellion?
Israel is not at this time blessable because she is still in denial of her Messiah, she is still learning how to possess the blessing of a firstborn.

To attempt to aid Israel through a loving heart of emotion and not in truth, is to curse them with more troubles while attempting to help them acquire the blessing of the promise through ungodly means.
Democracy is a great curse on the earth as it is the coalition of godless humanity that was first established by Nimrod in his kingdom of Babel (Genesis 10:10), and applied in the attempt to build the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-4).
Why did God judge this effort? Because of the heart of the program: “Let us make a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth” Genesis 11:4.
Why was this such a judgeable thing? Because it was man’s attempt through a democratic mind to supplant God’s authority to direct.
God had already commanded man to replenish the earth (Genesis 1:28), not congregate into one place for the purpose of making a name. The implication is this name they desired to make through building a great tower to heaven, is a name of glory. A name of greatness and respect.
This is a sidetrack that I will not here develop for brevity, but God scattered them to foil their desired ill-advised purpose.
This is the same sin. and the consequence is the same in each case; The attempt of man to acquire the honorable blessing through godless means, results in a scattering to insure that attempt fails.
God always fulfills His promise in His power, for the glory of His name.
* * *

Band of Iron and Brass:
How is the calling of all Godless humanity through the brass of democracy for the defense of Israel against the iron of Islam, supposed to glorify God’s name?
This has already been prophesied in the representation of Nebuchadnezzar’s fall as found in the curious verse of Daniel 4:15;
“Nevertheless leave the stump of his roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth…”
I have already shown in detail of post 093 Babylon Cliffs Notes October 2010, that Nebuchadnezzar was the prophetic representation of Israel. So while Nebuchadnezzar/Israel was cast out of his kingdom to wander insane as an animal, what is the singular band of iron and brass around the stump that remains?
I submit this single band is the captivity of the remnant of Israel.
The Iron we now know to be the fourth diverse beast (Daniel 7), now clearly identified as the three parts of Rome, Islamic Caliphate one, and two, But what is the brass?
It is the Democracy of the Great Whore. And here is identified the mysterious cryptic authority of New Babylon: There are not two bands; one of iron and one of brass. The single band of iron and brass identifies that although presenting as different choices as Yin and Yang, they are the same band of evil; The Great Whore of the sea of Democracy is carried by the Beast of Islam (Revelation 17:7).
* * *

How does this apply in temporal reality?
In our honest heart of love and compassion on Israel’s pending “sure” failure to receive the blessing of promise, this August endeavor in Jerusalem to aid her in that receipt, is but a replay of the several previous unwise attempts that ended in great troubles.
In repulsion of the iron band of Islam, we choose the brass… of the same band. The band of iron and brass.
As I declared before and now declare again: This call to the Democracy of the world to stand in defense of Israel is to spit in the face of God himself declaring him unable to fulfill his promise without our faithless “help” though He has shown his ability in the past two events.
This third attempt is the moment in time when the Great Whore will be conceived and her “maturity” will be as fast as a child prostitute. The resulting brass will be the same binding of the stump as the iron. It is one band.
The first such assist resulted in the casting off of a people that got their own blessing (Genesis 16:10-12). The second assist resulted in a greater perpetual hatred between two peoples (Genesis 27:41). This third assist will result in the greatest trouble the earth has yet seen… again between two peoples; The children of promise and the children of man’s effort to achieve that promise.
This will result in a great confusion of success that will declare the truth of scripture to be a lie as right will become wrong and wickedness will present as honorable. Iniquity will succeed as truth while righteousness will fail as a lie (Daniel 8:23-25a, Isaiah 5:20-21, Jeremiah 23:14, Revelation 18:3).

Therefore I beg you again to simply take a little time and actually consider that to generically stand with Israel based on a generic concept acquired through a general understanding of scripture might not actually produce the desired affect.

Were the apostles to “stand with Israel” when they killed Jesus the Messiah? *3
Are we to now “stand with Israel” while they yet deny the only Savior and door to the Father? *4.
Is “standing with Israel” really the command of scripture?
Is our effort to use Godless means to bless Israel a blessing or a curse to them and us?
“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee…” Genesis 12:3
Might we find ourselves cursed in our ill-advised attempt to bless them?
These are the days of confusion and only a serious search will find the right answer.

