Friday, July 24, 2015

Exploring The Remedy

Post 339

(Required pre-reading: Exodus 32)

Alright, Now that you have had the opportunity to search this out a bit on your own and exercise your spiritual relationship with God’s Spirit by fellowship in study, Let’s see if we came up with the same basic answer, even if a bit of the details didn’t come through:
But before we jump in-- and we will-- I confess that I left you a detouring stumbling block to see how you navigated it. Did you find it, or were you manipulated into seeing only what you were prepared to see and so took the natural but complicated side-road that I offered, thinking that you were still on the main path of discovery?
Here it is:

In the transcribed video of a recent Post, did Mr. Gowdy actually seem to you like he was praying for a miracle? And if you got the impression that he was, was that prayer to his We The People constituents that are the government’s god in Type? In otherwords; Did Mr. Gowdy seem to cry out to the People begging for help in solving their unsolvable problem with the office of President, or was he more apparently just trying to convince us that he was doing an honorable thing so that he would be praised? “Dear God, please bless what I do” (*1).
The fact is that even the republican portion of Congress has shown not the slightest evidence that they want our righteous help or authoritative opinions in their “Constitutional” doing; they only want our applause and re-election. Therefore all the study that we did for this answer is basically inapplicably theoretical, which we call Academic (Luke 13:35 vs. Jeremiah 33:3).

OK. So identifying the very large stone of stumbling that derails us to an entirely different road of inapplicable thinking and theoretical responding to the complex conditions we find there, Let’s pretend for a moment that our faithful Representative Mr. Gowdy was indeed making, even quietly, a desperate prayer to the American People for a miracle, and let’s pretend to make a wise answer to that prayer.

As you reviewed Exodus 32 for a study in Typology looking for specific answers regarding how to solve our Nation’s high-office corruptions, I trust you were reminded by familiarity of our earlier significant study in the collection of Posts titled The Uncommon Christian Walk. That large-perspective information is very useful now and beneficial in identifying just where we are in the Rehab Program so that we can comprehend if such an answer fits with our condition, or if we are to look for another section for a better ensample to deal with our problems.

But leaving all that aside for the time-being to study this out AS IF Congress was asking for our help, Let’s now explore what we discovered:
* * *

Exploring the Remedy:
So, in Exodus 32 we see Christ the Legislator-- Typed by Moses-- coming down from God off His mountain to address the nation’s corruptions of the law by intending to re-give the law very simply and written in stone so that we can’t continue “changing them” by Judicial reinterpretation for our Executive doing.
But when he got here, Christ-- Typed by Moses-- sees the hedonistic debauchery going on and decided the nation is already too perverted to accept the Commandments without feeling oppressed, so he chucks them over a cliff and, instead of wrath, he hugs everybody with his all-inclusive big arms, crying in joy; “God loves you one and all! Don’t sweat this; I have you covered.”
Is that what you got?
Wow, neither did I. So how does Moses Type the Christ?
The answer is that we have a very faulty concept of Christ, who was indeed Typed by Moses.
Let’s try to walk through this together:

A Different Kind of Relationship:
After casting down the tablets of the commandments, as having already been broken by the people (Matthew 5:32a), the legislation designed to keep them from sinning was at this point a meaningless hindsight; the crime has already been committed and so now its time for the repercussions that the law was intended to keep them from experiencing (Galatians 3:10). In effect, the law is the threat of the punishment.

After casting down the tablets, the very next thing we are told, is that Moses ground their golden idol to powder, broadcast it over water, and made the people drink it (v.20).

Oh boy, that will really teach them a lesson~, right?

What is with this apparent silliness as a first reaction to something so heinous as spiritual adultery? Did you-- like Congress lightly exploring the Constitution for a remedy-- just blow by this meaningless little trifle while looking for solid answers? That’s not a good practice! The answers are usually in the part you ignore, because you ignore them due to complete ignorance of their meaning and importance. Therefore, they go unapplied, and so the problem exists, that causes the search for answers, that are never found, because we are only looking for answers that we already understand.

