Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Third Yin

Post 289

Continuing from Post 287, we can see how both Judaism and Christianity were corrupted in very similar spirits of misapplying God’s intent while putting up a show of earnest, and even extreme, godliness.
Once the highly offensive Orthodox “Jews” and Catholic “Christians” so fully corrupted the faith that the world could no longer tolerate the foundations of these exotic religions, what is the true Jew and Christian to do?

“If the foundations (8356) be destroyed (2040), what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11:3.

8356 shathah; from 7896; a basis, i.e. (figuratively) political or moral support:-- foundation, purpose.

2040 harac; a primitive root; to pull down or in pieces, break, destroy:-- beat down, break (down, through), destroy, overthrow, pluck down, pull down, ruin, throw down, X utterly.

In this study we have begun to see that there is a difference between the corruption of a faith, and destroying the faith’s very foundation, so note in this verse that the concern is not for those who corrupt the faith but for the righteous. The Catholic Church, while using the faith, murdered millions of Christians, and the Muslims are doing the same still today across the world, but although suffering greatly and even losing their lives, these true Christians still have a most solid foundation on which they stand unmoved in the persecution. Therefore, by this example it seems impossible that the foundation of the righteous could be destroyed, so how are the very foundations of the righteous destroyed as the Psalmist proposes?

Now stay with the concept; If these righteous, who are standing on their foundations, are found to have corrupted their own foundations, then they wouldn’t be called righteous. This is a profound concept to be understood because the verse seems to predict a time when the righteous will indeed find that their foundations have been destroyed by others! What do they do then?
I believe the answer is found in the discovery of how the foundations are destroyed. Can you accept the thought that there are righteous who don’t know and so have no hope, and there are righteous who do? The answer to Psalm 11:3 seems to be to find out how it happens. This is a bit of a slippery concept because if the foundations are actually destroyed then recovery seems to be impossible or the destruction was not successful and the question becomes mute: we are talking foundations here.

This leads to the question; “Can the righteous remain without foundations?” Again, if there were no righteous, then the question of the verse would be empty. So it seems the foundations can be destroyed and the righteous will still remain, though left with nothing to do.
This seems to present another question that the verse pre-supposes we already know the answer to;
“What are the righteous supposed to be doing while the foundations remain?”

“For he (Abraham) looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God” Hebrews 11:10.

It seems self-apparent that the righteous are to be spreading the Gospel and filling the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 3:2) on which foundations it is built. The foundations are those upon which this work is done, and when those foundations are destroyed the righteous “don’t have a leg to stand on” in presenting their argument to the lost.

I suggest that the answer is to discover the plans of the destruction before it takes place, in the effort to keep them from being destroyed.
In truth, this is the very end intent of my timely work. If we know the plan, we can identify the destroyer and avoid the destruction, which avoidance is possible by the “IF” of the verse in question.
Yet even today, most in the faith don’t actually know what the foundations look like because they are already badly dilapidated through neglect, so my work to this point has been a familiarization of the solid foundations via the descriptions of Law and Grace as they actually apply in that Kingdom. My next section of Posts is purposed to expose in some detail the plan to destroy what is now dilapidated. That destruction goes so far beyond simple corruption that unless we deeply grasp the actual Kingdom it will be impossible to comprehend the foundations once they are destroyed. Most Christians today have not even contemplated that Kingdom and cannot imagine anything beyond playing harps on clouds, day in and day out for eternity. If you know nothing of the Kingdom then what possible value could the foundations have to you?
“So they are a little tattered, what difference does it make?”

America is the present physical representation of that tattered Kingdom and our willingness to just let it die reveals our complete ignorance of what it was before the foundations became dilapidated and what our world will be like without it. Example: when the blessings of American abundance are gone, how will you feed the poor? Do you suppose Chairman Mao will do it for you?

“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11:3.

* * *

The Third Yin:
Because we have seen a multi-layered pattern emerge in the individual histories of both Judaism and Christianity, as well as in their mutual relationship, it will be easy and natural to project that pattern onto anything that seems to fit.
Enters Islam.

