Wednesday, July 15, 2009

On Sotomayor Interviewers

Post 006

I am pulling my hair out listening to the Sotomayor interviews.
Surprisingly not because of her, but because of the self-glorifying interviewers!
This may be the only time I see bipartisanship in action, as both sides of the political arena are acting like self-centered fools.
They spend large amounts of time making statements of themselves, what they think and what they have done. When they eventually get around to actually asking Ms. Sotomayor a question, it seems to be more along the lines of "do you agree with me?"

These interviewers seem to forget themselves, that the law is not subjective to personal opinion. They don't seem to be able to keep their search for agreement with their own opinions out of their questioning.
They ask her a question, then immediately after her answer respond with, "I agree" or "I don't agree with that". This clearly indicates they are saying, if you don't agree with my views I wont seat you. So they are not trying to seat a qualified judge, they are seating the winner of a popularity pole.

In this way they are as guilty as Sotomayor in using the appearance of Law to approve or validate their own opinions and agendas.
The difference is that Sotomayor has done a great job staying on track defending that the law is not subject to personal opinion.
Too bad, like her interviewers, she doesn't really believe that. This, according to her many written and spoken statements in her past as a judge.
* * * * * * *

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