Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Post 152

Once corruption takes root, it becomes difficult to dig it out sufficiently enough to restore the health of the entity corrupted. This applies to the physical body corrupted by disease, or the nation corrupted by destructive legislation, or the faith corrupted by compromise.
This is a battle.
But the difficulty becomes exponential when that corruption is accepted by the entity as a healthy part of its being. We see the application as cancer in the physical body, misguided precedent replacing original intent in the nation, or false doctrine established in the faith.
This is confusion.

What is cancer and what is healthy flesh?
Which is good law, and which is misguided law?
What is right faith, and what is destructive?

The reason why these are so much more difficult to dig out, is because the horizon line between good and bad has become progressively obscured until all bearing is lost. *1

This concept is the reason for most of the fatal private plane crashes in Alaska.
We call it visibility deprivation.
This rarely happens all at once:

When the cloud layer drops, the safe space to fly between earth and cloud becomes diminished.
But the course is set, and the destination seated in the mind, and the pilot believes he is able to retain his bearings. In other-words he thinks he can succeed with the conditions present and so he continues on progressively.
Then the cloud layer continues to drop, and he is forced to fly yet lower.
As long as the pilot can see the horizon, as long as he can retain even the tiniest object in the thickening clouds while remaining above the terrain, his mind is able to usually interpret correctly all that he cannot see, and thereby retain his bearing.
But as the cloud layer continues to drop, he is forced ever closer to the ground and his boundaries of safety continually diminish.
This is the first category of corruption. The safe skies have been corrupted, increasing the danger of flight, yet experience, knowledge, and moxie, are able to overcome the corruption with greater degree of effort and focus.

But there comes a point in time, an exact moment, when he suddenly loses sight of the last ghostly object of ground, and immediately he looses all bearing.
At this moment the sky looks exactly like the ground.
It is utterly shocking to that pilot how immediately he looses bearing.
We have all heard the stories, but until each pilot experiences that moment, he cannot comprehend the utter change that takes place in a moment in time.
One second he is in control of the situation, the next second he is utterly helpless.

They say even the very best pilots cannot maintain a steady course longer than 60 seconds when this occurs.
This is the second category of corruption.

“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11:3

This scenario can be applied to all areas of corruption.
It may be due to ignorance, or carelessness, or defiance, but even cancer usually gives lots of warnings before the corruption changes from one category into the next.

Our great nation of America is actually still in category one.
But the cloud layer has dropped so far there is no safe flying space left.
The horizon is obscured, and we are now desperately flying in ever thickening clouds straining to find those ghostly landmarks of recognizable stability by which to navigate.
The TEA party is desperately clinging to one weak image that is so frail we are afraid to blink for fear that it will disappear in the fog.
Our history is another such landmark now rejected as uncertain. The pilot and copilots are arguing how to interpret what they think they see in the fog: is what they see a four-foot rock 50 feet from the plane, or an island 600 feet from the plane? How it is interpreted has everything to do with resulting action!
Original Intent is there beside that one, and right now the copilot is screaming; “I see that one real clear, believe me, we can rely on that!” but the present administration in control cannot see it, and cannot believe the copilot no matter how many of us vote.
Now America has long stopped looking for the solid mountain of our faith. That landmark was obscured some time ago and has been dropped from the list of things to look for as bearing, but is the easiest to find if we would just look for it, right past our history, and original intent.

A wise pilot will observe the circumstances, and determine the risk of failure as too high, and navigate a U-turn, in the attempt to fly out of the fog.
Yet sometimes when that pilot pushes too far, the fog has closed in behind him, and there is no way out!

America, we are at this point now.
What do we do?
Continue to fly in the same direction, or try to find our way back in search of the clear skies we used to fly?

Either way, the danger is very real.
But one thing is sure. Death waits for us in this direction.
100% of all nations who have flown this course have crashed and burned.
History is littered with their wreckage.
I challenge you to name one that has not.

* * *

Viable landmarks by which to navigate with assurance while still in the first category of corruption:

Nationally -

“It is rightly impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible” - George Washington
“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”
- John Adams

“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians”
- Patrick Henry

“Almost all the civil liberty now enjoyed in the world owes its origin to the principles of Christian religion.” - Noah Webster

“The religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of Christ and his apostles. This is genuine Christianity and to this we owe our free constitutions of government.”
Noah Webster

“Let the children be carefully instructed in the principles and obligations of the Christian religion. This is the most essential part of education. The great enemy of the salvation of man, in my opinion, never invented a more effectual means of removing Christianity from the world than by persuading mankind it was improper to read the Bible in our schools.” - Benjamin Rush

“My views are the result of a lifetime of inquiry and reflection and very different from the anti-Christian systems imputed to me by those who know nothing of my opinions. To the corruption of Christianity, I am indeed opposed, but not (opposed) to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian in the only sense in which he wished anyone to be sincerely attached to his doctrines in preference to all others” - Thomas Jefferson

Faith -
Romans 1-2. The warning of Progressive steps of Depravity
Jude - The corruption of true faith (the present corruption of Eternal Security v.4)

* * * * * * *

*1 The very term Progressive implies moving little by little, changing position to a specific destination in front. The nature of the word Progress implies betterment, but does not require it. Progress only means; to become closer to that which you are aiming.
The concern should be, Are we aiming in the right direction?
A person who desires to die of kidney failure makes progress by ever increasing alcoholism, but that does not mean that end is wise, or right.
This Progressive movement in America is the perfect image of the frog boiling to death in a pot of water. As the temperature progresses the frog is able to acclimate to the gradual change, and remains unaware he is about to die when the destination is reached.

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