Wednesday, August 5, 2009

President or Dictator?

Post 024

What is the difference between a president and a dictator?
We are aware of the American masses growing very concerned about the flagrant willfulness of congress to blow our money and passing highly destructive bills without so much as reading them.
John Conyers
This week the large and growing groups of Health-Care protesters are being labeled as "angry mobs".
Angry Mob add
OK, So what?
These are the first steps that may soon be used to actually arrest these dissenting voices.
Under the repeated line-bits like "angry mobs". "We all know" angry mobs are potentially dangerous, and this will be the excuse used to remove these important voices. But these voices are citizens confronting their government which is doing what the people don't want them to do. Actual Angry Mob video 1
Actual Angry Mob Video 2
In a nation of free citizens we are all able to disagree and argue our point much like I am doing here. You may agree, or you may disagree with my view, and that is fine. Discussion is the food of learning.
And in a free nation, the government is the servant of the citizens, and the citizen expects the government to listen to their opinions.
This is what a president would want to do.
So why would a government be so unwilling to hear the masses with a different view? Why deny them the right to bring their thoughts to the table for discussion? Why blow them off as an "Angry Mob"?
A president who is unwilling to listen to the people, but do as he wants, is not acting as a president, but has the mind frame of a dictator!
"King & Tyrants are very different characters: one rules his people by laws, to which they consent; the other by his absolute will and power. This is called freedom, this tyranny." - William Penn "Some Fruits of Solitude" 1693.
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