Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blind Side

post 191
(a post in theoretical progress)

I did NOT see that coming though I was looking straight at it!

I have been working on a short diversionary series describing the confusion that will aid the rise of the Antichrist before getting back to Revelation 17 because I thought I had time, but perhaps I was mistaken. That series will have to wait.

I watched Glenn Beck's TV show last night and although it makes perfect sense, I honestly did not see that coming.
Did you?

I really like the guy. I like his show. I get lots of good current events from him that I couldn't get anywhere else because he does impeccable research and tells it like it is.
God has gifted him with the ability to see the reality of events as God intended for them to be seen in these last days.
I am also sensitive to the negativity I seem to aim at everyone because at this point most everyone is wrong. I was delighted to be able to praise Mr. Beck for his sound truth and willingness to proclaim it.
But now this.

It seems that Mr. Beck is the man who will bring about the Great Whore while he means well with the best intentions.
And who would have thought that the Great Whore would begin in Jerusalem?... and by an American?... an American who has been exposing the evil now upon us?

What am I talking about?
For that answer we will have to now continue what we started many posts ago; Lets continue in Revelation 17.
but before we do, I encourage you to go back and re-read post 160 The Great Whore

* * *

We left off in verse 10 to identify the seven kings and even the eighth, and can now be sure above doubt that they are indeed all the Gentile GDEs (Global Dominate Empires) to affect Israel through time.
We were even able to identify them as: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, Islamic Caliphate one, and Islamic caliphate two, the last of which I spent a bit of time exploring and was in the process of a mini-series to describe its nature of confusion and imitation as it steals the Faith of the Jewish God to corrupt it as its own.

Now backing up to the beginning of Chapter 17 you will remember that although this chapter switched focus to the beast in verse 8, it began by focusing on the Great Whore in the first 7 verses.

I have spent a significant amount of time exploring the beast of the second Islamic Caliphate, and according to what I have shown in scripture this is no longer speculative interpretation. The return of the Islamic Caliphate is the next and last Gentile GDE to rise. (Sorry Rome)

but John did not seem impressed with that beast.
Horrible as it is with its great teeth and nails and power to destroy, John simply saw a GDE as is the way of the earth. Yes it was more destructive than all those previous, but somebody has to be on the top of a list, so John was not surprised.

But we got a different reaction from John when he saw the woman that rode it.
"And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration." Revelation 17:6

John's marveling was significant enough to get a reaction from the angel;

"And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel?..." Revelation 17:7a

"...I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her... Revelation 17:7b

We understand that in this format the beast is little more than an accessory of the woman like a noteworthy car, the angel was saying I will tell you about the woman... and the beast is an important part of the description.

If I told you of a finely dressed attractive woman driving a Mercedes, you would get one image in your mind.
But if I told you of a finely dressed attractive woman driving a monster truck, your image would be drastically different.

Well, we have covered the beast, but not in its entirety. The scripture has yet more to say of the beast.
But now Glenn Beck it seems, is the guy who will bring about the Great Whore while trying to defend Israel from the beast.

I need to be clear, I do not know Glenn Beck's part as fact yet. This is my observation of reality through my lens of prophecy. I offer you my evidence for your own evaluation.
But be warned; my evidence is substantial and will take several posts!

* * *

On Monday May 16, 2011 Mr. Beck publicly exposed his purpose for his recent trip to Israel the previous week.

"Gang, we're all in this together I don't care what religion you are."

What does he actually mean by this?
His narration leaves virtually no doubt of his intent; It is all religions called in defense against radical Islam. and that is a very sound reaction to the Global Dominate threat of the greatest probable violence the planet has ever seen.
Is this not the threat I too have been expounding on?
Yes. Revelation 17:11 declares this current threat to be the 8th beast.

So don't Mr. Beck and I agree on this point?
Yes we do.

So what is the problem?
Mr. Beck is now calling for the gathering of all religions to stand against Radical Islam.

He declares; "People of all faiths need to stand together."

