Tuesday, July 14, 2009

On Sotomayor

Post 004

It has long been the accepted practice of those running for office, to say whatever people want to hear regardless of the truth.
Every one, bar none, that I have asked (and there have been many) say, as a matter of fact, that "politicians lie."
It's as if there job is to lie, and people mysteriously act as if that goes with the job description.

Watching the Sotomayor questioning before being seated to the supreme court, I marvel that she can dogmatically state that she believes and has always judged with impartiality and respect, in the supremacy of the law as the final authority. Yet when she was confronted with her 10 years of many rulings and comments stating that her judgments are influenced by her life experiences, she declared that it was misunderstanding of a bad joke.
I am weary of the growing habit of political individuals when caught in both faces, respond with, "It was a joke that fell flat" or variations there of.

It should be standard procedure, when a political figure is found in more than one face, to be fired. period.
Sure, give them an opportunity to explain a change of heart in the event, or extenuating circumstances, but if there is not a good and acceptable reason for it, fire the lout for the deception, and the following lie they tried to cover it with.

Sotomayor's own words tell us clearly that she feels as a wise Lateno woman
she can make better decisions than a white man. This clear statement tells us she is racist for one, and does not believe the Law is static, but that she interprets the law to mean whatever she feels it should mean. Her racism is further proven by her judgment regarding the New Haven firemen. Reverse Racism overturned
Sotomayor's own words tell us that she thinks, as a judge, she actually makes the law by interpreting it her way. courts make policy
Her beliefs have been expressed consistently....until this questioning process.
Now she goes with the "I was misunderstood" "it was a joke that went flat" "I meant something else" tactic.

In the past, America believed in, and expected honor in it's public servants, but now honor seems to have nothing to do with government. I have not lived a long time yet, but in my own adult lifetime, I have seen people seated who not long ago would have been tossed out as incompetent liars.
I can only conclude that by tossing God out of our nation, we have also ejected his values such as truth, justice and honor.
These are the values that were once the fiber of the American way.
what values have replaced them? agenda, personal opinion, party....
This is as much the evolution of a nation, as the eye falling out of a stinking, rotting corps!

This is not the worst part yet, Here it is;
Sotomayor is not a stupid woman, she speaks well, she is intelligent.
Under scrutiny she knows what the law requires; she knows the "right way". During this interrogation she says what she is supposed to say related to the position.
Those judging her worthiness to sit on the bench hear her good and proper words, and ignore her history, past judgments, and past statements, and will therefore most likely seat her because she agrees with their agenda.
It would be far better for America if Sotomayor actually believed that her past actions as judge were according to the intent of the position, but her words under question prove that she knows that her past actions are in fact in opposition to the intent of the position as judge, and that after she is seated she will go back to doing what she knows is not in conformity to her present words to be seated.
This is why in the old west, people caught in a lie were shot.
* * * * * * *

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