May God aid you in your quest to serve him in truth.
Kyle Ponsford
* * * * * * *

*1 “And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels...” (of Genesis 25:22-23)

*2 Jacob 3290 Ya’aqob; from 6117; heel-catcher (i.e. supplanter); the Israelitish patriarch.
Supplanter: to trip up ones heels, to throw down, 1. To supersede (another), especially by force, trickery, or treacherty. 2. To uproot; to eradicate; often so as to replace; as, to supplant fear by curiosity. 3. To take the place of; to supersede; as, free verse has not supplanted metrical verse.- Syn. Displace, overthrow. - Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 1948 5th edition.

*3 Truthtellers org (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/christiansinisraelrepost.html)

*4 Who are Abrahams children (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/whoareabrahamschildren.htm)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Negative Liberties

Post 204

Mr. Obama has repeatedly condemned as fundamentally flawed *1, the U.S. Constitution, which he swore to defend and protect upon his oath *2, and instead has declared a frustration that the Constitution is indeed a document of negative liberties restricting what he would like to do for America *3.
But who’s liberties is the constitution actually negative toward? The citizen’s? No.
The Government’s.
So if Mr. Obama actually understands the correct intent of the Constitution, where he lacks understanding is in his perspective that he IS the authority and therefore feels restricted.
But we did NOT give him authority by voting him as king, rather we retained the authority by voting him only as an administrator. This is the meaning of the term “his Administration”.
The Constitution was written by the people, for the people, to protect the people from any administrator (-tion) who wishes to usurp our authority. Written regarding the administration, it IS a protective charter of negative liberties to the government as it was intended to be.

We are now growing familiar with the practical results of the contest of these conflicting concepts as well as the realization that both Congress and our Judicial (court) systems are now with him in his intent to fundamentally change America *4.

The question becomes; What is America’s fundamental foundation that he intends to change?

By evidenced in the tradition of the required public oath being taken on the Bible and the solicitation of God’s aid to accomplish that oath, we understand these to be symbolic of the underlying foundational concepts upon which the administration is to operate.
By Mr. Obama’s intentional replacement of this symbolic representation and his subsequent conduct in Office, it can no longer be reasonably doubted that he intended to transform America from the bible-based Constitutional Republic that it is, to a democracy driven Islamic-based Republic; just as he aided Egypt to begin. And here is where America has been lead down the designated path to the slaughterhouse; because we have accepted the anesthetizing *5 drug of Political Correctness, which calls such declarations hate speech.

Am I saying Mr. Obama is with Satan like evil of full understanding intentionally destroying America? No. That is not mine to say; I do not know the man’s heart to judge degree of motive, what I am judging is the apparent. What I am saying is that because he has accepted the path he is on, it leads him down the path as the slaughterhouse butcher. Each of us plays our role in life mostly as it is handed us. Few actually wake up enough to look around and think “Hey, this is not what I want to do” and set about to do whatever it takes to make the change, but how we get to our role is insignificant to the role we play.
Many Presidents have been sworn in on the Bible though they do not possess the faith of the Bible, could not Mr. Obama have the same disconnect with the Qu’ran on which he elected to be sworn in on? Yes, that is both possible and probable at least to some degree. But the issue is not the degree of culpable knowledge that we possess in the action but that the action brings about an affect.
Since the oath is not required by the man who takes the oath but by the people who seat the man, the oath is not so much for the man but for the people. Again, this is because the man is simply a tool of the people and not the authority himself. Therefore the fault of the event whatever the results, lies at the feet of the people who accepted the man who wished to do such a thing, and the thing itself.
The Office of the President is simply a job, and the campaign is but a job application. The people are the owners who go through the applications to select the best man for the job. So whose fault is it that we hired an unqualified man *6 who is loyal to the charters of the competition intent on our destruction? Such a company owned by idiots deserves to fail!

But shocking as all this is, that is not the point of this post.