As “Christianity” seemed to be the Yang to the corrupted “Judaism,” and we observe the good and bad contentions within each as its own internal yin and yang, so we see this pattern emerge in Islam between their two houses of Shi’ite and Sunni as the next answering faith that seems to apply the Law of Moses through the Shi’ite house in a more “determined” way than the Jews, and the contending “Christian” counterpart of liberal Grace in the Sunni house. The comparative similarities cannot be denied as the investigation continues, and it is most curious how the term Déjà vu seems to best apply:

The Qur’an is declared to have been “written” by Islam’s Moses/Christ-like prophet Mohammad ( see for more accurate detail). And like the Talmud of the Jews, the later written Hadith and Tafsirs are where the Muslims find their complex interpretations of the Qur’an to make it apply to their desires today. Is the Qur’an really clear on one point? The Hadith/Sunna (the words of Mohammad) can explain it in the complete reversal if they want it to. This both allows them their particular interpretation as well as explains away any element that might be offensive to unbelieving questioners. And like the seeming appearance of Christian Grace to supersede the Law, so the moderate Sunni is presented to supersede the violent Shi’ite. In this way it seems only obvious that the peace-loving Sunni house is the justified “Christian” type house even though it has within it it’s own contending factions of murdering terrorists, that like the Catholic Church, they try to hide from exposure and justice, claiming publicly a separation from them but secretly funding and supporting them. If we attempt to justify true Christianity from the murderous Catholicism, we feel obligated by fairness to justify the moderate Sunni from the terrorist Sunni.
OK fine. Let’s leave that confusion alone for now because it’s an argument with so many complexities that the battle of logic will be long fought without also killing off Christianity and Judaism along with it.
* * *

Don’t get entangled in the insignificant:
Before Mohammad, it is reported that pre-modern Islam was a religion of 360 gods. Mohammad is the prophet who eliminated all but three: the Moon (father), Sun (mother), and Stars (daughters), before later eliminating all but the moon Allah: Al-ilah. In Arabic ilah is reported to mean “moon crescent,” but you will not find any of this on an internet search for legitimate documentation. Archeological evidence shows that the crescent moon cymbal did not originate with Mohammad, and by simple denial it is no longer a viable argument without lots of debate in spite of the fact that their temples and flags are adorned with the crescent moon as the premiere symbol of Islam’s God. Today the Muslims all believe Allah is the lone and single God as the creator… in spite of the fact that every Muslim is obligated to pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their life to worship the black stone embedded in the corner of the Ka’aba (*1), by pointing at the stone on their way around the tawaf if they cannot make their way in the crowed to kiss it (*2); their own Type of their Messiah, distinct from Allah; the One True God. So, again, to avoid a long argument let’s turn our attention to yet another line:

Where did Islam get their Qur’an’s holy law?
Nobody argues that Abraham is not the father of Ishmael; of course he is. But what does Ishmael have to do with Moses and the Law, or the Hebrew prophets, or the promised Messiah? Were the children of Ishmael enslaved by the Egyptians and needing rescue by Moses as God prophesied before the event (Genesis 15:13-16)? Did the people of Ishmael wander with Moses 40 years in the wilderness while learning to apply the Law? No. Yet the very tardy Qur’an seems to be integrally linked to the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) without any indication of how.
I propose the possibility that Jethro, Moses’ Arabian father-in-law (the Priest of Midian) may have been how the Arab sons of Abraham got the Torah when he visited Moses on the way through the wilderness:

“When Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses’ father in law, heard of all that God had done for Moses, and for Israel his people, and that the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt; then Jethro, Moses’ father in law, took Zipporah, Moses’ wife, after he had sent her back, and her two sons…and Jethro, Moses’ father in law, came with his sons and his wife unto Moses into the wilderness, where he encamped at the mount of God” Exodus 18:1-5.

Midian was not related to Ishmael the son of Egyptian handmaid Hagar (Genesis 25:12-15) but rather was the son of Keturah, Abraham’s second wife after Sarah died (Genesis 25:1-6). It is not hard to see the possibility that the 12 Muslim sons of Ishmael may have gotten the Torah from their neighbors the Arab Midianites, and this may be how the Muslim’s faith, as the “other” sons of Abraham, is so connected to the Hebrew’s Bible through Moses while also mixed with their other religions.
In this way we see that the Qur’an seems more focused on the destruction of Jehovah’s people for their failure to obey the Mosaic Law than actually teaching the Muslims to obey it. The Muslims have their own “version” of the Mosaic Law that they obey as we will discuss momentarily.