The people didn’t know at the time what it meant either, but that ignorance did not keep the law of Impeachment from working when it was applied. We find our answer to this mystery in Numbers 5, when the details were later spelled out in a much longer document than Ten simple Laws on stone. The verses that trigger our connection are these:

“…Then shall the man bring his wife unto the priest, and he shall bring her offering for her…it is an offering of memorial, bringing iniquity to remembrance (Revelation 15:19)… And the priest shall bring her near, and set her before the LORD: and the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel; and of the dust that is in the floor of the tabernacle the priest shall take, and put it into the water:… And he shall cause the woman to drink the bitter water that causeth the curse: and the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter” Numbers 5:12,17,24.

Oh! there is a whole lot more in this chapter of jealousy that does more than just separate the guilty from the innocent, which you really should study out, because the lack of knowledge causes us to err in our judgment of the part we think we do understand, but for brevity sake let’s continue with our topic now that we know this is an issue dealing with a breach of the vows of the Union.
We now know that this first “silly and trivial” act by Moses was, on the surface, to confirm the guilty of their immorality against their spouse, and publicly separate them from infecting the innocent with their wicked ways that we might describe as venereal disease. While a rotten thigh is a personal matter to suffer secretly, nobody is going to miss a swollen belly as a public shame for her sins; an empty pregnancy, a cloud without rain, an act of promise incapable of good fruit. This is hardly a silly or trivial step in Moses’ remedy. This bitter-water test is in fact the process of Impeachment with the expectation that the truth will be discovered, even by divine providence using perhaps unfamiliar laws of nature as directed, and in the discovery comes the bitter curse that is not a remedy but still not a punishment.
Likewise; impeachment only identifies the crime publicly and removes the offender from Office to avoid further damage, as well as take away the benefits of the honorable place. The punishment is carried out in another later setting:

“Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law” - U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 3, Paragraph 7.

Therefore, by following the Typology intended as an ensample; we should begin our cleansing process with the impeachment of the accused adulterous President who has openly and publicly broken the Constitutional vows of the Union and is already a public disgrace to the moral sanctity of the Nation by his shameless public conduct. To leave him free of the Bitter Water curse is to sanction his toxic influence to infect the mentality of the Nation further: "Apparently his adulterous notions are officially acceptable."
* * *

Next Moses turns to the priest. In our governmental Typology of study; the Judicial:

“and Moses said unto Aaron, What did this people unto thee, that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them?” Exodus 32:21.

Seriously contemplate the question itself: Who’s being accountable here: The Judicial or the Executive? The Priest or the People? Where does the fault seem to fall in such a question? Why did Moses ask it in such a convoluted way?

Aaron’s guilt in the punishable act is a virtual fact in the question. But we already discovered that the Judicial is appointed by the flavor of the Presidents and so when the Judicial goes bad it is because of the heart’s desire of the Presidents that put them there. The Judicial is simply the enduring spirit of the collective Presidents. How then do you put the burden of blame on the Judicial? Moses didn’t, but neither did he absolve Aaron of his part:

“And the LORD plagued the people, because they made the calf, which Aaron made” Exodus 32:35.

Again we see the inseparable complexity in the described event, where the Priest made it happen, but by the will of the people. In our application; the Judicial and President. I find it fascinating that Aaron was seemingly not punished or even held criminally liable for his part in leading the people in their sins, even after his ridicules excuses for why and how he did it (Exodus 32:22-24+25) summed up in his lack of denial while passing the blame, as we first saw as a pattern back in Genesis 3:12-13. In that place we see that the Judicial really does receive a consequence, but for important reasons it is not shown in this narrative as Aaron makes his pitiful, but apparently accepted defense.

“And Aaron said, Let not the anger of my lord wax hot: thou knowest the people, that they are set on mischief” Exodus 32:22.

