Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Question of Sustainability

- The Christless Christianized World of Babylon -
Originally posted Saturday, February 22, 2014
Post 316 (formerly Post 315)

(Please understand that while the Jews do not yet believe that Jesus is the Christ, in this Post the term "Christian" is based upon the character of the Christ and so anyone displaying such character falls into this category of the 49% in relation to the 51%. I do make a distinction between appearance and the true Christian).

Leaving God and Christ out of the equation, Who is going to argue that Christians don’t have the practical answers to the world’s problems? “Love your neighbor,” “Do good,” “Be honest,” “Think of others first,” “Give to those in need,” “Get along with everyone that can be gotten along with,” “Do good even to your enemies,” “Sacrifice for the better good,” “Respect the property of others,” “Be a benefit not a burden,” “Think good thoughts,” etc., etc. If the world could grasp the value of good character and good principles for the good of the whole, the world would obviously be a much better place. Think Malala.
The marvel that is not readily understood is; Why then, would the world who wants global peace, resist the one who gave us these principles to achieve it? The understanding of the answer to that question will tell us why a Christless world of Christian principles cannot succeed for long. The answer of understanding is found in the motive.

If I am kind because it will pay the reward of personal benefit after a time (example: a manipulated inheritance from an old person who has no children), then until I publicly receive the “payment” of my kindness that explains my actions, I am seen as being charitable of character for the kindness I extend without personal benefit. This praise and honor for being selfless to someone in need, may very well find me elected to public office or some other such position as a man worthy of leadership because I think of the needs of others above myself.
But note that from now until my ulterior motive is made known, I am indeed blessing that old person, and the charade of good-will may very well be extended into that public office, where I can either manipulate a benefit there as well, or if nothing more, I have to continue my public presentation of good-will in order to protect the inheritance I anticipate. So in the extended charade the public is “benefited” by my efforts to promote myself as selfless in my service.

So in such a scenario, who is going to deny that I am not a great asset and a wonderful person? Women would love me, children would adore me, and men would want to be like me. What a role model, what an inspiration, what a scam.
But why is this wrong? Why not go with this if it works? In fact, is it actually wrong at all?
To a Christless Christianity this is an acceptable motive of service that produces a desired and even necessary benefit to others. It is not wrong; “So what, if he ended up with the old lady’s millions, she needed a friend.” But in searching for the actual foundation of “right or wrong” in this example, we discover the practical use of a modern technical word: SUSTAINABILITY.

Now, if we have established this kind of Christianity on a Christless foundation, then the hope of acquiring the old lady’s fortune is a very acceptable sustenance that has sustained me and my beneficial usefulness to others. Once I actually acquire that desired fortune I have no further need to continue the charade and suddenly I am finally free to be the selfish man that motivated my kindly conduct all along. Motive.
Now, in the mindframe of this Christless Christian society, I am seen as simply having depleted my usefulness and the next “selfless” person is voted into my office while I take my much-earned retirement. But whose fortune sustains that next guy? And if he is actually selfless, how can he live on the meager salary that the pretend-selfless person before him was willing to take because he knew of the fortune that he would acquire in the end?
Let’s rabbit trail this for just a moment and apply the concept of sustainability in our real world today.
* * *

The use of oil as an energy source to run our world is a proven method of sustainability. In otherwords, the cost of producing oil for our needs is less than the benefit it provides and therefore allows room to make a profit in its use, thus allowing us to buy more oil with a portion of that profit. Example: I buy gas for my car that gets me to work allowing me the necessary hours to make a profit from which I can buy more gas. Therefore our energy needs are sustained by oil and our use sustains its production.

But now, for a number of subversive reasons, Oil has become the “dirty word” and the world is encouraged to look for another form of energy to replace it; Wind, Solar, Hydro, Electric, Hydrogen and Bio-fuels, etc., are all potential energy sources that are presented as “clean” in the face of “dirty” oil. Governments around the world are spending unimaginable sums of money to promote these as the better way for the nearly sole purpose of saving Mother Earth from pollution (with the added new scare of it causing global warming, that has since been proven a fabrication, so now it’s generically called “climate change” to accommodate virtually anything, in spite of the original connection of pollution causing a green-house effect that necessarily increases the temperature resulting in global warming that is apparently not happening as evidenced by the label change). Gargantuan solar facilities, huge wind farms, and exotic hydro programs, are all funded with unexplainably huge sums to show that this is indeed the next step in mankind’s evolution into becoming “one with the universe” that birthed us from “star stuff.”
But funding a program does not by osmosis mean that it is sustainable. Cut the unbalanced out-of-proportion funds that motivate the participants-- both producers and consumers--, and the entire program dries up. NONE of these “clean energy” suggestions are sustainable. Why?
Well, we could go into the deep science to prove it, such as the law of Conservation of Energy, but let’s cut to the chase and simply review what Christ the Maker has told us:

