Mindy McCready, Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, Jessica Simpson, Selena Gomez
“For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth…” Psalm 137:3.
I am dragging my feet going into a bit more graphic detail in this virgin’s life, but it seems that the younger virgins who follow her path don’t have the ability to make an intelligent evaluation on their own, which is no surprise… but neither do their parents, which frankly is inexcusable.
I confess I have struggled with the material of this set of Posts far more than any other, but it both has a cause and does not come unprecedented: (Isaiah 20:3-5, Ezekiel 4:12-15). This is not an excuse but a warning. As with Ezekiel, I have been allowed to reduce the degree of vileness in my presentation but don’t just dismiss what is not shown. Without exploring on your own, you know at least the gist if not the details that I reference; this virgin’s sins have not been hidden. There is no need to explore, so don’t.
* * *
Brittany Spears:
Nearly all young girls are lovely by the gift of nature: their youth and gender have been given the ability to innocently move the soul greater than any human work of art; be it music or sculpture or painting or speech. Some girls are gifted with greater beauty than most… even before the human artists begin their work of additional “perfection,” such as we see in her early “natural” photos of a beautiful young girl in her carefully-crafted “declared innocence” that literally tugs at the souls of young men, mature men, fathers, and perverts, in their various natural roles as men.
This poor girl went through several phases of bungled experimental manipulations by her managers as they tried to make her the perfect money making machine. Somewhere between her childhood and her adolescence her managers tried to rush it and hold it back all at the same time. The result was a phase of confusing presentations that the viewer couldn’t tell if she was supposed to be an innocent child or an “available” young woman (*1). The little girl that they presented her to be said; “child,” but what she did and sang said “hungry eligible young woman.” The subjective result was a confusion of thoughts toward “approved” consensual child molestation at best.

(Early CD cover photo of "...Baby one more time").
Apparently this first pink-background “innocent child” pose of an “old enough young woman” CD-cover photo with the suggestive caption of a more suggestive song, was just too obviously like sponsoring the concept of child-porn, or perhaps it was just the failed effort to make a young woman look both like an innocent adolescent child and a young woman of age at the same time, or maybe her “normal” happy “honest” expression was simply not representative or provocative enough to sell the sexually driven content. Whatever the reason, the CD cover was changed and the CD came out again with a new look:

(Later CD cover photo of the same album).
Ahh! That’s better!
And if the sexually driven music doesn’t sell it on it’s own, the perfect combination of; youth, purposefully created beauty, and captivating “begging for it” pose on a snow-white virginal dress and background, will.
In today’s competitive world, even the tri-combination of an appealing voice, natural attractiveness, and provocative delivery, are still not enough; she must be created more beautiful to give the look of intentionally prepared willingness that feeds a man’s hunger, or nobody’s interested. The illusion of innocence in the skilled preparation is an additional 4th stinger that few men can resist in the combination, as the preparation itself declares willing, if not complicit (*2), desire. The difference between the affects these two CD-covers have is why a prostitute wears 8” spiked pumps on a dirty sidewalk rather than “normal” shoes. It’s the cosmetic makeup of a purposefully created message of intent that moves a man to Rut, even if it’s not his season (*3). Makeup has no place on a child for this reason, but today our entire society is perpetually enslaved to beauty, so our young daughters are driven at an early age to keep up or be left out as undesirable, and therefore our young hormonal sons naturally gravitate to the most beautiful option and can hardly be found guilty for the choice that seems to drive the girls. It’s the cyclically progressing affect where its guilt can be found as we end up with 17-year-old looking toddlers for profit and fame, and 17-year-old virgins looking and acting like seasoned whores for the same.
We are now in an age where if you want to sell your music CD you better advertise the visual product that makes a man Rut and thereby loose any inhibitions and reason he might have against buying the product, even if that reason is a lack of interest or appropriateness. This sales tactic has been scientifically perfected across the board as we now see young hotties selling every unrelated product known to man. If you want to sell an Inverted Manure Extractor to a young farmer, get a country girl in a T-shirt and short-shorts to climb on it like a jungle gym and he will buy it even though he doesn’t need it or know why; he’s in induced Rut. The fact that this particular auditory product is actually related to the visual stimulus only makes the sale more honest. The dishonesty comes with the illusion of innocence; translated sexually as “virgin.”