We come back to the concept that the spirit that guides a man is the spirit that he wants to guide him (Romans 6:16-18). It is the man who chooses his own wife who then flavors his entire life. The alcoholic is guided by his spirits, the demon possessed are guided by demons, the Holy Spirit is the spirit that guides a Christian. A wife or a spirit is not accountable or even responsible for what you do; the doing is all up to you, they just guide you as you submit to their leading because it’s where you are willing to go (James 1:14). (For more on this concept see: Numbers 31:15-16, Revelation 2:14, Numbers 25:1-2 = Genesis 24:3-4 vs. 28:6-9).
The limited boundaries in the designated role of influence becomes important when we realize that the spirit you have, may in fact desire and even attempt to rule you against your will. You may get more than you bargained for when you took it on, but it’s your bargain to deal with now (Genesis 4:6-7). This “extra guidance” is going beyond it scope of authority and when appealed to, the Law has the power and authority to unseat it due to bad behavior. Influence is not behavior, which is why the Judicial has the independent authority to make any influential Opinion it so desires… AS LONG AS that opinion conforms to the limitations expressed by the Constitution, which limitations do not include oppression and forced compliance… unless permitted by submission: i.e. voluntary servitude.
Even Christ Jesus; God in the flesh, did not cast out spirits that were welcome by their hosts. It is a foundational principle of authority (Psalm 66:18, Ezekiel 14:3, II Kings 5:13).

Aaron was only expanding on what the people wanted to do, but what he promoted brought a much greater sin than the people would have done without his involvement… but do it they did:

“and the Legislature said unto the Supreme Court, What did these Presidents unto thee, that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them?” Exodus 32:21 applied.

So, without going into the greater details at this point, it would behoove us to likewise delay the impeachment process of the Judicial branch in the effort to more specifically identify the source of the problem before perhaps coming back to deal with the unconstitutionality of the Judicial Opinion that brings greater sin.

“And the Judicial said, Let not the anger of my Legislative lord wax hot: thou knowest the Presidents, that they are set on mischief” Exodus 32:22 applied.
* * *

Let’s pause here for just a moment to be sure you understand that this interpretation in application is not conclusive: meaning, this is not the full and complete and only interpretation that we can glean from this passage. It has many applications in different onion layers; we are only applying it here in one specific search for answers.
But having said that; Any and every application tried, must match the spirit of the example in the text without warpage or it is a faulty application:

“The legs of the lame are not equal: so is a parable in the mouth of fools” Proverbs 26:7.

Also, such an application can only be rightly discerned and used by those whose spirit can see clearly:

“As a thorn goeth up into the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouth of fools” Proverbs 26:9.

This is why I have no desire to push these applications onto those whose drunken spirit of stupor cannot comprehend the sharp point even when applied directly. When they try to apply such offered applications, they only stupidly impale themselves without even realizing what they have done. These are not simple issues and nobody wants a drunk to perform heart surgery.
History shows the grave consequences of having not yet learned about germs and vaccines or the importance of hygiene and clean environments for surgery. How much greater then, the bitter shame, when these important things once learned and valued are cast away as insignificant and unimportant by a self-declared enlightened society? (Romans 1:22). America is even now returning to former Dark Age diseases and sicknesses due to little more than the abandonment of once common hygiene practices such as covering ones mouth when coughing or washing ones hands before cooking, and going still further to include not immunizing against known dangers or bringing back diseases by the abandonment of monogamy, and further still by the eating of (GM) Genetically Modified foods as opposed to the seed germ which God made by nature. Having abandoned the wisdom of the Creator; Common sense, like Common Law, is today quite uncommon. And if incomprehensible in the physical; how am I to be understood when I am actually speaking of spiritual things? (Ephesians 5:31-32).
Like the read but unseen verse of Moses making them drink the bitter water that causes the curse; Ignorance, by the false perceptions of partial knowledge, keeps us from finding the actual answers that are right before our eyes but not seen (II Timothy 2:15-16). Sometimes right division and vain babblings are confused between perspectives. What then?
“Wrong doctrine leads to wrong living” (- Chuck Missler), with the additional support of declaring the opposition as being the biblically warned; vain babbling. Enters the experience of the bitter water curse.
* * *

Ok, back to our study:
“Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD’s side? Let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him” Exodus 32:26.

