Sunday, December 27, 2009

So how does that work?

post 046

OK let me get this right:
A KNOWN radical suicide wacko, gets an explosive device through TSA screening, onto a plane, and sets it off where it apparently failed. The passengers on the plane discover his attempt and jump him, thereby rescuing the plane from disaster.

Then Janet Napolitano makes an official statement that the government "security system worked as it should have."
Remember this is the same Secretary of Homeland Security regarding illegal aliens, that said; "show me a 20 foot fence and I will show you a 21 foot ladder." She effectively said she feels that illegal aliens cannot be stopped.
So tell me again, WHY ARE WE PAYING HER?

What kind of insane government does not replace a person so successfully failing the office they fill? Get me almost any hard working American on the topic, and he will reply; "Then build a 23 foot fence!" The point is, if you believe nothing can be done about securing our borders, then you do not belong in the office of Secretary of Homeland Security!

Now she thinks the security system worked like it was supposed to, even though the security system accomplished nothing in slowing this terrorist.
So Ms. Napolitano, just what did the system do that it was supposed to? molest innocent Americans trying to board a plane?

Since this is the Secretary of Homeland Security, I suggest we listen to her when she has told us clearly that stopping terrorists is not what Homeland Security is supposed to do!
So just what is Homeland Security SUPPOSED to do? Anyone? Anyone?
* * * * * * *

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