Friday, March 12, 2010


post 055

Think back in history to our war of independence with Great Britain.
This war was on our own soil.
Now imagine there was a farming family who captured a wounded British solder and kept him in their barn, nursing him back to health, during this time they learned that this man was an officer who was known to use cruel tactics to kill Americans.
But when he was well, they arranged to sneak him back to Britain.

Is there any question in anyone's mind, that this family would have been charged with treason?

Now imagine it was not a farming family, but a man in American government, that did this.
Wouldn't he even more, be charged with treason?

What if it was people in our own Congress who were found to have aided the enemies of America?

Article 3 section 3 of the United States Constitution:
"Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, (the United States) or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort..."

I can easily see those congressmen charged and punished publicly for their treason.

So why is it different today?
This morning on Fox and Friends, it was broadcast that known men of Al-Qaeda, who have killed Americans and are the self declared enemies of America, have been captured and cared for, then sent back to their countries quietly.

This is not short of treason.
I expect those in congress, who are not involved in treason, to reveal those persons who are treasonous, and bring them to justice,
be it a farming family or a congressman,
Be it the 1700s or the 2000s.
Treason against America is treason.
It is perhaps worse when our own government does it!

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