I have just shown you the very ugly demonic image you now see in the mirror, but to badmouth the thing you see there, or to apply makeup to the mirror in an attempt to fix the problem, would be rightly viewed as the actions of one insane. Yet this is all I hear from the right wing conservative. The focus is entirely on the image of the mirror.
* * *

The Mirror: *7
Scripture was written for the same foundational reason as the Constitution which reflects it; that is to insure that we Christians do not usurp God’s authority. The bible was not primarily written as positive affirmation of our power granted by God, but as a restraint that we would not forget our place in the job we have been empowered to do; Administrators of God’s creation (Genesis 1:26,28).

Yet we self-focused elected *8 administrators as Christians swear our sacred duty to God upon the Redeemer’s blood, but then immediately begin to undermine the charter of salvation we swore to uphold, defend and protect. We get frustrated because it seems to be a charter of nothing but negative liberties. It won’t let us serve God in the way we think best so we go about fundamentally transforming our faith to better fit our environment. Like Obama we think of it as a “living document” that we can choose to interpret according to the current values of the times. Since Jesus died to make us both kings and priests (Revelation 1:6), we “obviously” have the authority to make such choices for the benefit of the body of Christ.
But like Obama; the physical reflection of our spiritual condition, we are mistaken to think our presumed authority replaces that of the one who carefully designed its limitations.

Even Jesus himself said; “I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.” John 5:30

Jesus is the supreme administrator on behalf of God. We are to work subservient to Jesus under his direction; “This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent” John 6:29, anything more is presumption that defies the example of the one who commissioned us with his own blood.

The scriptures were written by God as non-negotiable bounds which Christians cannot breach. It is not in our role or place to make alterations; that option lies in the hands of the Creator of the document and he declared them unchangeable (Matthew 5:18).
The Constitution was written in the same way for the administration of our government. And the authority to alter it remains in the hands of the people through a complex series of representative votes with this admonition; “…Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes…”- Declaration of Independence.
To breach the first bounds is to tread on Christ’s blood unto utter destruction,
to breach the second is treason unto the same ends.
Only a people treading on our savior’s blood would think to leave seated such a usurper.
So just who’s fault is the fall of America?
Take a look in that mirror.
* * * * * * *

*1 Fundamentally Flawed:
Interviewer: “Barack Obama, what are your thoughts on the Declaration and Constitution?”
Mr. Obama: “You know, I think it’s a remarkable document”
Inerviewer: “Which one?”
Mr. Obama: “The original Constitution as well as the civil war amendments but I think it is an imperfect document, and I think it is a document that reflects some deep flaws in American culture; the colonial culture nascent at that time; African Americans were not, uh, first of all they were not African Americans, The Africans at the time were not considered as part of the polity that was of concern to the framers, I think that as Richard said it was a nagging problem in the same way that these days we might think of environmental issues or some other problem where you have to balance cost benefits as opposed to seeing it as a moral problem involving persons of moral worth, and in that sense I think we can say that the Constitution reflected a enormous blind spot in this culture that caries on until this day and that the framers had that same blind spot, I don’t think the two views are contradictory to say that it was a remarkable political document that paved the way for where we are now and to say that it also reflected THE fundamental flaw of this country that continues to this day.” - WBEZ Radio interview September 2001
In this interview we are made aware of Mr. Obama’s all consuming concern that America’s founder’s perspective on racial issues was and still is a foundational flaw in our charter documents and the fibers of our very nation’s existence even today.
This post is not about his own foundational error of understanding history *1b nor is it about racial issues. What is of concern here is the revelation of his foundational perspective.
This perspective he intends to apply to many various concepts including but not limited to; environmental issues, or other problems where the balance of cost benefits and individual moral worth must be made.

*1b Racial Reality: In order to correct Mr. Obama’s all encompassing error *1b.1 which clearly affects his ability to administer his role as Commander in Chief, we must rabbit trail too far off target to return. Yet this is a foundational flaw in the man that disqualifies his ability to make such an oath necessary for the office. The oath he made was not to uphold his personal views; he made the required oath to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution.
Was then that oath a bold-faced lie? How could it be otherwise? And by the book upon which he made the oath and therefore the God he begged help to do, that is allowed for the advancement of Islam as Mohammad himself said; “War is deception.” *1b.2
I present here for your education the command of the book upon which he swore his oath as it regards America:
“Make war upon such of those to whom the scriptures have been given as believe not in God (Allah) and have forbidden His Apostle, and profess not the professor of truth, until they pay tribute out of hand, and they be humbled.” Qur’an 9:29
Is not the astronomical stimulus, and health care, and the "necessary skyrocketing cost of energy under his plan” perhaps his way of fulfilling this command of the book upon which he swore?

