Monday, July 13, 2009

Prove Me Wrong

Post 003
(expanded, with additional links 6/13/2010)

Let's try a different line of thinking for a moment,
I am declaring that Obama is anti-American.

Tell me I am wrong Please, but here is what I see;

In violation of the constitution he refused to provide proof of American birth.
Because he did not, he is ineligible to be president,
(U.S. Constitution article 2 section 1)
Demand to show
Now, 6 months later is too late even if he eventually does provide one, he has had plenty of time now to invent one.
updated argument 6/13/10

He clearly states his view that the US Constitution is fundamentally flawed. constitution flawed audio
suggesting it is but a stepping stone to other ends.
constitution flawed long version

He proposes an unlawful Civilian National Security Force
such as Hitler set up.
Rahm Emanuel expounds on this mandatory service

20 days into the Presidency, Obama seizes the census process control from the commerce dept. Glenn Beck explains what this means. census
explains the lawlessness of this new census.

He, as our President, has given submissive homage to Saudi monarch. - Obama bows to Saudi King Abdullah
This homage from the same man who thought it too much effort to show allegiance to our own nation's flag. No salute accompanied by worst rendition of anthem

He, as our President, has on more than one occasion officially apologized for our nations past arrogance without the approval of the people.
Apology in Strasbourg France 4/3/09
FOX take on Apology Tour

He, as our President, has on more than one occasion officially declared to foreign nations that America is no longer a Christian nation, without the approval of the people.
Not a Christian nation
Not a Christian nation long version
suggesting we become Muslim form of government?

He has publicly mocked the Bible in specific ways.
Obama mocks the Bible
Obama mocks the bible long version
Yet quotes the Kor'an with great respect. Obama honors Islam

He, as our President, has in the face of our history, turned OUR back on our allies, the nation of Israel. and in stead taken the side of our mutual nations enemies.
London Daily Telegraph on Obama 6/13/10
Obama speech in Ciro
Israel responds to Obama
While at the same time Praising ISLAM and Islamic learning. Cairo Speech

He has borrowed and spent MANY TRILLIONS of dollars with virtually no strings. just tossed it to the wind, all in the first 100 days of office. (I realize this is largely congress but he willingly takes the credit)

He has ordained many Czars (30+ so far) over us to run our lives without our ability to reject them or fire them. These Czars are only subject to him. Not congress, not the voting public.
now 44 as of 6/13/10

Is he misspoken, or does he intend to repeal the amendment limiting his term to 8 years? 10 year term?

HE, THE PRESIDENT has fired the head of GM and has made GM a GOVERNMENT COMPANY! (what gives the president, congress or the fed. government the right to do that?) US Constitution Article 1 Section 8 does not allow for this. (Obama interview to be linked)

He is, as much as possible, forcing us, by tying our hands, to swallow his Gov. Healthcare plan, largely the Hillary Care plan we already rejected.
(Now Accomplished in the face of national rejection!)

He already told us he believes in "spreading the wealth around": Communism.
Joe the Plumber
He told us he was going to bring "Change": Destruction of what was.

Obama is so progressive he has zoomed right past Socialism, rounded Communism and headed us directly to Marxism.
This is not an accident. he told us what he plans to do as President.
The Obama Plan

He is intentionally, and rapidly changing the very fiber of America.
The America he will leave us is 180 degrees different from the America our founding fathers gave us. THAT WILL NOT BE THE "AMERICA" THAT I WANT TO LIVE IN.
I don't want to live in Russia, Iran, Turkey, China or 1939 Germany.
Why subvert to make this nation like them? (look up Subvert)

I firmly believe that very soon it will be reveled that Obama is actually Muslim in thinking and Islamic in faith.Forgot what to say?****
Obama recited Muslim call to prayer need only see first part.

If this does not scare you, then you have not been looking into the Muslim agenda or the religion of Islam. (God's War On Terror by Walid Shoebat)
Because They Hate by Brigitte Gabriel

Now, Prove me wrong.

Taking all this in context, what do you suppose he meant when he said; "We are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming America."? acceptance speech
England has already fallen to Islam in both numbers and government.
Obama is taking us there with determined intent.

Lets recap:

We have a man in the high office of President who is not eligible due to the constitutional concern for national Allegiance.
He has shown a clear loathing for this nation by apologizing for it.
He has shown a clear disdain for the Bible, and a clear honor for the Kur'an.
He sees the document that ensures our form of government as fundamentally flawed.
He intends to fundamentally change America.
He boldly makes enemies of our allies and allies of our enemies.
He proposes a Hitler style Civilian Security Force.
He has appointed to himself 44 extreme radical rulers which are outside the accountability to anyone but him.
He has seized to himself several roles from public offices.
He has seized government control of many companies.
He has ensured national bankruptcy through unprecedented and wasteful spending.
He has enslaved all US citizens by enacting a fine for not complying to government programs such as Healthcare which was rejected by the people.

He knows what he is doing, and he told us he was going to do it.
My argument is not that he purposes to do this. It is his plan.
My argument is that we are letting him do it!

This man is the enemy of our God, the Hater of Freedom, and the Destroyer of America.

Our Country Deserves Better add

The videos and links posted are not my proof, just good related info.
I do not make a whole case on one item, I add all the components together to see a trend.
If this is not reason then, When Did Reason Die?

* * * * * * *

I have since discovered this blog will not link to the attached sites.
Please highlight and paste the added web addresses.


  1. To prove you wrong you will need to substantiate your claims, otherwise it is a pointless waste of time to prove you right or left or wrong.

  2. Why moderate a blog where you throw out a challenge as you did? Doesn't that defeat the purpose? Sort of like dictatorship.

  3. My moderation of comments is purely to keep vile concepts and profane material from being published here. I post all comments once screened.


Vile concepts and profanity in comments will not be posted.