Thursday, July 16, 2009

Iran Deserves Freedom, Do We?

Post 007

I have been quite taken with the videos and reports of Iran's reaction to the recent Presidential election.
In the face of being shot dead, they are in the streets in mass, crying that their votes were stolen, that the man who claims the office has stolen it. Ahmedinejad.
We in America sit and watch it on TV because Dancing With The Stars is not on yet.

Here in America the same event has taken place but with a different result of public action.
A man who has refused to provide proof of U.S. birth, required by Article 2 Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution has also stolen the presidency read it here (
It is also challenged that ACORN helped stuff the ballot boxes to get him in.
But here in America, while we have the freedom to protest, we are too sophisticated to believe it or too lazy to get off the couch.

Somehow we feel that America is too.... Something, to fall under that kind of corruption.
What makes it a matter of fact; "Of course Mr. I'm-a-nut-job stole the presidency of Iran"?
But not here.
When the honest question is brought up; "Why does he not provide the birth certificate proving he is a natural born citizen, making him lawfully eligible?"
The questioner is told to "Move on".

I have alot of problems with this man, but this one is ground level.
Is the Constitution our Nation's foundational law, or is it just a sheet of suggestions?
And how is it that no one seems to care? Next year the grand mufti of Turkey might be elected our president, and heck, why not? He probably has some good ideas.

The people of Iran appear to be willing to die to obtain the illusive freedom, that we appear so willing to give away, or throw in the dumpster as trash.
We have great honor for the actual document displayed under unbreakable glass and protection, but what it says on that document is apparently not really that important.

Would you like to live in Iran?
How about Iran, if it was re-named America?
You will soon, if you do not fill the streets and the halls of Congress to demand under penalty of bodily harm that they abide by the Constitution!

Democrat or Republican, Right or Left, we must demand our government stay subject to OUR document that WE wrote to rule government... and words alone will no longer work.
The High Office of the President not to be excluded.
God Preserve Us because we...Uh... deserve it?

Petition to require birth certificate - Please sign it.
* * * * * * *

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