Monday, January 31, 2011


Post 158

Today in the news we watch as Egypt becomes the next nation in a growing list of countries who’s governments are melting down from an uprising of the people.

There is much speculation as to the causes and the resolutions as each nation becomes the headline of the day, and I do not wish to add my opinion to the many already out there.

But while sitting around the table at the local coffee shop, this was the topic of curiosity.
To those of us there, opinion was all that mattered because to us as we watch the news, the events had no impact on our lives this morning;
The menu was the same,
The temperature in the coffee shop was the same,
I still had the 75 cents needed to pay for my coffee.
In this way, the events we watch on the TV news are no different than the movies we also watch. It simply is not reality for those of us not involved in that region, and so other than the latest topic to have something to discuss, the problems in Egypt this morning only apply to the conversation until the topic turns toward; where we will ride our snowmobiles today? Or, Where we will locate our next wolf traps. Or, The new fog lights someone put on their pickup yesterday.

In the micro cosmic world we live in way out here in remote Alaska, the events of the national meltdown of a major nation of the world just doesn’t seem to matter.

But from a macrocosmic perspective, from a big picture understanding, this recent event in a growing list is quite significant.
Yet there is just no way to introduce a macrocosmic perspective into a microcosmic worldview.
Only when America finds itself suddenly on the list as the latest headline, will our people open their eyes enough to ask; How did that happen?
But by then, that will be the wrong question.

Revelation 17 shows us a great mystery.
But it is a macrocosmic mystery.
It plays out on a global scale.
If, like the guys around the table this morning, you don’t care about global events, then don’t bother to continue reading my blog, I don't think I have anything more for you.

But for those curious about the big picture of reality, hang on.
We are about to take one very wild ride into scriptural prophecy regarding near future events.

* * *

For some time now I have been wanting to turn the page on my blog to focus on the future, but until the concept is grasped that America is not the world, such a focus will have no effect.
The world will not end when America falls. Life here on this soil will continue though lifestyle will be dramatically changed.
This is the “change” Obama campaigned on and won the election on.
This is the change the Marxists have been setting up.
This is the change carefully crafted by the now identified “Progressives” who actually wrote down their designs in books like; “Rules for Radicals”, "Reclaiming Revolution" and “The Coming Insurrection” and revealed in books like; “The Creature From Jekyll Island” and “The Road to Serfdom”.
Small isolated events in this global meltdown have been carefully crafted by powerful men like George Soros, but the mastermind behind the macrocosmic big picture events is the Devil himself. George Soros is just a self-absorbed patsy, putty in the hands of his master even though he does not know it.

* * *

So what actually does the macrocosmic global future look like?
There are many signs that we are now in the days of the end which Daniel was told would be the time when the secrets of the words he wrote would be opened up and unsealed.

For those still with me, I would like to begin a biblical exploration to find out the meaning of those previously hidden passages if we can.
But as I do, I need to start off clarifying that we are now pushing into an area of interpretation.
The scriptures have been carefully crafted by the Maker to hide the details to ensure the foretelling of events don’t themselves make the events happen.
This is largely why a portion of prophecy has been written in strange representations and metaphorical figures.
The truth is written there, but can only be understood when the events begin to play out.
“And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?
And he
(the unidentified messenger) said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.” Daniel 12:8-9 and also 13.

This is because the purpose of prophecy is not so we can change the future, but so we can believe God knows what he is talking about when we observe the events play out.
By having this confidence in God from prophecy fulfilled, we can have confidence in God for prophecy yet to be fulfilled. And the result is the ability to give ourselves confidently into the hand of God.
This is salvation: The re-arrangement of our mental processes and perspectives, to align with God.

“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Acts 16:31

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, ....” Romans 12:2a

I have spent the majority of the first half of my blog showing history and how ancient and modern history has fulfilled scripture prophecy perfectly.
I wish to use the authority of fulfilled prophecy to confidently believe prophecy of scripture yet to be fulfilled.
The only variable which cannot be eliminated is interpretation, but as the time of their fulfillment approach, the events in which we find ourselves make interpretation less necessary as the events themselves prove scripture.

The sudden meltdown of significant nations such as Greece and Egypt and America tend to support the notion that the time of fulfillment is here.

The problem becomes not a lack of scriptural support, but how to wade through the incredible volume of scriptural support.
IF you haven’t read the novel, who really cares about the climax to it all in the last chapter?!
But for those of you actually interested I will do my best to turn the water pressure down on the fire hose I will ask you to drink from.

Your homework?
Read and re-read Revelation 17.
Don’t try real hard to understand it, just read it and become familiar with what it says.
We will explore its meaning in time, and this is a good place to start.
(If you don't have a bible you can find one online located on the Home page of this blog under "Must Read Websites".)

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  1. Thank you, this is very interesting and I want to follow your thoughts on the "meltdown of America". I, too, think that is inevitable if we continue on in the direction we are now headed. I also think like you, that all the answers can be found in our (true Christians) Bible.

  2. Wow! This sounds very good! You certainly know how to build up the expectation. Mine's skyrocketing.


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