Thursday, March 20, 2014

Pack of Wolves 2

Post 320

The Post 304 Pack of Wolves came through again in the middle of last night, with what always seems to be an unusual degree of extra-violent intent, but in hindsight every assault seems that way so it’s not really an unusual degree. It’s just really high.
As a hunter/trapper watching for the signs of their temporal Typology while the rest of the community remains ignorant of their presence, I am becoming ever more alert at noticing their activity, but still come fully aware only once they begin their earnest assault with the intent to kill; I am still slow-on-the-draw to recognizes them for what they are when they first arrive a full two-days prior and begin unobserved to individually stir-up a panic and generally harass the prey-of-the-field to soften them like cattle in a storm just before a stampede.

For the past two days, all day, I have been experiencing self-doubt, a strong sense of failure and loss for myself, not to mention an inability to help those in my spiritual care, and this sense overpowers my normal awareness of God’s presence as I cry out asking the Lord what my failure was so that I can repent of it and regain my troubled footing.
And then the pack gathers together with their full force of bloodlust, and I am finally aware of what is going on, and the battle for life and soul begins in earnest. At this stage I seem only capable of contending for myself and my close loved ones, but that circle is smaller than I would desire. Of course after the fact, when they have moved on and all is calm again, I ask myself the; “Why didn’t you…” questions of wonder, but in the midst of the battle it’s all fur-and-claw and cries to the Savior to battle directly the seemingly unlimited adversary. It’s at times like this that one becomes fully aware of a man’s woefully inadequate power, and the unspeakably adequate power of the Savior.
I would rather not post such things but I thought you might benefit from the information.
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A New World:
I am quite by accident discovering that there are now a surprising number of Christians who are recently expressing such previously rare experiences, but this should not be a surprise if we contemplate why.
If you will remember, I have said that the two brass gates of America’s protection have been opened to the conqueror when the man occupying the high office of President has officially declared to the world-- on numerous occasions-- that:

“Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian Nation” - Obama (*1).

But that’s not what the U.S. Supreme Court said in Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States, 143 U.S. 437 (1892), they held that “this is a Christian nation.” They declared it so, based on the fact that this nation was founded on biblical principles, by Christians, who intended this to be a nation where, unlike other nations, Christianity was the national way of life and the Christian God our protector.
If this was true, as the Supreme Court confirmed that it was-- based on the extensively documented facts in their findings-- then to change gods now, and include the gods of these other mentioned nations and cultures into our way of life as a declared new form of governance, is to reject the protections of the former God in favor of the ways of the new gods. Demonism and spirit oppression and possession are a large part of those other cultures with their gods.

Have you ever wondered why the New Testament was written in a way that makes it seem that every other Jew in Israel was possessed by demons? Why do we read of such things so casually, as if to think; “of course they were,” when it's not something we actually see as reality? Do we read the bible as a fantasy world?
America has never seen demonic activity in such a grand common scale; That is something we expect to see in the tribal nations of dark Africa, but not here. Yet that door has been opening now for at least a decade or two, beginning with fortune telling and spirit guides in back room entertainment, quickly growing in popularity until today it is on prime time advertising and interesting to the population, and now officially declared a part of our national culture that comes with those included culture’s gods. Demonism and spiritual oppression and possession are now to be expected as common in America as it was in biblical Israel… and for the same reason. Now we have to deal with what we were protected from before.
The man won his campaign on “Change.” You've got it now!
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(*1) A strongly reoccurring theme for this destroyer:
As a Senator:
“Whatever we once were, we’re no longer a Christian nation. At least not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, and a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers” - Obama 6-2007 Youtube video (

Obama’s 1st Inaugural Address as acting President: “For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and non-believers. We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth…” - Obama (

An email to CBN News: "I think that the right might worry a bit more about the dangers of sectarianism. Whatever we once were, we're no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers. We should acknowledge this and realize that when we're formulating policies from the state house to the Senate floor to the White House, we've got to work to translate our reasoning into values that are accessible to every one of our citizens, not just members of our own faith community." - Obama to CBN New 7-30-2007 (

A Speech to Muslims in a Muslim Nation at a press conference in Turkey: “I’ve said before, One of the great strengths of the United States is, uh, although as I’ve mentioned, uh, we have a very large Christian population, we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, a Jewish nation, or a Muslim nation, uh, we consider ourselves, uh, a nation of citizens (hard stop), who are, uh, bound by ideals and a set of values.” - Obama 4-2009 Youtube video 3:32-3:56 (

[Added 6/20/2014]
Glenn Beck Radio Program: “My daughter married an agnostic, do you think that was easy for me? it’s killing me, but he’s a good man, he’s a good man.” - Glenn Beck, 6/13/2014.

Listen to nearly this entire program and hear the earnest confusion in Mr. Beck as he reveals throughout this program that he has the spirit of Mystery Babylon, which I identified in Post 191 “Blind Side” ( when he went to Israel to appeal to all the gods of democracy to unite on Israel’s behalf in defense from radical Islam: His constant foundational promotion in his long running program is a Christianized world of Peace without the need of specifically Jesus Christ. In a word, he agrees with Mr. Obama’s "pluralistic gods" perspective in the above CBN email, he agrees with Netanyahu in his democratic speech of Post 194, he agrees with Mother Teresa’s salvation by humanitarianism in Post 298, and he agrees with the new Pope in the same Post as he declared that even Atheists are redeemed of God if they just "do good."

At Mr. Beck’s offering of Christless-Peace he immediately got a flood of mid-program “angry emails,” presumably from Christians, and it’s stunning how easily he demonized them as the real problem hindering the earnest Global Peace values that he has adopted.
Who doesn’t want global peace? But at what cost? (Matthew 16:26). This is the true spirit of Mystery Babylon now rising! And when I say spirit I mean demonic activity entangled with one’s own spirit in ones soul, even to the point of confusing the rejected Savior Jesus Christ with the "Space Octopus" who came to receive Glenn's father into a warm eternity at his death (*1a).
Americans are still fully blinded to the spiritual wolves as they do their deadly work through; television, music, school, news, Politically Authorized behavior, conversations, and random unscriptural thoughts to religious ends.
World Peace is the new Salvation, and true Christianity and radical Islam are the only forces to disrupt that Universal salvation by rejecting it. These are the world’s only enemies that must now be won-over or destroyed at all cost!, which we heard Glenn do decisively to a caller on this program while he promotes full tolerance of even marriage to agnostics if they are "good men." It's beginning to seem quite apparent that Glenn's Jesus (like the Nazi propaganda posters that demonized the Jews, and the Islamic posters that demonizes America) has eight arms in the image of “taking over the world,” while the Bible's actual Jesus, “offering the world a singular alternative,” was born in the image of a human man, who was made in the image of God.
God does not have eight arms, but by always rejecting Jesus, his father apparently accepted the "something else" that came to collect him.
And that’s OK with Mr. Beck because…?

(*1a) "I said to him at one point-- My sisters had told him several times that, you know; 'Dad, unless you accept Jesus as your savior your going someplace warm,' and he had always rejected that-- and I said to my father once, I said; 'Dad, if its a space octopus accept the space octopus if it's Jesus accept Jesus, your job is to keep an open mind.' He looked at me and he said; 'I promise you I will.' I know there’s a lot of people in this audience that disagree with that advice but let me tell you my father’s last words… and then [he] sat up, looked up at the ceiling corner as if someone was there, and he said; ‘Yes, OK, I understand, I’m ready, take me with you,’ and he closed his eyes.” - Glenn Beck, 3/31/2014 Glenn Beck Radio Program.

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