And here is where it gets interestingly relevant to us.
The Hebrew Jews had the actual Mosaic Law given to them by God himself on the mountain in Arabia (Exodus 19:1-3, Galatians 3:25, NOT the “Sinai” Peninsula). And the Hebrews had God’s man Moses (the Type of Christ) to teach them how to apply it properly in the spirit of self-control through a very long and uncomfortable journey… but they couldn’t seem to get it together for more than a short time before utterly failing into captivity to Babylon for their disobedience.
Sometime later than Moses, by means we are not told, the Ishmaelite Muslims got ahold of the Tanakh including the Mosaic Law to give it a go, but without the Christ of Jehovah God the giver to guide them in the proper interpretation or intent (spirit). Instead they had their own God Allah to show them how, and he provided them with Mohammad as the Christ Type stand-in for a message that was not even his. What we end up with a Jehovahless and Christless attempt to accomplish the job Jehovah commanded, which is exactly how Ishmael was conceived in the first place (Genesis 15:2-6,18+17:19,21 vs. 16:1-4+17:18,20). The result is a “Cain-an” twisted religion of “God’s” violent laws that are geared toward serving man’s sin-nature of natural desires: Lust, Greed, and Violence, accomplished through Rape, Booty, and Murder as commanded by god in the name of God! So how do you then turn the hearts of wicked men who’s naturally loved wickedness is actually commanded by their god using your own God’s commandments?! Are the foundations shaking yet?

Like the Catholic Church with Christianity, they may not be actually breaking the word-by-word specifics of the written law, but nonetheless wholly breaking the intent, and God uses this perversion to correct his own people by showing them the unpleasantness of their own iniquity reflected back to them.
Why didn’t Satan (Allah) come up with his own religion to battle Jehovah’s people? Because that would not destroy the foundations of Jehovah’s intent for the Law. No, Satan needs to so corrupt Jehovah’s Law that it becomes utterly repulsive to His own people. Islam fills that goal as they mush Allah into a “corrected” version of “flawed” Jehovah that brings global violence commanded by “God.”
* * *

The Law in the hands of another people:
“Shouldn’t God’s law apply universally to anyone who wishes to follow it?” Let’s examine that concept to find out.
Jesus confirmed the Law by stating:

“…Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets”
Matthew 22:37-40.

Now we know that Jesus was speaking to the Jews and therefore it goes without saying that Jehovah is the God to whom he was referring. But today, most Christians don’t see the significance of this concept detail and today we see the Muslims, who have absorbed the Torah into their faith of Allah, and so this command takes on a whole new application while following every word without compromise. Let’s read that first commandment again with this new comprehension of a Muslim’s faith in Allah:

“…Thou shalt love the Lord thy God (Allah) with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.” Matthew 22:37-38.

The Muslims, like Saul of Tarsus, takes up this task with vigor, and Jesus himself commanded this by confirming the command in the Torah! But is that really what Jesus was saying? Absolutely not! But can you see how quickly the pure is turned to poison, without changing a single word?
Let’s continue with this foundation while Satan’s people apply the second command of Jesus from the Law of the Hebrew Bible:

“And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets” Matthew 22:39-40.

If a Satan-loving sodomite fulfilling the first and great command, applies this second command to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” then this command of Christ seems to mean beyond question that you should indeed sodomize all your neighbors in love, because that’s what you would like from them.
And if an Allah-loving Muslim applies this command, then it is actually a command of Christ to blow-up your neighbors because you are more than willing to die for your faith, even at your own hand.
The careful word-by-word application of God’s Old Testament law confirmed by Jesus Christ himself in the New Testament cannot be argued, though the application is wholly in direct opposition to the Spirit and intent of Jehovah who authored it.
You see, the Law of God (Jehovah), and indeed the whole Tanakh and the prophets, with the New Testament, is only applicable to Jehovah’s people, and only then in the Spirit in which it was given (see Post 227 On Tongues Perfect application by others is an abomination, and modifications in order to make it fit better is only further perversion. It’s just that until the 4th beast of Daniel 7 we have never run into this kind of brand cannibalization before; the problems with the faith have always been within the faith.

The Jews without a Temple Sacrifice is the complete breach of the Law; there is no “fix” to this dilemma and the Babylonian Talmud solution is the evidence of a failed try. But that was still within the faith. Now the Muslim’s own attempt to apply Moses’ Law is yet another perversion of what was already perverted by the Jews to the degree that God removed the temple and sacrifice for its ineffectiveness. Now what are they supposed to do? And what do we do with the Muslims

“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11:3.

Without Yeshua Christ as the end (completion, fulfillment) of the Law (Romans 10:4-9) there is no solution to their problem. Christ was prophesied all through the Tanakh to make sure he was not missed when he finally came at the time that the Law was no longer capable of leading a corrupt people because of folly (Hebrews 8:7-9), but the Jews stopped reading the Tanakh in favor of the Talmud many years previous, until today the Jews and the Muslims have completely destroyed the foundation of the Law while trying to apply it:

“For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth”… Romans 10:2-4 (+).