Remember, Moses is Typing Jesus the Messiah that would come after. With this understanding we can see a dynamic meaning of Moses standing in the gate of the camp: the image of the good shepherd as the door in the sheepfold, contrasting any and all quasi-authorities that find a Nancy Peloci means of entry, claiming wise and benevolent leadership of the sheep. Likewise the gate of the camp is the traditional and recognized location where the ancient elders of many nations customarily conducted their official business; i.e. the door to the city (*2). By standing in that specific place, Moses was re-confirming (Exodus 32:1) his rightful authority as the man of God that nobody was going to argue with in his judgment even if they didn’t like what he had to say (*3).

From that place of authority Moses drew the line in the sand between life-style choices established by different gods; even between the Creator God and the god of their own democratic desires. The tribe of Levi stood with Moses and the LORD; while by not moving, the rest of the people stood with their own lusts as their god. This is the exampled power of familiarity; you don’t have to change to choose it.
It’s easy to suppose in the simple narrative that the sons of Levi were either innocent of the sins with the people (which they weren’t), or absolved of the punishment for the sin by their willingness to inflict the righteous judgment upon others (hypocrisy to save their own skin). This is a false notion. The act of moving to join Moses and the LORD describes a change of values.
It is curious to understand by scripture that the house of Levi, (among others), has long been a house of cruel justice (Genesis 49:5-7; 34:25-31). It’s hardly a surprise then that, of all tribes, the tribe of Levi joined with Moses to stand militantly against the wickedness and boldly do what needed to be done, whatever that turned out to be. This does not suggest that they themselves were not guilty with the rest; only that when confronted they abandoned justifying their wicked ways and agreed with God that they were wicked. This is the image of repentance; submission to God when confronted (II Samuel 12:13, [don’t miss the important context of the whole passage]).
By siding with God as an executive force, the Sons of Levi “washed their hands” of their personal guilt in the crimes against God, and stood with God who has clean hands, to Executively deal out the just judgment as He prescribes (Execute the Law) (II Samuel 12:5-6+13), even if to their own suffering because of their involvement in the sin (II Samuel 14-23).

In Exodus 32:27-29 we get a narrative that seems rather muddled…and it gets less so by continuing the reading: The sons of Levi, who have sided with the LORD in agreeing that the hedonism of themselves with Israel was an unacceptable sin to be judged, were sent by Moses through the camp as administers of God’s righteousness to slay among the people seemingly indiscriminately. Obviously not everyone was slain. In fact, the bodycount at the end was only about three thousand. Not a very great number compared to the million or so in the camp that were now called a nation (Exodus 12:37).
Why these specifically and not others? Much like a tornado’s apparent and dramatic indiscriminate destruction; We don’t know, other than the slain were apparently intimately close to the slayers (v.27) and must have therefore been excruciatingly difficult for them to slay. What we do know is that this was not an event of personal punishment for personal sins, as in; “Slay the most guilty among the people;” this was a symbolic token punishment of the whole, who were equally guilty but not so punished:

“For Moses had said, Consecrate yourselves today to the LORD, even every man upon his son, and upon his brother; that he may bestow upon you a blessing this day” Exodus 32:29.

The blessing was that God did not destroy them all. He redeemed them. This bloody event of “surrogate judgment” was a national event not a personal event. Those unfortunate enough to be slain were in effect redeeming the rest (Hebrews 9:22), even as the sons of Levi were performing the judgment in proxy for the whole nation who should have also stood with the LORD when confronted.
What we know by reading the remainder of the passage is that, while postponed by the not-quite-redemptive blood of the guilty-- as the insufficient animal sacrifices--, the delayed judgment of the guilt would eventually come home to roost of its own volition:

“And the LORD said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book. Therefore now go, lead the people unto the place of which I have spoken unto thee: nevertheless in the day when I visit I will visit their sin upon them.
And the LORD plagued the people, because they made the calf, which Aaron made”
Exodus 32:33-35.

