Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

post 062

If you are having a problem reconciling my last two posts; America the Titanic and America's Prophet, then this memorial day you must go back a few more years beyond Iwo Jima.
Lets go way back and remember those who are known for giving "their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor".

Early American history shows that America has indeed had some very dark and troubling times. Any realistic hopes of victory were all but non-existent when Washington wintered his troops at Valley Forge. Not long ago, that history was presented to inspire faith, and hope, and determination in the face of impossible odds. But today, if it is presented at all, it is with the idea that Washington was an incompetent idiot, and the ultimate victory was with nothing more than a freak stroke of luck.
Yet American history is full of impossible odds, with freak strokes of luck. At some point one must realize the odds for such a string of lucky events are improbable at best. The problem with history is that it demands a conclusion.
So if we don't like the conclusion, of course the answer is… to re-write history!

Remember my post discussing Out Of Place artifacts? What? I didn’t post that one?
Hmmmm, well you go Google “OOP artifacts”.
OOPs are artifacts that do not fit our present understanding of history, but because we are so brilliant, we are certain we have the proper perspective in spite of the existence of these artifacts. Therefore we come up with all sorts of strange theories to explain them; Aliens, hoaxes, multiple realities, etc.
So how can we be most certain of knowing the truth of an event with explanations like these?
By the history that was written at the time of the event.
This is why Josephus is such a critical historian, not because he was so honest, but because he wrote his history as it happened. We have evidence of his own agenda and arrogance in his writing, but he could not have been too far off, or the Roman Government would have confronted him. Lies can least be tolerated at the point of the existing reality. So the best way to determine the truth of an historical event, is to read the writings written at that time. This is precisely why Congress writes the Congressional Record of each and every day. This is why the stenographer writes the words of the court, as it happens.
Accurate records have much power; power to evaluate truth, power to review history, power to instruct, power to learn.
Lies on the other hand also have power, but are limited to the powers that cause destruction, confusion, mistrust and ignorance.
“Reject Truth: it makes your opinions seem more plausible… right up to the wall of reality.”

Memorial Day is a day to remember, to memorialize the actions of those who have benefited us who follow after. But how can we remember something we never knew? In that case we can’t just take a moment to “flash” through the knowledge as a recap, we have to diligently search, and sift through truth from deception, to learn what these men did for us, so that on a day like today, we can remember them in truth.
In today’s world of lies and deception from the highest offices, we must be skeptical, we must find history books and documents written as close to the actual event as possible.
Next find history books with lots of original direct quotes and references.

A few books I can recommend:
"The Federalist Papers" - “an authoritative analysis of the young nation’s Constitution and an enduring classic of political philosophy.” Written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison. The Signet Classic Federalist Papers, Edited by Clinton Rossiter, is based on the original McLean edition of 1788. This edition includes the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation.
Biographies such as “Benjamin Rush” by David Barton
Reprints of original writings such as are found in;
Lives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence” a reprint of an 1848 original
Ethics and Early American Handbook
Noah Webster’s “Advice to the young
Celebrate Liberty! Famous Patriotic Speeches & Sermons
The New-England Primer” America’s first and longest school book.
These are reprints of originals and distributed by wallbuilders .com
America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations” by William J. Federer
Original Intent the Courts, the Constitution, & Religion” by David Barton
Samuel Adams a life” by Ira Stoll with a huge volume of original resources referenced.

It is impossible to do a lengthy review of true history in a Memorial Day blog,
My blog for the past year has been rebuilding the concepts of reason used by our founding fathers, and yet has not scratched the surface of the available, verifiable history, showing the roots of the American Experiment!

The previous Blog suggests the hope and expectation of the founders, in the face of sure destruction. They did not just imagine the God they believed in, they put their lives and fortunes and sacred honor on the line, to prove what the biblical truths revealed to us in the history of Moses. The founders gave us an experimental form of government, it is your job to remember what they gave us, so you can properly evaluate the results.
But in remembering the events, don’t forget to remember their motivation for their actions.

Is it impossible to save America?
Yes, Just as hopeless as it was for the pitifully destitute American armies to defeat the mighty British troops!
"...With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible" Matthew 19:26 American History has proven that true many times.

This memorial day I urge you to seriously remember the cause and sacrifice of the men who secured to us this miraculous nation of freedom for all!
"Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Illustrated" by Jack E. Levin

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