Monday, September 13, 2010

The Book of Eli

and the burning of the Qur’an
post 084

I was recently invited by so-called Christian friends to watch this wonderful movie honoring the Bible. Skeptically, I was eager to watch it for my review.
The very first thing I noticed was our hero, played by Denzel Washington, walking into town with a white scarf check with black type markings clearly of the Muslim brand of Smagh or head covering. *1
But he sold it right away and nothing further came of it, so I let it slide as curious.

The rest of the very simple movie plot, was this guy killing people to protect the book and his mission to get the book to its destination, “Our only hope is in my hands… I will kill to protect it.” and he did… often.
At the end, it is reveled to us that the book is actually the Christian Bible. And the hero recognizes he got a little off track in his vigilance.

And the crowed goes wild!
Christians rejoice that Hollywood has produced a movie honoring the scriptures.

Though Christianity has been at war with Islam pretty much since it conquered the Holy Land,*2 It is Islam's determined murder and oppression of non-Muslims that is the cause of that war, and all following wars with Islam.
This very long and very consistent history shows that Islam has always striven to rule the earth by force, not Christians.
But is it the Muslims natural right as a power to attempt to do this?
It is.
Just as all world dominant kingdoms such as Assyria, Egypt, Persia, Greece and Rome did.
But it is also the right of Christians to defend the defenseless, and de-tooth the oppressor if they can. Isaiah 59:19 *3, Jeremiah 48:10 *4 The USMC at Tripoli.*5
The cause and actions of this conflict is very controversial. Which side of this issue you find yourself on, is directly proportional to whose history you read, just as the current problems over the nation of Israel.*12
But it does not take much actual study to realize who is telling the truth, and who is telling lies.
All you need is a willingness to look at facts from a clear perspective;
Allah bragged by calling himself the Greatest of all deceivers.*6 while Christ did not just claim to have truth, but to actually BE truth. *7
If your God is a proud deceiver, how can you trust what he says?
Islam commends lies and deception, the bible condemns it.
Islam rewards murder by suicide with sure access to heaven, the bible condemns that too. The Qur’an demands the murder or oppression of all non-Muslims, while the bible promotes each man free to choose his own path, to its own end.
The Jews just want their tiny ancient homeland back to have some place they can live in peace, while the huge Muslim nations want all Jews dead, or “driven into the sea”, presumably because they cannot afford to give up that tiny sliver of land.
Islam is the source of nearly ALL terrorism worldwide, Christianity… not once.
Yet Islam calls itself the religion of peace, while Christianity shows itself to be.
Go figure.
But of course Islam the religion of death and oppression will feel wronged by those who fight against them, this is the nature of dispute, otherwise there is no dispute.
The Nazi soldier felt the American soldier was evil and was willing to kill him, even though it was the Nazis who were conquering nations, and the Americans were just trying to stop them. The thinking mind must go beyond the propaganda to look for the evidences of truth.

Re-writing Christian History as oppressive and violent, while re-writing Islamic History as the religion of peace, has now begun in earnest. *8
This is perhaps how the prophesy might begin to be fulfilled; “…if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” (Matthew 24:24) Trying hard to believe God, the lies of re-written history make it near impossible to know God’s actual involvement among the actual conduct of his followers.
Our own American history has already been re-written to exclude God from our government as I have shown in previous posts, and today Americans have no idea how God has played the determining role in our successes, and therefore incapable of recognizing his reprimands when they come.

Book Of Eli trailer

At the end of the trailer, the word “Eli” is the center of an obscured “Believe”.
Creative, but intentionally misleading as to just what we are to believe.
Believe in Christianity? Or the “Christianity” of the movie?
Not the same thing!
And now we have a probability of the intentional hidden meaning in the hero appearing with a Muslim scarf. Is this representative of the Muslim handling of Christianity? Perhaps.
The movie's thorough misuse of Christianity appears to suggest that possibility.

