Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Words, or Actions?

Post 016

Watching the "one-minuet speeches" in the house on the Healthcare Reform, I was curious to note that those speaking against the Bill, gave reason after reason across a wide span of relative issues showing this bill is flawed; From excessive spending, to lack of care, to job loss, to fast tracking, to recent bills passes, etc. They covered a myriad of issues that need to be legitimately investigated weather correct or incorrect.

But every speaker for the bill, did nothing for the bill, but instead only cried; "fear mongers", "scare tactics", "the party of NO."

Yet I am constantly hearing from the left, that Republicans have nothing valuable to offer.
Remember; This healthcare reform bill successfully excluded Republicans from the writing of it.
Remember; It was Rep. Todd Tiahrt of Kansas who proposed that government lives by the bills they create such as this healthcare bill. but the Dem. controlled congress tossed it out as so much trash.
Remember; It was Pelosi who refused to allow the republican sponsored vote allowing America to harvest it's own oil!

One of the top 5 catch lines of those in favor of the bill is; "doing something is better than doing nothing!"
As if there are only two choices, pass our bill, or do nothing.
What about the third option? "spend the deserved time to write a good bill with bipartisan efforts that will actually help Americans without destroying our future?"
Why is this not an option?

Who is talking trash, and who is interested in fixing real problems with real suggestions?
* * * * * * *

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