In the same TV program yesterday, Mr. Beck said; "Last weekend I was in Israel and I met with a man named Rabbi Riskin. He is a leading voice and renowned for his innovative educational and social action programs, I don't know if I agree with him on politics or not I don't really care. I know he's under attack in some quarters because in his position rabies don't usually meet with Christians and talk about Ezekiel. But he's reaching out as much as he can, and there are many people in Israel that are doing that.
Rabbi Riskin told me he is convinced that God is asking him to gather people of all faiths to stand together; Jews, Christians, Muslims, it doesn't matter. I believe the same thing."

Mr. Beck continued:
(Like the Restoring Honor event last August in Washington DC) "this August I am going to be holding another event that I am calling; Restoring Courage. This time I ask you to meet me in Jerusalem."

Such a stand is now desperately needed if we hope to fight off the great threat to the non-Muslim world now at our door. I am not accusing Glenn Beck of anything but a confusion of God and the whole point of the defense.

History is full of well meaning people trying to solve a problem but there efforts result in a greater problem.
Remember the Mongoose of Hawaii? Or the Cain Toad of Australia? They were "gathered" to the land for the purpose of fighting off a real problem, but not only failed to cure the problem, they became a far greater problem themselves!
This is what Glenn Beck is now doing in this gathering, because he does not know the true Creator God, or his plan.

I had a reader recently tease me about my "bible thumping". Mr. Beck's wrong action from right information is exactly why it is important to possess the source of the truth with the truth we get.
To want the truth without the source, is spiritual fornication. That is; the benefits of marriage without the responsibility.
Good information can be "very good" but outside the boundaries of its intended purpose, it is problematic to life beyond just "good information".

Mr. Beck has good information, but without a committed single eye on the Creator God as the source, he is free to ignore God's declared cause of the problem and call all mankind of all religions and faiths to pool their collective power and stand against the 8th beast of Islam.

I will show that such a gathering IS the Great Whore of Revelation 17, and it was the Whore that John marveled at, not the beast!

whore 4204 porne; feminine of 4205; a strumpet; figuratively an idolater.
[strumpet; A prostitute; harlot.]
4205 pornos from pernemi (to sell; akin to the base of 4097); a (male) prostitute (as venal), i.e. (by analogy) a debauchee (libertine).

* * *

I turn you to last season's sci-fi TV series “Caprica” as an amazing example of these near future religions.
In that series there are two faiths; The religion of the One True God, and the pluralistic religion of many gods.
These religions are in a battle of faiths.
Ignorant "Christians" will understand the first to be that of their own God, because the other is nothing like it, without comprehending that neither has anything to do with their God.
In this near future, Christianity has been scrubbed from the public sight... but not quite; It has been relegated to the religion of pluralism as just another god among many!
Now flip that around and we have a new level of confusion as we recognize the “One True God” is Islam, and so we fight it with… pluralism? Again, what happened to Christianity?

Islam has “dirtied” the concept of One True God, and declared that Christianity is pluralism because we worship Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
So now, Where exactly do we stand?

I have shown you a little of the kind of confusion that will bring about the last days events, here in Glenn Beck, we see the complexities of that confusion.
He has done great research, and collected a huge volume of facts to come to the right conclusion... but that conclusion leads him to wrong action!

Mr. Beck continued:
" I mentioned Dietrich Bonhoeffer a few minutes ago. He has played a big role in my life recently, I believe as he believed at those times, that trouble is coming for our Jewish friends and neighbors. And I believe that means something to all of us. We promised we would never forget and never let it happen again.
I don't know if its going to happen again now, but evil, an old familiar evil, is rearing its ugly head.
Bonhoeffer in 1933 was ahead of the curve I guess,... I believe that we are ahead of the curve before the trouble starts we have an opportunity as a world, as humans to stand together before things get out of control. Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act.

Mr. Beck's heart means well, the circumstances allow for nothing else, How can we not join him in his attempt to defend the world from EVIL?

but as I have asked; What determines evil?
Are we not simply trying to fight evil with evil as the Cain Toad used to battle the Cain Beetle?