“Better is little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble therewith” Proverbs 15:16.

“Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith” Proverbs 15:17.

“What in the world does that mean?!”
Well, let’s try another set:

“The Lord then answered him, and said, Thou hypocrite, doth not each one of you on the Sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall, and lead him away to watering?” Luke 13:15.

“For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward” I Timothy 5:18.

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within are full of extortion and excess” Matthew 23:25.

Hang on; let’s do one more to bring it home:

“Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox” Proverbs 14:4.

OK. What all this is telling us is that it takes energy to convert energy into something more beneficial to our needs. In the above Proverbs 14:4, Luke 13:15, and I Timothy 5:18, we learn that “much increase” comes necessarily with undesirable “dirt,” be it exhaust or labor or maintenance or expenses. The greater the production-potential the greater the “dirt.” Proverbs 15:16-17 tells us that if we really resent the “dirt” then learn to be happy with far less than “much increase” as you consume the limited productivity of “clean energy.” Eating herbs means feeding off the wild produce of nature, like eating dandelion greens for salad rather than laboriously using your ox to till for planting.
But now in all these passages we also learn a lesson in the potential for deceptive and hypocritical leaders that by confusing us, vilify this principle of necessary “dirt” with the production of “much increase,” and make a profit from selling us the Clean Energy idea. Clean Energy is only sustainable by subsidizing the idea with the wages of dirty energy production. This is clearly explained in our present world by the need for oil-fired power plants to produce the electricity to fuel “clean energy” electric cars, but the public, by deception of presentation, is blinded to the simple fact that the necessary volume of electricity is not clean. Much increase is needed today. Much increase cannot be had by clean energy. The powerful ox is going to poop. Period.

So why do you suppose that with all the “clean energy” push today, the only truly sustainable clean energy forms are included in the unacceptable category: Huge hydro dams and Nuclear plants are in essences “clean” but in reality they are “dirty” by diminishing the natural environment, producing hazardous waste, etc. they are not “clean enough” to be called “clean.” But, in speculative theory, the seemingly real reason they are rejected is that they actually are sustainable, and this does not fit the “Clean Energy” secret plan to destroy the “much increase” of a nation that would enable it to resist the demonic global takeover of a one-world government. So they sell us the illusion of Clean Energy that produces just enough to keep us hoping but not enough to sustain our needs. Thus by the time we understand what is going on we are too poverty stricken to resist their life sustaining hand-outs that make us slaves, See Post 108 “Example” (
The global meltdown of the world’s nations today is simply another means of selling us “clean energy” in the form of “democratic liberation” from the “dirty tyranny” governments that bring order to chaos. Democracy is a good theory that is simply unsustainable.
* * *

Bringing it back to the topic:
The motive of the Christian-conduct observed, is the key to true vs. false sustainability. Only a person converted to Christ is a sustainable form of republican (*1) “clean energy” that produces an Isaiah 40:28-29 “much increase,” and, as an additional advantage is “perpetual energy” that is sweeter than even the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil:

“The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than the honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward” Psalm 19:9-11.
“All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits” Proverbs 16:2.

As we read in the last line of the above Psalm 19:11, Only the converted Christian-- i.e. he who has died to self and is alive to Christ-- will keep the ways of God because he heeds the warnings in the times he is prone to deviate. Weighing the spirits (i.e. motive), as in Proverbs 16:2, is the description of discovering its sustainability; i.e. "Does man's way actually work, as opposed to the illusion of success?" As explained in the following verse:

“The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly” Proverbs 20:27.