Britney Spears went through the early and awkward combination of “innocent child” and “young woman of delayed innocence” phase of failed presentation attempts, but because her music was already so raunchy the innocence angle just couldn’t sell. Nobody but a derelict wants to be slapped in the face with such an obvious hypocrite label; it’s like buying a used product that was advertised as new; you feel cheated. Therefore a presentation of fraudulent innocence is like a 45-year-old woman dressing like she’s still 17; it’s revolting to keep pretending what’s obviously not true. The goal then, at this stage, is to enhance the beauty rather than the innocence. Nobody can deny the allurement of beauty, and Britney had the beauty to be used, if the art could be perfected.
And so it was.

It is really hard not to see JonBenet Ramsey in this photo. Her naturally beautiful features have been masterfully painted into a goddess-like unreal image of perfection dressed as a “normal” low-budget girl you might be fortunate enough to meet at school. The un-human perfection and beauty “within your reach” is nearly impossible not to be stunned by, and thereby the human artwork creates disturbing thoughts and emotions of uncontrollable attraction to an un-human angelic goddess that even you might access. (* Note). I tell you plainly; the angelics are also affected by this presentation of “divinity in human form,” (see Post 261 “Fair Daughters” http://when-did-reason-die.blogspot.com/2012/08/fair-daughters.html). But although they are affected in the same degree of man’s growing Proverbs 31:3 uncontrollable Rut, for the angels it’s due to the paralleling element of angelic allure, which we have yet to discuss. (Get a sneak preview: I Samuel 16:7+Isaiah 14:13-14=Genesis 6:2).
As a Hollywood-profiteering living-product somewhere between real and illusion, we have learned by progressing familiarity to see this appeal to unseasonably Rut as acceptably normal and desirable on a perpetual blue-pill level (*4) even baser than our base desires. But as a young human being trafficked by the industry for profit, we must seriously question what has become of the girl behind the art. The real girl is still inside there somewhere behind the painted false fascia; or “façade,” but not actually seen by what you look at… and yet at the same time it is really her that you observe. This is the complex visual-image description of Bondservant (*5), and that description matches her consistent song themes with titles like; “Baby One More Time,” “Oops…I Did It Again,” “I’m A Slave 4 U,” etc. This is a girl, while choosing this road for herself for what she thinks she will gain, finds herself enslaved to it nonetheless. Like Mindy McReady; she is not as much an artist as just living her perverted life publicly and profiting from the display… which by volume of sales was obviously approved and consumed by the vast masses while the poll numbers still declare that most of those identify themselves as Christian.
Britney’s declared virginity and wholesale marketing of her body was a confusing game of moral illusion like McCready’s bible in her suitcase as she seeks out the exciting devil thinking she can succeed at playing in both worlds of good and evil by smorgasbord snacking two tables: “What if I don’t stay the night?... but what if I do?” (two McCready song titles).
To refuse Britney’s presentation offer of her morally virgin body is a lot like telling Ed McMahon that you’re not interested in the riches he wants to give you for free (or maybe just the cost of a cheap subscription) not even asking where it all came from and at what cost; You would have to be insane to turn him down! …or informed (*6). That informed state of wise reply comes by an emotional disconnection to the clinically sparked blindness of Rutting hunger for what is offered, but the violation of God’s law saying; “Don’t until marriage,” has created a culture of “it’s OK” consensual sex, that by complication cannot now stop the importation of unwilling participants into the orgy.
My dear, that’s a whole lot of power over others in your pretty little young hands, and your wonderful emotionally driven nature to find and promote unrestricted pleasure really needs a dominance of a disconnected law of protection to keep it in check. A gasoline engine uses just such a combination of explosive emotion contained within a specifically controlled parameter resulting in extraordinary benefits of pleasure in life. Nobody said gasoline shouldn’t be dangerously explosive; it’s Gasoline! that’s why guys like to play with it. But without controlling parameters a gasoline explosion is simply a powerful force of destruction like lighting the refinery on fire. That’s not a good thing! ...unless you’re an arsonist (*7).
Whoever her managers were, by the many various disturbing photos and songs along this consistent theme, it’s obvious in hindsight that this girl could never get away from the self-promotion of sexual violence against women as a desirable thing-- even if they have to do it to themselves, (see Post 249 “Cinderella Syndrome” http://when-did-reason-die.blogspot.com/2012/06/cinderella-syndrome.html), which we saw right at the start of her career with songs like “…Baby One More Time” which moan in consuming passion; “Whatever it was before that I thought was unacceptable in our relationship, I have changed my mind; go ahead and ‘hit me,’ use me, abuse me, I discovered that I can’t live without you’re immoral and even violent acts on me.” Many of her photos speak the same language as the rest of her songs that made her famous: “I am a sex slave… and I like it” (Romans 6:16).
