Monday, February 1, 2010

My Closing Arguments

post 054
Continued from Post Jan. 19, 2010 Titled; "Separation of Church and State"

Our founding fathers gave to us a system of government which is now the worlds longest ongoing constitutional republic, 200 years under the same document, and one form of government. And this has not been an unhappy, or hopeless nation, we have enjoyed financial and personal successes beyond the imagination of any other nation before it.
In 200 years France has gone through 7 completely different forms of government,
Italy is now in its 51st
What would make free men have a propensity to degrade into following people less successful, less happy, less free? Provide for me one good example showing this to be a better course.

Yet, in spite of our nations past glories, our current generation is experiencing unrest, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, and fear.
Only in recent times has America failed to continue a generally forward direction toward more peace, success, wealth and power.

Re-writing America’s History:
In spite of the very clear perspective of the founders as found in the official Congressional Record of the time they framed the Constitution; June 7-September 25, 1789, America has now accepted the opposite intent of the constitution than the founders intended. Annals of Congress
June 7 Beginning here on page 439

In the 1947 case Everson v. Board of Education:
The phrase “a wall of separation between church and state” was the only part of Jefferson’s letter quoted, allowing them to utterly change the interpretation and intent of the original letter. This was a new strategy from the court, and began the trend of the court to abandon precedent over personal interpretation.
For 141 years the courts upheld the intent of the founders to keep religion involved in our government and government schools. Yet from this case in 1947 we see a diametrically opposing value of the courts through inventing a new precedent overturning the founders clear and time proven intent. It is this writers opinion that this case is where Progressivism took root in America,
more on this later.
This new trend continued so aggressively that in the 1958 case Baer v. Kolmorgen, a dissenting judge, warned that continuing talk by the court about the “separation of church and state” would make people think it was a part of the Constitution.
Yet the trend continued until the June 25, 1962 case Engel v. Vitale when the court, for the first time, used virtually NO PRECEDENTS, and quoted NO previous legal cases, or historical incidents to support its findings. For the first time in history the court completely separated Christian principles from education, and struck down school prayer. Even the secular ‘Worldbook Encyclopedia 1963 yearbook’ noted that this case was the first time there had been a separation of church and state in American education.
Within 12 more months this same court removed Bible reading, religious classes and religious instruction… without precedent, without historical support of any kind, simply by their independent personal opinion. (Abington v. Schempp & Murray v. Curlett June 17, 1963) This was a radical reversal of the courts long history of consistency (until 1947), and this, by unprecedented means. The 1962 decision opened a floodgate of court findings which, now without showing precedent, were able to make arbitrary declarations, in essence they took the power to manage the nation away from Congress.
Congress can still write the laws, but the laws now only mean whatever the Supreme Court says they mean. Without the need to show historical support, they were able to conclude findings such as; “If portions of the New Testament were read without explanation, they could be and… had been psychologically harmful to the child.” (Abington v. Schempp & Murray v. Curlett June 17, 1963) Strangely the court also had a study done in this case, and reported the findings that only 3% of the nation did not believe in religion or God. Was this the view of our founders? Where is the precedent to show this was the intent of the law of our land? The Foundational laws of the land were rejected, the will of the founders rejected, the precedent of the nations history rejected, the will of the public at that time…REJECTED. This court clearly wanted to independently take America in a new, Godless direction! This began a new era, The God of our founders had been removed from our schools, and our government, Republicanism had been unseated, and a strange democracy of 9 judges had begun.

What might have been the reaction if the Supreme Court was to have instead ruled: “We feel the founders, and the past 145 years of courts, were in error when they repeatedly and intentionally worked to ensure government, and especially the schools, would remain influenced by religion. Therefore we choose to abandon their course provided, and will now lead the nation in the opposite direction.”?

