Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Still a Christian Nation

Post 159

Why is it lawfully OK for a person to be a Christian first, and an American second,
But not lawfully OK for a person to be Muslim first, and an American second?

A Christian has values that are not in conflict with the laws and values of the nation as established by our core and supreme documents.
He is free to worship God.
He is free to preach and proselytize.
He is free to live as God calls Christians to live, and is not in conflict with the Law of the Land.
But a Muslim has values that are indeed diametrically opposed to those core and supreme documents.
One example of many is Honor Killing.
Another is the oppression of women.
and still another is Jihad.

If a Muslim were to be an American first, and a Muslim second, THEN the conflict that might arise would be only personal and internal to that individual as he struggles to adapt his personal values to that of the nation. In this way he would fit into society as a benefit to the community even though he is Muslim.
But the Christian needs no such order of allegiance because there is no conflict.

When a Christian pledges his allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, he can do so with a full and honest heart.
But when a Muslim pledges his allegiance to that same flag, he cannot mean it in the honesty of his heart because there is a conflict in core values.


Because America is a Christian nation, by its foundational laws and the core values that make it what it is.

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Why is it OK for a person to be a Muslim first, and an Iraqi or Arab or any number of other Muslim nations second?
Because that nation is, by its laws and values, a Muslim nation. There is no conflict.

It is not the people of the nation that make it so. It is the foundation of the government that makes it what it is.

* * *

Nations can change from one form to another, but it takes the death of that nation to birth a new form of government.

As long as the Constitution of the United States remains our Supreme Law of the Land, the nation still lives.
No matter how badly we abuse that document or the concepts it promotes, the great wickedness we thrust upon this land, though resulting in tremendous harm, cannot kill the nation.
But the damage and harm we do can enslave the nation until the new masters have the power to abolish the Constitution and replace it with another, or subversively alter it by lawful process. Or the people themselves can commit national suicide by choosing to do this themselves.
This is what brings about the death of a nation.

This is what we are now seeing play out recently in the meltdown of many significant nations of the earth.

Once our Constitution is replaced or significantly altered, the Christians in this land will suddenly find themselves in a very troublous predicament as they do in most other nations of the earth.

* * *
I believe this perspective should eliminate any notion that America is not a Christian nation, even if the majority of Americans are no longer Christian.

This is why Mr. Obama was quite wrong when he publicly stated:
“Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation… at least not just.
We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, and a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation and a nation of non-believers.”


No Mr. Obama, We are still a Christian Nation, though all the religions you identified are accepted here as well, so long as they don't violate the Laws of the Land.

* * *

The lawful troubles of our nation are ALL directly related to our abuse of the Constitution.
The Spiritual troubles of our nation are ALL directly related to our abuse of the Bible.
So even though we are a Christian nation by creation, we are certainly not acting like a Christian nation, and in so acting are heaping up consequences.
Just as we might be Christians by re-birth, but our actions are deplorable.
"Now therefore be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong: for I have heard from the Lord GOD of hosts a consumption, even determined upon the whole earth." Isaiah 28:22
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." Galatians 6:8

God has given us the mirror of the one to understand the other.

There comes a point when the abuse eventually brings about death…
Both nationally and spiritually. James 1:15, Ezekiel 18:4 "...the soul that sinneth, it shall die."

The smoker does not directly commit suicide, but by his uncontrollable lust(addiction) to smoke, he ignores the damage until cancer sets in. and when it is complete the cancer itself brings about death.
So nationally; our selfish lusts usually related to greed, cause us to violate the Constitution until we create cancer such as Healthcare, and when the nation is bankrupt, we are forced to alter or replace the Constitution which brings death.
We didn't actually want this result, we just could not control our lusts.

* * *

Stepping slightly into a foreign political area I know nothing about, Egypt right now is apparently dying of cancer brought on by corruption and oppression rooted in the power of its governance.
Regardless of the actual cause, the nation that replaces Egypt might still be called Egypt, but the old will be dead and the new something quite different. *1

According to my interpretation of scriptural events, that new government of Egypt will be radical Islam. (more on this later)

Isaiah 19 "The burden of Egypt"

* * * * * * *

*1 Government of Egypt today:
"The government of Egypt consists of a semi-presidential republic whereby the president is both head of state and head of government, and of a system dominated by the National Democratic Party. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the People's Assembly."

"Egypt has been a republic since 18 June 1953. Since the declaration of the republic, four Egyptians have served as presidents. The first President to take office was President Mohamed Naguib. The fourth and incumbent president is Mohamed Hosni Mubarak who has been the President of Egypt since October 14, 1981, following the assassination of former President Mohammed Anwar El-Sadat. Mubarak is currently serving his fifth term in office. He is the leader of the ruling National Democratic Party. Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif was sworn in as Prime Minister on 9 July 2004, following the resignation of Atef Ebeid from office." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_Egypt

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