Perhaps this interpretation of the theme was still questionably deniable to those caught up in the allurement of sexual fantasy, but nobody can deny the very clear end results with her later music videos like “Work Bitch” (http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/britneyspears/workbitch.html) shamelessly glorifying forced prostitution as the publicly approved means for women to gain all that sparkles, and a few lucky women becoming the hardened dominatrix-replacement of the male pimp over other women because of course; men are so mean and thoughtless.
Where is the former career-ending outrage that a generation ago kept our performers in fear of such public vileness? Today even the public is not afraid of being shunned by their friends for openly approving such wickedness! While the public likes to pretend it’s the classic “them” performers who are wicked, the wickedness is in the public’s consumption driving the performers to “out-wicked” their last show. Don’t believe me? Remember the sudden fall from grace of the Dixie Chicks after a single public unacceptable comment regarding conservative Politics? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dixie_Chicks). A product is only as successful as the demand, and outrage still has the power of control in a democratically managed Republic, even in as dilapidated condition as The United States of America is today. So where is the public outrage over Britney’s moral conduct? It has turned against those who would stand against her, by calling them “intolerant” and “judgmental.” This is not insignificant in the rise of Mystery Babylon.
But how hard is it to see that this vile song and video, openly promoting forced prostitution as fun, was by metaphor a public cry for help to be rescued from the slavery of the prostituting industry she was in? Yet confusingly, like McCready, she herself seems to be the driving master from whom she needs to be rescued. It is exactly imaged in the runaway girl turned sex-slave, who violently resists being rescued while desperately wanting to be rescued. It’s the same mirror as the drug addict, or the chain smoker, or the porn addict, etc. By American law, in the reflection of Christ’s liberty from forced compliance to the Law and so no longer condemning them for bad behavior, they cannot now be rescued unless they decide they actually want to be (Mark 10:51).
The additional problem with these kinds of photos, videos, and songs, is that it makes the common viewer believe that all women-- like this famous, willing, money making, successful young whore, who doesn’t appear damaged or sorry by the conduct-- not only choose this profession for the profitable benefits but actually long to be treated this way as an uncontrollable hunger like yours; “It’s just a really good job to get paid well, but why not have fun while your making money? And what is more fun than selling unrestricted sex?”
So now anytime a rutting guy sees similar photos on the Internet, magazines, back ally, or elsewhere, advertising “girls”; he thinks it’s all a part of the game that she likes to play; “ ‘Ride her hard and put her away wet,’ it’s what she wants, even if she pretends she doesn’t.”
Britney’s public presentation appeals to the darkest side of every man’s natural “season of uncontrollable Rut” regardless of the time of year he’s in. But I ask you; Why then does humanity get so indignant when they think God is using them similarly in a spiritual Type of this physical subjugation? Apparently you don’t actually like it… and neither do sane women.
But thanks in a large part to the many Britney Spears style “reality TV” presentations of mass media in a culture who breathes illicit sex as a drug, we are now a nation who cannot tell the difference between willing and subjugated…
Subjugate: 1. To bring under the yoke of power or dominion; reduce to subjection or submission. 2. To make subservient; subject.-- Syn. See CONQUER. - Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 5th edition, 1948.
Subjugate: 1. To bring under control and governance as a subject: conquer. 2. To make submissive: subdue. - Merriam-Webster electronic dictionary.
…because well into perpetual Rut, America is now a nation who universally hungers for even the subjugated product and doesn’t care how it gets it as long as we can imagine an alternate explanation; such as makeup and sexy clothes telling us she is complicit. The art of Hollywood and today’s technology combined with our own independent willfulness has successively blurred the line so that we don’t have to admit the difference between pretend and real (*8). America is becoming a land of whoredom like Judah by an ever nearer direct Type (Leviticus 19:29, Jeremiah 32:35): “Who cares about the damaged girls? They were asking for it… well… because they are girls.”
This is the mindframe of radical Islam who rapes Christian virgins because they’re Christian, and you couldn’t prove the mentality wrong by Britney Spears, or by the “Christian” American public that feeds on her product like a shark frenzy.