In 1962 this would have been reason for a lynching! The people would not have tolerated such a reckless abandonment of the very foundations of America. Americans still believed in the America the founders gave us.
But since then, Congress and the Supreme Court have done just that in clear and open intentions by forcing upon us the values of Progressivism against the will of the people and in direct opposition of the government provided to us by the founders.
Why then, would America now flounder in confused uncertainty as to how to react? Because since 1962 we have raised a generation who has not been educated in the ways of our founders. They do not know the God of our founders. Having abandon the foundations of our former laws, our lawmakers now have no solid foundation on which to make law.
What is the result?
Before 1962 America was the worlds greatest lender nation, with so much wealth and benevolence the entire globe knew us as “the protector of the world”. Sure we had our issues and struggle, but we spread the values of peace and freedom and the Gospel of Christ to the world.
Today, only 47 years later, we are the worlds greatest debtor nation, our people are confused, tormented, and afraid. Crime is skyrocketing off the charts, every form of vice and evil is growing exponentially. The world is now mocking our weak and floundering state. Yet because we have thrown the God of logic and truth out of our education and government establishments, we have a people unable to figure out the simple logic;
Our nation was the greatest nation on earth under the laws and values of our founders.
Our nation is now led by Marxists, Socialists, Communists, Progressives, and people who turn to Mow Se Tong, a mass murderer. Are we now getting better and better? Is this a course we are pleased to continue? Obama ran on a platform of “Change”.
Foolish Americans were willing to place America in the hands of undeclared, undefined, “Change” and voted him in. They were willing to do that because they were not educated with the values of our forefathers. Shortsightedness can only look back a few years to lay the blame, when the real cause of the problems we are trying to fix today began nearly 50 years ago.

I for one, doing the “logic” thing, don’t like where we are, or the direction we are going.
I want to return to whatever values and laws our founders gave us, because that seemed to work pretty well.
What I don’t want is a government willing to secretly sensor George Washington’s Farewell address, by removing all the religious content because it now conflicts with their new goals.
I don’t want the bill of Rights printed without the preamble now mysteriously missing.
I don’t want a government willing to secretly changing our lawbooks without clearly identifying the changes through “editions” and explanation for the changes.
I don’t want a government willing to sensor and re-write 200 years of national history so that they can take us in a new direction without our knowing it.
The courts have not just removed God from our schools and government, they have attempted to erase all history influenced by God, and that is pretty much the entire first 150 years of America!
Why is that OK to you?
Might it be because you were educated by this ‘New’, historically Un-American education system?
Mr. Indeap is a lawyer. He was educated in this new Godless school of law. He now has 40 years of Godless precedent to occupy his time searching for relevance to his cases. It is not a surprise that he has not stumbled upon the older history. The reason for the “curse” is not at first for punishment, but an attention grabber. It should cause us to take a second look at why things are not going well now. But shortsightedness tends to only look back a few years to lay the blame.

Have I not shown in my 4 point argument, that the first Amendment was NOT written to exclude religion from government?
Have I not given a reasonable explanation for our present condition?
Have I not used Precedent to show the founders believed this too?

So what’s the big deal?
The SAT has been a consistent record of measuring academic achievements, placed in 1941 on the same scale we use today.
In that chart we see 22 years where there were never more than 2 consecutive years in which the scores rose or fell. For 22 years the scores remained very much the same… until 1963.
Then there was a dramatic crash is scores where they fell consistently for 18 years.
Is this the only evidence of a dramatic change in America?
After 1963 a violent upturn occurred on every chart in every moral measurement, (and there are a lot of charts!)
America can now take pride knowing we are finally #1 in the world regarding;
Violent Crime
Voluntary Abortions
Illegal Drug Use
And # in the Western world in;
Teenage Pregnancies
And Illiteracy.
The volumes of evidence of National problems is enormous.

Remember George Mason’s Speech on the floor of the Constitutional Convention?
“As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, so they must be in this. By an inevitable chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes national sins by national calamities.”
I am not suggesting that any one national calamity is proof of God’s displeasure.
But the collection, increase and clear trends cannot be denied.

Remember Benjamin Franklin’s speech on the same floor?
“We have been assured, sir, in the Sacred Writings, that “except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain that build it” I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without his concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel…”
Our courts have not merely ignored God, they have driven him from our Schools and our Government, and are now working to drive him from our very land. Whatever we are building now, we can be confident our founders firmly believed that we will fail just as the builders of Babel failed.

Abraham Lincoln, during the civil war, in reply to a man hoping ‘the Lord was on our (the Union) side’:
“Sir, I am not at all concerned about that, for I know the Lord is always on the side of the right. But it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation should be on the Lord’s side.”

“ And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis - a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever.” - Thomas Jefferson

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