*1b.1 Founders actual perspective on race:
African American History Resources - African American History Resources (http://www.wallbuilders.com/LIBissuesArticles.asp?id=88)
The plethora of unimpeachable resource here is worthy of a long and serious investigation. It grieves me that we would be willing to place in the highest office a man ignorant of America's actual history; only an equally ignorant people would do such a thing.

*1b.2 Religion of Deception:
Sunan Abu Dawood Book 14, Number 2631: Narrated Ka’b ibn Malik.
“Hudna is an Islamic term that refers to temporary treaties with non-Muslims that are used by the Muslims, solely to gain concessions, military and political strength.” - God’s War on Terror” pg. 71. Such deception is embodied in the Muslim concepts of Kitman and Taqiyya. “The first is a command to deliberately conceal one’s beliefs. It is a particular form of lying… Ja’far Sadiq, the sixth Imam of Shi’a Islam articulates this octurne; “One who exposes something from our religion is like one who intentionally kils us” and “You belong to a religion that whosoever conceals it, Allah will honor him and whosoever reveals it, Allah will disgrace him.”… Taqiyya is virtually the same.” - God’s War on Terror” page 74
So how can we believe what we understood the man say if he swore his oath upon the book of such a religion? We must analyze his words and actions through the perspective of that which motivates him; the faith of the book upon which he swore.

*2 Oath of Office #1: “I Barack Hussein Obama do solemnly swear that I will execute the office of the president of the United States faithfully, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God.” - (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=274_VdeckAU)
If that wasn’t enough, due to the stumbling administering error of Chief Justice John G. Robert Jr., Mr. Obama made the oath a second time to ensure the words he swore were exactly right according the Supreme Law of the Land; the U.S.Constitution Article II Section 1;
"Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:- "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."(sic) But that is not the actual issue I wish to make here:

Please watch this short clip of explanation of those events by the Associated Press with attention to the still shot close-up at the oath #1. - AP clip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cANpyxrtTE&feature=related)
Notice at the beginning of this clip the close-up still of the book upon which Mr. Obama made his oath. Notice also that although Mr. Obama placed his naked hand upon the book, that his wife as the book presenter was in fact wearing gloves and cradling the book with great evidence of reverence. This has no meaning to the ignorant observer and so I offer this must see clip with profound meaning to what we saw in the close up.

Shariamerica: Islam, Obama, and the Establishment Clause:
Shriamerica (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErzxOz3Dzv8&feature=player_embedded#at=194)
“The U.S. government condemns burning the Qur'an. Yet the U.S. government burns Bibles. This is a clear violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.”
Produced by - Acts17Apologetics, http://www.answereingmuslims.com/

Now after viewing that, have another look at that short clip close up; Mr. Obama was taking his oath upon the Qur’an and in the specific Muslim parameters of reverence. So although he utters the words that he is a Christian, just what God is his actions declaring his oath upon? Since he made his oath upon the Qur’an with clear and intimate knowledge of what is acceptable procedure, we cannot but accept that the oath is constrained by the boundaries set within that book. After all that is the whole point of the hand on the book.