And while we now contemplate that the cursed water which brings bitterness, is how the LORD troubled the people in ways we might not readily grasp, it’s the curse of consequence that follows them all the days of their life, which we first saw in Adam’s consequences for sin (Genesis 3:16-17), and then in Cain’s similar life curse because of his guilt (Genesis 4:7). And even today we see in the changed life of an unwed mother. Not a remedy but not a punishment; simply an enduring consequence that changed the nature of the previous potential.
The very tangible example of this life-changing bitter curse is found in the next chapter seeing the tabernacle moved from the midst of the camp to outside the camp. God has a new distanced relationship with his people without casting them off. Apparently their redemption, while saving them, didn’t actually fix the problem that causes separation.
Much like the gold-laced drink of the previous chapter, this doesn’t seem like a very big deal; Who cares where the tabernacle is pitched? God is still with us. But the chapter provides a far greater trouble that the event represents if we just look for it:

“and I will send an angel before thee…for I will not go up in the midst of thee; for thou art a stiffnecked people: lest I consume thee in the way” Exodus 33:2-3.

While we ignorantly focus on the beneficial angel of God that Goes before us as "a wonderful example of God's goodness" rather than see the sorrowful cause of why this was necessary, What might this Typology mean to us in today’s Christian age?
See the events that follow II Thessalonians 2:7 as we contemplate even the removal of that Exodus 33:2 angel while we continue to attempt to reach the Promised Kingdom in the name of God, but now, even without his divine aid. As it was with them; It’s still our job to do, but the bitter-water consequences of our public unpunished-but-not-absolved sins, makes it all but impossible and the effort almost too costly. This is the image of Israel today (*4)… and of America tomorrow.
* * *

So when did God visit their sins upon them? This is a bit of a rabbit-trail but quickly comes back to our point. It seems apparent that the jealousy curse of their sins was indirectly what kept them from reaching their goal and crossing the Jordan entering into the Promised Land at all, though their innocent (dare we say spiritually “bastard”) children did…and the familial curse followed still, apparently unvisited.
The first repeat of this specific wording is surprisingly not found until Jeremiah:

“Thus saith the LORD unto this people, Thus have they loved to wander, they have not refrained their feet, therefore the LORD doth not accept them; he will now remember their iniquity, and visit their sins.
Then said the LORD unto me, Pray not for this people for their good. When they fast, I will not hear their cry; and when they offer burnt offering and an oblation, I will not accept them: but I will consume them by the sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence”
Jeremiah 14:10-12.

What we see in the much-delayed punishment of judgment-- by the not-quite-redeeming sacrifice of a few guilty as a token salvation from their own just destruction for the same sins, designed to re-instill fear in the remaining, and thereby elicit a change of heart-- is an offer of remedy that promotes any spark of mind and heart repentance that remains, before the long-delayed and once despised judgment actually falls at the tenth provocation catching them all by surprise (II Peter 3:4). This delayed punishment is God’s proactive longsuffering for a bigger purpose (I John 3:16, II Peter 3:9, Romans 2:4 in context), even if those unfortunate enough to be caught in it when it does come, cry; "Unfair!"
The LORD had so long patiently endured their struggle to reform through the Rehab Program of the Exodus education and instruction, that the people came to mistake his lack of punishment for powerless approval. They had lost their fear and the unfulfilled threats became powerless to invoke change.

