Thursday, August 19, 2010

You Don’t Argue With Weeds

post 082

An analogy:

The Democrat’s grandfather bought a small parcel of land,
He worked hard to cut the trees, level the terrain, divert the creek, and till the ground in laborious preparation for a family farm.
He did not have much, couldn’t buy a tractor, or a backhoe, so he bought a plowblade, harnessed his horse, and did his work the hard way.

And his labor paid off.
In time and hard work, he had a small farm, large enough to feed his family, with a little extra to sell at market.
He eventually saved enough to buy a tractor, which made his work easier and quicker.
This made his life better, allowing him to make more profit, with which he built a farmhouse and barn.

The democrat’s father never knew the hard work that went into making the farm.
But he grew up working the land which was prepared before his time.
He was able to easily feed his family, make good money and send you to college.

Away at college, you did not work the land.
At school they taught you that farming was too hard, didn’t pay enough, and took too much time. The proof was seeing your tired out old man, now too worn out to continue farming.
But having run out of money for school, you returned home to find your farm had overgrown with weeds from lack of tending.

With your college degree, you are able to see that farming clearly is an idiot’s plan, as nothing but weeds grow, it produces nothing of value, The collapsed barn has no function, the house roof leaks and the property tax is high. The farm your grandfather passed on to you is clearly worthless to you!
You conclude that your grandfather was an idiot!

The Republican
follows the same general path; as their grandfathers had differing view, but both understood the need for the farm to feed their families.
The only difference is at the end the republican returns to the farm, and the democrat neighbors see him out in the fields arguing with the weeds!

America, the life sucking weeds have grown up in our land as both democrat and republican politicians.
We both know things are not good.
But the argument is in how we see what we are looking at.
The true life potential of the nation is the same today as it was in your grandfather’s day, But by neglect, the nation your grandfather worked hard to pass on to you has deteriorated;
The government, as the tractor, is broke.
The trees, as the political obstructions to success, have grown back.
The weeds, as self serving interests, fill the land.
The spring, as the religious compass, has stopped up.
What you see today is not proof that the system was flawed, but by neglect has reverted to its natural state of corruption.
You no longer have the benefits of your grandfather’s labor.
Most of his beneficial labor has been lost in neglect. Now you must do again, what he did the first time to prepare the land for producing life-giving sustenance.
You cannot live the easy life of your father, because the preparation is now unavailable.
Have the courage of your grandfather, to use what little you have, put in the labor, and reclaim the land so that it can produce the goods which it did for your grandfather.
Your grandfather was willing and able to put in the hard work, because he had a vision of the better life he could pass on to you. Are you really so self-centered to care not for your children?

A wise man does not argue with the weeds!
He plows them under and gets to the business of planting a valuable crop for a better harvest.
While the liberal media preaches whatever they want, the conservative media is infatuated with “fair and balanced” as a virtue.
Does the wise farmer negotiate with the weeds? Or give them equal time to preach their virtues?
No, he determines what is the good plant, and what is the undesirable.
It is not a negotiation.
The liberal mindframe understands this.
The conservative mindframe is still very much confused,
And looks as foolish as the farmer out in the field arguing with his weeds!

The vote approaches; till the weeds under with your vote!
Cut down the trees of hindrance with those you put into office.
If you do not know for certain and sure proofs that your congressman is not a weed,
Till him/her under!
But planting uncertain seeds and hoping for wheat is just as foolish.
This is the labor part.
No longer can you benefit from the good and fruitful organization your grandfather gave you, Your laziness has spent up the benefits, now you must get seriously involved, read up on your candidates, learn what policies are profitable for the nation, and which are life sucking.
Or are you already too lazy and passive to be free?

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