It’s pretty hard to refute that sweepstakes claim when the only “victims” available to talk are the Brittany Speers style “sweepstakes winners” of public presentation, and being a powerful young woman herself she can obviously represent those of her gender who are unavailable to speak. But as an intelligent caring person by the constraining law of morality not being able to trust Britney as a reliable spokesman for all young women, you have to consider all the “non-sweepstakes winners” and ask yourself : “Is becoming a prostitute really the desire of most young women?”
I really urge you to watch the uncomfortable films: Human Trafficking, 2006 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment, and The Whistleblower, 2011 20th Century Fox, not for the entertainment value but a reality check. (Many other such films are in fact created primarily for titillating entertainment and profit, which simply should not be! These at least seem to have a higher purpose, though the other cannot be denied).
Britney Spears, like the managers of the whore-grooming Disney Mouse Club and Princess-cartoons, is simply a tool of the unseen principalities and powers that have sweet-talked her unfettered emotions into her own destruction at their hands, as well as the destruction of those “Miley Cyruses” whom she influences just as those who’s “Madonna style” examples influenced her.
It’s very, very simple: Unregulated Emotions liberated as the ultimate virtue.
Such a mentality of liberation ensures that those emotions can never be re-contained even if Ten Thousand Angels were sent in to help. This Virtue of Emotionalism is for women what Unlimited Domination is for men. It’s a drug of the most destructive kind; it’s a WMD (Wickedness of Mass Depravity; alias: Weapon of Mass Destruction). And as long as the genders continue to war for dominance they will resort to these weapons even as they continue to perfect their yield and increase their own collateral damage like Muslim suicide bombers in their own cities.
The problem is that while you may have been successful at righteously hiding yourself from such socially approved perversions of Christianity; it is everywhere, and your children get this stuffed in their face as a regular diet on many fronts, of which you are unaware and unable to help by your hiding. It must not be ignored any longer by pretending it doesn’t exist, or that you can successfully continue to hide from it and so be unaffected. Like the Christian ministers of peace that promoted involvement in the American Civil War, it must rather now be confronted directly if we are to rescue our remaining virgins from a certainly progressively worse fate. I propose that the Roman Catholic Church-- once it was established to the murder of countless Christians-- was allowed to be established as “Christian” by the Christians themselves hiding due to plausible deniability regarding the wheat and the tares (Matthew 13:25-30) planted while the Ten Virgins slumbered and slept (Matthew 25:5). So let’s take a second-look at a very simple tool of Christian discernment that allows us to keep the evil sower from our fields in the first place:
“Abstain from all appearance of evil” I Thessalonians 5:22 (see also John 8:34-35, Matthew 5:20, James 4:7, etc.).
In that light it’s pretty hard to remain confused regarding plausible deniability when it comes to wicked behavior for Christians such as “performers” like Britney Spears. Does it just look evil? Then real Christians don’t participate. That pretty much means that if you do…
And we are not even talking about actually doing what you pretend to do but don’t! This verse says don’t even pretend. Ta-da! No evil tares sown because there was no potential.
But alas, eventually even the five wise virgins slumbered. It’s inevitable (well except for the commands not to: Mathew 24:42, 25:13, 26:38,40-41 resulting in Matthew 26:43-45, 25:5). So what do we do now that the tares have been sown while we were sleeping? According to Jesus himself we let them mature until the beginning of the harvest. Matthew 13:26 tells us that the difference between the plants is obvious early on, but if they say they are Christians let’s just watch and see if a Homing compass takes them to where Christians end up when the gate is closed. Until then it’s just premature to try rooting them up due to collateral damage, meaning; if we start uprooting self-declared Christians before it’s time, there will be confused simpletons of faith who cannot understand the “war among ourselves.” I propose that this is partly why real Christians simply endured the established Catholic Church until it’s nature became so obvious that any sane person could see it for what it is; a house of tares.
This young woman has produced a large collection of songs, photos, and videos along a hardened “soft”-pornographic theme, and it is clear that she is completely out of control of her emotions and has virtually no idea that imaginary wrong in fantasy is not right by desire (Proverbs 6:18, Romans 1:21). But do you suppose her adult advisors constantly counseled her to step back… or push forward in her progressive illusion of pretending what she pretended had no affect on who she was? (II Corinthians 10:4-5).
