Saturday, February 5, 2011


post 162

While I attempt to compile an entire books worth of study into the second part of my post tilted “The Great Whore” of Revelation 17, I want to take a pause and address a common and natural inclination.

One track mind, microwave mentality, small picture comprehension.

If your neighbor were to tell you that he is going to buy his college age daughter a red Mustang for graduation, but that week you see him drive into his driveway with a black Camaro and spend the afternoon preparing it with a huge bow, chairs on the lawn and such,
What would you think?

He doesn’t know what a Mustang is…And he is color blind,
Or, He couldn’t get the car he wanted, (for any number of reasons)
Or, She changed her mind,
Or He was lying.

But somehow we rarely consider that just maybe we are not privilege to every factor in that man's life.
If you knew the man enough to know he is basically honest and upfront, then you would start off with the same curious question of; “what’s up with that?” but your heart toward him would not ask with antagonism, but instead with the quest for clarifying knowledge.
“In stead of the question; “What’s up with that?” meaning; “That dirtbag was wrong again!”
The “What’s up with that?” means; “I don’t get it, please explain so I can.”

The actual question is virtually the same in both cases, but the entire mindframe could not be of more different sources.

Perhaps in the above example, you were not told, or you didn’t hear, that this week was his wife’s birthday and he bought the car she wanted. Next week is his daughter’s graduation when he will bring home the red car she wanted.

Suddenly with more information, what seemed sure to be error of confliction, now makes perfect flawless sense.

In today’s world we really have a microwave mentality; we have very short mental processes, exercised to receive, evaluate, and determine, all within a moment. Even our media recognizes we hold the attention span that only allows for an eight second soundbite before we loose interest. If the information we want to pass on will take longer than that, we must include extra stimulation to hold the interest of the recipient.

This is exactly why the previous generation read books to learn, Our generation could hardly bother to read the previous blog post (as if it was no longer current and therefore no longer relevant) and our children can’t get through a long Tweet!
U no wt I mean?

But how much big picture can we expect to have from reading half a Twitter comment, or a Text message while we're driving?
Yet few of us resist a strong response to a comment we think we disagree with!
Hey, me too. I see this natural tendency in myself, and am diligently working on it. So I’m not throwing stones here, just prompting thought.*1

My point is that we read a passage in the scriptures and assume that the entire full message is given in that one passage. Then we build a world view based upon that one understanding we have concluded is complete and true, by finding very small soundbites of data that fit our mindframe.
With this process, any mindfame has the ability to prove rock solid any concept, as that of the Animal Rights activist I showed in the previous post.

But this is not the pattern of truth.
Truth is that which relates to reality.
The question is; How much data does it take to find actual reality?
The more complex the details, the more data it takes to find it.

The scriptures are telling the story of the universe and beyond, from the Creator’s mindframe.
They were not written for the purpose of grabbing a chapter, like a Pop-tart on the way out the door.
It takes a lot of serious searching to understand its message because the information is not the goal of scripture. A relationship with God is the goal.
Relationships are built by interaction over time.

So, all that to say; Although my blogs have been building a very strong and consistent indication that America is on her last leg on the way to destruction, that is not supposed to mean it will happen on Thursday of next week.
I have opened the door to begin showing what scripture has to say about our near future, and indeed I truly believe we are living in “the last days”, but sudden destruction like Sodom and Gomorrah, does not often come. Historically destruction comes little by little, with small increases of the problems until the final event, which is often anticlimactic.
“The last days” as shown in scripture is clearly of this nature.

When a woman happily hold up the validating plastic pencil, and declares; “I’m going to have a baby.” Only the three year old assumes she means today!
The wise father understands that the event is now coming, and uses the pre-arrival time to prepare for the event; Build a nursery, buy furnishings, sell the motorcycle (just kidding) And other needful preparations for what is coming.

Now with modern technology we can get really close to knowing when the final event is to occur, but often that expected date is off by some degree. Yet usually the event does occur.

* * *

My blog is attempting to show that in our “global pregnancy” according to the scriptural gestation period shown, We are way into the last trimester.
But the inexperienced expecting parents might make a few quick dashes to the hospital believing “this is it” just to have the doctor say; “sorry, false alarm.”

That does not mean the event will not come, and each false alarm is one alarm closer to the event, not proof the event is a fabrication.
Only an utter fool tells his abdominally fat wife that the ever increasing pains are just indigestion from eating too much, as is proven by her localized obesity.

We can eliminate most of the false alarms by learning more truth.
Scripturally it is important NOT to blow by verses or thoughts that don’t fit our target mindframe, but to ensure that every verse and every thought of scripture must accurately align in the big picture before the event of that passage can be fulfilled.

I used the chapter of Isaiah 19 when discussing the current situation in Egypt a few blogs back. But not as proof the events we see today are the end, just added information we need to know regarding the end, so that we can observe our current situation in comparison with related scripture, to determine how close we are to the due date.

The world will not end when America Falls. Neither will it end when Egypt falls.
But adding all the many parts into the big picture puzzle, begins to show us a more perfect truth of where the world is in the timeline.

Read, Study, Think, Pray, Prepare, and Wait… Because this baby is coming!

* * * * * * *
*1 It honestly never crossed my mind this would be understood to mean I was complaining about comments to my Blog. I was proof reading this after posting it when that concept showed itself to me. PLEASE understand this is not what I meant. I love the comments, whether I agree with them or not, whether they agree with me or not. healthy comments of disagreement is how we test our theories. Please do not stop writing comments!

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