Remember the bitterness in the belly when experimenting with the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? If the belly is bitter it’s because you’ve been eating the forbidden fruit, which means the spirit that motivated the forbidden conduct is corrupt, regardless of the public presentation to the contrary that promises it was done with good intentions, like selling out Israel to our mutual enemies by dividing their tiny land for Peace. It might seem like a “sweet deal” at first but the end will be a “bitter pill.” The Genesis 2:17 God says; “Trust me,” but we just have to see for ourselves.
* * *

So where are we going with all this?
The world wants Peace with a capital P. God has the means to obtaining it, (albeit with a small p for good reason). But the world won’t submit to God because they want the freedom that the long oppression has denied. And, although God was not the oppressor, the world sees Him in the same camp as the oppressor; i.e. “theocratic religion in power,” so the world rejects his authority as oppressive… but they want his means to obtaining peace, and the Christians have those means. So the loving Christian is beguiled into helping them find the Peace they want without the Christ that they just can’t accept.
Why would Christians do this? It’s because, as the human version of the heart of God, they are emotionally empathetic to the sorrowful peaceless plight.
But the masculine law of God the Father has provided the safe boundaries not to cross in their feminine emotions, so how can they be beguiled into breaching the Father’s laws? It’s by convincing them that the Father’s laws are chauvinistically barbaric and cruel, and so Christ the compassionate, by his sacrifice, actually nullified the laws in favor of love and forgiveness. No laws, no conflict, no walls of separation; We are all God’s children! Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and no religion at all; we are all at one with God and the universe, and thereby find Global Peace in the brotherhood of humanity!

This sounds all good and wonderful, but is it sustainable?
The law of sustainability says No. The practical reason is that while the Christians give selflessly to the good of the whole and the peace of the world, those that reject Christ but accept his ways of practice in the name of peace, happily consume what the Christians give, and call them friends in the symbiotic relationship that benefits them. The “good-will” can only last until the Christian’s productivity falls short of the growing demand, and then the democratically “peaceful” non-Christians have no further reason to remain peaceful. Slavery ensues in the effort to maintain the productivity of “peace” (*2) and keep the less-happy Christians working in hidden “sweatshops” where their socially disrupting voice cannot be heard. The outside of the cup of capitol “P” Peace is carefully maintained clean and polished while the inside hides the real costs (Matthew 23:26-28, Revelation 17:4+6+18:3=18:24,16:5-6).

The principles of Christianity have a very short “shelf life” if the spirit that applies them is not Christian. And while it all seems euphorically wonderful in the beginning, the end result is worse than if they had not been applied at all, because of the confusion it brings (Matthew 18:6-7).
But, in a world now seeking immediate gratification, the only question asked is; “How long is ‘short’?”
I will tell you.
“Short” is the initial duration of the Mystery, called Babylon the Great. “Long” is the related period that follows it.
We will discuss this in the next Post.
* * * * * * *

(*1) Republican vs. Democrat: As each of these Posts are online and browsed randomly, I have endeavored to keep them as independently complete as possible while maintaining a progression of learning based on what came before. As you can only imagine this is becoming ever more difficult.
To comprehend my meaning of distinction in these words and concepts, please refer to Post 194 “ Peace” (

(*2) Obama’s Executive Order 13603 (, called the National Defense Authorization Act, is one very substantial example that “authorizes the U.S. government to confiscate from its citizens whatever it feels is necessary” -Chuck Missler.
See Part VIII General Provisions, but don’t miss the previous Part V NDER civilian private army equal to the military that Mr. Obama proposed shortly after entering office.
My friends I am not speaking metaphorically! but neither is America that mature Great Whore of Babylon still to rise, though she now bears that whorish spirit.

See the National Debt Clock figures here (

As the American national debt is increasing exponentially by the minute, the actual per-person figure is insignificant to the point, which is that soon only the Bill Gates and Ted Turners will be able to pay off “their portion,” leaving the rest of Americans to become the legal slaves of the debt holders to use or sell as they please; “indentured servants” to phrase it more politely.
While peace-loving Americans in their normalcy bias find the concept of slavery anathema, it only matters what the debt holders feel about it. Do you think I was making a meaningless analogy about sweatshops and sex slaves and such? Think again.
The scriptures speak on slavery because it’s very real in the world (Colossians 3:22-23 to name just one NT passage to Christians).
The answer is to restore America to her God, not learn how to survive in a Pagan world without America.

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