And by the similarly disturbing tug that you-- a well-balanced adult-- feels by just seeing a few of her photos, can you blame her as she is actually caught up in the perpetual drive of the industry that moved her like a speeding conveyor belt once she climbed on, perhaps innocently enough done in young unguided emotion of just wanting to be famous? And can you blame your hormonally driven, immature children, who are offered this abomination as a normal and healthy American diet? Not long ago this kind of filth was played and seen only in seedy night-clubs of ill repute where children were not allowed to go, but today we see it at every checkout counter and we hear it played in family restaurants as “good Christian” American young families sit down to meal and their six-year-old daughter feels the sensual beat with her emotions while her father-hero-protector sits quietly allowing it, effectively telling her it is acceptably safe. This is fire to a moth; whether you are you, your children, or her. And you’re not alone in the allurement:
“Spears was established as a pop icon and credited with influencing the revival of teen pop during the late 1990s. She became the 'best-selling teenaged artist of all time' before she turned 20, and garnered honorific titles including the ‘Princess of Pop’. Her work has earned her numerous awards and accolades, including a Grammy Award, six MTV Video Music Awards including the Lifetime Achievement Award, nine Billboard Music Awards, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In 2009, Billboard ranked her as the 8th overall Artist of the Decade, and also recognized her as the best-selling female artist of the first decade of the 21st century, as well as the fifth overall. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) named Spears as the eighth top-selling female artist in the United States, with 34 million certified albums. Nielsen SoundScan ranked her the tenth best-selling digital artist of the country, with more than 28.6 million digital singles as of January 2012. She has sold over 100 million albums worldwide, making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time. Rolling Stone recognized her instant success as one of the Top 25 Teen Idol Breakout Moments of all time, while VH1 ranked her eleventh on their ‘100 Greatest Women in Music’ list in 2012, and Billboard named her the sexiest woman in music. Forbes reported that Spears was the highest paid female musician of 2012, with earnings of $58 million, having last topped the list in 2002” - (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britney_Spears).
It seems that while women are now aggressively fed up with male leadership that cannot, or at least has not, protected them from themselves, They are not doing such a good job of it either! And don’t forget; we are speaking in Typology of Humanity itself, as evidenced by the huge financial approval of mass populations that have abandoned God and his “oppressive” laws that suggest this abominable filth is not good, whether involuntary or voluntary.
Progression by familiarity comes one small step at a time as the innocent girl, is led timidly before the first cameras to intentionally capitalize on her physical beauty as a legitimate commodity-- and this girl leaped at each step with apparent hunger, quickly transforming from the naive little girl intelligently misused by adults to make money, into a sex crazed young vixen that couldn’t find a fence no matter how hard or far she ran.

("Britney" CD cover photo).
This album cover was certainly not her last public photo but it represents the sum of the illusionary end-result that is intentionally promoted by careful design:
We see a dirty, cheep, prostitute-style bed-setting with a splash of red accent and “rumpled look” for acceptable violence of affordable passion, and the drug addicted helpless posture of an unloved, unprotected, cheap and easy tramp or whore who will have sex for a drug fix or a bit of cash… or maybe even just a hug. But she is still exquisitely and alluringly quite beautifully undamaged, even in the middle of it all, and she still has a Cross hung around her neck because she “hasn’t lost her metaphorical faith in Jesus who protects her” like a talisman.
The intended and unintended illusion is that no matter how far down you go, you cannot be harmed, and you will always be desirably beautiful regardless of the setting of life in which you find yourself. Likewise, you’re still a Christian no matter what you do, so everything’s OK; reality is just a harmless illusion so “Go for it without shame or remorse! What you choose to do is not really who you are.”

But this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTBbHMEs0Uw) (*9,10) is what she really looked like at the end of her career… Angry, bitter, confused, tired, destroyed, unwanted, unattractive, and Crossless. Not quite the same thing as promised by a worthless talisman-style Christianity is it?
“All that pass by clap their hands at thee; they hiss and wag their head at the daughter of Jerusalem, saying, Is this the city that men call The perfection of beauty, The joy of the whole earth?” Lamentations 2:15.