God provided another covenant through the foundation of Christ’s Grace to make their violent and convoluted corruption of the Law obsolete, in favor of restoring the original intent of an Abrahamic kind of faith in God without the burdensome need of oppressive rules to govern their conduct: Love God, and Love your neighbor, can you handle that?

And like the Jewish, and subsequent Muslim, corruption of the Law to the degree that the foundation was utterly destroyed beyond recovery in using it to fulfill their own lusts by “the command of God himself,” The Christians have likewise corrupted Christ’s Grace-solution for the corrupted Law to fulfill their own lusts in the same way; “There ain’t NO LAW ANYMORE! Let’s party like animals in the grace of Christ!” (*3).

Now in turn begins the Muslim destruction of the foundation of this corrupted Grace in the same way that the Law was corrupted, and this is why I say: The mystery is not the Beast.
Oh you have no idea!
* * *

So who is the Enemy?
Is it the Jew? Is it the Christian? Is it the Muslim? To answer that, we need simply to look into our recent history of warfare:
The Germans were our enemy in WWII. They attempted to conquer our freedom and subjugate us to the will of the Third Reich. In response we were obligated to fight them and defend freedom for the world.
The Japanese were also our enemy and they too attempted to destroy us, and we were obligated to fight back in defense.
Are the Germans and the Japanese our enemies today? Not at all, they are very agreeable members of the human world of nations. So what changed? Why were they our mortal enemies at one point but our friends in another? The obvious explanation is their authority. Defeat Nazism and the German people were free to act civil. Crush Tojo Fascism and the Japanese people were able to enter the free world. Today these peaceful nations are great assets to the world because the dark powers that controlled the people were defeated.
Today the dark power that threatens the world is the ideology of Islam. For the most part the Muslim people themselves are caught in the power and under control of their authority in many ways; fear, intimidation, education, culture, and upbringing, to name a few. And while they are our enemies by the circumstances of their aggression against our freedom, the ideology that controls them is the real enemy. Defeat the dark authority by that of the loving and benevolent Messiah of America’s past, and the people are free to act civil if they so wish. But the reverse is also true; fail to defeat that dark authority and we will be forced to become the enemy of our own freedom.
The scriptures were not waxing eloquent when they declared:

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” Ephesians 6:12.

And this explains our very real primary weapons against Islam’s ideology:

“(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled” II Corinthians 10:4-6.

The Qur’an is not simply an odd religion with wild ideas from a crazy doctrine; it is the perversion of the entire Bible, Old and New Testaments. It is the very powerful weapons that you were making in the factory of Post 280 “The Noise!” now in the hands of the Enemy. And while their version of the Law has been “adjusted” to fit their own perspectives, the Law is not the real problem, just like guns are not the problem; The god of Islam is the real problem, which is the same god of Orthodox Judaism and Catholicism, and Nazism, and when presented to Jehovah’s people, that god is proclaimed to be the God that Jehovah claims to be. And when presented to a people already corrupt, it’s a relatively easy sell with time.
How much more so when Allah gets a good hold on Christ’s Grace as well!
Think about it.
* * * * * * *

(*1) Ka’aba:
“The Ka'aba (literally "the cube" in Arabic) is an ancient stone structure that was built and re-built by prophets as a house of monotheistic worship. It is located inside the Grand Mosque in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. The Ka'aba is considered the center of the Muslim world, and is a unifying focal point for Islamic worship. The Ka'aba is a semi-cubic building that stands about 15 meters high and 10-12 meters wide. It is an ancient, simple structure made of granite.” - Ka’aba (

(*2) The Black Stone and the Ka’aba:
See Post 214 The Fall of Satan (

(*3) Dear Christian,
To continue in sin while applying Christ’s Grace is to be a stranger to God’s word just as is the Muslim or the Sodomite, it simply does not apply to you though you earnestly and carefully apply each word of the Holy text. All the intellectual information, is worse than nothing at all, because in the study you think you are drawing closer to God while you ignore the compromise that separates you and brings destruction.
This functionally might be called Treason, but God calls it Folly.

1 comment:

  1. "Perfect application by others is an abomination, and modifications in order to make it fit better is only further perversion."

    Could it be that the most "perfect" application/abomination of the Law is the one spoken of in Matthew 24:15-26, a type of application of the Law so fit for common sense (a complete perversion) that only the most repulsive of all people (the remaining true believers of the original Word) keep rejecting, thus earning the death sentence from every "law applying worldly well-reasoning peace lover" on earth (verse 9)? The magnitude of the deception lies in the measure of the perfection.


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