Good intentions are not enough!

What Glenn Beck is about to metaphorically do, is to sell our young sons to the sodomite priest to protect them from ravenous dogs!
The circumstances have forced our hand where there are no good answers because we have already rejected the only right answer because it has been stolen and corrupted and then offered to us as the right one, so we choose another!

This confusion is already so complex I am not sure I can successfully present my argument without a volume to equal the Encyclopedia!

Mr. Nir Barkat, the mayor of Jerusalem said on the show; "...Jerusalem, since the reunification of the city in 67, is totally open for freedom of religion; The Jews manage the Jewish sites, the Muslims the Muslim sites, the Christians manage the Christian sites, It was never like that.
My goal and role is to open up Jerusalem for the benefit of the world to enjoy, to make sure people can come and taste the spiritualism, the holiness, the history the culture, and indeed we see a rise in the number of tourists and the excitement that tourists have in the city of Jerusalem. My vision is to develop that. To encourage more people to come peacefully to enjoy the international city... throughout the history of the different conquerors of Jerusalem; maybe the Jordanians, the British, the Turks, everybody, They never kept freedom of religion the way Israel does; the government and municipality, and we will pursue that, Its part of our understanding that we would like to make sure Jerusalem is open for the benefit of the world to enjoy."

Isn't that great!?
Just like America! *1

Clearly this perspective is the antithesis of the exclusive domination of Jerusalem intended by Islam. So we obviously see this global openness of the city is the right idea. and in fact the prophecy of God also declares his intention that Jerusalem be open to all nations. (Jeremiah 3:17)
But there is significant difference between the two purposes of the same declared goals of both God and the governors of Jerusalem.

This becomes clear when we ask the question; "What is God's ultimate intent for Jerusalem?"
The entire scriptures Old to New, front to back, makes clear that God is jealous and will not share his glory with anyone!

"They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoked they him to anger..." Deuteronomy 32:16-17 (also Exodus 20:5,34:14,Deuteronomy 4:24,5:9,6:15,and many others)

Since Jerusalem is God's Glory where he has given his name as a husband gives his name to his wife, (II Chronicles 6:6,20,12:13b,33:4,7,Ezra 6:12,etc.) we can be sure that God's intent for Jerusalem is that it become exclusive to him alone as a wife to her husband and not the spiritual whore of all religions.

"In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: and this is the name wherewith she shall be called,
The LORD our righteousness."
Jeremiah 33:16

We see God's full feelings regarding this in the detailed narrative of Ezekiel 23:1-49 presumed to be fully fulfilled in the diaspora, but serious exploration shows this yet to be more actually fulfilled in a time yet to come;

"And they committed whoredoms in Egypt; they committed whoredoms in their youth: there were their breasts pressed, and there they bruised the teats of their virginity." Ezekiel 23:3
Crass words for a family rated blog I know, but this is God's broken heart for the cities he loves.
How can we be sure this actually regards Jerusalem?
"And the names of them were Aholah the elder, and Aholibah her sister: and they were mine, and they bare sons and daughters. Thus were their names: Samaria is Aholah, and Jerusalem Aholibah." Ezekiel 23:4

These are the two capitals of the Northern and Southern kingdoms of Israel.
But note: the passage indicates they committed these sins in Egypt while they were young virgins, but the prophetic passage speaks as though that was past tense.
According to the prophecy, the "present" situation indicates they are now quite "experienced".

The argument with interpreting prophecy is not weather it is true or not, but exactly WHEN in time are we to interpret the intended fulfillment?
If this has already been fulfilled in the Diaspora, then it has no more value but historical information.
But if it is still future, then it takes on a whole new and important meaning!

So while many of the prophecies of this chapter can be said to have perhaps already occurred in the Diaspora, here are a few that cannot be said to have been fulfilled yet:
Verses: 14-17,19-21,28,34,38-44,48-49 have yet to be fulfilled, as also; "And I will set my jealousy against thee, and they shall deal furiously with thee: they shall take away thy nose and thine ears;..." Ezekiel 23:25
In this next Diaspora coming, this will be a significant and common treatment of identification of the Jewish slaves fortunate enough not to be killed.