The “Remedy” at the Exodus 32 event, without a “final solution” that would burn the whole house down, was to punish a few for the sake of the rest. This is not at all unjust, because EVERYBODY deserved what the few got (Romans 3:10-12). This is Mercy… with a greater purpose. Mercy is not the end but a means to an end beyond mercy. The end is voluntary righteousness by love, not by fear of consequences. Though fear of consequence is a means to that end if used through mercy.
* * *

Returning to our study; This whole concept is the description of the proper “remedy” that Mr. Gowdy asked about but doesn’t know or understand. What he effectively meant to ask by his unwillingness to enact the power of Impeachment, was: “How do we change the heart of the leadership to want to do what their job demands rather than force it to obey?” The answer that we have extracted from the ensample text is to create a changed/distanced relationship with the camp; then enact a portion of the just punishment for the purpose of re-instilling a healthy perspective-changing fear in those that remain, because, by the bitter-water curse that brings undesirable and permanent change from what has become despisebly normal, they know that they all deserve what the few got but the rest didn’t. This is a blanket that covers them all but destroys only a few. In fact, as few as is possible without eliminating the effect. This is not the spirit of vengeance or wrath but of bringing about the desired remedy that Mr. Gowdy claimed to seek.
Dramatically cutting the collective Executive Administrative funding by new "written in stone" legislation, may be a very sufficient dose of bitter water for the camp before the individual impeachment is enacted, but they go together.
* * *

Cleaning up anomalous details:
The many-faceted Executive Office is represented by the population in the Exodus 32 Typology as we have used it, even though the sons of Levi as a body of people represent that singular Office embodied by the President. But there is only one President, so how do you “slay” a few of the many in a single President, as a remedy in Type? The answer is found in the change of mentality that reveals it is not “all about ME.” The President is an Office, just like the many Christians are the singular bride of Christ. The impeachment and removal of one President does not kill the whole thing: Another steps into that place, not as a new bride but as a new attitude. A new administration of the same Office.

It frankly doesn’t matter to the Judgment that the Authoritative Congress is also guilty of many sins. It is their Office to impeach according to the law. They wash their dirty hands and do the righteous job of the Office, not of men. It also doesn’t matter that the Vice President, who steps into that vacant seat, is as corrupt as the Cabal. The threat has been rightly fulfilled and the fear has returned by the event that is no longer a threat but remains a threat with teeth, because each member clearly understands that the threat-which-has-teeth equally applies to them all if they refuse to change. They are all unclean and all deserving of the same punishment (Isaiah 64:6, Romans 3:23), but their own delayed termination and trial has granted them the chance to reform. History shows that most won’t. But impeachment has no limited bodycount. One-by-one the unreformed are unseated in each new violation, having proven themselves unreformable in the face of mercy (Romans 3:25 [specifically past sins]+ Romans 6:1=Hebrews 6:4-6).
By the slow and specific process, the Constitutional focus of reason for impeachment is re-established, and not seen as a motive of Tyranny and wanton destruction.

It is imperative therefore, that, for the not-quite-redemption of the rest of Government, the President be impeached for his adulterous crimes against the people, and thereby cause fear to fall on the rest, in the last-ditch effort to bring reform before the whole house falls under a just judgment for its unreformable sins exampled in the above Jeremiah 14:10-12.
Obviously this Exodus 32 remedy does not fix all the problems. It’s not intended to. It only stalls the hammer, allowing a period of reform to fix the problems if any reform is to be had.
And here we come to the point of the other parable mentioned in the previous Post:

“and he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it” Luke 13:8.