Therefore we must view everything he says and does as foundationally based upon the book of which he swore his oath of office would stand.
So view the next clip with this in mind:
getting right to work (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHNFEOx_yfc&NR=1)
What does he mean by “There’s much work to be done”?
“Now all Americans hold within our hands the promise of a new beginning”. This sounds all warm and fuzzy American talk, but looking back now upon his past 2-1/2+ years of his term we see that he meant something else entirely. But do we really see it yet?
“We will invite people across the country to work on behalf of a common purpose through a national day of service on Monday.” Now what does this really mean? This must be answered through the question; “why effort the alteration of your oath of office to be administered on the Qur’an?” This is not simply some novel meaningless idea of an unimportant man, this is the foundational value on which this national leader intends to operate his administration.
“Together we know that this is a time of great challenge for the American people. Difficult days are upon us and even more difficult days lie ahead.” If he actually meant as he implied; our nation’s present war, and the economic turmoil faced, then what did he mean by “and even more difficult days lie ahead”? This is not what he said he intended when forcing that first stimulus on us that was supposed to fix everything.
“and there is so much work must be done to restore peace and advance prosperity.” When heard from a Biblical foundation this means one thing, but when heard from a Quranic foundation it means something else entirely. How does the Qur’an’s Islam declare peace will be found?
Only in reciting the Shahadatan; “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed in his messenger.” The Islamic concept of peace is exclusively found by conversation to Islam.
How about the advancement of prosperity? That is found in the very tax that the United States established the Marine Corps to defeat. Both the concept of peace and the concept of advancement of prosperity is found in the Treaty of Hudaibiyah; both exclusive benefits of Islam alone.
Am I just stretching all this wildly out of proportion? Listen to the mans word’s, look at what he has done, you do the math.
Its all about Islam Obama speech in Cairo Egypt June 4, 2009
This short new clip of his speech is pregnant with the praise and focus on Islam as is this one example among several:
“and I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”
But apparently the Islam Egypt had at the time under the leadership of Mubarak was not the Islam Mr. Obama intended for Egypt as he supported the reckless abandonment of their government just a short time later.
“I’ve come here to Cairo to seek a new beginning. Between the United States and Muslims around the world. One based on mutual interest and mutual respect. One based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. And I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”
Now we can continue to believe that this man simply has no knowledge of true Islam and therefore made such declarations in the ignorance of hope for international relations, but that would have to ignore the fact that he was schooled in Islam from a child, always speaks with great personal respect for Islam while ridiculing the Bible, follows the handling of the Qur’an with informative reverence and has elected to swear his oath of office as President of the United States upon that religious, social and political book of required obedience, and declares the American reverence for Islam to be a significant purpose of his Presidency.
No. He is not ignorant. And he does not take his office lightly, nor his view of the U.S. Constitution.

*3 Obama’s Perspective:
“If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court I think where it succeeded was to vest formal rights in previously dispossessed peoples… but the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of Redistribution of wealth and [illegible word] the more basic issues of political and Economic Justice in this society, and to that extent I think as radical as people try to characterize the Warren court, It wasn’t that racial. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as its been interpreted and Warren court interpreted it the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties; says what the States can’t do to you, Says what the Federal government can’t do to you but doesn’t say what the Federal government or the State government must do on your behalf, and that hasn’t shifted. and one of the I think the tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendency to loose track of the political and community organizing and activities-on-the-ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about Redistributive Change, and in some ways we still suffer from that.” - Obama, Transcribed from audio interview in attention to his (flawed) understanding of the founders perspective on slavery. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jr9mLB3yKs)

So what did he reveal here regarding the Constitution as it is applied in society? First, that he correctly understands the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties, and second that he disapproves of this as it restricts what he wants to see done on America’s behalf. And further he revealed his desire to move this nation even further from that charter than was presently being contested by the State and Federal governments implementing “positive liberties” which he declared (wrongly) that the Constitution does not address.
In a very smooth way he simply did a slick two-step right around the negative part of the charter to make his usurpation of authority over America a positive thing. The problem is, that negativity is the whole point of the charter.

*4 Fundamental: 1. Of or pertaining to the foundation or basis; essential; basal… -n. 1. A principle, law, or article, which serves as the groundwork of a system; essential part.

*5 Anesthesia: Entire or partial loss of feeling or sensation; a state of paralysis of the sensory apparatus produced by disease, hypnotism, or an anesthetic…

