Wednesday, June 2, 2010

So What Happens If America Falls?

post 063

What Makes Us Different From Other Nations?

This morning is a beautiful spring day.
After a breakfast of my choosing, I made a nice hot cup of coffee, grabbed my current book and stepped out into the sun of my small, modest “breakfast garden” to settle into my chair.
With my coffee on the little round table beside me, and the book in my lap, I closed my eyes to soak in the warmth of the morning sun and listen to the songbirds singing happily.
This is the life!
Then I found myself praying.
It wasn’t long until I was praying for the persecuted church across the sea.
As I was praying I began to wonder; What legitimate thing can I ask the almighty God to do for them?
Can I expect God to answer my prayer to provide them with food, cloths, and shelter as I have? Would I even be content with such basics?
Do I expect him to answer such a general prayer for “the persecuted church”?
Can I ask him to successfully aid them in hiding from those who would kill or mutilate them? Is there a possibility that he would miraculously end the rape of young Christian virgins? Can I ask that he keep the children from seeing their parents murdered before them, or that the parents would be preserved from knowing the agony of seeing the limbs of their children hacked off by inhuman means as told often by NPR?
Is it probable that “the persecuted church” would suddenly be freed from the prisons of the oppressors?
How do I pray for the persecuted church, and the poor, helpless, less fortunate?
Why is the Church so violently treated in the East, and Middle East, while here in the West the church lives virtually undisturbed, at peace?

And as I enjoyed my coffee, in utter security, I am forced to wonder deeply; What makes me different from them? Why do they suffer such daily horrors, while I suffer virtually nothing? Why do they live in Hell on earth, while I live in an earthly paradise?
Do we not worship the same God? (There is much suffering in the world, in this narrative I limit my questions to those believers similar to me, different only in geography.)

The answer is not found in the church itself, (the people believing in Jesus Christ) the answer is found in the environment around them.
Contrary to the unspoken beliefs of many American Christians, if a Christian is surrounded by sick people, he will most likely get sick.
If he is around healthy people, there is less sickness to catch, and he will most likely remain healthy.
Simple science.
For the most part, Christians can expect to exist in the same reality that non-Christians do.
Cause and Effect is the same across the board… for the most part.
Strangely many western Christians are foolishly ignorant of such science, believing themselves to be miraculously above it. This is an ignorant misuse of scripture.
This works in all areas of life; health, finances, knowledge, relationships, etc.
Christians begin to fail in these areas, just as non-Christians do, when they forget to implement the laws of nature relating to each area. Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee,…”
This is not some spiritual hocus-pocus, this is science, this is math, it is calculable.

So what about the environment of the East and Middle East, is so different than the environment of the West, that would result in such opposite circumstances?

Just what is it that makes the West, and especially the USA privileged to somehow slip by such atrocities of life in virtually all the middle east nations, most eastern nations, and large parts of the African continent?

Answer yourself this question and you will find the right God to worship.
With few exceptions, the religious ideology of a nation’s government is the cause of its happiness, or lack thereof. All its laws are based on these ideologies. One limited exception to the above statement is the religious ideologies of more powerful neighboring nations.

World history shows a strong trend of great national effort to dominate and oppress other nations, or the idea; “What I feel is good for me, at the expense of what you feel is good for you”.
The time of historical darkness prior to America, is interestingly called the Dark Ages. In 1065 Jerusalem was taken by the Turks. Today re-written history will tell you that the King of England went to war in the Holy Land for his own glory and national endeavors. But an earnest research will show that England went to war against the Turks in an effort to defend the Holy Land from the invaders.
England was struggling with its own perversion of Christianity known as the Church of England, and so resulted their own miss-application of justice. But this began the turn, and the Dark Ages became the Middle Ages as the oppressive Catholic Church was challenged by bold Christians at a very high price. “ Foxe’s Book of martyrs” Author: John Foxe (1516-1587)

Islam, now the dominant faith in the Middle East is called the religion of peace.
What are the signs that it is rightly named?
In the Islamic faith, is the foundational principle to kill all who disagree with them.
Qur’an 9:191 “Kill the disbelievers wherever you find them” (Qur’an 5:34, 9:124, 9:29, 9:73, 9:123, 9:121, 47:4 etc. etc.) This is not some unusual one time circumstantial event, this is a fundamental obligation to all Muslims. Qur’an 8:39 “And He orders us to fight them on until there is no more tumult and faith in Allah is practiced everywhere” (Qur’an 9:39, 9:110, 4:104, 66:9 etc.)
“Jihad is an act of worship, it is one of the supreme forms of devotion to Allah. They say that Jihad is only for defense. This lie must be exposed.” Muslim author and teacher Muhammad Saeed al-Qahtani Jihad Quote removed)
Islam school in Australia

