Thursday, November 14, 2013

Pack of Wolves

Post 304

A few days ago I woke up in the early morning in a very real battle with demonic forces. I wrestled earnestly for my soul (*1) and soon gained the victory in the name and blood of the Savior Jesus Christ. It was a rare curious event that causes deep contemplation for days.

A few days later a friend called me and told me that a young man we both know had apparently arrived at his parent’s home and fought with them over his state of drunkenness and then left. He was missing for several days until an organized search discovered his body in a local “gravel pit” having killed himself.
The tragedy is enormous and “senseless.” This was a young man with lots of potential, a nice guy that was well liked. He had a good job, plans on acquiring a descent sled to ride this winter, and no real signs of the catastrophe that suddenly ended his life. I responded to my friend to keep a serious eye on his son and friends as they were close to him, because suicide has a historical trend to come in small batches before it is over. Suicide of the young is almost contagious among villages in Alaska and nearly everyone is utterly helpless to know who’s child might be among them before the wave passes.

As I, along with the community, began trying to make sense of the unexplainable, it occurred to me that this was very close to, if not the very day, in which I myself battled for my soul in my own bedroom. This led to a line of thinking that deserves a more serious investigation that at first seems unwarranted.
* * *

As I have shown several times in earlier works; all things seen in this life are a Typology of things unseen. So what “seen” thing of nature do we understand, that can explain the “unseen” things that bring about such a tragic end to a young man?

Being an Alaskan who enjoys the great outdoors of God’s creation, and specifically enjoys the wolf-trapping season in our tight, conjoined valleys here, I have learned a thing or two about the nature of wolves.
Wolves are predatory by nature, they run in packs terrorizing prey as they go, always searching for their next meal of blood and gore and death. But they are not always around; they run a large circuit and in our area they come through about every two weeks or so. Sometimes only one or two come through and sometimes it’s the whole pack, but rarely anything in between. Sometimes when they come, they pass through and are gone as quickly as a wave strikes the beach, and sometimes like a storm they stick around for several days. A lot of the time it depends on their success of a kill and feelings of safety. Moose in our area take a huge loss to these predators and it is not at all surprising to run across a ravaged carcass as we venture the wilderness on snowmachines, but neither is it common.
Wolves are opportunists. They go for the young, the sick, the isolated and alone, or simply those caught in a bad moment of vulnerability. And if they can’t make an easy and safe kill they quickly move on in their search. They don’t play fair; they play to win. They are killers; that’s what they do.

When a moose dies from wolf attack, it’s not because it was a “bad moose” deserving of death any more than the other; it was just in the wrong place at the wrong time in the wrong condition. Wolves kill and eat moose. It’s just the way it is in nature.

“But WHY is nature like that?”

It’s because this temporal life is an understandable Typology of the spiritual life we don’t understand. It’s intimate connection to the spiritual is designed into nature to help us comprehend what is far more important but difficult to grasp.
* * *

God made only so many angels. And a certain percentage of them fell with Satan and became devils and unclean spirits. They simply cannot be everywhere at once and neither do they simply roam unexplainably at random. Everything has an explanation if we simply study its nature.
I propose that wolves are one Typology of devils’ spirits. We can learn the details of their predatory nature, why they habit certain regions and not others, how often they can be expected to pass through, what encourages them to stay, how they travel, what variety of prey they target, about how many they usually take at a time, which they prefer above others, and especially; what are their natural weaknesses to exploit both defensively and offensively (See Post 272 The Witchcraft of Uganda
We can be ignorantly helpless moose hoping beyond hope not to be the next victim, or we can be informed defenders/hunters; the choice is usually ours.
* * *

I don’t know the specific circumstances or events regarding the last days of our local unfortunate young man. I don’t need to. What we need to learn personally and earnestly is what makes us more likely prey than the next guy.
• Isolation and loneliness is a number one contributor.
• Being spiritually weak or sick is another.
• Placing oneself in a spiritually vulnerable condition is yet another (*2).

These three areas alone are almost the entirety of vulnerability that makes us prey to demonic forces.
I can fill this Post with scripture verses of validation but by now you should be versed enough to make the connections for yourself. You’re either a defender/hunter or a prey, and I can’t be everywhere at once either.
* * * * * * *

(*1) Battle for the soul:
This term does not suggest suicidal thoughts or even doubts of faith (wolves also attack to protect their threatened territory); it only suggests that for whatever reason the demons maul you like a lion to a meal and you must cry out to God for immediate rescue. Unless you have experienced such an event it is impossible to understand how very real it is, and the explanation of why it happens when it does has eluded me and most Christians for a very long time. It seems to be so utterly random… But it’s not.

(*2) This is the factor that allowed my own mauling that night, details are not important but suffice it to say; there is an explanation for everything. In my “scientific” study of the “biologically hazardous” material for the next Posts, I used extreme caution and long trained experience to handle such dangerous material only within God’s bio-hazard containment level 1 of the law, and still deeper within Jesus Christ’s bio-hazard containment level 2 of grace through his cleansing blood, and even yet still, within the Spirit’s 3rd-level bio-hazard personnel suit of holiness. But even with all that protection the contamination fills the environment of study and so works diligently to break into those levels of protection at the slightest weak point. This was the assault I faced and won, not by my own skill or righteousness but by the tools of God I was allowed to use. It is a Typology of truth that even with all that protection, after the study is made and the hazardous environment exited; the scientist still goes through a rigorous cleansing shower in water (of the word) with the special soap (of prayer) to ensure safe and healthy entry back into the populace.

We should handle all communicable wickedness with the same extreme caution for the same reasons. This is a level of work far more dangerous than “working on the septic system” (*2b) which; wise caution, a good shower with soap, and a current healthy immune system, will usually suffice as acceptable safety measures in a clearly defined and recognizably filthy world that needs repair. Chemical biology is a whole new game.
My struggle now is how to translate the important information of study so that you can actually grasp it without becoming infected yourself; because most readers, though interested and curious, are outside of at least level 1 containment protection, use a very tired and tattered level 2, and additionally; their level 3 bio-hazard suit of holiness is often left hanging on the coat-rack at church, and training in proper use of all three is lackadaisical at best and more probably non-existent.
Have I posted a strong enough DANGER sign in front of the next section of Posts?

(*2b) See Post 282 The Sunday Rest the Pork Roast Dinner and the Christmastree ( Preparing The Way Of The Lord pages 526-527.


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