Sunday, July 22, 2012

Too Far "Out There"?

Post 254

I have been an unapologetic supporter of Chuck Missler’s work for many years; he is well informed and well studied, his exposition of scripture is profound and his insightful application is of the highest caliber constantly mindful to point his audience back to a personal interaction with Jesus Christ himself and not rely on the wisdom of Chuck Missler. Yet in spite of my very high regard for Mr. Missler and his work I had concluded that the guy must have slipped a cog when he went off into the tangent of UFOs and demonic/human interbreeding. As I grew my own faith I was very hungry to listen and read his material on any other subject but that one was just too whacked for me to waste my time on. Looking back now, I have no idea how I could respect all his other work so much and still pass judgment of rejection on his material I never even investigated. It’s clear now that I had already determined what was of God and what was not of God even before I looked into it (Proverbs 18:13+16:20).
I say all that to inform you that I am personally very well aware of, and can appreciate the reaction I got from my overlay of scripture onto the fairytales and because of that expected reaction I did not intend to continue that line of material, of which we have only scratched the surface. But the material will not leave me alone as it keeps piling up wherever I turn; the time for it is NOW and in fact we are already behind the times.

As I wrestled with this direction, my mother encouraged me to read “THE AUTHOR’S APOLOGY FOR HIS BOOK” at the front of John Bunyan’s “The Pilgrim’s Progress” first published in 1678 and I found the application to my own quandary inspiring. The argument in his day was most probably that he attempted to present the Holy Scriptures in a fairytale kind of analogy and this seemed dangerously close to heresy as it might diminish the holiness of scripture in the mind of his readers. But what it did, far beyond his expectation, was to provide more than 300 years of the following generations a very useful insight in applying comprehensible understanding to our faith. When we preserve the scriptures in a metaphorical glass jar of formaldehyde to keep on our shelves as too sacred to explore, we loose the value of its message. Sacred? You bet it is! but it must be explored in all its glory to learn its application. John Bunyan’s analogy of the Christian faith is too near flawless not to see it as Divinely sponsored through a true man of faith.

After years of avoidance, when I finally ran out of material from the KI Institute, I reluctantly purchased some of his material on the Nephilim, And as I studied with the mind and heart of a skeptic, I found the scriptures, history, and current events, all leading to a singular conclusion; The man was right on target…again.

The greatest hindrance to finding truth is to assume you already have it. Maybe you do, but then again maybe you don’t. Honest investigation is the only sure way to find out. My experience is why it is far easier now to have compassion on blinded Evolutionists or Muslims who are sure they are fully informed yet without going back through the foundations of the basics to determine if they have been led wrong (Luke 22:34). It’s very, very easy to blind ourselves by our pre-determined parameters of what we will even consider.
If the next section of posts are simply too far out there for you to bother wasting your time, I understand. But know this; 2012 is not the end of the world but it is very probably the beginning of the end of the Church age when God will yet again use another way and means to present his message and you don’t have much time to catch up to God’s current events, otherwise you may find yourself off seeking more oil for your lamp when the others go in through the opened door (Matthew 25:10).

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