In contrast, the Christian faith finds the foundational command to love your enemy;
Holy Bible Matthew 5:44 “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you:…” 5:7, 5:19, 5:46,
Matthew 5:21-22 “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: But I (Jesus) say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment…”
Do not kill (one of 10 foundational rules) Exodus 20:13, Proverbs 1:11
Do not lie (another of the 10) Exodus 20:16
Inscribed on the Statue of Liberty are the words:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Clearly the theme of America's religion is love the helpless and unlovable,
while the theme of Islam in the Middle East is; “Allah akbar” at the end of a sword.
"Allahu Akbar is recited on many occasions:
1 In the beginning of prayer of Hazrat Bibi Fatimah (upon whom be peace);
2 When animals are slaughtered; and
3 By the mujahids of Islam."
Meaning of Allahu Akbar
What is a Mujahid?
Mujahid. someone who is active and fights for Islam. A Muslim fighter. The opposite of qaideen. Definition of Mujahid

The God of the west is a God of love, acceptance, forgiveness, benevolence, hope, and love.
The god of the east is a god of hate, murder, suicide, oppression, and hate.

The Middle East, specifically Islam, has long given the world war, conquest, slaughter and oppression.
The West, specifically Christianity, has given the world wealth, security, peace and human dignity.

I am often confronted with many European examples that they are different forms of governments and religions, but similar to America in wealth, peace, freedom and security. This seems to show that the USA is really no different than many nations in spite of its claim to its religious reasons… doesn’t it?
Good question;
To answer that, it must be remembered; my entire Blog is dedicated to returning America to its foundations…. The same foundations that Mr. Obama has dedicated his Presidency to fundamentally change!
America is on its deathbed, and we cannot rightly evaluate its years of unquestionable greatness by its present pitiful condition.

We must also consider just where did these nations obtain their ideas of wealth, peace, freedom and security?
From America!
When America was the world dominant superpower, she did not use her power to oppress nations, or to collect tribute. She blessed the world with unsurpassed financial and political aid, she held at bay evil nations like the USSR when she could, and subdued other evil nations like Japan when other options were unavailable. Yet even then she paid for their rebuilding into nations of peaceful cohabitation with their neighbors, under their own governments!
She showed the world how to hope for more than they had, and raised the world standard of living to previously unimaginable heights!
By freeing humanity from oppression she freed their minds to create, and thus the industrial age was a result.
America’s great armament was not for her own enrichment through conquest, but the defense of the defenseless.
Si vis pacem, para bellum, Latin for: “If you want peace, prepare for war.” was the underlying mentality of her military.
The goal of Hitler was to create a master race, eliminating all others. He was “just helping evolution along” Mein Kampf, English: My Struggle, is a book by Adolf Hitler. It combines elements of autobiography with an exposition of Hitler's political ideology.
It was America who stepped in to aid Europe in its defense.
In a very simplistic statement; It was America who found and developed the significant oil fields of the middle east, then after getting it established, offered to buy the oil from them. Petroleum Refining by William L Lefler

All this is but a fraction of examples showing that America, through its government, based on its faith in the Creator, had the intention of existing in conformity to the principles found in the Holy Bible. Did she always get it right? No. But the results are for the world to remember.

World peace, and lifestyle, and expectation, as we know it today, are a direct result of the influence of America.
What has the Islamic nations given the world?
We have a sea dividing the two religious influences.
This is why I sit quietly in the sun, enjoying the day in utter peace.
This is why many in nations across the sea live in sorrow, fear and destitution.
The Church also finds its quality of existence where it is, because of the spiritual authority under which it lives.

If America is to die, Europe will be like the children of the rich man who has just died.
Europe has learned to expect a fearless lifestyle, but it will dry up because the authoritative source has been removed. Even now, in her much weakened state, America is still the power that holds back the great evil of Islam in the world. Yet we see Islam, in great anticipation, now supported by the evil that sits in the seat of authority of America, beginning to embolden itself again, and the world has begun to see the results.

I sit here even now, at a time when our foundations are being “fundamentally changed” and still the principles that have made this nation so safe for so long, are able to allow me to expect my morning coffee and a good book will not be interrupted by someone I have never met, trying to kill me for reasons I do not understand.
The values that gave us this great peace are at the very foundation of this nation, that is, the faith that we are the servants of the creator, and that we will be accountable to him for what we do.
To fundamentally change this can only lead to fundamentally less than we are now.
Let the faith of the east prove itself there before we so eagerly accept their values.
By violating our foundational values, established in this land by our founders, the man masquerading as our President, the body of Congress, and the Supreme Court, have collectively and individually committed treason against the United States of America in an effort to change our foundations to those of our enemies, against the declared will of the people.

I read in scripture the opportunity for America to repent of our waywardness.
The end of America is not written in stone.
If America dies, it will not be to usher in the end times.
The ‘end times’ events are written in stone, but America can enter them on either side of right.
America has had many years of playing the wayward teen, but she has now been given the confrontation: The voted emblematic leader of this nation has declared to the world; “America is no longer a Christian nation.” And he has told us of his intent, only days before taking office; “We are only 5 days away from fundamentally changing America!”
How we enter the last days is up to us.
The time to choose is now!

Joshua 24:15 “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve… but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this, and really like how it was thoughtfully planned.


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