But that is for you to search out in anticipation of the next Post.
* * *

Now; Regarding the Judicial Corruption of Aaron: While it is very important to immediately deal with the corruptions of the Office of President, I am far less concerned with taking on the Judicial crimes until we get this ball rolling properly and with control. We certainly don’t want another Civil War, or a French Revolution by wrathful enthusiasm.
While I would recommend the impeachment of only two Supreme Justices at this time-- and those coincidentally being the two that this impeachable President seated-- I don’t believe it to be an immediate desperate need. My reasoning for my apparent unconcern is that if you fix the Office of President; you fix the Judicial automatically. Yes, it will take years to recover in this way, but the Judicial is there for just such a reason-- Good or bad. To destroy the stability, even for good reasons, destroys the stability period. Once we get the problem rooted out, we will want that stability to keep the good entrenched just as the evil is entrenched now. If left alone for the most part, the Judicial branch becomes a thermometer whereby to gauge the actual heart of the nation rather than the deceptive swings of elections that tend to excite or dash our hopes. The Judicial is there to show us our long-range direction of success or failure.
My other reasoning is this: The Judicial has no teeth. They have no Power. They only have words. Influence. Aaron certainly couldn’t make the people worship the golden calf. And while the text declares that Aaron made the people get naked (Exodus 32:25), it’s very much like the complex question we discussed above. They wanted to get naked, Aaron just legitimized the idea by officially sanctioning it, encouraging the people to fearlessly run with it to ends they would not otherwise have dared.
But WE have the power of will over bad influence, and by applying that "will," we change the spirit of influence itself even before we unseat it. Not so, the Power of Law or Force; Legislative or Executive. They have actual power to oppress.

Now, the question becomes; “How do we get even our conservative Trey Gowdy Legislatures to actually do their job?”
Contemplating this question will tell us where in the Rehab Program we actually are. But the plot-twisting answer is perhaps still nothing like what you are prepared to hear.
* * * * * * *

(*1) I ask this question because it is now so very common to see apparently well-meaning and earnest Christians busily doing the Lord’s commissioned work of “loving their neighbor,” yet they only seem to be interested in asking God to bless what they do rather than ask Him if what they do is what he wants them to do, i.e.; “Dear God, am I doing what you can bless?”
Here is what I know by experience: If you are not earnestly looking through His “Holy Constitution” (the Bible) for the answers to self-governance, then He is not going to provide the answer through your thoughts and ideas and feelings in a one-sided conversation that lasts less than five minutes. If you are so sure you have it all figured out in your head, then he will let you run with it… because he put you in the office to Do. What comes of what you have done-- good or bad-- is just a matter of cause and effect. It’s a lesson-- good or bad.
I have never seen a good outcome of a Christian running, earnestly doing from his un-coached, well-intended heart or mind, that fails to conform to the written instructions. This comes home very clearly as we now watch this quasi-President run in his presidency, dragging Congress along as a passenger rather than a guide, in the earnest effort to do what he feels is the right thing to do because he has been given the role to Do. Or, perhaps more accurate to the Revelation 17 prophecy; riding on Congress’ back with a bit in their mouth and a reign in his hand making them go where they had no intention of going.
And now we can see why kings and queens are said to reign, and why America was specifically designed without such bit-in-mouth “benevolent leadership.” America understood God’s design in liberating the feminine for limited self-management while remaining in a healthy relationship with the limited protecting and guiding masculine. More on this topic in upcoming Posts.

(*2) Therefore, giving some bonehead artist the Key to the City in a flamboyant presentation of admiration is in truth declaring; “You have the right to bypass all laws within our walls and do whatever you wish with impunity.” This is in effect the meaning of Diplomatic Immunity without the value of lawful comprehension. A very dangerous gift indeed.

(*3) This is no different than a congressman who is recognized by the bench before he speaks. He has been recognized as an authorized man in the gate to be heard with authority. In our Nation, his authority is in representing the People via proxy. When my Representative stands up before the House to speak, it’s ME standing there, because I voted for him to do so. “I” of course being a single cell in the body of the State in which I reside. Therefore in this way, I am not an individual as if “it’s all about ME,” but a member of a society in which I have a voice and an influence in choosing that universal Representation. This is the right perspective of the Bride of Christ, but I get ahead of myself; let’s discuss this in a later Post.

(*4) I believe this clinging curse of jealousy is the reason and need for the mysterious Ashes of the Red Heifer in the Water of Separation from sin (Numbers 19:1-10), but that opens a whole other study about the 7th day repeat sprinkling of verses 11-12 using the day-as-a-thousand-years cipher to get its meaning.
I anticipate exploring this at a later time.

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