So while Jerusalem is now proud to oppose the exclusivity of Islam's intent by becoming the world's religious Whore, That is not the reaction God is looking for! (Jeremiah 29:13-32)
Has Jerusalem yet committed such whoredoms since her return to the land in 1967?
Not to the degree of "filling up her iniquities" that would result in such a sentence of Judgment from God... But it looks like Glenn Beck might be the guy to begin the process.

"This shall be written for the generations to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the LORD. (speaking of the nation re-created long after this was written, but do they yet fulfill this by praising the LORD now? no.) For he hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary; from heaven did the LORD behold the earth; To hear the groaning of the prisoner; to loose those that are appointed to death;
To declare the name of the LORD in Zion, and his praise in Jerusalem;
when the people are gathered together, and the kingdoms, TO SERVE THE LORD."
Psalm 102:18-22 (Capitalized emphasis added)

In this current call of Glenn Beck for all religions to gather at Jerusalem, are "The people" (the Jews), and "the kingdoms" (the other nations), gathering together to serve the LORD, or to defend themselves from Radical Islam by calling on every god they can think of?
This question is critical!

The prophecy of Ezekiel 24 is just now about to be finished. (you must read all of Ezekiel 24)
In the last Diaspora, God as an offended husband cheated on, cast off his wife Israel for a time. But in Ezekiel 24, God's wife was declared DEAD by the representation of Ezekiel's own wife. The horrors yet to fall on the Jews will produce just such a conclusion, though there will remain a very small remnant hidden away.
If “putting away as a divorcement” represented the Diaspora, what could we expect would be the events represented by “the death of the prophets own wife!”?

According to my proposed interpretation of scripture; The gathering of all religions to Jerusalem to defend the world against Radical Islam will succeed!...kind of.
And in the success, the nations of the world will discover their collective power against Islam and will rise up a global collection of all religions as the Great Whore, the likes of which the world has never seen.
But this whore conceived in Jerusalem is not the whoredom of Jerusalem, but rather the origin of the Great Whore that rides upon the Great Beast. That Great Whore will move herself to Babylon of Iraq; the only nation left in the middle east that has not yet been consumed by Radical Islam, and the whoredom of Jerusalem will follow after her by quasi-force, probably as Israel's only protection against Islam. (explained in later posts)

And so begins the two religions; That of "The One True God" Allah, and the other of which was successful in collectively defending Jerusalem and the word against Islam while falling to Pluralism.
But the pagan world is not as accountable to God for its choice of pluralism as Jerusalem is. So while the pagan world lives in the results of what they have created, Jerusalem will receive the punishment of a jilted God... Jilted for a second time!

The Whore of Babylon is conceived and birthed and exists because of Islam; The woman sits on the back of the beast.

I recognize this to be subjective interpretation, but this theory fits all that I read in scripture.

I had hoped to delay my exposure of the great and happy success of the Babylon rising until I had described the horrors of Islam more completely, but I see its rising will come sooner than I anticipated and from a direction and cause I did not foresee, and so I will now shift my attention in Revelation 17 and begin to focus on the woman that sits on the beast.

* * * * * * *

*1 I have already provided several posts regarding the fact that America was NOT founded on the "all religions are equal" concept.
The freedom of worship was designed as a protection for all men to choose as they desired, but that freedom was ensured to guarantee that the faith of Jesus Christ would be secure.
This worked for America only as long as Christianity remained the dominate controlling religion in the hearts of the people.
Israel is NOT imitating this spirit in her "international religious city" concept.

Then we add that America is a Gentile nation founded in the times of the Gentiles under the banner of the Grace of Jesus Christ.
The Jews do not fall into at least two of these three categories, and therefore will not find the grace of God to cover their endeavor of confused grace anymore than America will in the days to come, because of her new confusion.

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