A week after posting this writing, I looked up the Hughes Brothers, directors of this film, and was not surprised to find the Tehran Iranian link to the Muslim connection I theorized previously:
"The Hughes brothers were born in Detroit, Michigan to an African American father and an Armenian American mother, Aida, whose family were Iranian Armenians from Tehran...
The brothers embrace their African-American and Armenian heritage. Albert has stated that although 'People wanted to hear from us because we were black not because we were half Armenian,' he considers his artistic ability to come from the Armenian side of his family.*11

I am not going all conspiracy theory on you, It is highly possible the writers,and these directors have no specific Islamic plan in mind.
But the battle between good and evil rages on, all of us are players, on one side or the other. Since America has elected to reject our God, another god will take his place in our society. The Iranian influences these men openly credit for their creativity, influences their production, and therefore the watcher.

This Movie is a part of the brainwashing to alter the perception of the Bible in America.
Today NY school children are being taught a new history, showing Christianity as the fool hearty religion of violence and oppression trying to control everyone, while Islam is the saving religion of peace to rescue the world from Christianity.*8

Today, most movie watching Christians are so unfamiliar with the very fundamentals of Christianity and the Bible, that they think this is a great film honoring the Bible.
It is the exact opposite. This movie undermines the truths of the scriptures in the eyes of the watcher, while they think it strengthens them!

If you do not know the truth, you will believe the lie. The movie’s Eli is that lie in the center of “Believe”. II Thessalonians 2:11 “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:”
Only a fool lets Hollywood teach them doctrine, but so many are doing just that!

* * *

Now we have a misguided Christian pastor in FL. openly burning the Qur’an on 9-11. *9 and as always the government has the wrong focus;
“Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. and NATO commander in Kabul, took the rare step of a military leader taking a position on a domestic matter when he warned in an e-mail to The Associated Press that "images of the burning of a Quran would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan — and around the world — to inflame public opinion and incite violence."
Does he not realize the so-called extremists need no such inflammation to carry out their evils? The fear of retribution is no reason to avoid doing something we feel is right.

But is burning the Qur’an the right thing to do?
This is not after the teachings of Christ, or any scripture.
This is a violation of the principles of Christ, and must be opposed by actual Christians everywhere.
This is not the conduct of a mature follower of Christ.
We Christians have no fear of loyal Bible believing Christians killing us for opposing this burning. That is the practice of Muslims, the religion of peace.
This pastor while perhaps meaning well, has missed all that Jesus has taught.
How does his actions fit with Matthew 5:44 “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you”?
It doesn’t.
Where is the example of Christ, or his Apostles acting in such a precedent?
There is none.
This pastor's actions are not Christian, and not sanctioned by Christ.
Going to war with Islam to battle their temporal actions of oppression and violence is the conduct of honorable men, Christian or not.
Desecrating their religion because we don’t like it, is far from honorable or Christian.

The Book of Eli movie is only Christian, to people wholly ignorant of Christianity, such as this pastor intent on burning the Qur’an.

America's problem is not the threat of Islam, but our own ignorance of the faith on which we were created and held accountable to. In other words, our problem is offending God.*10

* * * * * * *

I do not know why this blog will not link to these sites. I have included the long form so you can copy and paste them to your browser;

1 Smagh or Shimagh
2 the First Crusade
3 "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him." Isaiah 59:19
4 "Cursed be he that doeth the work of the LORD deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood." as the standard raised in note 3.
5 The USMC was created in 1775 for the purpose of defeating Muslim Piracy, slavery and tribute USMC the Barbary wars of 1801-1815
6 Qur'an 3:54 "And the disbelievers planned, but Allah planned. And Allah is the best of planners." Sahih International. The English version mistranslates the original phrase Khayrul-Makireen which literally means The Greatest of all Deceivers."God's War On Terror" page 65
7 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6
8 NY Islamic education
9 Qur’an burning news
10 "And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I (God) will punish you seven times more for your sins. And I will break the pride of your power;..." Leviticus 26:18-19
11 Hughes Brothers
12 “It is to be regretted, but so I believe the facts to be, that except the Bible there is not a true history in the world. Whatever may be the virtue, discernment, and industry of the writers, I am persuaded that truth and error (though in different degrees) will imperceptibly become and remain mixed and blended until they shall be separated forever by the great and last refining fire.” John Jay - First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

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