Now take a moment, Go back up and look at the first photo of a happy, innocent, beautiful young woman with all her potential still ahead just looking for an opportunity to bloom. This is a picture of the virgin daughter just after leaving her pink bedroom for a great adventure. This is Jerusalem before the fall. This is America before we chose the doctrine of Hollywood. It is one of the Five Virgins who sets off to wait for her prince but somehow comes up short when it really matters. It is the first generation Hebrews who just couldn’t see their way across the Jordan River and so chose a different goal. It is a picture of all that, before it happens. And it happened one metaphorical Sunday at the family restaurant while her daddy ignored the music that beguiled her soul… because he would have a fight on his hands as an emotional-hating legalist if he said anything. It’s a Woman’s World now.
Why do we as an independent, self-declared honorable society, not only allow but hunger for and eagerly promote her destruction? And not only hers, but a flood of unseen, unwilling, countless numbers that cannot be stopped because of the insatiable hunger reminiscent of the Islamic, Catholic, and Mormon god of eternal lust in the name of God the Creator who made them the precious delicate flowers that they were before we crushed them with our socially approved mass depravity.
And yet the huge masses that buy her CDs have the chutzpa to ask: “If there really is a loving God why does he allow all the evil in the world?”
Would you like a 12-year-old with that CD sir?
* * * * * * *
(*1) Child or Adult?
“The April 1999 cover of Rolling Stone featured Spears lying on her bed, clad with a bra, shorts and an open top. The American Family Association (AFA) referred to the shoot as ‘a disturbing mix of childhood innocence and adult sexuality’ and called to ‘God-loving Americans to boycott stores selling Britney's albums.’ Spears responded to the outcry commenting, ‘What's the big deal? I have strong morals. ... I'd do it again. I thought the pictures were fine.’…Shortly before, Spears had announced publicly she would remain a virgin until marriage... In January 2004, Spears married childhood friend Jason Allen Alexander at The Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas. The marriage was annulled 55 hours later, stating that Spears ‘lacked understanding of her actions’ ” [But the event “morally” justified her loss of virginity, which for some unexplained reason she felt was important (*11)] - (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britney_Spears).
(*2) Complicit: 1. Association or participant in or as if in a wrongful act. 2. An instance of complicity. - Merriam-Webster online dictionary.
Complicity: 1. State of being an accomplice; participation. 2. Complexity. - Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 5th edition 1948.
(*3) Rut:
(rut), noun [French, from Old French ruit, from Latin, rugitus roaring, from rugire to roar.] Physiol. Sexual desire or oestrus of deer, cattle, or other mammals; heat; also, the period during which the oestrus exists. -- verb intransitive; RUT’TED; RUT’TING. To have rut. -- verb transitive; To cover in copulation.
Oddly enough this is why we use the same word for an indented wheel track:
(rut), noun [Old French rote, route, way. See ROUTE.] 1. A track worn by a wheel or by habitual passage of anything; a groove in which anything runs. 2. A routine method of action or procedure from which one is not easily stirred. -- verb transitive; RUT’TED; RUT’TING. To make a rut or ruts in.
Do not forget to also apply this concept to our Way of the Lord that has been the undeclared theme of all these many Posts: HONORABLY GUIDED PASSION.
(*4) “Viagra: The little blue pill that could” CNN Wed March 27, 2013 - (http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/27/health/viagra-anniversary-timeline/index.html).
(*5) Bondservant: 5650 ’ebed; from 5647; a servant:-- X bondage, bondman, (bond-)servant, (man-)servant. [Leviticus 25:39].
5647 ’abad; a primitive root; to work (in any sense); by implication, to serve, till, (causatively) enslave, etc.:-- X be, keep in bondage, be bondmen, bond-service, compel…
(*6) “American Family Publishers (sweepstakes) was an American company that sold magazine subscriptions. It is best known for running sweepstakes in which a large amount of money was offered as the grand prize (in a range of several hundred thousand to one or more million dollars). The winner was chosen at random, by a professional auditing company, from among all who responded to the sweepstakes, regardless of whether a magazine subscription was purchased. …[T]he company's tactics attracted controversy, since the mailings that accompanied the sweepstakes promotions, which invariably included a form via which the recipient could purchase magazine subscriptions, frequently included language that seemed to indicate that the recipient had already won a prize, or was a finalist who had improved chances of winning a prize, when this was not the case.