My blog is screaming into the ear of the anathematized to snap out of it; to come back to reality; to again interact in reality with an alert awareness of real conditions. It is pouring coffee down the throat of a drunk in the effort to drive out the debilitating drug that creates the dullness of comprehending reality. The scriptures describe it as “holding the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1:17). Paul explained it as “seeing through a glass darkly” (I Corinthians 13:12). Jesus explained it representationally in the physical healing of “Blindness” (Matthew 11:5) and the analogy of spiritual blindness (Matthew 23:16, John 12:40) as two parts of the same thing (Matthew 21:14, John 5:3, 10:21) i.e Spiritual and Physical.
How can America be so sluggish in mind to have no response to a public and very poorly masked declaration of attack on this nation in a several levels of very REAL ways? It is because the tangible and the spiritual are not found in segregated boxes; It is all one in the same. Our fathers knew this full well and established not a representation of making an oath on the bible, but the reality of making an oath on the bible. This is not a meaningless symbology; it is a fundamental concept that must not be changed without the utter destruction of what is.
This entire blog began at the election of this man and it would be well worth a re-read of those first arguments with this now fuller understanding of what was meant. How did I know then all this? Because I am not allowing my mind and spirit to be drugged I see reality with clear eyes and mind and spirit. Do you find it hard to care? That is evidence that you are drugged as sure as a Date-Rape drug allows what would otherwise be resisted with everything you have in you. I can feed you coffee but you must WANT to come back. Fight the dullness and seek the living God aggressively.

As with any addiction there will be a strong propensity to return to the familiar vice now and again. We have the physical example of Drug Rehabilitation, Alcohol Anonymous, Attempts to quit Smoking, Weightloss programs, etc. to show us that most who attempt such things usually fail not because the programs are powerless but because the will has not fully determined to abandon what it has grown to love. We grieve for the destruction caused by the vice of our loved ones and offer them every help possible, but success fully rests in the heart of the one needing freedom, and the drug is what keeps the heart content in delusion.
Revelation 13:20 describes this as Jesus offering you the Rehabilitation program; “behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.”
Now although this is completely true in the life of every human being from past to future, this passage is specifically written for those people in the horrible days ahead; How did Jesus overcome? He was killed for the faith to be risen unto God (Mark 8:31,9:31). In that future day this will have great specific meaning. But today the application is primarily spiritual though physically applied through representation of real life events; “And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience…” Ephesians 2:1-2 (II Corinthians 4:16, Acts 2:29)
Mr. Obama is simply walking according to that prince of darkness, the God of the book upon which he took his oath, the course of this world that moves him to conclude that America must be fundamentally changed. Does America have very serious problems that need to change? Yes she does. But the problems are not fundamental; they are in proportion superficial as we are simply not functioning according to the fundamentals.
But because we have ignored the knocking of our Lord to the changing of our function, we have prepared the way for the prince of the power of the air to offer us a man of his own that we would accept. This man is now bricking in that door as a part of his fundamental changes. The time is upon us when the knocking will stop, not because the Lord desires to quit but because we have made it impossible for him to continue by completely removing the door upon which he knocks. At that point EVERYTHING changes:

“When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are:” Luke 13:25

At this point the entire focus is different; As the Lord once stood outside our national and personal door in an effort to be let in, we will very soon find an environment when we need his aid and so go knocking at his door. As we turned a deaf ear to his knocking, he will return the favor. This is the fundamental change that Obama is speaking of even if he has no such thing actually in mind.

*6 Obama’s self declared intent is a direct violation of the oath:
“I’ve got a core set of values that I think have to be advanced and that my individual salvation depends on our collective salvation.”- Barack Obama, CSPAN2 Book TV 11/23/2004
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” - Barack Obama at the University of Missouri in Columbia on Thursday, October 30th, 5 days before the election. intended goal (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cqN4NIEtOY)
So does this not fly in the face of his oath? How can one intend to fundamentally transform that thing which is protected from such fundamental changes by the document he just swore by oath to not only protect, but preserve and defend?!
“I have to side with Justice Breyer’s view of the Constitution - That it is not a static but living document and must be read in the context of an ever changing world.” - “Barack Obama The Audacity of Hope” pages 89-92

*7 The Mirror:
The mirror is the thing standing right in front of you, it is what we see with our eyes and touch with our hands, but in spite of the fact of its reality, the mirror is not what is real. It is only a reflection of what is real though you need the mirror to see it.

*8 The Elected: Matthew 24:22,24,31, Romans 8:33, I Colossians 3:12, I Timothy 5:21, II Timothy 2:10, Titus 1:1, also Israel as in Isaiah 45:4, 65:9)