In a related phenomenon connected to the company's promotion tactics, news stories reported cases of elderly Americans traveling to Florida (the company, at least for some time, routed their mail through St. Petersburg, Florida) in an effort to collect the money that they believed they had won, because of the promotional language contained in the sweepstakes entry forms (for instance, their frequently used phrase You may have already won $10,000,000!, although mitigated by an introductory line that stated "If you have the winning number...," led people to believe that they had already won the major prize).” - (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Family_Publishers).
(*7) Arsonists and Progressives:
“The revolutionary force today has two targets, moral as well as material. Its young protagonists are one moment reminiscent of the idealistic early Christians, yet they also urge violence and cry, “Burn the system down!” They have no illusions about the system, but plenty of illusions about the way to change our world.” - Rules For Radicals p. iix. A book literally dedicated to Lucifer as a hero to emulate - p.ix.
(*8) “Somewhere Between Fantasy and Reality:” an intended Post topic in later works.
(*9) TODAY.com 2/20/2007 2:25:22 PM ET
“Pop phenomenon Britney Spears' bizarre stop at a salon to cut her own hair off, following reports she left a rehab center after just one day, are signs she may be having trouble reconciling her superstar persona and her own damaged self-image, two experts tell TODAY. "I think we really should be concerned because this is an extreme, impulsive action that she took," psychotherapist Robin Ludwig told TODAY host Meredith Vieira during an interview Monday. "She's basically saying to the world, 'I want everybody to see how I really feel. I don't want to cover it up and identify myself with this Hollywood, glitzy side. This is how I'm feeling on the inside — damaged and sick.' " - TODAY.com archive (http://www.today.com/id/17226738).
(*10) TV Guide.com archive
“Ah, the shave heard 'round the world. In the midst of a psychological breakdown in February 2007, the pop star checked out of rehab, hit up a hair salon and buzzed off all of her hair herself. If that wasn't enough of a cry for help, newly bald Brit proceeded to get a tattoo and attack a paparazzi car with an umbrella. It would be another 11 months before she was put on a psychiatric hold and placed under a conversatorship, which still stands today.” - TV Guide (http://www.tvguide.com/PhotoGallery/Shaved-Head-1049244/1049323).
(*11) Brittany’s “Christian” beginnings:
As evidenced by bits of several articles; her own mother Lynne had at least a guiding hand in life and career, though Britney took her own determined course from an early age due to reasons and influences undiscovered.
“[Lynne] Spears is a devout Christian, and openly discussed this in her memoir.” - (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynne_Spears) reference: Spears, Lynne; Craker, Lorilee (2008). Through the Storm: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World. Tennessee: Thomas Nelson. p. 4.
Admittedly I had to search for this evidence of what I knew I would find; Britney’s classic “train wreck” is the footprint of a soul that once gave itself to Jesus but then chose to follow her own heart as a second master.
While the bride’s door into Christ’s wedding has not yet been closed to her, this pigeon shows very little homing-heart moving her in the right direction. But on the otherhand her dramatic trainwreck also shows lots of evidence that she is not an ignorant parrot; she knows where home is if she will listen to the homing device apparently planted in her youth (Ephesians 4:30). But she cannot have two masters, and after a few million dollars it’s going to be a lot harder to hear than it was back in her pink bedroom. The trainwreck can be a blessing in disguise to reveal to her the nature of her chosen direction and thereby diminish the allurement. Now she simply needs to return home to a true and honest faith in the one who offers redemption, in otherwords; she must earnestly buy more oil quickly before the gate is closed to her (Matthew 25:8-9+ Jeremiah 29:13-14). The very sad part in the parable is that we don’t see a single foolish virgin succeed in making it back in time. This should spur even more urgency to get the job done now while everyone else is still sleeping.
…“And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light”… Romans 13:11-12+).
(* NOTE): Please, I beg you, don’t go exploring more “data” under the guise of “learning more truth for yourself,” I have given you all that you need to know for evaluation purposes and any more exploration is just feeding your lust that was sparked. “Gird up your loins”; shake off in earnest prayer of realignment, the tug of a triggered untimely Rut, and let’s get through this to the purpose of it all. If you are really struggling with the material, I urge you to simply skip these 308 Posts; this really is in the image of strong meat that few are adequately prepared to chew and digest for nourishment (Judges 14:14+ Hebrews 5:14), but the promiscuous Age masquerading as Christian liberty has now forced a confrontation, and we are out of time to train for battle. This “American Civil War” among Christianity itself will be spiritually very bloody before it is concluded. And oddly enough it’s still all about slavery. Think about it.
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